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Offline Dipika

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Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
« Reply #405 on: August 03, 2008, 03:37:07 AM »
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  • Baba as a Rescuer

    By R. Radhakrishnan

    Real love is desire less and motiveless. One with pure love thinks: "I love him for no reason at all. I suffer because of that love, yet I still love. If I feel well, or don't feel well, if He looks at me, or if He doesn't look at me If He is kind or if He is cruel, I can never think anything but good of Him.

    -          Sri Ramakrishna


    “Rinanubandha" is the main factor for becoming Sai Baba's devotees. Being a mortal, I do not know since how many births I have been connected with Him. But, in this birth, He has taken me under His care as a child. I was in charge of the foundry shop stores, Hubli and I had to take half a day casual leave on 14th April ‘52. As planned, my assistant passed out some valuable materials to a thief, who was caught outside railway workshops by the railway Police. My assistant involved me in the police case. I was taken to the police station from my house for interrogation. The Police Inspector wouldn't believe me though I pleaded that the theft took place in my absence. He said, you being in charge should have handed over the materials to your assistant and gone on leave, duly obtaining his acknowledgement in the Tally sheets. Is it humanly possible to hand over thousands of items in half-a-day? I kept quite knowing that no argument will satisfy the police as they were after money. I was put in a "lock-up" and the Police Sub-Inspector gave orders to the Constable to whip me. I was not in good health. I thought I would collapse on that day. At least let me remember Sai Baba and cried out aloud, "Oh, Sainath" when the police raised his hands to whip me and swooned. After four hours, I regained my consciousness. I opened my eyes and looked around with fear. I was made to sit in a comfortable chair and the Sub-Inspector, Shri Kulkarni, was looking at me kindly and said "When you uttered Baba's name, I immediately caught hold of the constable's hand and prevented him from beating you. I am also a devotee of "Shirdi Sai Baba" and saw Baba in you. It is needless to say that I was released from the police station with great honor and the real culprit was duly punished.


    In January 1960, I had to go to Madras with my family. We boarded the night train at Hubli and we alighted at Guntakal the next morning to catch Dadar Express bound for Madras. The train, when arrived at Guntakal was overcrowded. Somehow, I put my family in a 'ladies compartment' and I was traveling standing on the foot-board. When the train was approaching a bridge near Gooty station, I got exhausted and got giddiness and I had no sleep in the previous night and there was no time to have "breakfast" at Guntakal. I thought I would die as my hands were paining and I could hold the handles no longer, I immediately remembered "Bhagwan Sai" with tears. What a wonderful power Baba is. He immediately responded by giving enough strength and courage to hold the handle firmly. At Gooty station many passengers got down and I got a comfortable seat in the compartment and I traveled to Madras, chanting Baba's name and meditating on Him throughout the journey.


    Once, I do not remember the exact date and day, I had to cross a platform in the workshop while on duty, where materials are unloaded for repairs. The railway Khalasis used to put up a danger board on the platform to prevent workers crossing the platform and throw heavy materials on the platform from inside the van. But, on that day the danger board was not put up when I crossed the platform to reach the latrine (which was by the side of the platform). The Khalasis inside the material van threw a big iron rod on the platform. Being a heavy material, normally it should have come straight and hit me direct resulting in my death. But, wonder of wonders, the rod took a turn (like a rocket) from the usual path, flew over and dropped far away from me I was wonderstruck and bowed to "Sai Deva" mentally.


    To conclude, I am not a great bhaktha but only an ordinary mortal still unable to control the six inner enemies and ego. As sinners are not to be rejected, Sai Baba, as kind mother, treating equally has taken me under His benign care.

    (Source Shri Sai Padananda July 2001)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #406 on: August 06, 2008, 10:09:42 PM »
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  • Vijayadurga
    Om Sai ram, I wanted to share my experiences with you all. Baba is such a wonderful god that he saved my life lot many times. We were very poor, even needed to depend on my parents for my infant son's milk, back in India. Baba has given a lift in our life's and now we are able to afford my children's fees in international school, which are about 3.5 to 4 lakhs per year. In 2001, I underwent a surgery for my thyroid gland, and in the biopsy reports the tumor taken out from my thyroid revealed cancer cells. I was 25 that time, and my son is just 1 and half year old. I cried and cried, prayed to baba, asked him to cure me. I did sapthaha and gave two aaratis through out 7 days. I was asked to undergo nuclear scan within one week to know further, and do you know what the result was. Certainly all Sai devotees must know this that my test reports were negative. From 2001 to till date. I have been undergoing the scanning and blood tests for every 6 months. And still Baba's mercy is showering on me continuously. We are blessed with another girl baby too. Thanks to almighty baba for his miracles in my life.

    Dear All Devotees, I just want to share with you all the eternal power of Sai Baba...there was an incidence in 2002, when someone came in my house door. He addressed himself as messenger of Sai Baba...He told all about my future to my mother and family and also told some factual thing about the other members which was unknown. I wasn't there in the house and was posted in other city. I therefore got to know about that from my family members and all those things, which were predicted about me. If I see 5 years down the line and retrospect it. Whatever was told happened as it was predicted. You all wouldn't believe. But it happened as was predicted really. I have become Sai Bhakt ..he is there in my every breath...He guides me and my ways get carved out ..there have been instances where I would take my way and desperate thinking on my own way. but it doesn't happen I get sad for a short while. then I see I am having push factor to do something and the way is carved out amazingly planned and impact.. At the end of day I could feel the impacts in positive and definite results in long run...I have surrendered myself in his hand and doing good as my path is taking his guidance. Recently, I have had bad times...I was very disturbed.. he came in my dream when I was in the peak of crisis situation...he came in my dream and blessed me in disguise...I woke up and from the same day situations changed and I am telling you if you are his devotee he comes to you in whatever form there to help you in bad times...My life is surrendered to Sai Baba..I have done Sai Darshan in Shirdi and would like to visit soon once he calls me again. Last but not the least its his wish that I am sharing with you all. May Sai baba bless you all!!Sabka Malik Ek -Sai Baba...

    I have been married for about 9 years and we started to think about have a kid about 3 or 4 years back. We went to the doctor and got tested as a routine check up and found out that my wife has a PCOS, due to which it was difficult to conceive. The fertility treatment started and we tried all possible remedies including puncturing ovaries, dieting, Clomid, IUI and were finally referred to fertility specialist. Specialist said everything thing was fine with us and was not really sure about why it was not happening. After 3 months, we went back to the Specialist and she briefed us with the IVF (in-vitro fertilization) process. We took all the instructions and we have been praying to Baba all the while and at times we have even questioned about out faith and his blessings for us. I was so mad about praying everyday to baba and asking him about the same thing over and again. I finally said that I am not going to pray to him any more, if he doesn't bless us. Well, it had to happen as per Baba's blessing and wish. My wife was 2 weeks past due and asked me if I can get her a home pregnancy test. I asked her to take the test on Thursday. On the way back from work, I was praying to Baba and I told Him I am going to pay Rs 1 Lakh as dakshina and if comes negative, I will stop praying to him. When humans are taken over emotionally, it is difficult to control words and thoughts, which comes, even though you realize later. On Thursday evening, my wife took the home pregnancy test and it was positive, we couldn't believe it. The pregnancy line was very dark as compared to the other reference line. I was reading all over the Internet trying to find an answer and see how many false positive occur. I read in some forums that when the HCG level is very high, it is common for the line to be darker than the reference line.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #407 on: August 13, 2008, 10:22:00 PM »
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  • Anuradha
    Om Sri Sai Baba Ki Jai! For the past 6 months I used to get very bad dreams, I am afraid of it, and I could not sleep for the whole night. After praying to Sai Baba with my whole heartedly, what a surprise! I am not getting any bad dreams and I am having very good sleep. One day when we go out, I said to Baba that I am afraid to go out, please come with me, he gave me his vishvarupadharshanam, from the road to the sky, I was so touched about this, and I thanked him for his presents with me every moment. Shri Siradi Sai Baba Ki Jai.

    Om Sai Ram!. This happened a week before to me. I think Baba not as my guru but as my grandfather & so does my son. But even at times I loose hope in him. 2 weeks before a friend on mine was inconsolable because her sister's son (3 year old) was in ICU for convulsions & fever. He was in hands of best hospital. Poojas were done. Even they read satcharita by his bedside. Gave udi. But nothing. I just like that within my heart fought with Baba & said, "I will start reading satcharitha sapthaham. Help the boy. I could not believe you will help me personally but this is for someone else". I know it is childish. People in pain at times loose faith in God. He does not need to prove himself. However, it is we humans look for miracle to prove to ourselves that God is here. I started reading Satcharitha. But until the 7-day afternoon, I had completed only 60 -70 %. I thought I would never finish. Somehow, he made complete the book by not allowing any disturbance for nearly 2 hours in the evening and exactly at 6.20pm I finished reading, gave Baba aarti & prasad. 36 hours later, I got a call from my friend that the boy's fever started reducing from one day earlier and was shifted to general ward. I believe so do everyone around me that it was Baba's miracle nothing else. Might be reading this would help devotees like me who keeping loosing faith in him.

    Its just happened on 7 of august around 6 in the evening I was returning back to home after attending campus interview in college and I met with an accident. At the time of fall I just shouted alla malik and I fell from my bike and my head hit the road. My helmet was on but the impact I hit there was a small crack on the block but not a single scar on my helmet. Baba helped me to escape with minor injuries and a small fracture on my right hand little finger. Thanks Baba for saving my life please be with me and my family and thanks for saving her life too.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #408 on: August 17, 2008, 06:01:38 AM »
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  • Baba lived in his physical body for about 60 years in a dilapidated mosque, which he always referred as ‘Dwarkamai’, the Mother of Mercy. Dwarkamai is open to all irrespective of caste, creed or religion. It is the Holy landmark of all religions in the world.  To the Moslems he was a Fakir living in a mosque observing the disciplines of Islam, well versed in Islamic scriptures uttering ‘Allah Malik’ (God is the Master).

    DWARKAMAI RAHEM..........we have no other saviour then BABA...

    Maa we call u ...........bless me Maa..


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #409 on: August 21, 2008, 05:10:18 AM »
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  • Jai
    My name is Jai, this is for the first time I am sharing my experience to Sai Vichaar and to be honest with you all I was never a believer of Sai baba initially thought I have visited Shirdi twice with my friends but only to the samadhi temple, but when I was in abroad because of some wrong doings I faced a very difficult situation of my health and the symptoms were like of one of the most dangerous incurable disease of present time, I felt that after this I have no life anymore and was planning to finish my self but one day I saw the photo of Sai baba and his two words he used to say to every one that is to have Faith and Patience in life on him and he will take care of all the problems after that, and it is very true and I then followed these two words for rest of three months until I have to go for the checkup, I prayed to Sai baba and always chant Sai name, it helped me to keep me normal and balanced, finally the day came when he called me to Shirdi as he rightly said that he call any one to Shirdi even if he is 7 seas away from him, I came to Shirdi and stayed there for almost 4 days sat in Dwarkamayi as it is the Merciful mother for all simple devotees who cures everyone and found that I felt so relaxed and confident as I already totally surrendered myself to him and finally the day came when I have to go to checkup, to my Surprise when the result came I found that I am normal with my health and nothing is there which was fearing me. My tears came out and I heartily said to Baba for saving me from this disease and said that will never do the wrong doings again. It is because of him I am alive and happy and tension free otherwise I may be no more in his world. Friends Sai baba is so merciful that he takes care of all his devotees who calls him, and his sayings are very true, read Sai SATCHARITRA, his sayings and you will find that every word of his is true and effective even today and will always be. Today I am a strong believer of him.

    Sai was with us in every step in our life for the last 20 years, and showered his blessings on all the members of my family. My son's marriage has been fixed on 08.08.08 at Chennai and reception at Hyderabad on 11.08.08. Being rainy season and due to adverse weather conditions it was raining like any thing before 08.08.2008.

    I prayed Sai baba for his mercy for granting good weather during those days. I was confident that he would definitely do that. But as a human being, at a corner of my heart I was doubting.....that how Sai will stop all this stormy weather for the sake of one family celebrations.

    Now I am ashamed of my self for doubting my Sai baba. The weather was quite good and comfortable all those days and every thing went on well.

    Niketa ji you can message me when you want to chat.

    As i am down with eye infection,i maynot log in often for few days.

    Dwarkamai rahem...


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #410 on: August 21, 2008, 10:39:03 PM »
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  • SAI RAM!
    Deepika ji for geting agree  to chat with me .
    But first you get recover to your eye infection then we will chat ......
    Thank you

    Offline Dipika

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #411 on: August 27, 2008, 10:34:18 PM »
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  • Om Sai Ram,

    I want to share my experience with my group. Baba is always with me & my family. I am  devotee of Sai Baba in last 3 1/2 years. My sai save me a accident of Auto Riksaw and my bike. In event is happen today 27.8.2008. I am going my office daily at 10:00am and chant Sai ram, Om Sai Nathay namah, etc....
    Today this time very rush in Road of Railway Hospital Road, Bilaspur. One Auto Riksaw come to very fast in my opposite side. The auto was full of passengers. I saw that auto wheel is loos and his balance is uncontrolled. I chant sai ram & pray that, auto wheel is not broken in front of me  and injured me. But I just crossed the auto and auto wheel is quit and run on the road and accident accrues. I thank sai baba that he save me a big problem.  And I saw that passengers of auto no hurt and injured.   I am very very thank Sai Baba for saving me always and he save me whole life. Baba please bless me and my family and space to your lotus feet.



    Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #412 on: August 29, 2008, 01:02:03 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Baba,

    Sai Baba is not only a saviour but a trouble shoter, one can experience his blessings ,ony one has to do is to belive in Him, He does't need any thing from us . But we need him more than anybody else.

    Whatever i am today its SAI BABA's blessings, I had no hope of getting in avation industury at top level .He did it for me.

    The most Important My Son fell from Third floor few years back and Baba Carried him in his Arms.Today my son is naughty boy of 11yrs.

    Belive in him ,He shall give you what you require most.

    Jai Sai Ram.

    Madan Bakshi

    Sai Ram Bro n sis,
    I actually do not know who he (Shirdi Baba) was? One day in year 2006, Bro James Kon fr. Kepong Bhajan Unit , K.L. invited me to his centre for a Meditation class. During the Meditation, I saw myself satting infront of this Image but he was dressed all in white including myself. The Location was in the country of U.S. -- Niagarafall, we were in the center of the Fall.
    After this meditation, A lot of thing happen in my life, I do not know this is MIRACLE or Destiny or KARMA???????



    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #413 on: August 29, 2008, 01:03:44 AM »
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    When it rains heavily, The basement of our house always gets flooded with about 8 to 10 thousand litres of water which usually takes a day or two to remove with the help of huge tankers, Last night it rained heavily and our basement got flooded again with lots of water, we tried to remove it till 2 am in the nite but all our attempts to remove the water were in vain.

    Today, early morning my father woke up at 5 am and he just prayed to god to help us get rid of the water, he went to sleep after that and saw a dream that someone was taking the water out of our basement.

    When we all woke up in the morning after that and went to the basement to get the water removed, to our astonishment, there was not even a single drop of water in the basement and it had vanished without any stains or residue and looked like the place had never been wet!!!!

    And, i found this page today only when i saw in my news feed that some of my friends had joined dis!!!



    Savar Suri

    This is no story, its the real truth....

    This happened years back, it was on Valentines Day, when every one was giving and receiving flowers..I received many from my close mates too..
    In the evening when i was at home, i had to pick up something from the car..we were on the 5th floor at that time by the way..So i went down and just all of a sudden, i saw Baba picture in my car near the Odometer..So i started praying to him then, and i asked him, 'Baba to day i have sent and received many flowers, but i haven't even been able to send u one' Now Baba says that 'Every act of Service that u do to the poor, is a flower placed at the Lord's feet' So i asked Baba to give me a chance to send him a flower too..Material and service offering have their differences, and i chose service...

    Amazing enough, the very next minute or so i received a call from my Uncle, who asked us to come for this Seva program at Sai Centre which is done every Sunday, where they feed almost 500 poor children, we serve them, clean their dishes, Sweep the floor...
    I was at the car at that time and they called on the land line at when i reached at home, i got the message and i was indeed left Speechless... U cant imagine how happy i trully was to receive that call and been given a chance by Baba to serve him..

    Sai Ram to all......

    Bhavisha Jasani


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    « Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 01:06:10 AM by diPika »
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #414 on: September 03, 2008, 02:16:04 AM »
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  • Baba Fulfills Devotee's Desire

    Sri Sainath Maharaj provided an opportunity to me to visit Bhuvaneswar in February. Sri D. V. L. Narayana Murthy and Maj. E. B. Patro, also a Sai devotee, joined us in Bhuvaneswar. After visiting Puri, Jagannath and Konark, we went to Dhenkenal - where a beautiful Baba Temple has come up in a spacious eight-acre area near Kapilas, about 12 kilo meters from the town.


    After participating in the Muhurath of Baba's installation on Thursday (21SI) in the morning, we wanted to visit the nearby Kapilas shrine on the hills near the Baba's temple. All the three of us were waiting for the bus. No bus came for almost one hour. When a bus came and stopped after one hour, we tried to get into it. But there was no space, not even to keep one leg. So we came back. I said that if Baba wills, he will take us there." Just as we entering the main gate, a Baba devotee, Sri Chopra was taking some Pundits to Kapilas. He offered to take us along with them to the Kapilas Hills by car. We were surprised at this offer, as it was not even five minutes since I said 'If Baba wills he would take us there.”


    At the Hills, there is a beautiful temple and a Shiva Linga. There along with the Pundits, we also performed Abhisheka chanting Rudra, Chamaka, Sri Suktha, Purusha Suktha, Durga Suktha, etc. This was a bonus granted to us by Sai Mother. We were immensely pleased with Baba's concern and compassion to his children.


    Baba showed His kindness once again. We were returning to Bangalore the same evening. We went to Cuttack by bus, waiting there at the Railway Waiting Hall. As there was about half an hour for arrival of the East Coast Express, our friend, Maj. Patro, went to have his bath. Meanwhile, the train arrived before the scheduled time. So were informed the same to Maj. Patro. He told us to proceed and he would join us. We kept his wrist watch, spectacles which he had handed over to us to look after near his luggage, and we went to into the bogies. Maj. Patro also joined us after some time with his luggage. But he forgot to take his spectacles, without which he was helpless. While the train was about to start, a gentleman who was sitting in the retiring room noticing the spectacles came and handed over the same to him. It is a miracle of miracles how he came to know the bogie number and remembering the person handed over his spectacles. Baba has no limits for His love and concern for his dear children.

    - S. Syama Rao


    (Source Shri Sai Padananda April 2002)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #415 on: September 03, 2008, 02:21:27 AM »
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  • Baba answers your prayers

    By S. Mani

    On 10th September 1998, a neatly dressed young man came with a friend, attended the noon pooja at our Sai Mandir in Virar, Mumbai. After the arathi was over, he was still gazing at Baba and was wiping tears from his eyes. I watched him for some time and inquisitively talked to him. He told me that his name was TVS Prasad, a BE graduate and was working as a Senior Manager in a company. His parents, wife and children were all in his native place in Andhra Pradesh. He came to Mumbai as he was interviewed for a position in a Saudi Arabian firm. Unfortunately, the agent cheated him by taking his money, passport and vanished. He was now in a difficult situation as he could neither go back to his previous assignment nor could look forward to the Saudi assignment. Left with no choice, he was doing some piece job right now and staying with a friend and saving money to get a job.


    He made a request. He wanted me to visit his parents in Andhra on his behalf and tell them his predicament. He would bear my expenses for his trip. He did not wish to get back to them till he got a job. I convinced him that I was a stranger and his people may or may not believe my words and it would be better if he himself visited them and explain the predicament. I told him to sincerely pray to Sai Baba who would certainly do the needful.


    I invited him and his friend to our house for lunch. For me it was Sai Baba himself coming to my place and accepting prasad. He visited the Sai Mandir the next day also. Then several months passed and there was no trace of this devotee. I thought that he might have gone back to his native place or might have got a job elsewhere.


    Then, one fine morning I received a closed cover. The postal stamp was from Riyadh. It was a letter from this gentleman. He wrote to me: "By the blessings of Sai Baba, my ambition has been fulfilled. I am now employed in Digital Computers in Riyadh. I will personally go and meet my people, etc." He had thanked me for the solace I had given him. Baba never fails His devotees. What the devotee wishes, he will get it from Him.

    (Source Shri Sai Padananda April 2002)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #416 on: September 03, 2008, 02:24:03 AM »
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  • Unique Sai Miracle

    By Mrs. Rathna Chandrasekhar


    Baba gave me an opportunity to visit Shirdi from November 16 to 18, 1998, along with my nephew, Dr. G. R. Vijayakumar, and his wife Seetha. My nephew generally performs 'Pradosh' pooja to Lord Mahadev and while planning the trip, he asked us to leave Bangalore after finishing the Pradosh pooja on November 16. Somehow this was not convenient and we had to plan in such a manner that we would be in Shirdi between November 16 and 18. My nephew reluctantly agreed saying that Sai-willing still he could perform 'Pradosh pooja' on November 16.


    We reached Shirdi on the 16th forenoon. We had darshan to our heart's content. In the evening, we went to the Mahadev Mandir in the precincts of Samsthan and enquired the priest about ‘Pradosh’ pooja. The priest said that such a provision is not there and individual devotees could offer worship to the Shiva Linga. My nephew was disappointed. He asked us to fetch some flowers and other offerings and meanwhile, started chanting 'Rudra' and 'Chamaka' hymns preparatory to Abhishekam.


    Lord Sainath always provides where He guides. At this moment, a miracle occurred. Even before we started to get pooja materials, a middle aged lady appeared there from nowhere. She brought a basketful of Bel-pathra, Bilva fruits, flowers, seven litres of milk, a pot of curds, a little quantity of honey and sugar, apart from other pooja materials. She placed all these things at our disposal and wanted to perform pooja to Lord Mahadev on behalf of her son.


    We were happy at the turn of events. We performed, ‘Panchamrit Abhishek’ to the Shiva Linga, offered ‘archana’ by reciting ‘Trishathi’ and finally did ‘Arathi’, which coincided with the evening arathi to Sai Baba. The final outcome was that my nephew could perform ‘Pradosh’ pooja in a much better manner on the holy soil of Shirdi, than he had ever performed at his hometown earlier.


    Sai Baba is close behind our thoughts and He is there to fulfill each one of our needs and desires in His own inimitable manner.

    (Source Shri Sai Padananda Jan 1999)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #417 on: September 03, 2008, 02:26:01 AM »
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  • Riches we often miss

    By Mrs. H. V. Krishnaven

    "Sai Baba - teach us to take advantage of the opportunities offered to us - not the people offering them."

    - Anonymous

    During the 'Akhanda Sai Nama Saptaham' held at Sai Spiritual Centre at Bangalore, I used to see my father derive more from the 'Nama Japam' than anyone else in the group. What in the world does he get out of this? - I used to ask myself, for he is deep in his 80's and totally deaf. Then, one day, as tactfully as I could, I scribbled a note and asked him.

    "My dear" he chided me gently, "it is true that I do not hear the Nama Japam you do, but I 'hear' four or five others."


    I must have looked pretty mystified. He explained: "While the rest of you are busily singing 'Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai' I am concentrating on the holy Padukas of Sai Baba. There is plenty there to ponder over surrendering to His lotus feet. You see, this is my 'Nama Japam'.


    My father further explained the glory of love and friend­ship. It is not the outstretched hand nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one from the life of His Holiness Radhakrishna Swamiji when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust Sai Baba with his acts of Sai-love.


    "I have held many things in my hands and I have lost them all; but whatever I had placed in Sai Baba's hands that I still possess"."

    - Narasimha Swamiji

    (Source Shri Sai Padananda Jan 1990)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #418 on: September 03, 2008, 02:28:17 AM »
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  • The Circle of Love

    By Mrs. Usha Ranganathan

    ''When Sai Baba measures man, He puts the tape around his heart - not his head".

    - Radhakrishna Swamiji


    As a devotee of Sai Baba and beloved Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji, I have often wondered that Swamiji is an Ideal without a body, an Image enshrined in the heart of mine, a song whose music and melody have thrown innumerable souls into the raptures of ecstasy. Little did I know that on a fine morning that I could be part of the circle of 'Love', when I was in the USA on a short assignment in 1984.


    My colleague, Miss Albery, was perhaps the most unusual of my colleagues. She seldom spoke herself. We knew that her early life had been privileged, but that when she joined our company, she was old and alone and impoverished, living in a shabby room with a few cherished keepsakes.


    She met adversity bravely, but with a stern and haughty demeanor. I myself tried hard, but I could not break through her reserve. I used to pray to Sai Baba and Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji that I would find some way to reach her, but she was too proud to let emotion show.


    One lunch hour in December 1984, I was browsing in an antique shop, a favorite pastime. I seldom purchased anything, but this day was different. I spotted an enamel pencil in a silver case. It had a large 'A' in its elaborate monogram and I felt an urge - almost a physical nudge - to buy it for my friend Albery.


    "What is this?" she asked brusquely when I handed her the tiny package.

    "Just a little Christmas something", I said apprehensively. When Albery opened the package and saw the silver case, her body tensed, and her eyes filled with tears. "Usha'', she said, - never before had she used my first name - "Usha, how did you know?''

    "Know what?" I asked.

    "This one belonged to me," she said, "I had to sell it years ago, when I was hungry and desperate. It was given to me by someone I loved. And now your kindness has brought it back’


    A Circle of Love

    ‘Circle of love' thought, 'I have been part of a as I thanked Sai Baba and Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji from my heart, I could see happiness beaming across Albery's face.

    (Source Shri Sai Padananda Jan 1990)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #419 on: September 03, 2008, 07:59:15 PM »
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  • Swetha
    Koti pranam to Sai. I want to share my experience with you. What can I say, my one month old baby fell down from my own hands I was speechless, my heart stopped beating for a while I was so scared my mom and dad everyone where so tensed. I prayed to Baba. Now everything is fine only because of Baba. Please show the same love towards my baby and towards my family. Thank you so much Baba you are always there for us.

    To begin with our family is a staunch follower of Shri Sai Natha. We believe in him immensely and know within us that we have our Sai Baba looking out for us all the time. This is a small experience but of great value to my mother. My mom goes for evening walks regularly and she is sometimes accompanied by our family friend. On GuruPoornima day also our aunt asked my mom if we are going for evening walk, but my mom was unsure as she had some work in the office and that she might be late. So my aunt made plans to go to Baba's temple in the evening as the walk is cancelled. At the last moment my mom 's work got cancelled and she came home at regular time and decided to go for her walk; then she knew that my aunt was going to the temple. So my mom started off alone, during her walk she crossed Baba's temple and saw long lines of people standing for darshan and also saw many people coming out with big covers of prasadam. My mom thought for a minute had she planned earlier she could have gone to the temple and got the prasadam. Its not that my mom was after the prasadam only but somehow her mind was fixated on the prasadam covers in all the people's hands. She felt very bad for not having the prasadam. So she came home after the walk, and started to cook something for dinner. At that moment she heard a knock on the door and when she opened it was my family friends who went to Baba's temple with two big covers of prasadam.

    They said they initially took only one but someone came by and gave another one. They said they came by to give one to my mom, when they never mentioned earlier if they were comming over (as if they thought of it spontaneously). My mom did not realise this then but after they left, it just struck her that she was thinking so much and feeling so bad about missing the prasadam, that Baba like a child's request fulfilled my mom's request by sending the prasadm straight to the house. What else, she was overwhelmed with joy, she could not say how blessed she felt and how child like happiness Baba had blessed her with. This is what we get when Baba takes over and looks after us. She wanted to share this happiness with all SAI devotees via the newsletter. So I hope this post might have made justification to what she felt. Jai Sai Ram!!!


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal


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