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Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
« Reply #195 on: August 03, 2007, 10:23:55 PM »
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  • Thanks a lot dipikaji for sharing such a faith-strengthening experience with us.

    Vijayji, Baba bless you, your sister and your family always.

    Baba bless dipikaji with lots of happiness and success.


    Offline Dipika

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #196 on: August 04, 2007, 11:28:09 PM »
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  • When I Saw Sai...   

    He had come into my life through different means, many a times. Then, I was naive and did not know the deeper meaning hidden in them. Today when I look back I understand that all was in divine plan.

    It all began years ago, my sister found her strength in Shirdi Sai. She was His ardent devotee and so I was surrounded by His books, stories, et al. Nothing of this however, stirred 'that' chord in me. Then one day He came into my house, when a friend visiting Shirdi gifted me His idol. I placed Him in my prayer room with the other God's idols. Life went on....

    During one of my regular TV channel surfings I chanced upon a serial based on the life of Shirdi Sai Baba. I saw it for a few minutes and went back to surfing. After a week, again I came across the same serial, which of course I saw for a few minutes and moved on. This happened for a while and I gradually started watching the serial for longer. Finally there came a day when I became a regular viewer of the serial.

    Throughout the time of the serial, I was glued to the TV. I felt as if I was receiving answers to many complex questions of life. Somehow it made perfect sense and sat well on the situations and problems in my life. Was it just a coincidence or was there something more to it? I thought the latter. Days rolled by and one evening when I was watching the serial, I felt that Baba was asking me to visit Shirdi. I ignored the call and continued with my life. Six weeks later when I was watching the serial again, I heard Baba say "I asked you to come to Shirdi and you are ignoring me." It was a wake up call for me and I decided to leave to Shirdi immediately.

    I decided to visit the Sai Baba temple in town at the earliest. Couple of days later as I was stepping into the temple, I saw the flower placed on Baba fall on the ground. I thought it was a good omen and I asked Baba to make my trip to Shirdi comfortable. I then remembered what people had said very often, "only if Baba wills, can you step on the soil of Shirdi."

     As the queue was moving, I was going closer to Baba. I was just near him when all of a sudden, people in front of me made way
    That evening I informed my parents about my plan to visit Shirdi and they immediately said that they knew a person who could be of help in Shirdi.

    Finally I was on my way to Shirdi not knowing what to expect. I was not sure why Baba had repeatedly asked me to come to Shirdi. The bus journey of over 21 hours was comfortable and I reached Shirdi.

    The man known to my parents had taken care of everything, including my stay, food and VIP darshan. This I took as a welcome sign from Him, for without His will no one could step on the soil of Shirdi.

    On a bright very hot day, I stepped on the soil of Shirdi and that moment will remain etched in my memory forever. Everything taken care, I went into the temple for the darshan. For those who don't know, thousands of devotees throng the temple and for a darshan you would have to wait in queue for long hours. I however had a VIP pass and so went in easily. Sai in all his splendour had adorned his throne in the temple. It is an overwhelming experience which cannot be expressed in words.

    Since there is a huge crowd of devotees, you get less than two seconds to see Him from close. As the queue was moving, I was going closer to Baba. I was just near him when all of a sudden, people in front of me made way and I stood there close to Baba uninterrupted, for long. This was an unusually long period than what one usually gets. Thrilled I was that I had finally made it. With joy in my heart I left the temple premises.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

    Offline Dipika

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #197 on: August 04, 2007, 11:31:39 PM »
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  • When I Saw Sai...   contd..........

    i wanted to then visit Dwarakamai, the place where Sai lived. When I reached there, seeing the long queue I decided to first visit the Chavadi *(Baba used to sleep here every alternate day). After the Chavadi darshan I came to Dwarakamai and looked around in awe, for this was where Sai, walked, Sai talked, Sai healed and Sai lived. The fire he lit then, is still kept burning. It is from here that one gets the Sai prasad of 'Udhi' (miraculous ash). I sat in the centre of Dwarakamai, with eyes closed. I began reveling in his presence.

    Not satisfied, I wanted more.... I wanted to see Him, I wanted to know why he had called me to Shirdi, I wanted to know that he was there for me, to protect me, to take me on a Spiritual journey. I prayed. I prayed asking Him to bless me with his presence, to appear before me just as He is, in a way that I could recognize him. My heart cried in pain for the desire to see Him and be assured that He was with me guiding me through.

    After some time in meditation I left Dwarakamai. Next morning too I got a VIP pass for the morning aarti and went in to see Him. It was followed by a visit to the Chavadi and Dwarakamai many times during the day. Meditating here was a truly enriching experience. With the shlokas and the mantras in the background and the devotees singing along, it was as if I had found the missing link in my life.

    Happy that my trip to Shirdi was fruitful, I went to bed that night. When I woke up the next morning, it dawned on me that my visit was not fruitful after all. I had two darshans in the VIP slot and felt what was the point in visiting Shirdi, if I could not stand in the normal queue like most others, chant the Sai nama and then get his darshan? So, I decided to stand in the queue, knowing fully well that the queue would take atleast 3 hours to clear and that I had to take the bus at 12 noon the same day. After about 3 hours I finally got the darshan and the feeling cannot be described. As I was nearing the pedestal where He sat with all glory, I saw devotees asking the priests for flowers.

     I then saw a Fakir just ahead of me standing with his bag (jholi) outstretched for offerings.
    The flowers and garlands blessed by Sai, where being put into a corner by the priests for the devotees to collect. Determined to get my share, I moved on to collect a garland. As I bent down, to take the garland, I noticed that there was just one garland left in the basket. I happily grabbed the garland and suddenly from nowhere an old lady bent and frail (I had not seen her in queue) reached out for the same. Seeing her reach out to the same garland I handed over the garland to her. Just as I placed the garland in her hand, a big, nice and fresh garland came flying and fell on my shoulders. I felt His power and grace that very minute. My heart was filled with the assurance that He was with me.

    Contented and filled with Sai's grace, I went to visit the Chavadi and Dwarakamai. There was a huge crowd but that did not deter me. As the crowd moved on I looked around savouring the walls, which Sai would have touched.

    I then saw a Fakir just ahead of me standing with his bag (jholi) outstretched for offerings. I took out my offering and gave it in his hand. He signaled to drop it into his bag. As I dropped the offering into his bag and looked at him, his aged body began shaking deliriously. He lifted his hand and blessed me exactly the same way that I had seen Baba bless people. Just then, like a flash of lightening I realized that in the last two days , I had not seen any fakir inside Dwarakamai. Only then did I remember my cries to Him and my request to see him in a form that I could recognize. That instant I turned back to look and lo behold, He was not there. I knew it was Him. I had seen Him, I had seen Baba!

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #198 on: August 04, 2007, 11:50:31 PM »
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  • The Miracle of Sai Baba's Udi
    By:- Mahesh Chandra Srivastava
    Inscrutable are the ways of Providence To get the blessings of choicest
    Heaven is the rare bliss.
    Since October, 1973, I have the privilege of enjoying Baba's blessings in
    various ways and find Him guiding my darkened path, everyday, specially when
    I am in difficulty. Whenever my thoughts go to Him, irrespective of where I
    am, I find His Photograph, before me, conveying His blessings.

    A day earlier, than the fall of KOJAGIRI POORNIMA, It was Wednesday and I
    was bound for Shirdi the very night. At 10 .30 A. M, a thought came to my
    mind that while at Shirdi, I should buy a silver ring with 'Baba's Emblem'
    over it. At about 1.30 PM, the same day, I called on a friend of mine, who
    deals in Diamonds, with a mind to have lunch with him and also to inform him
    of my intending visit to Shirdi, since I would not be able to see him for a
    couple of days. After finishing the lunch, he got up and at his own accord,
    came out with an offer of a Platinum ring with 'Baba's Emblem' over it. The
    ring could be classed as one of the rarest mould of its kind. Even after
    spending a fortune, I could not have made this precious ring. It has got a
    beautiful emblem of Baba in 'Gold' on it, and is made of platinum, silver
    and a couple of other hardening metals. The ring consists of five elements
    which is supposed to be 'THE MOST SACRED'. Since Baba never wanted me to
    wear a silver ring, that is why, He arranged, its presentation to fulfil my

    My friend was just an instrument in its presentation, since this ring came
    to him from someone Though this friend of mine used to meet me everyday
    for the past one month or so, still the thought of presenting this sacred
    ring came to his mind only that day, when Baba wanted my desire to be
    cherished. My friend made this offer of his own accord. With the ring on my
    finger, Baba brought me to His Lotus feet on 'KOJAGIRI POORNIMA' day which
    luckily was Thursday, at His shrine at Shirdi.
    But the miracle that I am going to narrate to my brother devotees, has its
    own significance and characteristic meaning. It has brought a great change
    in my life and has left a rich imprint on my mind, which no word can
    express. lam overwhelmed with His benign blessings which He has been
    gracious enough to shower upon this humble self.

    On the morning of 23rd February, 1974, I reached the holy place, named
    Shirdi with my few friends, all intending to stay together. Somehow, on
    reaching Shirdi, I decided to stay separately, and I did. After finishing
    the morning rituals, I went to my friend's place with a mind to go with them
    to 'Maha Samadhi Mandir' for ABHISHEK. Since they were not ready, I told
    them to meet me at Samadhi Mandir, where I would be awaiting them.
    While buying garlands for Baba, a vibration came to my mind as if Baba was
    instructing me in person, saying "Go to Dwarka Mai first, then to Chaudi and
    then to Samadhi Mandir. I am still alive.

    (to be contd....)

    Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine August 1974)
    this magazine can be read at

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #199 on: August 04, 2007, 11:54:40 PM »
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  • I was just an ordinary person visiting temples whenever i felt like- but recently my life changed. I respect all faiths no questions asked.

    recently in dec 2006. i had a problem in my foot when a glasspierced. I took doctors advise and left Toronto for a vacation in India9Madras)

    Later my foot got swollen and had terrible pain and was unable to walk with slippers or shoes on. Anyway, I went to Shirdi temple on Jan 5th 2007 as I had pre planned my vacation. I was limping when I entered the main hall but when in front of Babaji's Idol I put my foot down automatically while praying and was too surprised since there was no pain and I had to leave the hall in 5 minutes as other devotees come in and what a miracle! I walked normally without any pain and my foot is completely cured- no swelling no pain- Thanks to BABA. Then I began to have faith in baba because of my personal experience and started going to sai temple every thursday in Toronto..

    Another major incident that happened recently when I returned back to Toronto.
    A Srilankan man's wife had a hole in her heart and her operation was fixed on a monday. That previous Friday he happened to pass Sridi sai temple in Markham area in Toronto. He got down and went in and prayed. The next day Shirdi Sai appeared in his dream and said not to do the operation. He thought that probably it was his thinking since he had been to the temple previous day so did not take it seriously. Again the next day Sia appeared and told that his wife will be alright so not to go ahead with the operation. Now he took it seriously and the couple cancelled the opeartion on Monday. The Canadian doctor could not believe this- he said that she needs the operation or she will die but still the couple cancelled it and went home. After 10 days the doctor called the man and enquired about his wife health and asked him to bring his wife for a check up. After chekup they found no hole in her heart!A miracle!
    It's unbelievable but true!
    Now I am too much in awe of Shirdi Sai and my faith in HIM cannot be shaken!

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #200 on: August 04, 2007, 11:59:33 PM »
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  • Harita
    Baba koti koti pranamalu. We thank you and we are ever indebted to You.
    Believe in Him and He is going to help you in your efforts. We were trying
    to get pregnant since two years and we had been unsuccessful. I started
    doing Satcharita parayana last Thursday and today this Thursday I got a
    positive home pregnancy test. I really am so grateful to Him that I cannot
    express. Miracles do happen if you believe in Him. As per my vow I am
    posting my experience in Sai Vichaar Baba. Please bless us ever kindly and
    help us through this pregnancy.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #201 on: August 05, 2007, 12:00:21 AM »
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  • In the year 2004, one fine Friday I started reading Sai Satcharita and was
    waiting at the bus stand. One gentleman came and asked me what are you
    reading. I told him I am reading Sai Satcharita. Then he asked me since how
    long you know that old person. I got shocked and asked him once again which
    old person. He said your Saibaba. I told yes I know about Baba. He asked me
    have you ever been to Shirdi. I told him no I have not gone. That person
    told me it is not easy to get his darshan it is like getting into the bus or
    train to get a seat. I was just listening. Suddenly the bus came and he gave
    me vibuthi (udi) from his pocket. I told him thank you very much. That
    person told me, say thanks to Sai baba. That is all, I was so happy to hear
    that. So after that issue I was waiting for an opportunity to visit Shirdi.
    I got that opportunity and visited Shirdi. I had good darshan and was in
    tears and did not ask Saibaba what I wanted to ask as I was in tears as I
    got His darshan.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #202 on: August 05, 2007, 12:03:37 AM »
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  • Baba Fulfills Devotee's Desire
    Sri Sainath Maharaj provided an opportunity to me to visit Bhuvaneswar in
    February. Sri D. V. L. Narayana Murthy and Maj. E. B. Patro, also a Sai
    devotee, joined us in Bhuvaneswar. After visiting Puri, Jagannath and
    Konark, we went to Dhenkenal - where a beautiful Baba Temple has come up in
    a spacious eight-acre area near Kapilas, about 12 kilo meters from the town.

    After participating in the Muhurath of Baba's installation on Thursday
    (21SI) in the morning, we wanted to visit the nearby Kapilas shrine on the
    hills near the Baba's temple. All the three of us were waiting for the bus.
    No bus came for almost one hour. When a bus came and stopped after one hour,
    we tried to get into it. But there was no space, not even to keep one leg.
    So we came back. I said that if Baba wills, he will take us there." Just as
    we entering the main gate, a Baba devotee, Sri Chopra was taking some
    Pundits to Kapilas. He offered to take us along with them to the Kapilas
    Hills by car. We were surprised at this offer, as it was not even five
    minutes since I said 'If Baba wills he would take us there.”

    At the Hills, there is a beautiful temple and a Shiva Linga. There along
    with the Pundits, we also performed Abhisheka chanting Rudra, Chamaka, Sri
    Suktha, Purusha Suktha, Durga Suktha, etc. This was a bonus granted to us by
    Sai Mother. We were immensely pleased with Baba's concern and compassion to
    his children.

    Baba showed His kindness once again. We were returning to Bangalore the same
    evening. We went to Cuttack by bus, waiting there at the Railway Waiting
    Hall. As there was about half an hour for arrival of the East Coast Express,
    our friend, Maj. Patro, went to have his bath. Meanwhile, the train arrived
    before the scheduled time. So were informed the same to Maj. Patro. He told
    us to proceed and he would join us. We kept his wrist watch, spectacles
    which he had handed over to us to look after near his luggage, and we went
    to into the bogies. Maj. Patro also joined us after some time with his
    luggage. But he forgot to take his spectacles, without which he was
    helpless. While the train was about to start, a gentleman who was sitting in
    the retiring room noticing the spectacles came and handed over the same to
    him. It is a miracle of miracles how he came to know the bogie number and
    remembering the person handed over his spectacles. Baba has no limits for
    His love and concern for his dear children.
    - S. Syama Rao

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #203 on: August 05, 2007, 12:07:18 AM »
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  • His Mysterious Ways
    By R. Subbulakshmi
    In December 1984, I had a problem in my uterus and underwent a major surgery
    in abdomen in January 1985. After the operation, I grew weak as I am past
    fifty. I needed help for everything, even to turn over or sit up in bed. It
    was very discouraging. One day feeling utterly helpless. I complained to my
    Sai-half, Sri R. Radhakrishnan: "Why do I keep on living? What good am I? I
    am just a nuisance. I can't do anything for anyone".

    He was preparing himself to go to Shirdi for participating in the Sai Leela
    meet scheduled for 27th and 28th Jan, 1985. He answered with a smile: "Oh" I
    don't know about it. I think there is something you can do. You can pray to
    Lord Sainath for the sake of others". What a good medicine that was. There,
    flat on my back, I began to pray for my fellow-patients, for the doctors and
    nurses, for Sai-bandhus, for any one who came to mind. And as I did, I found
    I was moping less, and focusing more on the world outside. Without knowing
    it, I was getting out of myself, out into the world -if only in spirit. And
    eventually I was there physically too.

    In fact, my health improved, so much, so that a year later, I could
    accompany my husband to Shirdi in February 1986 for the annual Gathering of
    Sai Leela Contributors and later and to Vijayawada to participate in the
    Akhanda Sai-Nama Saptaham. Today I am living at home, and I am able to take
    care of myself, but I am still following that excellent prescription for
    feeling useful.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #204 on: August 05, 2007, 12:15:54 AM »
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  • Om sai ram,

    I started believing in baba since 1995. Since then I have experienced so
    many miracles of his big & small.That to write all of them is not possible
    in one email. But I would like to share one which taught me that Baba is
    always around his children & when we need him the most & call him he does

    This happened in 2003 my husband & I were living in an apartment in Chicago
    downtown with our 1 1/2 yr old son Parth.It was around 2.00pm I was cleaning
    my bathroom & parth kept coming in & kept touching all the cleaning stuff.
    he was quite irritated that day as he had high fever. I took him out &
    closed the bathroom door thinking that I would be done in the next 4-5 min.

    After I was done I tried to open the door but it would not open. I soon
    realized that I WAS STUCK IN THE BATHROOM.I kept pushing & pulling & tried
    all sorts of things but the door would not open .I tried to hit the door
    with my shoulder (the way they show in the movies)But that too was a waste
    of effort.I got on top of the pot & kept shouting in the vent HELP! HELP but
    no one would listen as it was 2 in the afternoon

    Can you image my plight , Parth my son was crying out side I could hear the
    phone bell also ring but he was too small to get the phone or answer it. He
    just kept banging on the door I was in tears I was extremely paranoid. My
    husband Dharam use to come at 8.30 /9.00 from work.

    To top it all I was cooking too & the food was on the stove. Almost 10 or
    12 min must have passed.All of a sudden I started shouting Baba !Baba! help
    . I was crying screaming & shouting BaBa Help! Baba help!

    The min I called for baba I banged on the door The door opened ,as if some
    one had opened it from out side.

    I cannot explain to you how I felt.I rushed out side hugged my son & saw
    that there was so much smoke in the house as the food had burnt. It is all
    because of Baba's timely help Me & my son are safe .

    Even today when I remember this or tell any one about this I have tears in
    my eyes .& of course I always carry my phone with me to the bathroom or any
    other room I go.

    Om sai ram.


    Pamela sachar

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #205 on: August 05, 2007, 12:18:53 AM »
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    The following experience has been narrated by Shri Dajisaheb Awasthi of Pune
    which was published by SABARI ASHRAM of Jhalod, Gujarat in their publication
    "SHRI SAI BABA of Shirdi" in Gujarati. The undermentioned extract has been
    translated in English and is best described in Shri Awasthi's own words as
    under :-
    "I was an advocate at Pune. When I was 28 in 1897, I was introduced to a
    saint of a very high spiritual order. The saint emphasised the existence of
    God and validated the mantras being chanted for various Divinities of
    GODHEAD. To me, the saint said, "Chant "Om Namo Shivaya". He also predicted
    that the chanting of this mantra of LORD SHIVA would have its remarkable
    effects after 16 years.I commenced chanting this mantra. I visited
    Pandharpur in 1910 where another saint whom I met advised me to go to Shirdi
    and take SHRI SAI's darshan and said that PANDHARINATH LORD VITHOBA is there
    in the form of SHRI SAI. But, as fate would have it, I was unable to visit
    Shirdi for three years.

    In 1913,I finally made it to Shirdi and the moment I climbed up the steps of
    the Dwarkamayi, I beheld the form of LORD SHIVA in place of SAI BABA.
    Overcome with emotion, I immediately prostrated at HIS feet when seconds
    later as I looked up once again I saw SHRI SAI as usual, BABA blessed me and
    said, "Allah Malik Hai" and told me to stay at Radhakrishna Ayi's house.
    Radhakrishna Ayi's devotion to the LORD was so deep and sincere that I
    revered her and treated her as my divine Mother and she reciprocated by her
    motherly care and affection towards me.
    After staying a few days, I left Shirdi for Pune but could not forget BABA
    and Ayi. For four years thereafter, I regularly worshipped them in my house.
    One day as I completed my puja, the room was suddenly filled with a
    wonderful rose fragrance for at least an hour after which it subsided.
    Unable to solve the mystery about this strange phenomenon, I made enquiries
    around my house but in vain. Three or four days after this incident, I
    received a letter from Abdul Bhai and Wamanrao Patel (Swami SAI SHARANANAND)
    from Shirdi that Ayi had passed away, the date and time of which perfectly
    coincided with the rose fragrance that filled my room.

    A few months after this episode, I visited Shirdi again on Akshay Tritiya
    1918 accompanied by my wife. After taking BABA's darshan, I put up at Ayi's
    house on BABA's instruction. My wife began to make preparations for BABA's
    Naivedya but try as she would, she could not light the charcoal stove.
    Wondering what to do, she was astonished to see Radhakrishna Ayi descend
    down the stairs from the attic and helped her in lighting the stove and also
    in assisting her for preparing naivedya . That done, Ayi climbed back to the
    attic. At noon, when my wife waited for Ayi to come down and join us for
    meals, she did not and thinking that she may be engaged in some work, my
    wife personally went up to call her but found the attic locked. Rather
    puzzled, she hurried down and made inquiries with two or three neighbours
    from whom she learnt that Ayi had attained samadhi a few months ago. She was
    shocked with disbelief.

    The veil of Maya was so strong that my wife failed to recollect that Ayi was
    no more and that a letter in this regard had also been received by us from

    If devotees of Baba like Ayi who were blessed by HIM could be so powerful as
    to appear even after shedding their mortal coil and render timely assistance
    to HIS devotees, what to talk of SHRI SAMARTH SAINATH who was Parabrahma
    Incarnate. Can anyone fathom HIS powers and leelas?

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #206 on: August 05, 2007, 12:24:35 AM »
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    Chakor Ajgaonkar
    A strange and curious experience was undergone by me on 12 March 1993 at
    1445 hours when a time-bomb exploded at Nariman point. Was it a miracle or a
    I am writing a series captioned Tales From Baba's Life' was writing the
    story of Nana Chandorkar's daughter's plight at Jamner and Baba's transfer
    of Grace and Udi to Nana through Bapugir. I wrote the story between 2-15
    p.m. and 2-45 p.m. under the caption "A Comrade at the Nick of Testing
    Hour", Nana Chandorkar was at Jamner in 1904, working as Mamlatdar. His
    daughter Mainatai, who had come for her delivery was undergoing deathlike
    pangs of labour for a number of days in spite of efforts of midwives and
    other religious remedies like Nava chandi Havana etc. Baba's grace was being
    begged by Nana by incessant prayers. Baba was at Shirdi. He heard the call
    of Nana. Shri Ramgirbuva Gosavi (Bapugir) was leaving Shirdi by this time to
    reach his home village. Baba gave him Adkar's Aarti and Udi and asked him to
    stay at Nana's house for a couple of days before proceeding to his home
    village. Bapugir had only two rupees with him which were hardly sufficient
    to purchase a railway ticket up to Jalgaon. He did not know how to reach
    Jamner. Baba assured him of Allah's help. When Bapugir got down at Jalgaon,
    a tanga driver came seeking him. He carried him to Jamner and disappeared.
    This was Baba's leela. Bapugir gave Udi to Mainatai. Nana sung the Aarti
    before Baba's shrine and prayed. Miraculously Mainatai was saved. She
    delivered a male child and was hale and hearty. I completed this story upto
    this leela of saving Nana's daughter, when the telephone began ringing. My
    daughter works in Bank of India at Nariman Point. She informed over the
    phone that she was saved from a bomb explosion opposite her bank. There was
    a powerful bomb-blast (under Air India Building) between Oman Bank and Bank
    of India. The Oman Bank was totally destroyed, whereas the Bank of India was
    partly affected. My daughter told me that she came out safely with minor
    injury. It was a strange coincidence that my tale from Baba's life
    synchronised with my daughter's story,

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

    Offline deeptishah

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #207 on: August 05, 2007, 05:21:39 PM »
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  • Dipika ji,
    You are truly blessed and thank you so much for sharing your experiences.
    I posted first time, almost a month back , the day when I was diagnosed with deadly disease.
    I remembered one of my friend telling me about praying Sai Baba.
    To be honest, a became baba's devotee just about a month back when there was no hope left other than almighty GOD.
    I started doing Sai Vrat, 40-days sugar candy & reading sat satcharitra.
    5 days back, I got my blood test again and this time everything was normal.
    For us, it is a miracle. I don't care what doctors say - some error in first test or whatever. Truly Sai baba /GOD saved/cured.
    I'm so overwhelmed and happy to be back in online Sai mandir. By Sai nath's grace, I'll probably be coming to this mandir all my life.
    Jai Sai Ram
    Sri Sai Ram

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #208 on: August 05, 2007, 06:58:57 PM »
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  • Dear Deepti,
               It's all BABA's LEELA...hum sab to mitti hai....Woh hi hai palanhar...



    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

    Offline pam99999

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #209 on: August 06, 2007, 05:30:52 AM »
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    Baba is so great... He makes His presence feel so strongly. everytime i read such experiences. i feel Him reading out these to me!!
    « Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 05:32:45 AM by pam99999 »


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