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Re: Experiences of Devotees
« Reply #225 on: December 25, 2009, 03:55:35 PM »
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  • Krishna

    My current contract assignment where I was getting a decent rate and very close to my home was coming to an end and I started looking out. Although I was getting calls, none of them were materializing due to some reason or the other (rate not being good, location far off, short project duration etc). I was really getting frustrated and was loosing sleep at nights as I had to support my family. I prayed to Baba on why this delay and also to show some positive signs that would give me some good sleep. As in the past, Baba always bailed me out in some way or the other but being a human, my mind was always anxious and restless. Whenever I use to pray to Baba's photo, I always use to hear a voice in me "Still you doubt me?" and I use to be ashamed of myself. Reading the weekly Sai Vichar e-mails use to be the only solace and moral boosting experience. My wife use to tell me that there is something which we are not aware of that is preventing me from getting a new contract. And lo !, on Wednesday, my current client called up and mentioned that they are planning to extend my contract for a long term and are letting me know in advance as I might be looking out. I was so thrilled and thanked Baba for his almightily grace and blessings. Baba has always helped me and my family when most needed. Sometimes I do feel guilty that I keep asking so many things from Baba and he always fulfills it and is so thankful to Baba for his continued grace and blessing.


    I would like to share my experience with everybody. I am a devotee of Sai Baba. This is a nothing but a miracle what Saibaba has done to us. I got married in 2005 and my husband was working in Dubai. After marriage he does not want to go back and I thought he will work here. He worked with his friend's construction company and due to some misunderstanding he left the job. After which he was idly sitting at home without any work but doing part-time BE. I was working in a MNC. I have got a 1-year old kid Vishal and due to health reasons, I quitted my job this month 25th and I was worried and then I thought of Sai Baba only can save us from this situation. We both are jobless. I prayed to Sai Baba that I myself and my husband get a job within the next Thursday I would post this. It's really unbelievable that I got a part time job in the very same MNC which I left. And my husband went for an interview yesterday and got selected. This is nothing but only Sai's leelas. Sai Baba Koti Koti pranaam to your lotus feet. Please guide in every step of the life. Thank you. Sai Ram.

    I entered late into marriage after a long 17 years wait of knowing the person. I asked Sai to show me signs that I should proceed with this after the long interval. Finally I got married and with Sai's blessing conceived immediately. I sailed through my pregnancy with my gynecologist of Sai's blessing. However on my 8th month my placenta gave away and my daughter pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. Miracle of miracles, when my doctor rushed to the spot he said there's a 20 percent chances of survival with a faint heartbeat. He practically did everything from getting me ready for the Caesarian, pushing me through hallway/lifts and calling the OT to be ready for an emergency operation. Finally my daughter arrived as a tiny healthy baby. But there's some complicating where my husband was asked to sign to indicate approval of womb removal due to a lot of blood loss. Again with Sai's blessing that did not happen and my doctor managed to pull through. Today my daughter is a healthy 3 years old. Last year I delivered my second daughter with my doctor sailing through the pregnancy with me for a safe delivery. About 2 months back my doctor collapsed due to stroke. He is a well know and reputable and experienced person who has saved many lives. I prayed to Baba to take care of him and let him recover to his normal self. Now he is over the critical situation and on the path of recovery. Today he is still on medical leave recovering and with Baba's blessing soon will be back to his clinic, I have faith in Baba. I pledged to write to share my experience with other devotees and here it is. My Sai's blessing is always with us. Om Sai Ram. 
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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #226 on: December 25, 2009, 04:05:22 PM »
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    My husband was out of IT field since we got married and I was so worried about him. I prayed Sai to give us a good life by giving a nice job for my husband. He started applying to his jobs yet he couldn't get any. I cried myself so many times and my little one also suffered because of me. I trusted Sai and my belief towards Sai is increasing day by day though my husband was failing in the job interviews. I did Sai Satcharitra parayana three times yet my days were too horrible. I believed one saying from my parents, "If you wanted something and if that happened to you that's good for you but if that doesn't happened then it is more good for you. I always remembered these words and was praying for His divine blessings. I started parayana again with more Sradha and Saburi. On that week my husband attended one interview with an Indian company. We didn't have any hopes on that to get the job. Also he lost his confidence and it was time to start using our savings money. I was on maternity leave for an year and my husband was on EI. So we both were getting money from govt only. But on my last day of my parayana they selected my husband and there was no limit to my happiness. On Thursday his office HRM sent him an offer letter. I couldn't thank enough to Sai to let my dreams come true. That job was a contract position yet they liked my husband and offered a full time position with a nice pay. I prayed Sai when I was doing parayana that I am gonna leave one of my favourite food until me and my family visit Shirdi to get Sai's darshan and I left my favourite food to him. I would like to suggest to all Sai devotees never loose your hope and believe Sai. He will definitely take care of his children. We just need to work hard and have faith in him in our tough times and on good times also. Rest is Sai's divine blessings. Sai Deva please continue to shower Your blessings in our good and bad times and if we did any mistakes please forgive us. 
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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #227 on: December 26, 2009, 01:38:47 PM »
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  • Many Say Babas Leelas are not human.One cannot understand whats their behind.

    A small but Big story in that respect :-)

    Balakrishna Govind Upasani Sastri, S/Oh Govind Gopal Upasani Sastri, Brahmin, aged about 69, retired Professor of Sanskrit, Saniwarpeth, Poona says:
    When plague was raging at Poona, my college was closed for many long months, and then I went on pilgrimage with my mother and wife. When I went from Haridwar and Rishikesh to Tapovan, there I met a sãdhu who glared at me at least he was persistently looking at me. I bowed to him and he still looked at me, and asked me ‘Are you not from Satana?’ ‘Yes’, I answered, for Satana is my ancestral village. Then, I, in my turn inquired of him who he was. ‘Come here again tomorrow at this time (afternoon) and I will tell you, he said. I then went to my quarters and informed my mother.
    She thought that this might be our (family) Mutt Founder, Sri Uddhava of Mulhare (Mayurapura). Next day, she wanted to come to the saint and she accompanied me to the appointed place at the
    time fixed. After 15 minutes of wandering up and down, she thought it was a wild goose chase to find a wandering saint and went away. Almost immediately after she left, that saint appeared before me and
    said, with a grave countenance, ‘Do not act in this manner again’. I: In what manner?
    He: Only those directed to come should come. There is always difference between one individual and another alike in physical and other peculiarities. No two are exactly the same. So only the
    bidden person should come. I agreed to abide by that rule. Then as I wanted to know his identity, he informed me that I had a saligram among the Gods that I worshipped at home and he gave me an exact description of it. I said that I had that saligram. Then, he added, that he was the person who gave it to Uddhava Maharaj from whose grandson, my grandfather had got it. It has been a heirloom with us and I am still worshipping it. Still as his identity was not clear, he thus replied to me talking this time in Hindustani. Till then, he was talking in Marathi. He waved his hand so as to attract my attention and said ‘Lo, there was a tree. Two persons went up that tree. One came down; the other went up’. He wound up with the remark ‘You will come to know’ and then he disappeared. He looked like a man of 50 or 60 years, rather bulky and stout and he wore only a coupina and no other article of dress. Many years later, say about 1910-11, (31-12-1911) I was trying to utilise my Christmas Holidays for a trip from Dhulia southward to see if any trace could be found of my younger brother Kasinath (i.e.Upasani Baba). He had contracted some strange disease in the course of his efforts at pranayama. He could not lie down lest breathing should stop. He had no sleep, nor good digestion. So he left home and we had no trace of his whereabouts. As I was in the train from Manmad going south, it stopped at Kopergaon for a few minutes and the local mamlatdar Mr.Bhat, a friend of mine who was on the platform made me alight and spend a pleasant day with him. He told me that Sai Baba was a saint living 6 miles off (i.e) at Shirdi and worth a visit. He sent me in his tonga to that village. I went to the mosque and found Sai Baba at the dhuni in the mosque. He was standing close to the fire and occasionally turning round himself. He saw me and invited me inside. I went and prostrated myself before him. Gazing at me, he  old me to go to Khandoba’s temple. I thought he recommended that visit to see the image of that God and I said that all Gods were there with him, and was quite content to see him. He repeated the words “Go to Khandoba’s.” I inferred that he wanted me to get away and not to stay there. So I
    went to an adjoining house and there they told me (after I mentioned Baba’s order) that there was one Upasani Sastri at Khandoba’s. I then went to Khandoba’s and found my brother there. He said that
    he was remaining there by Sai Baba’s order and that he saw very little of Sai Baba. I then gave him or rather one Dada Kelkar on his account some Rs.4 for his food expenses and went back to the Masjid.
    I stayed at Shirdi for one or two days at that time. On the first day, he asked all generally for dakshina kukshana some gave. He extended his palms towards me and asked for dakshina kukshan. I said I had nothing and made pranams. On the occassion, Sai Baba said to me the same words as the sãdhu at Tapovan. ‘Lo! There was a tree. Two persons went up that tree. One came down; the other went up’ in Hindustani. I was at once reminded of the Tapovan saint whose person closely resembled Sai Baba’s, though the dress was different. Sai Baba mentioned some autobiographical reminiscences of his own. He said he had been at the battle in which the Rani of Jhansi took part. He was then in the army.
    On the second day he asked me again for dakshina. I excused my self on the ground that I had barely the railway fare for my journey with me. Then he pointed to a silver watch I had in my pocket and asked for it as dakshina. I gave it but not without a momentary regret and hesitation. He received it and handed it over to some fakir by his side. Then looking at me and evidently to meet my momentary regret at losing the watch, Baba said to me ‘You are not going to be worse off (on his account)’ I said, ‘Of course, it was nothing I had given. Then I started back, and via Kopergaon I came to Poona. There I went to a friend’s (Mr.Natu’s) house. I was talking of my Shirdi watch incident and inquired what
    it would cost to get a similar watch. Just then my friend’s brother sent down his gold watch worth about Rs.60 and wanted me to accept it as a present and I accepted it. So I wasn’t worse off for parting with my watch to Sai Baba I visited Shirdi on one or two occasions. I composed then a Sanskrit poem on Sai Baba.

    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #228 on: December 31, 2009, 07:19:36 PM »
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    I would like to narrate an experience in our lives that shows that Baba is God incarnate. 2 years back, when our family life was in trouble, my wife suspected she would have got pregnant. We went to a doctor for confirmation 2 weeks after that. The doctor scheduled for a scan and asked us to get the reports. We got the scan done and were waiting for the doctor' advise. After some 15 mins of discussion, the doctor came out and said the scan has been done and the result is of concern. The doctor explained that the Fetus is 6 weeks old and has stopped growing inside the womb since 2 weeks and it is a case of abortion. We were shell shocked. It was the first pregnancy and my wife was heart broken. Tears welled up in her eyes. I asked the doctor to double check. The doctor was a very experienced old woman and head of the Gynecology dept at the Hospital/University. To comfort us she did the scan again and showed us that there is no pulse and according to the dates, by now the Fetus should have a pulse and growing. She asked us to go for an abortion and advised us that it's okay for us to wait for a week and then come back for the abortion.

    We left with heavy hearts. All the way back home my wife was inconsolable. I could not do anything. I just prayed to god and accepted the situation.

    Suddenly I felt I should take a second opinion. After a week we went to another lady doctor, who was also equally experienced and was head of gynecology dept in another hospital. We explained her the situation and she scheduled a scan 2 days later. We anxiously waited for the day and after the scan were impatient for the result. The doctor took me aside and said the same thing as the first doctor. However she gave us a lot of mental support and advised us to wait for another week before coming in for abortion. We could do nothing but accept her suggestion. We went back home. That night I was very agitated. We both prayed to Sai, asked him to do whatever he feels best for us and then went to bed. Before sleeping my wife applied Udhi to her stomach. She did this daily for 1 week. After one week as advised we went to the doctor for an abortion. Before that, the doctor said she would do a routine scan.

    Now see the miracle. The scan showed the pulse and the fetus was growing. The doctor was shocked. She double checked the earlier scan reports, recalculated the dates. She talked to herself for 10 mins.we could hear her murmuring impossible..impossible 2 to 3 times. Finally she said "God wanted this baby to be born". She then gave us the happy news. We were thrilled. My wife was happy and we could not thank Baba enough. The Baby was born with no trouble and now he is a 2 year old active energetic boy.

    Baba's grace is unfathomable.

    Sai Vichaar for Thursday Dec 31, 2009‏
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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #229 on: January 04, 2010, 09:49:41 AM »
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    The first instance that I want to record is about my son Rahul, when he was six years old. He got very high fever and had continuous vomiting. For fifteen days, the medicines had no effect and his condition was serious. The doctors also could not understand whether it was malaria, typhoid or some viral fever.

    Finally, one day the fever started rising even more and whatever he took started coming out, even plain water. The fever was above [105 (o F)] even after administering tablets and sponging. Two doctors sat beside him the whole night but there was no response. The whole night we were awake and extremely anxious. We are fast loosing hopes.

    Then suddenly I remembered Udi (holy ash) and thought of giving Udi water. Till that time I prayed to Baba and applied Udi on the forehead only but to give it as a medicine and not strike me. I also prayed that if Baba's Udi works as medicine then I will publish this miracle.

    I mixed Udi in water and started giving him one teaspoon of water every half an hour. From that time the fever started subsiding, half a degree per hour. And in four to five hours the fever came down completely. The Udi water did, what even the latest medicines could not do.

    Later, after things became normal (after many days) I had a feeling that if I write this miracle, will people believe in the power of Udi? In this age of science and medicine will people believe in the supernatural or of some power which is behind us.

    One day I casually turned the pages of a Sai  magazine. In that a person had written a similar story of his son's fever which was cured by Udi. After reading it I felt very happy and thought that Baba made me read this miracle to remove my doubt.

    Even in this age of science, there is still something called "Life" and "Death" which nobody is able to describe, define or prevent. However much we are able to probe still there is such a vast expanse of universe, about which nothing is known. All this is staying in harmony because of some powerful superhuman force, which we cannot see, but can only feel or experience, at some stage or other in our life. And this force tries to help us when we ardently invoke it.

    Messages from Sri Sai Baba Vol. IV
    Author: Dr. K.V. Raghava Rao
    « Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 09:53:19 AM by subhasrini »
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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #230 on: January 06, 2010, 06:08:25 AM »
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  • 2. ARTI

    All my experiences with Baba started with this Arti incidence. Once, as soon as I went for a bath, my mother completed her prayers and gave the Arti to God. I felt very sad because I could not receive the Arti.

    Then suddenly the flame of the Arti appeared in the bathroom. Baba was holding the Arti in his hand. Like a shadowy figure clad in white clothes Baba stood over there but the flame of the Arti came towards me. I moved this side and that side but the flame followed me. Finally I got scared and bowed to it and took the Arti. Then the Arti vanished.

    In those days we did lot of namajapam and also Bhajan day in and day out. After the above incidence, during prayers whenever I closed my eyes, certain Goddesses used to come in glittering silver. Each day I would describe the Goddess that I saw to my mother and she used to tell us the mythology connected with it. At that time, we realized, how many Goddesses were there in our mythology.

    These incidents happened before my marriage, i.e. before 1980.

    Messages from Sri Sai Baba Vol. IV
    Author: Dr. K.V. Raghava Rao

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #231 on: January 09, 2010, 03:42:38 PM »
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  • Experiences of Devotees

    B.Subrahmanyam, Guntur, India

    I wish to share with all Sai devotees my experiences of recent visit to Shirdi. I feel that if anyone has total faith and submission to Baba he will look into us. Every time I went for darshan in spite of the crowds, somehow Baba takes me close to him. I cannot explain this but let me assure you I have had darshan of Baba to my heart content. Even Baba asked me (through a security guard) whether I had darshan to my satisfaction. Can you imagine a security guard enquiring devotees? However, I felt that Baba only asked me in the form of a security guard. At one time Baba made me stand in front of him for full 5 minutes in spite of the crowd. Everything that happens is Baba's leela only. I never worried about people going with passes to have Baba's darshan.In the queue one Sai devotee gave me his experiences of visiting Shirdi for the last 40 years. I felt Baba in his form came and made me so happy to hear such experiences. In one of our visits, I had lost all my belongings through a trick, but I have never lost hopes. Baba in one form came and helped me to reach my place. I have experienced Baba's leela in many ways. I see in every action Baba only. Baba helped me to come out of difficult situations. Baba is a part of my family. In every action, I find Baba's leela and feel happy. I imagine Baba in every possible relationship.
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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #232 on: January 09, 2010, 03:43:54 PM »
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  • Sheena Bhatia

    I m writing a very important lesson I learnt in my life. I was taking up my dental exams and in the 3rd part I faced immense problems and was not getting things the way they should be for the exam. I was very disappointed and had cried a lot when I came back from the test. By Baba's grace, I have a big poster of my Baba and I just ran to him, hugged the poster, and cried questioning Baba why did that happen to me. Still I had full faith in Baba, I did pass, and then I cleared the next part as well. I was the happiest person when I learnt all is done and I can finally be called as a doctor. Throughout my struggle when I look back at every step, I feel Baba with me holding my hand, comforting me and just telling me to have faith and patience and then all I had to do was to do my best and leave the rest to Baba and I actually enjoyed working and preparing for the test and it all fell into place. I thank Baba for giving me such a wonderful, caring and encouraging family. Baba please help me to always be humble, never fail to do my duties, and always be at your feet. You are my everything Sai and I m totally dependant on you. Please never leave me.
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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #233 on: January 09, 2010, 03:45:20 PM »
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  • A Sai devotee

    My mom was an ardent believer in Saibaba when I was in my Engineering. Even though I used to visit baba temple quite frequently I could not call myself a complete devotee at that time. However, I used to visit Baba temple, which was right across our college at that time. After few years after I completed my education and landed up a job and was about to get married, my mom wanted me to accompany her to the temple I/we used to visit. That day I was driving the scooter and we had a good visit and returning back home. On the way back to home the scooter slipped and we both fell down, the surprisingly mom was absolutely safe and I had a minor scratch on one of my fore arms.

    Few years later after marriage, we were having trouble conceiving a baby. Doctor said she was going to give some medicines and she should be able to conceive that next month, however nothing happened. The doctor said she would increase the dose again but only after a month time. We came back home dejected. That weekend we visited Sai's temple and prayed for getting through this problem. In a week my wife was pregnant and even the doctor who was treating my doctor was surprised and this is when I started believing in him. Now I am a strong believer of Sai and make it a point to remember Sai at all times. 

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #234 on: January 09, 2010, 03:58:09 PM »
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    Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth, Durga is the Goddess of power (sakti) and Saraswati is the Goddess of knowledge.

    I am surprised to realize that what I saw in dreams, meditation or prayers got correlated with actual events in life.

    Lakshmi :

    The first incident was about twelve years back I had this dream. There was hilly area. The air was quiet chilly. Some people along with me were climbing up a strenuous path. We were tired but were progressing in our journey. We came to a cave and had to pass through it, bending our heads and walking precariously. There was a stream flowing and we had to pass that also. Suddenly near a bend I was confronted by a Goddess. I stood over there looking. Later that Goddess became Lakshmi Devi. I could hear the sound of water flowing through the rocks beneath. The Goddess was sitting on a big lotus, smiling and gave her blessings. When the Goddess gave her darshan, I folded my hands and bent my head in reverence.

    I told my dream to others but we could not realize which place it was. I thought that the dream had no relevance and forgot about it.

    After some years, when I was casually watching the T.V., I saw some pilgrims walking on an almost similar hilly track. I started thinking about where I had seen this place before, when I suddenly remembered the dream. The Goddess was Vaishnava Devi. I had no idea or clue about Her before my dream. I was surprised that how could I get a dream about something that I had never seen in my life nor knew that it existed. I was happy that the Goddess gave me Her darshan, even though I was ignorant.

    Durga :

    This incident happened exactly one year after the Om Jai Jagdeshwari miracle described later in this book.

    One day, my mother and myself were alone in the house with the kids. That night at about 10 p.m. the temperature of my daughter started rising. We became worried as we could not take her to a doctor. We immediately rang up our family doctor and spoke to him. He told us to administer some tablets for the fever. As there was nothing much we could do, we had to just pray that the fever would not rise. We administered the tablets and the baby started getting sleep. As I was having some doubt lurking in my mind based on my experiences last year, I anxiously looked at the calendar for the actual date of commencement of Navaratri festival. I became wonder struck as it was the first day of Devi Navratri. So the Goddess gave me a little scare by making my daughter unwell and made me pray to her. I remembered Om Jai Jagdeswari and started chanting the mantra which till then I quite neglected. I continued the meditation till the early hours of the morning. The face of a Goddess appeared in front of me. I did not know who she was. The face flashed many times in front of my eyes. The face looked as if it was carved in wood. I prayed to her also that the baby should get well. My daughter became normal by morning.

    Then again after some days, in the night I was watching TV The program showed how Goddess Durga was worshipped in different forms all over India. Suddenly, they showed the forms of Durga carved in wood. In my shock I could not register the name of the place where She was worshipped in this form. But in this form Goddess Durga is worshipped to cure ailments and to bestow health to the people. I was surprised.

    I can say that the Goddess Durga is so magnanimous that even though I was ignorant and did not know that this certain form of the Goddess existed, She only came to me, gave Her darshan and made me pray to Her. She hinted or showed to me through the TV program that She really existed.

    Saraswati :

    In my routine prayers, I also pray to Goddess Saraswati.

    Sometimes, in my prayers, a certain Goddess with Her face completely yellow and wearing a crown used to come. I mistook the vision and always thought that it was Goddess Lakshmi.

    For "Varalakshmi Vrata" puja we apply turmeric to a coconut, so that it becomes yellow in color and on it we put eyes, ears, lips, etc., just like the face of a Goddess. This coconut is put on top of a pot and a saree is wrapped around it and decorated with ornaments. She is considered as Goddess Lakshmi and is worshipped on that particular day.

    As soon as I saw a yellow face I thought of Goddess Lakshmi only. On seeing the crown, I thought, the Goddess was asking me to decorate her with the crown the next week when I perform the puja. The following Friday, in the same auspicious month, I did the puja of Goddess Lakshmi grandly and also decorated her with a crown made of a small ornament I had. I was very much satisfied with myself, that I performed the puja nicely according to the wish of the Goddess.

    Then again, after a week or so, after the Lakshmi puja, the yellow faced Goddess again started appearing. I was perturbed. I thought I did everything correctly regarding the puja, but then, why was She appearing again and again?

    I asked the Goddess also whether I did something wrong that she appeared so many times. She used to appear at times in a flash and disappear, but She used to come regularly with long intervals in between. I always thought of her as Goddess Lakshmi and whenever She appeared I used to bow to her and join my hands in prayer. This happened many times.

    One evening I was very busy with some work and was moving from one room to the other. On the TV they were showing some program and my son was watching it. Suddenly he shouted, "Mom" it is "Basara Saraswati Devi, come and see, how nice She is looking". I said, "Keep quite and watch it if you want, I am very busy, don't disturb me". But as he was very persistent saying what will happen if you just give a look and go, I came to the TV and had a look. I was shocked because what I saw was the Goddess who was persistently coming in my vision. It was the same yellow face with a crown on Her head. It was unbelievable and I was also dazed. My mother was also surprised when I showed her the figure and reminded her of my visions.

    As I did not recognize Her and as I mistook Her for Goddess Lakshmi instead of Goddess Saraswati, She came persistently to me. Even after coming so many times when I could not recognize her, she enlightened me through the TV How could an ignorant person like me know how Goddess Basara Saraswati looks when I have never gone to that place in my life.

    After I realized the truth that it was Goddess Saraswati and not Goddess Lakshmi who came in my vision, the vision stopped coming.

    To date, I fail to understand how such experiences occur and how can they be explained or proved by science.

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #235 on: January 09, 2010, 06:23:37 PM »
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  • Saibaba Is Botfh With Divine Virtues

    I visited Shirdi for the first time and stayed there from 14th to 16th October 83 during Punyatithi festival. Since I was not knowing much about Shri Sai Baba, I purchased a book entitled Shri Sai Charita' from the library of the Sansthan. The book contains wonderful life, several miracles, leelas and teachings of Shri Sai Baba. Really Sai Baba has done much for the welfare and uplift of the world and after His 'Nirwan' He looks at them who look at Him.

    On having gone through the above sacred book, it is observed that He possessed all the divine virtues, as described in Shrimadbhagwadgita Chapter XVI S. 1 to 5 These are divine qualities.

    Fearlessness, purity, a steady use of discriminative faculty, charity, self-control, unselfish service, reading of scriptures, discipline, frankness, non-violence, freedom from anger, non--attachment, tranquillity, innocence, kindness towards all creatures, absence of greed, gentleness modesty, firmness, enthusiasm, mercy, power of endurance, cleanliness and absence of jealousy and pride.

    Shri 'Sai Baba' was born not only with these virtue? but he was having Godly powers. It is the experience of all the people that they get spritual strength and a new vision when they go to the Samadhi Mandir, Dwarakamai, Chawdi etc at Shirdi. Sai Baba gives peace and perfect tranqullity of mind to them. I bow at the lotus feet of 'Sai Baba'.

    Beohar Meghshyam

    Jabalpur (M. P.) 483113

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #236 on: January 09, 2010, 07:04:25 PM »
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  • Faith Can Move Mountains

    Believe me dear readers the context of the saying is Above Board (Honest, Upright and fair). An incident of my life will illustrate the truth of it.

    But first let us see what is 'faith'.

    Instead of going into an elaborate interpretation of the literary meaning of the word, the following narration will serve the purpose far better :

    In a village there was no rain for a long spell. The people gathered therefore in the local Church to pray to God.

    The priest who presided over the prayer-meeting looked at the crowd and inquired, "we have gathered here to pray to God to bestow us with rain. Why then have you not brought your umbrellas?. Where is Your Faith?."

    Indeed, true faith is a rare gift and its fruits are the sweetest. We must develop such true faith in Sai, Our Lord, and should lay ourselves completely open to his protection in order to enable his divine grace to shower abundantly on us.

    The perpetual faithful meditation of 'Mara Mara' (although a wrong pronounciation of 'Rama Rama') enabled dacoit Ratnakar to achieve fame and immortality as 'Rishi Valmiki".

    True and sincere faith with firm belief in 'Sai Lord', and a little of Self-Help, can create wonders and surpass the worst of difficulties.

    My mother-in-law and myself desired that the Navjote (Thread Ceremony - Munj) of my elder son should now take place. But the financial circumstances were such that it looked like a pauper's dream.

    Years passed - time flew - taking on its wings my dear mother-in-law to her heavenly abode, leaving me alone with the dream which we had so jointly cherished. Realisation of this dream now seemed like a long road that has no turning.

    I had now a double responsibility, two sons-one-of eleven an the other of eight, both of the age when the religious ceremony was absolutely required to be performed My husband and myself sought the help of our relatives to back us up But no avail Either they were helpless or pretended to be helpless

    Driven to bay, my husband thought of seeking help fro our religious institutions which performed Common-joint Navjot -(Sarvajanik Munj) for poor Parsi children.

    "Beggers cannot be choosers. Better a little fire to war you than a large one that burns." he advised.

    But I could not give in I wanted the occasion to be grand one as dreamt by my mother-in-law. After all while the is life there is hope.

    "Well, your dreams, your desires are your own bed and you must lie on it, "he threatened.

    By now. (this is after 1977), I had come under the fold a protection of Lord Shree Sai and was well aware that "All things come to him, who waits".

    Desperate   cases   need   desperate remedies I started  praying day and night, in  earnest, at the feet of Sai, to invoke his help for I remembered.    He had said,  "Meditate   on Me, repeat name,  and    sing   about   My    deeds - I    shall   stay    by   your side, always".

    It was   October   1st, 1981, I saw   His grace in my dreams beckoning me to go to Shirdi.

    I had been to Shirdi before, on three occasions, but with a different problem, each time all of which were satisfactorily solved by my Lord Sai Baba.

    The very next day, with my husband and children, I reached Shirdi.

    Entrusting my husband with the problem of lodging, etc. I immediately ran to my dear father's abode, There in His royal presence 1 forgot all my worries and woes and found peace of mind. I looked at His Majestic personality with tear-streaming eyes, and placed my problem in his care.

    Later on in the calm and serene atmosphere of Dwarkamai I poured my heart out to Him. I spoke to him as I would to the elders in my family and called upon him to help. Sai never sends anyone empty-banded. I too returned home with his Udi and his blessings, thrilled with the joy of His protection. "Cast all your burdens on me and I shall bear them". He had said and f believed Him. I did So, I knew that when one enters the Dwarkamai his goal is achieved.

    In November '81 my maternal aunt (one of the quarters I had knocked before, seeking help), a widow now, came to stay with us.

    Casually she asked me when I would perform the Navjote of my sons. I appraised her of my mother-in-law's dream and how difficult it was for me to realise the cherished dream.

    Deeply moved by my sincerity, she, of her own accord, promptly offered financial assistance to pay for the costs.

    I was taken aback and all agog to hear this. The offer had come from the blue, What a Leela ! What a Miracle ! My Father 'Sai- had heeded to my prayer and set the ball rolling. Sai's mill grinds slow but sure.

    Besides our own contribution of Rs. 10.000/- (from society etc.) my aunt had offered another Rs. 11.OOO/-. The monetary side was solved in a jiffy. When Baba wills, it does not rain It pours. The occasion could be now celebrated with pomp.

    I had set my heart on having the Navjote on the 26th January 1982. But the hotel was fully booked for the next months. Not a single date was available. I could see my hope going up in flames.

    That night as I lay in a semi-awake state, wondering what would happen, I suddenly felt Baba's presence in the room. His image on the wall glowed-a strange Mona Lisa Simla played on His face. "Do not fear child. My eye is ever on those who love me, I am always aware of everything. Try again tomorrow", he assured me. A great calm fulled me. I went to sleep.

    I tried again the next day and was told that the hotel could be available on the 25th of January 1982 (A Monday My husband's Off-day) due to a cancellation. A second bolt of surprise. I was humbled. He was right. I must trust Him, I made the necessary bookings immediately.

    From then on everything, connected with the occasion, went well and we were able to make the dream of my mother-in-law come true, through the benevolence of my father 'Sai'. My sons moved about, bedecked in the richest of clothes, smart as ever, proud as a pair of peacocks.

    Yes, dear Sai - brothers and sai-sisters faith in Sai, had made the impossible possible. Without a single farthing in the month of October, we had performed a grand Navjote in the month of January -a span of only four months.

    See how faith in Sai moved mountains,

    Mrs. H. K. Chhapgar

    Thane - 400 606


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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #237 on: January 11, 2010, 07:47:09 PM »
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    My First daughter Swapna was very serious. She was only a year old baby. The doctors also did not know her condition properly. I started continuously thinking, Baba, will she live or not. In the night I got this dream.

    Two very beautiful gold fishes were playing in the water in an aquarium. My daughter also was very beautiful. Suddenly both the fishes fell down and were dead. The male voice that I heard was --

    "Death is inevitable for anybody".

    After this scene, immediately another scene came. It was a very big hall with marble flooring. On one side there was a big statue of Baba and on the other side was a big statue of Goddess Lakshmi. Both the statues were beautiful and magnificent and were almost touching the ceiling. The whole hall was sprinkled with rice grains. I was standing and looking at the divine figures with a sad expression on my face.

    I do not know the connection between both these dreams. Except that Baba knew before only about the sorrow that was about to befall me and that I would still continue to pray Baba, even after the sorrows.

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #238 on: January 13, 2010, 12:44:08 PM »
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    When my daughter Swapna was in a serious condition I got this dream.

    I was on a railway platform and was very thirsty. Some friends were also there with me. We had no water bottles with us. All of us were searching for water but we could not find water anywhere. We walked up and down, two or three platforms but there was no water.

    Finally, on the last platform, on a bench sat a Fakir. He was just like Baba but a little more fat. He had a jug with him. We could not control our thirst and asked him for the little water that he had. He agreed and started giving a little water to everyone. I was the last one and by the time my turn came the jug was empty. There were only two or three drops at the bottom.

    I took the jug from him hoping to wet my tongue at least with that two drops of water. Baba pulled off the jug from my hands. He smiled and said, "There is no need for you to quench your thirst with water. From now on you can quench gave me the jug again. It was filled to the brim with sugarcane juice. I was surprised. I drank my full and still a lot was left. The Fakir vanished, laughing.

    I hoped that some miracle would take place and my daughter would be alive. But she died. I was frustrated and very angry with Baba because when he could not save the girl, why to come in dreams and show such instances. I was in a state of depression for a long time.

    But after lapse of many years and also after mature consideration, I felt that though I wanted water, Baba gave me sugarcane juice. That is though I begged for the life of my daughter, Baba knew that it was not possible and so instead of her he gave two more children. We have to endure what is written in our fate.
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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #239 on: January 13, 2010, 12:49:30 PM »
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    On day I came from the hospital (during daughter Swapna's illness) took bath and stood near Baba's photo and prayed. Suddenly I felt as if the whole of Baba's mouth was filled with blood, and I was shocked.

    After sometime, my daughter died. I was frustrated, dejected and I chided Baba that He was the one who took away my child. I held Baba responsible for her death. For many years I could not reconcile myself. Whenever I thought of the event I was very sad and dejected.

    After many years, I was praying to Baba, but inwardly I remembered this incident and was very disturbed. Then as if coming from my mind only I heard a voice, which said, "I did not take your baby, I took the suffering of the baby on Me". Baba flashed the message in my mind. After this incidence I stopped interrogating Baba regarding this matter.

    Baba tries to do good only to us, but in our misery and suffering we interpret Him wrongly. If it is written in our `Fate' that we have to suffer, then we have to suffer. Perhaps Baba would not like to interfere with `Fate'. Only we get a lot of solace by praying to Him and He also tries to smoothen our path.

    In my case, just one month after my daughter's death a son was born to me. And with a new born baby we will have so much work that there is no time to sit and think. And in one way that is also solace.

    Before this interpretation, some four or five years after the death of my daughter, one night Baba came in the dream. He said, "You are thinking I took away your daughter. No I did not. See, if you want I will give back your daughter to you'. Saying this he dug up the tomb and gave her to me. I quickly touched her from top to toe and she was alive. She was wearing the same green frock in which she died. I started thinking, how could she survive there (underground) for so many days. I woke up from the dream trembling, shivering and sweating. After this, I became pregnant and a daughter was born to me.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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