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Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
« Reply #75 on: July 05, 2012, 01:56:36 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!

    Leela 75

    He had an intense desire to have darshan of Shree Siddhanath and spend Mahashivaratri there. So Krishnaji Narayan, also called Chottu Bhayya Parulkar, went with his family to Nemavaram. They had an early start and set out at about 3:00 A.M. by bullock-cart. Unfortunately, the wheel was damaged on the way. So they stopped at Hadias and got the wheel repaired. Thence, they had to cross a river. They reached the bank of the river, but the boatman would not take them across, as it was dusk. However much they tried, pleaded and were even ready to pay double the charges. The boatman said that he could not ferry them across at nightfall, and if he had to, a special permission had to obtained, as per the rules and regulations. Disappointed, they decided to break journey and stay in any temple or dharmashala nearby.

    Just as they were retracing their steps, a Fakir galloped in on a white horse with a pony in tow. He enquired of the boatman about crossing the river. The same reply was given to him, saying that he could not ply the boat at night. The Fakir asked him to whom the banks belonged. The boatman said, " This side belongs to the British Raj, while the opposite bank belonged to the Holkar Government. The Fakir asked Parulkar if he wanted to cross the river. Parulkar replied in the affirmative, and his inability to do so at that time. The Fakir had a dynamic personality, and he said that he would return with the necessary permission at once.

    This made the boatman tremble with fear and on his own accord; he came to Parulkar and said that he would take them across. So Parulkar, his family and the cart were taken across. The Fakir waited and ascertained that everyone was on board. Then He disappeared. The family had a wonderful pilgrimage and returned home safely.

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    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #76 on: July 27, 2012, 06:20:05 PM »
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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #77 on: August 02, 2012, 10:45:25 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM !

    Leela 76

    Baba lived in an old dilapidated Masjid. The floor was uneven, and had pits in it. The roof was rickety and barely held together. Happily, He ate and slept there, until the devotees' repaired it. Once, Baba and three other devotees were sitting and having their lunch when Baba suddenly roared, "Wait. Stop for a while." Then He continued eating. His devotees wondered to whom Baba had shouted His command. After the meal was over, Baba started collecting His meagre belongings, like His tumrel, chillum, and tobacco bag and water pot. He brought it outside to the Sabha Mandap. Following Him, the devotees too climbed down the steps, and came to Baba's side. Just then the roof of the Dwarakamai caved in, crumbled, and fell down exactly in the spot where Baba and His bhaktas sat. Then the devotees realized to whom the orders were given.

    "Whatever exists in this sentient Universe as a name, a form or a shape is only Myself bedecked as the eightfold Prakriti. It is also a marvel of My own creation!" said Baba to Dhabolkar (Sai Satcharitra Ch.3) when Dabholkar was granted permission to write the Sai Satcharitra.


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #78 on: October 20, 2012, 03:04:45 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!

    Leela 77

    Kondaji lived in Shirdi. His love and devotion for Baba was intense. Baba reciprocated and called him Kondya. One day, Kondya was sitting with Baba and chatting. It was a hot, sultry afternoon, but there was a gusty breeze. At that moment, Baba said, "Go to Khalwadi (the place where the harvest is threshed) as your stack of wheat is on fire." Kondya rushed to the Khalwadi, checked the stacks of wheat, made enquiries and returned as everything seemed alright. He said, "Baba, why do you send me hither and thither needlessly in the" hot sun and frighten me?" Baba just pointed to the Khalwadi and said, "See the smoke rising from your granary? The central stack is on fire."

    At that time, the wind started blowing fiercely. Anguished at seeing the smoke bellowing from his granary, Kondya ran to the Khalwadi, shouting for help. The villagers, hearing him shout, came out of their houses, and seeing the blaze fanned by the wind, ran to Baba. They entreated Him to come and rescue the adjacent granaries, as the sparks would soon ignite them. "Please put out the fire Baba, or all the granaries will burn down. The villagers and cattle will starve without the harvest," they pleaded. Baba was moved by their pleas for help. So He went with them to the Khalwadi. Then taking a glass of water, He drew a circle around the central stack. "Only this central stack will burn. Do not try to extinguish it. It is an offering for Agnidev," He said. No sooner did He say this, the wind calmed down and only the central stack was burnt down.

    The devotees learnt a valuable lesson of making an offering to Agnidev, the sustainer of life. Baba had control over the five elements, viz., earth, wind, ether, fire and rain

    His 'word' was law unto them.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #79 on: December 10, 2012, 04:35:54 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!

    Leela 78

    Baba, in actuality, smoked very little and required only two to three chillums per year. The potter knew this. Nonetheless, he delivered two to three hundred chillums daily and demanded payment for them. The cost of a chillum was about two pie and Baba paid it. Thus the potter made a living. Baba stacked these chillums in the corner of Dwarkmai. The devotees freely took the chillums and smoked them there or took them home. One day, Deo came for Baba's 'darshan' in the afternoon and seeing the stacks of chillums, asked Baba as to why He had stored them when He Himself needed only two to three per year. Baba replied, "What you say is correct. I don't need more than two to three chillums per year. But My devotees come here and smoke. Some take them unseen by us. So, I have stacked them here."

    The Magical Chillum (Clay pipe)

    The magical chillum, like Baba's satka, was a constant companion of Baba's sojourn on earth. Blessed was the potter who made them, and blessed was the clay that touched Baba's hands and lips.

    Chandbhai Patil was truly a blessed soul, who got the first taste of Baba's chillum. The bond and debt between them was great. As Baba, after smoking and sharing His chillum, actually went and stayed with Chandbhai. He was instrumental in bringing Baba back to Shirdi, along with the marriage party. After this event, it is history.

    Baba bestowed His grace and favours on many a devotee by allowing them to smoke His chillum. The most amazing story is that of Balaram Dhurandar (Sai Satcharitra Ch.59). He was troubled by bouts of coughing fits and suffered from asthma for six years. On his visit to Shirdi, he went to Dwarkamai, one afternoon, and with great humility, began pressing Baba's feet. Baba gave him His chillum to smoke. Accepting it as prasad, Balaram took a puff. The very effort was painful and incongruous to him. But he had utmost faith in Baba; so, he smoked a while and returned the chillum to Baba humbly.

    Thence, his asthma vanished completely and he was greatly relieved. The chillum was so powerful and worked like a magical mantra on him. He wasn't tormented by breathlessness or coughing bouts thereafter. However, the day Baba took Mahasamadhi, the asthma was triggered again. He coughed all day long, that day and only that day did he cough and wasn't bothered by it again. Could he ever forget the experience of the clay pipe?

    Ganesh S. Khaparde was a renowned, wealthy lawyer of Amravati. He was a loyal aid to Lokmanya Tilak, who was serving a six-year sentence in Burma. He had immense faith and a deep love for Baba. Baba in turn, kept him at Shirdi and rescued him from the clutches of the British, who were waiting for a chance to prosecute him for treason and sedition. He was politically involved in several agitations against the British.

    His lucrative practice dwindled and his political ambitions were also at a standstill, because of his long stay at Shirdi, But Khaparde was a spiritual man, well versed in Sanskrit and the Puranas. Time and time again, during Arati, Baba made signs and offered His chillum, when he could unravel the answers. At other times, the chillum would calm his restless mind and give him reassurances. On 22/01/1912, Khaparde says, "During the course of worship, He put two flowers in His nostrils and two others between His Ears and head. I thought this was His instruction, and when I interpreted it in my mind, He offered His chillum to me and thus confirmed it."(Shirdi diary)

    Krishnaji J. Bhishma, the author of Sai Sagunopasan (Arati Book) was disgusted by the thought that the devotees were drinking Padtirtha of a Muslim, Sai Baba. He was horrified to see the Brahmin devotees puff the chillum after Baba had smoked it and mentally, he resolved not to do both. One day, Baba narrated a story to him and it was the same dream vision, he had had earlier. While doing so, Baba casually passed His chillum to Bhishma. He took a puff and was thrown into complete bliss and ecstasy and changed for life. Thenceforth, he became an ardent devotee of Baba.

    Bhagoji Shinde was the first devotee to enter the Dwarkamai in the morning. He came to do seva and bandage Baba's burnt hand. Baba smoked His chillum and passed it to Bhagoji, who also accepted it.

    Now, Baba is offered the chillum in the Chawdi on Thursdays and other Holy Days. On these days, the palki and rath procession is taken out with great pomp and show. Baba's 'Raj-Upchar' photograph is brought to the Chawdi and placed on the silver sinhasan and lagu-arati is performed. During Adkars 'Arati Sai Baba, Soukhyadatara Jeeva', chillum is offered to Baba thrice. The honour of offering the chillum is given to the descendants of Tatya's family (See Ambrosia in Shirdi).

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #80 on: December 11, 2012, 03:18:54 AM »
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    Leela 79

    In the year 1901, Nana Chandorkar was Census Superintendent, and Vasudev Janardhan was his clerk. He asked Vasudev to accompany him to Shirdi. One day at 8.00 A.M. Vasudev, Nana and some twenty other people made a pilgrimage to Shirdi. They entered Dwarakamai, and found Baba smoking a chillum. Vasudev was the youngest and a non-smoker, while the others were eager to take a puff. Baba however, offered the chillum to Vasudev. Naturally he hesitated; Nana whispered to him to accept it, as some thing wonderful would happen thereafter. He took three puffs and returned the chillum to Baba. Baba did not offer it to the others.

    After this incident, Vasudev got all the promotions he desired, and retired on a comfortable pension. After retirement, he started his own business called Sadhbai Water Supply. He was also the Managing Agent for Belapur-Kopergaon Electric Co. Ltd. He was fully convinced that any work he undertook, after taking Baba's name was bound to be successful. The miracle of the chilium and Baba's grace was with him for life.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #81 on: December 25, 2012, 07:53:26 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM !

    Leela 80

    Madhu False was an ardent devotee of Baba. He served Baba day and night. Later, he worked in Baba's Sansthan. Baba made him in charge of His favourite horse Shyam Karan. Lovingly, Baba called him 'ghoda-wala'. Once, it so happened that Madhu False suddenly took ill. He turned pale and fell down, semi­conscious. At that time, he was residing at Narayan Teli's house, which was behind the Dwarkamai. His mother saw his condition and started weeping and wailing, as she thought her son would die. Baba heard this and He went to her house and reassured her, "Why do you weep like this? Madhu will be alright. I'm by your side always. He will ask for roti in the morning. Do give it to him." Indeed, in the morning, False regained consciousness and asked for roti. His mother, with tears in her eyes, gave it to him, and he recovered. Baba's words as always, came true.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #82 on: January 07, 2013, 02:45:38 AM »
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    Leela - 81

    Out of the dakshina collected, Baba distributed about Rs.800/- or more daily. By evening, He had but a few coins left and He became a Fakir again. The news of His charity to Sadhus, Jnanis, Bhajan-singers and dancers spread far and wide. Some Brahmins from Kumbakonam came to Bombay and earned their livelihood by preaching the Vedanta. They heard of Baba's name and fame and his charitable disposition. Eager to get a huge amount of money, they decided to come to Shirdi. Unfortunately, they thought that Baba was a Muslim avalia. They were perplexed as to how they would bow to Him and further explain the Vedanta to Him. So, they discussed this amongst themselves and decided to bow to him as they would to Purna-Brahma, just so that they could amass a lot of wealth. They went to Shirdi and stood before Baba obediently. Baba just looked at them and asked them what they wanted. "We wish to explain the Vedanta in your presence and get sanmaan from you", they said. Baba agreed and asked them to start. They started explaining with a great deal of enthusiasm, but soon forgot everything. Baba patiently waited a while and asked them to continue. They looked at Baba with blank expressions for try as they may, they couldn't remember what to say next. Baba however picked up the explanation from where they had left and continued a while. Then the Brahmins finished the rest. At the time of bowing, they said "Purna-Brahma" and bowed to Baba as 'Turna-Brahma" and not Baba. Then they requested Baba for their sanmana. Baba told them, that as they bowed to "Purna-Brahma", they might receive their sanmana from that "Purna-Brahma". On hearing this vital answer from Baba, they were astonished and made Sashtanga-Namaskar. Afterwards, Baba gave sanmana to them. They went away satisfied that Baba was more than "Purna-Brahma". In fact, He was Parabrahma.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #83 on: January 14, 2013, 03:03:50 PM »
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    Leela 82

    Naik and Shantaram were great friends. Both went to Shirdi for Baba's darshan. Shantaram was an alcoholic and couldn't stay without liquor even for a day. Baba made him stay at Shirdi for six days. During those days, he abstained from drinking and was cured of alcoholism. He never touched liquor throughout his life, thereafter.
    Naik had another friend, who was upset with his son, as he was ruining his life with alcohol. Time and again, the doctor advised him not to drink, but he said that he could live only on alcohol. Naik advised his friend Sonar to send his son to Shirdi. Sonar and his son started for Shirdi. at Manmad, his son started vomiting incessantly, all the way to Shirdi. as soon as he stepped into Shirdi, the vomiting ceased. They went to Dwarkamai and had darshan. Baba blessed his son and made him stay for four days. During this time, he developed distaste for liquor.
    In the month of Bhadrapad, there was Gauri-Puja. On the last day, at the conclusion of the ceremonies, everyone drank merrily. His friends forced him to drink, but he refused, time and again. Then they forced a glass of liquor in his hand. He pleaded to be excused, as he saw Baba in the glass. Nonetheless, they forced him to drink. Ultimately, he drank unlimitedly, and fell down unconscious. At that time, he felt that his whole body was on fire and the alcohol was burning inside him. After this experience, he refrained from drinking throughout his life.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #84 on: January 17, 2013, 12:32:08 AM »
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    Leela - 83

    Madhavnath Maharaj asked Laxmanrao, alias Bhausaheb Pradhan to go to Baba. Bhausaheb was then working as a sub-register. He was not aware that Madhavnath Maharaj had to receive a message from Baba. Just as he entered Shirdi, the omnipresent Baba merrily said, "Nath's son has arrived and we will dine on Nath's prasad." The devotees sitting besides Baba knew that Baba spoke in riddles and parables. So they watched and waited. Just then, Laxman Pradhan walked into the Dwarkamai, bowed to Baba and sat down. Baba said, "I've got sacks and sacks of gold on a donkey's back. Thieves have stolen them on the way. A hole in the ear has to be pierced only by the goldsmith. It is very difficult to pull on, in this naughty world. Tell this much to my brother Madhavnath."

    Laxman understood the message and went away satisfied.

    (Possible explanation): The sacks of gold refer to the abundance of spiritual knowledge that was readily available with Baba. One had only to seek and ask for it. The thieves are the six internal enemies that keep one away from that path, and robs whatever little gain one has made. A hole on the ear has to be pierced only by the goldsmith. The remedy for it is easy. If one goes to the right person, the Guru or Jnani, the task can be accomplished. But, one has to be constantly aware of the temptations of the naughty world and not succumb to it. Laxmanrao learnt a valuable lesson from Baba.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #85 on: February 03, 2013, 12:08:39 PM »
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  • OM SAI RAM !

    Leela 84

    In 1909, Nana spent his Christmas vacation with Baba. His friend, Chintamani V. Vaidya had gone to Calcutta to attend a congress session. On his way   back,   he   got   down   at Manmad and proceeded to Shirdi. A day before this, Nana requested Baba's permission to return home. Baba said, "Nana, go tomorrow after lunch." Nana happily stayed on for another day, as   usual, he Nana Saheb Chandorkar followed   Baba's  words impli­citly. The next day, after lunch, he packed his bags and sought permission from Baba. "Nana, where are you going ? Your stout youth friend is on his way here.",

    It was about 4:00 p.m. when Baba said this. Twenty minutes later, Vaidya arrived, and with great joy, met Nana. Baba then gave permission to go, the next day. At the time of departure, Baba said, "There was an orchard of guava fruit trees. Most delicious and delectable were the fruits. Everyone ate about twenty to twenty-five fruits. The next day, I spoiled the grove."

    Possible meaning: The orchard of guava fruit trees signifies abundance. The fruit were delicious and delectable. Baba fulfilled all their worldly desires of name, fame and wealth. The spoiling of the grove indicates the culminating of the worldly desires and the opening of a new path of spirituality, this path being straight and narrow.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #86 on: June 05, 2013, 05:42:04 AM »
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    Leela - 85

    Kaka Dixit and Shantaram M Fanse had an assignment to complete for the government. They had to travel by bullock-cart through thick forests, and soon, it became dusk. The darkness seemed to envelop everything. They had to traverse the Ranshet pass, and the bullocks became restless. The cart itself was being pushed backwards. This was a precarious situation as there was a deep ravine on one side, the mountains Kaka Dixit on the other. The Path sloped downhill behind them. Dixit and Fanse tried to ascertain, as to why the bullocks were moving backwards, they noticed another cart in front of them with a broken axle. If the cart in front shook even a little, it would be pused downhill or worse, down into the ravine.

    Just then, Fanse pointed out to something. Dixit turned and looked straight into the glinting eyes of a tiger, perched on the hillside. The only solution was to get down from the rear and manually turn the wheels of the cart. It was a terrifying situation, for if the bulls panicked, they would roll backwards. If the tiger jumped down, he would make a meal of them. Fanse was rather bold. He handed the reins over to Dixit and signaled him to direct the bulls, while he would manually rotate the wheels. Dixit's throat was dry with fright. Nonetheless, he held the reins, thinking of Baba. Suddenly, he started shouting, " Jai Shri Sai Baba, run up." Fanse also started shouting at the top of his voice. The tiger, hearing the shout, slunk away to the other side like a timid cat. The bulls were frightened and ran as fast as they could, bringing Dixit and Fanse safely across the ghat.

    That day, 31.03.1915, was etched in his memory, how Baba saved him and Fanse from injury and death from all sides. Both of them started shouting, "Shri Sat chitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai."

    With tears in his eyes, he remembered Baba's assurance, "Kaka, tula kalji kasli? Mala saari kalji aahe"(Kaka, why should you have any anxiety or care? All your anxieties, cares and responsibilities are mine.).(Ref. Life of Sai Baba Vol II)

    Oh! The power of His name!

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #87 on: June 06, 2013, 04:04:46 AM »
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    Leela - 86

    Keshav M. Gawankar lived with his parents in Bombay. When he was 7 years old, he was seriously ill with 'nava jwara' (fever). All kinds of treatments and remedies were tried, but of no avail. The fever was relentless and his chest was congested and full of fluid and puss. He howered at death's door. A devotee called Galwankar (Dhab-olkar's son in law) lived close by, he advised his parents to pray to Baba and make a vow. His aunt who was nearby vowed to Baba that they would go to Shirdi with pedhas if her nephew recovered.


    Gawankar Early next morning, the parents noticed that the fever had come down, and there was a tiny hole in the chest below the nipple. From this hole puss and fluid was oozing out. A few hours later the doctor came to see the patient and was astounded to see him recovering. The doctor prescribed some medicines and left. He recovered good health in a few days but a tiny scar was present on his chest.

    Five years later in 1918 when Keshav was 12 years, and studying in Marathi school Standard V they went to Shirdi. He, his parents and aunt went to Dwarakamai took Baba's darshan and handed Him a packet of pedhas. Baba took the packet of pedhas and gave six pedhas to Keshav and ate the rest. Shama who was stading nearby said "What is this Deva, you are eating all the pedhas?" Baba pointing to his aunt said "She kept Me hungry for five years". Then He made Keshav sit nearby and lovingly passed His handover his back. Baba then asked Keshav for Daks-hina of two paise.

    Kafni Given by Baba to Keshav M.Gavankar

    Keshav didn't understand what was happening so Shama interjected and said "Keshav Rao just say; Baba I offered the Dakshina and You accepted it" Baba agreed and as Keshav said this Baba took off His Kafni and gave it to Keshav. Shama again interceded on Keshav's behalf saying "Baba Keshav is too young to accept Your Maha Prasad (Kafni) let me keep it for him till he becomes: a little older and mature. Then I will hand it over to him, Deva". Baba agreed again. So Shama preserved the Kafni with tender loving care and gave it to him at an appropriate time.

    Bhakar offered to Baba in 1939

    When the family was was ready for departure every one stood up and did Namaskar by folding their hands. Keshav also did the same. Baba looked at Keshav and becokened him to come near then Baba held his hand gently pulling him to be seated. As soon as Keshav sat nearby Baba swiftly slapped him across his cheek. Keshav's head reeled and he saw stars. His whole body started quivering and shaking and this lasted for a few hours. Then catching hold of his shendy (tuft of hair). He pulled his head and placed it on His feet. Baba then applied Udi to his forehead and gave him a palmfull saying "Jao beta Allah bhala karega" (Go My son Allah will do good).

    Keshav's Moksha Guru was Triambak Vittal Samanth (Bahu Maharaj) who visited Shirdi in 1914 and had given Baba Rs.2/ dakshina. Baba then demanded two more rupees and said "I will send one of my sons to you" (Keshav). Under his Guru's grace Kehav studied religious books, academically he became a doctor and began to prosper. But he did not forget Baba. He prayed to Baba daily and as years rolled by he became an ardent devotee. He started celebrating Ram Navami and Vijaya Dashami in his home in Bombay. He did Anna Daan on both the festivals according to his means. In 1939 he dreamt of Baba who said "Bikshecha Bhakar le gode" (the bhakar obtained from Biksha is very sweet.) So he decided to take Biksha. This was while he was staying in Suneel mansion, Bombay. He got seven piles of Bhajri and jhumka bhakar was made from it. About 250 to 300 people ate to their hearts' content. Before Anna Daan was started 11 jhunka bhakr were offered as Naivedya to Baba. Of the Naivedya offered one bhakar was left before Baba the rest was made into small pieces and distributed. Wonder of wonders the bhakar even after 35 years or more is neither stale nor bitter or covered by fungus nor eaten by ants even now.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #88 on: June 10, 2013, 02:54:29 AM »
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    Leela - 87

    Her life seemed unbearable, as she felt she was a burden on her family. Besides all her friends and relatives were married, at, an appropriate age and even had children. She was 25 years old and still a spinster. One day she heard of Baba from one of her friends. She immediately vowed to Baba that if she got married and settled within a year she would visit Shirdi. Prostrate at Baba's feet and give Him a coconut.

    The days rolled by, and before she knew it, her parents had found a suitable groom for her. Before the year was over she was married. She settled comfortably in her in-law's home. Now her vow had to be fulfilled. She told her in-law's about her desire to visit Shirdi. But they would not allow her, as they did not believe in Baba. Disheartened she told her husband at every opportunity she got. Finally her husband agreed saying 'you will have to make the pilgrimage alone' Overjoyed she made arrangements to go to Shirdi and took a coconut with her. She reached Shirdi and went for Baba's darshan. Upon returning to her room she realized that her nose ring was lost. She made a deligent search but could not find it. Also she had not given the coconut as per her vow.

    Lamenting her loss and rather disgruntled with Baba she went to Dwarakamai. Upon seeing Baba's calm serene form she could not hold back her words. "Here Baba is the coconut I promised to give You, if I got married. That did come true and my devotion towards You increased by leaps and bounds. So I came all the way to fulfill my vow. Here I lost my nathi (nose ring) besides it being inauscpious I will have to face the wrath of my husband and in-laws'. Baba patiently heard what she had to say then He camly replied "Don't cry unnecessarily. The Nathi is with you". Perplexed, she shook her clothes and searched again but couldn't find it. As it was getting late and as she had to leave Shirdi, she said 'Here take this coconut. Baba replied 'The coconut is yours you break it.' The lady handed the coconut to Baba again and Baba said 'break the coconut'. This went on for some time finally the lady broke the coconut before Baba and was about to hand it over when she saw her nathi inside it. She looked at it again and again for she couldn't beleve her eyes. With tears in her eyes she looked at Baba who just smiled at her.

    In Sai Satcharitra Ch.25 (Gunaji) a note is given about Damu Anna. He was dejeced as there was a theft in his home. A long time friend of his stole a jewel box including his wife's auscpious nathi. He wept before Baba's photograph. The very next day the man returned the box and begged his pardon.

    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "

    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: Ambrosia in Shirdi Part-1-Baba's Leelas before1918
    « Reply #89 on: July 30, 2013, 11:41:31 AM »
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    Leela -88

    In Sai Satcharitra Ch.15 a lizard chirps excitedly and happily, awaiting the arrival of her sister from Aurangabad. And so it happens that the lizard comes with a devotee from Aurangabad in the mouth bag of his horse, and runs and meets her sister. Baba answers the devotee when questioned about the chirping of the lizard "The lizard is overcome with joy that her sister is coming here to meet her from Aurangabad". Be it a chirping of the lizard or the twittering of birds Baba knew and heard every thing.

    Nana Saheb Dingie was a long time devotee of Baba. He loved Baba intensely and Baba would go to his home in Nigoj off and on. They would sit and chat for some time, and Baba would return to Shirdi. One day Baba in great haste went to Nigoj early in the morning. Dingle was pleasantly surprised to see Him. He made Him comfortable and both of them sat in the courtyard chatting. A few hours later some birds perched on a tree nearby started twittering excitedly. Nana fell silent and listened to them. Baba knew that Nana could understand the bird language. Baba said "Nana what are the birds saying".

    Dingle was silent because he knew Baba's power. Baba knew the past, present and future let alone what the birds were saying. But because Baba asked him he replied "They say nine people will die in Shirdi today". Then Baba hired a tonga and returned to Shirdi. At Shirdi the villagers were happily preparing Prasad for Shani Dev. They had a big handi of prasad ready, and all the villagers were assembled there, to partake off it.

    Baba, however, went to the Dwarakamai and sent a messenger to fetch Bhagoji Shinde immediately. Bhagoji came atonce and Baba said "Go to Shani Mandir immediately and throw all the prasad on the floor1'. Bhagoji was astounded to hear this but as Baba had commanded him, he did just that. Hurriedly he carried out the task and ran back to Dwarakamai and took shelter at Baba's feet. As expected the villagers ran to Dwarakamai and angily complained to Baba of the sacrilegious act committed by Bhagoji. Baba calmly said "/ ordered him to do so now go and see what is in the prasad". Confused they ran to the scene and taking a big ladle they swirled the prasad around only to find a dead serpent in it. Trembling with fear they ran back to Dwarakamai and prostrated before Baba. They thanked Him for saving the whole village from utter calamity and death.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.


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