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Offline fatima

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Re: Baba's leelas
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2008, 07:00:37 AM »
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    Om Sri Sai, I had so many experiences and with each experience, my devotion is becoming deep. I have been doing parayana for 10 weeks. I was very busy that I could not find any time to finish the last week parayana. I thought I would finish it on Wednesday but I had to go out for jewelry shopping for my brothers marriage. When we are ready to go, we could not find the gold we kept in a purse, which had to be taken along with us. We were so much tensed, I cried and prayed Baba why is this happening when I had been doing parayana for 10 weeks, then I said to Baba, I will start reading all the chapters and by the time I finish Wednesday's chapter I must find the gold. My mother and aunt were searching and I was reading Satcharita. When I finished all the chapters upto Tuesday and as soon I started Wednesday's chapter, my aunt came to me saying we found the purse. I was really surprised and was in tears .it means Baba wanted me to finish the last week parayana, so all this had happened. I also said that if I find the gold I would write my experiences in this site. In addition, my mother prayed that if we find the gold she would start parayana. Here is another experience. I am afraid to visit my in-laws place, because they quarrel for no reason. I prayed Baba to help me and see that they won't say anything to me. I stayed there for 10 days, they started small fights but ended up very soon before it became serious. They didn't say much about me. Apart from that they talked to me very well, I was surprised. I thought it is Baba that controlled them. I thank him once again deeply. Baba once again proved that he is with us and he is watching us.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!

    Mithun Boda
    With Baba's blessing I would like to share my recent experience with you all, all these miracles happened with in span of 1 week, I was blessed by Baba thrice, first I would like to start by thanking you Baba, thank you very much for being there with me always and protecting me. Thank you very much, please put hand on my head always and walk me through. One day I had a pain in my tooth, and I placed Baba's vibuthi on it and pain disappeared, one day in the morning when I got up suddenly I was feeling a pain in my ear. Usually this kind of pain persist for 3-4 days and I also use to visit doctor in India, this time I prayed to Baba and showed to Baba (I have beautiful pictures of Baba) asked Him to cure me. You won't believe suddenly I felt relieved, again today morning suddenly I had severe cold and I had to go to the work like that only. My colleagues asked me whether I was sick. I was feeling uncomfortable, then again, I prayed and asked Baba to cure it. The moment I prayed suddenly all my cold was gone. What a beautiful experience. I would like to thank Baba for taking care of me as a mother. Thank you very much Baba, Baba bless all your children, Baba protect them from all calamities, let them see You and only You. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!

    Sudha Chandrasekhar
    My mother experienced Baba's miracle this week, which I would like to recount to devotees. During her last two trips to Shirdi, she bought copies of the Satcharita in English to do Parayanam. Unfortunately, both copies had several chapters missing. About 3 weeks ago, I emailed the Shirdi Sansthan and requested them to kindly look into this matter, as she was unable to complete the Namasaptaha. Shirdi Sansthan immediately replied, apologizing for the error, and said they were dispatching two copies of the Satcharitha by airmail with Baba's blessings. These books have not yet arrived. In the meantime, we are undergoing some other difficulty for which my mother is reading the Satcharitha using the existing books. She was mentioning that perhaps we should combine the chapters from the two books so that we can have one complete version of the text. On Wednesday she was reading the book where she had previously written on the front cover that chapters 9-13 were missing. On opening the text, all the missing chapters were completely present and a dried rose petal (which had been given in Shirdi) flew from the book into her right hand! We are confident that this is Baba's way of saying our difficulties will be solved. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!

    Sai devotee
    Let me share my wonderful experience that happened only just because of Baba's immense mercy. Baba solved our family problem in his unique way simply. I do not know how to express effectively. My sister's marriage was a big problem in our family. No match is getting finalized. She dint even settle with a job. All our prayers are always aimed at her settlement. I used to pray to Baba always about her welfare. My first plea to Baba was always about her settlement in life. Both my spouse and myself always prayed for her. Three years back Baba (in the form of a very old man) once appeared in my husband's dream and in that he asked Baba as to when he will settle her marriage. He did not remember the date but he remembered the month that Baba told i.e. somewhere in August. He told all this to me and I was very happy that the old man is none other than our Baba. From then we always waited in the month of August every year that something would happen and she will get settled. But in vain. But my faith never turned low. I always felt that Baba's words never go false. Even a chapter in Sai Satcharitra has emphasis on this. So many things happened. Three years passed. But somewhere I always got reminded that Baba would definitely do something and help us. I tried many times to post in Prayer club requesting devotees to pray on behalf of my sister but it was not published all the times. Then I thought that Baba has something in his view and stopped posting articles and decided to post only after she gets married narrating the mercy of my Lord. One match came, which was almost settled, and everything was OK. But in that case also I dint ask Baba that he should settle this match. I just prayed " Baba you know what is best for us. If it is your will then this match will be finalized. Everything is your mercy". The match got finalized. I don't know what is going to happen.

    Somehow from the very beginning my spouse didn't have good impression about the match after observing the way they are behaving. All of a sudden they said they don't want to go further and just disappeared without any contact or any intimation. We were totally shocked. Our family was in total despair. Did not know what to do. I collapsed on hearing the news. I wept before Baba about the matter. Then somewhere my inner voice told that Baba would never allow His devotee to perish in despair. I got reminded of the words from Sai Satcharitra " Baba never turns down his devotees. He knows better than anyone what is good for his devotees according to their eligibility. He will never let anything adverse to happen. Keep unflinching faith in him. Keep Shraddha and Saburi." These powerful words consoled me. From then I did not ask Baba about her marriage or anything. I simply prayed to Baba to just take care of us and totally surrendered to him and put the burden on him. My faith increased in that tough time. One day early in the morning a wonderful dream came in which I was in Baba's temple and glaring at Baba's Murthy silently. Suddenly the Moorthi turned into a vibrant, glowing live Baba with golden Mukut and he just started smiling at me. I just prostrated before Baba and again I asked when my sister's marriage would happen. Baba again smiled in his usual way. Then he started giving Prasad but I told him the worship of your feet is more than anything and I just held Baba's feet with reverence, shedding tears of joy on his feet". I woke up and I was in great joy. What a wonderful dream? How lucky am I. I touched Baba's feet in my dream. What else is required other than a place at His holy feet? I was in total ecstasy. I felt everything in this world is trivial other than Sadguru's mercy. I told my husband about the dream. I thought Baba has something in his mind. Just after 4 days one match has come.

    They came and they got interested in our match and immediately the same day they expressed their willingness. Next to next day engagement was over and the marriage was celebrated very grandly within two weeks of time in August only as Baba told. We were very happy. The guy n his family is very good. See Baba's miracle. Even though we had very little time everything got arranged very well in time and the function was very successful. We dint expect that we can make such arrangements. It's all Baba's mercy. He rescued our family. Not only in this issue but Baba helped us always and he was always there with us in our toughest times lending his Abhayahastam. What we are today is Baba's Bhiksha. It is all Baba's mercy. I don't know how to express my gratitude except to worship him and pray sincerely. I request humbly everyone to keep faith in our merciful Lord Sai Ram and try to follow his principles in our daily lives. Rest Baba will take care of us. All glories to Sai Ram. All glories to the great devotees. Jai Sai Ram. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #31 on: April 07, 2008, 07:02:42 AM »
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  • Shashank Mehta and Dhara, Bangkok
    Om Sri Sai Ram, Om Jai Jai Baba. We want to share our experience of Baba's mercy and kindness. My wife was pregnant of four months baby, once she felt no moving inside or no felling, we got worried and went to hospital. Dr. has checked her for at least 25 to 30 min and after his initial checks up, Dr has said there are no heartbeats and no moving so there is some problem in side for sure. Then he did sonography but still he has with the same opinion. We both were worried like anything. Then after Dr. has suggested us to go for ultrasound. Before Ultrasound, we had to wait for 1:30 to 2:00 hours as the specialist was not there, and this time was very crucial for us. We both were thinking we never did wrong to anybody or not think even then why this is going to happened with us? We both were crying and try to accept this bitter reality. Same time I told my wife, Don't worry, do think of Baba only, Baba is here only and seeing us, Our baby is gift of Baba and he will take care of it for sure. We both were seating in hospital and waiting for our turn. Then we went for Ultrasound, Between the Ultrasound Process, At least after five or seven min baby got started moving, after finished the process, Dr. has declared everything is normal. We both were so happy as we have another life. When we came out from hospital my wife told me, I spoke to BABA in my heart that we will bring our baby to Shirdi for his blessings, And that time my eyes were full of tears as I was supposed to tell her the same thing. Baba has just given us a very sweet and healthy baby boy on October 7th. Baba, we wanted to come to Shridi in coming January, please permit us to do so, kindly accept our Sat Sat Pranam.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #32 on: April 07, 2008, 07:06:52 AM »
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  • Vidya Bhavsar
    Om Sai Ram. This is my experience from 22 years ago. That time we were living in India. I was expecting our second child. We tried three times to get a US visa, but it was refused. One day, Sai Baba came in my dream and told me "visa mil jayega," which means "you will get Visa." We were wondering why this would be possible because it was refused three times. One day we got an offer from Canada, which was refused before. The university where my husband was offered a job wanted him to join as soon as possible. For the Canadian visa, a physical exam was required and it takes some time for processing. So my husband went to the Canadian consulate and explained the situation. And to our surprise and by Baba's grace, she said no problem! She told my husband to go straight to the doctor's office and get it done. She called the doctor's office and told them to give the reports to my husband. (Doctors are not normally allowed to give the reports) The next day, my husband had the physical exam, picked the reports and went to the consulate with the reports. By Sai Baba's blessing it was all right and she gave the visa. Next week my husband came to Canada and I joined him after with our two sons. Today, we are living in Canada happily with Sai Baba's blessings. May Sai Baba's blessings remain with all of us. My koti koti namasakar to his holy feet.
    OM Sai Shiv Sai Jai Jai Sai. 
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #33 on: April 07, 2008, 07:27:52 AM »
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  • Shanta
    On a Wednesday of Feb 2003, I was informed by my Company that I was laid off, that day, and my last day was going to be the end of that week. This news was very sudden and shocking to me as I was given several assurances from other groups that they have opportunities for me, and I will not be apart of the downsizing. So, I came back to my desk with my package, and prayed to Baba, and opened this website to take a look at his picture and pray to him. To my surprise, when I opened this site, next to His Holy picture it said, "Why Fear--I am here". That same evening I got a call from a senior manager from other group and was offered a job that very day. I have experienced numerous miracles from Baba in my life. This is one of the many experiences that I wanted to share with other devotees. I humbly pray to Baba to guide me and my family and do what He thinks that is best for us. We are humans, and are unable to understand his Leelas. I surrender completely to Baba. Jai Sai Baba!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #34 on: April 16, 2008, 04:49:51 AM »
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    Baba's miracles in my life
    Baba came to my rescue whenever I called him. Even for silly things, like not finding any important documents in the office, not able to do some work, meet people, or take a decision. I would like to share those miracles with you all.

    Not even a year of my visit to Shirdi, my elder brother came to me. He was all in tears. This was the third incident when I saw tears in his eyes. On earlier two occasions, the deaths in the family - my father and my brother. He was the General Secretary of all India workers' association of Brooke Bond and at the same time, the President of their Co-operative Society, which dealt with money etc. Being the President, he had the powers to sanction the loans to the needy workers and was authorized to sign the checks. He had given loans worth Rs.60, 000.00 to some of the workers who became defaulters and duped the money. He had not only passed the loans but also stood as guarantors for them.

    During the audit, my brother was held responsible for mismanagement and blamed for manipulation of Society funds. Though all were aware of the facts but some power crazy elements, waiting for an opportunity, took advantage of that situation to defame him, strip him off from the powers and position. They moved the matter to the Court. Now he had only one alternative, either pay the dues and save his skin or face the consequences. He came to me in that connection. Rs.60, 000.00 almost 24 years back, was a very big amount and I did not have that much hard cash with me and because of my differences with my husband, I did not take his help so I told my brother to dispose of my jewels I had left with my mother, valuing half of the amount, and asked him to manage the rest knowing too well, he won't be able to but I was helpless.

    He left the same day, fearing untoward to happen. Both my husband and I went to see him off at the station. When the trained moved, I removed that metal ring of Saibaba from my finger and threw at his direction, saying, Baba save him. Please do not bring shame and disgrace to him or our family. He was not culprit. We had suffered the worst but never had the accusation of swindling money or cheating people.

    After two days, the Court summoned him. The judge after giving a patience hearing of the versions, looked at my brother for sometime and said: This person can never cheat anybody or manipulate funds in his life. To me the allegations against him looked fabricated. It is a simple case of default. However, he being the President and guarantor is responsible to ensure that the amount is deposited in the Society. Since he is not capable of making the full payments, the Court orders him to pay off the dues in installments with interest.

    We all got a relief. Saibaba heard my prayers and saved him or else anything could have been happened like imprisonment with fine. His participation in union activities made him remain absent from work for days together every month, which affected his salary and it, took 20 long years to pay off the debts from the Society and until such time, I managed his family.

    (Contributed by Vijaya Nair) 

    My pranams and koti namaskaras at your lotus feet. This is a testimony to the power of reading "Sai Satcharitra". I am devotee of Baba for the past three years and I had the blessings of staying in Shirdi for 42 days in 2002 when I was literally on the streets. During my stay in Shirdi, I had the privilege of attending all the Aarthis and the palaki procession on every Thursday and reading of the "Sai Satcharitra" on daily basis. On returning back to Chennai, Baba blessed me with a job and right from then I had not looked back, but all of a sudden I lost or threw away my job six months back and I was back to square one. This is a very clear indication that I had not kept up the promises or most probably not practiced what has been written in Sai Satcharitra. Fifteen days back I informed my father that I had stopped praying to Baba, he was very disturbed on hearing this and he requested me to cling on to Baba's feet even in the time of distress. Yes, I regretted and immediately continued my poojas to Baba in a humble way and soon things started improving. The moment I started reading Sai Satcharitra, the very next day Baba blessed me with a good job. Dear devotees please read a chapter of Sai Satcharitra daily and experience by yourself the presence of Baba with you. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!

    I would like to share most recent experience. In the month of August, I came to USA for my studies and soon after 5 to 6 days, I had a insect bite on my right foot. It was getting worst day by day. This was the first time I came alone so far. I was suffering from unbearable pain and I was unable to even stand properly. I was feeling so lonely and was crying out because of pain. I prayed to Baba for help and to my wonder Baba came to help me in the form my new roommate, I hardly knew her at that time. She and her fiancé were Baba's devotees. They helped me a lot, she took very good care of me just like my mom. Getting a right person at right time is very important. I thought Baba send her to help me. Then doctor told me the insect bite will need 1 to 2 hour surgery, on the same day after an hour. I was scared because surgery without your near and dear ones is a pain. Then I talk to Baba and asked him to stay there with me at the time of operation and give me strength to bear this pain. It went out good. Now after 3 month, I am fully recovered. Saibaba is always there for you; you just have to open your eyes. Have faith and He will take care of you, no matter where you are.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #35 on: April 16, 2008, 05:01:44 AM »
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  • Lata
    This was in the month of May on a Saturday when I had organized Sai bhajans at our place. This incident happened with my son Avinash around 3 p:m. I had finished making prasad and wanted some snacks to be added to the prasad. My son immediately agreed to go and quickly buy some samosas from a store. It so happened, during this month we were also in the process of moving from an apartment to our Baba's blessed house and so I had a mover come in and give us an estimate for his labor charges. This all happened so quickly, one side my son left to get samosas and the other end this gentleman arriving. He went around the place and finally came to the kitchen where I was busy talking to Baba which is my normal habit asking my Master if the prasad cooked was OK and this man enters the kitchen and says, Wow that dal really looks delicious, low behold I realized my Baba has answered my question. Now before leaving, this man wished me goodbye 3 times coming again and again and telling me: "I'm going, I'm in a great rush". At this very moment, I realized it was my Baba all the time giving me some message and I could actually feel my Baba in him. Well I just felt it was my assumption. After a while, I called my son on his cell asking him to come soon and why did it take so long not realizing that he met with a major car accident. He never told me, infact he told me there's a big traffic jam so it might take little longer but within me something was warning me so I decided to sit with Baba and chat with Him till devotees arrived. There and then, my husband forced my son, whom he had already informed about the accident, to call me and let me about the accident. Of course, I started crying and praying to Baba that everything was OK with him and he was in one piece. Thus, I waited for them to come home and explain, and soon before the bhajans started they both arrived and my son explained everything in detail as to how Baba actually brought him out of this accident unscratched whereas the car was totally damaged. So just a small humble request to all Sai Baba devotees, have utmost faith in Master and leave the rest to Him. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!

    I am a great believer of Sai, but my wife is not. But an incident changed my wife's views and thoughts. On 1st December, 2005 my Boss told me that his wife with some of their guests would be going to Shirdi. In the evening, I told this to my wife. After this, I went to take a bath. While taking a bath suddenly it struck me that, I should also pay a visit to Shirdi. While having dinner, I told my wife that we all should go to Shirdi on my birthday i.e. 18th December. To my utter surprise, my wife told me that while cooking food she also had the same thought that we all should go to Shirdi, on my birthday. But she was little apprehensive in telling this to me, as we had just come back from leave and if she told me to take leave again I might get annoyed. While cooking the food, she took the name of Sai Baba and said she would believe in Him if we visit to Shirdi on my birthday could be made possible and luck could have it, I was the person who said lets go to Shirdi. " Sai Baba is Great". We have planned to visit Shirdi on 18th December 2005.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!

    Today being Sunday, I had spent more time in Puja and I was somehow felling emotional when I was singing a bhajan. After that, I started talking to Sai and was telling to the photo of Sai "Baba You should visit my house today". I was almost pleading with Him. Then after that I came to my routine jobs and in the evening, I was chatting on net with my family in India. Then my daughter was telling me that she saw Shirdi Baba's image at the entrance gate of Mantralayam. I was happy and told her "You will go to Shirdi also. Baba is with us. Please wait till Dad takes you there". It was 6:48 in the evening and I almost forgot my request to Baba, which I made in the morning. Then I got a call from one of my friends and she spoke to me for a while and at last told me that her child wanted her to cook the special rice, which I made few weeks back. Then I was explaining her and then suddenly I told her "Please come to my house. I will just make it and today I was requesting Baba to come to my house and your husband, an ardent devotee of Baba was in my vision today morning. So, I will be glad if you can come over". Then all of them came by 8:00 p.m. and I fully understood the Leela of Baba that he listened to my prayer in the morning
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #36 on: April 16, 2008, 05:13:50 AM »
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  • Janaki
    This miracle truly touched my heart. Once I went to Delhi for an official work. After two days, I was returning to Hyderabad. As I was new to this place, it was very hard for me to find a conveyance in Delhi. I had to travel alone to the airport. I hired an auto(taxi). As I was very new I never know where he was taking me, I passed a military area where there was not even a soul. After passing the military area, I arrived at the traffic junction. I almost started to cry in doubt whether the driver will reach me safe to the airport. Suddenly when I took a glance at the auto next to my auto I was traveling, there was a big Baba's photo. My joy knew no bounds and I started crying with joy. The auto was next, beside or in front of me until I reached the airport. The passenger in the other auto met me in the airport and we were co-passengers as she was also traveling with me in the same flight. This way Baba had saved me in a difficult situation, I will never forget in my life.
    Om Sai Ram.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #37 on: April 18, 2008, 10:42:48 AM »
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  • Great job fatima ji, Thank you very much. Baba bless you always.

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #38 on: April 20, 2008, 01:44:17 AM »
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  • Thanks for your encouragement.Adwaita Ji,May Baba bless u n your family always.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #39 on: April 20, 2008, 01:47:35 AM »
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  • Lorraine
    This year in March, our youngest brother Jeff suffered a heart attack, (our oldest brother Mike died at the age of 29 of a sudden heart attack). Jeff managed to get himself into hospital, where he suffered a second heart attack. By this time I prayed to Baba, who is my everything, to take care of Jeff, to help him get well and to be with him whatever was to happen. The surgeons decided (after an angiogram) that he would have to have surgery to unblock two arteries. I prayed to Baba even more, as a year ago, we lost 3 young relatives and a friend suddenly and prayed to Baba, to not let us have to go through another fatality or sadness. On the way into theatre, Jeff's heart stopped completely, I received the call (as I work in the same hospital and was a phone call away from theatre, and went into shock but begged Baba to save and help Jeff. Received another call from the surgeon himself, 10 minutes later, to say, even though Jeff had died for 6 minutes, they had managed to resuscitate him and were proceeding to surgery. After 5 hours in theatre, Jeff had 4 blockages not 2 as originally thought. Our family prayed and stayed with Jeff through his recovery, I placed Baba's udi on Jeff (with him or the family not knowing as they are not Shirdi devotees) and blessed him quietly and continued peacefully to talk to my beloved Baba. Jeff was discharged from hospital after a week, he was told to not go back to work or do anything strenuous for atleast 9 months. Jeff started to walk and work again within a month of his surgery and is now back to his normal self. But for the grace of Shirdi Sai, Jeff is well. Thanks/Koti pranams/nothing nothing nothing means anything to me except You my beloved Shirdi Sai Baba. Please continue to shower Your grace and blessings on all the family. You are my everything my Shirdi Sai, please continue to be so, and thank you anyway. Thank you also for the beautiful darshan You just gave me from the moon picture.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!

    Jai Sai Ram, being one among the thousands those who go through the green card process pain, ours started years back. Everything was happening at the last moment and we were patient and kept cool, as we know our Sadguru Sai will take care of everything. I kept reading Sai Satcharita everyday. We stopped both checking the status in USCIS website and the email from USCIS as there were no progress on the horizon. When it was time for EAD/AP renewal this year, we were little bit nervous, as there was a huge backlog due to date movements this year. I reached the middle of Sai Satcharita and saw the pictures of our Sadguru. Miracle of miracles, wonder of wonders, to our surprise on the same day we got our Green Card and welcome letter from USCIS. We were in tears and no words to express Sai's love to us. We humbly beg our Sadguru Sainath Maharaj to continue to bless us and have a healthy life. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!

    It so happened that on Monday I wanted to buy an idol of Baba made of marble polish a bit bigger in size from a shop where I had seen it some weeks back but when I went there to buy it it was no more there and was sold. Somewhere I knew the owner would find me another one, and I was obstinate that I wanted that idol at my home in any way. The shop owner asked me to come on Wednesday and was also qouting a higher price, I was not agreeing with the price in the beginning but on Wednesday when I saw the same idol I knew it was for me. I asked the price and he was stubborn that he would not reduce the price. Finally I agreed and bought the idol but on my way home I kept thinking that I should have bargained but again I thought it is only because of Baba that I have eveyrthing with me and I got the idol home. When my husband came back home from work, he gave me good news saying that he received his salary today with a very small amount being cut as tax and has recieved salary which he never thought of. I was so stunned and I knew it was Sai and nothing else, His mahima is only for His devotees. Baba thank you once again. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!

    I have been a devotee of Baba since last 17 years, and have visited Shirdi number of times that I have lost count of it. I have experienced a number of miracles in these years and can say that I am alive now only due to Baba. I want to narrate an experience, which I had promised to write in this column. My marital life has not been very happy, after marriage my relation with my wife was not smooth and after great turmoil my wife left me with my son of 3 years to Chennai without informing me from Mumbai. She took a transfer from her office; she was not loving, caring and in short was not interested in this marriage. She went in 2003. I was shattered and traumatized by this as I loved my only son so much, he too loved me very much. My wife wanted to separate from me legally due to instigation from her mother and others in her family, still I persisted and avoided legal intervention. I visited Shirdi every 3 months and prayed to Baba to unite us soon for the sake of our child. In March 2006, I went to Shirdi on Shivratri day and had a blissful darshan. I had a book of answers that can be referred by devotees for their questions. With absolute faith I prayed and asked Baba whether my wife will live with me or not, will she come in that year (2006) or when shall she come and live with me happily? I thought a number, when I opened that particular page, Baba's answer was "Your desire will be fulfilled not this year, but next. People my laugh at you but will surrender to Sai after being convinced". I was doubtful and I asked whether He was sure to Baba, he again replied "Don't have thousand doubts for small matters". I waited with crossed fingers. Exactly in April 2007, my wife came to my house after being transferred by her office compulsorily inspite of her many pleadings to the management. At present she is living with me happily and seems to entirely forget the earlier episodes and her disinterest for me. I consider this as the greatest miracle.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!11

    Sai devotee
    I would like to share my recent experiences with all Sai devotees. I am reading every day one chapter of Sai Satcharita. Once I read the whole book I am starting over again and this is going on since March 2007. This is giving me immense peace of mind and lots of inner strength to move ahead in life. During last month it so happened that on Saturday morning my wife's foot got injured accidentally while working at home. She thought that it was a minor injury and should be gone in few hours but eventually her foot started swelling and she was under tremendous pain. She could barely move and couldn't walk without any support. We all were very sacred and thinking that it might be a fracture. I went to our pooja room and sitting in front of Baba, I pray and put my request to Him to relieve her from the pain and let it not be a fracture or something serious. With this request in mind I prayed for sometime and then I gave my wife Baba's Udi with water. She took it and we start applying ice massage to her foot. Within few minutes she slept and then when she wake up in morning, the swelling was gone. She was able to move without any support. We were surprised and amazed with this event in our life because I had read so many devotees experiences about Baba and His Udi's miracle but now we felt it to. I was facing tough time in my project and I wasn't expecting to complete more than 5-6 months but Baba take care of me and now I am still working on the same project and it is extended till end of year. Now with each passing day in my life my devotion is more and more on my Sainath. Dear Baba, if I have done any mistakes unknowingly or knowingly, pardon me and give peace to me and to my family
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!1

    Baba thanks a lot deva. It just happened today when I opened the Sai newsletter and started reading. I was working with this problem at work for hours and couldn't figure out what was wrong, and then when I was reading I said to myself hope Baba would help me out with this problem. As I was in the middle of the reading, Baba showed me the problem and I fixed it right away. Yes Baba, you are there for all of us and You do take care of everyone. Baba, You know what's going on with him. I can't se him suffer Baba and you know we want to plan but every month something or the other comes up. Please deva, bless us a baby soon. Also Baba thanks a lot for the raise, which would not be possible without You. Please help her to come back to normal health and also please take care of our parents sisters and brothers. Jai Sai Ram!
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!111

    My son came down with a viral infection last month. For many days and weeks, this was undiagnosed and he suffered tremendously. Not only was he enduring the physical pain, but also he was undergoing a lot of emotional stress. Being away from college was impacting his graduation next month. I applied Baba's udi from Shirdi on my son's forehead daily and prayed to Baba fervently, begging Him to cure my son's illness and to make sure everything works in his favor. Baba has never let me down and I can only thank Him profusely for all His blessings that he continues bestowing on me and my family members. Shri Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!11

    Om Sainathaya Namah. Few years ago, someone told me about Shirdi Sai Baba, I did not give much importance at that time. But, recently, one of my colleagues at office who is a staunch believer of Baba told me about Baba and asked me to read Baba's Satcharita as Saptaha. As my wedding was not happening for a long time, I started to believe Baba and as per my colleague's words, I visited Baba's mandir and started to read Baba's Sai Satcharita with full faith and devotion. Also, I was suffering from sciatic nerve disorder for 4 years and the pain was so terrible, chronic and unbearable, there was a time I could neither walk, stand nor sit. My entire leg was badly swollen due to blood clot. But it was Baba's miracles, that during my 4th day of reading Satcharita as Saptaha, I could sense and feel that something was turning in my leg. After sometime, I felt I was relieved from the pain by 50 percent and the next morning another 25 percent was reduced. I could feel that my leg was lighter than before. I was very happy and thanked Baba for His grace and blessings on me. I am very grateful and thankful to Baba for His mercy that I cannot express it in words. I seek His grace on me, every moment of my life on earth. Baba, please bless me with good life partner and good married life as early as possible. You are my guide, protector from evil, and help me in all my endeavors in life. Baba has given me so much peace of mind that I focus on my work and leave the rest to His decision both in official and personal life.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #40 on: April 20, 2008, 01:51:00 AM »
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  • Ajay
    Om Sai. May be this is not new to all Sai devotees. But want to share with Sai family. Last Thursday Sai blessed me. When I was sleeping, He stood there and said to me "You are my devotee". I was in a bliss supreme. When I was in problems I prayed many at times to Sai to bless me. Two weeks back I posted an article in devotees forum asking to bless my friend's mother with good health, as she was suffering from liver problem. After my posting, she got cured gradually and now she is on her own, going for walk, attending classes, even going for shopping. It is all because of Sai. Then the next Thursday he accepted me as His devotee after removing all my problems and curing my friend's mother health.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!

    Jai Sai Ram. Yet another child of Baba with an experience to share. I would like to relate one of the most important events in my life. I got married in September 2007 to a guy of my choice. But it was not an easy as it is in most of the cases. I met this guy couple of years ago and asked Baba whether I should go ahead with this guy (I usually follow the practice if taking out a chit in front of Baba's photo after narrating the question to him in my heart). The answer was yes. Time saw the relationship maturing and growing strong but being from different communities my parents would never allow this to happen. So when I told them about my wish they reacted in every possible way. This was in October 2006. For next 6 months it was a head-on between my parents and me. Most of the times, after an argument I would feel like dissolving the relationship between me and the guy because of the immense pressure that I was under, but every time when I asked Sai, He told me to stay put and trust in him that he will see this relationship happen. True to every word of his, he saw it happen in September 2007. No doubt the in-between time was like wartime both for me and my partner (the family also) but here I am now, happy and settled with the partner of my choice. All that I want to say through this is that we need to suffer in present sometimes to have a blessed future. Baba acted like a support system, a pillar of strength, as He always does for his children. Had it not been for His insistence to stay in the relationship, I would have called the relationship off a long time ago, and would have devoid myself of all the love and support that I am enjoying now. So stay put...Sai will see us through. Let humility prevail
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!

    There is no way to thank you but I bow to Your lotus feet. My son had some blood work done and some results as per doctor were not great and doctor wanted to see him again. We prayed to Baba applied his udhi and made him drink some. When doctor checked him again, everything was fine. Thanks Baba, please shower Your grace on all Your devotees always. 
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!

    We had never thought of visiting Shirdi till about 2 years ago, though we had heard about Baba. My Uncle and Aunt who live in Mumbai have been staunch devotees of Sainath and have had the blessings of Baba with numerous visits, sometimes on monthly basis. It was through them that my sister's family and my family had the privilege of visiting Shirdi for the first time. My wife and me were blessed with Baba's darshan exactly 2 years ago in December of 2006. I went with a very open mind and just requested for Baba's blessings and other materialistic things. My wife however prayed to Baba for curing my 5 years old son's skin problem from which he was suffering since he was 2 years and had no relief from any medication. We went back to Delhi and my son had been cured of his bleeding skin and my son narrated to us upon our arrival that the night before Baba had come in his dream and had touched and blessed him though he could feel them but doesn't remember seeing them, which to date he still remembers and thanks Baba for the treatment.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!1
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #41 on: April 20, 2008, 09:58:35 PM »
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  • Sai Ki Hai Leela Nyari
    Jeevan mai laye khushiya saari
    Shri Sai Baba bless all with the best in life.

    May every devotee of Shri Sai enjoy Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, Loving Peaceful, and Successful Long Life.

    Shradha      Saburi
    Sabka Malik Sai

    Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #42 on: April 20, 2008, 11:15:53 PM »
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  • Vidya
    Baba has always been with me protecting me and my family. I travel a long distance to work by a van. In the evening, the van used to arrive very late due to which I used to reach home only at 9 pm. I was not able to spend time with my child or do any house work. I started going by public transport in the evening. I had to change three different transportation to reach home which used to take me one and half hour to reach. I prayed to Sai to sort this problem for me so that I can use one transportation to help me go home. One day while waiting for my share auto, I saw a van stopping to pick up somebody. It had Sai's photo on its window. Though I used to stand in the same place to catch my share auto, I never saw this van before. I immediately noted that mobile number and called the driver. He said there is place and the van goes to my place only. I was thrilled and started going in that van. Today is the second day that I am going. I am reaching home between 7 to 7:15 pm.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!

    Om Sai Ram! I would like to share my miraculous experience with all of you. My husband and I had been trying for a child since the past three and a half years without any success. Ultimately I became so very dejected that I prayed to Baba that if He really wanted me to have 100 percent belief in Him, He would have to bless us with a child. I conceived within one month and am going to have my baby by November. However I also felt a bit ashamed of myself that I had kept a condition on Baba but I am sure Baba will forgive me! Om Sai Ram. 

    I am 22 years old and Baba came into my life in the year 2002. For me it was complete belief and love from the beginning, no doubts, no questions. Since then Baba has given me loads of beautiful experiences, not once has He let me down at every step He has held my hand and helped me walk through life without which I have no idea whether I could even take a step forward but the experience I am about to relate is absolutely unbelievable. It's a miracle. I still feel that I experienced something so beautiful and perfect very early in life, I've got much more than I deserve. I mean after loads of prayers and good deeds not many people witness something like this. I still don't understand the reason behind Baba choosing me. I always try to be his perfect daughter but I don't think I've really always managed it. But as they say He has His reasons or probably Faith does move mountains. But I am so thankful to Baba for choosing me. I study in Pune and I have been offering Baba a glass of water and prasad as Naivadya everyday since September 2005.This is generally how we all express our love to Baba. Just that I did it a little differently, every time while offering water I always took a drop of water from the glass on my finger and put it on the lips of the Baba's murti I have with me. It was just my way of making Baba drink water and as expected the drop would either trickle down to the chin or just stay on the lips and dry up in some time. So on the 27th February 2006 night at around 11 pm (which was rather late than usual) when I did my regular offering I as usual put the drop of water on Baba's lips. And to my utter surprise the drop disappeared immediately in front of my eyes. I was shocked, actually too shocked to believe my eyes. So I took another drop and put it on the lips of my Baba's murti. And that within seconds disappeared too.

    I decided I will do the same once more and if it happens for the 3rd time I'll go and call my masi (who was the only elder person at home at that time). I did it for the third time and Baba seemed to have drank that drop too. I immediately went and called my masi and I showed her the miracle. And she was shocked to no bounds. She immediately took a drop from the glass and put it on Baba's lips. And that disappeared too, we were so happy with the miracle that we alternately made Baba drink water from the glass for an hour till the water in the glass was over. By the time we finished the glass and brought more water my brother sister and their friends were home. And Baba accepted water from them too. In fact their friends who are not really Baba devotees were too shocked to believe what was happening. But that was Baba's way of drawing them closer to Him. As a result all of them took the first bus to Shirdi two days later in order to take Baba's darshan. After around one and a half hour (that is at 12:30 am approx Baba stopped drinking water). This miracle was something none of us had ever dreamt of. I was so shocked that there was a point of time when I thought probably the clay of the murti was absorbing the water so I put a drop of water on the murti's head. And that just stayed there, it was only when we put it on the lips did Baba drink it. It was not the clay it was Baba for sure. After that day till today whenever I offer water to Baba I put the drop on His lips and as usual the drop remains on his lips. Guess that was the day Baba wanted to literally drink water from my and the other's hands accepting our love and devotion for him. I really don't know how to express my love and gratitude to Baba for everything. All I can think of telling Him right now is 'I Love You Baba'.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would like to share my experience with all Sai devotees. My 4 year old son was hospitalized on 3rd April, 2006 as he was suffering from severe gastroenteritis. He developed severe fever that reached 104 degrees Fahrenheit. He had not eaten since the morning so he couldn't take in the medicine for reducing his fever. The medicines that were being injected into his bloodstream were having little effect. The cold strips treatment to lower his temperature was leading to nowhere. My poor child was also having convulsions from time to time. The doctors suspected meningitis but weren't sure. I was crying bitterly to Sai and praying to Him to take care of his child. All of a sudden we heard the sounds of Jai Mata Di from the neighboring temple, as these were the Navratras days going on. We all prayed to our Sai Mata to bless our little baby and all of a sudden his temperature reduced to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, much to the surprise of everyone including the doctors around. He started talking normally as if nothing had happened! Thank you Sai for having saved the life of our son.

    Have faith and Baba will certainly take care

    Last year in August 2005 I had posted my prayer in this Newsletter seeking Baba's blessing. I had lost my only daughter, and had no hopes as to what next at this juncture of life. I met one senior Doctor while counseling for my wife's health and he told me for the first time about Baba and asked me to visit Shirdi and have faith on Him. He told me that your wife will certainly conceive once again by Baba's grace. Those confident words were the greatest solace for us and gave us tremendous strength from within. From that day onwards we started developing faith for Baba, started reading Sai Satcharita, located this website and visited Shirdi and had a very good Darshan.

    After that we started with the long drawn treatment. The doctor treating upon us was herself an ardent devotee of Baba and had Baba's picture everywhere in the Hospital. Treatment continued with regular visits to hospitals with number of tests and medication. My wife's condition was not so good due to her age and past ailments and so there was very little hope, however something kept on pushing us to continue trying. There were phases in between when we felt dejected and exhausted but every failure made us more determined. Baba's words "Faith and Patience" kept our hopes alive and made us confident throughout the treatment phase. After a series of failures the day came when the doctor finally confirmed my wife's pregnancy, which was after a gap of 14 years(my daughter was 12 years of age at the time of her demise). This was nothing but a miracle. She is now in her seventh month of pregnancy and we have full faith on Baba that He will take care of rest of the period as He has being doing for us in the past.

    We have realized that nothing is in our hands and it is Baba only who can give and take. We all are His children and He is the sole protector of all of us. Let us have full faith and patience in Baba and he will certainly show you the path and take all your worries. Please remember Baba's leelas are great and He has his own way of helping devotees. Whatever happens, happens for a cause! Baba is always with you and whatever He chooses is best for you in the longer run, because He is the only one who knows your past, present and future. So have full "Faith and Patience" in Baba and He will do the best for you.

    (Contributed by Rajesh Srivastava) 

    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #43 on: April 20, 2008, 11:53:26 PM »
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    Last week my wife had been to a routine checkup with her family doctor where she was asked to get a Mammogram taken. We went the next day to get her Mammogram done and did not consider this seriously as she is in her 30's. Couple of days later we got a call from the doctor's clinic that she needs to get another set of pictures taken as the original test indicated some calcifications. We were asked to come to another clinic where pictures can be taken digitally. We went there, and she got the pictures taken. I was sitting in the waiting area with a hope that everything will be normal. Doctor called me and has shown the picture where he was suspecting an indication of cancer and he said that a biopsy is needed in order to completely confirm if that was a normal one or an indication of real cancer. We were shocked and couldn't decide immediately whether we should get biopsy done. Later we decided to get biopsy done, took appointment to see after 5 days. We came home and both of us are still worried. I prayed Baba to be with us and I have left this at his feet. Next day I completed Guruchatra Parayanam in one day. Fortunately, we became busy looking after arrangements for Jeeyar swamy who came to our place. We decided not to think about the biopsy until that day arrives and have participated in Srinivasa Kalyanavostham by Jeeyar Swamy. We also went to his place where he was staying ,next day and he gave Thirtham the holy water.

    That day has arrived and we went to the clinic. I was again sitting in the Waiting area and was very nervous. I took the picture of Baba from my pocket and asked him to help us out.35 minutes later, nurse came by to give me an update and said that they were having trouble to identify the calcification and will be using more advanced machine to locate it. After 30 more min , she came by and asked me to walk into the doctor's room. I walked into the room and Doctor told me that they could not locate the calcification even after 30-40 attempts which they saw in 2 attempts just few days back. I was so relieved and expressed my heartfelt thanks to Baba. He being an avatar of Dutta who has all three forms Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara, it may be Him that came in the form of Jeeyar swamy. We have experienced several leela's of Sai and He is always there for us. Always be with us Sai.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!

    I like to share a wonderful and fascinating experience of mine, which took place about two weeks back. On a Saturday morning, I was a bit uneasy, as I thinking about my son, and his career, how to settle him and so on. All of a sudden, my house doorbell rang and I saw a Sadhu standing. As you know, Sadhus are quite common in India and I thought he was like anyone, and handed over a five rupee coin. But he refused to accept, and instead told me that my bad period has ended, and all that you are wishing will come true. Then, spontaneously, my mind changed and went inside to get more money Rupees 101. He accepted, but pretty much questioning whether, I was true to my heart, to give the alms, and he went on saying that this money, you have given to Baba, and Baba will give this to poor. As you know, I still was in doubt, because my mind was not pure. He went away. I closed the door, but just realized in mind, "Was it Baba", the Sadhu disappeared, not to be seen anywhere. This is my most memorable experience. Please Baba, help my family to come out of this anxious moments
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!

    Baba, we are posting this as per our vow. We had prayed to You to get a suitable match for my brother as we have been looking for the past two years without any success. A couple of months back, one proposal was finalized and was nearing engagement. My aunt performed Archana pooja for Goddess Meenakshi at Madurai in my brother's and the girl's name as soon as it was finalized. Just weeks before the engagement, the bride's side opted out sighting horoscope mismatch. We were all quite heart-broken and we prayed to You earnestly. Now, You have blessed him with another bride within just a month or so. The miracle is that You saw to that this girl has the very same name as the previous proposal (even her father has the same name as that of the previous proposal). We are moved by this wonderful Leela of yours and we are very confident that You will see to that the marriage also goes on fine. Now, please bless me this time by seeing to that my experience gets posted in Sai Vichar and shared by all. Unless and until You will, it will not appear. Please Baba, please bless this ignorant soul by seeing to that this gets posted. Guide us and show the right path forever.
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!

    Dear all Sai devotees, I would like to share a recent experience in my life where Baba played a major role. I am working in a company in Bangalore and have been posted to Singapore as regional manager. But I faced lot of difficulties in getting an employment pass from the ministry of manpower. So I used to travel back to India every 15 to 25 days as my immigration is only for 14 days. Already 4 to 5 times my application was rejected without any reason and I got fed up applying again and again. I got angry at Sai Baba whom I consider as my father and every time my application is rejected. Even I broke the idol of Baba, which was given by my girlfriend at the time of leaving to Singapore. But on 23rd June 2006 I received a letter saying that my EP has been approved. I had a vow that I will submit this article when I receive my EP. In my 12 years as a staunch devotee of Shirdi Saibaba I got angry several times and will throw away Baba's photo and books but in few months I will come back to His feet again with new knowledge. Like a bird tied to string He will pull me wherever I am. I am not writing this letter because I got my EP to work in Singapore but the awareness I got that Saibaba of Shirdi is the Antharyami-who is residing within. Saibaba is not something confined to photo or idol it is all that has to be experienced. Now I can feel that He is directing me ahead in my day-to-day life. What to do and what not to do. I am sure he will help me reach my final destination. My word to Sai devotees is do not ask for anything to our Sai. Just tell your problem and let Him take the decision, as He knows what is best than us and feel the miracle
    JAI SREE SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Baba's leelas
    « Reply #44 on: April 23, 2008, 04:10:40 AM »
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    This aunty lost her husband when she was very young and she had 2 sons,she was working in one company and after few years she lost her job and she left with no option anywhere she depend on her father for sometime,and her father used to send her some money to lead life,one month she didn't get any money from her father,when enquied her father told he will send in few days as he was stuck with some financial troubles,so he told to adjust for few days,this aunty had 2 little boys who badly needed food and milk,so one morning that aunty felt so sad seeing her kids without morning milk,she thought atleast she will ask neighbour for some milk so that she can make some tea and give her young kids who were below 10 that time,but to her bad luck she saw her neighbours weren't home,with great hesitation she thought will go to near by shop and ask for some loan,this aunty has immense bhakthi for baba,so she mentally prayed baba,"iam going to shop,please see that no one should be standing beside me when i ask for loan to shopkeeper,while she stepped out, one milk boy came in bicycle and asked her,u want milk,she told she want but she don't have money,that boy told "U can give money tomm"and handed  milk packet and left
    Next day her she got her dad's money order and she thought she should repay the milk money to boy so she waited for him near door and when the boy approcaed she told "Here re the money for yesterdays milk packet"
    then that boy told"what milk,he never gave milk packet to her"..LO that aunty started crying mentally for this wonderfull help of baba and started crying...

    One more incident:
    One day anty thought she will go to Datta temple near by to her town,her neighbours who thought they will accompany her and they know her situation so they told they will bear all expeneses,but at last min,her friend got menses so she dropped her plan,but this aunty felt very much disappointed as she wanted to go dattaswamy temple as she just finsihed her Gurucharitra parayanam,but Baba had some other plan for her,after lunch she just was relaxing and she felt sleepy, as she very tired so she slept,while sleeping she heared this strange voice telling her"U WILL GO ALONG WITH ONE MORE PERSON",aunty thought it was a dream and got up,and realised her friend was in front of the door and while chatting she told her friend she was very disappointed for not going to dattaswamy temple,her friend all of sudden had come up with a plan of going to dattaswamy temple if her son who was in her teens accept to come  along with them,as he was very poor in academics,so she wanted to take him to temple for blessing and urge god to help him in studies,when they asked her son to accompany them he readily accepted and they all  got into auto and reached bus stand to take bus,but when that boy saw red bus which was supposed to take them to the village where temple was located,he immediatly got down and told his mom he can't travel and he told he is going home and ran away,that way aunty and her friend completed their jouney and had immense pleasure being in dattaswmay temple,and thsoe words"U WILL GO ALONG WITH ONE MORE PERSON" came true.
    jais ree sai ram!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid


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