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Author Topic: BABY CURED  (Read 823 times)

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Offline saibabakijaiho

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« on: December 01, 2013, 11:48:04 PM »
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  • My 11 months old toddler son was sick, temperature even raised to 103 at night times, lots of cough plus vomiting. On top of it he was also having teething pain. He almost stopped eating and having milk and cried a lot. He used to cry continuously. Proper medicines were given after consulting a child specialist but he was not responding well and at night times the fever will rise. It was third night of his fever and we thought of showing him the next day to some other doctor. At around 1:00 A.M. at night I prayed to Baba for my son's quick recovery and applied Udi tilak on his forehead. The next morning there was no fever, he was playful, and no vomiting. He also had milk and food happily. He was not given any medicines further. This is how Baba helps his devotees.

    Yesterday i.e on Sunday I was doing some household job and tried as much as I can but it was not done. I was tired trying. I started at 11:00 A.M. and tried many times. At 6:00 P.M. in the evening, I prayed to Baba "Baba I have wasted my whole day on this silly task, please help me, I am tired of it now." Needless to say, the job was done within next five minutes  :)

    Baba is very sweet.

    Jai Sainath


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