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Offline saichandroday

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can anyone explain ?
« on: February 16, 2010, 09:56:56 PM »
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  • Can anyone enlighten me about this ?

    Om  sairam.

    Off late i face interruptions in the net connection frequently. When it gets disconnected I reconnect and then continue.
    Yesterday as usual I was browsing the soon as I went online, I opened this dwarakamayi saibaba site with saibaba questions and answers .

    As I was typing my question, I noticed the saibaba songs which were playing till then stopped abruptly and I knew atonce that I lost my net connection and the icon also confirmed it. As I was about to finish my question then,I continued and clicked saibaba please answer button. I expected the usual message ‘connection to server lost’ but to my great surprise I got an answer. And that was:   the miracle of sai baba is unfanthomable. People cannot understand it. Remember sri sai. Everything will be alright.’

      Just to check  I kept on asking questions one by one and got answers everytime, while in the offline mode itself. With disbelief I tried to open a link for which I promptly got the message  ‘ server not found. Firefox cannot find server at …... Again I typed a question in the relevant box  and for this I got an answer. I was wonderstruck. I couldn’t comprehend how staying offline I can get an answer for my question. A practical example of baba’s answer ? one of sai’s miracle ?

    Just to clear my suspecting mind, I reconnected  and as soon as my connection was established I opened another site , saibaba answers  your questions--- wherein we are supposed to enter a number from 1-720 and  click on ask baba   button  and baba’s answer will be displayed, this time I wantonly disconnected after the page was opened (to be offline) and entered my number  and clicked on ‘ask baba ‘. I didn’t receive the answer but only the message that  ‘server not found. Firefox can’t find server at …..   so I’m convinced that you have to be online for the Q n A sections. Then how in our dwarakamai saibaba forum I get answers even when I’m in offline mode?

    I also tried to open the same dwarakamayi sai baba site in a new tab while in offline mode but failed naturally. I’m not a techno saavy person. As per my understanding , now, the situation is go online , (only then the page cn be opened ), open the sibaba Q n A page, then even if we go  offline and type in your question, we get answers. Could  the software be designed  in such a way that on every click of the ‘saibaba please answer’ it displays an answer whether online or offline. ( the surprising part was answers were relevant to the questions. ) if it is true when why it didn’t work in the other Q n A page ? I believe the source for the answers is the same in both cases.

    Has anyone experienced this before? Can u please explain ?

    Jai sairam.

    Baba bless us all.



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