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Offline angel108

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Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
« on: September 15, 2010, 01:23:22 AM »
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  • Sai Ram dear devotees

    I am have some questions about Chavan Baba also known as Dhondiram Baba. I read here that many of you have had some experiences with Chavan Baba. Maybe you can help me. I am from South Africa, and I went to Shirdi 2 years ago and visited Chavan Baba. It was an amazing experience with still brings tears to my eyes whenever I speak about it. My husband and I are desperate for a baby. We have no children. We were married for 8 years when we went to see Baba. At that stage my husband wanted us to go for fertility treatments, and I was not comfortable with that. So I prayed to Baba to show me a way and give me some answers. So we went to see Chavan Baba, and straight away he told us everything that we were going through, and told us strictly NOT to go to the doctor for treatments. He said it won"t agree with me. He said we should leave it at Baba's feet and it will happen. And we should have faith. And so we cancelled all doctors appointments and decided to leave it to Baba.
    Well now, 2 years later nothing has happened and we still dont have a baby. We don't know what to do anymore, as my doctor is saying that we can't afford to wait any longer because of my health. She says we have to do some fertility treatments to get pregnant. My husband also feels that we shouldn't wait any longer otherwise we will miss our chance of having any children. My dilemma is that I still have so much faith in Baba and in what Chavan Baba told us, but since 2 years have gone by, my husband does not want to wait any longer. It is now 10 years that we are still trying.
    We have our doctors appointment coming up next week, and I am still very nervous about starting any fertility treatments and I feel as though I am going against Baba's wishes. I have done 9 thursdays vrat many times already, and i am currently doing it at the moment as well. I suggested to my husband that we try and call Chavan Baba and ask him what we must do since he told us not to go to the doctor and now we are left with no choice but to go. We tried calling him but were unable to talk to him.
    I am really feeling down about this, and my husband does not understand completely my faith in Baba. Is there any other way to be able to speak to Chavan Baba? The number we are trying is a landline number and we were told that he is sleeping. They told us to try again this morning and when we called they told us that he is in the mandir and won't talk to anyone. Now my husband says he doesn not want to call again.

    Its very difficult because we are not there is shirdi. Has anybody has this kind of experience with Chavan Baba or know how to get hold of him? We did not think that 2 years after seeing Baba we would still be waiting for a baby.

    My apologies that this is so long, but i really need some advice. Thank you so much for reading this.

    Sai ram

    Offline pranks1978

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 01:54:22 AM »
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  • Dear Angel108


    I can feel the suffering  you are going through as Iwas selling in the same boat till May 2010. I am married for 6 years and did lot of treatment but all in vein. Now by Baba's kripa I am pregnant for 3 and half months. Baba mujh par finally kripa kiye hain.

    Like u I also did 9 guruvar vrat and visited Shirdi in Jan'10 but did not meet Chavan Baba as I did not know about him.

    Keep your full faith in Baba and keep calling him day and night... sote, jagate, in ur conscious and subconscious mind... (Wht I did).. will definitely work.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 02:06:26 AM »
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  • Dear angel108,

    Welcome to dwarakamai. You can go through any article or SSC, baba never said that he will come again in this kalyug nor he got any shishyas. When you are believing and worshiping baba, then believe only him and not anyone else. When that person asked you people to stop all treatments, why you thought that it was baba sai's message? If you are attracted towards another saint, why is there a need to go to shirdi? There is a live example in the form of reply from pranks to your same post. Just believe in baba, have faith. Take his name and do everything, baba will do the rest. For me there is only one baba that is my 'SAI' and no one else. Please do not fall in maya. You said you are doing 9 guruwar vrat. That's a very good thing. Please continue it with full faith. I am sure your wish will be fulfilled and you will soon give birth to a nice healthy baby. Baba bless you soon and show you the correct path. Please do not worry.

    om sai ram.

    Offline saib

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 06:51:39 AM »
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  • Just consult your doctor. If possible can wait till Diwali-2011. Then can go for alternative options.

    Jai Sai Ram!
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline bhakta9

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #4 on: September 16, 2010, 02:43:16 PM »
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  • Dear Angel108,

    I cannot tell you who is genuine and who is not.. who speaks to Sai and who does not. None of us can do so. So this is what I would do if I were you...

    Given that time is short, and options are running out I would go for an appointment and see what the doctor has to say. By going for an fertility appointment and adopting an alternate path we are not defying baba or showing a lack of our faith in him. You are actually using alternate reasoning. By going for an appointment you are in no way saying Sai I have no faith in you.

    God works in strange ways... we may think one thing but he plans for another. Do your fasts do your prayers but then go and see atleast what is said by the fertility doctor.

    Please do not have preconceived notions about fertility treatments. What would you do if baba made all the roads point to the fertility center? You would go right?

    My dear our life gives us signs of the future... please read them...

    If you truely wish to consult some one who is a dear devotee of baba Amit Biswas in Shibpur is one such I know... He can be reached at +91 9333120111. Amitji is building a temple for Saibaba based on Baba's instruction. Call him 11:00 am IST - 12:00 pm iST. His phone is off at aarti times.

    Numerous devotees are blessed with children from that temple. I have directed my best friend there as well since she has not had a child for a few years now...

    Try taking udi with water and apply some on your stomach...

    I wish you the best and hope you give us good news on this forum. Baba tumhari mano kamna puri kare..


    Offline angel108

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #5 on: September 21, 2010, 11:35:27 AM »
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  • Sai Ram all

    thanks to all of you who replied to my message.

    Well, all I can say is that Baba is truely great, and he always answers our prayers. I was very uneasy that day and wasn't sure whether i should go for my appointment or not. I was praying to Baba in my mind to guide me and show me the right path. Well, what happened afte that was definately Baba's work. My appointment was set for next week some time. This doctor is really busy and my appointment was made 2 and a half months ago. So on that day i posted on here, while i was praying to Baba in my mind as to what I must do, suddenly i got a call from the doctors office to say that somebody else's appointment got cancelled and if i can come in the next half and hour for my appointment! I was so happy and took that as a sign that baba answered my prayers that day. I immediately called my husband to check if he could take some time off work to see the doctors. And so we went in and saw the doctor. We truely felt it was Baba's grace that we got an early appointment and my husband was very happy. We will be starting fertility treatments soon, and through Baba's grace I'm sure all will go well.

    I evetually did manage to speak to Chavan Baba anyway that day, and he told me to go ahead and all will be fine, and told me to bring my baby to shirdi.

    So we are felling very positve about this, and with baba's grace we will be parents one day.

    Thank you all and most of all thank you BABA!

    Jai Sai Ram

    Offline bhakta9

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #6 on: September 21, 2010, 02:28:57 PM »
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  • Dear Angel,

    I am glad you were shown the way... May Saibaba be ever kind and merciful to all his bhaktas and especially you for your wish of parenthood. Do give us the good news soon!

    Om Sai Ram!

    Offline devasai

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 01:03:26 PM »
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  • We our a couple from USA and visited Chavan baba first time in July 2010 based on internet readup.
    We had a 10 years infertility history , which included , multiple IVF's, multiple IUI's, forzen cycle. Came to India for surrogacy treatment, but as soon as we landed in mumbai we went straight to shirdi, prayed to sai baba then visited Chavan baba. Chavan baba told us to follow some receipe and said within 4 months you will conceive a baby boy. We decided to postponed medical treatment and in 2 months our son, who is now 7 months was conceived.
    If anyone needs more info please contact me. Since then whenever I visit shirdi and also meet chavan baba.

    I always consider sai baba as my guru ( the only one ) and consider chavan baba as his messenger.

    Om Sai Ram

    Offline angel108

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #8 on: February 16, 2012, 01:35:31 PM »
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  • Sai Ram Devasai

    It is really good to hear your story and your experience with Chavan Baba. Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy!
    What kind of recipe did he give you? I have also heard of another lady who had gone there and Chavan Baba told her to eat some kind of flower, and thereafter she conceived.
    Well for us, it is 11yrs of infertility this year. 2 years after visiting Chavan Baba, still nothing happened. He didnt tell us to take anything, he just said it will happen and not to go to the doctor. But due to family pressure, i eventually agreed to go the IVF route, since 2 yrs had gone by already. We went through 3 treaments, all of which were unsuccessful. the family is now pressring me to go to India for surrogacy which I dont want to do. It is now just over 3 years since we visited Chavan Baba and still nothing is happening. I still believe Baba will fulfill his promise, but its very difficult with family pressure. I have to just try and keep the faith.

    Jai Sai Ram

    Offline devasai

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #9 on: February 16, 2012, 02:02:35 PM »
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  • Yes receipe of flowers.....I would suggest you go meet with Chavan baba again and tell your story for past 2 years. I will be going tp shirdi in next 2 weeks. If you need anything specific email me at
    This is a temporary email id and I do not monitor in ongoing basis.

    Offline angel108

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #10 on: February 16, 2012, 02:27:11 PM »
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  • Ok thank you so much. I'm not sure when I'll be able to go to India again, but my inlaws have just been to Shirdi and to Chavan baba. I'm not sure if he said anything to them about our situation. My in laws are returning home this weekend. I will ask them and will mail you after that.

    Sai Ram

    Offline devasai

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    Re: Chavan Baba/Dhondiram Baba
    « Reply #11 on: February 16, 2012, 02:39:15 PM »
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  • I can understand your feeling as we went through the same boat. This is the first time I visited this website, saw your message, created userid to reply, remembered those days.  Felt like I need to help. Today is thursday, even I will pray to sai baba for your success.
    « Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 02:40:59 PM by devasai »


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