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Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
« Reply #195 on: April 08, 2011, 07:31:13 AM »
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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #196 on: April 08, 2011, 07:41:22 AM »
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  • dear friend i am devotee of sadguru sai ram

    baba help me in many dificulties & solve my most problems .

    " mere gurudev baba please mere viswas ko mat todiye mujhe or mare pyaar ko is problem se bachai ye , mere pyaar ka laaj rakhi ye , baba mujhe app ke uppar mere jaan se bhi zyada viswas hai app mere sab problem solve karenge , hum dono ko ek kijiye , app hamari sadi kijiye , mere pyaar mere zindegi hai , mere pyaar aur mere sab kuch app ka charan main ........omm jai sai ram


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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #197 on: April 08, 2011, 08:21:52 AM »
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  • my dear friends , i am also a member of sai family.. let me discus a beautiful moments ...










    BOLO JAY SAI RAM KI ............JAY





    Offline SaiSevak!9

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #198 on: April 10, 2011, 09:48:14 AM »
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  • ^^^^^

    Very B'ful experience!:)

    May baba always bless you like this

    Bolo Sadguru Shree Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai \ ;D/
    When we help others in pain n help the needy, baba adds it to our account in his 'Bank of Blessings'.If we add our good karmas this way,we are actually helping Sai to use it and at the time of need - Quote from Star Sai

    Before Asking Sai That What He's Doing To Keep Us Happy,Ask Yourself That What You Are Doing To Keep Sai Happy?!

    You Are The Cutest Sai!! :D

    Offline prash2601

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #199 on: May 26, 2011, 11:51:34 PM »
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  • Sairam friends,
                 True to baba words he is still working  and helping  his devotes from his tomb all we need to have is firm faith  backed with true devotion and love for him.even though I cannot call myself as a true devote of baba as many times in my life I have acted quite contrar to his teachings and advice due to many failings in my nature. I can vouch that  whenever I was in a difficult situation he has always extricated  me from such situation he has never even failed me once even though I have failed him almost every time...such is the love of our sai for hid children.

    Offline Nikhil Somani

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #200 on: July 26, 2011, 04:33:56 AM »
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  • I had many high's and Low's in life, but there was this situation were in i alwayz got what i wanted through hard work and sincere effort but alwayz lost it after sometime, i was much depressed , then a friend of mine gave me the Sai Sachharita to read, and asked me to read one chapter everyday, i have been reading the book for a year now. And as soon as i started reading i got back what i wanted badly, and things started to smooth up for me but than again i have lost something that was so precious for me. And lately with the events happening in my life, i have been loosing friends , relations and other things.They all still love me but i feel they are getting away from me,from past one year i have been going to sai temple every thrusday, and recently i started a business in partnership with my friends, and after starting i have been regularly performing pooja and doing my duties with all responsibilities. Both my partners have had got the chance to visit Shiridi after opening of the store but i have been asking BABA for his sight or even Shridi trip but i have not got any, and  i have lost people in my life and again life seems to be a mess, same old story. I thought i got back back my peace after starting the reading of the Book Sai Sacharita, but again god has taken away things from me, why does he give when he has to take away, i was thankful to god for giving me my lost relationship, which had run into real mess and never thought i would ever get back , but with due course of time i have lost it again. I am 24 years old , and just got my BBA degree after changing 3 colleges, 2 continents and it took 6 years. I was a merit student but still i alwayz lost place somewhere, why does it happen, i have been hardworking sincere and alwayz thanked god for what he gave, but then i feel bad when he takes away things from me which i alwayz wanted, worst thing why does he give if he has to take back.

    I guess fate is already written , we are mere puppets dancing to the tunes already set.I believe god gave us hands brain legs so that we can use it for good, i dont beleive in sitting and worshipping god all day long, f god wanted that he would have made human puppets without hands brains and legs, but he gave us all this so that we can make something of our own, but fate doesnt allow us to do that, but why???? why should we pay for our sins of previous birth in this birth , when in this birth we have not done wrong, why cant the account be settled in every birth, why does god carry forward, because if a person doing good and having bad results will end up cursing his life and god and fate, why does god want that , he loves us cares for us good get good -account settled, no carrying forward noting of that sought, coz today all i c is people who are selfish are leading a good life, and they have no clue if there bad deeds are accumulated for next birth, in which he has no clue why his life is like that.

    I need answers, this is not right?? I didnt do wrong and i dont deserve wrong!!!

    Offline krishnakalyani

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #201 on: July 30, 2011, 06:03:56 AM »
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  • On the 4th september was my son's birthday when he was 2 years old. Last year we celebrated his birthday in one of the sai temple which we called nagasai temple. We cut cake and served food. This year, we planned to celebrate grandly together with our new house warming function but due to some circumstances, my house is still under construction and we postponed the celebration. Yet we (me, my husband, elder daughter and my son - birthday boy) still planned to go to baba's mandhir to take his darshan and do archana.

    Once we reached the temple, bhajan was going on. We joined the bhajan and sang merrily. My little son, even though 2 years was happy and clapping his hand through the bhajans. The bhajan lasted for 20 minutes. Then the priest was explaining one of the chapter in the Shri Sai Satcharitra. During this time, I saw a beautiful decorated cake was placed in front of BABA. And the cake has the girl name written on it. I was thinking, "Oh there is someone else birthday too."

    After that one of the devotee was giving a short speech informing us that it was priest daughter's birthday and the cake is for her. She is also a little girl who is celebrating her 3rd year birthday. And the devotee continued his speech urging other devotee to celebrate their birthday there too. At this time, i felt guilty since I did not buy any cake for my son to cut and celebrate there. While I was thinking this, another cake was kept in front BABA and nothing written on it. A simple and nicely decorated cake only. Still in my heart, I was telling myself, oh another birthday too.

    Suddenly, my husband's friend who was there at the time, asked us something, but my husband said "We are waiting to do archana for my son since his birthday too. Suddenly his friend said in high tone "this boy's birthday too". Then all said, he need to cut the 2nd cake which already placed in front of BABA. I was shocked and speechless and panic. I really do not know what to talk and how to react but everyone was very happy and started to sing the birthday song and he cut cake together with the little girl. Even my son was in the state of shock hearing the loud song. My tears were rolling down. I saw my husband, he was also tearing. Everyone in the temple, young and old devotees was wishing and blessing my son. The first piece of cake was given to our BABA. I felt that BABA want to celebrate his birthday this year too with his presence and I believe every year my son will celebrate with BABA.

    Till now, I do not know, how and for what the 2nd cake was placed in front of BABA by the temple committee but for sure I know BABA sent the cake for my sai boy.

    Love you BABA, we are so blessed to have a celebration with you. Whenever we are down, you always lift us up and show to us that you are with us.

    Om Sai Ram

    what a sweet surprise by Sai.

    it seems to me like he was reading your mind and just waiting for the moment to surprise you with the cake cutting ceremony :)

    blessed is your family. i just wish you that you continue to have a firm faith in him through out your life.
    May sai bless you.

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #202 on: August 12, 2011, 11:53:45 AM »
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  • Baba Himself proved that he ever exists even after His Mahasamadhi on 15-10-1918 (Letter from Professor G. G. Narkhe to Shri G. S. Kapharde Dated 5-11 1918).
    PROFESSOR SHRI G. G. Narke wrote a letter to Mr. Kapharde stating that he had been to Shirdi on 2-10-1918 and that Shri Sai Baba was suffering from fever since 28 9-1918 and he gave up His food from that day. But He has not given up His begging round. He became very weak and was not able to walk. Mr. Buty and Mr. Nimonkar used to help Baba in walking, during His round to Lendi Baug and in His daily begging round. Baba stopped His begging round from 13-10-1918. His health grew worser and He asked His bhaktas to take their meals in their residence. Shri Bayaji, Bagoji Shinde, Lakshman, Nanasaheb Nimonkar and Lakshmibai were present there. Four days, prior to leaving His mortal coil, He told to one old woman mother of Soni that He was vexed with His stay in Dwarakamayee and in Chawadi and that He wanted to take His stay in Buty's wada. His condition grew worser on 15-10-19; 8. He drove away all to their residence for their meals and He told to Bayaji to place Him in Buty's wada. He asked Lakshmibai Shinde to come up and gave first Rs. 5/-and then Rs. 4/- in all Rs. 9/- Then Bagoji Shinde told that Baba was in breathing trouble. Nanasaheb Nimon¬kar came with water and poured some water in Baba's mouth. But the water came out. On seeing this Mr. Nimonkar tried out "O Deva" Baba opened His eyes and wanted to speak, but He was not able to speak and breathed His last on Bayaji's lap. The next morning i. e. on 16-10-1918, Baba appeared in the dream of Lakshman Mama and told him "That Jog thought that I was dead and so you come and do Kakad Arati" After a long discussion about the disposal of the Body, it was decided to Keep Baba's Body in Buty's wada as per His last word to Bayaji. Then the samadhi of Shri Sai Baba took place in Buty's wada on 18-10-1918.
    Eventhough His mortal coil was made Samadhi, He is still alive and active as aforesaid and effecting the welfare of His devotees as we read so far Hence,
    Surrender Shri Sai Completely I stupendous Delectation  and Deliverance be there \\

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #203 on: August 17, 2011, 05:53:10 AM »
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  • In 1927, when I was  six months  with  child,  we, (i.e., our whole family) started >r Shirdi;  shortly thereafter my child  died in the  womb, and no delivery followed  for days.    My  features  were getting blue.    I  was clearly having blood poisoned.    There was no   medical help or mid-wife at   Shirdi; we,  however, got  some medicines from   Ahmednagar.    They   were  of no avail.    My husband went to Sakori and prayed   to  Sri  Upasani Baba to help me.    The latter merely  said ''You have the best doctor and best nurse-there, (meaning  of course, Sri Sai Baba).    Why  do you come to me ?"    The child   remained for days dead in my womb, and  I   was   unconscious.    What   happened    thereafter  and how I was  delivered  I  do not  remember.    But  my  husband told me (Mr.   Manager confirms this)  that  in  my  unconscious  state,   I  was  speaking  and   giving directions  as  to  what steps  were    to  be  taken     besides    applying Udhi   and  Tirth    of Sri   Sai Baba.    These directions   were  followed  and everything inside  was  expelled   (especially later on through glandular   swellings).    Yet,  for  one  more  month  I  continued  unconscious  and  at   last recovered  full   consciousness and health.    This was a  clear  case  of Sri  Sai  Baba's   help (to save my life) nine years after he entered into Mahasamadhi.

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #204 on: August 20, 2011, 12:22:11 PM »
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  • Baba
    Jai Sai Sri Sai. He lives for his devotes and protects them from any harm. I also think that he is always alive thanks to many forums like this which keeps Baba alive in our hearts. After all he is our god. I'm reading a great book about Baba teachings and philosophy by Lt Col.Nimbalkar which keeps Baba with me always. Jai Sai Nath.

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #205 on: October 19, 2011, 01:53:03 AM »
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  • Our BABA with us only... :) :) :)

    SAI RAM Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
    Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
    Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
    Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram
    Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #206 on: November 08, 2011, 01:43:04 PM »
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  • Baba...

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #207 on: February 27, 2012, 03:31:35 PM »
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  • Today I am sharing a heart touching experience of Sai sister Reena.I am sure this experience will uplift and fill the readers with hope and faith particularly those who are praying earnestly to Baba for a progeny.The experiences shared are not mere Sai leela but a true example of faith and surrender to the Lord Sainath. The hidden message in the experiences is that one should not allow to falter his faith on Baba no matter how difficult is the time because Baba is always there for His children.

    There can be an apparent delay (because of Baba's will)in getting the answer of one's prayer but all the prayers with complete faith never goes unanswered in Baba's court. Here I am attaching such overwhelming series of incidences and I strongly believe that many Sai devotee will get benefited by reading this post and will experience the similar Sai leela in due course of time.


    We have been blessed with a baby boy and this is due to the grace of Baba. I suffered two miscarriages in the years 2007 and 2008 respectively and therefore, apprehensions of another pregnancy and maintaining it were high. Regardless of my losses, I decided to hold faith in Baba and remain loyal to Him and be patient. I prayed to Him for strength and to show me the way out of this.We wanted a child desperately and that too, without losing anytime. We were married for 8 years already and then there was this problem that further age advancement could lead to problems in having children. I would repeatedly tell my husband that perhaps it would be best on our part to adopt and get rid of this tension.

    My husband would say that we'll wait for another 2 years and see how things happen. During this period, I would often do Sai Parayan (reading of Sai Satcharita) for seven saptahs, this time not for a child in specific but for some peace of mind and to pray to Baba to show me a way out of this. I thus, completely surrendered myself to Baba and decided to wait on His decision. There are stories in Sai Satcharita about how Baba blessed childless couples and those stories would bring tears into my eyes.

    Not only this but the parayan had a profound effect on me. I was drawing closer to Baba, my love for Him was growing and I could feel that I had nothing to think about other than Baba, nothing else to meditate upon and remember but Him all the time. I reached a stage where I was becoming detached with my sorrow and pain of not having a child. Rather, I was acquiring interest in reading stories of Baba's lifetime, His contemporary saints and so on. It was as if, the goal of my life to love Baba whole-heartedly and to keep loving Him all the time.
    Sairam  I kindly request you to publish these experiences of mine on your website.

    January 2009:

    Before I narrate this dream vision, I would like to say that I've always identified Sri Shirdi Sai Baba with my another spiritual personality, whom we refer to as our Guruji. After all, has not Baba told us that He appears to us in the form that we believe in. This could be my personal perception but I have had several visions or dreams in which Shirdi Sai Baba and my Guru appeared together. One night, I had a dream in which my Guru was helping us out in the following manner. I, along with my aunts (I remember seeing one aunt of mine) holding hands with each other were being led by our Guru ji through an ocean. We were all actually walking on the bed of the ocean against the water current. He took us all through to and fro in the waters.

    In the same dream, I was discussing this matter with a friend of mine. I was telling her as to how Guruji has led us all through the ocean and what if we had encountered dangerous and fierce sea animals such as the crocodiles, sharks etc. And then I was justifying my own statement saying "Well, if we believe in God then no crocodile or harmful creature would ever cross our path".

    I understood two things -

    1. In our most difficult times, He is with us, showing us a way out of our problems and helping us out
    2. We must trust God and His doing completely, surrender ourselves to Him and then no harm can ever come to us

    It was a very beautiful dream and to this day, it touches my heart.

    February 2009:

    I had another vision. My husband and I were playing with a 2-yr old boy. He was very cute and adorable. We were completely engrossed in watching the kid move about here and there, play around and this sight filled our hearts with joy. I was thinking to myself that even if we were to adopt such a kid, that would still be fine with us and while thinking so, we saw a man sitting at some distance. Without being asked anything, the man replied, "He is your son, a child born to you" (yeh tunhara apna beta hai, khudka).

    I cannot imagine the ineffable joy that filled my heart. Little did I realize that this dream vision was about to come true and the person who spoke to me was none other than Sai Baba Himself.

    Feb 2009:

    Some days following this, I had another dream in which I saw my Guruji standing in front of me. I would pray to Baba to give me an answer or solution to my problem and He would, either in the form of a dream vision or Guruji. In that vision I saw that I was pregnant and my husband and I were bowing to Him to seek his blessings. Guruji was saying "inka emi bhayamu ledu, antha baane jaruguthondi" meaning you need not fear anymore, everything will go on well.

    A few days after these two visions, I conceived. It was an utter shock, great surprise and sheer joy that words cannot describe. Of course, Baba had blessed us again.

    As weeks rolled by, my nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) increased. Every Thursday Baba would bring me to His mandir and I would make an attempt by His grace to cook and take some offering for Baba. One such Thursday I visited the mandir. The thought and insecurity about this pregnancy outcome was eating me up. I had lost twice and was anxious about the result the third time and was seeking an answer from Baba. At that time, I was doing parayan of Sri Sai Satcharita.
    While reading one of those chapters, I came across this chapter 44, where Sri Kakasaheb Dixit expresses his restlessness over achieving the powerful bhakthi of the Nathas. Shama tells him "Why should one feel restless when he has unwavering faith in Baba". This immediately answered my question and cleared my doubt. My apprehensions were quickly overcome since I knew that Baba gave me an answer.

    I visit the Sri Sai Baba mandir at Iselin in New Jersey every Thursday. Infact, my journey for the prayer for a child began from this mandir. During those days, another strange incident took place. One evening when I went to the temple, I had a desperate feeling to see Baba in some form or the other. I was wondering in my mind "Will I ever get to have Your darshan Baba?" See how wonderfully Baba replied to this question -

    There is a very senior citizen about 75-80 years of age who frequents Sai mandir every Thursday. Looking at him and his devotion, I often wondered if He was Sai Baba Himself in a man's form. He can appear in any form and isn't it but natural for a Sai devotee to search for Baba in every form?

    Anyways, after having Baba's darshan and with the thought of seeing Baba, my husband and I went down to have prasad. We took the prasad and sat in one corner of the room. Though I sat there, my mind was weaving thoughts about having Baba's darshan. Just then I saw the old man coming towards us. He stopped by and stared at me as if to say something and then said "Focus on Him and then He'll give you darshan. He appears to me at night sometimes" and went away. I was both puzzled and quite thrilled with joy and excitement. My eyes were brimmed with tears and so were my husband's. It was a feeling as though Baba Himself spoke to us. Just after this a lady came by and handed over the Sai vrath katha story book as a part of vrath udyapan.

    Interestingly, there was a baby's photo at the bottom of the booklet. Perhaps, the vrath was done for her wish fulfillment or as an expression of gratitude to Baba. This was very touching and felt auspicious to the heart. The sequence of events moved me that day. I accepted the booklet and thanked the lady, rather Baba for choosing me.

    Early next morning I had a vision. I was travelling with my aunt with a shiv lingam in my hand and then as if a voice spoke, "perform abhishekh to this lingam". The dream partially woke me up and while I was still half-asleep, I heard a voice from the pooja portion of the room where I was sleeping, "Mother you were very restless when you came to Dwarkamai, but now you can relax and rest in peace". I woke up with these words ringing in my head and to this day, three months after my son was born, I cannot forget those words of Baba. Also, to date, I've been performing abhishekh to the shiva lingam and Baba's idol in my pooja mandir every Monday and Thursdays. There was no doubt left that this pregnancy was going to go smooth and above everything else, I could feel a strong protection and presence of Baba all the time.

    The second and third months of my pregnancy, I had severe nausea and vomitings. So much so that I could barely cook any food for myself. One of my friends offered to cook food and would send it to me everyday. That friend took such a good care of me. She would not cook for herself and her children sometimes but she never forgot to send me food. Isn't this Baba's grace?

    Baba's leela in Tests:

    Undoubtedly, Baba has complete control over all the elements in the universe. During my pregnancy, a number of tests both genetic and functional were performed. Some routine and others out of the way, just to be on safe side. But with Baba's grace, all these tests came out normal. Truly, where there is divine intervention and protection, everything is bound to come out normal.

    The fifth month scanning took place. The normal procedure here in the US is that they generally reveal the baby's gender to the would-be parents who wish to know. My husband was not in favor of knowing. I wanted to know because of one reason. I had mentioned at the beginning of this experience about a man appearing to me in dream and telling us that the child (boy) we were playing with was our child and not an adopted one. I thought that if the dream is to come true (if I am carrying a boy as per the dream vision) than none other than Sai Baba Himself can make such a precise prediction. His words always come true and there is no return from what He says. So the person making prediction in the dream must be Baba then. Imagine the ineffable joy I felt on seeing Baba Himself! He appeared so ordinary in plain clothes like any other ordinary person.

    August 2009, How Baba attended my Baby Shower function:

    My elders decided to perform baby shower for me in the US when I was in my seventh month of pregnancy. The thought of baby shower itself infused in me feelings of joy, happiness and excitement. There were times when I would think that perhaps I am not destined for it. I was that eagerly looking forward to it. I prayed to Baba and left everything to Him. I told myself "If Baba wants, He will perform the ceremony for me Himself and make all the arrangements too". Gradually, events that progressed along with my pregnancy showed how beautifully Baba planned and made arrangements for the function.

    Back in India, once mom went out for shopping and out of the blue bought a saree, which she liked so much. She didn't know who she was purchasing it for. She thought that the color and texture of the saree was appealing and so bought it. A few months later, she decided to send the same saree to me. Now, the interesting part here is that the saree is green in color and this color is considered to be auspicious for the baby shower ceremony. Before sending the same, she told me over the phone that it was as if Baba picked the saree for me. These words touched my heart so much. The day I received the saree and bangles happened to be a Thursday!

    I prayed that Baba should attend the function and bless us. I was then reminded of the story from Sri Sai Satcharita as to how Baba attended the udyapan ceremony in Shri BV Deo's house and blessed him. I was therefore sure, that if one prays to Baba and invited Him whole-heartedly, He would definitely attend the function. Only that we should have the eyes to see and recognize Him in whichever form He comes. Nothing is impossible for Him as He can take any form and fulfill His devotee's wish.

    Two months before this, my mom, aunts and sisters had gone to Shirdi. I gave my mom a message to by conveyed to Baba - to attend my Baby Shower function. In reply, my mom received a coconut and rose stems from Baba's samadhi. Very gladly my mom came back and communicated the whole thing to me. Imagine the thrill that I felt.

    Now, this is how Baba attended the function. The ceremony began. I closed my eyes and imagined as if I was sitting in front of Baba and was simply looking at Him. As the function progressed, a muslim family who were our guests came in. The lady from the family came towards me, hugged and congratulated me. Quickly, she placed a silver Ganesha coin in my hand as a gift. What more could have added to my excitement than the Ganeshji Himself? We went home and then I started to think as to in which form Baba would have graced the occasion. A few days later, I had a vision early in the morning in which I saw faces of Ganesha and Sai Baba alternating.
    The dream vision was something like this. I was standing up the stairs of a railway platform and Baba was standing right opposite to me on the edge of the staircase. Looking at the flight of steps so close to Him, I told Him to move from there since He might fall off. After this dream, I woke up and the fell half-asleep.I then saw faces of Ganeshji and Baba alternating with each other. After a careful thought I realized that the silver coin of Ganesha represented Baba and He indeed had attended my function.

    On the day of delivery:

    The D-day arrived, when I was admitted to the labor room. Before I left for the hospital, I prayed to Baba and picked up His photo and Udi and left with them. Up until the afternoon, the pains were getting severe. By afternoon time I felt I could bear no more. I was hyperventilating. Unable to bear the pain, I asked the doctor for epidural. Once the epidural was administered, I started to shiver horribly and could feel numbness through out. On the other hand, the baby's heart beat dropped to 90 from 140. It stayed so for almost two and a half hours showing no signs of recovery.

    My aunt and my husband were both present in the labor room with me. The doctor started to worry and said that they might have to do an emergency c-section to save the baby. In no time, all the arrangements were made. The c-section room was made ready, instruments were all brought in place, the nurses were being rushed and the Dr explained to me the pros and cons of performing it. I was just not in a position to think of anything. I was not even able to concentrate properly on Baba due to the contractions on one hand and the shivering on the other which were getting worse by the minute. The moment the Dr and the staff left the labor room for a minute, I quickly told my aunt to apply Udi on my forehead and put a pinch of it on my tongue. She did as told to. My aunt, who is also a Sai Baba devotee got very tensed for me and the baby.

    After applying udi, she sat on the bed some distance away and started praying to Baba and these were her words in her prayer
    "Baba, this girl believes in You so madly, she prays to You day in and day out. She is already disappointed with previous two losses.This time again she's faced with a difficult situation. Please save her and the baby, Baba. They are both at Your mercy completely."
    While praying like this she remembered the story from Sri Sai Satcharita about how Baba saved mainatai, Shri Nanasaheb Chandorkar's daughter from the most difficult labor pains and helped her deliver safely. Than Dr came in and as a part of monitoring process, went to the computer to check for baby's heartbeat and what she saw then was a miracle. She jumped with joy. The baby's heartbeat was restored to 140.She said that this was a miracle by itself and declared that there was no need for a c-section.

    After that I delivered normally and the process went so smooth thereafter that I barely felt the pain. My son was born and he is very much a blessing from Baba. We gave him Baba's name. The moment he was pulled out from me, I felt a gush of relief and immediately closed my eyes to thank Baba. Without His grace two lives would not only have been saved but are safe and healthy.

    My thoughts:

    Sairam  sister the journey was not easy for me sis, I felt lost several times. The first time I lost my pregnancy in 2007, after 3 months, I was heart broken and shattered. I never prayed after that. I would just not go near pooja room. And even when I sat down to pray, it would be so mechanical, devoid of all feelings and attachment to God. This continued for 8-9 months. Slowly, I began to realize the vacuum in life.

    The vacuum of not being able to relate to God anymore. It made me feel empty and wrong. This feeling of being lost and belonging to nowhere was eating me up. Slowly I started praying to Baba again and gradually He made me realize that there is nothing greater than Him. I decided that He alone can help me out. He is so generous and kind-hearted that if anyone regardless of religion, caste and financial status remembers Him sincerely and calls out to Him for help, He will certainly respond. Virtues required are love, loyalty, faith and patience.

    Love - like you said, we must love Him for nothing but for Him alone. You must of have heard of this - "Baba gives you what you want so that you begin to want what He wants to give you."

    Loyalty and Patience - His grace will definitely dawn upon us but we must have a lot of patience for it. Never give up on Him.

    Faith - Trust Him completely that He is the doer. Surrender to Him completely and good or bad, leave it to Him and He is sure to take care.

    We falter most of the times because we don't surrender ourselves completely to Baba.These experiences can help build and rebuild faith in those devotees who are seeking Baba's blessings, Nothing else would make me more happy and contented if this helps the devotee to rebuild their faith in Baba.


    Every time I look at my son, I will be reminded of Baba and His grace and presence in my life. The stories that I had read about Him and saving of His devotees are true to every word. Only that we should have faith in Him completely and surrender ourselves to Him whole-heartedly. He can never see His children suffering. I pray to You Baba that I should never forget You and that I should remember You at all times, be that of happiness or sorrow, joy or misery. No accomplishment or pain must come so close to me that I forget You. My devotion and love for You must be above these feelings so that I remain unaffected by wordly foibles. I must think of You at all times, chant Your name and miss you in whatever I do. Your devotees are constantly witnessing Your leelas all around the world. There is no one who comes into Your fold of grace and yet remains unaffected by Your leelas. Thank You very much Sai Baba, thank You very much!
    Sai Daughter

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline neelkanika

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #208 on: March 29, 2012, 03:46:18 PM »
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    Offline manohar3128

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #209 on: May 05, 2012, 10:15:42 AM »
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  • Om sai ram to all ...........dont think this a genuine topic to discuss in the forum.........lot of replies with justification and clarification..........just go through baba'S assurances.And trust and faith in what he said,he was in human body to show us the right way,now also showing the right way......personally feeled baba'S presence many times near me,so just faith in baba.....can makes many miracle happen...dont think it is fair to discuss it more....sorry if hurted anyone'S sai ram...


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