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Re: Baba's leelas
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2008, 05:17:15 AM »
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  • Vijayakumar
    We were blessed with a baby boy in August 2006. Baby is very cute, but as fate would have it, he was born with a severe clubfoot on both his legs. It is a birth deformity of foot which if not properly treated would disable the child to stand and walk normally on his legs. On the Thursday following his birth, we took our baby to Saibaba temple and sincerely prayed to Saibaba to do what so ever but make the child able to walk at the right stage as normal child would do. A senior orthopedic doctor from Apollo hospital has examined the baby and started the treatment. As per the doctor, the treatment to such birth deformity is a very long process and we need to wait with patience to receive the result. We prayed to Saibaba to take care of the baby and provide us the positive result. We took our baby to the doctor every Thursday and baby's feet were manipulated with plaster castings for 2 months. Meanwhile I have searched about this birth defect on internet and came to know that the treatment is a very lengthy one with manipulation and castings of the feet done until the child grows to 2 years of age during which time a special shoe called splints should be worn throughout day and night. My wife and I were much worried if all this treatment would really give positive result and enable our baby to walk as a normal child does. We kept our trust on Saibaba and prayed to Him to relieve us from this agony as early as possible. Soon, when the baby was two and a half months old, our doctor surprised us when he said that he would operate our baby's feet. Operation was successful and baby's legs were in plaster casts for one month. After that we were told by the doctor to wait for the result until our child grows to twelve months of age, when baby tries to stand on his own. Our baby crossed his 13 months in age but kept us nervous as his attempts to stand were failing.

    One Thursday, my wife strongly prayed to Saibaba to enable our baby to stand and started reading Dasaganu's Stavanamanjari. To our surprise, our baby stood up that day without any support and started to place steps. From then on, with Saibaba's grace our baby was able to stand freely, walk and run without any difficulty. We are applying Udi to his feet daily. Now our kid is 18 months old, and can walk as a normal child and no one can notice that his legs were subjected to operational treatment. I can strongly say that this was possible only with the grace of Saibaba. Through His miraculous grace, He made us to approach a right doctor; had the feet of baby corrected successfully at the right time and given strength to our baby to walk as a normal child does at the right age. This experience has once again proved the fact that if we have Nishtha (firm faith) on Saibaba and pray to Him with Saburi (patience), He will remove all our fears and provide us successful results.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #16 on: March 21, 2008, 04:59:03 AM »
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  • Anupama SaiRam

    I am a regular reader of Sai Vichaar and by Baba's grace, I am writing a big experience of our life. My mother had a very good experience on JAP SHAKTI. I know it is very powerful as it gave life to my father back in the year 1980-81. It happened this way that me my brother and my other had gone to Sidhawari (at that time the Mandir's construction was going on) on a school trip. My father there at Delhi got heart attack and was admitted in the hospital in ICU. My mother there in Sidhawari got news that some relative have got admitted in the hospital so have to come back as soon as possible. There in the pundit had told my mom to do namasamran and write it on the paper so that the papers are kept down under the statue of Shri Ram Bhagwanji. During this time, my Masiji was also ill. She thought of her and came near the Hanumanji's statue to pray. Whenever she was bowing down to Hanumaji's feet, she was getting a view that my father was in the hospital. When we went back we really found my papa was hospitalized and had no chance to live further. My mother kept me and brother at home and she started staying in the hospital. However, she did not stop writing Ram Naam in the paper. She was crying and writing Ram Naam but without any thoughts. Doctor used to ask her to bring the required things necessary like medicine etc, but after those breaks, she continued Writing Bhagwan Ram Naam. The doctor came out and said he is out of their hand and they cannot do anything further and so she may call all her relative. She telephone my Mamaji to ask everyone to come and after she again started writing Ram Naam. Suddenly a miracle happened as she saw a glittering golden color light come out of the paper and there she saw a big "RAM" written on the paper with all bright shining colors and she shouted " Hey Ram, I just want my husband and nothing else!" To our surprise, doctor said that was a miracle! He said that my father had come back. He was discharged from the hospital next day! On the way, home my father told my mother that he came back from death! This is a beautiful experience of Ram Naam and its shakti! We have come across many miracles in life like this! I will write my experience with Baba in my next letter. MAY SAI BLESS YOU AND ALSO, BE WITH YOU ALL! 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #17 on: March 21, 2008, 05:01:41 AM »
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  • Manthripragada Vijaya Kumar

    Sai is Great. I stay in Delhi and I was hit by a massive heart attack on 29 March 2001. It was at 11.30 in the night and the only people next to me were my 10 year old son who was deep asleep and my wife who did not know what to do as I collapsed near the bath room door. With her help, I managed to crawl back to my bed. I was sweating profusely and gasping for my breath. It was then that my wife started chanting the name of Sai and applied vibhooti on my forehead and chest. We did not even know that it could be a heart attack. Next day, when I got my ECG done, the doctor was shocked to know that the attack happened in the night and I walked into his clinic the next day morning On his advice, I got admitted to the Apollo Hospital Delhi and stayed in the ICCU for a week. The specialists there told me that I have to undergo the balloon angioplasty procedure as early as possible. Sai came to my rescue again. When I shifted myself to Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad for the angioplasty, the specialist was further shocked to note that the 95 per cent clot has dissolved by itself and I do not need any procedure after all I am on medication and am back to normal work again within a period of three months Thanks to the Great Sai

    Jai Sai Ram

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #18 on: March 21, 2008, 05:05:49 AM »
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  • Vijay Kumar

    After visiting Shirdi last month, I have boarded flight to New Zealand on 23 I landed in NZ. My luggage did not come and I was told that it would come the next day. I have a bag with my documents and passport. A little money I carried with me from India. The same night there was burglary at home. I was sleeping with my friends in the first floor. The thief entered house from the rear door and emptied the house. He checked my bag and it was found near the rear door. I do not understand my purse; he did not touch gold watch and documents. The electronic goods in the house were stolen. The car in the garage was also stolen. My money in the almirah with my passport was also not touched. The next day the luggage came to New Zealand and was brought to my home safely by the authorities. People here say, the new people who come from outside are attacked. They bring in gold and money and imagine I lost only one new pair of pants, which I wore, from India to NZ. and I lost nothing. I was mentally disturbed because it happened the day when I came to NZ and felt my entry was a bad omen to my friends. They had to spend money for the repairs of the car, as it was not insured. All the other articles were insured and they have applied for insurance, which they get in few days. Should I say I was lucky to be left alone safely? Or was that Baba who helped me. Baba thank you very much for being with me. Help me and my family in settling down in this unknown world
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #19 on: March 21, 2008, 05:08:17 AM »
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  • Sai Kumar Vijayadevan, Hyderabad, India

    Dear Sai Devotees, I wish to introduce myself to the SAI community as Sai Kumar Vijayadevan, from Hyderabad, India. I have been reading "Sai Vichaar" since Nov 2000 when I was in USA for a few months. It is really an excellent newsletter and I am enjoying reading about SAI activities across the globe and experiences of our SAI brethren. I would like to state a few more lines about how our family members became staunch devotees of Lord Sainath. My Father Late Shri R.Vijaya Devan, Retired Additional Finance Secretary to Govt of AP was an ardent devotee of Lord Sainath since early 1950s. Initially a non-believer of Saints, we were told that one fine morning a Saint appeared in his dream and just disappeared in a few seconds after showering blessings. This happened when he was in Kurnool, working for erstwhile Capital of Andhra during early 1950s. The very next day he happened to visit a temple with one of his uncles. To his surprise, it was the same saint who appeared in his dreams the other day. Eversince, he started praying to this lord, who has been showing his mercy eversince. He used to visit Shirdi eversince, once or twice a year without fail. What we are now, is because of Lord Sainath's blessings. My father had spread this SAI message to all our family members and each one of them (his brothers, sisters and their family members) are staunch devotees of Lord Sai Nath. I would like to share our experiences in subsequent issues of Sai Vichaar. Bow to Sri Sai-Peace be to all. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #20 on: March 24, 2008, 03:47:34 AM »
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    Om Sairam. One of very good friends was going through many difficulties and I could not do much by advising her and neither could her family. I always carry an old black and white picture of Baba with me. I do not know how I got that picture; it has always been with me. Since I consider this picture as the real presence of Baba, I lent it to my friend and told her to keep it with her and treat the picture with respect (she is not Indian) Within a month, things started to improve and now she is very peaceful and completely out of this pain that none of us expected to happen so soon. After giving that picture to my friend, I really missed it, since I often pray for it but I thought she needed Baba more than me and if I think of Baba in my heart, he will be right next to me. But within a week, I found an EXACTLY same picture in one of my bags that I have not used in a while. And the most surprising thing is, it even has similar marks like the one I have to my friend. And I do not know where that picture came from, because I do not remember buying it at all or getting it from someone.

    If I think about so many problems that my friend had and how soon all those problems went away, like a magic, I feel like Baba is watching my every action and I don't need to ask him for anything, he will automatically give me what I need whenever the time is right. He is the all-knowing Sai.

    Just wanted to share this with someone who has lost hope or is going through difficulties and pray that they find peace and regain their faith in Baba. Everything will be all right.

    Jai Sai Ram
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #21 on: March 24, 2008, 03:48:36 AM »
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  • N. Sivanandam, Coimbatore, India
    While doing Sai service, if we face any unexpected disturbances, we feel irritation, no matter what we read in Sri Sai Satsaritram over the years. The moment, if any resistance or opposition rose by someone, either known or unknown persons. Even though our anger may last for just a fraction of second, yet our mind is not tolerating. After all, we are normal humans, always praying to our Lord Saibaba to guide us in all walks of life. Here I wish to narrate one such incident happened to me recently.

    After visiting various web sites on Shirdi Saibaba, I thought of publishing a monthly magazine on Saibaba in our local language (Tamil) and supply free of cost to the poor people of Coimbatore. I humbly appeal all Sai devotees all over the world must think of poor people around us and make them to understand and follow Sai messages in such a way they easily understand. Especially in a country like India, poor people do not have any access for English language education and most of them just know their local language alone.

    It was second Thursday April 11, 2002; I decided to distribute the copies to the Sai devotees who attended evening pooja at Shri Naga Sai Mandir, Coimbatore, India. I distributed one copy to each in prasadham counter, and all were happy to have a copy of the book. After 10 minutes, one volunteer came and asked me to stop distribution, I politely said, "It is a Sai service, for the benefit of Sai devotees, I am supplying these books free of cost to spread Sai philosophy." The person got angry because of my argument and disrespect shown to his ego, and then finally he warned me to get out of that place. As I am normal human being I lost my temper for a fraction of second, then I apologized to Lord Sai for my act.

    I do not get peaceful sleep during that night, I prayed to Baba to give me some direction or His opinion on my act, whether to continue this free book publication or discontinue? I did not get any clear answer during that night; I consulted my Sai friend, Shri K Ramaswamy, Past President, All India Sai Samaj (Regd), Chennai 600004. He advised me not to stop this kind of prachaar work, especially in local language, because such kind of prachaar is need of this hour. I made up my mind to continue to publish the monthly, but I was waiting for clear signal from Baba on proper method of distribution.

    Today 4th Thursday, April 25, 2002, after completing my morning prayers, at His inspiration I realized and got clarification on my doubt on distribution of books from Saibaba. As the book was primarily designed to the benefit of poor people who do not know about Saibaba, majority of Sai devotees who regularly visiting the temple, must have read the contents of the book - Vedic prayer-1 page, Selective sentences from Sai Satsatitram-1 page, Devotees experiences-14 pages, His Highness B V Narashimaswamiji's writings-2 pages etc.- and any repetition is not called for. The entire work must have to go who do not know about Sri Shirdi Saibaba.

    I thanked Baba for guiding me to choose right channel of distribution for Sao Prachaar work. Nothing is impossible with Baba and all our prayers will be addressed to by Baba. Just have full faith on Him and constantly seek His advice on matters in your life.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #22 on: March 27, 2008, 07:24:06 AM »
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  • I am Sai devotee since my childhood. My day starts with Sai prayers. In every distress and trouble Sai helps us always. On Sunday 3rd Sept, 2006, my Daddy suddenly started getting hiccups. He took some home medicine. The whole day he was getting hiccups continuously for 2 - 2 ½ hours. They would stop for some time and then start again for 2 - 2 ½ hours. As it was Sunday, we telephoned the doctor. He told us to give him one tablet.

    He took the medicine but that did not help. On Monday morning we took him to the doctor. He took the prescribed medicine, had his lunch and went to sleep. Usually he takes rest only for 2 hours, 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm. That day till 4 o’clock he was fast asleep, it became 4.15 pm but there no sign of his waking up. My sister and I called Daddy, he responded but turn his side and again slept. We waited for another 15 minutes and again called him but again he changed the side and slept.

    We found something strange. Immediately we prepared sugar water solution as Daddy is a diabetic patient, but he refused to take it. Somehow we managed to make him to sit and tried giving water but he threw it out of his mouth. I went to call a nearby Doctor who usually comes by 5.30 pm but luckily that day he was there at 4.45 pm. The Doctor checked his diabetes on a glucometer and said it had fallen to 20 and we should rush him to the hospital.

    Daddy had become semi unconscious. We called up our cousin brother, who was luckily in a nearby area and reached the hospital before us. Our neighbors helped us to take Daddy to the hospital. Through the traffic jam we managed to reach the hospital. My brother had already met the doctor and kept things ready. Hospital doctors immediately put him on glucose. Within ½ hour after admission he became fully conscious and was surprised that he was in the hospital. His condition was diagnosed as pneumonia patch on his lungs, starting of jaundice, chest congestion. The pneumonia patch had touched the diaphragm, the reason for the continuous hiccups. Because of all these internal complications his sugar levels had become so low.

    He was in the hospital for 8 days. Now, he is completely all right. Doctors said diabetes count of 20 is too dangerous and at a count below 30, a person cannot survive. That can even lead to some dangerous side effects. Also, his pneumonia was detected on time. Our saver Sai helped us.

    When my daddy was in the hospital, one evening my younger sister was returning home from the hospital. Her leg got stuck in one pothole and she had a fall. Her ankle got twisted and she was unable to get up. She was crossing the lane. Suddenly one rickshaw stood next to her and she somehow managed to get up and get into the rickshaw. The rickshaw driver started the rickshaw without asking her anything. After some time she told him where to take her. She had fractured her leg. After putting plaster on her leg for 1 ½ month, she is okay now. From where did the rickshaw arrive right on time? Who else other than Sai can send help.

    By the grace of Baba, both my sister and daddy are fine now.

    Vishakha J. Paralkar, Mumbai

    --Contributed by Heritage of shri Sai Baba----

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #23 on: March 29, 2008, 06:37:58 AM »
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  • Anil Kotian
    A few years back, I was traveling to Shirdi with my wife and infant son. The driver of the car was a young lad who had accompanied us on many occasions earlier. We had started early in the morning at about 5.00 AM wanting to come back to Mumbai the same night. My wife however wanted to stay overnight at Shirdi and return the next morning. About 20 kilometers before Shirdi, Francis just remarked that if this time after visiting Shirdi, if his job is not confirmed, he would never again visit Shirdi. To this, without thinking, I said: If everybody's wish is fulfilled by such threatening talk then there would be no unhappy devotees left and everybody would be coming to Shirdi! No sooner had I finished uttering these words, the car which until now was running okay, sputtered to a stop. And for the next half an hour, we were stuck on the road trying to figure what was wrong. Finally, the driver hailed a passing truck, managed to get a mechanic from the nearby village, and got the car working. My wife who was quiet all along just stated that I talk too much, too soon. Well, I regretted what I had uttered. We reached Shirdi that evening had Darshan of Sai and immediately started for Mumbai just as it was getting dark. Five kilometers down the road, the car again stopped and by the time we could get it going, it was dark and I was apprehensive covering the trip back home in the night. We got back to Shirdi, stayed overnight, as my wife had originally desired, and started for Mumbai the next morning. Francis got confirmed in the organization after some time and I do not recollect if he came to Shirdi again. Maybe he did! It has been an incident that will not be easily forgotten by us. Remember, Sai is with us all the time! Best wishes to all.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Sainath, We are thankful to you for giving us such a wonderful life and your blessing. This is for all Sai Devotees, Baba is there with everyone, just surrender to him and he will be there always. After reading devotees experience and prayers in Sai Vichaar, I thought of sharing my experience with everyone. I remember going to Sai temple in Delhi, I have never tuned back since then my faith in SaiBaba has grown and grown. Many times Baba has helped me directly or indirectly, thank you Baba. Whenever I have doubt, question, or some request I write to Baba and put that in temple.

    In 1996, we came to US and I was expecting my first child, Baba helped me twice. First time on September 11' 1996 I was ready to go out for my usual walk and as I stepped down on stairs, I fall down rolling over almost nine stairs and I was eight month pregnant, I started crying thinking that something happened to my baby, my husband immediately took me hospital and and by Baba's grace everything came out normal. Second time (2- Oct- 1996) when I was on delivery table. I was pushing hard to have a normal delivery but when doctor saw me she said that I am totally exhaust and will not be able to push anymore, so she decided to operate. My husband got very upset as we had no help from India, so he requested the doctor for wait for another 10 more minutes, I don't know why she agreed on that and at that time I prayed Sainath (I was holding Baba picture in my hand) and I don't know what happened suddenly I passed out for almost one minute, it was 11:00PM that time, at that time I saw totally white surrounding and SaiBaba is holding me in his both hands and telling me " Why to fear when I'm hear" (I can never ever forget those words). At 11:01PM, my baby came out and I came back to my senses and saw doctor telling my husband Oh it is a boy and everything is normal. I do not remember pushing between 11:00PM to 11:01PM timeframe. I started crying thanking Baba for saving my son and me.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!

    B.Subrahmanyam Guntur
    I wish to share with all Sai devotees my experiences of recent visit to Shirdi.I feel that if anyone has total faith and submission to Baba he will look into us.Every time I went for darshan inspite of the crowds,somehow Baba takes me close to him.I cannot explain this but let me assure you I have had darshan of Baba to my heart's content. Even Baba asked me( through a security guard) whether I had darshan to my satisfaction.Can you imagine a security guard enquiring devotees? But I felt that Baba only asked me in the form of a security guard.At one time Baba made me stand in front of Him for full 5 minutes in spite of the crowd.Everything that happens is Baba's leela only.I never worried about people going with passes to have Baba's darshan.In the que one Sai devotee gave me his experiences of visiting Shirdi for the last 40 years.I felt Baba in his form came and made me so happy to hear such experiences.In one of our visits I have lost all my belongings through a trick. but I have never lost hopes.Baba in one form came and helped me to reach my place.I have experienced Baba's leela in many ways.I see in every action Baba only.Baba only helped me to come out of difficult situations. Baba is a part of my every action I find Baba's leela and feel happy.I imagine Baba in every posiible relationship
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A Sai Devotee
    My mom was an ardent believer in Saibaba when I was in Engineering college.Even though I used to visit Baba's temple quite frequently I could not call myself a complete devotee at that time. However I used to visit Baba's temple which was right across our college at that time. After few years after I completed my education and landed up a with job and was about to get married, my mom wanted me to accompany her to the temple we used to visit. That day I was driving the scooter and we had a good darshan and were returning back home. On the way back to home the scooter slipped and we both fell down. Surprisingly my mom was absolutely safe and I had a minor scractch on one of my fore arms.

    Few years later after marriage, we were having trouble concieving a baby. Doctor said she was going to give some medicines and my wife should be able to concieve that next month, however nothing happened. The doctor said she would increase the dose again but only after a month time. We came back home dejected. That weekend we visited Sai's temple and prayed for getting through this problem. In a week my wife was pregnant and even the doctor who was treating my wife was absolutely surprised and this is when I started believing in him.
    Now I am a strong believer in Sai and make it a point to remember Sai at all times. Bow to Shri Sai Baba - Peace be to All
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    K. Varadarajan
    We started to Shirdi by 05:30 am, enjoying the trip by site seeing and talking on various matters. When we reached Shirdi about 09.00 am we entered the hall and started moving through the queue thinking that we will reach the prayer within some time. But it took more than 4 hours to arrive at the main hall by when my daughters were feeling tired. Particularly our younger daughter became nervous, almost exhausted. She did not say but we felt she was not happy anymore to worship or remain even half an hour. Somehow we managed and finished the darshan and came out. We felt so much about the darshan we had and also the way, the authorities had arranged the darshan system, etc, we even praised them. On our way home I was telling my wife that I have to visit Shirdi again if things go ok. Next morning, my wife casually narrated about the Shirdi trip with our landlord at Pune who was living upstairs of my daughter's residence. Within a few minutes, the landlord called me and said that he had arranged a trip to Shirdi and I should come with him. I was stunned and surprised. I was enjoying his words and told, "yes" to him. Accordingly, next day at 3 am we started to Shirdi..Oh, Baba, what was your mercy! He gave His darshan within 15 min. from the time of our arrival there at Shirdi. I couldn't believe myself what's going on. I could standing in front of him for any number of minutes I liked. How graceful He was and is. The same daughter was told that she had fever, which should be attended immediately and that she should continue medicines for the next 6 months. I prayed to Shirdi Baba and also made my daughter consume the medicines regularly. Normally she was not very much keen on taking proper food or medicines, but after the visit to Baba's place she is very regular and she completely recovered from all illnesses. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!

    Savita Jayram
    Om Sai Ram, I would like to share with you how Baba has drawn me close to Him and a wonderful Sai leela recently happened in my life. I was devoted to Baba even as a kid but not as ardently as now. After coming to USA, I used to visit the Hindu temple close to my house here in Sunnyvale, California where I saw Baba's photo kept aside not included with the rest of the photos that were kept for puja on the platform. I was so drawn to the photo and wanted to ask the pujari if he would lend it to me. But out of shame of rebuke or impropriety of such a request, I did not have the courage to ask him and came back home. The first time (March 2002) I completed Sai Satcharitra reading (not saptah) everything "happened". I say that because now I feel it has all along been Baba's own doing and His grace that precipitated the next set of events.

    While I was surfing the web I came across "" and read about Chitra yatra and brought Baba's photo home for first time. The next time I visited the temple, I garnered up enough courage to ask the pujari for Baba's photo and he was willing to let me have it. My happiness knew no bounds. I felt as if Baba was coming to my home. That picture is most precious to me now. When I was having the Chitra Yatra photo in my house a desire for doing Baba's Bhajan arose in my heart, so I called a few friends and my anchor home patrons to my home one Thursday. To tell the truth I have never even attended a Bhajan and was quiet apprehensive how it would go. I left it to Baba thinking He would take care. It went very well with His grace and then it occurred to me that since I have started a good thing I should continue it as best as I can and we started having it every Thursday from then on. Now our small Bhajan group has grown to more than 100 Sai bandhus and we have also through His grace celebrated Guru Poornima and Mahasamadhi in a grand way.

    When I went to India in November, I visited Shirdi with His grace and stayed there for four days and had a wonderful and fulfilling experience and darshan of my beloved Baba. I was happy that He had chosen me to come to Shirdi as no one goes there without His blessings. My joy on seeing Him in Samadhi Mandir was so much that tears flowed freely from my eyes and I cared not for what others would think. I did not want to leave Shirdi but left with the feeling that I would always carry Him in my heart wherever I went. I prayed that when I closed my eyes and remembered Him that I should be able to picture Him in my mind as He was - sitting elegantly in the mandir with love and compassion in His eyes. On the way back from Shirdi my father developed some allergy all over his body and severe chest pain and his BP dropped and he fainted. Luckily there was a doctor in the same compartment who had served in Shirdi for 30 years (was it coincidence or divine providence! no doubt Baba had sent him for our sake) attended on him. My father has had By pass surgery for a previous heart attack 3 years back. Seeing his low pulse, BP and parlor the doctor suggested we should alight from the train and hospitalize him immediately. We were all very worried. How do we get down in an unknown place, will we find a good hospital and doctors to treat him even if we get down, were all the doubts that assailed me and my mom. Also my little 4yr old daughter was with us. We prayed to Baba earnestly and applied His vibuthi on my father. All the fellow passengers were very helpful. There was also a Rekhi doctor who administered Rekhi on my dad all night. (Those who helped us that day happen to read this, please accept my heart felt gratitude and may Baba's blessings always be with you.)

    After some time he started feeling better and we decided to continue with our journey to B'lore and take him to his regular hospital at Wockhardt where He had received treatment earlier. When we reached B'lore and took him to the hospital he was told to be out of danger and his ECG was perfectly normal with no sign of a heart attack. What more proof of His benevolence is needed. He comes to the rescue of His devotees without even being asked. All He seeks in return is our complete faith and wholehearted devotion. He shows His presence to me in many ways and I feel greatly indebted to Him for everything He has given me and continues to give. He gives His is loving care for His children every second of every day. All I pray for is that my faith on to His feet be every steady and sincere and continue to grow each day.
    Satchitananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #24 on: April 01, 2008, 02:09:56 AM »
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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #25 on: April 01, 2008, 03:31:25 AM »
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  • Supriya
    I wanted to share one of my experiences as thought before. During the final phase of establishing the career, I like other colleagues was put in a situation to do a presentation to proceed for job placement. In the first attempt I had to face failure because of unexpected events. But this presentation was really crucial for future placements. This was the most terrible phase I underwent because I learnt that there was not going to be any other opportunity for presentation for another 4 months, which would delay everything. I could not afford to pay my bills. But things totally turned out to be different. I went to the head office, which was located in another state to plead them to give me a spot in the next presentation. They said they do not have any in the state where I live. But they said they would try for another state if I were willing to travel. I gave second thoughts about that but finally decided to take up that spot and make travel arrangements and somehow afford the expenditure by borrowing some money. Finally the day of presentation arrived and I thought I would give it my best try since I had already undergone so many pains, I did well in all my presentation. I was expecting this time my result will be good by the grace of Lord Sai. I was supposed to return some paperwork along with my CD to the agency. But to my horror the day I was packing stuff to return back to my state I realized I forgot to give them that CD in a hurry. I started to panic. I was in tears since all my efforts felt all of a sudden in a drain. I cursed myself for not turning back that CD. I feared if it constituted an important aspect for my results. I chanted only Baba's name throughout my journey. I did the Saptah (Sai Satcharita) and then Baba came in my dreams once like all the Astalakshmi's joining together to form Baba. Once Shyama Karna Baba's horse and once Baba with his feet drowned in water while I could see his feet underneath and then I rise above water to see him say, "I am the Universe? Is your Atma satisfied now? Do not worry about your CD. Everything will be alright". Baba appeared in the early hours like a vision saying that a part of your presentation will not be good but do not worry. Everything will be all right. When it appeared before I just ignored. Chanting his name I was waiting for the result. The whole week passed with horror. I learnt just on that day morning that the result was mailed and should arrive any time that day. I was totally terrified since I could not bear failure again. Moreover since I borrowed so much money and I promised them that I would return back that money. I kept chanting and weeping in front of Baba's murthi. Then when the postman arrived, I was trembling and did not even have the courage to go to the mailbox. I prayed to Baba and took him along with me and somehow managed to go there. I saw the envelope all set for me to open. And guess what. I did clear my presentation with a fantastic grade I could not believe my eyes. I just broke down and prayed to Baba. I felt a great relief. Baba answered the prayers.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!

    I am a student of MSc Micro and Nanotechnology here at the Univeristy of Neufchatel, Switzerland. This course is a three-semester course. I joined for the program in October 2006 and cleared the first semester admirably as I am not from a Technology background but from Biological Sciences. The second semester appeared like a cakewalk and I had three oral exams. All the three orals I expected to pass convincingly. I did the first two well and knew I was going to pass. But when the time for the third oral came, I was full of ego (not confidence) and was dead sure that I was going to pass, as the model of the exam was also to my advantage. However, when I entered the room for this particular oral exam, my mind went blank and made very silly mistakes repeatedly. This was a half-hour oral. I knew my performance was completely below par, out of the ordinary and depressing and I deserved a score of 1/6. The Professor also told me then and there that he was sorry. I admitted that there were too many confusions and did not do well. I came out really shell-shocked how this could happen. I have put in good effort to prepare and yet I was left in such a precarious situation such as this. I cursed myself for celebrating too early even before the exam was completed. There was no remote chance of even passing the subject and clearing the module in any possible way. For the final results to come it was going to take a week. Without any other thought, I started the Sai Satcharita Paarayan. This Monday (9th) I was also going to meet an influential person and I had to present some strategies, I was in no mood to do that, as my mind was fully tension ridden with that Oral exam. But before going to meet that person, I saw my result online and to my surprise, I got 3.5/6. This is not a pass mark (you need 4.0 to pass), but because I got higher marks in other subjects within this module, some of the marks transferred to this course and helped me clear the entire module!! This was never the scenario before. Tears welled up in my eyes and I realized nothing is impossible for Baba. Sincere Prayers devoid of ego and arrogance do help! It is only to make me realize this I was given this shock treatment! I have a 3 year old son and my wife who live in the USA. Now I am looking forward to complete my Master's project successfully and find a suitable job for me. We are all hoping to be together again. Thank you Baba. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!

    Baba helped me in many critical situations in my life. Let me share one of my experiences, which happened last week. Last Sunday, I went to supermarket and I was returning home with two heavy bags in my hands. I just got down the local train and was walking towards my home. Because of the weight, I was not able to walk and my hands were getting tired and had much pain. I started chanting Baba's name and was asking for help. After a few minutes, I just dropped the bags on the road and was praying Baba. Suddenly two of my friends came and took my luggage and dropped me at my home. I live on the fourth floor in that building. Because I was so tired, I could did not notice what happened. I just opened the door and went inside. Suddenly I looked towards my pooja mandir and saw Baba's photo. He had a smile on His face and I felt, Baba is blessing me like "Don't worry I am always with you". Baba! You are my everything. Keep blessing me and don't allow me to do anything wrong.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!

    I first visited Shirdi and Darshan of Saibaba in 1994. I felt great relief and Shanti during the visit which was amazingly conspicuous. Next visit while doing Darshan I thought that if any body touches my head I would consider it blessing of Baba. But I immediately realized that though there was heavy rush it was almost impossible that some one will touch me on my head. To my surprise when I was in front of Baba and bent for Pranam and was saying my prayers, one of Pujari put his hand on my head like blessing and asked me to move. I was extremely happy as it was apparent that rush was being cleared by security staff not by Pujari and also no one control the rush of people in such a gentle manner. Then there were several happening that I desired including a new job but I did not realize that it was due to Baba. But before it went too long I realized it. It so happened that I was under terrible stress at my new job. I remembered Sai and told Baba I came to You twice still this is my condition? Immediately I heard someone asking what you want. I replied that I wanted a job that fulfills all my requirements. Then I had forgotten it as inadvertent self thinking because my all requirements were impossible to meet with any job. But later, I got a job that was exactly as per my conditions. Then I could recollect what had happened on that stressful day and who did take care of my wishes which had five different conditions
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!11
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #26 on: April 01, 2008, 03:38:05 AM »
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  • Aruna
    We are trying for a baby from past one year. It has been 2 years since our marriage. I was so much disappointed. My friends were getting pregnant. I went to Sai temple for six weeks continuously and offered Prasad. Then we opened Sai prashnavalli, which said to donate a book called Sai leelamrutum to a devotee. We donated the book and the same month I came to know that I was pregnant. I am so happy. Always believe in Sai. Have shradha and saburi in him. He will surely work out miracles for you. Sri Sachitananda sadguru Senath maharaj ki jai. I request the devotees to please pray for me so that my pregnancy goes smoothly.

    Two weeks back my 22 month old son was having high temperature and we took him to the docter. The doctor checked him and ordered for some blood tests. On that evening the docter called us and said that he was concerned to see his blood test results a little abnormal and prescribed an antibiotic and told us that if he dosent get better with that he suspects something more serious. After 3 days my sons fever was subsided and the docter called us back for another blood test. We got the blood test done and that evening the docter called us and told that the blood results were still abnormal and that we should immediately take our kid for further testing to Childrens medical hospital at Dallas and that he made all the appointments necessary. Upon pressurising a lot he told us that he was suspecting some kind of leukamia. Hearing that we were all heart broken and we cried a lot. That whole night we were only praying to baba to save our kid and that he should be healthy. I applied baba's udhi to my sons forehead and somehow felt confident that we will come home with smiles. We went to the hospital the next day (which happened to be a thursday) and they did all the tests and they told us that my son was anemic and he just needs iron suppliments. Thankyou so much baba for taking care of my little one and being with us. Koti Koti pranam baba. We will never forget the blessings you have showered on us. Be with us and bless us all the time baba. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #27 on: April 04, 2008, 05:56:44 AM »
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  • Arun Kumar
    Om Sai Ram. I thank Baba for giving me an opportunity for sharing my experiences of Baba with all of you. Last year in July, I my wife and my two and half year old son went to Shirdi. After reaching Shirdi in the afternoon we went for darshan to the temple, it was Thursday. When we reached the main hall in front of Baba, it was arathi time and we were made to sit in the big hall in front of Baba, the arathi started and half way through the arathi, my 2 and half year old son started feeling little bit uneasy and started asking water to drink, in a hurry to have Baba's darshan we had forgotten to take water with us and we pacified him till the end of arathi, as soon as the evening arathi was over people started moving for the darshan by forming two lines we took the left side line of Baba, the line was moving fast till we reached the small hall where all photos of Baba's devotees are kept. My son's thirst grew more and he was total uneasy and started crying and the line stopped moving completely could see nor control my son's thirst as he was crying, there itself I closed my eyes and prayed to Baba, to control my son's thirst or if someone was carrying water to give to my son. For another five minutes, nothing of the above happened, nor the line moved. My son was uncontrollable with thirst, finally the line started moving slowly, when we reached the stone pillars on the left side of the entrance of the samadhi, I found a mineral water bottle with water in between two stone pillars, I was in a shock to find the bottle there because the place where I found was not a place where you will usually find a bottle of water. I was so happy, thanked god for this wonderful experience and I give water to my kid and his thirst was quenched, and he was ok after that. Still now I am remember has it has happened yesterday. It was really wonderful experience and showed that Baba will not let down his devotee when they need him.
    Om Sai Ram.

    Achuta Ramaiah, Hyderabad, India
    I really want to share a physical experience of Baba in real life. I had gone to Shirdi last year after my US trip visiting my daughter Asha. We three I, my wife Ramani and my sister in law Kalpakam went to Shirdi from Hyderabad in an overnight bus. My wife was not that well, more so with the tiresome trip. We went to the mandir and found a big serpentine queue waiting. My wife was not well so I decided to use my Ex serviceman's privilege, but soon I realized I did not have my Identity card. Still taking cue from Baba I approached the authorities but they insisted some document to prove my identity. Luckily, I showed my British Library card wherein my rank was and mentioned. The gentleman seeing my wife's condition agreed to help me out. He authorized my entry! We quickly saw Baba without any further effort. As we neared the Samadhi our eyes were full of tears and we stood for a long time. The Pujari on duty gave me a wonderful rose from his garland and blessed us.

    We later proceeded to Dwarkamai and due to the rush; we could not see all the relevant Baba's items there. We had a good lunch and strolled near the bazaar when I suddenly discovered the loss of my spectacles and my black leather pouch. I was greatly perturbed. Seeing our plight an old man in a white dhoti shouted at me to go and look for the same in Dwarkamai. My wife and sister in law forced me further. I went to Dwarkamai reluctantly and as the public was pushing me, I nearly fell near the chakkis (Grinding Stone), which Baba used for grinding flour. As I got up and dusted myself, I saw that a leather case was kept intact in a small enclosure above the grinding chakkis. I quickly retrieved them and saw that it was my leather case with spectacles put neatly inside. The spectacles were very costly and had been presented to me so lovingly by my son in law. I am sure my daughter would not have spoken to me gain if she were told about the loss. It was indeed a lucky find! I breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to thank the old man. The old man was not there at all and I did not see him again!! Then to my surprise, I bought Baba's photograph and suddenly realized the close resemblance. I felt a sudden thrill because I had been asking Baba to reveal himself several times and he did so! So truly Baba blessed me that day and even now I can feel the thrill. Jai Baba
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #28 on: April 04, 2008, 06:02:26 AM »
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  • Pooja Walia
    Dear Sai devotees I am very happy and blessed to share my wonderful experience in my life. Baba has been there for me at all times in my entire life, but my belief in him was not complete until my recent experience. I have been married for 3 years and since an year we started planning to have a kid, but I had some fertility problems, So my doctor started to give medication which will help me to conceive, while having the treatment the important clause of it was, I can use this medication for only 6 months and if I don't conceive with in 6 months then I have to go through the most painful fertility treatments.5 months passed and there was no positive result and I almost lost the hopes but for the first time in my life I totally surrendered my self to Baba and left the rest to him and stopped worrying about my problem completely and started praying him daily by offering some prasad to him first thing in the morning , meditate for few minutes, take some Vibuti and read the SatCharitra, it was a amazing that I was so relaxed and relived of all tensions by doing this and the ultimate miracle was that, I was pregnant on the edge of my treatment that is on the last month of the treatment, I can't explain you in words how thrilled I was. With this Sai leela in my life I am happy that I am pregnant and with Baba's grace I will have a healthy child, also I am "more happy" that my devotion and belief has increased tremendously. My suggestion to all the Sai devotees, is to leave your all worries and tensions to Sai and pray him daily and if possible try to read Satcharitra and then see the miracle, I am sure that every one will have their own Baba miracles in their life sooner or later... just try once and see the difference.
    Bolo Sri Sai Nadh Maharaj Ki Jai. 
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #29 on: April 05, 2008, 02:14:58 AM »
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  • Sujatha
    Om Sai Ram, I would like to share one of the wonderful miracles that I have experienced in my life. Thank you Baba for being with my family and me in every moment of our life. I am confident that you will be us all the time.

    We had planned for Shirdi trip in February and we friends (3 of us) booked the tickets 4 days in advance. The agent who booked the tickets assured us that he would give us the confirmed tickets both ways. But, we did not get the confirmed tickets from the agent until the day of our scheduled travel to Shirdi. We were supposed to go by the 6:20 KK express from Bangalore. The tickets were wait listed (no.103/102 and 100) until 1:00 pm on the day of travel. We were checking the confirmation status on the web, but we could not get the confirmed tickets. So we decided to cancel the trip this time. As a last try, I called the Railway enquiry, someone picked up the call and asked if it was Sujatha talking and continued to speak ' you are going to Shirdi, you will get the confirmed tickets, why are you still in the office go home and get ready to go to the station. You will have a nice darshan of Baba. He also asked me to give the prasadam to him after returning from Shirdi. I was shocked for a moment and asked him how does he know my name, he refused to answer my questions. Exactly after 5 minutes of the call, I checked the website again for confirmation of the tickets. It was a miracle that two of our tickets were confirmed. It was an amazing experience of Baba's miracle! We were confident that the third ticket also will be confirmed and I rushed home and reached the station on time. All three of us reached Shirdi safely.

    We wanted to stay in Bhakti Nivas. To our surprise, we were allotted with a room as soon as we filled the registration form. We did not wait at all. There were many people still waiting for the rooms. We were lucky to experience this miracle of Baba!

    We reached the temple for evening arathi and we were allowed to sit in a big hall during arathi. There were few people standing right in front of Baba and singing the arathi songs. We were wishing to stand there for the arathi but we could not reach there as it was very crowded in the hall. After the evening arathi we were seeing near by places like Museum, Dwaraka Mandir...etc., A group of ladies called us and offered a VIP pass where in seven people could use that pass. WE COULD STAND RIGHT IN FRONT OF BABA FOR THE NIGHT ARATHI USING THAT PASS. We were thrilled when they offered us the pass. It was around 8:00 pm when they offered us the pass, we went to have Baba's Prasadam but seeing at the BIG queue we decided not to eat there as we might miss the night arathi. We were about to go back, by then the guide who was the three ladies saw us and told that he would get the prasadam tickets for us and that we need not wait for long. They gave us the tickets in 5 minutes. They refused to take money from us for the Prasadam. We had prasadam and came back to the VIP pass queue. Our Wish of standing near Baba's Samadhi was fulfilled! We had a beautiful view of Baba and enjoyed the night arathi. I had never ever thought that I would stand in front Baba's Samadhi and sing Arathi songs. We went for the morning darshan next day and saw near by places. By then our return tickets were also confirmed. We returned home safely. Every time I think of this experience, I feel I am very lucky. Thank you very much Baba for the opportunity given to me to write. And thank you all the devotees for reading. HAVE FAITH IN BABA AND SURRENDER TO HIM COMPLETELY. HE WILL PROTECT US ALL THE TIME. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sai devotee
    I work as system administrator. I had lot of problems in my last office. I was unable to continue working there and I can't even resign, that's my bread. I started looking out for a job almost from 30 months. I was unsuccessful. I almost lost hopes in life. I don't know what to do. Suddenly one day I remembered that I bought "SAI SATCHARITA " in 1994 in Shirdi, which I have not read at all. Decided to read SAI SATCHRITA. Thursday 26th February 2004 I started reading, same night around 9pm I got a call from USA for an interview. I finished my interview at 10PM. being it was Thursday I need to rush to SAI Mandir. Where the mandir closes at 10pm. and when I reached it was almost closed people were coming out and nobody were allowed. I was almost in tears; suddenly one security guard of the mandir helped me for darshan of SAI. Wednesday 3rd March 2004 I finished reading SAI SATCHRITA . Same day after lunch around 2.30pm I got a call from Indian office saying I have been selected and I have been asked to collect my offer letter. I almost jumped in air, I could not stop my tears and, everybody in my house was very happy. My family and I will always be thankful to SAI. After this incidence every month, I am finding new things happening in my life. No, I don't worry for anything everything SAI will take care. Thanks very much Sai.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!

    T.K.Madhu Moorthy
    It was last August, when I was going to Shirdi. I planned for almost 4 years to go to Shirdi but couldn't plan a trip. But it was in the month of Aug 2003 when I was just crossing the reservation counter in my place, a thought struck me that I should immediately go to Shirdi and zoom I went into the counter and purchased the ticket and before I could realize, completed the trip to my dream place, SHIRDI. The train from Chennai reached Pune at around 11:25 pm and I took an Auto and asked the automan himself to drop me in the bus stand from where I can go to Shirdi and he obliged very devotedly and without charging me much. I did get a bus and there was just one seat like it was reserved for me. Though I told the driver to drop me at a place from where I can catch another bus to Shirdi, he was about to make to get down at a wrong place when he was scolded and stopped by an old man sitting next to me and was looking exactly like Baba. After this the bus went on for about half an hour and then the old man stopped the bus, asked me to get down along with him and gave me directions to catch the auto which was as if waiting for me just across the road and go to the nearest Ahmednagar Bus stand from where there are plenty of buses to Shirdi. It was 1 pm in the mid of the night at an alien place that I got the help of that old man who was none other than Baba himself. I am planning my next trip to Shirdi shortly. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

    N. Karnad
    My mother was detected with breast cancer last December. I live in USA and my parents are in India. By sheer Leela of our kind Baba, I could visit my mother and be by her side for her mastectomy operation, in spite of so many obstacles. After the operation, the doctor found out that my mother couldn't be a candidate for "the pill". This meant that she would have to undergo radiation and chemotherapy subsequently. The mere thought of chemotherapy, we felt very dejected, but somewhere in our hearts, we always remembered Baba's promise - but we did not know then how the miracle was going to happen. The good news is that the cancer hasn't spread to the surrounding area. As soon as my mother found out about her having Cancer, she started drinking Baba's water (that my parents had acquired in Shirdi before). After the operation, Baba called her to Shirdi...TWICE. Now her radiation course is over. We were expecting that the doctors would put her through Chemo Routine immediately. Instead, they said that so far, there is nothing to worry about and that they would evaluate her condition only in June! My mother has never lost any hope. She continued drinking Baba's water. My family is a staunch believer in Baba... Baba is our family and we are fortunate that Baba accepted us part of HIS family. Baba's water worked miracles. My mother has faith in Baba and He has never let her down. I believe that God talks to us and guides us through the words of different people we meet. Baba spoke with finality thus (and cleared all doubts if any and assured us in this way) :- Recently, when my mother visited one of her relatives, she was presented a new saree and she was told that the saree was because she (my mother) just had a 'punarjanam' (rebirth)! In June, my mother visited her doctor and he said that she could be given the pill and that no chemo was necessary!

    Baba, this is all your Leela. Thank you for making us part of YOUR family and taking such good care of us. Baba your ways are so subtle, sometimes we miss cues and may a times doubts creep our confused minds. You make things better for us - this we find out later. Baba, please cure my mother completely. I am so foolish that in spite of your repeated assurances I keep asking you repeatedly. Bless all of us, so that we have firm Shraddha and Saburi. Baba please take care of my family. Dear fellow devotees, always keep faith in our Baba's darbar. His ways are very gentle and subtle. Listen carefully to what everyone says, sometimes Baba takes form as other person and speaks to us.
    Om Shree Satchidanand Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid


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