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Offline Swetha Suresh

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Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
« Reply #45 on: December 17, 2006, 09:30:18 AM »
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  • By now Tarkhad family had developed lot of acquaintances with other Sai Devotees and some of them like Mr. Dabholkar, Mr. Purandare and Mr. Tendulkar who were staying at a closer distance from their place of residence at Bandra. They use to meet each other and then share their sweet experiences with Baba. Whenever they would plan to visit Shirdi they use to inform each other and if anyone wanted to send something to Baba then they would act as a courier for the devotee. Of course the intention behind was expressing pure devotion and love towards Baba.

    Once Mr. Purandare along with family were proceeding to Shirdi and my grandmother offered two Big Black Brinjals to Mrs. Purandare and requested her to make 'Bhareet' out of one Brinjal and 'Kacharya' (Fried Brinjal Slices) out of the other Brinjal and offer the same for His lunch. Mrs. Purandare on the first day prepared the 'Bhareet' and along with her other preparation offered the same in the plate for Baba's lunch. Baba ate the 'Bhareet' and expressed his desire to have 'Fried Brinjal slices'.

     Ms. Radhakrishnamai (devotee native) of Shirdi who use to look after the lunch arrangements of Baba was in a fix. She enquired with the ladies and learnt that Mrs. Purandare brought the Brinjal preparation. That was anyway not the season of Brinjals and hence the difficulty to obtain one in Shirdi. So Ms. Radhakrishnamai ran to Mrs. Purandare and enquired about the availability of Brinjals. She said that she had one and had planned to offer the "Fried Brinjal Slices" the next day.

    Then Ms Radhakrishnamai took away the Brinjal and hurriedly fried the slices for Baba as he was bent upon completing his lunch only after having them. Now this was purely an act of expressing the intense love towards His devotee and also confirming to the devotee in return the receipt of devotion from him/her. When Mrs. Purandare on returning to Bandra informed my grandmother about this incident she was completely overwhelmed and thanked Baba from the bottom of her heart.

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #46 on: December 17, 2006, 09:31:36 AM »
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  • In the same way one evening Mr. Govindji (son of Mr. Balakram) visited Tarkhad's residence as he was proceeding to Shirdi that night. He was to perform the rites of the immersion of ashes of his late father at Nashik and then proceed to Shirdi.

     As he was in a dire hurry and my grandmother could not provide anything sizeable to send to Baba she managed to locate one 'Pedha' which was kept in the Prasad Pot in front of Baba's portrait in the 'Sandalwood Mandir'. She told him to offer the same although she was not internally happy because the 'Pedha' had already been offered as Prasad earlier. Besides Mr. Govindji was combining his visit for the immersion of ashes followed by the pilgrimage to Shirdi. Of course my grandmother kept aside all these illogical thoughts for her intentions bore divine love as was expressed by Shabari to Lord Rama when she had offered Him the tasted fruit of 'Bora'

    When Govindaji reached Dwarkamai after completing all his other rituals he had completely forgotten about the Pedha. Baba asked him whether he had brought anything for him. Govindji replied in negative. Then Baba reminded him stating that someone had given him something to offer to him. Govindji was stone faced and was negative once again. Baba was now angry and literally shouted at him saying" Hay while leaving Mumbai my mother had given you something for me and where is it?" Now Govindji realized, he ran to his place of stay and brought the Pedha and gave it to Baba. The Pedha was instantly consumed by Baba and he told Govindji to inform the mother that it tested very sweet.

    Dear Sai devotee readers such instances of divine love have been very effectively depicted by Late Shri Annasaheb Dabholkar in the 9th chapter of Sai Satcharitra. My father when used to narrate this to us tears used to flow out through his eyes. I think which devotee not feel that way when he would get a return receipt from the Lord in such fashion. I for one feel "KAHAN GAVE WOH LOG?".(HATS TO THOSE PEOPLE) AND WHERE ARE THOSE DEVOTEES AND WHERE IS THAT KIND OF DEVOTION TO-DAY? BUT SAI BABA'S LOVE FOR HIS DEVOTEES IS OMNIPRESENT.

    Offline anvita277

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #47 on: February 01, 2014, 11:03:35 AM »
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  • Swetha ji,

    You are blessed to be born to such parents who met Sai baba in person. When ever I read the Satcharitra I always felt how blessed are those people who met and did seva to baba.  Since years I always wanted to meet such families and know about the experience they had and heard from their ancestors. Thank you so much for putting across such wonderful experience of your father and ancestors. Out of curiosity do u still have that Baba mandir in Bandra.
    Iam so happy to read the experience of yours.
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

    Offline Gauri21

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #48 on: February 01, 2014, 08:03:30 PM »
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  • Om sai ram
    sai gauri

    Offline sunita d/obhuvana

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #49 on: June 23, 2014, 07:15:29 AM »
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  • om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
    bless me ur daughter chinu
    om sai ram

    Offline bhuvana j s

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #50 on: August 13, 2014, 02:50:46 AM »
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  • om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram


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