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Offline Dipika

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Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
« Reply #390 on: July 09, 2008, 10:50:11 PM »
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  • Reena
    I have had the fortune (that too by Baba's grace) to witness His blessings on our lives. I do not know where to start from but from the time when I got a seat in MBA in 1994 to getting a suitable job in an IT company in India to marrying the person of my choice to moving to US and settling down here with my husband. His blessings and grace is unmeasurable. Everything that I have in my life now is because of His presence. There were very difficult times that I faced in my life which threw me into disappointment, discouragement and disheartenment, but all I knew I could do was to pray to Baba sincerely and with all my heart. But the emphasis was also on conducting properly in terms of duties and responsibilities, doing seva as Baba emphasizes, being true in heart and mind. The list goes on and even includes the time when I performed Sai parayan for seven weeks for conceiving. We had been trying for 6 months already and my age is certainly not on my side in this (am in my early-mid thirtiees). Miraculously for me, I conceived in the 7th week of reading. But we lost it in the 4th month. We certainly have not lost the hope though. Baba will surely bless me and my husband and I sincerely remember Him now and thank Him for all the mercies he showered on our lives. All that we want now is His grace that we hold a baby soon in our arms.

    Shirdi Sai is our Ilavelupu. We were facing a financial crunch for the last one year. We tried our best to solve it but failed. Finally, we prayed our Sai in the month of December to solve our financial problems. Sai blessed us. We disposed our property last month for good amount and cleared all our debts. Now we are free of tension. Sai has several times shown His leela for us. Last Saturday He permitted us to visit Shirdi and provided excellent darshan. How can I explain my happiness. It touched new skies after Sai darshan.

    Dear Baba, thanks for all that You have given us. We are grateful to You, we are indebted to You. Please tell us our duties we will perform them to the very best of our abilities. Baba, thank you for getting my son a seat in a good school. Please see that he has a good character, good discpline, mannners, education, concentration success, good luck and good earnings from now on for ever. Please continue to shower Your blessings on us. As promised I have expressed my gratitude to You in this newsletter and promise to fulfill all our good vows

    The day was February 16th 2008, it so happened that I was struck by some unknown fear which was killing me everyday. During that course of time I was not eating food, I hardly used to eat only two spoons of rice and leave the rest. This went on for 4 weeks and I became very weak. I have been to a counseller to ask what is wrong with me, he told me that I have to go to a psychiatrist and take some drugs to calm my restless mind. I thought of finishing my life. I just cried out the name of Sai Baba and lo He came for my rescue that very moment I left to Shirdi as if Baba has called me. I went to Shirdi and sat in Dwarakamai asking Him only one thing what is wrong with me. I sat there for six full hours and in that time for every one minute I had His prasad which filled my hungry stomach that was starving for four weeks. It was like Baba saying to me, you haven't ate anything for these many days I am seeing you and I will feed you. Since then I have become normal without taking any drugs. After that Baba called me to Shirdi within a span of two weeks and I had His wonderful darshan. Sai, all my life is dedicated to You. The lord of lords You have come to save the life of this servent of yours.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

    Offline Dipika

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #391 on: July 09, 2008, 10:52:15 PM »
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  • Pradip
    Nearly one month before, my wife complained about eye problem. Her left eye was a little bit red and there was cyst in it. We went to ophthalmologist and he gave steroid for a week. He told that the redness of eye will probably go by the application of steroid but I am not sure about cyst. She did as per the doctor's advice and after a week, we visited the doctor again. He examined and said the redness had gone and advised three days one drop steroid. After three days, we visited the doctor to seek his advice on the operation of cyst. I was sacred of operation even then it was small. We were waiting in doctors clinic. I was massaging Baba's paada in my ring for nearly 45 minutes in doctors clinic and saying Om Sai Sri Sai Jay Jay Sai for 45 minutes requesting Him to avoid operation of cyst. Since I am Baba's sevak for nearly two decades I have in mind that Baba will listen to me and the doctor will say as the cyst has become too small , it will go on its own and there is no need of any treatment. After 45 minutes, doctor came, made the detail examination, and advised the cyst has become too small, it do not need any intervention. Now the cist has gone. Baba did listen to my prayer.

    Because of our son's school, we decided to sell it since over a year. Although, I had full faith in Baba about scope of our home being sold, probably He wanted to test our Saburi and because of sloppy real estate market, there were not many showings happening. still I was hanging in there looking fwd for His daya. In January 2008, we moved out to a apartment to market our vacant home. Our home was very close to major employer Dell; they started mass layoffs too, early part of this year, which added to existing real estate woes. This led more homes in market and limited buyers interest in that area. So things started feeling edgy and I got little restless. I was confident that Baba surely will take of us but to shun my anxiety, I sought help from Baba for some kind of indication about when we will get through this worry? Some time around end of March or beginning of April 2008, I prayed with full heart and asked for reply from a book in Telugu called 'Baba- prashnalu javabulu'.To my surprise, the message I looked at from the book has gist 'your work will be done in 2 months' and remaining part of message I don't recall as I write at his moment. That message made me feel much relieved and I was very sure Baba would certainly make this happen by selling our home by June. Although confident, do not know why but I did not share this with anyone including my spouse. We had to re-list the home with new price adding more incentives to motivate buyers. Still nothing much happened. But, in month of May one prospective buyer from California was keen on that house. My thoughts were neutral about this new development, as we heard of many happening where buyers back out on closing day too. Everything happened smoothly with Sai's grace where buyer had no financial problems and our home got closed successfully on May 31st 2008. We had to sell with chuck of loss but, I am more than sure in this bleak market, this amazing event would not have happened without the intervention of Sai.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

    Offline psmanga

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #392 on: July 10, 2008, 10:15:59 PM »
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  • I have lot of experiences with SAI BABA to share, one of them.. This is my personal first experience happened to me..
    It was when I was in 10th standard..I was bit nervous of passing my Physics Pre-final exams..if I dont get through Pre-final i wouldnt get my hall ticket for final exams..Its do or die situation for me.. Though I read well I was not sure I would get through before day of exam.. I was done with my preparation , but was nervous would i pass so I wrote sai naamam countlessly before exam day.  I gave the exam next day..when I got my results i dont remember i topped or not but got good my suprise..though i was scared till i got results whether i would get through...the miracle what happened was i attempted all questions immaterial whether choice is given.. teacher gave marks for every answer i couldnt believe that..and it gave me good marks. I felt it was only because of SAI. had it been that teacher realised that she shdnt give marks for choice answers i would have got less marks .its sai miracle that she didnt realise that she shdnt give all answers were half way through..and got half  marks for each question was first time I wrote sai naamam.
    « Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 08:18:13 PM by psmanga »

    Offline psmanga

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #393 on: July 10, 2008, 10:45:58 PM »
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  • I started worshipping SAI BABA at the age of 13 , it started out with a miracle.  Some one from our family friends happened to give us a small baba minature which is in a glass piece which normally one would give to others along with prasadam when they visited shirdi. We used to keep this in our pooja room.  once my father left for his home town and was travelling in train , at home me and my sister were watching news in English  unexpectedly there was a tragedy happened to the train he was travelling , we very well remember the train number  7056 as we often go to our home town , the moment the new reader said that the train left the tracks and people was hospitalised. I didnt know what to do we all 3 (mom,sis,self) were in shock and back in our home town there is no phone communication to contact. We were all tensed to find out what happened.I was nervous inside my mind and heart ..but dont know what made to go and touch that small piece of sai baba glass minature and offered a flower to him..and prayed to save my father's life.. I was just chanting sai sai..for some time.. infront of sai. It was night time when we got to know this news.. my mind was blank..and expecting to hear from my grand parents next day morning..we got to know that my father is safe and he did return back immediately..he was there at the spot when train accident took place..but that was the first my life as well in my family we started worshipping SAI BABA.. At that time I prayed to BABA that I would do his pooja every thursday without fail if you save my father..
    As I was nt aware of aarathi means a song.. I used to think it is normally aarathi we give to GOD with camphor..I used to get up early on Thursday's , take head bath and give aarathi(camphor) for few minutes and some one gave the sai satcharithra.. at the end there are few lines which says to sing when we give aarathi..I used to read that few lines and give aarathi..I did it for few years...later I got myself busy with studies and was on and off with this..but never forgot him..It was me who used to worship intially mom never showed interest of worshipping baba not that she never liked.. it was my experience i used to do. Later my dad some how got habituated to go to BABA's temple and attend aarathi on thursdays.. never it didnt interest my mom even my dad used to do. Once she had her own experience of BABA saving her life from appendicitis though it is was very major operation. This was another miracle of BABA on us . I explained in this thread earlier..She started worshipping BABA since then by singing kaakada aarthi daily..since then she never stopped singing aarthi till date though she sings 3 aarthi's from morning afternoon and evening. Its been almost 12 years now..I wish BABA gives her the energy to continue to do the same.
    « Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 10:53:26 PM by psmanga »

    Offline Dipika

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #394 on: July 15, 2008, 08:39:45 PM »
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    Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 12:52:39 +0530 > > sairam, > > > > > > thorugh baba's grace the dubai people got to > > > experience the presence of shirdi baba here! there > > > no > > > words to explain this ,, rather to say its beyond > > > words! > > > > > > one Mr. vasu shroff an industrialist is a devotee of > > > baba. about 2 years back he had gone to shirdi and > > > prayed to baba asking him as to when He was coming > > > to > > > dubai. when he opened his eyes he saw a peice of > > > paper > > > on his lap. it said that " i will come on the 15th > > > of > > > april 2004"! .there is a shirdi group which conducts > > > sathsang everyfri at a place in jumairah[dubai]. > > > they > > > had a got murthy from shirdi and wanted to install > > > that . since baba told MR.vasu that he will be > > > coming > > > on the 15th of april they wanted the inastallation > > > on > > > that day. baba came in vasu's dream telling him that > > > he will give him darsahn at 2am on the 15th. round > > > the clock preparations were going on for the > > > insatallation. at around 1.30 am Mr vasu asked all > > > the > > > people workingthere to go home. baba had told Mr. > > > VASU > > > THAT HE WANTED SOLITUDE AND THAT ONLY 4 PEOPLE,CAN > > > SEE > > > HIM. MR. vasu had sleptoff and baba appeared in his > > > dream and told him" i am waiting outside the villa > > > when are u coming" [ Mr. vasu's residence is > > > elsewhere]. baba aslo told him that he wanted his > > > driver sharma to welcome him. so when MR. vasu went > > > to > > > the villa he saw that the doors were open and all > > > the > > > lights were on at 2am! he saw baba as 30 year old > > > man.baba sat in the mandir and wrote messages in 11 > > > slips of paper. he materialised rudrasha mala for > > > Mr. > > > vasu.He gave one small vijayasthamb[for victory] . > > > he > > > said whosoever prays touching the vijayasthamb with > > > pure devotion will get success in life. he wore old > > > padukaas and came there. he said that they belonged > > > to,lord siva. MR. vasu asked baba to give his > > > footprints in chandan. a cloth was spread and baba > > > gave his footprints in them. about 9 of them are > > > there > > > going towards the shrine! then he came out and went > > > to > > > the opposite room and said that he wanted to take > > > rest > > > for sometime. now they have named the room as > > > dwarakamayi. meanwhile one lady whom MR. vasu had > > > informed [one of the 4] called.then baba went and > > > sat > > > in Mr. vasu's car. then HE kept the padukas on MR. > > > vasu's head. then MR. vasu went around the car 7 > > > time > > > with baba sitting inside. by that time the lady > > > arrived. she got His darshan! baba gave her 2 > > > mangoes > > > and blessed here. the he asked Mr. vasu to get into > > > the car and take him the sonapur temple.[sonapur isa > > > place in dxb where hindus are allowed to do the > > > cremation]. Mr. vasu has built a shiva temple there. > > > [Mr. vasu had lost his daughter about 7 years back]. > > > when the car reached the temple he saw his daughter > > > standing there at the entrance! baba told him " u > > > were > > > worrying about her now she is with me!" then baba > > > got > > > down from the car and went to the temple . his > > > daughter merged into baba and baba went into the > > > temple and disappeared into the shiva idol.all > > > things > > > which he has materialised is kept in the temple for > > > everyone to see. he also told that when he wants > > > the padukas itwill come back to him. the old wooden > > > padukaas the mala the writings and the vijayasthamb > > > can be seen by everyone .baba also lit the akanda > > > jyothi there and it is still burning. they are going > > > to convert the whole place into shirdi! the pujari > > > from shirdi has also come for this purpose. the > > > installation is over and the regular aarthi goes on > > > like it is in shirdi. > > what can be said about HIS grace! as said before it > > > is just beyond words! > > > sairam > > > S.Krishnamachari Santhanam. > > > P.O.Box 9168 .Dubai.UAE. > > > Te: 009714 3518744 > > > Mo: 0097150 6535415


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #395 on: July 17, 2008, 11:27:45 PM »
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  • Sairam!
    I have a friend who is a Chartered Accountant. He is from a very good family. They were seeking alliances for him, for quite some time.  Last month, he visited Shirdi. Immediately after that, his marriage got fixed. One more surprising element is that, the girl is his distant relative and lives in a place closer to his.Why, I'm stating this here is that, if it is from known family means, marriage could have been fixed earlier. This is Baba's Miracle.

    Sasi Ravi


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #396 on: July 22, 2008, 11:53:20 AM »
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  • Shri Baba Converts "No" into "Yes"

    Four years preceding 1976, much though I wished to appear for B.A. Examination; I could not do so. For some or other urgent domestic problems invariably cropped up at the examination time compelling me to give up the idea of doing the Examination.


    Finally, I resolved that come what may, I would do it in October, 1976. Accordingly, I saw my Officer and spoke to him of my plans. He bluntly told me that he would not sanction my leave and advised me to appear in 1977. Despite my Officer's "No" I made an application for leave and sincerely prayed Shri Baba to sanction it.


    On the day I wrote my application, the Chairman of our Bombay Port Trust, visited our Office and was pleased with the Work-diary maintained by me. The Officer, who, had declined to sanction my leave had accompanied the Chairman with our Head of Department. He too was pleased. Next day, I was informed that my leave was sanctioned by the Officer who had earlier refused to do so.

    I thanked Shri Baba for converting “No” into “Yes”.

    Shri Anil Keshavrao Rasal


    (Source Shri Sai Leela Feb 1979)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #397 on: July 24, 2008, 04:01:29 AM »
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  • "Dwarakamayi pe dhyaan lagaana Sayee ke gun gaana
    Main Sayee mein aur mujh mein Sayee main tho Sai diwaana"

    As I meditate on Dwarakamayi.. singing the glory of Sai
    The admirer of Sai that I am ..Sai is in me and I am in Sai


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #398 on: July 24, 2008, 04:02:59 AM »
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  • Pujan
    Evreyday I read stories about Baba's miracle and it fills my eyes with tears just to think how lucky we all are to have our Saimaa guiding us in evrey step we take. Today is 15th July, my birthday and as a way of thanking my Saimaa from the bottom of my heart for always being there for me, I would like to share my story. I had a dream on 3rd June where Shirdi Baba was asking me to feed Him ladoo. I fed Him sumptuously in my dream. Next morning when I woke up, I took it as a hint that may be He wants me to feed Him ladoo. But as there are hardly any Indian sweets shop near where I live I could not offer Him any. All I had with me at that time was this small packet of cornflakes. As I always offer anyting I eat to Him first, so before I went to bed at night I offered Him the small packet of cornflakes saying Swami, your daughter dose not have any ladoo please accept this as her love. Next morning when I woke up wonder of wonder the whole cornfalkes along with the packet had dissappeared. I bursted into tears. Thank you Saimaa for always being there for your devotees. I love You from the bottom of my heart.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #399 on: July 25, 2008, 09:45:32 AM »
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  • How Baba Redeems His Pledge

    "Cast all your burdens on me and I shall bear them" was the pledge given by Shri SAIBABA, for the benefit of humanity. The devotee has to do his part in a spirit of complete surrender, and BABA had never failed HIS devotees. Since nearly four decades, I and the members of my family have been experiencing the redemption of this pledge by BABA. There was never a problem in our lives, which could not be solved by HIS grace. There were innumerable instances when we turned to Him for succor and guidance and we were never disappointed. I would crave the indulgence of the kind readers, to mention two or three of several such instances,


    In 1959 my only son had appeared for his B. E. mechanical, final examination and came home to spend his summer vacation with us. I found him unusually brooding. When pressed, he revealed the cause. He was worried because he did not fare well in his examination. He was expecting his first ever failure in his academic career. Since childhood he was a very sensitive child. I prayed to BABA to come to his help and vowed to send a certain amount to Shirdi Sansthan, for poor feeding. A few days later, I had a dream in which BABA was sitting on the branch of a huge tree, the top of which was in the clouds. HE stretched HIS hand towards me from the sky demanding HIS money. After I woke up the daily paper came in the morning and I was happy to find my boy's number in the list of successful candidates. I immediately sent the amount to Shirdi.


    A few years back all the members of our family went to Tirupati in our car for the tonsure ceremony of my grand-son. One night, prior to our departure, I had a dream. In the dream, we were traveling in our car along a very narrow forest road. Our journey was obstructed by a big tree which fell right across the narrow road. There was no way of by passing the road block. We tried to remove the tree; but it did not budge. While we were waiting in despair, a villager wearing soiled and torn clothes came there. He laughed at us, coming to know about our predicament and questioned me "You are so many and why don't you all   make   an   effort to remove   the tree".    I told him that we have tried and   failed.     He said he would assist us and we all tried again. Our contribution was of no consequence, as he pulled the tree from the road with   ease.  I felt grateful to him and thanked   him   profusely   and   offered   him   some of the eatables   which   we had in the car.   He ate them   with relish and wanted some more.    We gave him some more.    He again wanted some more and   thus   he   ate all,   that was available in the car. After that he again   asked   for   something   more and I told him that nothing was left   with us.     He   laughed at me and accuses me of telling a falsehood. I was shocked by this rudeness. Then he said "Search your   grandson's pocket". When I did so found two or three paper wrapped sweets, which the boy always carried in his pocket.    I took them and gave them to him.     He ate them and drank water.    From this I could know that he was no ordinary man.    The child folded his hands before him and he blessed the boy and advised us to start at once as we had a long distance to cover.   We all felt very hungry; but there was nothing available, which we could eat.   After a journey of 30 or 40 miles in hot sun we reached a small   wayside village   where there was a small tea-stall and we stopped in front   of it.     We expected to get   in it   only   tea   and some   crude bread.   It   was a pleasant surprise to us, when   the stall   keeper   informed us,   that he had prepared food for us as per the   instructions   of a villager, who came to his shop and   informed   him of our   arrival a few hours thence.  That was the dream I had.


    While we were returning from Tirupati on our way back to Hyderabad, a few miles this side of Kurnool, the tiered end suddenly broke and the car began to travel down a ghat slope. We felt helpless as the steering wheel had no control. I knew that it was going to be our end. In desperation I lifted both my hands in an earnest prayer to BABA and requested HIM to spare at least the child. To my surprise the momentum slackened and the car headed towards a tree standing there. The front bumper touched the trunk of the tree and the vehicle came to a stop. I was surprised to note that, the tree was none other than the one which I saw in my dream, in a fallen state across the forest road. Even the front bumper had not been damaged. With the help of the driver of a car, that was passing that way, a wrench was improvised for the broken tierod end and we managed to reach Kurnool, where the necessary replacement was got done and we could reach Hyderabad 4 or 5 hours late. This was BABA'S grace. That villager was no other than BABA.


    According to an astrological prediction I should have had a fatal illness in my 62nd year. I was ready for the event, but did not reveal this to any one of my family. Some days before the completion of my 62nd year, one night my wife had a dream. A Rishi appeared in her dream and directed her to tell me, that I should chant MRITYUNJAYA MANTRAM 108 times every morning. My wife does not know how to pronounce the name of that MANTRAM even now. When she had that dream, she immediately woke up and noted on a small piece of paper the name of that Mantram, with incorrect spelling. Next morning she told me about it and I could know that it was the hand of BABA guiding my destiny. As a matter of fact it was my wife who had brought SAI BABA POOJA into our house in 1940. I am now sixty eight. I am reconciled to any eventuality, but I am grateful to BABA for HIS grace showered on me and my family members.


    There was and is never a moment in my life, when BABA is not in my thoughts. I feel HE pervades our home. I feel HIM and breathe HIM. To my knowledge He had never let any one down.

    Devata Subba Rao


    (Source Shri Sai Leela Feb 1979)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #400 on: July 30, 2008, 10:52:59 AM »
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  • Miracle of the Statue of Shri Sai Baba

    It was in November 1977 that I went to my brother, Shri B. Madhava Rao, a Porcelain Factory Officer, in Malleswaram at Bangalore. He is an atheist and an out and out materialist, who shuns any talk on God.


    In the course of our general talk, be suddenly said, "I will give you a gift worth a million dollars. You care for no money or material, but you will welcome this most". I could not understand anything from his talk as I care for nothing and welcome anything, yet, anxious as I was to know what he meant? I asked him what that precious gift was. He then replied, "What you most care and welcome in your life-SAI BABA-Your God"


    Derisive as it appeared, the offer comes from an avowed atheist. I was not shocked, but amused at first, but later baffled over a materialist's bent of mind—incomprehensible—indeed!


    In my next visit to him in December 1977, when I reminded him of his gift to me, he said, "It was not such an easy task for me to send Sai Baba to you, but come He will, shortly".


    In the meantime, I went to Madras and being anxious, I wrote to my brother if my Sai Baba was ready and to my joy and surprise, he replied stating that Sai Baba was ready awaiting me to take delivery. My joy knew no bounds.


    Immediately, I cancelled all my pending programmes and hastened to Bangalore on 22-2-1978.


    The next day, 23-2-1978, Thursday, I rushed to my brother's house in the evening and saw to my great joy, a Porcelain Statue of Sai Baba, most realistic and attractive. The Statue is one foot high, seated on a black pedestal, clad in red dhoti and upper cloth, in porcelain, at the sight of which I felt Sai Baba is physically present   before   me,   the   kind of   feeling   could understood only by the Bhakta dedicated to HIM.


    I expressed my profound pleasure and gratitude to my brother, Madhava Rao, for the rare, priceless and precious gift, offered to me I brought the statue home and installed HIM in Sri Sai Kutirat 8.00 p. m.-on a-Thursday, with the usual rituals and commenced my daily worship with deeper and firmer devotion and with added enthusiasm.


    It also may be noted   here, that   this   incident hardly 25 days before my 67th birthday took place. I may also state here that the statue came into my brother's house on 9-2-1978(Thursday) and left his house on 23-2-1978 a Thursday thus staying with him for 3 Thursdays. The statue cost my brother Rs. 20.62 as per his factory Cash Bill No. 4247 dated 9-2-1978.

    It is really a pose at to how Shri Sai Baba inspired and induced my brother Madhava Rao to get this statue made for me, apathetic as he is for any spiritual learning’s.


    I asked my brother, how he got this statue made for me, he told me that there is a mould of Sai Baba in his factory to be cast only for some Very Big Persons. On requisition under special permission from Delhi Chief Office, the statue is made for them, on rare occasions. He said the idea of gifting to me the statue suddenly struck him and he ventured to get the sanction from Delhi with his influence. But, a small Section Officer as he is, in the Factory, he was not sure of getting the sanction, until he got it, which he said was my luck; and as such he could not reveal the matter with confidence to me. In my subsequent visits, he used to say that the matter was under way.


    To sum up this miracle, it is pointed out to the Sai Devotees, that only when a devotee is possessed by HIM and that the devotee is already on the path of His glory with devotion, seeking liberation from the worldly attachment and ultimate salvation, that Shri Sai Baba comes to the devotee in some form or other to protect him and jot otherwise. ., , .


    As a proof thereof, I could state with confidence, that when a Bhakta is possessed by His grace only,' he will be allowed or Initiated, to His sacred Shrine at Shirdi, as in my case, when I have the fortune to visit Shirdi every year since last 20 continuous years without break for my annual prayers at His sacred feet, and every year, I go there, I get recharged by Shri Sai Baba for increased devotion with added vigor and enthusiasm, and nearer to liberation and for merger into HIM.


    Further, it is too well known to Sai devotees and a proven fact with Sai Baba that unless and until He calls His devotees, they dare not and cannot step in His holy Shrine with all their hectic efforts. Likewise, unless one has His grace, he will not be with the devotee too. As such my brother, Madhava Rao also, though an atheist and a materialist, some inexplicable, phenomena must have worked on him, that drove him to this task, and that Shri Sai Baba stayed in his house for 3 Thursdays, he should be lucky to have His blessings, unknown to my brother for the PUNYAM of his previous birth. This has its own significance.


    And again, why and how I got Sai Baba without my thought, imagination, or   attempt for it I also did   not know that there was such mould in my brother's factory and that it could be got so easily; why He came in this form to my house at  my 67th birth year is only known to Him and that too through a materialist and atheist, who would not allow my puja to Shri Sai Baba in his house, for that matter, worship of any   God   is vehemently opposed and prohibited   in   his  dwelling. Nevertheless,   Sai Baba alone was permitted to remain with him - How?   A wonder that has no explanation


    In conclusion, I may be allowed to state with due apologies to H. H. Radhakrishna Swamiji, the apostle of Shri Sai Baba, President, All India Sai Samaj and Founder President of Shri Sai Centre at Bangalore, has installed in May 1978, at Sai Centre at Bangalore, a life size statue of Sai Baba in Marble Stone, while I did so with a porcelain statue of a smaller size - of course, size is no concern or consequence for devotion - almost simultaneously at a very short interval.


    My daily prayer to my Lord Shri Sai Nath is that so long there is life in me, to allow me to pray to His sacred LOTUS FEET and grant my prayer to merge me in HIM, while at prayer, as a token of my devotion and dedication to HIM.


    It may be noted that while both the statues at Shri Sai Centre and at Shri Sai Kutir, at Bangalore, were almost simulta­neously installed at very short intervals, the installation at Shri Sai Kutir was devoid of all pomp, splendor and publicity at Shri Sai Centre.


    But his Holiness Radhakrishna Swamiji is a great Saint, an apostle of Sai Baba, to whom I bow in reverence and devotion as a humble Bhakta seeking his Blessings.

    I hope, that this article would interest and impress all Sai Devotees.

    B. Ramanadha Rao


    (Source Shri Sai Leela Jan 1979)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #401 on: July 30, 2008, 10:56:05 AM »
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  • A Surprise Gift from Sadguru Sainath Maharaj

    It was the year 1952 when one of my well-wisher subordinate employee named Shri NERURKAR of Bandra (West) advised me to go in SHARNAGAT of SHRI SAI BABA OF SHIRDI, Who will, as per his belief, definitely redress any and every of my grievance, solve our all difficulties, give us what we deserve and above all give us peace of mind, provided we surrendered to Him in full heart and soul.


    Those days we were very badly in need of residential accommodation I along with my wife, Shama Tikoo, made up our mind to go to SHIRDI and fall at the lotus feet of SAI BABA. One fine day HE seems to have felt our heart-throbs and called us to SHIRDI as it was a known fact that without HIS wish nothing can happen in spite of any and every effort is put in. An invisible verbal order came and we set out for SHIRDI. Though this was our first experience; we had some difficulty in reaching Shirdi which we took to be His test of our endurance and belief in HIM. We reached there safely, passed some days in Shirdi attended the Palki procession as well, on Thursday night. We saw what we had never seen till that day, that the Samadhi Mandir, Gurusthan, Dwarkamai and Chawdi are open to one and all without caste and creed which is allowed in no other temple, church, masjid or gurudwara. Above all we were rather surprised to see that each person, a child, young or old, a male or female, can go up to the SINGHASAN OF MAHARAJA ADHIRAJ SHRI SAINATH and touch His feet, garland Him, put on any offering to Him. This direct access to the Sai Murti, of any one, rich or poor, sick or healthy, is unique, we could see. Above this all, we felt as if Baba is talking to us and He gave us peace of mind when we used to sit before Him in the Samadhi Mandir hall, at Dwarkamai, at Chawdi, at Gurusthan or even in the Lendibag.


    After about a week's stay there we returned to Bombay and "LO WHAT A SUPRISE   SAI BABA HAD   FOR US ON OUR RETURN" He gave it to us, as one of my another subordinate Shri Bhogilal Lolania informed me that there was a double room vacant in the Building he was residing in and I should immediately see the rent collector Shri Dubejee before any one else meets him for it. I accordingly met Shri Dubejee same evening and the problem of our accommodation which could not be solved since 1948, was solved at a minutes meeting with the said rent collector, but only when we returned from Shirdi with the grace and blessings of SAI BABA, on Whose feet we had fallen at Shirdi and had completely surrendered our heart and soul to HIM, the SADGURU SAIBABA.


    This leela of providing us surprise gift in the form of accommodation increased our faith in Him and His Bhakti and as such I along with my wife Shama Tikoo, took HIM to be our Father, Mother and Guru as well as every thing in our life. We have entrusted ourselves to HIM to HIS Grace and His mercies. We are His and only His and He has every right to do with us what is so destined and in store for us that we deserve. It is because of this all, I have been writing, composing and singing Bhajans of His grace and BHAKTI BHAVS which He and only He creates in my mind, brain and thought. It is He only who gives me inspiration and power to write, compose and sing these Bhavs in the form of the Bhajans. HIS LEELA is very UPRUMPAR (endless). We have full faith in Him and in all gods, saints, avatars, fakeers, and sannyasees but all through HIM AND IN HIM ONLY, as we see every one of them in HIM only.

    K. T. Tikoo


    (Source Shri Sai Leela Jan 1979)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #402 on: July 30, 2008, 10:58:42 AM »
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  • I would like to narrate a Miracle that happened in our family. It happened in the year 1999. I was recently married. My parents visited me. I had two copies of " Sai Satcharitha" with me, one in English and the other one in Tamil. My mother took, the tamil version from me and was reading the same in the train, for the first time. That time, my sister-in-law got admitted in hospital, for delivery. Doctors did a scan and said that child was still-born and heart beat is not there. But my mother read Chapters 11 and 15, next day, a male child was born on Wednesday(weighing 1.6 kg). The kid was a premature baby. His name is Sairam. He is Baba's gift to us. He is in his 4 th standard now and he is very brilliant and very good in drawing. One day very funny thing happened, he was barely three or four. That time, we never used to give him outside food. One day, inside a closed room I was eating Vada. He immediately opened the room and started crying saying, "I'm Sairam, I'm like Sai Baba,will you eat without giving to me?". I was reminded of Sudhama's incident in Satcharitha.

    a Sai Devotee


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #403 on: July 30, 2008, 11:03:26 AM »
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  • Kalpa - Vriksha Shri Sai

    On 29-8-76, I reached Shirdi at the lotus feet of Shri Sai Nathji Maharaj. It was after a period of one and a half year that I was allowed by HIM to come to His lotus feet, my last visit being in March 75.

    On reaching there, I contacted Shri Shinde, who very kindly guided me to keep my luggage in room No. 8, above the parcel cloth depot and that some other room would be allotted to me after the Noon Aarti. I followed the attendant and when I came in front of room No. 8, I was wonderstruck and overjoyed to see that Shri Sai Nathji Maharaj was Himself there to receive me. (A big colour portrait of Babaji is there above the door of this room and no other room). After Noon Aarti, I kept my luggage in the newly allotted room and then went to Kopargaon to have the sacred Godavari bath and returned by evening.


    On 30-8-76, after attending Kakad Aarti and Abhishek, I went in Dwarkamai at 9 a.m. and started my Saptahik Path of Hindi Shri Sai Satcharita. Before starting reading, I prayed to Shri Sai that this parayan of mine should not be mere reading, but I must have His Grace definitely. After bowing at His lotus Feet, I started the Path. Hardly had I read one or two slokas of the first chapter, some flower leaves fell upon the "Granth", and when I looked up, an elderly Mahatman, having Ramuaam cloth upon his shoulders, was standing there. He applied Tilak on my forehead too and thus Shri Sai Himself blessed my Parayan. Later I came to know that the elderly Mahatman was none other than Shri Martand Bhagat, son of Late Shri Mhalsapaty, the Great Bhakta of Shri Sai Baba.


    How and why I had come to Shirdi and why this Saptahik Path was done by me in Shri Dwarkamai, all this will be narrated in some next issue of Shri Sai Leela.


    While doing the Parayan, I saw that Bhaktas were putting a little part of their offerings to Shri Sai Babaji in the Kolamb kept outside Shri Sai's Dhuni, which was being taken away as Prasadam by other Bhaktas.


    And here Shri Sai Baba is "Kalpa-Vriksha": I demanded from Babaji this very Prasadam from the Kolamb, asking Him to give the same to me. And that neither I would pick it up from the Kolamba myself nor I would demand from any Bhakta, offering the same to Shri Babaji. I prayed in this manner and was confident that He will surely fulfill my desire.


    Here I may point out that daily after the evening Aarti, I used to go to Abdul Baba's Cottage, opposite Chawadi, for some time.


    On 31-8-76 (Tuesday) evening, one Conductor, who was also sitting in the Cottage, told me that I will have some unusual experience in Dwarkamai on Thursday (2-9-76). He further added that these words should not be taken as untrue, as he was also son of a PIR-FAKIR and was forced to utter there words.


    On 1-9-76 (Wednesday) evening, in the same Cottage, one Panditji (Astrologer) also said to me that next morning (Thursday) I will have Shri Sai's Grace in Shri Dwarkamai. He too, added that he did not say this because of his knowledge, but a divine message was conveyed to me through him.


    On 2-9-76 (Thursday) I went lo Dwarkamai at 8-30 a. m, after usual worship in the Samadhi Mandir and sat there. One Bhakta, Shri A. S. Manohar from Dadar, used to do parayan of Marathi Shri Sai Satcharita and after him I used to start my "path" at 9 a. m. Next to Shri Manohar, was sitting another Bhakta, next to him I, and next to me two other Bhaktas. In other words out of five, I was in the centre, two being on my each side. Just at this time one Bhakta comes, places his Thali of Naivedya (Halwa) in front of Babaji in Dwarkamai, takes a handful out of it and keeps the same in the Kolamb. Turns back, picks up his Thali and gets down the steps of Dwarkamai. Walking four or five steps, stops, turns back, climbs the steps of Dwarkamai, again places his Thali in front of Shri Babaji, comes to the Kolamb, picks up the prasadam (kept by himself), comes straight to me and offers the same to me. I stretch my hands and accept the same with reverence, with tears of joy in my eyes (DHANYA DHANYA SADGURU SHRI SAI NATHAJI MAHARAJ), Again the Bhakta picks up his Thali, gets down, goes four five steps, thinking something nods his head and moves on.


    At the time of the evening Aarti, I again caught sight of that same Bhakta and approached him and thanked him for giving me Prasadam in Dwarakamai in the morning, whereupon he replied that he himself was unable to understand as to what made him pick up Prasadam from the Kolamb as that is against the usual practice. He thought over that again and again and came to the conclusion that Shri Sai Himself had wished all this and got the same done through him accordingly.


    Shri Sai's beloved Bhaktas, during this visit, I experienced that it rained cats and dogs of His Grace and Blessings, which I will try to narrate by and by through the columns of Shri Sai Leela.


    The publishing of all this is of course late, because I thought in my mind that all this BLISS is my personal property. But after getting inspiration by reading Shri Sai Satcharita, I have come to the conclusion that this sort of behavior is narrow mindedness which should be given up. And such experiences should be given in Shri Sai Leela, so that other Bhaktas may also enjoy His Grace.


    Bow to Shri Sai Nathji Maharaj at His Lotus Feet May He shower His Blessings upon us all and grant us pure Devotion and Absolute Surrender.

    Sai Charan Das.



    (Source Shri Sai Leela Jan 1979)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #404 on: August 01, 2008, 10:16:17 AM »
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  • Shri Sai Baba's Divine Grace

    My first experience of the miracle of Shri Sai was in the year 1942. I was posted as Medical Officer of Civil Centre at Ananthapur in June, during Second World War After taking charge of the post, leaving my wife and child in traveler’s bunga­low; I went in search of a house. Sri Hanumanthrao, a leading Criminal Advocate of the place, whom I met, was very kind to promise to get me a suitable house within a few days. Because I happened to be a doctor, he was anxious to take me to his brother-in-law's house, Shri Ramaswamy, an Advocate and an ardent devotee of Shri Saibaba. The time was 7 p. m.


    Shri Ramaswamy was sitting in the puja room and praying to Baba with implicit devotion. His wife and other members of the family were in the front varandah crying loudly. After enquiry, I learnt that their daughter Pramila a girl of 6 years had sustained severe burns all over the body upto neck because her pavadai had caught fire when she was doing Pradakshinam to Tulasi Brindavan where a number of mud oil lamps were lit on account of Uttana Dwadashi (festival of Shri Krishna at Brindavan). This had happened about ten days back. Her body was full of foul smelling pus, having lots of maggots (young worms of flies). She was being treated at the local Government hospital. She was unconscious for nearly six days with high temperature and had not taken even a drop of water during the period. As her con­dition deteriorated, the relatives were asked to take the girl home in a serious condition in anticipation of an early end. That was the scene at my entry. As soon as I entered the house, Shri Hanumanthrao introduced me as a doctor from Madras. Shri Ramaswamy, who was praying in the puja room, immediately came out and exclaimed, "Shri Saibaba has sent the medical aid at the critical time." He asked me immediately to examine the girl and treat the case suitably. I was dumbfounded because I had not heard of any Saibaba before and more so it appeared that the condition of the patient was beyond any human help. However, being a doctor, I had to face the emergency. I went back to traveler's bungalow to get my medical bag and inform my wife not to worry about me if I return late in the night on account of this emergency.


    The patient had 104° temperature, pulse was rapid but feeble. She was not responding to any kind of stimuli. The pus was smelling very badly as it was full of maggots. After pro­tecting my nose with cloth, I cleaned the whole body, removed manually with forceps a number of maggots (nearly 180) and applied gauze soaked in cod liver oil over the wound. The girl did not show any sign of life during the whole process which took nearly 3 hours. As only sulfa drugs were available then, I got some M and B 693 tablets, powdered them and asked the mother to give it with honey in case the girl awoke in the night. Shri Ramaswamy applied Shri Sai's udhi on the forehead.


    Next morning I was sure that the girl would not be alive. With great trepidation in my heart, I went to their house to know the position. There I saw the miracle of Shri Sai for the first time in my life. The girl was awake, had asked for water and milk in the night, which were given. Her general condition was very much improved. The temperature had touched normal and pulse full. She answered my questions clearly and fluently.


    Everyday I used to visit their house to clean and dress the wounds. At the end of six months, the entire burnt area of her body had fully healed up, covered with healthy skin, without any trace of a scar. Baba's grace was primarily responsible for snatching that young girl from the jaws of death and I was only a tool in His hands. Soon after that, I was transferred to another centre in Madras.


    Shri Ramaswamy told everyone that I was sent to Ananthapur by Baba to treat and save his daughter's life. When I left Ananthapur Sri Ramaswamy invited me and my wife to his house and gave, us a photo of Shri Saibaba and a packet of udhi, after a sumptuous meal. He asked me to worship Baba from that day. But my mind was still not receptive at that time to get His blessings. Being young and full of ego, I entirely forgot about the whole incident for nearly a decade when I was again reminded by Shri Sai.


    I shall narrate my next experience of Baba with His blessings in the succeeding article in Shri Sai Leela.


    With satsanga pranams to all knowing Shri Sai's incarnation of Sathya, Dharma, Prema and Shanthi.

    P. S.

    Pramila I learnt now is married and leading a very happy life with her husband and children in Hyderabad. We were extremely happy to meet her when she came to our house to invite us personally for her marriage some years back.

    Dr. A.  R. Govind Rao, M.B.B.S., M.S (Vaie)


    (Source Shri Sai Leela June 1978)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal


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