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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Sai New Year 2016

Baba's Advice Regarding our Behaviour

The following words of Baba are general and invaluable.
If they are kept in mind and acted upon, they will always do you good.
"Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere.
If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive them away,
but receive them well and treat them, with due respect.

Shri Hari (God) will be certainly pleased, if you give water to the thirsty,
bread to the hungry, clothes to the naked, and your verandah to strangers
for sitting and resting. If anybody wants any money from you, and you are not
inclined to give, do not give, but do not bark at him, like a dog. Let anybody
speak hundreds of things against you, do not resent by giving any bitter reply.
If you always tolerate such things, you will certainly be happy.

Let the world go topsy-turvy, you remain where you are. Standing or staying
 in your own place, look on calmly at the show of all things passing before you.
Demolish the wall of difference that separates you from Me; and then the road
for our meeting will be clear and open. The sense of differentiation, as I and thou,
is the barrier that keeps away the disciple from his Master, and unless that is
destroyed the state of union or atonement is not possible, "Allah Malik"
i.e. God is the sole Proprietor, nobody else is our Protector. His method of work
is extra-ordinary, invaluable, and inscrutable. His will will be done and He will show
us the way, and satisfy our heart's desires. It is on account of Rinaubandh
(former relationship) that we have come together, let us love and serve each
other and be happy. He, who attain the supreme goal of life, is immortal and happy;
all others merely exist, i.e., live so long as they breathe".

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,

« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 11:36:27 PM by ShAivI »


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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Sai New Year to one and all

Sri Sai Said,

"If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion.
And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back
and on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally
feel happiness, when they hear these stories. Believe Me that if anybody sings My Leelas,
I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment. It is My special characteristic
 to free any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who does worship Me faithfully,
and who remembers Me, and meditates on Me constantly. How can they be conscious
of worldly objects and sensations, who utter My name, who worship Me, who think of
My stories and My life and who thus always remember Me? I shall draw out My devotees
from the jaws of Death. If My stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid of.
So, hear My stories with respect; and think and meditate on them, assimilate them.
This is the way of happiness and contentment. The pride and egoism of My devotees
will vanish, the mind of the hearers will be set at rest; and if it has wholehearted
and complete faith, it will be one with Supreme Consciousness. The simple remembrance
of My name as ‘Sai, Sai’ will do away with sins of speech and hearing".

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,

« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 11:36:02 PM by ShAivI »


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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Sai New Year to one and all

A Madrasi Sannyasi named Vijayanand started on a pilgrimage to Manasa-Sarovar.
En route, hearing Baba's fame, he halted at Shirdi.
There he met one Somadevaji Swami of Hardwar and enquired of him about
the particulars of the Manasa-Sarovar trip. The Swami told him that the Sarovar
was 500 miles above the Gangotri and described to him the difficulties of the journey,
viz. plenty of snow and the change of dialect every 50 koss and the suspicious
nature of the people of Bhutan who give a lost of trouble to the pilgrims on the way.
Hearing this, the Sannyasi was dejected and cancelled the trip. Then when he went
to Baba and prostrated himself before Him, Baba got enraged and said,
"Drive out this useless Sannyasi, his company is of no use".

The Sannyasi did not know Baba's nature. He felt discomforted, but sat there
watching things that were going on. It was the morning Darbar and the Masjid
was overcrowded. Baba was being worshipped in various ways. Some were washing
His Feet, some taking the Tirth (holy water) from His toe and drinking it heartily
and some touching their eyes with it, some were applying sandal-paste, and some
scents to His body. And all were doing these things forgetting the distinction of caste
and creed. Though Baba got enraged with him, he was filled with affection for Baba
and he did not like to leave the place.

He stayed in Shirdi for two days when he got a letter from Madras stating that
his mother was very ill. He felt very dejected and wanted to be by his mother's side;
but he could not leave without Baba's permission. So he saw Baba with the letter
in hand and asked for His permission to return home. The omniscient Baba knowing
the future said to him - "If you so loved your mother, why did you take Sannayasa?
Fondness or attachment ill becomes an ochre garb. Go and sit quiet at your lodging,
wait with patience for a few days. In the Wada there are many robbers, bolt your doors,
be very vigilant, the thieves will carry everything. Wealth and prosperity are transient
and the body is subject to decay and death. Knowing this, do your duty, leaving all
attachment to the things of this world and next. He who does this and surrenders
himself to the Feet of Hari (Lord) will get free from all troubles and attain bliss.
The Lord runs and helps him who remembers and meditates on Him with love
and affection. Your store of past merits is considerable, so you have come here.
Now attend to what I say and realise the end of your life. Being desireless,
begin from tomorrow the study of Bhagwat. Do three 'saptahas' i.e. three reading
during three weeks, conscientiously.

The Lord will be pleased with you and destroy your sorrows, your illusions will
vanish and you will get peace." Seeing that his end was approaching, Baba prescribed
that remedy and made him read 'Ramavijaya' which pleases the God of death.
Next morning after bathing and other purifying rites he commenced to read Bhagwat
in a secluded part in the Lendi garden. He completed two readings and thereafter
felt much exhausted. He returned to the Wada and stayed in his lodging for two days
and on the third day he breathed his last on Fakir (Bade) Baba's lap. Baba asked the
people to preserve the body for a day for a good reason. The police afterwards came
and on making proper enquiries gave permission for the disposal of the body. It was
buried in a proper place with due rites. In this way Baba helped the Sannyasi and
ensured him Sadgati (salvation).

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,

« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 11:35:09 PM by ShAivI »


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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

The Swami of Akkalkot, one of the greatest saints of India is considered
as the incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. He granted the highest spiritual experience
to many of his visitors and made them very great saints. He lived at Akkalkot
(Maharastra) from 1856 to 1878. When he was about to attain mahasmadhi
in 1878, one of his devotees, Keshav Naik of Tardev said to him, with tears in
his eyes, “Maharaj, if you go away, what support have we?” The Maharaj gave
him padukas to Keshav Naik to be worshipped as his representatives and said,
“My manifestation will be at Shirdi in Ahmednagar district. Go there always.
Be devoted to him. If you do so, you will not suffer my absence. And you will be happy.”

When Akkalakot Maharaj passed away, Keshav Naik and his son Ramachandra Naik,
accompanied by two orthodox brahmins, went to Shirdi. On the way the brahmins
spoke ill of Sai Baba, calling him a moslem and a mad fakir and said that a brahmin
should not bow to him. When they all arrived at the mosque at Shirdi, Sai Baba said
to Keshav Naik, “You and your son may come and visit me if you like. The two
others are karmatha brahmins (zealots.)”

Then Sai Baba asked Keshav Naik to fetch some margosa leaves and distributed
the same to all the four and asked them to tell him how they tasted. The two brahmins
found the leaves unusually bitter and the Naiks found them sweet! Thus Baba separated
the grains from the chaff and confirmed the statement of the late Akkalkot Maharaj
to the Naiks that he was the manifestation of their former guru.

Harischandra Pitale of Bombay had a son who suffered from epileptic fits. On the advice
of his friends he took the boy to Shirdi and by Sai Baba’s grace the boy was gradually cured.
After spending some days in Baba’s blessed presence, the Pitale family sought his
permission to return home. Then Baba called Pitale near and said “Bapu, I have given
you Rs. 2/- earlier. Now I give you Rs. 3/- Keep these also in your shrine and worship them.
You will be much benefited.” Pitale received the gift, and returned home.

The Pitales considered themselves blessed by their visit to Shirdi but could not understand
how Baba could have given them Rs. 2/- earlier; for that was their first visit ever to Shirdi!
Pitale’s mother, after cool reflection said, “Just as you have visited Sai Baba with your wife
and son, so did your father visit the great Maharaj of Akkalkot when you were a small child.
That Swami blessed your father and gave Rs. 2/- and told him to keep them in his worship.
Your father worshipped them carefully till his death. Thereafter the worship was neglected
and the two rupees could not be found. Now it is clear that the same Maharaj has
manifested himself in the form of Sai Baba and gave you the clue to recognize him
as such and blessed you with Rs. 3/- more.” Harischandra Pitale’s joy knew no bounds.
He realized that saints not only bless their devotees but care for their children also.

A devotee by name Bhai Krishnaji Alibagkar worshipped the photograph of
Akkalkot Maharaj.

Once when he was planning to go to Akkalkot, the Swami of Akkalkot appeared
in his dream at night and said, “Now I am at Shirdi. Go there.” So Bhai went to
Shirdi and worshipped Baba and stayed there for six months. As a memento
of his dream-vision, he prepared stone padukas and installed them under the
neem tree (under which Sai Baba sat before he resorted to the musjid) in 1912 .
Upassani Maharaj who was Sai Baba’s devotee was at Shirdi at that
time and he wrote a beautiful verse in Sanskrit on Sai Baba which is inscribed
on the pedestal of the padukas. The padukas can be seen even today.

At the end of his stay at Shirdi, Bhai once again longed to visit Akkalkot. When he sought
Sai Baba’s permission he said, “What is there at Akkalkot? That Maharaj is here now in
my form! Why go there now?”

Once Sai Baba gave jog the darshan of Akkalkot Swami in himself.

Sridhar Narayan Kharkar of Thana was given a picture of Baba and his udi
when he was ill and the next day he recovered! Faith thus struck root in his heart.
But a doubt arose in his mind whether he could keep a Moslem saint’s (i.e. Baba’s)
photograph by the side of the picture of Akkalkot Maharaj. That night he had a dream
in which a fakir, robed like Sai Baba, came towards the verandah where he (Kharkar)
and his friend were sitting. Kharkar stood up to welcome the fakir. Then his companion
said to him, “This fakir (Sai Baba) is not different from the Swami of Akkalkot” and told him
to treat both the saints with equal regard. The next morning Kharkar kept both the
photographs together in the shrine and worshipped them.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,

« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 11:34:40 PM by ShAivI »


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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Greatness of Udi

It is well-known that Baba took Dakshina from all, and out of the
amount thus collected, He spent a lot on charity and purchased fuel
with the balance left with Him. This fuel He threw in the Dhuni - the
sacred fire, which he kept ever burning. The ash from this fire was called
Udi and it was freely distributed to the devotees at the time of their
departure from Shirdi.

What did Baba teach or hint by this Udi? Baba taught by His Udi that
all the visible phenomena in the universe are as transient as the ash.
Our bodies composed of wood or matter of the five elements, will fall down,
after all their enjoyments are over, and be reduced to ashes. In order to
remind the devotees of the fact that their bodies will be reduced to ashes,
Baba distributed Udi to them. Baba also taught by the Udi that the
Brahman is the only Reality and the universe is ephemeral and that
no one in this world, be he a son, father or wife, is really ours.

We come here (in this world) alone and we have to go out alone. It was found
and is even now found out, that the Udi cured many physical and mental maladies,
but Baba wanted to din into the devotee's ears the principles of discrimination
between the Unreal and the Real, non-attachment for the Unreal, by His Udi
and Dakshina. The former (Udi) taught us discrimination and the latter
(Dakshina) taught us non-attachment. Unless we have these two things,
it is not possible for us to cross over the sea of the mundane existence.
So Baba asked for and took Dakshina, and while the devotees took leave,
He gave Udi as Prasad, besmeared some of it on the Bhaktas' foreheads
and placed His boon-conferring hand on their heads. When Baba was in a
cheerful mood, He used to sing merrily. One such song was about Udi.
The burden of the Udi song was this,"Oh, playful Rama, come, come,
and bring with you sacks of Udi." Baba used to sing in very clear and
sweet tones.

So much about the spiritual implication of Udi. It had also its material
significance. It conferred health, prosperity, freedom from anxiety, and
many other worldly gains. So the Udi has helped us to gain both our
ends - material as well as spiritual.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,

« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 11:34:09 PM by ShAivI »


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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

If anybody comes and abuses you or punishes you, do not quarrel with him.
If you cannot endure it, speak a simple word or two, or else leave the place.
But do not battle with him and give tit for a tat. I feel sick and disgusted
when you quarrel with others … Do not fight with any; nor scandalise any.
When one talks ill of you, pass on unperturbed. His words cannot pierce your body.
Others acts will affect them only and not you. It is only your acts that will
affect them only and not you. It is only your acts that will affect you.
If others hate us, let us take to nama japa and avoid them …
Do not bark at people; do not be pugnacious. Bear with other’s reproach …
This is the way to happiness. Let others and the world turn topsy-turvy,
but do not mind that; keep on to your own straight course. The world maintains a wall …
between oneself and others. Destroy this wall. God is the supreme Lord.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,



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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Sai Baba’s ways are in inscrutable. What he decided to accomplish,
he never declared it publicly nor did he ask anyone to do so as a favour
to him. For Allah is his Malik i.e., God is his Master and Lord. So Baba’s
very will had a tremendous influence on the course of events and his spirit
being omnipresent and omnipotent, the persons needed for the accomplishment
of his project were drawn to him and they would, in course of time,
do what Baba, or better perhaps, his Lord had ordained.

Bapusahed Booty, a famous millionaire of Nagpur, was drawn to Baba
and was so impressed with his spiritual power that he wished to have a
building at Shirdi. One night he was sleeping in Dixit’s wada. Baba appeared
in his dream and ordered him to build a wada of his own with a temple in it.
Shama was also sleeping there. Booty woke up and found Shama shedding
tears and asked him the cause of his grief. Shama said, “Baba appeared in
my dream and ordered, distinctly, ‘Build the wada with the temple. I shall
fulfill the wishes of all’. On hearing the words of Baba I was overpowered
with emotion.”

Bapusaheb was surprised at the precise correspondence between their dreams.
He immediately drew up a plan for the wada with the co-operation of Shama
and Kakasaheb Dixit, and placed it before Baba who blessed it. Work was
commenced soon and, under the supervision of Shama, the ground floor,
the cellar and the well were completed. Off and on Baba visited the site on
his way to or from Lendi and suggested certain improvements. Further work
was entrusted to Bapusaheb Jog and, in the course of it, it occurred to
Bapusaheb Booty that there should be an open platform in the center of which
the idol of Murlidhar (Lord Krishna playing on his flute) could be installed. As usual,
when Baba passed by, Shama spoke about it to him. Baba readily gave his consent,
but added, “After the temple is complete, I will come and stay there.” Staring at
the wada, he further added,“We shall live, move and play there,
embrace each other and be happy.”

Then Shama asked Baba whether that was the auspicious moment to commence
the work, that being the moment of Baba’s consent. Baba affirmed it. Shama
immediately fetched a coconut and broke it. Order was placed with sculptors for an
idol of Muralidhar. Booty was happy that the work was progressing satisfactorily
and that too with the blessings of Sai Baba.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,



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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Mr. F.M. Bhangara is a devout Parsi who imbibed, high regard for saints.
But his wife was orthodox and had no such faith. In 1956 he kept a calendar
with Sai Baba’s picture on it in their bed room, but he neither knew nor paid
any respect to the saint. One day, at 6 a.m. he was impelled to bow to Baba
and was surprised at his own act for he knew nothing of Baba. He did not
mention it to his wife for fear of raising an argument about it.

Next morning he noticed that the calendar was garlanded and asked his wife
about it. She said that when she was cleaning the pictures in the house,
she heard a mysterious voice from the picture, “Child, garland me regularly;
it will do you good” twice and she obeyed it. A friend heard of their experience
and suggested to keep the picture in their shrine on a Thursday. He did so
and his wife used to garland it everyday.

One day the mysterious voice asked her what she wanted. She sought the
welfare of her husband and the birth of a son. Within a week, of his own accord,
the superior officer recommended a rise in Mr.Bhangara’s salary. In June 1957
they were blessed with a son.

Solution to all their problems used to flash in their minds when they prayed to
Baba and even the most trivial wishes were fulfilled. Many got their problems
resolved through Mr. Bhangara. Yet he sometimes wondered whether the
messages were his own fancies.

One day Mr. Bhangara had to go on an official camp. His wife insisted that
he should return by evening. When he bowed to Baba the voice said,
“Son, you can’t return today.” To test whether it was a message from Baba,
he started at 7.30 a.m. when the car had to stop at a level-crossing, a gentleman
got down from a state transport bus and got into Bhangara’s car saying that
he was in a hurry to reach his destination sooner. While travelling on a ghat road,
the car took a turn and the breaks failed completely. The car was racing down
the slope with increasing speed. There was a deep valley on one side and a hill
on the other. The driver told them not to get panicky and that he would try to
dash the car against the hill in the safest possible manner. But whenever he tried
to do so some vehicle or the other came up that side and they narrowly missed
a collision. Bhangara recollected Baba’s message and felt that it signified his
imminent death. Being a palmist, Bhangara remembered that his hand indicated
sudden death at that time. He desperately prayed, “Baba, I know that I have
to die some day. Yet at least for the sake of my family you have to save
my life this time. I shall not henceforth doubt your messages.”

One of the tires of the car hit a stone on the road and stopped. The driver changed
the tire and they reached their destination in seven hours. There was no chance
for Bhangara to return home that evening!

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,



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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Baba Fed Sumptuously, -- How?

Once, Mrs. Tarkhad was staying in a certain house in Shirdi.
At noon, meals were ready and dishes were being served,
when a hungry dog turned up there and began to cry,
Mrs. Tarkhad got up at once and threw a piece of bread,
which the dog gulped with great relish. In the afternoon,
when she went to the Masjid and sat at some distance,
Sai Baba said to her, "Mother, you have fed Me sumptuously
up to my throat, My afflicted pranas (life-forces) have been
satisfied. always act like this, and this will stand you in good stead.
Sitting in this Masjid I shall never, never speak untruth.
Take pity on Me like this. First give bread to the hungry,
and then eat yourself. Note this well." She could not at first
understand the meaning of what Baba said.

So she replied -- "Baba, how could I feed You?
I am myself dependent on others and take my food from them on payment."
Then Baba replied -- "Eating that lovely bread I am heartily contended
and I am still belching.

The dog which you saw before meals and to which you gave the
piece of bread is, one with Me, so also other creatures
(cats, pigs, flies, cows etc.) are one with Me. I am roaming in their forms.
He, who sees Me in all these creatures is My beloved. So abandon
 the sense of duality and distinction, and serve Me, as you did today.
" Drinking these nectar-like words, she was moved, her eyes were
filled with tears, her throat was choked and her joy knew no bounds.


"See God in all beings" is the moral of this chapter.
The Upanishads, the Geeta and the Bhagwat, all exhort us to
perceive God or Divinity in all the creatures. By the instance
given at the end of this Chapter and others too numerous to mention.
Sai Baba has practically demonstrated to us how to put the
Upanishadic teachings into practice. In this way Sai Baba stands
as the best Exponent or Teacher of the Upanishadic doctrines.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,



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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Gopal Rao Gund was a Circle Inspector at Kopergaon.
He married thrice but had no issues.
He heard of Sri Sai Baba, sought his blessings and later had a son.
It was in gratitude for this blessing that Gopal Rao Gund thought
of celebrating the annual urs in honor of Sai Baba and had actually
started the custom in 1897. The District Collector’s permission
was obtained for the celebration but the devotees were confronted
with the problem of providing drinking water for the large number
of people that flocked there. One of the wells at Shirdi had very
brackish water. The water was miraculously turned into sweet
drinking water when Sri Sai Baba threw flowers into it. Then there
was Damu Anna Kasar of Ahmednagar who too had no issue even
though he married twice. It was only with Sri Sai Baba’s blessing
that he had sons. He used to share the expenses of the urs with
Gopal Rao Gund.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,



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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Sai Baba secures for us not only the blessings of living saints but
also of those who had long ago passed away. These experiences
of devotees also confirm his oneness with them. We have noted
in the Chapter, “Sai Baba is in all saints” that he had demonstrated
his identity with Sri Samarth of Akkalkot. Even today there seems
to be a special affinity between these two saints as the following
experiences indicate.

Mrs. R. Venkataratnamma, wife of Sri. R. Surendra Babu,
(the then Head Master, Z.P. High School, Kota) records her

“My son, Sarath Babu, a close disciple of Sri Bharadwaja brought
a manuscript copy of the life of Sri Akkalkot Maharaj written by
his Master. He said that I would get peace of mind if I studied and
copied out the biography. So I started copying the script devoutly.
After a few days, one night I had a vivid dream. An unusually tall
sadhu with long hands, wearing a dhothi (loin cloth) appeared.
He was holding a brass vessel (i.e. chembu) in one hand. I had a
vivid feeling in the dream that he was Akkalkot Maharaj. He asked
me to give him a seer of milk. He clearly told me that I owed him
that seer. The next moment I woke up. Till then I had no opportunity
to see the photograph of the Maharaj. But later when I saw it, to my
pleasant surprise it exactly tallied with the figure I saw in my dream.

I was at a loss to know why he asked me for milk because I had never
vowed to offer any, either to the Maharaj or Baba. I conveyed my dream
to Sri Bharadwaja who asked me to offer the milk to Baba the next Thursday,
saying there must be some connection which we might not know. The next
Thursday when I was boiling the milk to be offered to Baba, my mother-in-law,
casually asked me why I was doing so. She arrived only on that day, after a
Fifteen day’s stay at her daughter’s house. I told her about the dream. She was
surprised and told me that a few days ago when she was away, she fell ill,
and vowed to Sri Sai Baba that she would offer a seer of milk if she recovered
soon. Accordingly she recovered soon and returned home that day. Only then
could I know the purport of the dream. I realized that Sai Baba and Akkalkot
Maharaj are really one in spirit. My mother-in-law vowed to Sai Baba but
Akkalkot Maharaj claimed the offering!

Similarly, once the mother of Mr. Sarma had darshan of Sri Samarth on
several occasions, and the most striking instance is as follows. Once
Sri M.B.R. Sarma had completed nine devotional readings of the life Sri Swami Samarth.
That day at noon his mother was resting on a cot in the backyard of the house.
She felt sleepy but thought that if she fell asleep, monkeys which are rampant there
might slip into the house. She opened her eyes and when she looked about she saw
Sri Swami Samarth seated there! But strangely enough, it did not seem surprising to her.
She casually thought, “While the swamy is seated there how can monkeys enter?”
After sometime the same doubt occurred to her and she again looked at the back
and again saw the swamy sitting there. That happened some four or five times.
She also saw some other holy man sitting by his side but she did not know
who it was. Much later she got up and found nobody there. Where Baba’s
devotees are, there are all saints! That is the purport of this leela.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,



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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Baba's Handi
Different sadhanas (means of accomplishments) are prescribed in our
scriptures for different ages. Tapa (Penance) is recommended for Krita age,
Jnana (Knowledge) for Treta age, Yajna (Sacrifice) for Dwapara age and Dana
(Charity) for Kali (present) age. Of all the charities, giving food is the best one.
We are much perturbed when we get no food at noon.

Other beings feel similarly under similar circumstances. Knowing this, he who
gives food to the poor and hungry, is the best donor or charitable person.
The Taittiriya Upanishad says that "Food is Brahma; from food all the creatures
are born and having been born, by food they live, and having departed, into food
again they enter." When an Atithi (uninvited guest) comes to our door at noon,
it is our bounden duty to welcome him by giving him food. Other kinds of charities,
viz., giving away wealth, property and clothes etc., require some discrimination,
but in the matter of food, no such consideration is necessary. Let anybody
come to our door at noon, he should be served forthwith; and if lame, crippled,
blind and diseased paupers come, they should be fed first and the able-bodied
persons and our relations afterwards.

The merit of feeding the former is much greater than that of feeding the latter.
Other kinds of charities are imperfect without this Anna-dana (giving of food)
as stars are without the moon, a necklace without its central medal, a crown
without pinnacle, a tank without a lotus, bhajan without love, a married lady
without the kumkum-mark, singing without a sweet voice or butter-milk without
salt. Just as varan (Pulse-soup) excels all other dishes, Anna-dana is the best of
all merits. Now let us see how Baba prepared food and distributed it.

It has been stated before that Baba required very little food for Himself and
what little He wanted, was obtained by begging from a few houses. But when
He took it into His mind to distribute food to all, He made all preparations from
beginning to end, Himself. He depended on nobody and troubled none in this matter.
First He went to the bazar and bought all the things, corn, flour, spices etc., for cash.
He did also the grinding. In the open courtyard of the Masjid, He arranged a big hearth
and after lighting a fire underneath kept a Handi over it with a proper measure of water.

There were two kinds of Handi, one small and the other big. The former provided
food for 50 persons, the later for 100. Sometimes He cooked 'Mitthe Chaval'
(sweet rice), and at other times 'pulava' with meat. At times in the boiling varan (soup),
He let in small balls of thick or flat breads of wheat flour. He pounded the spices
on a stone-slab, and put the thin pulverized spices into the cooking-pot. He took
all the pains to make the dishes very palatable. He prepared 'Ambil' by boiling
jawari-flour in water and mixing it with butter-milk. With the food He distributed
this Ambil to all alike.

To see whether the food was properly cooked or not, Baba rolled up the sleeve
of His Kafni and put His bare arm in the boiling cauldron without the least fear,
and churned (moved) the whole mass from side to side and up and down. There
was no mark of burn on His arm, nor fear on His face. When the cooking was over,
Baba got the pots in the Majid, and had them duly consecrated by the moulvi.
First He sent part of the food as prasad to Mhalasapati and Tatya Patil and then
He served the remaining contents with His own hand to all the poor and helpless
people to their hearts' content. Really blessed and fortunate must be those people
who got food prepared by Baba and served by Him.

Somebody may raise a doubt here and ask - "Did Baba distribute vegetable and
animal food as prasad alike to all His devotees?" The answer is plain and simple.
Those who were accustomed to (take) animal food were given food from the
Handi as prasad and those who were not so accustomed, were not allowed to
touch it. He never created in them any wish or desire to indulge in this food.
There is a principle well established that when a Guru himself gives anything
as prasad, the disciple who thinks and doubts whether it is acceptable or
otherwise, goes to peridition. In order to see how any disciple has imbibed
this principle, Baba at times proposed tests.

For instance, on an Ekadashi day He gave some rupees to Dada Kelkar and
asked him to go in person to Koralha to get mutton from there. This Dada Kelkar
was an orthodox Brahmin and kept all orthodox manners in his life. He knew that
offering wealth, grain and clothes etc., to a Sad-guru was not enough but that
implicit obedience to and prompt compliance with His order was the real Dakshina
that pleased Him most. So Dada Kelkar dressed himself and started for the place.
Then Baba called him back and said, "Don't go yourself, but send somebody."
Then Dada sent servant Pandu for the purpose. Seeing him starting, Baba asked
Dada to call him back and cancelled that programme. On another occation Baba
asked Dada just to see how the saltish `Pulava' (mutton dish) was done.

The latter said casually and formally that it was alright. Then Baba said to him -
"Neither you have seen it with your eyes, nor tasted in with your tongue, then
how could you say that it was good? Just take out the lid and see." Saying this
Baba caught his arm and thrust it into the pot and added, "Draw out your arm
and taking a ladle, put some quantity in the dish without caring for your orthodoxy
and without blustering." When a wave of real love rises in a mother's mind, she pinches
her child with her hand and when it begins to cry and shout, she hugs it close to her
bosom. Similarly Baba, in a true motherly way pinched Dada Kelkar in this fashion.
Really no saint or guru will ever force his orthodox disciple to eat forbidden food
and defile himself thereby.

The Handi business went on for some time till 1910 and was stopped thereafter.
As stated before, Das Ganu spread the fame of Baba by his kirtans far and wide
in the Bombay Presidency and people from that part of the country began to flock
to Shirdi, which became in a few days a place of pilgrimage. The devotees brought
with them various articles for presentation and offered various dishes of food as
naivedya. The quantity of naivedya offered by them was so much that the fakirs
and paupers could feed themselves to their hearts' content, leaving some surplus
behind. Before stating how naivedya was distributed, we shall refer to Nanasaheb
Chandorkar's story showing Baba's regard and respect for local Shrines and deities.

To revert to the distribution of the naivedya. - After the arati was over and after
Baba sent away all the people with Udi and blessings, He went inside and sat with
his back to the Nimbar for meals, with two rows of the Bhaktas, one on each side.
The Bhaktas who brought naivedya thrust inside their dishes containing a variety of
food such as Puris, Mande, Polis, Basundi, Sanza, fine rice etc., and kept waiting
outside for prasad consecrated by Baba. All the foods were mixed in a hotch-potch
and placed before Baba. He offered it all to God and consecrated it. Then portions
of the same were given to the persons waiting outside and the rest was served to
the inner party with Baba at the centre.

The Bhaktas sitting in two rows then dined to their hearts' content. Baba asked
Shama and Nanasaheb Nimonkar daily to serve the consecrated food to all the persons
sitting inside and look to their individual needs and comforts. This they did very carefully
and willingly. Every morsel of the food thus partaken gave them nutrition and satisfaction.
Such sweet, lovely and consecrated food it was! Ever auspicious and every holy!
Cup of Butter-Milk.
Once Hemadpant had eaten his full in this company, when Baba offered him a cup of
butter-milk. Its white appearance pleased him, but he was afraid that there was no space
inside for it. He, however, took a sip which proved very tasty. Seeing his faltering attitude,
Baba said - "Drink it all, you won't get any such opportunity hereafter." He drank it off then,
but found that Baba's words were prophetic, for He passed away soon.

Now, readers, we have certainly to thank Hemadpant. He drank the cup of butter-milk,
but has supplied us with sufficient quantity of nectar in the form of Baba's Leelas.

Let us drink cups and cups of this nectar and be satisfied and happy.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,



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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Hansaraj stayed at Shirdi with his wife for a considerable time
and was cured of his asthma by Baba’s grace. Baba told Hansaraj
that he should strictly avoid taking curd and sour and hot items
of food. But Hansaraj was too fond of curds and privately told
his wife that he would rather give up his soul than stop eating curds.

So they prepared curds every day for two months but Baba somehow
prevented him from eating it. Everyday, when the couple went to
attend the noon-arti at the mosque, a cat used to steal into their
lodging; and eat up that curd.

One day he was furious and decided to punish the cat.
So he stayed away from the noon-arti and watched
for it. He saw it coming and eating the curds and hit it with a stick.
Crying in pain the creature ran away.

In the afternoon, when everyone went to the mosque,
Baba said, “There is an obstinate idiot amidst us who wants to die
by eating sour and pungent things. But I would not allow him to do that.
Today I went to him in the form of a cat. That fellow has given me a
caning on my back. See here!” So saying, Baba exposed his back and
Hansaraj noticed scars of severe caning!

Hansaraj repented for his stupidity and thereafter gave up eating the
things which Baba forbade. Baba had to prescribe the remedy to
his patients and make them adhere to that and suffer at their hands.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,



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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

In 1918, on the eve of the holy day of Sri Ramanavami, Namasaptaha
(incessant chanting of divine name for seven days) was going on.
Several devotees were seated in Dwarakamai. Baba called Shama
and told him, “Go out and fetch the candy which the old man standing
outside has brought for me.” Shama went out and did find a very
old man standing there. He looked senile owing to age. Saliva was
dripping from his parted lips and flies were swarming all over his face.
Shama led the old man by the hand into Baba’s presence. Baba then
kept his hand on the old man’s head in blessing, took a little candy
from a small bundle in his garment and gave the rest to him as prasad.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,



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  • बाबा मुझे अपने ह्र्दय से लगा लो, अपने पास बुला लो।

Baba did not always cure a man’s ailment simply by his word.
He often advocated a course of treatment which actually contradicted
all known medical opinion and which in common experience, was sure
to aggravate the ailment. Once Shriman Booty had an attack of cholera.
Dr. Pillai’s efforts to cure it had failed and he had recourse to the
master-physician, Sai Baba. Baba then prescribed him an infusion of
almonds, walnuts and pista (a dry fruit) boiled in sugar and milk as
his diet! This would, in common parlance, be considered fatal to such
a patient. But the disease was cured by it. So too, Kaka Mahajani once
suffered from violent diarrhoea. But he had to attend on Baba. So he
kept a pot of water by his side and was often hurrying out to answer
nature’s call. He did not ask Baba for the cure because he had implicit
Faith that Baba knew all his needs. At that time the construction of the
pavement of the musjid was going on. Suddenly, Baba, in his characteristic
unaccountable manner, burst into a wild fury. Every one ran away and
Kaka Mahajani was about to do the same. But Baba held him back by
the hand, forced him to sit there, picked up a handful of groundnuts
(or peanuts as some would call them) from a bag (left behind by
one of those who ran away from there), blew off the chaff and gave
the clean nuts to Kaka. He told Kaka to eat them and then continued
his furious outburst of abuse. Baba too ate some of the nuts, drank
a little water from a pitcher and gave the rest to Kaka and told him to
drink it. When he did, fearing the worst aggravation of the ailment,
Baba said to him, “Now your diarrhoea has stopped!” Indeed, it did.
Something that should have aggravated the disease has actually
cured it.

Have Faith and be Patient !!!

May Baba Shower His grace, Love And Blessings On Each One Of Us,




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