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Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
« Reply #1770 on: February 06, 2012, 08:05:40 AM »
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  • OMSAIRAM!Even if Shri Vishnu or Shri Shiva is angry with his devotee, Shri Guru can surely protect him. But if Shri Guru is enraged, even Shri Vishnu or Shiva cannot protect him."

    Guru Charitra

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1771 on: February 06, 2012, 08:13:59 AM »
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  • OMSAIRAM!OMSAIRAM!If the Kasturi is hidden, its fragrance cannot be hidden, similarly brightness of Shri Guru could not be hidden.

    Guru Charitra

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1772 on: February 07, 2012, 08:39:03 PM »
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  • My Guru never expected any other thing from Me. He never neglected Me, but protected Me at all times. I lived with him, and was sometimes away from him; still I never felt the want or absence of his love. He always protected Me by his glance, just as the tortoise feeds her young ones, whether they are near her or away from her on the other side of the river bank, by her loving looks. Oh mother, My Guru never taught Me any Mantra, then how shall I blow any Mantra in your ears? Just remember that Guru's tortoise-like loving glance gives us happiness.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1773 on: February 07, 2012, 08:47:06 PM »
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  • Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1774 on: February 07, 2012, 08:52:46 PM »
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    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    « Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 08:56:12 PM by diPika »
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1775 on: February 07, 2012, 08:58:26 PM »
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    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1776 on: February 07, 2012, 09:02:54 PM »
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    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1777 on: February 07, 2012, 09:04:29 PM »
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    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1778 on: February 09, 2012, 04:40:48 AM »
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  • Once at evening time, there was a terrible storm at Shirdi. The sky was overcast with thick black clouds. The winds began to blow forcibly; the clouds roared and the lighting began to flash, and the rains began to descend in torrents. In a short time, the whole place was flooded with water, All the creatures, birds, beasts and men got terribly frightened; and they all flocked to the Masjid for shelter. There are many local deities in Shirdi, but none of them came to their help. So they all prayed to Baba - their God, Who was fond of their devotion, to intercede and quell the storm. Baba was much moved. He came out and standing at the edge of the Masjid, addressed the storm in a loud and thunderous voice - "Stop, stop your fury and the calm." In a few minutes the rains subsided, the winds ceased to blow, and the storm came to a stop. Then the moon rose in the sky, and the people then went back home well-pleased.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1779 on: February 09, 2012, 04:42:55 AM »
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  • Our Sai, an Incarnation of God. He will bless any man who will prostrate and surrender himself to Him.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1780 on: February 11, 2012, 08:47:10 PM »
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  • Kawadkar

    Baba's leelas are great. I always believed in Baba and his power but whenever I used to hear people say that they could write big books on Baba only with His blessings and by He giving them Darshan in their dreams, I always felt that they were only exaggerating thing. But only after my own experience I have stopped thinking like that and believe that Baba is very powerful. One day we went to Sai temple and during the Pooja I prayed to Sai asking him to enable us to buy our own flat as we were staying in a rented flat for long. I also wished that where ever we bought a flat let there be Sai temple nearby and thought that I will keep a new photo of Sai Baba in our new flat. While I was standing in the queue to take prasad and it was my turn one person came quickly and said please take this prasad, which I just got from Shirdi, my heart just missed a beat and I was overjoyed. To our surprise, we selected a new flat, in a week's time even the registration was completed, and the best part is a Sai temple is just a lane away. We can never ever thank Baba enough to be able to live in our own flat now. Then followed another miracle to let my next wish be fulfilled, which was to have a new photo of Sai Baba in our new house. When we moved in our new flat I was carrying my second child and most of the time I was on bed rest hence I could not go out for shopping to buy Baba's photo. So I requested my close friend to do a glass painting of Baba for me but even she was unable to do it, as she was busy herself. Then after we had our second child we all went to Shirdi and took Baba's blessing. Even in Shirdi I did not get any photo of Baba of my choice hence I decided that I would buy one when we get back to Hyderabad where we stay. But some thing or the other happened and we could not get a new photo of Baba. Then for a series of 4-5 days I was constantly getting only one same dream in which I could see one hand painting Sai Baba's face.

    The dream was so clear that I could remember each stroke painting Baba's face. I told my husband about the dream and he suggested that I do the painting myself. I had a great laugh, as I never did any painting in my life. The next day I went to my father's house and all the painting material just happened to get collected in front of me and only by the grace of Sai Baba I could complete a huge glass painting of Sai Baba. It is very beautiful. And it was completed in only two hours and all the while my little baby was fast asleep. It is a miracle as I had never ever done any painting and glass painting was something I could never think of doing. The surprising part was once this painting was completed by my hands by Baba's grace I never got that same dream again. Our love for overflows whenever we look as this satisfying painting of Baba in our home and it has proved to be a wish fulfilling one for us. I am surprised that Baba even blesses a person like me who loves Him but also gets angry with Him when some things go wrong in our life. I am an unlikable person by all but for Sai Baba, He always seems to take care and love my family and me a lot. Jai Sai Baba!

    I had witnessed numerous miracles happened in my life, in a span of 8 years. The recent one is shocking. I was thinking to visit Shirdi to have Baba's darshan second time. I know it was not possible as I have no time at all to plan for the visit, having heavy load work at office and thinking even my Boss will not sanction leave for the trip. Every time I use to think about my first visit to Shirdi the Main mandir, Neem tree and surroundings of Shirdi. One day suddenly my Boss called me and handed over an air ticket which is to and fro - Delhi - Mumbai - Delhi and said to visit Mumbai as the air ticket has only 4 or 5 days to expire. I fully utilized that opportunity and no wasted time in visiting Shirdi and had Baba's Divya darshan on Thursday morning with Kakad Arti. After having Baba's darshan I came out and sat in the park near small waterfall, which was built within the Mandir. Suddenly I saw a Man who is tall fair, having turban like Baba use to wear, in white cloths sitting on a stone in a same posture like Baba's. I thought within me that 'this man is imitating Baba'. Suddenly He laughed at sitting some 15 miters away from me and again laughing at me and within a blinking moment he disappeared from there. I was so amazed and could not control my happiness of having Baba's darshan physically. I cried a lot in a joy and realized my mistake not to underestimate anyone in life. Baba is everywhere

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1781 on: February 11, 2012, 08:55:10 PM »
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  • Usha
    In 1986 I was in the US for the first time. I was enrolled in the Florida State University in Tallahassee as a masters' student and my apartment was very close to the campus. The only companion I had was a big paper picture of baba hanging on my bedroom wall .One Saturday I finished my long assignment , went through it several times and made corrections as needed. I thought that it was okay and ready to be submitted. The last date to submit the assignment was coming Monday before 4 in the afternoon. and I had completed it on Saturday night. Before going to bed I offered the hand written assignment to my Beloved Sai and went to sleep.

    I had a strange dream that night. Baba took me through the pages of the assignment and showed me the errors .The dream was so vivid that He showed me each paragraph and line where I had made mistakes and miscalculation.

    Sunday morning I opened the written assignment again and went through each and every paragraph Baba had showed me the other night. Tears rolled down my eyes. Oh! there were so many mistakes in the assignment and even after going through it several times I could not figure out them. Baba was watching all this from within and as I was ready to submit it soon, He had to guide me and show me the way to success.

    I had a whole day on Sunday to make corrections and finalize the paper, with Baba in my mind I did it and submitted it on Monday well before the dead line. You will be surprised to know that (though Asian) I was the only student who was able to get the highest mark in that subject.. Of course, I offered the marks to my Baba. I am very grateful to my Sai because it is He who takes care of every thing in my life. Thank You Baba, thank You so much..

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1782 on: February 12, 2012, 02:11:01 PM »
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  •  I Know You!
    In Sri Sai Satcharitha, the episode of devotee Sapatnekar is very interesting. The person who ridiculed Baba during his earlier days resorted to His feet in pursuit of peace of mind. He lost his only son to a disease and reached Shirdi to take Baba's darshan. When he went near and prostrated himself and placed a coconut before Baba with devotion, the latter at once cried out "Get away." How could Baba welcome him with such harsh words! Shri Hemadpanth well depicted the plight of Sapatnekar in earning Sainath's love. Did Sai really admonish Sapatnekar?

    Later, Sainath referred to him as His "Yaara", meaning lover? What a blessing for Sapatnekar! Baba knows past, present, and the future. His assurance that He would protect and care for His devotees is the perfect truth. Falling to the vice of myth, the disciple always feels that he chooses his guru. But, it may be noted that devotees who were not to be associated with Sai, could never do so. On the other hand, those who did not want to bow to His magnanimity were convinced to do so. One such example is Shri Upasani Maharaj. It may also be observed in the present day that those who were to find their association with other realized souls are not to be found with Sai, while those who were in His fold in the past could never really run away from Him! It is also to be noted that Baba said that the message is the same and the messengers are different. Those who think otherwise will eventually realize this truth.

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1783 on: February 12, 2012, 02:13:01 PM »
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  • Kindness of Sri Saibaba

    The all-knowing nature of Sri Saibaba is humanly impossible to decipher. This much must be said that Sri Sai is aware of the innermost secrets of those who he wanted to benefit and expressed them as needed to show the practical remonstration unique to His way. Sri Tarkhad in his Foreword to the book on Sri Saibaba by MW Pradhan narrates one such incident:

    A friend staying in Bandra, was one day leaving his place in the morning to go to his office. Near the door of his block, his wife remembered that she had certain expenses to make, and asked him for a rupee. He knew the necessity of this request and opening his purse discovered that he had no loose coin in it, but currency notes. He told his wife that he would get these cashed in his office and in the evening on his return home, he would pay her the rupee, to which she gave her assent.

    On descending the staircase and coming upon the first landing, when fumbling for his handkerchief, he found a rupee in that pocket. As there was ample time for him to catch his train, his duty was to go up to his flat and hand over that rupee to his wife. Instead of doing that, nonchalant as most husbands are everywhere, he went to his office and after getting the notes cashed, gave a rupee to his wife on his return home in the evening, and forgot all about it thereafter.

    Some days passed since, when both of them happened to go to Shirdi. No sooner they made their obeisance than Baba said to his wife, "Mother, now-a-days one had become so untruthful, that though there was a rupee in his pocket he would say there was none!"

    Now the lady not knowing anything about the matter remained unperturbed, whereas the man remembering the whole incident, threw himself at Baba's feet, and embracing them, shed tears of repentance and joy. Repentance for his callousness in not having gone up and paid that rupee to his loving and trusting wife, joy for the feeling of assurance of Shri Sai Baba's watch on the guidance and progress of their worldly affairs.

    (Source: "Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi: A Glimpse of Indian Spirituality" by Rao Bahadur M.W.Pradhan)

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: DWARKAMAI's LEELAS(She is our Mother)
    « Reply #1784 on: February 12, 2012, 02:24:15 PM »
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  • Divine Love of Baba

    It was a 1914 Ramnavmi day-a day of annual fair at Shirdi; about sixty to sixty-five thousands of people had come to pay their respects to Baba. The Police Party with their officers, big and small, was also present for (proper security), keeping the crowd in order. Baba had had sat up since early morning, and so when it was past 11 a.m. devotees round about asked the police to stop the coming visitors for a -while to enable Baba to have His breakfast. Baba said, "I have no appetite for food to-day. The bustling crowd was rushing to the Dwarkamayi jostling one another and pushing its way towards Baba. In the mean which an old woman aged about 60-65 Years, seated away from the Dwarkamayi, was bowling out without a break, requesting Baba, to have mercy on her and to favor her with His benign sight, Shri R. A. Tarkhad passing through the crowd heard her shouts and so being cut to the quick, led her to Baba through the surging crowd. As soon as she saw Baba, she fondly caressed Him; tears rolled down her eyes and she stood speechless for a few minutes, Baba blessed her by keeping His blissful hand on her head and inquired of her in minutest detail the well-being of her family; then He told her, "I have been waiting for you; tell me what you have brought to me for my food?" She said, "I had brought a loaf and two onions with me; but when I came half way I felt so very exhausted and hungry that sitting by a stream, I partook half of the loaf and one onion. The other half of the loaf and one onion are left unused; please do justice to them. Baba eagerly ate that loaf with onion saying, "Ah! How sweet these are." Devotees surrounding Baba and listening to what passed before their eyes were very much struck the reception accorded by Baba to the loving old poor woman.

    Baba was in the know of all His devotees outside had been sending Him, and if one forgot to deliver it to Him He would remind that one of it and would not rest till it was given over to Him.

    Master Mankar was given a piece of sweets by Mrs. Tarkhad at the time of his departure for Shirdi. Reaching Shirdi, he went to Baba and paid his respects to Baba but clean forgot about the Sweetmeat. Baba did not say a word to him at the time. When however in the afternoon he again went to Baba, Baba asked him whether a devotee given him something for Him. Even this much was not sufficient to wake up him memory and so he at once replied in the negative. Then Baba again said, "Has not the mother given you a sweetmeat piece at the time you started for Shirdi?" The lad was at once reminded of the sweetmeat piece, and feeling sorry for his forgetfulness at once ran upto his abode; he returned with the sweetmeat piece and handed it over to Baba. Who at once devoured it with the zest of a hungry man.

    (Source: Shri Sai The Superman by Swami Sharananand)

    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal


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