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Offline worrysome

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Re: Experiences of Devotees
« Reply #330 on: July 27, 2011, 04:16:40 AM »
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  • baba is someone  who creater destroyer and protector of world....baba how entered my life i exactly dont remember but baba has shown grace in each and every.....phase after that....
    baba got me good job good life patner....good saved my daddy from accident and stopped his transfer got my brother a good job....baba has done a lot for me no words to express thanksfullness...he is very much there....and looking at us...right now going through very rough phase of my life and i know that is because of my stupidity and my mistakes i want baba to rescue me as soon as he can and i promise to be goood child baba pls help me out dont let me down baba....i am feeling very troubled and dejected baba pls answer my prayers baba.....koti koti pranam,,,,,,,,,

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #331 on: July 27, 2011, 06:20:43 AM »
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    baba is someone  who creater destroyer and protector of world....baba how entered my life i exactly dont remember but baba has shown grace in each and every.....phase after that....
    baba got me good job good life patner....good saved my daddy from accident and stopped his transfer got my brother a good job....baba has done a lot for me no words to express thanksfullness...he is very much there....and looking at us...right now going through very rough phase of my life and i know that is because of my stupidity and my mistakes i want baba to rescue me as soon as he can and i promise to be goood child baba pls help me out dont let me down baba....i am feeling very troubled and dejected baba pls answer my prayers baba.....koti koti pranam,,,,,,,,,

    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #332 on: August 17, 2011, 06:02:03 AM »
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  • Sai Baba Is My Life - Sai Devotee Mrudhula ;D 

    Lord Sai Baba is always with His devotees, no matter if they call Him or not, it seems it is His duty to be present with them in spirit. The below experience proves this above statement.

    Sai Sister Mrudhula ji from USA says:

     I bow unto the lotus feet of Baba and thank Him for giving me this opportunity.
    I am a great admirer of Baba and I remember praying Him since I was 10 years old. I feel that is the age when people start realizing the surroundings and able to remember the events happening in their life. I request Baba to kindly help me in putting words hereafter.

    BABA, the one word, that goes in my mind each second. It gives me lot of strength to move forward in life. I am very thankful to BABA, who made all our family members His ardent devotees and whose lives has no meaning without His interference. I feel happy to share our experiences with BABA. There are a lot and I will post few of them.
     BABA's appearance in my sister's wedding in 2007:
    My elder sister's marriage was fixed in 2007 and my father went to Shirdi to invite Baba for the marriage. The day has come and everyone was involved in the wedding bliss. There Baba comes in the form of photo to the wedding. One of our relatives who came one or two days ahead for the wedding decided to give my father a pocket size photo of Baba, on the wedding day. He told my father, “I know you are a great devotee of Baba and I would like to give this photo of Baba to you”. My dad was overwhelmed and cried seeing Baba at the wedding. This proves Baba's words that He will be there for whoever thinks of Him. He is omnipresent.

    This is another incident in our family. In a gap of 3 months my second sister's marriage was fixed and my dad had no time to visit Shirdi and invite Baba for the marriage. He prayed whole heartedly and went to the Baba temple near our place and invited Baba. To our surprise, on the day of wedding, we had two pearl garlands given by our relatives who went to Shirdi just before the wedding and bought two pearl garlands that were kept on Baba's Samadhi. We had no clue of when they went to Shirdi nor did my dad tell them to bring the garlands. It was all Baba's wishes to the newly wed and this again shows He is always with those who remember Him. He is such a guru who relies on His devotees. Wherever there is a pure devotion, He will be there.
    BABA in my life:

    I should probably say 'BABA is my Life'. I feel all the Sai devotees must have known Baba since their past lives. It’s He, who pulls everyone unto Him and makes us His slaves. I have been reading Baba Satcharitra for very long time and completely lost the control over my life. I feel whatever happens in my life is due to Him, because of Him and by Him. On saying this, I am not someone who had no worries at all in life. I have seen many jerks in my life and have Baba holding my hand always, in taking me to the right direction. I personally had innumerable experiences with Baba but I would like to share one now.
    It was April 2010, when we had Baba puja at our apartment in USA. Me and my friends decided to lit lights and read Baba's Stavana Manjari on a particular day. The moment we had the thought, Baba gave a green signal to my roommate, when she was reading the Baba Satcharitra, that night we had discussion. She came across a chapter, which mentioned about the Baba's love towards lighting. We were all happy and were making arrangements for the pooja. The night before pooja, I was tensed about the event as we invited many people. I prayed Baba before going to bed and invited Him whole heartedly to the pooja. I prayed saying “BABA, we are students. We are not aware of the pooja procedure. I am not sure of how long the candles are going to be. It is your pooja. Please come and bless us”. I then slept thinking about the event. Early morning at around 5-6 AM, I had a dream with BABA seen in clouds saying “Wake up”. I said “I want to sleep BABA”. He said “You have lot of things to do. Wake up and get ready”. I was really sleepy and didn't wake up right away. I told my dad about the dream and he replied “BABA has come to your house even before you people were up”. I still remember the dream and I bow Baba for His love and affection towards His devotees. I can't ask anything more than this. He made us His slaves. I feel that praying is not enough. Complete surrender is what one must do to attain the attachment with Baba.

    I sincerely request Baba to shower His blessings on His devotees.
    Sarvam Sainatha Arpana Mastu.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline krishnakalyani

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #333 on: August 17, 2011, 11:12:53 AM »
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  • Sai Baba Is My Life - Sai Devotee Mrudhula ;D 

    Lord Sai Baba is always with His devotees, no matter if they call Him or not, it seems it is His duty to be present with them in spirit. The below experience proves this above statement.

    Sai Sister Mrudhula ji from USA says:

     I bow unto the lotus feet of Baba and thank Him for giving me this opportunity.
    I am a great admirer of Baba and I remember praying Him since I was 10 years old. I feel that is the age when people start realizing the surroundings and able to remember the events happening in their life. I request Baba to kindly help me in putting words hereafter.

    BABA, the one word, that goes in my mind each second. It gives me lot of strength to move forward in life. I am very thankful to BABA, who made all our family members His ardent devotees and whose lives has no meaning without His interference. I feel happy to share our experiences with BABA. There are a lot and I will post few of them.
     BABA's appearance in my sister's wedding in 2007:
    My elder sister's marriage was fixed in 2007 and my father went to Shirdi to invite Baba for the marriage. The day has come and everyone was involved in the wedding bliss. There Baba comes in the form of photo to the wedding. One of our relatives who came one or two days ahead for the wedding decided to give my father a pocket size photo of Baba, on the wedding day. He told my father, “I know you are a great devotee of Baba and I would like to give this photo of Baba to you”. My dad was overwhelmed and cried seeing Baba at the wedding. This proves Baba's words that He will be there for whoever thinks of Him. He is omnipresent.

    This is another incident in our family. In a gap of 3 months my second sister's marriage was fixed and my dad had no time to visit Shirdi and invite Baba for the marriage. He prayed whole heartedly and went to the Baba temple near our place and invited Baba. To our surprise, on the day of wedding, we had two pearl garlands given by our relatives who went to Shirdi just before the wedding and bought two pearl garlands that were kept on Baba's Samadhi. We had no clue of when they went to Shirdi nor did my dad tell them to bring the garlands. It was all Baba's wishes to the newly wed and this again shows He is always with those who remember Him. He is such a guru who relies on His devotees. Wherever there is a pure devotion, He will be there.
    BABA in my life:

    I should probably say 'BABA is my Life'. I feel all the Sai devotees must have known Baba since their past lives. It’s He, who pulls everyone unto Him and makes us His slaves. I have been reading Baba Satcharitra for very long time and completely lost the control over my life. I feel whatever happens in my life is due to Him, because of Him and by Him. On saying this, I am not someone who had no worries at all in life. I have seen many jerks in my life and have Baba holding my hand always, in taking me to the right direction. I personally had innumerable experiences with Baba but I would like to share one now.
    It was April 2010, when we had Baba puja at our apartment in USA. Me and my friends decided to lit lights and read Baba's Stavana Manjari on a particular day. The moment we had the thought, Baba gave a green signal to my roommate, when she was reading the Baba Satcharitra, that night we had discussion. She came across a chapter, which mentioned about the Baba's love towards lighting. We were all happy and were making arrangements for the pooja. The night before pooja, I was tensed about the event as we invited many people. I prayed Baba before going to bed and invited Him whole heartedly to the pooja. I prayed saying “BABA, we are students. We are not aware of the pooja procedure. I am not sure of how long the candles are going to be. It is your pooja. Please come and bless us”. I then slept thinking about the event. Early morning at around 5-6 AM, I had a dream with BABA seen in clouds saying “Wake up”. I said “I want to sleep BABA”. He said “You have lot of things to do. Wake up and get ready”. I was really sleepy and didn't wake up right away. I told my dad about the dream and he replied “BABA has come to your house even before you people were up”. I still remember the dream and I bow Baba for His love and affection towards His devotees. I can't ask anything more than this. He made us His slaves. I feel that praying is not enough. Complete surrender is what one must do to attain the attachment with Baba.

    I sincerely request Baba to shower His blessings on His devotees.
    Sarvam Sainatha Arpana Mastu.

    om sai ram,

    ( telugu: ahan entha bagundi, chadavangane manasuki entho anandamga vundi)
    blessed are those who continuously experience his presence .

    om sai ram.

    Offline avhay

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #334 on: August 19, 2011, 07:32:25 PM »
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  • Hi all,

        This will be my first post, as I just joined the forum.

              I have been trying to join the forum from a long time, but something or the other would happen.
       Like once I was registering through my phone and I was interrupted by a call
       and after few days I remembered again and then I was registering through my phone again , halfway through the battery went dead. Then I forgot to register.
        Later, I was successful in registering using the computer and then when I checked my e-mails for activation link. The email was no there(but it was in spam).
        The activation link was showing error.
         I somehow succeeded in the activation link part, but was not successful in logging in. I was getting errors like...check for the cookies and stuff. I used the help part in the forum and there was not much written on that stuff.

         It was like, I was being stopped from entering this forum.

         Later I realised, the wesite says this is Dwarakamai. You need baba's permission to go to shirdi. likewise this is virtual Shirdi and I need baba's permission. So for a minute, I looked at baba's pic and asked him to allow me to join this forum....VOILA!!!!....I had no problems.

    sai ram

    Offline vishwanath69

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #335 on: August 20, 2011, 10:00:21 AM »
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  • Dear Subhasrini ji,

    I am touched. Thanks for the post. I mean it.

    Sai Baba Is My Life - Sai Devotee Mrudhula ;D 

    Lord Sai Baba is always with His devotees, no matter if they call Him or not, it seems it is His duty to be present with them in spirit. The below experience proves this above statement.

    Sai Sister Mrudhula ji from USA says:

     I bow unto the lotus feet of Baba and thank Him for giving me this opportunity.
    I am a great admirer of Baba and I remember praying Him since I was 10 years old. I feel that is the age when people start realizing the surroundings and able to remember the events happening in their life. I request Baba to kindly help me in putting words hereafter.

    BABA, the one word, that goes in my mind each second. It gives me lot of strength to move forward in life. I am very thankful to BABA, who made all our family members His ardent devotees and whose lives has no meaning without His interference. I feel happy to share our experiences with BABA. There are a lot and I will post few of them.
     BABA's appearance in my sister's wedding in 2007:
    My elder sister's marriage was fixed in 2007 and my father went to Shirdi to invite Baba for the marriage. The day has come and everyone was involved in the wedding bliss. There Baba comes in the form of photo to the wedding. One of our relatives who came one or two days ahead for the wedding decided to give my father a pocket size photo of Baba, on the wedding day. He told my father, “I know you are a great devotee of Baba and I would like to give this photo of Baba to you”. My dad was overwhelmed and cried seeing Baba at the wedding. This proves Baba's words that He will be there for whoever thinks of Him. He is omnipresent.

    This is another incident in our family. In a gap of 3 months my second sister's marriage was fixed and my dad had no time to visit Shirdi and invite Baba for the marriage. He prayed whole heartedly and went to the Baba temple near our place and invited Baba. To our surprise, on the day of wedding, we had two pearl garlands given by our relatives who went to Shirdi just before the wedding and bought two pearl garlands that were kept on Baba's Samadhi. We had no clue of when they went to Shirdi nor did my dad tell them to bring the garlands. It was all Baba's wishes to the newly wed and this again shows He is always with those who remember Him. He is such a guru who relies on His devotees. Wherever there is a pure devotion, He will be there.
    BABA in my life:

    I should probably say 'BABA is my Life'. I feel all the Sai devotees must have known Baba since their past lives. It’s He, who pulls everyone unto Him and makes us His slaves. I have been reading Baba Satcharitra for very long time and completely lost the control over my life. I feel whatever happens in my life is due to Him, because of Him and by Him. On saying this, I am not someone who had no worries at all in life. I have seen many jerks in my life and have Baba holding my hand always, in taking me to the right direction. I personally had innumerable experiences with Baba but I would like to share one now.
    It was April 2010, when we had Baba puja at our apartment in USA. Me and my friends decided to lit lights and read Baba's Stavana Manjari on a particular day. The moment we had the thought, Baba gave a green signal to my roommate, when she was reading the Baba Satcharitra, that night we had discussion. She came across a chapter, which mentioned about the Baba's love towards lighting. We were all happy and were making arrangements for the pooja. The night before pooja, I was tensed about the event as we invited many people. I prayed Baba before going to bed and invited Him whole heartedly to the pooja. I prayed saying “BABA, we are students. We are not aware of the pooja procedure. I am not sure of how long the candles are going to be. It is your pooja. Please come and bless us”. I then slept thinking about the event. Early morning at around 5-6 AM, I had a dream with BABA seen in clouds saying “Wake up”. I said “I want to sleep BABA”. He said “You have lot of things to do. Wake up and get ready”. I was really sleepy and didn't wake up right away. I told my dad about the dream and he replied “BABA has come to your house even before you people were up”. I still remember the dream and I bow Baba for His love and affection towards His devotees. I can't ask anything more than this. He made us His slaves. I feel that praying is not enough. Complete surrender is what one must do to attain the attachment with Baba.

    I sincerely request Baba to shower His blessings on His devotees.
    Sarvam Sainatha Arpana Mastu.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #336 on: October 08, 2011, 12:02:29 PM »
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  • My experience are of three types--

    Career, Marriage and Health.

    Marriage- Married for 15 years, never had marital harmony, no love or peace in life. Eversince I came to baba's sharn-

    -Some kind of switch baba turned on.

    Marital life normalized filled with bliss of love, understanding and care.

    Health--I had severe claustrophobiacould not travel in metro trains, go to basement or even sleep in the corner of

    bed. I badly used to get breathless if I was put in any enclosed space. Without treatment after suffering so many

    years it corrected by baba. Now I am normal. Career--I have been struggling for 3 years to establish my career in

    medicine. Being a Dermatologist from India, in the USA I have been jobless for 3 years. After coming to baba I got a

    job and things are turning positive towards my residency in the USA.

    All this is because of Baba's kripa. Trust him and the prayers are answered. It is so true.


    "My eyes is ever on those who love me".

    « Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 04:58:49 PM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #337 on: October 09, 2011, 12:42:35 PM »
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  • Yes...............i daily face lots of sai
    baba miracles in my daily life but i want
    to share one...............of mine friend...........
    a sai devotee girl poonam.....i feel that
    baba gave her a spiritual power at this age
    .she is of 27 years.......but due to her sixth
    scene ,she is able to know that which color
    of dress baba is wearing on that day.........
    she only predict and we got always
    right answer.........i m telling u her real 2007 she was appearing for
    her final exams of M.A (social science) in
    Aligarh(U.P).......she has given three exams
    and was preparing for her 4th exam......
    she knew the exam time was 2:30pm to
    5:30 pm.......she reached at examination
    center but she was shocked to know that
    exam has been over it was in morning 8:30
    to 11:30 am...............she came to home n
    started crying ........she was upset she has
    missed exam of final year ,mean naturally
    u were fail.........means u have lost this
    year.........have to wait for next year........
    means u have lost your one year......she was
    very upset................that time somebody
    suggest her........if u will apply for re-exams
    for that year can be possible but this is
    only depend on university norms .because
    u didnt appeared in main exams ..luck and
    chance are 50-50..........she said ok.......that
    time due to some problems she coudnt
    able to get right information about forms
    of re-exams by market and university......
    and she had been busy with their new
    coaching center day she came
    to know that re-exams form last date has
    been closed......she was only one day late
    to get this information............she get lost
    her that year she was thinking and saying
    to baba.......''''''.tunay jo kiya hoga theek
    kiya hoga but this time mujhay samajh
    main nahi aaya akhir aaisa kyu hua meray
    saath"""""' she was doind mentally prepare
    for herself for next year exams ..means
    she had to give one more year to complete
    her M.A.........After some days one of her
    class met came with her mark-sheet..........
    she didn't see that mark-sheet .........said
    to friend please put it on my table. i know
    my result..I M FAIL.........i knew...........
    but her friend said to her please check
    it only once..but she was crying and was
    not seeing ..........after some time ......she
    saw her mark sheet and found.............She
    is pass in all subject and she is also got
    marks 55% on that paper ..Who had been
    missed"..............We all are shocked that
    time...................Without given exam she
    got marks in that subject...............Sab sai
    nath ki kripa hai.......

    "Miracles happen to those who believe in them".
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline urvi

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #338 on: October 20, 2011, 12:44:11 AM »
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  • oh thats awesom experince subhasrini...
    thank you for sharing such a wonderful experience...
    sai sab par kripa rakho....u r evrythin to us...

    om sai nath

    Offline md2026

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #339 on: November 28, 2011, 10:27:56 PM »
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  • Dear Blessed Sai Devotees,

    Om Sai Ram! I wanted to share my experience with all Sai bhakts to give strength and faith to all who may be feeling down or without hope. I was feeling sudden chest pain and did not know what to think. I’m pretty fit, play sports and try to remain active… but one evening I felt a poking feeling and sudden little bursts of pain in my chest area. I waited an extra day and I still kept feeling it on and off. I went to the ER for precautionary reasons and they ran tests and everything came out normal. I went for my stress test as well and passed that too. But still the pain was there. A couple of nights I felt my upper back hurt, my chest hurt and felt a little nauseated too. I had my condition checked by a cardiologist who made me take a few tests, and still he said it showed results that were nothing to be scared of. After a week or so of no pain, again it started. Somehow I kept feeling no matter what the doctor’s say, that this wasn’t right. I was really scared and my mind became my enemy. I had horrible thoughts of leaving my wife and 4 year old boy all alone in this world. I prayed so hard to Baba for help. I read the Sai Satcharitra, prayed, visited Baba’s mandir remembering his line that whoever steps into Dwarkamai, their sorrows will be gone. I cried a lot during this time. At the mandir, there was a table of puja books, bhajans, and mantras literature… but in the middle of everything I found one copy of the Sai Vrat. I decided to do the Sai Vrat puja and fast for 9 Thursdays. I prayed and looked forward to this puja every week. Somehow I strengthened each Thursday and felt Baba was with me, and slowly gained confidence that I would be alright and Baba would take care of me. Baba is my life. I have nothing without him. I am nothing without him. My pain was there on and off for over 2 months. After my Vrat was over, I have not felt anything for over 2 months now. This is all Baba’s miracle to me. I can’t imagine leaving my wife and son. I also promised Baba, that I would write my experience and try to help whoever may read this, and give them strength in surrendering themselves to the Love of Baba. I can’t say enough how Sai Baba helped me. I felt alone and helpless. But I prayed so hard to Baba, fought off tears, and tried my best to follow Baba’s teachings and love. He’s my savior. I only see it that way…. I love you Sai Baba! And Please always be with me… A million lifetimes of Thank You’s are not enough… God Bless! Shri Satchinanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai! Jai Sai Nath!

    Offline anitha145

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #340 on: December 23, 2011, 09:08:48 AM »
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  • I wanted to share my experience..yesterday i cut some spicy chilies and my hand started to have a burning sensation...,i was not able to bear that...literally i felt my hand was burning only ,iwas not able to touch my daughter also ..then in the evening i was continued with the 9 week sai pooja ..i prayed to sai to heal my was still burning...but once i finished my pooja and came my hand was cool and the burning sensation was just gone...i really felt that it was a miracle to me...
    om sai ram

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #341 on: January 07, 2012, 01:19:16 PM »
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  • A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #342 on: January 19, 2012, 03:13:55 PM »
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  • ASRC Reddy

    In my house we read Sree Sai Satcharita paryana every day since last 18 months.

    September 2007, I started Sri Sai Satcharitra with one wish with a good intension to get good alliance for my sister in during this parayana completes; due to next coming days are not good days. We are searching for alliance since last couple months but nothing happened due to so many reasons. When I decide & started this time parayana, on 6Th day present bava & their family came to see my sister & they told us they liked every thing, we also agreed every thing on 7th day of Parayana. I strongly believe in one thing how strongly you pray& stick on you will get that fruit for sure.

    Trust me it happened in seven days.

    Another thing I went to give my sister first wedding card to SaiBaba Temple in Bhagya Nagar, Karimnagar, AP to invite him, I prayed to come & bless the wedding couple, I want see him in different (not as known photo or some photo which I seen earlier). Trust me I saw SaiBaba in different way in a cell phone which was so impressive to me. That also happened after 2 hours wedding. I still accept as true that Baba is in our hearts.

    After wedding we all went to Shirdi, we all reached temple, I went to keep foot wear, some how I missed all of them @ 11:30 AM, I thought they are in Q for Dharshan then I went to Q line standing, at 11.45 AM my brother in law gave announcement from temple that they are still did not form the Q, they are waiting for me @ Gate 2 I am alone I heard their voice. I went there I did not see them then I went to announcement place announce @ 11:52 AM, management told me that you can’t do after this, by the time I announced 3 times & told them that I am going wait there only. See the miracle Baba arranged the facility to see his Madyanna Aarti directly. There is a window at security place you can see Baba & Aarti very well. After Aarti I decide I will make a round if Baba is with they will see me, surprisingly my niece( 10Yrs Old) saw me & called me.
    This all happened with Baba blessing only.

    Here are my experience, trust me if you trust & pray Baba you will give what you want & he also give you what is good for you.

    Jai Sree SaiRam  ;D ;D
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Pooja Sharma

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #343 on: February 11, 2012, 04:12:10 AM »
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  • Sai ram to all.....
    sai bab g k charno mein mein mera koto koti naman.

    sai bab g ki mere upar jo kripa hui hai wahi mein aap sab se se share karna chahti hu.

    1. sai baba ki kripa se meri mummy jo ki 25 years se theek ni thi matlab naubat yhan tak aa gyi thi ki bas sai baba g apne pass aab hum sab ko bula lo hume ni jeena hai.baba ki kripa se meri mummy 2010 mein theek hui hai.lks ne meri prathna baba tak phunchiye shirdi jakar.hum toh kahin b bahar ni jaa pate they kyunki mummy ki health bhut khrab rhti thi.lks jise mein bhut pasand krti hu shirdi gye hue they toh maine bola ki baba ko bas meri ram ram bol bab ne meri arzi sweekar kar li aur baba ki kripa se meri mummy theek hui.

    2. Sai baba g apke he aagaya se mein M se mili,wo muje pasand karta tha might b  mein b  yahi reason tha ki mein usse pasand karne lgi.baba g muje baad mein feel hua ki wo mera pyar ni tha just mein uss par dya karti thi means wo acha insaan ni tha aur mein chahti thi ki mein uske bahaviour mein improvement layu .maine ghar mein usske baare mein baat ki but intercaste ki wajah se ghar waalo ne mna kar diya.baba ki wajah se hi mein uss depression se bahar aa paayi.M se door jab hi bhut baar socha khud ko khatam kar du par baba ne mera dhyan apno chrno mein lgavaya fir meri M se marrige ni hui aur maine uss incident se bhut kuch sikha,bhut strong bani jo meri life mein hua.meri bhut icha thi ki mein m se shaadi karu bt nahi hui shayad baba ko pta hoga ki infuture mein iske sath kush ni rhungi.apna mind divert karne k liye maine fir se job karna start kar di.job k liye iss incident k baad mere papa ne mna kar diya tha strictly ki koi job ni karni bs shaadi kar deni hai.par baba ki kripa se maine ghar waalon ko bishwaas dilaya aur ghar waalon ne permit kar diya.

    3. Job start karne k kuch time k baad he baba ne mje lks se milwaya wo baba ko pta hai ki kaise mein lks se mili aur kaise hum dono ek dusre ki like karne lag gye.

    bas baba aab apaka aashirwad mil jaye aur ghar waale maan jaye toh hum marriage karna chahte hai.
    baba kripa karna .....muje pura vishwaas hai ki meri prathna aap jald he sunenge....

    mera experience yahi hai ki bas baba k upar vishwaas rakho chahe kaise b situation aaye or patience rakho...aur baba g ki bhakti karna kabi mat chodo....kyunki baba g humara test b lete hai.toh agar hum uss mein pass ho jaye toh bas baba apna chamatkar dikha dete hai aur baaki baba g apne bacho ko kabi b dukhi nahi dekh sakte hai. agar hum dukhi hote hai toh iske peeche b yahi reason hota hai ki hum ussi problem se kuch sikte b hai.meri life mein jo b problem aayi hai maine sabse kuch na kuch sikha hai.

    thank u so much much baba g meri life mein problem aayi and mein stong ban payi...
    allah malik.......

    Offline Pooja Sharma

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    Re: Experiences of Devotees
    « Reply #344 on: February 13, 2012, 12:11:46 AM »
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  • sai ram shalaka g

    muje aisa lgta hai jo b miracle baba hmare sath krte hai hume sab bhakto k sath share karna chahiye taaki jo log baba par vishwaas nahi karte hai wo feel sach mein baba aaj b kisi na kisi roop mein hmare sath hai....

    Sai ram
    allah malik


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