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Offline fatima

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Baba's leelas
« on: February 26, 2008, 07:25:41 AM »
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  • An ardent devotee of Akkalkot Swami was one Ramchandra Keshav Naik, When the Swami decided to go into Samadhi, he was there. He said to the Swami that he would become an orphan when he was gone. The Swami assured him that he would soon come back to Shirdi in a new form. How be could make that out asken the devotees. The Swami asked him to bring a little foliage of Neem and asked him to eat it. He found it quite sweet. It was distributed among all present. They also found it to be sweet, Naik came to Shirdi some time later and Baba played the same trick. Naik was convinced and fell at his feet. Later, Naik's daughter's wedding was to be cele­brated, but Naik had no money. Baba miraculously produced Rs. 600 in his purse and his difficulty was solved. One Newaskar was another of Baba's devotees. He never took his meal before taking Baba's teearth i.e. water that washed his feet. When Newaskar died, quite a crowd gathered together for his shraddha, but food was not prepared for so many people. Newaskar's daughter-in law became nervous. But her mother-in-law remembered Baba and prayed for being saved from exposure. She took a little ash which was Baba's gift and spread it over the food. All of them found that food was more than sufficient for all who had come and was also distributed among neighbours.

    Baba's reputation as a maker of miracles was spreading like wild fire. People from far and near came to revere him and ask for his blessings. They offered him gifts and money, which was considered boundless. Government wanted to know his income and expendi­ture end a clerk was appointed for that purpose. He found that expenditure was twice, thrice or four times the income. He was embarrassed and non-plussed. He was at a loss to know wherefrom so much money came and reported accordingly.

    Once a Brahman came to see Baba. He noticed that flesh was being minced for putting it in rice that was to be cooked for all. Baba ordered that a little food should be given to the Brahman. A packet was prepared and was handed over to him with trepidation because how could flesh be given to a Brahman? Baba's order was the last word for every one. Even he Brah­man took it away but did not want it to be taken home. So he put it all in the river. But he noticed that flesh had turned into gold. He tried to pick it up, but could recover only one piece. He came back to Dwarkamani and began to tell everybody what had happened. Everyone was surprised by his narration. Baba told him that he could keep only as much as fate had ordained.

    (Stories of Baba's Greatness n stories of Baba's teacings)

    « Last Edit: February 26, 2008, 07:27:32 AM by fatima »
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 07:05:30 AM »
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  • One Yeshvant Vithal Deshpande lived at Thana. He was an ardent devotee of Baba. His father had lost his eyesight all of a sudden and he became helpless and dependent on others for everything. He was very keen on going to Shirdi and did so accompanied by his grandson. Addressing Baba he said "I am so unlucky, I cannot see you". Baba said, "You will soon be able to do so". His grandson had forgotten to bring grandfather's purse. So he went to where they had stopped and brought the purse. In the meantime Baba caressed Deshpande's eyes and his eyesight returned The grandson of Deshpande came and asked where his grandfather was Baba said he had gone home. The grandson was surprised because his grandfather was unable to move at all without some body's help but found him hale and hearty at their place of stopping and was convinced about Baba's amazing divine powers.

    Dr. D. M. Malki, M.B.B.S. was an emient sur­geon. Once while operating on a patient some poison­ous substance entered his eyes. His eyes were swollen and water began to flow from his eyes. Being himself a physician and surgeon, he had a lot of treat­ment from his fellow professionals. At last the civil surgeon of Nasik was approached. He opined that his eyes were lost beyond all hope. At last Mulki came to see Baba who asked him to offer prayers from the bottom of his heart for eight days. He did so and on the 9th day his eyesight returned. He was completely cured

    Near Shirdi, there is a village known as Nimgaon. Babasaheb Dengle, a devotee of Sai Baba lived there. His eyes once began to ache. He was unable to open them. Dengle went to Baba and asked for his favour. Baba offered him a strange cure : the juice of Bibba ! Every one around was surprised, because this medicine was considered montrous by Vaidyas and doctors. But Dengle had implicit faith in Baba. He implored Baba to Treat him in the way he wanted. Baba put Bibba Juice in his eyes and Dengle was cured
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #2 on: February 28, 2008, 07:26:22 AM »
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  • One Janardan Moreshwar Phanse got tired of his dairy routine and made ready for going to Rameshwar. On the way he went to Shirdi and met Baba who told him to go back home because Rameshwar had remai­ned without food for seven days. According to Baba's command he went home with the holy ash and found that his old mother had taken no food or water for seven days and understood the secret of Baba's order. He changed his mind and regarded his mother as his Rameshwar. Plague broke out in his village but on applying Baba's holy ash to the forehead of all, they recovered and Phanse began to be looked upon as a great physician.

    In a neighbouring village there lived a Marwadi tradesman. His brother fell ill and it seemed that he would not survive his illness. He approached Phanse for medicine. Phanse was no physician but he prayed Baba and slept. Baba came is his dream and gave him directions regarding what medicine to give and how. Phase implicitly obeyed and gave medicine to the Marwadi whose brother was completely cured. Phanse would not take the sum of Rs. 300 that the Marwadi offered as his fee. He said he had done nothing but only followed Baba's instructions and refused to take the money. The Marwadi purchased a headdress worth 300 rupees and placed it in Phanse's house when he was not at home. Some days later, days of scarcity arrived and Phanse was in great difficulty. One Thurs­day, Phanse offered usual prayers and went to sleep. Baba saw him in a dream and told him about the headdress, asked rim to sell it and purchase rice for sale. He did that and became a properous trader.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #3 on: February 29, 2008, 07:11:05 AM »
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  • One Purshottam Biharilal was on tour. He was to have returned after eight days, but there was no trace of him even after three weeks. His wife and children became very anxious and restless. They surrendered themselves to Baba, offered him prayers and went to sleep. After midnight, at about dawn, Baba met one of the tourist's daughter in dream and told her that her father was calling her. The girl was awakened and she awakened her mother and told her what had happened. It was about 4 in the morning and her father was at the door. He knocked and called out. How happy all of them were to see him returned home !

    One Uddhav Duva was a devotee of Baba. He lived at Dahanu. Once he started for a visit to Baba with four or five other friends. On their way, Uddhav took out his purse and accidentally it fell in the sea. He had only some change left with him. How could they alt go to Shirdi and who could give them the needed money? But the same night Baba appeared in Gopal Girdhar's dream and told him to send sufficient money to Uddhav. Gopal was awake but round no one near him. This experience was repeated twice again. Next morning, Gopal sent Uddhav some money telegraphi­cally and Uddhav was surprised. How did he send money without a demand having been made ? After he returned to Shirdi and went to see Baba, he said. "Uddhav, how careless you are ! Does anybody throw his purse in the sea? Any way, did you get the money I sent you?" Uddhav was altogether astonished to see this proof of Baba's clairvoyance and omniscience. When he met Gopal Girdhar. he narrated the story of the dream in which Baba met him and asked him to send the money and everyone was convinced of Baba's occult powers.

    The Ramnavami festival was being celebrated at Shirdi. Over 60,000 people had gathered together. Government officials were in attendance. There was extreme enthusiasm among the crowds and everybody was anxious to meet Baba and touch his feet. He was seated on his usual stone slab. Some devotees asked the police people on bandobast to stop the crowds from rushing in, to enable Baba to take his meal. But he declared that he was not hungry.

    At this time, a seventy years old woman was waiting for Baba's darshan. She was entreating every­one to take her to Baba but no one attended to her. But on Baba's suggestion Ramchandra Atmaram Tar-khad went near the old woman and led her by hand to where Baba was sitting. She was overwhelmed by this kindness and tears flowed from her eyes on her checks. Baba blessed her by placing his hands on her head and said 'Mother, f have been feeling hungry for long and waiting for you to feed me. What have you brought for me? The old woman said "Baba". I brought only one bread and two onions with me. But on the way I became hungry and ate half the bread and one onion. You may take the remaining half bread and an onion for you". Baba took the two articles and are away saying, "Your bread and onion were very very sweet". All people present were touched by this expression o! genuine love and devotion. Baba accu­rately followed the workings of the minds of his devo­tees and always blessed and pleased them.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #4 on: March 04, 2008, 01:38:40 AM »
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  • Devotee's experiences  1

    Rajkumar Narasimhan
    Dear All,

    About a month back I posted a prayer to Baba on this web site. A bit of a background. In April 07 my wife developed a huge lump in her breast. The doctor then said that it is not a problem.

    In November 07, the lump became worse, but we were complacent since the mamography report in April was normal and we thought we would go for a good check up in January when I was more free. But my wife strated to read Sai Satcharitra. Within a week, the some force (it was Baba) made us go to Mumbai for check up.

    The situation was bad. The cancer had spread to the liver and the doctor did not give us much hope. He said that operation was futile and put her on an agressive Chemotheraphy. He suggested 6 cycles with a checkup after 4.

    While we were in shock, we held to Baba's feet strongly. During the 2 months period, whenever we were feeling depressed, and low, we would suddenly see Baba's photo somewhere (Auto Rickshaw, Scooters, Shops). My Wife took udi mixed with water thrice a day.

    We went for a check up after 4 cycles. But before we went to the doctor, a sudden wish came to my wife to go to Shridi. The whole darshan of Sai at shiridi was in itself a miracle.

    When we came back from Siridi and went for the check up, by Sai's grace, the spread to the liver had reduced substantially. and the lump in the breast had become so small that even the doctor found it difficult to feel. The doctor was so happy that he said that he would go for the curetive strategy now and the operation is slated for April 2008.

    Thank you Sainath. You protect your people as the eyelid protects the eyeball. I have surrendered all to you! This body is yours and you will take care.

    So to all those who are suffering, do not lose faith in Him. In your worst moments, he will come and save you. If he could help and save a sinner like me, you will certainly get his grace.

    Jai Sainath

    Experience 2

    Sri Sai Baba is everywhere present
    This incident occurred some years ago during my stay in Bandra West in Mumbai. I had gone on a vacation to my cousin's place at East Muland. One day, my cousins wanted to go to Muland West for shopping and insisted that we cross the railway track, as it is of a short distance. Somehow I was against it and suggested that we take the over bridge. They laughed at me and finally we decided to cross the railway line.
    As we were crossing the railway track, my right ankle was caught between the fish plates and the Guard, being unaware, was tightening the lever. A train was about to leave from the same track. I did not lose my presence of mind and started praying to Sai Baba for relief. I knew He would certainly save me.

    Just then a crowd collected and one of them ran to the Guard who was at a distance to inform him what has happened. The Guard loosened the lever and my right ankle was freed.
    When we returned home the right foot had developed a big swelling. I could only limp and the pain was terrible. My cousin's parents were shocked. They wanted to take me to an Orthopedic Surgeon then and there. I consoled them by saying that Sai Baba takes care of me and 'Udhi' alone would bring down the swelling.

    I budged to their insistence on going to a Doctor. An X-ray was taken. The Doctor said that there was no fracture and it was only a contusion. I became all right in a couple of days time.

    I think of that incident and gratefully bow to Sai Baba for saving me from a ghastly accident. Otherwise, I would not be standing on my two feet today. When I sleep, O Lord Sainath, close my eyes with your blessed hands, and let me dream of Thy vision-Thy vision alone. When I live, let me walk in Thy image. When I die, let my last words be: "O Lord, how grateful I am for your gifts."

    Let me close this with a poem;

    "When the great External Auditor my book of life receives, And He checks the daily entries, that are written on the leaves; May He find the accounts in order and no need for fear or shame, But a credit carried forward to the glory of His name."

    Lord Sainath – I owe you an irreparable debt of gratitude.

    While performing the Japa, the Sadhana should dwell on the meaning of these Divine Names, and should believe that the all pervading divinity has appeared before him in the form of the Name. This gives ineffable joy and peace of mind. Or else the Sadhana should keep his mind fixed on the Divine Form of the Lord-His Ishta Deva.

    - Jayadayai Goyandka

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #5 on: March 05, 2008, 05:28:10 AM »
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  • C. Satyanarayana Murthy, Hyderabad, India
    (Originally posted on the Shirdi Sai Baba web site on Thu, Feb 25, 1999)

    Prior to 1988, I was not a devotee of Baba. I have even refused to visit Baba temple at my native place Guntur but reluctantly visited at my wife’s request. I am an engineer working in a private company in Hyderabad for six years, living peacefully. I have resigned my job to start an industry along with some friends. But, it has not taken off. I went to my father to join his business. But, his business was also in problems during that period and he advised me to go back to Hyderabad and lookout for a job. For five months I had struggled to find a suitable job, got rejected in several private industries. All my savings were exhausted. During this period, my wife advised me to believe in Baba and asked me to do Satcharitra parayan. I have done for one week I have applied for a job in a Public sector company based on advertisement for which my experience does not match at all. But on the very next day of completion of parayan, I received an interview call and got selected for a higher position than advertised. Throughout the reading of the parayan I have always got a feeling that Baba is with me providing me the confidence. My life style has changed since then. All my family members have experienced several miracles of Baba. Baba guides us in every walk of our life. There is no problem that Baba has not solved for us. We owe our life to Baba for all the peace that he gave us.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #6 on: March 05, 2008, 05:31:47 AM »
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  • Prasuna, Virginia, USA
    Om Sai Ram.
    I have been reading the Sai Vichaar for quite some time now and I have been noticing how many people have been losing faith in the Lord. I hope this message particularly help those who think their prayers are being un-answered. I feel, Baba is like a mother and we are like infants. A mother always knows what her infant child needs. She feeds him, washes him, guides him and when the child makes a mistake, spanks him. Our Baba has the love or thousand mothers. Imagine how much love he has for us? He knows what we need. We don't even have to ask him to give us things. And I know everyone of you will agree most of the time we don't even realize what we need!

    Let me give an example. Every one living in Washington DC area will remember the unexpected snowstorm we had a couple of weeks ago. I was at my work early that morning and did not know about the snowstorm. My husband called me and said may be I should head for home at my earliest convenience as its risky to drive when the traffic gets bad and the roads are mushy. I started for home immediately. While I was driving on 66, I felt a strong intuition that I should not take 495 south exit and take the next exit even though I would have to drive an extra 2 miles to get home. I did not pay attention to this. I was on the ramp when suddenly my car skid and went into the snow piled up on the side of the ramp. I tried getting out by putting my car in the reverse gear but it only skid closer and was just hair width away from the ramp!

    I got out of my car. I did not know what to do since I did not have a cell telephone. Even if I called for any assistance, It would take at least a couple of hours for them to arrive because of the road conditions. I thought I would be stuck here in the cold without even a proper jacket for a long time. Then, a man driving on the same ramp stopped his car and offered me his cell phone to make a call. He called for roadside assistance. He even offered me to give a ride home. But I did not want to leave my car there. So, I thanked him for his help. He was very kind in offering me various options. Meanwhile, another car pulled over and two guys got out of the car. They were very skinny. They offered help and suggested that I should get in my car and doing a reverse again. I was skeptical because there was less than once inch space between the front of my car and the railing. They insisted. I got in my car and did as they suggested. They pushed my car from the front and in a split second; my car was back on the road!

    I did not get a proper chance to get out of my car and thank them as I was blocking the ramp and more than 15 cars had already queued up. To this day, I am wondering how two skinny people could push a car out of the snow. When the whole mess was cleared, I began driving home and thanked Baba for helping me out of this mess. Immediately I felt a strange feeling as if someone was saying, "I told you not to take this exit".

    My point is, I did not even know I would be needing help until I actually landed in the mess. And all along, I was never left alone or deserted! I believe that Baba came to me in the form of three people to get me out of trouble. He knew I would go through this and hence was always there with me in the form of three gentlemen.

    So, dear devotees, Please don't loose hope and faith. He is our mother and he knows what is best for us. When a child gets attracted to fire, a mother always pulls the child away. The child may cry for a little While. However, when he grows up, he will realize his mother was right. Never loose faith. The lord is watching and taking care of us in many ways we don't even know. Do your duty and leave the results to him. Sai Ram. 

    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #7 on: March 05, 2008, 05:36:19 AM »
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  • R. Badave, Ravivar Peth, Poona, India, on 27th August 1936

    About 30 years ago, my father-in-law Mr. Vabale, then Vakil of Ahmednagar, was a great devotee of Sai Baba. I was a Badava or Poojari of Nevasa. I had one son, but several children were born to me before and after that had died young. My wife, child and I went at the instance of my father-in-law (who was a friend of Nanasaaheb Chandorkar) to Shirdi. My wife said nothing and none of us said anything about our grievances or prayer. My wife mentally prayed to Baba that children to be born later should not be short-lived but be healthy and long-lived. Baba places his palm over her head and said, “Have no anxieties’. Thereafter, I had only one daughter and three sons born to me and they are alive except one son who died at the age of 17. At that visit, Baba asked me for Dakshina. When I paid something he wanted more. This he repeated several times till my funds were practically exhausted. I wanted to give him one rupee more but somehow failed to give it. We returned and I told my wife about it. Some years later, I fell on bad days, my finances were very low and I was knocking from pillar to post getting little or nothing. Then my wife reminded me that I wished to pay Re 1to Sai Baba and had omitted to do so. At once, I sent Sai Baba Rupee one by money order. Since then the tide has turned. I have had good days and no financial difficulties. This was about 20 years ago. Baba was alive then. I came to Poona in 1914 and I am doing business as estate broker etc. My sons are doing good business here.
    (from Devotees’ Experiences of Sai Baba by His Holiness Narasimhaswaamiji).
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #8 on: March 05, 2008, 05:40:26 AM »
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  • Hari Kiran, Hyderabad, India
    Om Sai Ram! I am a Sai devote from Hyderabad, India. I would like to narrate a recent experience of mine- actually my husband's. I normally get up earlier than my husband. It was one morning that he was up before me and was talking on the phone. From his conversation I gathered that he was talking to his broker friend about investing in a particular scrip. He sounded very excited. Later he told me that he was expecting a sharp rise in that scrip and that he was going to invest, and that we would get huge profits in a short time. My husband believes Baba as any other God. Of late he has started reading the Satcharita too. He reads it regularly after his bath, but randomly- any page that opens up. On that particular day, he sat down after his bath and surprisingly of all the chapters ch.25 opened up- Damu Anna's speculation where Damu Anna wants to speculate in cotton and asks for Baba's advice and Baba says "Tell that shet to be content with what he has, nothing is wanting in his house. Let him not bother about lakhs." My husband read that that chapter and took it as Baba's advice. He wanted to invest some very huge amounts that day and after getting this warning from Baba he decided not to do so. His broker friend was shocked. He persuaded him and convinced him to put in some money at least, which he did. In the next couple of days we realized that the value of that scrip fell and people registered losses. Had we invested the originally planned amount of money we would have been in deep troubles by now, we would have had losses that we could never pay. Thanks to Baba's timely advice in warding off that calamity. Despite the warning my husband took the risk of investing some amount which ended in a loss. He took Baba's advice but not in full. The story about the man falling off the mountain was an eye opener. What is wanted is COMPLETE faith. Om Sri Samartha Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. 

    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #9 on: March 06, 2008, 11:59:05 AM »
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  • sai ma only you can forgive us , ma please do miracle . i have full faith in you ma only u can  bring happiness in our life ,
    ma forgive us
    om sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
    jai sai ram
    श्री सद्रगुरु साईनाथ.
    मेरा मन-मधुप आपके चरण कमल और भजनों में ही लगा रहे । आपके अतिरिक्त भी अन्य कोई ईश्वर है, इसका मुझे ज्ञान नहीं । मुझ पर आप सदा दया और स्नेह करें और अपने चरणों के दीन दास की रक्षा कर उसका कल्याण करें । आपके भवभयनाशक चरणों का स्मरण करते हुये मेरा जीवन आनन्द से व्यतीत हो जाये, ऐसी मेरी आपसे विनम्र प्रार्थना है ।
     श्री सद्रगुरु साईनाथार्पणमस्तु

    Offline dayalvasnani

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #10 on: March 07, 2008, 08:38:03 PM »
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  • Om Sai Ram

    Sai Teri Leela Aparampaar
    Bhakto ko tum kardo Nihaal
    « Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 11:29:48 PM by dayalvasnani »
    Shri Sai Baba bless all with the best in life.

    May every devotee of Shri Sai enjoy Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, Loving Peaceful, and Successful Long Life.

    Shradha      Saburi
    Sabka Malik Sai

    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #11 on: March 07, 2008, 09:10:45 PM »
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  • bigadi kismat aapke dar par sanvarati hai

    jai sai ram
    jai sai ram
    jai sai ram
    jai sai ram
    श्री सद्रगुरु साईनाथ.
    मेरा मन-मधुप आपके चरण कमल और भजनों में ही लगा रहे । आपके अतिरिक्त भी अन्य कोई ईश्वर है, इसका मुझे ज्ञान नहीं । मुझ पर आप सदा दया और स्नेह करें और अपने चरणों के दीन दास की रक्षा कर उसका कल्याण करें । आपके भवभयनाशक चरणों का स्मरण करते हुये मेरा जीवन आनन्द से व्यतीत हो जाये, ऐसी मेरी आपसे विनम्र प्रार्थना है ।
     श्री सद्रगुरु साईनाथार्पणमस्तु

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #12 on: March 08, 2008, 09:26:31 AM »
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  • Pooja Walia

    This is one of the incidents, which I want to share with you. I was working with a multinational company and was staying alone in New Delhi, India, away from my home. Suddenly due to certain circumstances, I resigned from my job and I had no job in my hand at that time. I trusted in Saibaba I stayed very cool. Gradually I had no money left and had I had to pay my house rent. I just trusted in Sai Baba and left everything on him and I knew he is going to look after me. I gave a post dated cheque to my land lady thinking that in the mean time I could arrange for money .I was depressed but deep in my heart I had a feeling that he is going do everything fine. My landlady presented the cheque in the bank on the mentioned date and I just didn't know what to do. Three days passed and I was very scared that my cheque is going to bounce and my landlady will create a problem for me. Four days passed nothing happened. I went to her and asked her that whether she has presented the cheque or not. She said that she ! has and it is cleared also. I was shocked to hear that. I checked it out with my bank and they told me that they have not received any cheque. I again enquired with my landlady and asked her to cheque it with her bank once again. She again checked and told me that the money has been credited to her account. I knew its Saibaba who has saved me. Till date u have no clue of it that how it happened .I prayed to him and in a weeks time I got another job with a big multinational company where I am earning very well. Everytime when I was in a difficulty he has some or the other way saved me. I have no words to describe how it feels to have his hand on you.. It’s just the faith in him which always help his devotees.
    Om Shri Sai Ram.
    May almighty Saibaba bless everyone.

    Prasad Venkat, Abu Dhabi, UAE

    I want to share the Miracle with all the Sai Devotees. I am from Abu Dhabi. In the month of October, I have to go for my vacation to India. For this, I have to get my passport renewed, as it was to expire on15th of this month. When I went to renew the passport the Indian Embassy required my maiden passport. I never knew where it is, as it was very old. I searched here in Abu Dhabi but couldn't find the same. I called my parents who are in Madras and asked them to search for it. They also didn't get it. We have a house in New Delhi, so I requested my Dad to go to Delhi to find whether it is available there. Meanwhile I received a message to read the Sat Charithra within a day. I took the book to my office and found difficult to read it in the office. After office, hours came home and finished the house hold work and managed to complete the book in time. My dad left all his work and went to Delhi to find the passport. He searched in all the rooms but was not able to find it. Finally he said only Sai Ram has to help in this case and entered the Puja room. There he found a small box and when he opened to his surprise found the passport on the top. It was exactly one week after I finished the book my mummy called from Madras that Dad had found the old passport in Delhi. It’s really a great miracle and Sai again proves that he helps the devotees who really believe and surrender to him.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!


    We came to USA in 1993 with some money to educate my children. My self or my wife could not get a reasonable job and my two sons were about to get into college. Prior to my arrival, we never believed in Sai. However, not only me but my wife also dreamed Swami several occasions. One of my friends took me to a bhajan center and then I told my friend that is the person I was dreaming and that was my start to believing in Sai and worshipping him. Since then, I had many roller coaster rides in my life. I will share one of them. As I could not get a decent job I started a business partnership with a relative and subsequently lost all my savings. Now, my two sons are admitted to reputable universities. I had no money to pay for my sons tuition. They were considered as international students and the tuition was around $8000 per quarter. Everybody in us know how difficult to get a credit card without a proper credit history. My eldest son never worked in US. Swami arranged credit cards exceeding $10000.00 on his name. Even now with a reasonable credit, my credit limits are not that high. Swami did the best for me and my family. A normal person might think that I am crazy. After loosing so much of money that still I believe in swami. Yes, he got my wife a school at an unbelievable price. He got me a job in a county. My eldest son is finishing his masters degree in Engineering. My second son is about to enter a medical school. Wealth is happiness not money. My dearest Sai has always taken care of me and my family and enriched with happiness. Truly, I think this message will be helpful for the people who are on the fence thinking whether to be a devotee or not. Help ever and Hurt never as Swami says! 
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #13 on: March 14, 2008, 03:20:05 AM »
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  •  I work as a 'Software Consultant' in NJ, USA. On October 21, 2007 (Dassera Day), Shirdi Sai Baba appeared in my dream between 6:30 am to 7:00 am or so. It was Sunday. I have described my dream below.

    "Sai Baba appeared in my dream. His looks were similar to the one in photo, which I have and which I worship. Also, he was looking younger than what is normally shown. I remember his beard was still predominantly black. He was clad in white 'kafni' and 'sadra'. This dream was very different from all dreams I have had till this day in that it was strictly 'black and white' in color and was very bright and clear as if with some extra light on his face. I was with Mom. He told me that I'm looking 'bit afraid and nervous'. To which I replied in mind that 'You know past, present as well as future'. He took out a small plastic bag containing Udi and Vishnu's photo and asked me to keep it with me. Later there was strong wind in the room and all people almost laid down flat on the floor because of the wind. He raised his hands up and started uttering some words. He gave some coins to me initially. Then he gave me some money (50 rupee bill, 100 rupee bill). A lady didn't like that and came in between but he still managed to give it to me once she crossed. He was smiling all the time and appeared very humble, meek and polite while speaking. I also thought in my dream for one moment if such a humble and meek man could be so powerful to be worshiped by all? Then when I went to some other room, I saw Akkalkota Swami submerged in bathing tank till his neck and his devotees were doing the same too. On my way to home back there were Aartis going on road and people invited me but I rejected to attend since I already had darshan of Sai Baba personally and was on my way home. So I didn't feel need to attend."

    Immediately on the third day after this dream, my manager told me that I would be laid off. I work as a 'Software Consultant'. Then started a period of frustration and worries. Not to mention the money loss since I was renting an apartment without sharing plus visa-transfer fees, car loans etc. For two months, I was able to control my frustration and was patient. But then foolishly, I abused Sai Baba a lot and blamed him for my misfortune. The frustration and mental pains were very severe and were unbearable. I realized that he warned me in advance when he told me in the dream on Dassera day that 'I look bit afraid and nervous'. It took about three months for me to find another job. I read 'Sai Satcharitra' in 7 days in January and on the first Thursday of February; I had an interview and was selected for the new position.

    I feel that Sai puts you in different tests and probably has some intention in doing so. He himself knows why he does so. Sometimes these tests are very difficult and full of hardships and he expects your faith and patience, which is very difficult for one to maintain during difficulties. Frankly speaking, I lost my patience and faith after couple of months after I lost my job and abused Sai for all the difficulties that resulted. I threw away his photograph in anger. But again due to his intentions only, I read Sai Satcharitra in January and got a new job again. In the end he himself will take care of you and will pull you out of the difficulty.


    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #14 on: March 14, 2008, 07:35:21 AM »
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  • Recently I had, what seemed like a nightmare. Somebody was beating me and I was not able to see the person's face. It reached a point when I was in pain and couldn't do anything to stop this person. The person, wearing black clothes, continued beating me on the ribs and arm. The pain that I was suffering soon became unbearable and I screamed out in utter pain: "Sai Baba!" Suddenly within seconds the beating stopped and a person in white kafni appeared from the side and unfortunately at that moment, my eyes closed - I had passed out.

    After a while, as I opened my eyes, I noticed that there was bruising all over my chest area but the person in black clothes had disappeared and Baba in his white kafni stood above me and just smiled for a while and then vanished. This was not the first time that Baba has appeared to me - several times He has always warned me about any mishaps that are about to happen or has always helped me.

    I have had other experiences of Baba's vision but the most remarkable one was few years back, when I left Kenya and had forgotten to pack my Sai Satcharita. When I reached London, I remembered it and tried to get my friend to send it to me but he didn't. So I was very upset and was not able to find another copy of it and I said that whenever I could go to Shirdi, I would get a copy. Then in 1994, my sister got married in India and everywhere that we went, we either met people who were devotees of Sai Baba, or we saw his portraits and photos.

    After the wedding, I had planned to go to Shirdi but was not able to do so. But just a few days before I was due to return to the UK, we got an offer to go to Shirdi. Upon reaching there, I immediately went to Baba's mandir and prayed and the guide then asked what I wanted to do in the short time that I had left. My immediate reply was to get a copy of Sai Satcharita. I was told that it would take a while before I would be able to obtain a copy so I asked the guide to wait for me. He didn't say anything and everybody else was forced to wait. But a miracle took place as within five minutes several copies arrived and one was handed over to me along with some udi.

    A few years later as I was going through an old suitcase of mine, I noticed a book with a red cover and saw the writing "Sai Satcharita." I quickly opened it and saw that it was the copy that I had forgotten in Kenya and not the one that I had brought from Shirdi. I could not understand how it reached there and I still can't. Just a while back I enquired whether my friend had sent me the book. The reply I received was that there were so many things that he had sent me but he was not able to remember a book of any sort being sent.

    Pratik Jasani, United Kingdom

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid


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