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Offline Dipika

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Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
« Reply #60 on: November 21, 2005, 05:32:43 AM »
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  • Rathna Kishore
    I had calcium deposit in my left shoulder. This deposit resulted in a constant pain in the upper part of my shoulder and round the neck. It was very painful when I moved my hand and I had to be careful when I lift my hand, stretch or while holding some items. Initially I ignored this pain for past six months by taking painkillers and applying all kind of balms, by consulting various doctors. Also, doctors confirmed that if the deposit does not liquify then the other option available was a small surgery to remove the particles. This worried me further and I did not want to go to a doctor (as I was a heart patient and undergone an open heart surgery 5 years back). Somehow the pain kept getting worse and my movements were getting more restricted by the day. One evening, I was sitting on a sofa in my house seeing Sai's photo, I sent up a fervent, silent prayer to Sai asking him to cure the pain completely. As I prayed, the usual doubts haunted me -- "What if the pain doesn't go away? Will Sai actually cure it?" etc. I pushed down those doubts, thinking to myself firmly that Sai will cure it if I ask Him. Thinking same, I applied some balm and I slept. Next morning, I could feel the pain receding a bit. Of course, my doubts did not go away even then. I thought, "Maybe the pain won't go away completely". Again, I pushed the thought out and went about my day. At the end of the day, I was surprised to find very little pain and when I thought back, I realized that I had been able to move my shoulder freely through the day. The next day, the pain had gone and I was almost back to normal with absolutely no pain. I was overjoyed. I still cannot believe how incredibly lucky I am to have Sainath listening to me. Koti Pranam Sai Ram!

    Prema Virabhadran
    To my dearest Baba, You are the one who is taking care of me through out my entire life. Right from fifth standard to 10th standard, to college, to a job in India, to a job in US - everything is by your grace. I cannot imagine anything in life without you. In childhood, you made me realize my mistakes, made me to correct them, gave interest to study and made me to get third rank in fifth standard. You are the one who made me to get school first in 10th, you made me to get good marks in 12th. You ended up giving me admission in a good college. In the final year, you gave a good job. I was not planning to write written exam at all. You made me write the exam and somehow passed it. As you know, I was so nervous to attend the interview, you were with me through out the interview and got the job. All in just a week's time, even without an interview you got a job for me in US. When I was traveling to US all alone, in the flight I cried to you, as I felt alone. Next to my seat was sitting a Sai devotee and she spoke to me nicely and comforted as she started talking about Baba. I have no words to thank for all the things happened in my life. Thanks you so much Baba. I really do not know if I am worth for all these things. It all happened by your grace. I wanted to marry a Sai devotee. By your grace, I got a good husband who is also your devotee. You are my father and you are the one guiding me in all my deeds, please be with me always and help me Baba.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #61 on: November 21, 2005, 05:33:44 AM »
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  • Jyotsna Sunkara
    I had many experiences about Baba. But, this is the very recent experience I had. My husband was trying for jobs all over and he got two call letters. He attended the interview for one job and felt it would be good if he had the job. He was confident in getting the position, but he was doubtful whether they would pay him according to his expectations. I prayed to baba, that he gets the job with the desired salary; I would complete Satcharitha in one week. Believe or not, The HR called him yesterday and gave a job offer. The offer contained the exact salary he was going to ask. We were little selfish and he asked a little higher pay then that. The HR told he would consult other members and call him back. But, he realized again and agreed the job on the previous pay. But, I am still worried whether he could manage things without me as I am doing my MS here and he was suffering from the past with very bad back ache. I have belief that everything would be under control with Baba's krupa.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #62 on: November 21, 2005, 05:35:04 AM »
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  • Sai devotee
    Dear Baba, where do I start the amount of grace You have showered on me and my family. The unconditional love that only You can give us, the strength and courage that You inbibe in us by always being there! Thankyou Baba for rescuing me from the clutches of adversity and my impulsive thinking many a time and for making me a more humanitarian person.There have been many times when I throw up my hands and leave my burden on You completely. Baba do what You think is best and You have never let me down on countless such instances. My one and only Baba once again give me your blessings and save my marraige, like a life saving doctor perform that much needed surgery it needs.Only You know best Baba.

    Om Sai Ram, I am very thankful to Sri Shiridi Sai Baba. I want to share the miracle that has happend in my life. Last week I started reading Sai satcharitha, by next Thursday I got a job. I am trying from last six months. I am very much thankful to Sai Baba about his leelas. But one thing is I am really confused to join the new job or to do the present job. So Sai Baba please help me to take a good decision about this.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #63 on: November 27, 2005, 08:45:50 AM »
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  • Baba made me realized that what I did was wrong, while I was in India he made me think what I really want in my life. When I was not interested in the job I was doing then why was I pushing myself to do that. Baba showed me a path. I stayed in India for four months did some computer courses. I came to USA and applied H1 visa.

    Since I was in India for more than four months, there were many chances for my visa not being approved. I sent all my documents to my employer and he said he filed my H1 for Premium processing. This usually takes fifteen days for approval. On the 15th day I was checking online status, it showed my application is received on August 8th and it would take 120 days for them to process it. I was shocked since first of all my employer lied to me that he filed through premium processing and he also lied that he submitted by application on August 4th. On August 10th the H1 visa quota was over and I was so lucky. If he would have delayed one more day, I should have gone back to India. On that day, I felt so bad and was crying. I spoke to employer and asked him to change my application to premium processing. Initially he did not agree but later he said he would fill it on Wednesday. I prayed to Baba, Baba knew that if I did not get my H1 visa as soon as possible I will be out of status and would have to leave the country in next 15 days. On Wednesday morning for some reason, I checked my status again. To my surprise it showed my case has been approved. My happiness knew no bounds. Everybody was amazed. This happened under normal processing. I have seen my friends who have applied in May under normal processing and have not heard anything till mid August. Baba showed his grace, I got my approval within 15 days from the receipt day. Baba is great.

    This is just one of the several miracles. Recently my brother met with an accident, it was a very bad accident. Baba came in my dream the night before where my mom and I were crying, due to some reason related to my brother. Then I was thinking that I should do Sai pooja, Baba appeared in front on me and I woke up. This way Baba suggested that He is there to save my family. Baba saved my brother from the accident, no big injurious. If anybody has seen the car, then they would think that people inside would have been dead. But Baba saved him and his family.

    My request to all Sai devotees, never lose your faith on Baba. He knows what is good for us. Keep patience and He will shower his grace on you. Love Baba like your father, mother, daughter, son, in all the ways you can. It is true that if you take one step towards Baba, he will take 10 steps towards you. So please have faith and devotion. Baba is my father and everything. Om Sai Ram.

    (Contributed by Prasanna Ramavarapu)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #64 on: November 29, 2005, 12:17:33 PM »
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  • Deewali gift

    I would like to share my experience with all Sai devotees how Sri Sai came to my home on Deewali day. We experienced His leelas in our family many times and whenever we are facing difficulties, He had helped us in different ways. I am very thankful to Him throughout my life. I am still facing a lot of health problems and personal problems from long time and waiting for His blessings with Shradda and Saboori. I trust Him more than anything in the world. I was not feeling well since three day before Deewali and felt very sad that I would not be able to celebrate Deewali as usual. I did puja with fruits and milk and went to the doctor and then from there went directly to my work place to give the doctor's note for sick leave. After that I went to buy some sweets from a known old lady, who usually sells homemade Deewali sweets. As soon as I entered into her home she took me to the puja room and asked me "Do you need Saibaba calendar?", and without waiting for my answer she grabbed the Sai calendar from a bunch of other Gods, gave it to me as if I had ordered before. It all happened with 2 or 3 minutes. There was no explanation for my happiness. I was very happy. It took me a while to come back to normal status. I thought in my mind, this is the greatest Deewali in my life which I will remember for ever. I came home, took rest for a while and prepared some prasad, did puja in the evening and I hung the Sai calendar in my dining room. This is the way my Sai consoled me when I was unhealthy. It is my message to all Sai devotees, if you have complete faith on Him, He will always be with us to share our good and bad times. Thank you Sai for your blessings.

    (Contributed by Padmaraj)


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #65 on: November 29, 2005, 12:32:08 PM »
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  • Padma
    My Pranams to the Lotus feet of Baba. I said that if my husband gets a government job, which he was trying for several months, that I would write my article. He prayed to Baba before going to the interview and broke the coconut. When he was driving he left as though Baba was with him all the time as when ever he is closing his eyes and opening he could see only Baba's picture. His interview went very well and just yesterday he got a call from the people saying that he got the job. This all happened because of Baba's grace and I thank Baba for making my husband's dream come true.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    « Last Edit: November 29, 2005, 12:32:42 PM by diPika »
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #66 on: November 29, 2005, 11:24:02 PM »
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  • Munish Kaistha
    I have lot of experiences in my life where Baba helped me a lot. He is always with me with my family and everyone .I came to know about Baba in 1992 when I took admission in Engineering College in Kopargaon. Still remember those days, Being close to Shirdi I was the luckiest person. After completing my Engineering, got a Job in Tat InfoTech, Delhi with Baba's grace. On 3 Feb 2000, I was going to home in my motorbike. Suddenly while driving, I lost my senses and my motorbike hit the electric pillar .I fell down on pedestrian walk and found that my leg was broken in two pieces. I was not in position to call any one for help. Suddenly a man got down from bus and he put my head on his Lap, and arranged first aid medicines. Being an accidental case no one was ready to take me to the hospital. He called my landlord and they took me to nearby hospital. Then he disappear and I didn't see him again. He was in the form of Baba who helped me. My leg was operated and I was on complete bed rest for 5 months. That was worst period of my life, being a professional kept on thinking about my career all the time and most of people were saying that I would not be able to walk properly throughout my life. Even doctor said that they did their work now it's GOD who has to do his job. I was kept on praying, remembering Baba all the time. Taking udi.

    After seven months of my accident, I was walking like a normal person. At the end of 8th month, I was in US. It was big surprise for me. During my worst period I never cursed God for all that happened to me but Kept on praying Baba and have faith on Him. As of today whatever I am, its only Baba's grace. He is always with me, with my family and everyone. I want to convey to all SAI devotees that they must read "Shri Sai Satcharitra" at least once in their life or as frequently as they can, which will end up their worries and show them true path. Ton Of thanks to Baba.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #67 on: November 29, 2005, 11:26:49 PM »
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  • Sudha
    Sairam to all! Early in the morning, last Thursday, I had BABA's darshan and BABA looked very beautiful. I wish to share it with all devotees. I don't know which place it was, it must be Shirdi. There was an old room with just four walls and no roof. The walls were all black in color with smoke. I had been walking across the street, saw this masjid like room many times, but did not want to go inside thinking that it is the place/pooja mandir where only Muslims go. I just look at that room/Mandir everyday whenever I go across that street, but never liked to go and see what and who is there inside, but I see many people going in and coming out all the time, but I did never see a Hindu entering/leaving that room. One evening, it was almost dark and I thought I would go and see who is there inside and what people are doing in there. I left my slippers outside and entered the room and to my surprise, I saw many Hindus along with Muslims. I saw a Hindu girl and sat with her in the last but one row. There are people singing Telugu Sai bhajans. I was happy and started singing with them. The walls inside the room were very dirty with the smoke but there is no roof. The weather was so pleasant- not hot, not cold, but was pleasant and peaceful. I walked to the right hand corner, there I saw "Dhuni" which was in a square Agnihotram type construction.

    Then I saw a rock in the front side and there I saw an old man with full white clothes and looked like SAI BABA. I was surprised and was thinking in my mind "How come this old man is looking like exact SAI BABA. I was looking at HIM for so long time and slowly started realizing that it was BABA only." It was so surprising that when all the walls are full with smoke, why is BABA so fresh, with white dress and a smile. I went forward three steps, and BABA came towards me three steps. I was looking at HIM with a smile and surprise. BABA said something which I could not recollect. BABA talked to me for few minutes and I was very happy, sat with the other devotees for some more time and went back home thinking "Oh... It is BABA who is staying in there. How could not I go and see him all these days because I go to that street 4-5 times everyday". With these thoughts, I got up suddenly and it took few minutes for me to come out of dream (BABA'S DARSHAN). This was the first time I saw BABA so clearly, Baba spoke to me. I cannot express how happy I am to share this wonderful SAI Darshan with all the devotees across the world.

    After 2 years of waiting, 3 weeks back, I got a job and it was really a miracle. I know Baba is still testing my patience in this and I will never loose it. I am sure Baba will help and take care of the other things and will give me this job because I have to help in bringing good future to few people with this job. BABA blessings us ALL.  


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #68 on: November 30, 2005, 06:23:26 AM »
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  • Latha Ramesh
    (Originally posted on Thursday, Dec 3, 1998)

    This is my personal experience I am sharing with you all. Beginning of this year i.e., Jan 98, my mother had fever. Even after five days, fever did not subside. She was on antibiotics but they did not help her much. On the seventh day, I felt she was getting weaker and I took her to the hospital, thinking that she could be given some glucose/drips. They told me to admit her. She was weak but could walk. Before admission, she had all the routine tests, like blood, urine, etc and the chest X-rays etc. There was no evidence of any infection. It was diagnosed to be viral fever. But the next day, when I went to visit her in the hospital, the Doctor told me that she had acute renal failure, lung failure, a multi organ failure the words he used "Only her brain seems to work". I am not one of the ardent devotees of Baba like the ones I see on this site. But I prayed hard to BABA. I cried to Him begging Him to save my mother. The next day was a New Moon Day, and most of friends told me that the situation normally deteriorates on this day, so told me to accept whatever came. I prayed very hard. It may sound silly. However, I poured my heart to BABA in paper and placed it in front of him in our Puja room. At that time one of Baba devotees called me and told me that Baba would definitely help and he would show some sign. I was hopeful but at the same time feeling very depressed, took my car out. Hardly I drove about 100 yards from my house when I saw a long Black Cobra. My heart was beating so fast in disbelief, but what I saw was true. Baba told me that He has taken over my problems. My mother did improve though slowly. Anyone who saw her in the Emergency would not believe that she came out. Till date, I feel it is only BABA who saved her. It is really true that He hears you when you call.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #69 on: November 30, 2005, 06:37:25 AM »
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  • Lakshmi Viswanath
    In the SAI SATCHARITHA book, there is a chapter about fasting. SAI BABA never liked any of his children to fast and this was proved in my case also.

    In 1998, my parents visited me in end of March. I was in Denver at that time. In April, I had to go to Chicago for training. As I had many friends there, I took my parents with me. We stayed with two of my best friends there in Chicago. During the day, I used to go for my training and in the evening, my friends and I used to go out with my parents. One evening when we had been to the famous Devon Avenue in Chicago that is famous for all the Indian shops, we saw the flyer about some Aarathis and Bhajans being conducted in a newly built SAI temple in the suburbs of Chicago. We all wanted to go for it. My two friends whom we stayed with are also SAI devotees. Therefore, that Thursday, after coming from work, we all left for the temple. It was about 30-40 minutes drive from the place where we stayed. I had the directions with me and was driving. The temple was supposed to be open only until 8:30 p.m. It was already 8:15 p.m. and I was still driving and trying to find out where the temple is, as I could not find the street where this temple was situated. I felt very bad. My parents and friends were very anxious to reach the temple before 8:30 p.m. I felt that I would be disappointing everyone if I were not going to locate the temple before 8:30 p.m. I told my parents and my friends that in case if they were not able to have SAI darshan that day because of me, I would not eat dinner as a punishment. I made this statement around 8:25 p.m. Well, SAI had something else for me. Within couple of minutes, I was able to locate the street. Some of the roads in Chicago have two names one for each direction. I had not seen the name because of this. The way to the temple was dark and there was no signboard or light. We somehow managed to go to the temple. It was already past 8:30 p.m. and I prayed SAI that the temple should be open. A few other families were also entering the temple before us. I was a bit relieved that the temple was still open. When we went inside the temple, to our great surprise, the Arati had not begun yet. So we got the opportunity to attend the Arati session of BABA. After the Arathi was over, we were about to leave, when one person from the temple came and told us that we have to stay back for Dinner as they were serving dinner for all the devotees who have come. I was taken by surprise. My dad told me, "You told us that you are going to punish yourself by not eating. But BABA has planned a grand dinner for you!" I really felt that BABA had come in the form of this person and invited us for having dinner. The dinner was a full course dinner with all kinds of rice, sweets, and pickle. I was reminded of the chapter in Baba's Satcharita where Baba made one Mrs. Ghokhale, who had made up her mind to fast for three days, eat Puran-Polis. I thanked BABA with all my heart for being so kind to me and prayed to BABA to always shower his ever kind glances and love on us and show us the right path to lead our lives.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #70 on: November 30, 2005, 06:45:14 AM »
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  • Chitturi Srinivasa Rao
    Being a follower of Sai for the last 13 years, I have been seeing several miracles of Baba in my family. Since1999 due to some unavoidable family problems I could not spend enough time for pooja and rarely read Sai Satcharithra. But I keep two Riyals (Qatar currency) in front of Baba, seeking Nishta and Saburi. I habituated to offering my food first to Baba before eating. On 1st May 2003 night I had a dream, I am standing in front of a Baba's golden yellow colored statue, I noticed that his body starts moving from leg, slowly Baba statue changed as live Baba. Immediately I took the opportunity and start feeding him with rice, after eating second time he advised me in a single sentence about a discussion which I had with my wife on 30 April 2003 about belief. He is within us. Om Sri Samartha Sadguru Sai nath maharaj ki Jai.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #71 on: November 30, 2005, 06:46:30 AM »
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  • A Sai devotee
    I am a student at Iowa State University. We usually pay off our tuition at the beginning of the semester. But given my family's financial condition at present, I end up giving my fees at the end of the semester. It was only at the end of last semester that I called my parents to send over a draft for $7000, a huge sum. If I failed to pay this amount, I wouldn't be allowed to continue the semester and would have to fly back to India or join a community college (with no courses I can really take), this being University policy. Our bank mailed the draft by UPS in a couple of days and I expected the draft to be here 20 days before the payment deadline. But something prevented it from reaching at this anticipated date, and I was growing impatient. One fine day, a week before the payment deadline, I find a UPS memo stuck to my apartment door that mentions an attempted delivery of a package (my draft); but since I was away, they would try 2 more times to deliver it.

    What can I say? I decided to wait for them the days they didn't come! And when I went to the office, a lady informed me that certain packages are held only for 5 days, and that my package was sent back just an hour ago. Questions as to whether the truck could be contacted were answered in the negative. You may well imagine my disposition at that point in time. I felt guilty for not being responsible enough to pursue the end of getting my draft somehow and waiting until the weekend for this. Above all, I felt scared as to my fate. My roommates emanate nothing but genuine friendship. They are the friends people should pray for. But $7000 was something beyond what they could manage. I thought of asking many people, including my aunt, but this was not a paltry sum. What was the guarantee? Did they know my parents? (save my aunt, but that's a different story!) What if I ran away? Sad, but genuine doubts nevertheless. I realized why the Sufis abhorred money and praised love to be the true wealth.

    All my resources exhausted, I sat in front of my table and an uneasy calm spread over my poor soul. Not anger at myself for a minor indiscretion that would lead to something catastrophic; not a fear of what the magnitude of this catastrophe was to be. It was a calm. It was Sunday, and I had to pay my tuition on Monday. And I had a two-digit figure in my bank account. On my table is a medium sized statue of Sai Baba. My glance landed on his face and I discerned a benign smile, fit to adorn the face of a king. I lie not. It was a novel experience. The words "you just wait and watch!" seemed to descend on me like an epiphany, out of nowhere. I was bathed in an ethereal calm. While I sat there, looking at the statue with an expressionless face, it suddenly occurred to me that I should ask this acquaintance if she could help me. What was the worst that could happen? She'd say "no".

    A word about her: we absolutely DO NOT get along. She was the type who wouldn't give me a ride in heavy rain if she drove by. Slandering people incessantly was a part of her person, and I never liked this. Besides, I hadn't spoken to her in a month. She was the last person I would ask for help. So this was the unlikely person I went to. I told her about my problem, and a face that showed a venomous distaste in even saying "Hi!" was now all concerned. She asked me what went wrong and how much I wanted, and I told her. To my disbelief, she said "okay" and cut me a check for $7000. This from a person, who would treat everyone else in a group to coffee, except me! I cashed it, and am glad to say that I'm still in this country!

    Of the few "miracles" Baba has done for me in the 19 years I've walked this planet (those I know of, that is), this I consider the most supreme. I found it hard to explain to my anxious parents about this sudden change in events, my mother sending up prayer after prayer, and my dad calling all the banks and asking anyone he could (although he knew he couldn't get any sum to me in a day).

    All I have to say is, that our Baba doesn't let go. Never. Faith and patience and a resignation to his will and grace will get us into and out of any situation in life. I believe it was he who gave me the thought of asking this acquaintance and helped me out through her. Just at a point when my meditations and prayers and readings were gradually being forgotten by me, he sets up a hapless situation and, with my poor soul as a pawn, solves it, and reminds me of him and blesses me. A fakir and $7000. What a beautiful lesson! How lucky we all are to worship this saint! Peace and joy to all!  


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #72 on: December 09, 2005, 03:51:42 AM »
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  • Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi said that contact with one's Sadguru continues even after his physical death. The phenomenal spread of devotion to Sai Baba in this country today is chiefly the work of his tomb which -moves' and -speaks' with his devotees.
    Mr. EM. Bhangara is a devout Parsi who imbibed, high regard for saints. But his wife was orthodox and had no such faith. In 1956 he kept a calendar with Sai Baba's picture on it in their bed room, but he neither knew nor paid any respect to the saint. One day, at 6 a.m. he was impelled to bow to Baba and was surprised at his own act for he knew nothing of Baba. I-le did not mention it to his wife for fear of raising an argument about it.

    Next morning he noticed that the calendar was garlanded and asked his wife about it. She said that when she was cleaning the pictures in the house, she heard a mysterious voice from the picture, "Child, garland me regularly; it will do you good" twice and she obeyed it. A friend heard of their experience and suggested to keep the picture in their shrine on a Thursday. He did so and his wife used to garland it everyday.

    One day the mysterious voice asked her what she wanted. She sought the welfare of her husband and the birth of a son. Within a week, of his own accord, the superior officer recommended a rise in Mr. Bhangara's salary. In June 1957 they were blessed with a son.

    Solution to all their problems used to flash in their minds when they prayed to Baba and even the most trivial wishes were fulfilled. Many got their problems resolved through Mr. Bhangara. Yet he sometimes wondered whether the messages were his own fancies.

    One day Mr. Bhangara had to go on an official camp. His wife insisted that he should return by evening. When he bowed to Baba the voice said, "Son, you can't return today." To test whether it was a message from Baba, he started at 730 a.m. When the car had to stop at a level-crossing, a gentleman got down from a state transport bus and got into Bhangara's car saying that he was in a hurry to reach his destination sooner. N"ile travelling on a ghat road, the car took a turn and the breaks failed completely. The car was racing down the slope with increasing speed. There was a deep valley on one side and a hill on the othen The driver told them not to get panicky and that he would try to dash the car against the hill in the safest possible manner. But whenever he tried to do so some vehicle or the other came up that side and they narrowly missed a collision. Bhangara recollected Baba's message and felt that it signified his imminent death. Being a palmist Bhangara remembered that his hand indicated sudden death at that time. He desperately prayed. "Baba, I know that I have to die some day. Yet atleast for the sake of my family you have to save my life this time. I shall not henceforth doubt your messages."

    One of the tyres of the car hit a stone on the road and stopped. The driver changed the tyre and they reached their destination in seven hours. There was no chance for Bhangara to return home that evening!

    Mr. Chitnis was at first fascinated by a beautiful picture of Baba and read several books on him. He visited Shirdi in 1952 and felt that he had returned to his own place. The very first sight of Baba's Samadhi had impressed him for good.

    In 1957, his sister at Bombay was seriously ill and the family wished to start by plane. His parents could secure a seat by the next plane but his name was kept in the waiting list. Mr. Chitnis sat there silently praying to Baba that by the time they reach Bombay his sister should recover her health. He suddenly found an old fakir standing by. The latter looked sad and gestured accordingly. The next moment the fakir was not to be seen! It suddenly occurred to him that the fakir was Sai Baba himself He was surprised to learn that none else saw the fakir. At last when Mr. Chitnis reached Bombay his sister was no more.

    In 1965 Mr. Chitnis suffered from a severe pain in the stomach and could not take even a spoonful of water. The doctor decided to try surgery on the next Thursday. Chitnis prayed that he should be spared the ordeal. That night in his dream four terrible persons were pulling him out of the bed. Sai Baba felled some of them and saved Chitnis. By morning Sri Chitnis was alright to the surprise of the doctor.

    On a certain Thursday in 1966 he completed a reading of the life of Baba. Mr. Chitnis was to go to Agra by car. He prayed to Baba for his darshan. Next morning, after covering about sixty miles the car stopped at a place for no apparent reason. A fakir who resembled Sai Baba was found standing by. The fakir blessed them and received dakshina and disappeared. Mr. Chitnis was surprised to know later that only his youngest son, he and the driver saw che fakir and others didn't see anyone.

    Sri P.V Satyanarayana Sastri records, in an article, the strange transformation of a famous atheist of Andhra into an ardent devotee of Baba. Late Sri Gopichand, a famous writer and a prominent atheist was working as an employee of the Government at Kurnool. His wife was in the hospital, suffering from labour pains for three days and her condition was critical. On the third day, as he walked past the Sai Mandir towards hospital, he thought : "Baba, if you could bless my wife with a safe delivery, I shall believe that your power is divine."

    At the hospital his wife delivered a male child. She told him that an old fakir in a vision, sat on her cot and said, "Don't fear. I shall save you." He then put a little vibhuti on her forehead, put a little of it in water and gave her to drink. She at once delivered. And the time of her vision coincided precisely with the time of his silent prayer to Baba! Gopichand named his son as Sai Baba, causing quite a stir among his atheist friends.

    Though Mr. Veerendra Pandya had no faith in Baba, he visited Shirdi with his brother. Later he lived at Kalyan near Bombay and his parents lived in Behar. Once when his family had to face many difficulties, he took out the picture of Baba which was lying in his trunk, kept it in the shrine and prayed fervently that he should find a solution to his problem by evening. At once peace descended on him and by evening he hit upon a solution to his problem. Strangely, he learned from a letter that the same solution occurred to his mother too, precisely at the same hour. He decided to dedicate all his life, henceforth to the service of Baba, giving up all worldly activity but his mother insisted that he should marry. Again he prayed for a written solution to the problem. Next day, quite casually, his eyes fell on a book entitled, Sri Sai Baba Upasana. He opened it at random and the chapter Bhavasudha came up. The message contained therein was that a householder's life is preferable. Yet he doubted whether it was mere coincidence.

    At that time he was residing at Vitarna, a forest area infested by robbers disguised as sadhus. So he instructed his watchman not to permit even 'Sadhus' to enter his gate. With these facts in mind, he one day prayed. "Baba, in order that my faith in you could get strengthened, tomorrow, a thursday which is sacred to you, at lunch time a sadhu should come, bless me by keeping his right hand on my head and make passes with the same all over my body. If this is granted, I vow to visit Shirdi."

    Next day at lunch time no sadhu turned up. just as Pandya was about to partake of the first morsel, a sadhu called for food. When Pandya offered him food, the former received the same and put his right hand on Pandya's head by way of blessing and left. Pandya recognised that only a part of his wish was fulfilled and that he did not receive the sadhu in a proper manner. While he was thinking the sadhu returned. Pandya offered him Rs. 2/- as daksliina. The fakir passed his hand all over Pandya's body, smiled sportively and went away. Next Thursday Pandya fulfilled his vow.

    Miss Marva L. Hemphill wrote of her striking experience with Baba in. a short letter to the author of this present book:
    Atlanta Ga, (U.S.A.)
    January 18,1970.
    Dear Brother in God,
    Baba came on 1-12-70! He has been teaching me very rapidly about Christ ever since... it is so wonderful! From now on he is 'Baba Christ,' as jesus is jesus Christ.
    In the name of Baba Christ

    In 1955, Sri jayaram Raje was a lawyer at Thana. Once he finished a devotional reading of the Life of Sai Baba. On the next day, Thursday, he offered sweetmeats to Baba's picture. Precisely at lunch time a fakir came to him for food. He was dressed like a muslim. Raje being an orthodox Brahmin offered him food in a leafplate and requested him to eat it elsewhere. The fakir insisted that he would eat it there itself. Raje fed him accordingly, considering him as Baba himself.

    After lunch the fakir demanded dakshina. Raje said that if a client paid him Rs. 501- he would have given him his due. The fakir said that the client would pay him the dues at 3.15 p.m. that day and that he himself would turn up at 5 p.m. to receive the dakshina. The client who lived far away did turn up at 3.15 p.m. and cleared the dues. The fakir too came up at 5 p.m. and received Rs. 10/-. In return the latter offered Raje a little vibhuti which, by the time it fell into his hand, got mysteriously transformed into a rose.

    Raje looked up in surprise and the fakir was not to be seen anywhere!
    Sivashankar Dixit, a devotee of Lord Dattatreya, despaired when he knew that he was suffering from tuberculosis. One day he had a dream, he saw a picture of a muslim saint and bowed to it; at the same moment, a muslim fakir came and applied vibhuti on his forehead and assured him that he would soon be well.

    When his condition improved without any treatment Dixit realized that it was a visitation. One of his friends suggested that the fakir might be Sai Baba himself. Four days after, a group of children who played there, left a small picture of Baba's Samadhi in his house. Dixit found that the fakir of his dream precisely resembled the photograph of Sai Baba on the samadhi, found in that picture. Later he visited Shirdi an saw that there was the marble statue on Baba's samadhi and not a photograph of Sai Baba. On enquiry he was told that till 1956 a photograph of Sai Baba was indeed kept on Baba's samadhi and that the statue was installed only in that year. The picture of the muslim fakir which he saw in his dream was indeed the photograph of Baba which was eaxlier kept on the samadhi! Henceforth Dixit worshipped Sai Baba as Lord Dattatreya.

    Mr. K.D. Matrey once visited Shirdi. The samadhi mandir was under repair. His child who was two and a half year old stood on the first floor, looking at children playing on the road below. Suddenly she leaned forward, slipped and fell down from the terrace. Several devotees rushed to her but the child stood up smiling and said, "As I fell down, the old man in that picture leaped up, held me in his hands and kept me down"!

    An advocate from Boribandar, once started for Shirdi with Rs. 100/- in his pocket. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) his pocket was picked and he had lost the money and his railway ticket. Later the ticket examiner came up and did not relent even after hearing about- the theft. just then an old gentleman gave the lawyer 'a ticket and said that his man did not join him as promised. He introduced himself as a devotee of Sai Baba and bore all the expenses of the advocate. At Shirdi the old man presented him with a copy of a book on Sai Baba and also gave him his address in Bombay. Later on, opening the book the advocate found Rs. 100/- in it. When he returned home he found his purse before Baba's picture in his family shrine! He soon went to Bombay but the old man's address could not be traced. The advocate kept the money he found in the book in his shrine for worship. Thereafter his financial condition improved considerably.

    In 1930 Dr. Rustomji was laid up with pneumonia and was admitted in the Parsi General Hospital in Bombay. the doctors gave up hope and he was in a coma. A fakir appeared to him in a vision and said, "Let your health recover first later you will come to know me!" He then went round Rustomji's cot and disappeared. Soon after, the doctors were surprised to find that his condition was quite normal. Ever since, Rustomji yearned to see the fakir. After six months a passenger who sat next to him in the bus was reading a book on Sai Baba. Rustomji saw Baba's picture in it and realized that he was the fakir that had saved him and started reading about Sai. Shortly he was appointed as a doctor in the Sai Samastan Dispensary at Shirdi in 1949.

    Once his wife suffered from severe pain in her eyes. Doctors examined her and declared that even doctors abroad will not be able to help her. At last Sri Rustomji brought her to Shirdi and every day he used to take her round Baba's samadhi. She vowed to offer an embroidered cloth to Baba's Palanquin if she was cured. In the course of an year she was well and she fulfilled her vow.

    Sat Baba the Master,  by Acharya E. Bharadwaja


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #73 on: December 11, 2005, 01:35:58 AM »
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  • Abhay Pathania
    I am sai devotee. I would love to share this very unusual experience with all of you which just happened 1 hour ago. before this I would like to tell you something about my recent past - I have been under going a lot of trouble regarding my career and my personal life. Its been more than 2 years now. I was thinking for a reason for this , and thought that i havent been conducting myself properly . I developed ego and had become a little selfish. I started believeing in baba since october 2000 . During these later months I developed a lot of faith in Sai Baba too. For some reason I promised Baba that I will never do wrong to other people and will not have any ego and try to do most of what he has taught( have patience and faith). He has helped me so much in these few months. My state of mind changed radically. Some one from inside me forced me not to associate myelf with "I" ( ego ) and do good to others no matter what. To have "patience" and "faith". I didn't do idol worshiping or listen to kirtans as such, but its just that I have a Sai photo and His life history book. I have been reading about His life history and of course been reading it on the web site too. Just a week ago started to listen to his kirtans available on the web site.(sai darshan)

    I spend a lot of time talking to him and trying to ask him a few questions and get answeres through his facial expressions. Its become my habit. I look at him in the photo and sometimes see him smiling. If he is smiling that day something that I want happens to me, and if not, He warns me of something. Well, this might sound absurd but its absolutely true. Slowly my faith in Him increased and I spent a lot of my time talking to His photo and guessing maybe 3-4 hours togeather.

    Today something absolutley out of the world happened to me. I was as usual talking to him listining to some of my favourite songs, reading his life history book and then listining to kirtans at random. This continued for 6-7 hours since 9.30 pm yesterday( 23rd march 2001).

    It was around 3.45 am in the morning today(24th march 2001) and I was staring at his photo. I will try to do my level best to describe what happened. I experienced his presence.

    Suddenly he started to glow and smile in his photo and radiate heat. I mean I could not believe myself. The feeling of ecstacy. So much happiness that I burst into tears. I started to shiver and said I cant believe this... this cant be ture...O my god!!! i must have said this 3 times and closed my eyes!!! Well it lasted for probably 10 sec.. but they are one of the best 10 seconds of my life..

    I can tell u I wasn't dreaming and was wide awake . I feel so good and different. Its like all my pain disappeared in one moment... of my life.. I hope this message do good to all. I think having complete faith in Sai is very important. Believe me He is very much there!!!  


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's MIRACLES.(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #74 on: December 12, 2005, 06:49:48 AM »
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  • Baba's Blessings

    Often it has been the experience of devotees that Baba creates storms and
    then controls them. Why so ?. Perhaps it may be, each time, an act of
    testing the depth of devotion of a devotee. For this matter, philosophy of
    any religion is an endless story of such instances. Every religion is
    confined to a community. But Baba's religion embraces entire humanity, nay,
    even the universe.

    Coming to the point as to how Baba created a storm and then controlled it,
    I try to pen a few lines describing the instances hereunder.

    In the last quarter of 1974, my wife, who had been hale and hearty started
    suffering from menopause. I got her treated by the best available
    specialists in Allopathy & Homeopathy. But it was all in vain. After
    treatment for about four months one specialist lady doctor advised her to
    undergo a minor operation. This minor operation led to a disclosure of a
    serious ailment. Then for confirmation of that ailment several medical tests
    were advised to be got conducted. On the basis of these reports, the
    suspected hazardous ailment was confirmed. The lady Surgeon, who had been
    very kind, cordial and sympathetic, because of my daughter also being a
    doctor, who is closely known to her, had been taking every possible care.
    She referred my wife to the concerned specialist, who is known for his high
    efficiency and unquestionable integrity. The Doctor went through the medical
    reports and a detailed note given by the lady Surgeon. Though he did not
    give tongue to his readings, his countenance did give vent to his reaction.
    At last, he prescribed a course of treatment to be continued for five weeks.
    Out of my anxiety, I ascertained about prospective response. He said that he
    would try his best. Such a serious expression with a perceptible note of
    uncertainty had acted like adding fuel to the fire. The Doctor, who is
    highly qualified, is a strong believer in God, the Almighty, Munificent and
    Merciful. He sounded me an obvious advice to believe in God, as a last

    With the expiry of five weeks, the course of the prescribed treatment was
    over. The Doctor advised me to get her to the hospital after a month for a
    check up. Even after the course was over the Doctor was not hopeful of
    fruitful results.

    While giving such treatment all the time, I have been relying on the use of
    sacred " Udi " to her forehead. She used to take for some time a pinch of "
    Udi " with a little water. After the expiry of one month, when I had taken
    her to the hospital for a check up by the Doctor, who, after having examined
    her, felt astonished to notice the unexpected improvement in her. He
    surprisingly enquired if I administered any other medicines than what he
    prescribed. Evidently my reply was in the negative from technical view
    point. But at the heart of my heart, I confessed before the mental image of
    Baba about the most miraculous effect of * Udi * which is known to all the
    devotees of Baba, as the most efficacious medicine of all medicines. The
    Doctor, though reputed for his eminence, had no ego and in his frankness he
    admitted that the Almighty saved her. My faith in Baba deepened further.
    Devotion of my wife towards Baba knew no bounds. She maintains normal health
    with the kind blessings of Baba.

    (To be contd...)

    M. Ganga Reddy
    Hyderabad –27

    (The experiences of Devotees as published in Shri Sai Leela Magazine, can be
    read at


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal


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