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Offline OmkarSai

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Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
« Reply #1995 on: July 17, 2013, 10:55:34 AM »
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  • In the Sai Satcharitra, Ch.29, the Leela of the ava­ricious Bhajan Mandali from Madras is given. Some of the details like their names, address, and other par­ticulars are missing. The Leela given below elaborates upon it.
    He was called Bhau Swamy because his Guru was Ram Bhau of south Kanara. This Govinda Swamy worked in Madras Electric Tramways. He and his fam­ily went on an all India pilgrimage in 1915. They vis­ited Shirdi on 23.8.1915. They sang beautifully and did bhajans daily. Baba gave them Rs.2/- and two ru­pees worth of burfi. The burfi he sold for one rupee and twelve annas. All these details he wrote in his di­ary daily.
    One day, he had a dream vision of Baba (which is elaborated beautifully in the Sai Satcharitra). After this revealing vision, the greedy skeptic became an ardent devotee. Dr. Pillai asked him to write his dream, which he did, and handed it over to him. Knowing of Radhakrishna Mai's love for bhajans, he performed bhajans in her home too. She gave him a Marathi book containing the life of Baba, which he treasured.
    His wife Adilakshmiamal was given sakshatkar (vi­sion) of Sri Ram at noon Arati while the rest of the Mandali saw Baba sitting in his usual place. Filled with joy, she decided to make prasad of Bhaaji and Payasam for Baba.   On 30/08/1915, while preparing it, she fer­vently prayed to Baba to accept it, as she had prepared it with all her love and devotion. Eagerly she took it to Dwarakamai and handed it over.   To her utter conster­nation, the lady (Durga Bai) placed it last in the rows of Prasad offerings.   Baba however, slowly moved to the back, and opening her dish, devoured the whole of it with great relish.   This touched the lady to the bot­tom of her heart further strengthening her devotion in Baba.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1996 on: July 17, 2013, 10:58:21 AM »
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  • The story of Dr. Vir Hate and the one rupee is given in Sai Satcharitra Ch.29. A little more is given here about him.
    Capt. Dr. Hate was a staunch devotee of Baba and lived in Shirdi for some time, and then returned to Gwalior. One day, Saval Ram of Gwalior came to him distraught as his son was missing. Dr. Hate said, "Go to Shirdi and take Baba's darshan and you will surely find him". Saval Ram agreed. After some time he re­ceived a letter from the boy saying that he was in Egypt. He had secretly joined the army, as he feared his par­ents' wrath. Now he was returning to India. Saval Ram's joy knew no bounds. But instead of going to Shirdi, he and his wife went to Bombay to receive the boy.
    When they met, Saval Ram was upset, as his son was emaciated and suffering from high fever. He rushed with the boy to Gwalior for treatment. Again he told Dr. Hate about it. The doctor chided Saval Ram say­ing, "You failed to keep your promise. Now take the boy to Baba and he will be alright". The three of them then set out to go to Shirdi. Just before they left Dr. Hate gave one rupee to Saval Ram and said "Place this in Baba's hand. Do not fail to bring it back". He wanted the blessed coin to keep in his Puja.
    Saval Ram returned with his family and told Dr. Hate that his son was recuperating. He also gave the rupee to Hate. On receiving the coin Hate felt it was not the same coin he had given. Disappointed, he told Saval Ram to go back to Shirdi and fetch his coin. On returning home Saval Ram told his wife about the inci­dent. She however, just went inside and brought Dr. Hate's coin, which she had put away safely. The next day a thrilled Dr. Hate received his prasad (coin) and Saval Ram apologized for the substitution. He related what had happened and Dr. Hate was satisfied.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1997 on: July 18, 2013, 10:16:15 AM »
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  • For a long time Raoji. B. Upasani suffered from asthma. Upon the advice of Kaka Dixit, he went to Shirdi, in 1913 for Baba's darshan. On seeing him, Baba said He was glad that he came, and gave him Udi with His blessing. From then on, Raoji started feeling bet­ter and returned home.
    In March of 1913 his son fell ill. For six days he had relentless high fever, continues and unabating and the doctors gave up hope. The doctor and Upasani sat near his bed as they thought that his end was near. At 2 A.M. the exhausted father went out and sat in the varandha. He dozed off for a short time when he dreamt of Baba. He saw Baba applying Udi to his son's fore­head, then Baba standing before Upasani said "Don't worry. He will perspire after two hours and his con­dition will improve. After he gets well bring him to Shirdi for My darshan". Upasani woke up and so it happened exactly as Baba said. After two hours his son did perspire and felt better. The doctor was sur­prised at his recovery. Three days latter Upasani re­ceived a letter from Shyama. "I had not written to you so far as I had no direction from Baba to do so. Now upon Baba's orders I am stating what Baba said "/ have been to your friends place in Dhulia". I asked Him who that friend was? "Upasani Balakrishna Raoji" He answered clearly. Then added "I go to his place of­ten. Write to him". Hence this letter from me.
    Fifteen days latter Upasani, his wife and son went for Baba's darshan. Early in the morning they got down at Kopergaon and bathed in the Godavari hoping to at­tend the Arati. However the tongawala was late and Upasani was doubtful of reaching Shirdi in time for the Arati. Here at Shirdi Baba said "Shama, stop the Arati for a little while, your friend Raoji is on his way. He has set his heart on attending the Arati". As soon as the family stepped into the Dwarakamai, the Arati started. Baba called the son and asked him whether he recognized Him from his vision, when he was ill with fever. Raoji and his son immediately prostrated before Baba and thanked Him for His timely help.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1998 on: July 18, 2013, 10:17:18 AM »
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  • Baba loved Shanta a lot. She was the daughter of Babu Girvandikar of Shirdi. Lovingly Baba called her 'little sister' and she called Baba 'brother'. One day she slipped and fell into the well near Dwarkamai. Every one feared the worst; but to their utter surprise, they found the girl floating, though her trunk and legs were below the water. They however, pulled her out. When they checked her, she had no bruises or wounds, though the well was very deep. Shanta told them, "As I accidentally fell into the well, my Baba, my brother held on to me. Thus, I was able to float, and only the lower part was submerged in water."
    On another occasion, a little boy was going home. It was raining rather heavily. He had an open umbrella, which obstructed his view. In front of his house they had dug the ground to lay the foundation for a build­ing. Accidentally he slipped and fell into the pit. Al­though the pit was very deep, he walked to the other side and climbed out. When questioned he said Baba made steps for him so all he had to do was to climb them and come to the other side.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1999 on: July 18, 2013, 10:18:05 AM »
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  • In the early days, the Bhills often waylaid the trains. In 1914, Ganpath D. Kadam and his family were trav­elling by train to Shirdi. Just after they passed Nasik, a gang of Bhills jumped into their compartment, with the intent to attack and rob the passengers. At that time, Kadam was reading a book of holy songs.   The gang stood by his side for five minutes or so. Thinking that they were interested in the book, Kadam started read­ing it loudly.  After a while the Bhills left one by one. Kadam looked up from his book and saw a Fakir seated opposite him.   When he looked again, the Fakir had disappeared just as the Bhills left.    When Kadam reached Shirdi, Baba said, "Well, have you come safe and well guarded?" Kadam at once fell at Baba's feet and thanked Him for guarding him and his family.  He also realized that the Bhills took to their heels fearing the Fakir,

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2000 on: July 18, 2013, 10:18:56 AM »
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  • In the early days, the Bhills often waylaid the trains. In 1914, Ganpath D. Kadam and his family were trav­elling by train to Shirdi. Just after they passed Nasik, a gang of Bhills jumped into their compartment, with the intent to attack and rob the passengers. At that time, Kadam was reading a book of holy songs.   The gang stood by his side for five minutes or so. Thinking that they were interested in the book, Kadam started read­ing it loudly.  After a while the Bhills left one by one. Kadam looked up from his book and saw a Fakir seated opposite him.   When he looked again, the Fakir had disappeared just as the Bhills left.    When Kadam reached Shirdi, Baba said, "Well, have you come safe and well guarded?" Kadam at once fell at Baba's feet and thanked Him for guarding him and his family.  He also realized that the Bhills took to their heels fearing the Fakir,

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2001 on: July 18, 2013, 10:20:01 AM »
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  • Balaji Patil Newaskar quitely went about doing Baba's seva. He swept and cleaned the streets that Baba walked on daily. When it was harvest time he brought the whole harvest to Dwarkamai and offered it to Baba. He and his family happily lived on whatever Baba gave them. In Satcharita the wonderful Leela of how his fam­ily fed thrice the number of guests, is given. It was Bala's annual Shradha ceremony.  His daughter-in-law diligently cooked food enough for the estimated num­ber of guests.   While she was serving them, she real­ized that thrice the number of guests had arrived. With Baba's grace and a little Udi, the last guest was fed to satiety with plenty of food remaining. (Sai Satcharitra Ch. 35).
    This is a similar Leela whereby Baba's grace not three­fold but a multitude of guests were fed with food re­maining.
    When Purandare once visited Shirdi, he stayed with Bala Shimpi.   Baba told him that He would come to dine with him, along with two other Fakirs.  With great joy, Purandhare asked Baba what he should prepare. "Make rice, sheera, bhaji, two vegetable curries and masala khichidi," said Baba.   After the Noon Arati, upon his returning home he saw that every thing was ready.   Then four to five Fakirs came and had their meals. While leaving, they informed him that many more would soon arrive.  Later, a batch of twenty Fa­kirs arrived.   Satiated, they too left. Then another ten Fakirs came. They too were well fed and food still re­mained. Then Purandare went to Baba with betel leaves and dakshina and invited Him for meals.  Baba smiled and said, "/ have eaten a lot and I am satiated and satisfied."   Then Baba asked Purandare to have his meals along with Bala Shimpi. All of them, Purandare's family and Bala dinned together and still food was abun­dant.
    Purandare partook the food as Baba's Prasad. He also carried the food to Bombay and distributed it to his friends and relatives and told everyone this wonderful Leela.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2002 on: July 18, 2013, 10:21:21 AM »
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  • "Sometimes I am a dog, sometimes a pig, a cow, a cat and an ant, a fly, and a aquatic creature in such various form do I move about in the world. Know that I like only him who sees Me in all the living beings. So give up the sense of differentiation. This is the way to worship Me," said Baba to Mrs. Tarkhad (Sai Satcharitra Ch.9). She fed a hungry dog that came to her door at lunch time. Then came a hungry pig smeared all over with mud and dirt; happily she fed the pig too.
    Baba used to feed a mongrel dog daily. The dog used to sleep on the steps of Dwarkamai one day Madhu False hit the dog, who was obstructing his path. Baba at once flew into a rage and said, "It came here for Me and not for you. Be aware hereafter."
    In Devotees Experience, page 166, the story of Hansaraj is given.   As he was an asthmatic, Baba for­bade him to eat curds.   However, Hansaraj could not resist his love for curds. He got the curds made at home and asked his wife to hang it in a sling from the ceiling.  Every day, a cat came and ate the curds.  One day Hansaraj stayed at home to catch the cat in the act, so he could punish it.   This is exactly what happened. The cat stealthily came in climbed up and ate the curds. Hansaraj waited with stick in hand and beat the cat as it left. Later he went to see Baba in Dwarakamai. Baba said, "There is a man who wants to die by eating sour and pungent things.  But I would not allow him to do that. Today I went to him in the form of a cat.   That fellow has given Me a caning on the back. See here!"
    Then Baba exposed His back and thereby showed the welt marks.
    Mahalsapathy used to feed a crippled bitch daily. One day having fed her he said "go, go" but the bitch would not move, so he took a stick and beat it. Later when he went to Dwarakamai, Baba said, "There is a bitch, sickly like Me in the village. Every one is beating it". Mahalsapathy remembered his behaviour and repented

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    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2003 on: July 18, 2013, 10:24:13 AM »
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  • In 1917, Gajanan Narvekar was suffering from high fever. He sent his son to Baba with five hundred rupees dakshina. The son did as he was advised, as soon as Baba received the money, He started shivering. A devotee sitting next to Baba said, "Baba you are shivering with fever all of a-sudden?" Baba replied, 'Whoever I accept dakshina from, I have to bear their troubles and set them free." Similarly, He received rupees five hundred from Moreshwar Pradhan and took upon Himself all the troubles of his family.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2004 on: July 18, 2013, 10:28:02 AM »
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  • In 1915 Triambak Govind Samanth went to Shirdi. We had only Rs.5/- with him, out of which he gave Rs.1/- as Dakshina to Baba. Baba demanded one more rupee, which Samanth was reluctant to give. None-the-less Baba kept on asking for it, till finally Samanth parted with it. Baba took the Rs.2/- and turning them upside down said "You have given these Rs.2/- to the one letter God (Ganapathi). Now you may go. Ganu Mahar will bless you". Samanth was in a hurry to leave, and rather upset at parting with the other rupee, that he didn't understand what Baba said.
    By His blessing Baba wanted to remind Samanth, that He had appeared to him, earlier as Ganu Mahar. Samanth was then 21 years old and Baba as Ganu Mahar had initiated him with the mono syllabled mantra of Lord Ganapathi. Then Samanth had performed one crore of Japa of the same.
    He had received Baba's permission to leave. Disgruntled he came to the main road, but there was no tonga to take him to Kopergaon. Meanwhile a tonga from Rahata turned up with a Gujarathi man in it. He beckoned to Samanth and asked him to accompany him. Samanth sat next to him and they proceeded to Kopergaon. The Gujarathi asked, "are you coming after taking Baba's darshan? If you give one rupee He demands another rupee" Samanth was astounded to hear this. How could he know all this he wondered!
    On reaching Kopergaon the Gujarati paid both their fares, further, he bought two tickets to Dadar, Bombay. They had a comfortable journey, and alighted at Dadar. The Gujarathi gave Samanth a hearty meal. Samanth was puzzled at his kindness. He asked the Gujarathi's name and address 'Ganu Marwadi, Plot No1, behind Masjid Bunder'. He said and left. The next day Samanth went to meet his benefactor and return the money. He searched invain, as no Ganu Marwadi lived there.The whole area was inhabited by Muslims.
    Samanth then thought about Baba's words seriously. He recollected how he had lost his way in the forest near Triambakeshwar earlier. At that time some robbers have taken him captive to a cave and threatened to kill him. He had fervently prayed to Ganapathi for protection. When a loud voice called out "Jai Malhari" this frightened the robbers and they set him free. On another occasion he missed his way in the same forest, again he had prayed to Ganapathi. Suddenly a man affected with black leprosy stood before him and said "My name is Ganu Mahar. You have missed your way. I will show the way, but, you must not turn back and see. Agreed". Samanth had agreed and they proceeded. Ganu Mahar was behind him directing him and conversing with him. When they reached the main road Ganu Mahar was silent. Samanth turned around and there was no one.
    Thinking over it calmly he realized that he who had freed him from the clutches of the robbers, Ganu Mahar who had showed him the way in the forest, and Ganu Marwadi the kind Gujarathi gentleman were forms assumed by Baba. Thereafter Samanth began worshipping Baba in the form of Ganapathi.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2005 on: July 18, 2013, 10:30:41 AM »
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  • Dr. Talvailkar was a devotee of Baba. On one of his visits to Shirdi, Baba blessed him and gave him Udi. This Udi he preserved carefully. He began his practice and would see patients only after doing Baba's puja. He became famous as he cured many serious patients.
    One day a serious patient came for treatment to him as a last resort.   Many a doctor had treated him and failed.   The patient was in the terminal stage, but his relatives had pinned their hopes on doctor Talvailkar. He pacified the relatives and gave the patient some medicine. Then he prayed to Baba. "Baba, only Your Grace can save and cure this patient," he said. With this, he gave the relatives three packets of Baba's Udi. "Give him one packet of Udi mixed with water internally for three consecutive days," he instructed.   The relatives did as advised and the patient gained consciousness. The doctor made a house call on the third day only to see that the patient had improved considerably.   Then he prescribed some medicines and the patient recovered gradually and was fully cured.
    When the patient came for the final check up, the doctor told him that he had not saved him and took the patient to Shirdi. When they entered Dwarkamai, the doctor pointed to Baba and said, "He saved you from death". The patient ran to Baba and clasped His feet thanking Him for His mercy.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
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    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

    Offline OmkarSai

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2006 on: July 20, 2013, 12:05:58 PM »
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  • This is prakash and the below is more of a lesson than a miracle that I experienced.

    I went out with family and we are 5 people together. In the country I live, they wont allow an extra passenger in the taxi.Most of the taxis will be 4 seater(excluding driver).I went out with family for a small outing and we all were very very tired by the end of the day.So while returning home, we thought we will go in cab instead of taking public transport.As I was the youngest and unmarried, I said I will take the public transport and asked the other 4 people to go in cab.I was very tired and then I had to travel for about 1.5 hrs changing 2 trains and then 2 buses.

    A small thought came to my mind, that "People say baba will be with the persons who continuously think about him.So, now am tired, why cant a taxi which has the capacity of more than 4 come to pick us up." I just got the thought and I felt cheap thinking why I have to relate every thing to god and just kept the thought aside.As there was a big line for the cab, my brother stood in the line and was waiting for the cab.Many cabs are coming and each person in the line were taking one.

    All the people infront of my brother got the cab and now my brother stood at the starting of the line and what ever cab will be coming next, my brother and other 3 people will be taking that cab along with him and the plan is that, then I have to start my journey in public transport. Cabs having seating capacity of more than 4(excluding driver) will be rare.There will be 1 car like that for 200 to 300 normal cars and even if some thing comes up, it has to come at the exact time when its my brothers turn to take the taxi and the queue for the taxi was very long when my brother stood in the taxi line. So, we were waiting for the next taxi to come as its our turn to hire it,  and I was shocked to see a limousine coming and stopped infront of us.It was a 7 seater and I also went with everyone.

    Many devotees wait for a miracle to happen and when it happens, they take it as a co-incidence.
    Its the faith of the devotee which makes him/her to differentiate between a co-incidence and a miracle.

    But, the whole idea of me travelling in public transport and other persons thinking to go by cab is that  we thought it will be expensive to pay for 2 cab.But in the end, for the limousine cab, I ended up paying more than what I would be paying for 2 normal cabs.The miracle what I thought it to be, was not helpful to me. I got what I want but at the end of the day, I was not happy with the result even thought I got what I asked for.

    While thinking on this, I felt its a sweet lesson that I should keep in my mind and also have to share with other people.

    The lessons I learnt from this is
    1) Baba(God) is always with us, and he will be listening and seeing what ever you do, where ever you are.

    2) We really dont know what we really want.We think if we get what we want, all our problems will be solved.But, there will be other n number of things which will come in to existence and wash away all the happiness. Its becasue of this, people say we have to self surrender to god.Once we self surrender to god, there wont be any difference between you and god and so there wont occur a situation where you will be asking god for some thing  and you will be taken care of in the way you should be taken care of.

    All I want to say is that, the scope that we see is very small. We just know our problems but we don't know the solution to our problems.Its good to pray to god to keep us happy but we don't have to tell to god what we need to keep us happy. we have to do what ever we can, and leave the result to god.


    Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
    Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
    Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
    « Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 11:49:16 AM by OmkarSai »
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2007 on: August 01, 2013, 11:12:04 AM »
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  • Sagun meru nayak's family were sai nath's devotees. When sagun reached college he was carried away by atheism and used to pester his father for answers about god and where he was... His father got tired and said go to shirdi and ask sai baba about it...

    When sagun entered dwarakamai, sai nath beautifully smiles at him, looks into his eyes and and says "why do you say god isnt there ? He is definately there". That one line and that one look answered all his questions... The next day in dwarakamai , sagun was watching sai nath with wide spread eyes, a dropped jaw and a faint smile. To this sai nath smiles and says "why are you looking @ me like a mad man"

    Sai nath's looks were captivating..One look and we cant take our eyes off him even for a single second... Blessed are those who think about him all the time and see him in everyone....

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    DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2008 on: October 17, 2013, 09:10:54 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Nath, I don't know how to put my joy in words. Baba has blessed me in many ways. Even saved my life. But I want to share now a small incident for which I prayed to Baba that if this happens it will be your miracle. Actually my honor was at stake few days back. A client didn't turn up for many days and I was worried that this can defame my reputation as he knows many people around me. I prayed to Baba. After few days he rang me on my phone and asked me if its possible to meet today. I went in front of Baba's picture and cried. It's his kind help to a poor soul like me. I know this is not that big thing to write here. I am writing it 'cos I told Baba that if this person comes and his work is done satisfactorily and my repute saved, I will write it down on this blog. Here I complete my vow. Jai Sai Nath. :)

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #2009 on: October 17, 2013, 09:54:42 AM »
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  • Jai sai nath.
    Baba alwys tk cr of us.
    sai gauri


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