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Offline fatima

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Re: Baba's leelas
« Reply #60 on: May 13, 2008, 08:36:21 AM »
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    I was suffering from deception, material losses, betrayal and physical assault. The expected outcome was depression, very high sugar levels and severe diabetic condition with a reading of 460-75. I suffered because that was karmic. My secretary even presented me with Sai Satcharita - but my sanskaras perhaps prevented me from reading it. But His grace and blessings had to lead me to it. Finally when the situation became desperate with court cases and police stations, losing properties in the court and I was left without even a house to stay in, I took shelter in a government quarter.

    Then one day a friend suggested that I visit the Sai temple and read Satcharita. I read it in a saptaah. Then I read it in one day. Then someone suggested I read Gurucharita. I read that too. Each story and chapter was a revealing lesson to me. I learnt a lot. Meanwhile, my health improved.

    Earlier I could not walk and found it very painful to stand up after squatting for a while. I was detected with cancer in both breasts. I did parikramas. The next scan projected an arrest - status quo. My health improved. My daughter secured a seat in medical school. I received the promotion that was denied to me for 23 years. One of my research articles caught the attention of the Prime Minister’s staff and I received appreciation.

    Even now I get depressed because the forces that are creating difficulties are so many, but I chant the name of Sai - consciously and sub-consciously every waking minute of the day. He has finally, after testing me for years, willed so much progress in a span of three years. He will right every wrong done to me by fellow men and women. I have found the beauty of his omnipresence even in China - when I wondered when I can see a champa flower. When I returned - the first Thursday after I returned, the priest at the temple gave me a champa flower from His lotus feet. He is there when I seek Him. Without Him I would have perished.

    My only worry - this morning in chapter 16 of Sri Gurucharitra, I have read about the duties of a woman. I see that only women have responsibilities and duties. Men do not. No matter what husbands may do wives must tolerate and have forbearance and patience. I have been married for 24 years. From day one I was exploited, abused, taunted, maligned, and beaten up. I had to bring up my two children with little or no support from my husband. He has neglected the children too. I have never neglected my duties as a daughter in law.

    They were my responsibility and I served them with pleasure. I cannot even repeat some of the things said to me. I have paid up his debts. All this is possible by Sai's Grace. But as a mortal I always craved for a little concern - some affection - it has never come through. I am working and therefore financially not on the road. But in similar situations, women who are not educated, not employed, have to find other ways.

    Why should they not remarry so someone better can take care of them? I know shaastras say something different. They were written when the world was not so materially oriented. Now everything is money based. So employment is important. If the husband cannot support should the wife commit suicide? What about the children? I feel strongly that some system be evolved to make life more secure for women and children and old parents.

    Some of my doubts and questions are answered soon and some after a long time. But no query goes unanswered. I am developing more and more faith in Baba. I am sure He is The One!

    Geetha Reddy Anant, Hyderabad
    jai sree sai ram!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #61 on: May 13, 2008, 08:48:32 AM »
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    I have seen many devotees giving their experience. I am giving mine which
    was only so far told among close friends. In the year 1997 I had to stay
    away from family and stay in a lodge room since the transfer was mid
    academic. I used to visit my mother on week ends. One Sunday When I was
    about to leave after visiting mother I had high temp .102.I had to go to
    office next day since I was having cash keys. My mother told at least take
    some rice with "rasam"(south India this will be diet when somebody is sick)
    I refused and she asked at least take hot water in her flask so that i can
    drink at least Horlicks or some drink. That also I refused because she may
    need it, she asked me being alone in room who will give food drink and all
    that. I casually told showing Baba's photo, that He will give. I left and
    reached my place after 3hrs bus journey, on Sunday night. The temp
    maintained at 102. Next morning I managed to go to the office and handed
    over the keys came back and slept. Evening when I got up it was 5.30pm.
    Since in the lodge mostly working people were staying all rooms were locked.

    I was feeling very hungry, thought I can have rice with rasam if mother is
    there, at least I could have brought flask with hot water I can have some
    drink, So thinking seeing a burst size photo of Shirdi Sai (which I will do
    prayer) now I need rasam rice can u give I have told my mother that u will
    take care of me. I would not have finished saying the door was knocked.
    Since I was not well I did not bolt it so I asked come in. To my surprise a
    man with white and white uniform asked whether it is room 18 and am I
    Subbiah. I took a tiffin carrier out with a leaf. I told him pointing baba's
    photo just now I asked him rice with rasam you say that u have brought food,
    I don’t know you but I am sure you are BABA or Sent by him. He didn’t reply
    placed the leaf before me took rice and rasam. IT was hot and very good. I
    just told because of you are troubled. He replied no trouble so many people
    eat daily. I wanted some water. To my surprise he took a flask similar to
    one offered by my mother. I was actually weeping and ate full rice what was
    served and took wa-ter also. Remaining water he stored in a bottle he packed
    and took the bag walked down the floor 2nd floor after two I felt very fresh
    no fever got energy and rushed down, No body was there. Really I was feeling
    very fresh after that till now no fever has attacked me.

    Subbiah Sankararaman
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #62 on: May 14, 2008, 02:08:55 AM »
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  • I Started Sai Satcharitra on Thursday. And today is the 7th day. This morning as I was reading Satcharitra at work for sometime, a thought crossed my mind that I should have Baba’s picture in my office cube. Since I had 2 photo frames at home, I thought I would get the smaller one and put it on my desk. But, the smaller frame also seemed too big for me as I didn't want to display my religious inclinations at work. I wanted something smaller and compact, which I did not have with me.

    After lunch when I came back to work, I thought I would read the book for a while. And when I opened the book. a small pocket size picture of Sai Baba fell out of the book onto my desk. I am not sure who put it there or where it came from, but it presented itself at the right moment.

    I dint see the picture in the book even though I was reading it for the past

    6 days. I was surprised and excited at the same time as to how this happened. As I was thinking about it this morning itself. For me it is nothing less than a miracle. Even now, if I think about that incident

    I really feel elated and pleased that Baba is with me all the time to protect me and save me from trouble!

    Samartha Sadguru. Shri Sainath Maharaj ki jai!



    In April 2000, I got a job in Bahrain and was scheduled to fly on 10th. I was working in Bombay till then. My Parents live in Goa and I decided to visit them before I leave. I was praying that I'll go to Shirdi and take Baba’s Darshan and carry Sai Satcharita with me. Intention was to continue the Adhay Parayan. There was a long gap of 7 years, as I never read it after 1993. I could not make it to Shirdi before I left for Bahrain. However, while I was in Goa (3rd week of March), somebody told me a new Sai Baba Mandir is built and Saibaba Murthi (Idol) will be installed on Rama Navami. I could not wait in Goa till Ramanavami. So I visited that temple and prayed to Sai Baba photograph. My eyes met his and within moments, I had tears in my eyes. Really don’t know, why? Then, to my surprise the young poojari (priest) came and said "we have Sai Satcharita here and we sell them. If you want to buy, I will also give a rare photograph of Sai Baba free". I was stunned and realized Baba is everywhere. He knew I wanted the Grantha and moreover, he wanted me to possess one. Now that I am in Bahrain, I have completed one Parayan of the Grantha (book) on 7th day following Ramanavami.

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #63 on: May 14, 2008, 02:13:44 AM »
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    " I always think of him who remembers Me, I require no conveyance, carriage, tonga nor train aeroplaene. I rush and manifest My self to him who lovingly calls Me."(Sri Saibaba)

    The experience of shri Jyothi Raja, a portrait artist of Hyderbad has been mentioned in the article on "Sai Sevak Shivanesan Swamiji" ( Sri Jyothi’s First visit to Shirdi was in jan 1990.

    He accompanied his friends to H.H.Sivanesan Swamiji’s room behind Dwarakamai. Swamiji conveyed Baba’s instruction to draw his portrait to Jyothi Raja. The artist after preliminary discussion with Samsthan authorities left for Hyderabad to take necessary meterial required for the purpose. He did not demand money for the work as the very offer to draw Dwarkamai potrait itself was invaluable.

    His sister Mrs. Laxmi had a retina problem. Experts in Hyderabad felt it could be controlled but not Cured. As the saying goes what can not be cured must be endured. Mrs. Laxmi told Sri Raja to take to the World famous Shankar Netralaya in Madras as per somebody’s suggestion. As for rules a new patient requires prior appointment for consultation. Though well wishers suggested to Sri Raja to seek appointment before taking the patient. But he preferred to take her as that would give psychological satisfaction. They all left for Madras. Sri Raja prayed to Baba sai to give him peace of mind for completing the divine job at Shirdi. No doubt he accepted the job as Sai Seva but Lord Sai Nath who does not allow any one to do free service. In His own words "No body should take the labour of others invain. The worker should be paid his dues promptly and liberally."

    They went to out patiant department of Netralaya (Eye hospital) The clerk wanted them to wait for giving date. Raja asked "What do you do in case of emergency ? ". The clerk directed them to counter for emergency cases. After noting the required particulars the patiant was asked to wait outside. Now one Mr. Karpaiah, a ward boy who observed them to the duty doctor. He assisted them to have laboratary test also. He advised them to have their food and assured he would collect the reports. Like this he assisted for three days.

    Mrs. Mary Abraham, chief of the hospital examined the patiant and also reports. She prescribed no medicine as there was no disease no doubt she endorsed the opnion of Hyderabad doctors based on the reports.

    All investigations carried in Madras also were correct. The doctor further said "As a true christian I believe an unknown devine / supreme power had acted on the patient and cured. What is not possible for a human mind is possible for a divine Hand. "Let us note how Sai Nath granted peace of mind to Sri Raja who refused remuneration. Then they went to the ward boy to express their grattitude but he denied having done any service them. He further said it was not possible for him to do all that as per hospital rules.

    Now it is for devout readers to say who the ward boy was. Needless to say He is Sai Nath our beloved Sadguru who in the guise of Karpaiah. Assisted our jyothi Raja. Baba does every thing to a devotee who surrenders his or her ego at His feet.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #64 on: May 14, 2008, 02:17:57 AM »
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    Is Saibaba more alive now than when He was living?

    "Was Baba living because He had the body, and was He dead because he left it. No1 baba is ever alive for He transends both life and death." (SriSaiSatCharitra) There is a village named Ventrapaggada in Krishna Dist of Andhra, India. There lived a pious couple by name Mr NagaBhairava Venkata Ratnam and Mrs.NagaRatnamma. They had no issues. Once she developed skin allergy, which was troubling her. At that time one Mr.PallavajjulaRamrao Headmaster who

    returned from Shirdi gave them Udi,Baba's photo and Locket. She applied Udi on her body. To their surprise she got complete relief from the ailemant. Now let us note Baba's words "I give what they want, so that they begin to want what I want to give" After

    solving their problems Baba attracted them towords him. All the three viz. Mrs. and Mr. VenkataRatnam and RamaRao gradually developed their place with Sai's blessing as a center of Sai activities. This incident took place in January'1940. i.e. 22 years after baba's

    Mahasamadhi. They started doing Sai Bhajans in their house. Huge crouds gathered and participated in Sai workship. Sainath in His mysterious way manifested Himself and blessed the participants. The pious couple wanted to pay a visit to Shirdi and left their village on 26.11.1940. On the way they had to stay a night at Kopparagaon Rly Station. That night Sri Venkata Ratnam garu saw a marble Samadhi in a dream. He was surprised

    to see the same Samadhi at Shirdi on the next day. It was a clear indication that Baba was looking after His devotees. Fortunately H.H. BVN wamiji,founder-President of All India Sai Samaj was camping a Shirdi. Swamiji took personal interest showed them Gurustan other places. He took them to UpasiniMaharaj of Sakori, who blessed them. That night he had a dream in which a Brahman was giving a child. That dream came true on 19-09-1941 as a female child was born. They thought of building a mandhir at their village. It was completed and inaguarated by BVN Swamy on 22.01.1942. Sacrad Dhuni also started with fire brought from Shirdi Dwarakamai. On 24.04.1943 it appers that was a first mandhir of Sai the place was considered as second Shirdi. Is it not a confirmation of Baba's assurance "I shall be ever active and vigours even after leaving this earthly body."
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #65 on: May 15, 2008, 03:47:40 AM »
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  • Baba has continued to protect and bless his devotees from his samadhi.He has proved he is a living God as the following accounts of his devotees show.We begin with two incidents among many mentioned by Narasimha Swamiji

    This happened in Coimbatore in amil Nadu in January 1943.Sai Bhajan was going on in the Sai Mandir one evening.Suddenly a snake appeared and moving towards the installed picture of Baba lay before it and listened to the bhajan.It frightened nor harmed by anyone.After 9pm,the devotees dispersed and when they returned the next morning they were surprised to see the Cobra still there near  Baba's picture.They chanted verses in praise of Baba and showered rose petals on budge from the place.Then a photographer came and took a picture of the cobra with the heap of flowers on it.It was only at midday that the cobra ,which had come there the previous evening,left the mandir.The devotees had no doubt that it was Baba who had come there in the form of the snake to bless them.

    At Ramachandrapuram in Andhra Pradesh Sai devotees found on day that flowers and plantains that were offered during worship of Baba's picture contained inscriptions.When a big garland of 1000 roses was placed on Baba's picture thousands of the word 'Sai' were found inscribed on the rose petals in Telugu as also the words 'Om Sai' .More surprising still,the naivedya placed before Baba's picture was accepted by Baba.This became evident when a part of the offering was found missing.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline PrabhaJagan

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #66 on: May 15, 2008, 08:38:25 PM »
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  • Oh Sai,
    Thank you for guiding me to read all your leelas. Sai.

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #67 on: May 16, 2008, 03:25:26 AM »
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    I am Sai Aparna. I am devotee of SaiBaba. On November 25th 2005, I had an eye infection. It pains a lot, and it was Friday. On Monday, doctor visits to our city & I thought of consulting him. Meanwhile I should to near by doctor. He is not Sure of what it is and gave medicines. On Sunday night I had too severe pain such that if I hit my head to the wall also strongly (I made it practically) I couldn't feel sense because of pain. All my family members are worrying about me. Meanwhile my mother bought BABA’s Udi and applied on my head and in mouth.
    After applying Udi with that pain only I sang Baba's song and unknowingly I went to sleep. Next day when I visited doctor he said it is Herpis zoster and he is not sure of sight. I suffered with it for 3 months and I prayed to Baba to give me good eye sight. After one week check up doctor was surprised and said you are so lucky. This all happened because of Baba. Not only this Baba had showed me many incidents. I want to share this happiness moment to all devotees. So I am sending my real experience. If you have 100% faith in Baba then he will surely help him.
    Sai Aparna


    I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai. I want to share my experience with Sai devotees. Once I had a dream. That was first time when I saw Sai.  The dream was like this. I was sleeping. Suddenly my mother-in-law called me saying Sai is in our Balcony. I was thrilled and ran out to see Sai. His back was towards me. When he heard my Voice.  He turned to me and suddenly there was light around him and he grew big.  This was only for a second. again he became normal.  That was the dream.  After this dream there was lot of change in me.   After that there were so many miracles
    jai sree sai ram!

    Posted by Lakshmi Ramanand
    Sun, Mar 11, 19:19
    Sai Ram What can I write about Baba I had promised Baba to write my experiences in this website. I do not know where to start...When we first immigrated from India to New  Zealand we had been through many tough times but it was Baba who was always with us, our pillar of strength who helped us to settle well here. We recently shifted from New Zealand to Australia and Baba helped my husband in getting a very good job.

    Both of us were in good jobs in New Zealand but had found out that education system was very good in Australia, so decided to immigrate to Australia for our kids future. Also from the information we had gathered, cost of living was also very reasonable in Australia compared to NewZeland. Our faith in Baba gave us the strength to take this risk of resigning our jobs in Newzeland. My husband quit his current job and came to Australia in search of job. He attended couple of interviews but no one had got back to his consultant. The only feed back from 2 of the3 interviews he had attended was that they had few other candidates to interview and they would get back to him. It was time for me to hand over our house in  NewZelandand start for Australia. I was in New Zealand with my kid’s mom who had come to help us move. Our only hope was Baba. I was praying Baba day night as we had no strength to face and start life all over again in a new country. The first thing Baba arranged for my husband was accommodation.
    We knew no one in this country. Suddenly, one day, we met an old friend who offered to help us with accommodation in Australia as he had a very good friend living there since past 3 years. This person in Australia helped my husband to get accommodation with few other bachelors. These youngsters were very good and helped my husband a lot. They were moving to another house very soon but they spoke to their real estate agent who offered to give us this house for 2 months to live. Back to job search, 2 weeks past, first day of the 3rd week was a Monday, it was time for us to pack off start to Australia within 2 weeks. That evening I was very sick also feeling very tensed as to what we would do if my husband did not get a job. I got a call from my husband saying he would wait for one more week and if he did not hear back from any companies, he would come back and look for a job again in New Zealand. I was hurt, I still feel very guilty for blaming Baba. I consider Baba to be my father, my father passed away when I was 16. After my husband hung up, I looked very angrily at Baba's photo forgive me Baba and said to him r u not with me and my family I thought you were always with me and u r doing this to me. Then I rang my in-laws I feel very close to my in-laws and ring whenever I face any problems to inform that we may not immigrate and what my husband had said.
    My father-in-law said never mind, whatever is best will happen do not worry. Even they were feeling sad. As I hung up, I got a call from my husband again and he was sounding very happy and said 'CONGRATS', I was already very sick did not understand what he meant and said why r u saying congrats he informed me as soon as I hung up his consultant rang him to give the good news that he got the job ALL BABA'S GRACE I gave the good news to my mum first who was with me at home...poor thing she was not expressing her feeling all this time but only praying Baba then.  I rang my in-laws immediately and told them. My mother-in-law then informed me that when I had rang them earlier and was very sad she prayed Baba to save us from this situation and SHOW HIS MIRACLE and Baba had answered our prayers THANK YOU BABA In the next 2 weeks my husband came back to Auckland, we performed a Ganapati Homam in Ganesh temple here, he came back to Melbourne to arrange everything for us. My mom left for India and I with my 2 kids came to Melbourne. Its been 2 weeks and this is my 3rd week here. Baba has been helping us everyday I feel Baba is more like a family person to me, like my dad. He has helped us to find a house, a good school for my son a day care for my little one. There is no limit for Baba’s miracles. May Baba be with everyone Thank you Baba for being with me my family. I surrender myself my family to you. Please increase in us faith, devotion and patience. 
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #68 on: May 16, 2008, 03:30:24 AM »
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  • Sairam,
    I am a follower of Shirdi Sai and I would like to share one of my experiences that put a dramatic change in our life. Last year from August, I was laid off for four months after six years of service in a reputed company. That shattered my faith and hope of existence in this country, and constantly I prayed to Baba, and even thought about going back to India. At that time Uncle Saibanisaji used to advise that Baba is aware of my situation and He is presenting a good opportunity. I could not believe, as we started spending from our savings.
    On the Thursday 19th December last year, I had a dream of Shirdi Sai, which I vividly remember even now. It was early morning around 2 am or so. I was walking with lot of people in a spiritualistic place, and someone shows me the footprints on the grass, saying that Baba has walked through this way.  And he says, if I want to see Shirdi Sai, I must take that path and follow.  I go through that path, and it leads me to a big tree with lot of branches and huge shade underneath. I see people walking around in circle of the tree, where a big tomb is kept. The tomb tops is open and see the body of Shirdi Sai lying there. His structure looks wooden and as if He has been therein that state lifeless. When I approach his body, to touch for Blessings, suddenly Sai wakes up and throws a wood or something at me angrily saying "You wanted this, take it" and immediately .His angry face turned into a smile, with His teeth showing and wrinkles in eyes.  This is happening while all the people of going around in circles. I was startled and woke up suddenly.
    Exactly one week later, I was called for an interview and was placed in a position in Chicago by a company, amidst confusion of pay, visa etc. I started working from there, and continuing with His Grace, moved my family etc. I am now under the strong influence of Sai that nothing happens without His will, and if we have full faith in Him and worship, there will always be constant happiness and peace in our lives.
    Thank you,

    I want to share my experience with all the Sai Devotees.

    In the last year September, my father was very ill suddenly his health got affected as he stopped smoking suddenly. One night around 11 pm he fell down and could not recognize me and my mother. We were not having at least 10 Rs in hand to take my father in the auto to doctor and it is night 11 pm. really everybody says that god is there He will help! He will help ....seriously in my father case god Sai helped. So around 11pm we called my father friend and explained him the situation of my father. Normally he will not be available because of his busy schedule and that day luckily he is just near to my home. with his help we admitted my father at hospital. He was admitted for 10 days day by day situation is becoming worst as my father is not eating anything. Then one day I came home to take food for my father and saw myfather tulsimala and rudraksha which was there before baba...out of uncontrollable

    tension, I cried before baba very badly and believe me my father health started improving bit day by day and doctors said he can be discharged from hospital. Now he is fine doing with the grace of Baba going to temple and coming he is able to do his work.
    Really I saw Baba!! Usually at night times I used to see my father for 5 to 10 times whether he is sleeping or not, how is his health and all...and suddenly one night I saw Baba came walking and sat beside my father and kept his hand on my father shoulder. Really I saw him what to say about Baba miracles. Really my father health is cured by Baba only.

    Baba you are great.

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #69 on: May 17, 2008, 06:26:46 AM »
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  • SaiRam!

    This E Book “From the Satsanghs of Saibanisa” is very interesting and I will request all our devotees in Thanjavur --Tamil Nadu to read this marvellous book.

    Baba had come to Thanjavur of his own accord somewhere in 1949. Two Boxes were brought from Thanjavur Station by an elderly person and deposited in a shop saying he would come and collect them. Since nobody came to get item my father Advocate was asked to open and he found Baba's Marble statue and stone and

    he built a small temple in his agricultural land in 1950 and this was rebuilt as a Big Temple with the help of Sri K.V.Ramani of Shri Shirdi Baba Trust Chennai, now to cater lot of devotees. I request you and your wife to please visit our Temple as Baba is unique here as he had come of his own accord-

    -K.B.-Swaminathan, Managing Trustee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Trust Thanjavur. 58 M.K.Moopanar Road Thanjavur-613 001

    jai sree sai ram!

    Om Sai Ram! Lord Sai ram has helped me and my husband in innumerable ways. It was some   nine years back when I first experienced his miracle. I had lost my admission ticket of the common entrance exam.  When I prayed to him he made me obtain that within minutes. Recent one is of my marriage.  My uncle n aunt wanted me to get married to his relative who is a businessman.  They made us talk to each other over the phone. When we started to like each other the shocking news came up that our horoscopes don’t match. Everybody who supported us in the beginning opposed us saying that this marriage would not work out since my qualification is higher than his. We both are the devotees of Baba.  All our relatives including my parents were against the wedding .but Baba made my parents agree for the wedding and now we are married because of his blessings. I know he will never let us down. His miracles are beyond our understanding. He is great and very caring and loving. He makes us feel his presence always.

    jai sree sai ram!
     Dear Sai Bhaktas
    Om Sai  Shri Sai  Jai  Jai Sai
    My pranaams to you all.  I have gone thru' the site and full of bliss, tears roll down my cheeks.  I have been to Shirdi in the year 1975 and may be in the Lendi Baugh, I am Indira Bhagwatee Mulliah, from Mauritius and I came across Him in Person in the year 1975 and it’s only when He disappeared that I could recognize Him.... It was for a short moment when He told me that He lost a daughter same as me in the Ganges and when I enquired about her name.  He told me her name was Mehmooda.   Actually Mehmooda means Love.  Instantly I got a fatherly love for him and as soon as I was thinking of giving him a few paise, he instantly replied that I do not take money from anybody and that I cure millions of people everyday.   

    That time also, I could not grasp who He was.... and then He told me to bend down and he started blowing mantras in Urdu, Hindi and broken English over my head. He was just dressed as Shirdi Baba in white and his head was tied up with a white material..

     I then forced Him, of course not knowing who He was to take a coca cola drink with me, but He refused ... and then I dragged him by his hand to take one with me , Finally, he took the bottle, and while I was talking to others nearby, He vanished.... I’m dead sure, it was Shirdi Baba, for when I came back to my country , I read a book 'The incredible Sai Baba"  by Arthur Osborne and its written on the 1st page that He Greets His Devotees As A Long Lost Child. OH My God, I wish I could renew this extraordinary Experience...But people say that it happens only once in a life time only.   
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #70 on: May 18, 2008, 01:46:30 AM »
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  • Beloved Sairam,
    In all the difficulties, problems and unfavorable circumstances of our life, Baba is close by. Baba said, "I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in your hearts" in Sri Sai Satcharitra ch.3. We can talk to Him, lean upon Him, get help from Him, and have the inestimable benefit of His interest, support and help. Practically everybody believes in general way that this is true and many have experienced the reality of this faith.

    In getting correct solutions to your problems, however, it is necessary to go a step further than believing this, for one must actually practice the idea of presence. As Baba declared "Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that, all what you do is known to Me." (SSS Ch.3) Hence practice believing that Baba is as real and actual as your father, mother, wife, brother, sister, business partner or your closest friend. Practice talking matters over with Him; believe that He hears and gives thought to your problem. Assume that He impresses upon your mind through consciousness the proper ideas and insights necessary to solve your problems. Definitely believe that these solutions there will be no error, but that you will be guided to actions according to truth which results in right outcomes.

    It happened to us when myself along with Sri. Saibanisa Gopal Rao Garu and Sri. Balu of Chennai were looking for a bus or van to go to Anna Baba Prarthana Mandir from Maha Meru Sai Baba Mandir, near Mahabalipuram after attending Maha Kumbabishekam on April 3rd, 2003. It was severe hot; there is no hope of getting any transport, as the place was neither a bus stop nor a place to arrange a van for our journey. To our surprise all devotees who came from Chennai had retained their vehicles for their return journey. As we know Sri Saibanisa GopalaRao Garu is very close to Baba and talking to Him daily as his close companion, asked Baba to arrange transport for us. No surprise, a car stopped near us and took us to Chennai and it is another 'Jamner Miracle' like incident, the owner of the car was fully surrendered soul of Shirdi Sai Baba. Throughout our journey, he narrated his Sai experiences. He considered Sai Baba as his only place of refuge. Practically he surrendered in toto and considers himself as His instrument. Hence he always feels he is in the hands of Baba and experiencing the presence of Baba in his day to day life.

    While drinking these divine nectar, "Go wherever you wish, over the wide world, I am with you, My abode is in your heart and I am within you." (SSS Ch.15) feel His presence from this moment. Believe yourself Baba is always with you and within you, never search anywhere else.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
    Ever yours,
    At the Feet of the Master
    N. Sivanandam
    Surya Prasad, Bahrain, UAE

    Baba helped me so many times in my life. I came to Bahrain on job and I got help from Baba in each and every aspect regarding my work and our family issues. In our house Baba is neither sadguru nor god for us but he is a part of our family. I left my father, mother and brothers in India and not maintaining good relations with any of them because of family problems. Baba is everything to me. My three year old daughter thinks Baba is her grand father she don't remember her actual grandpa since she was very young when she saw them. She talks to Baba photo and treats Baba like her grandpa.

    Whenever myself or my wife shouts her she will go and complain to Baba. Every night she will say good night to Baba before going to bed. We treat Baba as elder of our family. Few days back we went to Indian Embassy to take new passports for my two daughters. My younger daughter was having fever and she vomited in the night. But in the morning she seemed to be alright and we took her to Indian Embassy. Myself and my wife was busy filling up the forms and my daughters were playing there. I completed my formalities and I saw my younger daughter fainted on the floor. I took her up on the shoulder and ran for the phone to call for emergency ward. Unfortunately it is very difficult to get the taxis near the Embassy. My wife and elder daughter were crying. All the people standing there were many suggestions like to take to the hospital give her some water. In the meantime one local taxi wala came from somewhere and offered help to take us to the hospital. We rushed in his car to the hospital.

    On the way my daughter vomited so many times and I way busy cleaning her mouth. My wife was continuously crying. Taxi wala was keeping on consoling us telling that there is no problem for my daughter and she will be alright. He dropped us at the emergency ward and asked to rush inside. I asked him to wait till I come back. He said not to think about anything and go inside. We rushed inside and admitted her and I came back after finishing necessary paper work to look for the taxi wala. To my surprise I didn't find him anywhere. While taking the treatment and when my daughter was sleeping on the bed quietly taking saline, my wife told me that when I am busy cleaning my daughter's vomiting she observed that taxi wala was murmuring something and touched my daughter's body and said KALLAS In Arabic it means "finish". After listening to this I came to a conclusion that the Baba came to help us as taxi wala in my difficult times. I recollected the story of Nana Chandorkar's daughter in Baba's life history book where he will send one of his followers to Nana giving Udi and aarathi in right time and save her life during delivery. When they came out to see the tangawala and find him nowhere. Nana says "SAI You will follow your devotees like a shadow and help them everywhere and in all times whenever they need you". I couldn't explain my feelings after experiencing this and said many thanks to BABA. What can I do to Baba other than developing more trust on him. He will always test his devotees trust and at the same time he helps them.

    Rajaram Venkatakrishnan Thirteen years ago I had to rush to see my grandfather (who is As maharaj's staunch devotee) who was admitted in the hospital for obstruction of gall bladder. I was a first year medical student and the doctors explained to me about the details of the problem and the need for the surgery. Together we tried to convince him for surgery. Surgery was scheduled the next morning and I stayed with in his room that night. In the middle of the night my grandfather woke me up and asked me whether I touched his head? I told him that I did not wake up until he woke me up. Next day morning ,to everybody's surprise said he felt better and said that in his dream Baba put his hand in stomach and pulled out something and placed his hand on his forehead. That is when he woke up. Repeat investigation showed no evidence of the gall stone and he is pain free till now. This is one of many incidents that happened in his life.
    jai sree sai ram!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #71 on: May 19, 2008, 03:01:25 AM »
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  • M. H. Gopal Rao (Sai Nivas, Cement Nagar, Po. Bardol, Dist. Bargarh, Orissa.) :-

                In 2004, I was working in the Cement Factory situated in Bargarh Dist. Orissa. After taking voluntary retirement, I built a house ‘SAI NIVAS’ near the factory on private land. After construction, I felt an acute shortage of funds to manage my household. My son’s wedding was fixed and I did not have the requisite amount to meet the expenses.

                I tried for a personal loan in 2-3 banks; but failed for obvious reasons. All of us prayed to Sai to save us from this crisis. It was our good fortune that once while we were discussing this, a lady acquaintance dropped in and understood our problem. She asked us to go with her to the nearby Gramiya Bank and introduced us to the Bank manager, requesting him to help us with a loan. After fulfilling the necessary formalities the loan was sanctioned and our problem was solved. My L..I.C. policy matured at the same time and helped me to some extent. This is truly a miracle of Baba.

                Soon after the wedding my son and daughter-in-law got good jobs in Pune. They visited Shirdi to take Baba’s Darshan and blessings and are now leading a decent life by the grace of Baba.

                There was no Pucca road near my house Sai Nivas and so all the inhabitants of the area were facing problems daily for many years.  All of us tried to solve the problem too. Suddenly one day the Sarpanch came to our place and announced that a road would be constructed within a month and he kept his promise. Today we have a Pucca road. Thanks to the grace of Baba. [/color] [/b]
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #72 on: May 19, 2008, 05:11:53 AM »
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  • In 1931, I was involved with digging up the earth and laying drainage pipes with large number of workmen. One noon I slept on the bund of the channel under tree. I felt that I was shaken and roused from sleep. Baba then in my sleep said, "Get up. A man is being buried, owing to the slipping of the earth. Go and remove him at once". I woke up, called coolies and cycled up to the place of the accident which was two miles off. I found that the two sides of the trench had come down and buried twenty men. We dug up the earth. All of the buried men escaped with very little hurt. One man was seriously hurt. He was bleeding in the nose and mouth and his eyes bulged out. He wanted to be taken to his home in a cart. That was done. He dies there. But for Baba's rousing me, he would have died in the works and more would have hurt (or died) and I would have had great trouble to meet the inquiry. In this case of accident, an inquiry was held by the Collector (District Magistrate) two months after the event, and I was not taken to task. This is very remarkable help from Baba.

    Sairam to All,
    I would like to share this wonderful experience with you all. This was on 22nd July 2003,when my father (Sri.D.Sankaraiahji, Hyderabad) was alone at home as others had gone out. He noticed about 15 boys came to the neighbour's house for collection. He wanted to avoid them as their dress and behavior etc indicated something abnormal. He bolted the two doors and came
    through the main door. Without his notice, he pulled the door which has self-locking arrangement. He had to be outside for 2 hours. Somebody suggested to call a carpenter or a lock repairer. After waiting for a long time outside, an idea flashed across his mind. As
    everyone knows, BABA is OMNIPRESENT. So he started praying Baba to open the door from inside. He also started knocking the door repeating "Sai Sai". Suddenly the door was opened. Though it appears unbelievable, I swear in the name of Sai, it did happen. Baba takes care of HIS children all the time.
    Sai Eshwari

    Bindiya, USA

     On Friday, May 19 I had a dream. I saw an evil voodoo doll, something like you see in African black magic, in a store I was shopping at. As soon as I tried to get closer, it turned its ugly head and with a twisted smile threw me across the room. After a couple of electric shocks, I walked out scared and worried. Suddenly out of nowhere, I had Baba's moorti, a pure white Marble moorti in my hand. I drew strength from it and walked back into the store. This time I was scared as well, but nothing happened, then I knew Baba was shielding me, protecting me against all harm. I got up in sweat. I had been pretty tensed due to my son's admission in a good school. We are Sikhs. I wanted a school in which my son's turban will be totally accepted and he would not be subjected to any kind of teasing. But being in America, it seemed impossible.

    Already the subtle discrimination against him was getting to me. After a fruitless search for a year, we finally decided to cut his hair. I was desperate. No school yet selected and admissions to all schools were almost closing. We called lots of friends and relatives both clean-shaven and proper Sikhs. But the more we thought of difficulties in future, the stronger our determination became to save our beloved child from everything. Meanwhile things started going downhill, as soon as we decided that. I prayed, pleaded, asked Baba to show me the right way. Time was whizzing by. Still he was on a waiting list for a good private school, which was our first choice. My husband started facing trouble in his business. I lost my sleep at night. I kept awake till 3-4 at night trying to find a way out. Doing continuous Naamsmaran.

     Remembering Baba, deliberately trying to keep awake because I wanted to remember Baba. Doing that till I finally collapsed into exhausted sleep. Anyone who has a child will know how stressful it is to find the right school for your kid. And then I had this dream to worry about. On Saturday, I completed my Satcharita parayan, I was reading a chapter daily. Made Prasad, lay my head on his Moorti and cried. Cried for my son, for my husband, for my troubled sister,for Darshan's father, for Satyabhamaji's relative.

    On that very day I saw his photo on Zee TV which we get through satellite. I knew then he was listening. On Sunday when we had decided to take him to a Barber. Just before we were supposed to leave, I received a call from one of my friends. When they realized our intent, they immediately stopped us and told us that it was against our religion. I questioned back, what has hair got to do with religion? They had no logical answer. Just that it was rules, which I had to follow. The argument went back and forth for two hours. Suddenly in the middle of argument a light flashed in my mind. Rules... the word stuck. Why follow them if they make no sense? Something he said made me think. Totally shaken, I sat down. Baba has asked for unconditional faith. Total surrender. And what was I doing? Questioning him? I shook in horror. Baba has chosen this religion for me for a reason. Who am I to question its rules? If I do that, indirectly I would be questioning Baba. And that to me was even more blasphemous than my religion. He could have made life easier for me.

    Given me a religion in which none would have objected to his worship. Given me an easier choice for my son. He didn't. Instead I had to deal with opposition from in-laws, American atmosphere and a bad luck which was no fault of ours.

    In Satcharita, Baba scolds a man for changing his Father...his religion. Rules that don't make sense to me, are there, given by my Sai for a reason. And instead of surrendering to His will, I was doing the opposite. Totally wrung out, I went into my pooja room. There next to Guru Granth Sahib, lay Satcharita. Opened the book at random, and the story about the lost coin came up. The son got a new coin from Baba whom his mother told to worship with rituals as followed by ancestors. There and then I decided to keep his hair. And face the world. The phone rang again. My sister calling to say her situation has suddenly improved, she doesn't know what happened but suddenly it was much better. Next day my son sat for an entrance test to another school. He cleared that even though the test was tough, to say the least.

    As I was coming back I decided to say hello to a teacher in the school where he was on waiting list. I dropped in the office and they told me that a student had dropped out ten minutes ago. And I had the seat if I wanted it. Here I was deciding between two schools when yesterday, I wasn't even sure that he will get in even one! My husband comes back from work and says that the client is reconsidering, so things might just work out! It was as if Baba was showering me love from all sides. I feel totally empty, at peace right now after the emotional roller coaster I have been through. I have selected the school in which I know he will be respected . By the way, right now I am in the middle of the Saptah Parayan of Satcharita, which I started after the horrific dream I had on Friday. So here is to my Baba, may I pass all his tests. May he trample my ego and teach me total surrender again and again, till I get it.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #73 on: May 21, 2008, 08:09:46 AM »
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  •  Baba cured the paralysis of the daughter of a close friend of Shri Y. Nagarjun Rao of Hyderabad.....

    It was in the year 1970 that I happened to visit Mumbai on some personal work. As it was my first visit, I went sight-seeing to several places in and around Mumbai. Suddenly, I felt that I should go to Shirdi and visit the Mahasamadhi of Shri Sai Baba, more out of curiosity than devotion. But, the visit had to be put off because of my brother-in-law’s arrival from the United States.

    I was very much disappointed and silently prayed to Baba that if He were God, He should bless me with an opportunity to go to Shirdi. Meanwhile, a very interesting thing happened. We received a cable that my brother-in-law’s scheduled arrival was postponed on account of his prolonged stay en route. Thus the seeds of faith were sown in my heart by the unexpected accomplishment of my desire.

    I immediately searched for a person who could help me with the details of the pilgrimage. When I was going from Andheri to Dadar by local train, I surprisingly came across a devotee of Shri Sai Baba, who guided me with minute details. Thus my very first visit to the shrine proved to be a pre-planned sankalpa of Baba Himself to draw me towards Him.

    After taking a bath, I went for Darshan, which made me extremely happy. For a moment there appeared nothing but Sai Baba in everything in Shirdi. I prayed to Baba that He should help me with His grace and give me solace and comfort throughout my life. I happened to make a study of the several books available in Shirdi which gives one the feeling that Baba is not merely a superhuman form but omnipotent God Himself. Since then, my faith in Baba steadily increased.

    Once, one of my close friends was blessed with a daughter. Unfortunately, she had an attack of paralysis, and as a result of this, she was unable to move her hand. My friend felt unhappy, as the treatment did not produce the required result. He had lost all hopes of her recovery and felt dejected.

    I gave him a little Vibhuti (Udi) which I had brought from Shirdi and asked him to apply it to the affected hand with complete faith in Baba’s mercy.

    Though he was personally not a believer in Shri Sai Baba, he consented to do it on my persistance. He told me that he would worship Baba as God if the Vibhuti helped the recovery of the child in any way.

    After the application of Vibhuti, there was a tremendous improvement and very soon the baby recovered, responding to the medical treatment very well. This in itself was a big surprise to the physician, as he himself was not quite confident about the outcome of his trial.

    The grateful father of the child has become an ardent devotee of Shri Sai Baba. Such is the kindness of Shri Sai Baba Who responds to the call of humanity, if only the person looks to Him.

    Baba fulfilled the wishes of Shri D. B. Potnis, 88, Juna Bazaar, Khadki, Poona.....

    I used to serve under a doctor in Poona for Rs. 6/- per month. In December 1940, I wanted to give a job application in the Defence Department. I went walking, carrying my application.

    After reaching a chowk, I was not aware of the way and asked a tongawalla. He was very old. Instead  of telling me the way, the old man asked me to sit in his tonga. I told him that since I had no money, I would prefer walking. But, he said that it was his own tonga and asked me to sit in it.

    We reached the Military Defence Department. He took my application and presented it to the concerned officer on my behalf and went away.

    A few days later I was called for an interview. Again I met the same old man on my way. He told me to purchase a particular nib for writing as they would test my hand-writing. As I had no money, he himself

    purchased that particular nib with the pen-holder and gave it to me.

    I went and gave my interview. They asked me to write a paragraph as foretold by the tongawalla. I joined duty in the Defence Accounts Department on 5-2-1944.

    At that time I was also studying in Poona English School. On 14-5-1951, I accompanied the school boys on an excursion to Sinhagad. All the boys were exchanging the eatables purchased by them and they asked, what I had to give them. I was in a fix. Sitting empty handed under a mango tree. Suddenly, I noticed an empty match-box. I took it and opened it. To my surprise, there was a Rs. 10/- note in it. I gave it to my friends to purchase some eatables and distribute it amongst us. Thus my dignity was saved amongst my friends.

    I used to cook food using my brother’s vessels. My brother has two daughters and a son. I was transferred to Ahmednagar. One of my nieces and nephew and my own daughter were with me. I wanted to take the cooking vessels (of my brother) which I used in Poona with me. But, his daughter refused. I left all with her and left for Ahmednagar with only a katori and a spoon which were gifted to my daughter in her school and Baba’s photo.

    In Ahmednagar, Shri N. A. Agadgaonkar helped me stay in his house and his father gave me all the help till I got my required articles from his friend Shri Rasane’s shop. From thence onwards, I was well off.

    From Ahmednagar, I was transferred to Poolgaon in 1948. My four-year old daughter imagined seeing a serpent and wept continuously at midnight and afterwards every now and then, saying “serpent, serpent”. I did not know, what to do; as it was beyond medical reach.

    My neighbour kept her in his house one day, to see if her fear and weeping would stop; but in vain. At first, I thought that, may be she mistook a spider for a serpent. Then, I put a ghee lamp before Baba’s photo and prayed with all my heart to Baba, performing Aarati and offering dhoop. After that her imaginary serpents vanished and her weeping stopped. She was able to move about and live freely without any trouble.

    In 1949, I regularly read (1) Navnath Grantha (2) Guru Charitra and (3) Baba’s Satcharita. Once I began the ‘Parayan’ of Baba’s Satcharita and on the last day I performed Satyanarayan Pooja. I was reading the final (53rd) chapter of Baba’s Satcharita. In the Pooja mandap, a small mouse came and sat on a plantain leaf near the Pooja thali. It remained there until the ‘Parayan’ was complete and also for the Aarati. After the Aarati it went away on its own accord. We all thought that Baba Himself attended the Pooja in the guise of a mouse.

    Thus Baba fulfilled my desires and continues doing so as answer to all my prayers
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #74 on: May 21, 2008, 08:23:36 AM »
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  • Baba cured the chest pain of Shri T. Kuppuswamy SHastri s/o Ramaswamy SHastri Singaperumal Koil near CHENNAI.....

    I was troubled with chest pain for five years until 13-4-1939. Then, I received Udi and a picture of Shri Sai Baba from Ramnath Shastri. I used the Udi and prayed to Baba. Since then there was no more chest pain. That pain used to affect me everyday from 3.00 p.m. for about 15 minutes and again at midnight with great violence. I used to take soda powders to reduce the pain. But, after using Baba’s Udi, I had no pain at all and I do not use soda powder or any other medicine. This is a clear proof of the powers of Baba and His Udi.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid


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