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Offline Dipika

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Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
« Reply #225 on: September 17, 2007, 09:59:02 AM »
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  • Shobhana Kumar
    Om Sai Ram: In my recent visit to Sai temple. I had an unique learning experience. When I entered the temple I just happened to see a Sai Devotee praying profusely with both his hands spread in front of Sai Ram as if seeking alms. I was touched with that devotion and instantly prayed "please grant whatever this person is asking for". Then I placed a rose flower in his feet which the temple caretaker placed on the head of Lord. In few seconds the flower fell down and this man who was praying ran and happily picked it up and kept it in his pocket as though his wish was already granted. Even I felt very happy for this stranger. The temple caretaker then gave me a mango fruit. I came home and relished the same with my little son. One thing which I learnt from Sai that day was that when we pray for others we get an inner peace which is invaluable and immeasurable. Om Sai Ram..Keep praying for all...Known as well as unknown.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #226 on: September 17, 2007, 09:59:59 AM »
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  • Lakshmi B
    I work in a company. My boss went on leave so I was supposed to handle his office and also money matters. At that time I lent some $ 2950 to a colleague for official use. I wrote his name on a chit and put it in the moneybox. When my boss came back he asked me about the chit, but the person I gave the money to said he doesn't remember about the same. I didn't have any other proof. I prayed to Saibaba and asked him to help me and that he knows I haven't taken the money. After two months the colleague got extra $2950 from his accounts and agreed that it must be the money I lent him. Thank you Saibaba for helping me. Please bless my family and me and always guide us in every step in life.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #227 on: September 17, 2007, 10:01:01 AM »
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  • Praveena
    We are currently going thru rough time in our lives, as both of us are not having jobs from the past 6 months & no good interview calls were coming. A week ago I sincerely prayed to Sainath, that my husband should get the interview calls and started to do saptah (Shri Sai Satcharita). With in 3 days of reading the Shri Sai Satcharita, my husband started getting Interview calls from very good companies. Baba this is all your krupa on us and your leela. Baba please bless my husband with a good job and kindly be with us in every step of our life.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #228 on: September 17, 2007, 10:04:49 AM »
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  • Sri Saibaba and Fasting

    Sri Saibaba has given us the middle path to follow on the path of emancipation. He did not advocate the over indulgence either in the senses or in asceticism.
    Let us see what Sri Saibaba had said about fasting on Thursdays or any other holy days. M.W. Pradhan, a devotee of Sri Saibaba had organized the birthday party of his son in Shama's house at Shirdi and invited all devotees of Sri Saibaba to lunch. That day happened to be a Thursday. Bala Bhate apologized to Pradhan that he was unable to eat on that day as he had a wow to fast on Thursdays and went to the Masjid. As

    Baba saw Bhate he asked, "Have you gone to Pradhan's party and had your food?"
    Bhate: "Baba, today is a Thursday".
    Baba: "So what?"
    Bhate: "I do not eat on Thursdays. It is my wow".
    Baba: "To please whom have you made this wow"?
    Bhate: "I have made this wow in your name for your grace".
    Baba: "I am telling you this myself. Leave off this fasting and go have your food with Pradhan".

    From the above it is clear that Baba did not agree to do fasting to please him on Thursdays. Now, let us see what Sri Saibaba said about fasting on holy days such as Ekadasi, Maha Sivaratri and such days.

    Tatya Kote Patil was one of the closest and most intimate devotees of Sri Saibaba. He had the great good fortune of sleeping along with Baba in the Masjid for fourteen years. Those who had seen the love and intimacy between Baba and Tatya Kote Patil felt that Baba loved Tatya more than his life even. Tatya in his reminiscences says thus, "I used to fast regularly on Ekadasi, Maha Sivaratri and other such holy days. Baba's opinion was that fasting had no usefulness in either the mundane worldly life or the spiritual life. I would try my best to fast on these holy days but Baba would some how or the other break my fast and made me eat something. On one Sivaratri I said, 'Baba, please let me fast at least on this day. Please don't make me eat anything.' Baba said, "Eat man, eat, what Sivaratri are you talking about?" Dada Kelkar who by standing by also told me to do as Baba says and not to disobey him. I did not raise any further objection to Baba and have never fasted on any day since then."

    (Source: From "Sai bhakthi Sadhana Rahasyam" by Sri Sarathbabuji)

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #229 on: September 20, 2007, 09:47:28 AM »
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  • Achuttan
    My younger sister's marraige proposals were not materializing, I was working in private company at Calcutta. When I was worried so much, my colleague (we call her Mami) asked, why you are gloomy now-a-days. I told her the story. She advised me to visit Shirdi Sai Temple at Calcutta for 7 Thursdays and pray well, then wait. I visited the temple every Thursday. Believe it or not, the proposal that was not materialized about 4 months back came again for consideration. Now she is married with the same person and having two children staying at Abu Dhabi, UAE. Her husband is working as Regional Finance Manager of a private company. This kindness of Baba, how can I forget Him.

    Last Feburuary, I was in Shirdi. Before going to Shirdi , I did sankalpa that I will sing all aratis during our one week stay in Shirdi. I also made the commitment I will dedicate one arati a day to the people who have serious financial and social problems. I with my family reached Shirdi, Wednesday night. I forgot my sankalpa of one arati a day to the weaker people. As Thursday was Baba's day, selfishness overruled my sankalpa. I was in line for Kakad arati on Thursday. Baba did not give me a better place to sit and I was almost in the last line of the Samadi Mandir hall. I did not enjoy arati singing from the distance whereby I cannot see Baba. The average crowd in Shirdi was 20,000 to 30'000. I went to my lodge. Thursday night, Baba made me remember my Sankalpa that I must sing at least one arati a day to the weaker people with serious financial and social problems. I made up my mind to sing and dedicate Madyana arati to the weaker people as per my sankalpa from Friday onwards. I was in line for Kakad arati on Friday, the crowd was not less than 20,000. To my great surprise, I got the seat in the first line of sitting line at the center. I sang Kakad arati with great enjoyment having full view of Baba. I got second line of sitiing line at the center in Madyana arati. For the coming six days of stay in all the aratis, I got either first, second or third line of siting line of the center by Baba's grace. I really enjoyed arati singing because I had full view of Baba from these centrally located seats. I do all the arati in Marathi script in my house since seven years. We have now started dedicating Madhyana and Shej arati in our house in Kathmandu to the weaker people as per the spiritual guidance given by Baba in Shirdi.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #230 on: September 20, 2007, 09:48:51 AM »
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  • Parthasarathy
    This happened on 9th September 2007. My mother-in-law traveled from Bangalore to Chennai in Lalbagh express. Before boarding the train, she was having her purse with some cash and train ticket. After boarding the train and settled down, the Ticket master came asked for her ticket. She searched and found that the purse is missing. She gave my residence phone number to TTE. He called my residence. My wife picked up the call. As soon as I reached home, she told me the incident. I prayed whole-heartedly to Sai Baba that You alone could help my mother-in-law for a safe and hassle free journey. I attended the noon aarthi in Sai Baba temple and prayed there. She reached Chennai in the afternoon and called us. She told that the TTE after realizing what had happened did not ask for the ticket. Further, after reaching Chennai central station he came to the platform and ensured that nothing should happen to my mother-in-law. He kept a vigil if the ticket checker asks for the ticket. My father-in-law went to the station to pick her up. He sensed the happenings and got a platform ticket and both walked out of the station. Until the time they were inside the station, TTE made sure that nobody questioned her. Soon after hearing this incident, it flashed my mind where Sai Baba himself drove a tonga to a devotee, which I read in Satcharitra. Bow to Sri Sai, Peace be to all.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #231 on: October 03, 2007, 10:15:03 AM »
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  • Baba’s protection: Right from pregnancy thru safe delivery and more…..

    “If you spread your palms with devotion before Me, I am immediately with you, day and night. Though I am here bodily, still I know what you do; beyond seven seas. Go wherever you will, over the wide world. I am with you. My abode is in your heart and I am within you. Always worship Me, who is seated in your heart, as well as, in the hearts all beings. Blessed and fortunate, indeed, is he who knows Me thus.”

    -Satcharitra chapter 15. Baba imparted beautiful and important lesson to Mr. Cholkar in chapter 15.

    I bow to Shri Sainath and pray for his blessings to share this leela.

    It was August, 2001. My wife conceived and was due for her first check-up after 8 weeks. We went to the clinic as scheduled and scanning was done. The Technician broke the news that he couldn’t find the embryo in his scan and neither the heart beat. We were shocked and earth under my feet started shaking and the room seemed to be revolving (as shown in the movies) and I kind of collapsed onto a nearby chair/table. After couple of minutes I recovered and asked the technician “Is there any possibility or hope?” As I was present in the scanning room during the scanning, I saw the multiple efforts made by the technician to find the embryo before breaking the news to us. He felt the situation was hopeless. Later, a nurse tried to comfort us. I asked the same question again and again: “Is there any chance?” She told us that there was no chance and told my wife that in the next few days she would have an abortion and gave her empty (small) cups to retain some of it for further test/research. I asked her again “Is there any hope?” She replied, you can always have “hope” but again said that abortion can be any time in next couple of days and told us to retain some of it. I asked her what if abortion does not happen in next one week? She said come back to us for more tests, but stressed again that abortion will happen in two or three days.

    We returned home, were very saddened and kept on praying to Baba. The father of a friend (who is also my neighbour) aged 68/70 years and a very devout person, (who also did la ot of research on Ramayan, Mahabharata) was in town. And upon learning about our test results, he gave us a slokam from Mahabaratha – which was sung by Draupadi during the Vastra-apaharana episode, begging Krishna to rush to her rescue. We received the “slokam” as Baba’s prasadam and prayed to Baba and SaiKrishna. I stood in front of Sai Baba (who is my Krishna) and chanted the slokam. Baba’s namam audio cassette was played from morning 6 am to 10 pm continuously everyday and night. Days passed but the abortion did not occur. The good sign was my wife continued the pregnancy symptoms. These gave us hope, and went on praying day and night to Baba, literally day and night. My home was like Baba’s temple and Baba’s songs were played all the time for next seven days.

    After one week, we went to the clinic for re-tests. This time during the scanning, we heard the baby’s heart beat loud and clear. Our joy knew no bounds. The technician was shocked. It took a few minutes for him to apologize to us. He said he had never seen this kind of incident in his life. After the examination the nurse came running to us and apologized and hugged my wife. She was very happy to know the news, but at the same time she was very apologetic. It seemed she was very worried that we may file a case or sue her. She hugged my wife five times during the check-up and walked us to the exit doors when we were leaving. She said in her 15-20 years of service, she never had seen this kind of incident. We knew in our hearts that this was Baba’s Miracle. Nothing is impossible in Baba’s giving and protection. As we read in Satcharitra, Baba said many times “My Mission is to give Blessings”.

    Months passed and we were praying sincerely with joy filled hearts, and remembering Baba’s miracle every day for those nine months. None of our parents or in-laws could come to help us with the delivery. My wife’s first delivery was a C-section back in India. She was worried that if this too was going to be a c-section it would be tough for us to take care the baby if she had to take bed-rest due to the surgery. At the same time she was also worried about going through the intense pains of a normal delivery. As we all know, nothing is in our hands. All we can do is pray to Baba and leave everything to him. Baba’s songs/namam were played every day and night at home for all those nine months. We felt our home was a Sai Mandir for those nine months, as Sai music played all the time, day and night.

    Nine months passed, on delivery day early morning at 3 am, Padmaja was getting delivery pains. We went to the hospital to check-in. Surprisingly, after being admitted, the time-gap between the strokes went from 5 minutes to 10 minutes and also her body status was not meeting the requirements for admission. So we were told to go back, and the nurse’s attitude was not at all friendly. We were really depressed with her attitude, and were sent back home. The distance from our home to hospital was a 30 minute drive. But see Baba’s miracle. After we reached home, she got back the delivery-pains. But we hesitated to go to the hospital as we were concerned that she may be sent back again. We were continuously in touch with doctor over phone (being Sunday), and at 11am or so the time-gap between pains went down to 3mins/2mins from 5mins. Finally, we started for the hospital at 4:30 pm. Padmaja had to control herself a lot in the car. She was having heavy pains but she was scared that I may not be able to drive properly if I heard her screaming. We prayed to Baba on the way that she should be admitted. As soon as we reached the hospital, a nurse saw her as she was walking to the reception and rushed her straight to the delivery room without any formal admission formalities and tests. The nurse checked her in the delivery room and told us it’s 9.5 cm open. Doctor was paged, and in next 30 minutes Padmaja delivered the baby while listening to the audio of Baba’s Namam. See Baba’s miracle here. If my wife had admitted to the hospital in morning, she would never have been able to bear the pains. Baba knows what’s best. He kept her at home, and at home we didn’t know the progress, so even though she had severe pains at home, she bore them thinking this is just the beginning. Baba gave her the strength to go through the pains. Baba redirected her attention from delivery-tension to admission-tension. Even if one observes the timing, we went to the hospital right at the nick of the time and not an hour early, not an hour later. We reached the hospital at 5:30 pm and were ready for the delivery and were sent straight into the delivery room. Later I came to know that while we were driving to the hospital, our Baba (in the form of the Doctor) called the hospital to be ready to receive us. So when we reached the hospital, they had the patient’s records and doctor’s details ready. Baba made sure that it was a safe and natural delivery.

    On the 3rd day of the delivery we were discharged. At the time of discharging us, the visiting Doctor checked the baby and said everything was fine and we could leave. Fortunately, by Baba’s grace my son urinated while the tests were being done and there was a need to change his clothes. While the nurse was changing Sai’s (my son) clothes, Doctor observed some thing different in his skin and ordered them to do the tests for Jaundice and told us take the child for a check-up the following day. We were discharged.

    Next day, we took him to the clinic and learnt that the Jaundice test results were 20 (or more). We rushed to the Children’s hospital for emergency as per the advice, and admitted the baby for the treatment. It was 4th day of delivery and we are back to stay at the hospital. The mother had to feed the baby every 30 minutes, as that would help the child get rid of Jaundice. It was very hectic for the two of us, and we were in panic. By midnight the tests showed that the Jaundice had gone down by one point or two. This was a very good sign as the trend was expected to continue. We stayed in the hospital for two nights and then went back home, with equipment (brief-case and blanket) for further treatment at home. The nurse came home every day for a couple of days to check on progress. And with Baba’s grace Sai recovered soon. It was Baba’s grace that my son urinated in the main hospital, which caused doctor to check on Jaundice other-wise we would found out about it at a very late stage, as we did not have much experience of jaundice etc. It would be very tough find out about the disease as we live in an apartment where you don’t have much light, and there were no older persons at home to check on such things. Baba helped us to get through our troubles and protected us at every stage.

    Baba! Oh our dear lord! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Whenever I see my son, I remember it’s Baba’s blessings.

    Bow to Sri Sai, Peace be to all.

    Satya Bajjuri, USA

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #232 on: October 03, 2007, 08:41:26 PM »
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  • Padmini
    Two years back, when I went to Shirdi, I did not know about aarthis and I did not see any aarthis. This August, I went to Shirdi with my mom and dad. I had the wish of seeing all Baba's aarthis. As I wished, I saw Shej(night), Kakad(morning) and Madhyana(noon) aarthis without any problem. For Dhoop(evening) aarthi, we went early at 4:15 pm. So we decided to sit for Mugha (Face) darshan and thought we will sit there till the evening aarthi is over. The view was so good that we could see Baba completely. At 6:00 pm, security guards came and asked us to move out of the hall which we didn't know that they will do. My mom and I felt very bad thinking that we couldn't see aarthi though we came soon. But we started to go and stand in the line again. Exactly with 10 people before us, the gate was closed. So we thought that we could get only this much and we sat there watching the aarthi on Television. Just after two minutes the aarthi was started, they opened the gate and let us into the main hall. I and my mom got a place where we could see Baba nicely. Of all the aarthis, we got a very nice view in the evening aarthi only. Singing the aarthi in the middle of so many people was really a wonderful experience and we are thankful to Baba for giving us the opportunity to see all the four aarthis. During one of the aarthis, I wanted to keep my and my sister's horoscope at Baba's feet and I thought of doing it before Baba, displayed on TV. But I was not able to reach the TV as it was too high for my height. But suddenly there was a devotee who was very tall. He took the horoscopes from my hand and kept in Baba's feet and we felt really happy for that. Baba, thanks for the trip and we are eagerly waiting for the next trip. Only You know when that will happen. More than me, my mom wants to come and see You every year. Please grant her that wish and always bless my mom, dad, sister and everyone in this world.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #233 on: October 03, 2007, 08:44:08 PM »
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  • Jayantilal Patel
    Baba thanks for giving me another life. I had been suffering from kidney failure since 2000. After going through all the treatments over the seven years there was one point, where I had given up hope of living. One day I was reading Sai Satcharita and suddenly a thought came. I prayed to Baba to relieve me from this misery. One day I had a call from the hospital calling me for check up and there was a possibility of kidney transplant. After checkup, I was told that the transplant would go ahead. I had the transplant and I was heavily sedated. Two days later, I was woken up to say that the donated kidney was not functioning. I might have to go back to operating theatre to remove the donated kidney. This was a big shock. I suddenly closed my eyes and prayed to Baba. I was unconscious for some time. There was a miracle, the next day in the morning the consultant came back and woke me. I have good news, a miracle has happened, suddenly the kidney has started functioning, we don't know the reason for the normal functioning. I smiled and prayed to Baba for the miracle. It has been a big relief on me and my family. I once again pray to bestow Your krupa on my family.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #234 on: October 10, 2007, 07:29:33 AM »
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  • I started believing in Saibaba very recently. You can say from end of August '07. I just read some forums in a website, where they had suggested to many people to read Sai SatCharithram. I purchased that book on August 29th and started to read it from August 30th, which was a thursday. And next day luckily I could plan for a trip to shirdi with my parents. I was reading sai charitam all through the way. I am currently going through lots of problems. I had literally lost interest to live. But after going to shirdi I felt very much at peace and started thinking whatever it is Baba will take care and He is there to lead me safely.

    You will not believe I could make 3 trips to Shirdi from August 31st. Every 2nd week I am going to shirdi. Everytime I go I feel his presence. I am hoping that I will get what I desire by Sai's grace. Also have made up by mind that if it doesnt happen then that is what sai wants.

    "Believe in Sai. Surrender your life to him. He will take care of everything" is the mantra I keep saying.

    From the time I starting believing him, I have experienced small small happenings which I feel happened because of Baba's grace. Will post each experience in different posts.

    I came across this site also by luck. I am very touched by many posts in the site. Reading all the posts increases faith in Baba.

    May baba bless everyone with his blessings.
    « Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 03:00:05 AM by sairamya »

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #235 on: October 26, 2007, 08:35:49 AM »
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  • sai ram , sai shaam . dookh bhanjan tero naam
    sai ram sai shaam , dookh bhanjan tero naam
    गुरूर्ब्रह्मा,गुरूर्विष्णुः,गुरूर्देवो महेश्वरः
    गुरूर्साक्षात् परब्रह्म् तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः॥
    अखण्डमण्डलाकांरं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम्
    तत्विदं दर्शितं येन,तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः॥

    सबका मालिक एक

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #236 on: October 29, 2007, 03:50:03 AM »
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  • As promised in my previous post, I am writing a few incidents which happened because of Baba's grace.

    All the 3 recent trips which I made to shirdi in the last 1 1/2 months were quite unplanned. It was as if Baba planned the trips. The second trip, I thought of leaving on saturday night from bombay with my mom. But on saturday morning, something told me to leave in the afternoon itself. So we changed our plans and caught a bus around 2. When I booked my tickets, they told me that we can reach shirdi by 7-8 PM. So I started dreaming about seeing the shej arathi. But it was already 8:15 When we reached Nashik. I was very upset and started chanting sairam and thought that if baba wants me to see him tonight, he will make it happen. We reached shirdi around 9:45 PM. We got down in front of the temple. I told my mom to run inside so that atleast she can see the arathi. I had a bag with me which I didnt know where to keep. I went to the security place where they keep the mobile and asked them where to keep the bag. They said they only keep small items and such a big bag cannot be kept there and I have to keep it in the cloak room. There was so much of crowd. I knew I wont be able to see the arathi as it was already late if I go to the cloak room. I was literally in tears. I wanted to see the arathi. and the security told me, aapko arathi nahi milega! I was very upset, and literally begged them to keep the bag and they kept on refusing. But suddenly by baba's grace they said aap idhar hi bag rakho aur bhago karke. I started running from there to the temple. Was very excited. And there was no queue. I could directly run to the samadhi hall and the arathi had just started. I could see the shej arathi by standing in the hall from a corner. I was crying silenty as I could see him. This is nothing but baba's grace.                     ---------CONT
    « Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 04:52:38 AM by sairamya »

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #237 on: October 29, 2007, 06:12:15 AM »
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  • ---Continuation from previous post.

    Would like mention about my 3rd trip. We as usual decided on an unplanned trip to Ashtavinayak and shirdi. On a sunday around 10 am, this thought crossed our mind and we left by 1 pm by baba's grace. Before leaving, I took baba's permission and asked him to be with us for the whole trip. We went to Pali, Mahad, Theur (3 ganpathi temples) by then it was already 10 PM.

    I told the driver to go to pune city so that we can look for accomodations but the driver took a different route. He asked some people nearby and they said we will get accomodations in saswad and it is on the way to moregaon (another ganpathi temple), so the driver decided to take that route. We dont know marati and we are in maharashtra only for the past 3 yrs so we had to listen to the driver. We kept going and we saw that there was no good hotel and the roads were literally deserted on the way. I was very upset as I had my old parents and younger sister with me. I am the person who takes care of them. They are totally dependent on me. I was worried as to how my parents are going to manage if we dont find any accomodation. But I trusted baba, I kept chanting sairam and left everything to Sai We reached saswad around 11:30 PM and we were very upset as we found out that saswad is also just a village. The driver took us to the first lodge. Seeing the condition of the lodge, I decided to stay in the car itself. As no decent family can stay in that. The next lodge also was the same but by then our driver was tired and he said that he cant go on but we need to stay in the second lodge(there were men who were very drunk in both the places, So I was even more scared). I thought maybe baba wants this only and was about to pay the money but somethign held me back. By then my mom came inside and saw the surroundings and said we will better stay in the car itself. So we came out, one guy from the lodge said that there is a new lodge nearby and asked us to check that place. I forced my driver to take us there, even when he wasnt interested. When we reached the new lodge, to our surprise, that place was surprisingly clean and the room was very spacious. It was heaven compared to the other places. To get such a place in a village was really by baba's grace otherwise we would have had to stay in the car only. I still feel baba made that guy tell us about this place. normally they dont disclose about other places as they will lose business. Because the first lodge guy told me that other than the 2 lodges there are no lodges nearby. But baba showed us the way.

    Next day we went to shirdi and stayed there. It was a memorable trip. As there was no queue, so in 5 minutes, we could get to baba's samadhi. And we could stand there for as long as we want, I could touch baba's samadhi for the first time. I was in tears when I saw baba's murthi. I was praying earnestly for something to baba (I know asking for our desires to be fulfilled is wrong, but who else can I ask other than baba?) I was touching baba's samadhi and was praying and was in tears. When I opened my eyes, the pujari gave me some flowers which were near baba's feet. I was moved as I felt baba is saying not to worry that everything will be alright and he is there to take care of me. Anyways I can only ask baba, He will decide what and when to give me.

    After that we stood in the queue for the shej arathi, and I could get a place just next to the murthi during the arathi. I was so happy. No words to express. We came out after that and went to gurusthan. We were just standing there, and looking at the neem tree. One old man who was dressed like a saint came there. He was collecting neem leaves. I was standing nearby, After collecting 4-5 leaves, he gave it my hands and walked off. I felt as if baba has blessed me once more through him. As I felt it was baba only who came there.

    I do feel dejected with all the problems around, I keep thinking of Sai and bear everything. Sometimes I feel very lost. I just keep praying that I should never lose faith in Sai and I should chant his name till I die. 
    « Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 06:28:18 AM by sairamya »

    Offline tyagaraju

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #238 on: October 30, 2007, 09:38:15 AM »
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  • Sai Ramyaji you had very very good experiences.  Bocz you do not know Baba previously he showed his miracles inorder to make you a strong believer upon Him.

    You are so lucky.


    Offline adwaita

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #239 on: November 06, 2007, 11:30:21 AM »
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  • Om SaiRam,
    One of the temple of Shirdi Sai is located in
    The temple committe has appointed aperson to take care of the temple daily to give all 4 aarathis .The person who was appointed was suffering with glycoma a horrible eyedisease and he was done like 4 operations to his eye and he could not see the objects clearly during nights.It is a very big problem to him. he has to go to checkup once an year to show if there is any improvement in his eyes.and has gone to the treatment for four years after operations are done but doctors told that there was no improvement.
    After 4 years he was then called to take care of the temple to give all 4 aarathis ,and after he was giving all 4 haarathis to baba all week after 2 months of starting the temple he felt like he couldnot see properly than before and thought that his eye site has gone more dull and so he went to chennai to undertake his treatment for the year .he told to doctors about the situation that he was facing .before doing checkup the doctors told that he should not work anymore and may be because of the smoke that comes from the aarathis this has happened and asked him to sleep on bed so that they can check his eyes and to the surprise after check up doctors doctors told that his eyesight has not become dull and it has improved and as he was using the same glasses of higher sight he was facing the trouble that he could not see clearly and immedaitely changed his glasses and he tld that he culd see more clearly than before.
    this is all because of babas grace
    thanq baba
    help us always

    om sai ram.


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