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Offline Praveen P V S

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Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
« Reply #75 on: March 01, 2008, 08:15:50 PM »
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  • Hello for everybody,

    I am a brazilian woman and want your opinion for the following: please note that I think I had an experience about Baba. I need your help to understand. I never heard about Baba in my whole life till this week. Here in Brazil we know nothing about India. By chance I found Baba website and started to ask Him some questions with respect. I liked the answers I read so yesterday my mother was feeling still bad after visiting medical doctors and I remember to go to the Baba website and ask Him for helping her. Please believe or not, I was very amazed today when my sister told me what happened to my mother: they were at the living room and suddenly my mother slept and when my sister called her , my mother had a very strange behavior: didn't recognize my sister and looked another person. It happened for just a few minutes, maybe 2 or 3, and after that , as it was late, she was sleep. Then she waked up feeling very much better and she does not remember anything she did yesterday for that 2 or 3 minutes. For her she just slept in the living room. And I am very amazed. Although I know nothing about Baba, although I never heard about Him till this week, I believe He listened to me and helped very much my mother. We believe there was a dead person very close to my mother and was disturbing her. And I believe Baba made my mother free from that dead person. Sorry for my bad English. It is still a bit hard for me to explain it in another language. I hope you all have understand my words. And please I want your opinion. Thank you.

    Dear Sister Eleni,

    Welcome to our dear Baba's mandhir, you and your family are indeed blessed to have Baba's grace and love. There is no doubt that it was Baba who helped your mother. There is no doubt in it. He always said, "You look at me and I will look at you". So you asked for help and there came the help.
    May Baba bless you and your family. Welcome once again
    I love you Baba.

    Offline Eleni

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #76 on: March 03, 2008, 06:01:35 PM »
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  • Hello Praveen P V S,

    many thanks for your attention. I believe it was Baba help yes. Sorry for not knowing anything yet. I will look for more informations. But please Praveen tell me if you know something about Dattatreya Siva Baba. I know he is an Indian that lives in USA. It was through his videos on YouTube I reached Sai Baba. Please tell me something if you know him.

    Offline Praveen P V S

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #77 on: March 05, 2008, 01:25:22 PM »
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  • Well Dear Sister Eleni, unfortunately I am not aware of Sri Dattatreya Siva Baba so not be able to help you much on this. Welcome to Sai mandhir again.

    Baba please bless each and every member our sai family.
    I love you Baba.

    Offline Eleni

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #78 on: March 05, 2008, 01:45:35 PM »
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  • Praveen PVS,
    do you know about the night of Shiva tonight 5 March?? It is the first time I hear about the Indian spirituality and Dattatreya Siva Baba ic going to be online tonight for teleconference worldwide.

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #79 on: March 06, 2008, 01:01:26 PM »
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  • PraveenPVS,
    please be a bit patient with me cause I am thinking Baba has choosen you to explain me some things very strange for an ocidental, for example, what is mandhir? And bahjans? I suppose bahjan is a music. I liked very much a music that you can listen going to

    PraveenPVS I am impressed today cause I ask Baba for having a dream I wanted to and I had this dream exactly as I asked Him. Fantastic. I never got it before.

    Offline parulsai

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #80 on: April 30, 2008, 01:38:02 AM »
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  • I want to share my experience of how I felt BABA’s presence. I am very particular about my studies since beginning. Although I was not a very bright student but I  was very serious bout studies. After 10+2 I joined CS. Our CS institute building is next to BABA’s mandir in Delhi. Every time I go to institute, I go to mandir also.

    I had seen very bad times in my studies. I got flunked so many times. Every I time I cry in front of BABA ,Why he is doing it to me. In one of the groups I flunked twice. I was unable to digest that failure. I cried a lot. Then I asked BABA that he has to help me passing the exams this time. I told him that I am doing my best, but without your blessing I can’t get through it. So please, be with me this time. Every moment I keep praying BABA to take me through this time. My inclination towards BABA reached another height during that phase.

    Finally, the result day came. I was wearing BABA’s pendent in gold chain since last around more that one year or so. Early morning on result day, I got dream that I am pass and I have got 221 marks (200 is required to clear the group). I thought it is just my illusion. I went with my sister to get the result. We were just two feet away from the result board. I prayed BABA, that this the final testing time of my BHAKTI and your  SHAKTI. All of sudden I found that BABA’s pendant I was wearing fell down on the earth from the chain . Since it was gold chain, I keep it tightly closed every time. I don’t know how come it was opened and pendant fell and chain is opened but hanging in my neck. it has never happened before and even after anytime in 5 years. It was miracle. Purely BABA’s miracle.

    Then, we went for collection of mark sheet. In the que, I just told my sis, that I will be getting 221 marks, BABA told me in morning. Both of us got stunned to discover that I got 221 marks exactly.

    BABA does all this. He is great. He is omnipresent, dwelling in the heart of every human being. There are times when situations go worst, things seems to go out of control. I fight with BABA, where r u???????? R u present or not???????? But alwez I get answer from this incident that BABA is there, he is present. Sooner or later we fulfill all our wishes. He knows what to give n when to give.


    Offline vinuday

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #81 on: May 02, 2008, 05:18:21 AM »
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  • Sairam Friends,

    I am very very happy to share my experiences about our Shree Shirdi SaiBaba,

    I feel very blessed and fortunate to have to know about Baba's grace and miracles and to have felt his presence,

    It have had many miracles by baba in my life,

    I had a big trouble in life and i am still in that unexplainable troublesum situation but as it is said that every cloud has a silver lining i too have a silver lining and that is BABA,

    Although i am in so much of trouble n pain now but still baba has shown me sings that he is there with me looking at me every minute,i used to cry a lot and stand before baba n ask him why is all this happening to me,

    Then once my sister told me that when we look at baba's face in that calender if he is smiling then it means that there is no problem for us but if his face is dull which means that there is some problem,from then  what ever problem i had i used to stand in front of baba and look at him,he looked very dull and sad for the question i asked him and i felt that there is some problem,and the problem landed on my head in a few days,i struggled n struggled n i did not know any way out,i was in the same condition for 3 years and still in trouble,but suddenly one day i saw baba on a car sticker n i felt nothing.Once when i went to baba's temple someone told me that we shud be fortunate to see baba in any form,i felt very pleased that i was fortunate and from then on where ever i went baba used to give me his apperance and it mad me so happy,not just once or twice but until i reach back home i sused to see him in a photo or on a car or in sum house,in various ways.

    I asked someone what this means and they said that baba is making u see him to let u know that he is there for u and that he is safe guarding you,and yes it is true.i wud get to see baba's photo in so many places and immediately my heart would forget all my worries and i would become happy !!!!!!!!!!!

    Once i was supposed to go to Chennai,i was not at all interested to go and i was crying that i wud not go,but somehow my tickets were booked and i had to go,i got into the train and i was very sad sitting alone,i prayed baba that i want to see u baba,pls make me see u and that would make me happy,Trust me friends the moment i prayed and i just turned  my head i saw a old person with a blue scarf tied around his head,he had a beard,his face was glowing and he came straight to me and reached his hand forward and asked me for money,i was shocked to see a person exactly like baba,i gave him money and he took it n went away,n from then i did not feel sad,i went to chennai i came back !!!!!!!! Baba leela's are wonderful....................


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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #82 on: May 16, 2008, 03:17:34 PM »
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  • How is believing in miracles helpful in one's spiritual growth?

    A. by Anjali Gadiraju

    I have not written anything before but I hope everybody accepts my answer. When any child cries and asks for something for example, food or toys, mother of the child runs to get what her child needs, and to get that sometimes she has to bear some pain. However, this makes the child to love mother without question, have trust and patience that mother is there and going to solve his problem. It is the same way Saibaba worries for all his devotees and fulfills all wishes to give maximum happiness and show us the right path. And he teaches the same to us that we should have Shradha and Saburi for the guru as the child has for his mother. Sai baba is mother to all his devotees. He shows us right path by making us fall on our wrong path, the same way any mother will scold her child for doing anything wrong. And the miracles, which we feel as miracles, they are actually mother taking care of his child. However, as we are human we call them miracles, so guru by showing those miracles increases our faith and unquestionable love in guru as we have on our mother. I find miracles everyday in every small incident; I just say Sai's name and things are there for me. For example asking the train to reach on time to my work place, getting a desired seat in library to sit and study, praying my food should taste good, my husband should not scold me for some wrong I did. Baba is there with us always and will always be there until we have trust and patience.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #83 on: May 31, 2008, 06:30:42 AM »
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    ------------ --------- --------------------
    Once in a week, I used to go to the Sai Baba temple in Shenoy Nagar (Chennai).I feel so relieved when I am there & not to exaggerate, I would say it's the heaven on earth.

    One such evening, I went to the temple …..I was admiring Baba's portrait in the temple & I was
    engrossed in my own world. The Poojari was distributing the prasatham & when he came next to me, I took out my wallet & offered Rs.20 on the pooja plate. I didn't even realize that it was the only money I had in my wallet to return home. I was so worried & started digging my wallet
    to see whether, I have some cash…..but no go.

    I just had Rs.2.50.If I had to take a city bus, I would need Rs.3.50 (i.e one rupee extra). I was terribly upset & was above to cry. It was 6.45 pm then. I was so confused & helpless & didn't know what I need to do. I thought of asking the poojari for one rupee, but I felt disgraceful to do that. I went to one corner in the temple & sat quietly & prayed to Baba ( I prayed that if somebody whom I know comes to the temple ,I could ask them the one rupee which I needed. But nobody came.)

    I started crying & literally spoke to Baba." This is what you want to do to me. I have no money. I am in need of just one rupee & like a beggar I am expecting that someone would help me" …………after some time I consoled myself saying I shall start walking home( it takes at least 2 ½ hrs from Shenoy Nagar to my home in Anna Nagar).Before leaving I wanted to go around the temple once.

    When I reached the place, exactly behind the temple, I saw 'one rupee coin' on the wall. I was shocked to see a coin on the wall. (I went close to the wall to see whether the coin was stuck by someone, using gum or chandan. But nothing was used. I was literally shocked, for I am sure that no object can just stay on any vertical wall).I kept on starring at the coin & didn't want to
    take it, because I thought it was someone else's money. The moment, I thought that way, I could hear Baba saying in a kind tone "It is for you. Take it".

    And when I took the coin from the wall, I could feel Sai Baba's palm. My Baba had given me what I wanted right away from his own hands. I didn't want to spend that coin & so I walked home that night. I have that coin safe with me & will treasur it till I die. I can earn millions & crores in my lifetime …but that coin is priceless & is always special to me!

    Om Sai Jai Jai Sai !

    Warm Regards,

    Offline vinuday

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #84 on: June 01, 2008, 02:40:54 AM »
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  • Sairam Surekha !!!

    I was very happy to read such a miracle by our own baba.......Thank you baba for helping her,be it small or big we need your suppport and blessings always  BABA ............

    I hope and pray to BABA that he shows his grace to every devotee and also blesses them with all happiness...........


    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #85 on: June 01, 2008, 09:49:02 AM »
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    Today only a very ardent believer of sai ram told me about the following two beautiful incidents,it's very interesting,so read on,like sai ram wants us to always talk about his leela's i'd like to share them with all you blessed people of sai:
    1. A bhakta carrying 2 lac of rupees,came staight to the sai ram mandir very close to my house, and asked the pandit ji to keep this cash as sai ram's own money.The pandit ji said that it would be best if he could deposit the money with the cashier outside,as was the norm.But the man insisted on the pandit ji to take the money right away as this belonged to sai ram,the pandit got anxious and asked the man as to why and what brought him here with the money...
    The man said,long time back,his son was applying to be established in the U.S. as a doctor,for which he required a lot of money.The man had only 35,000 r.s. in his bank account,so naturally he went looking for help.He went to all his family and friends,but none came to his rescue,everyone made silly excuses and refused the poor fellow.So disheartened as he was from the world,with all his heart and soul he prayed to sai ram for desprate help.He thought atleast he should send away the amount that was there in his bank account.So he went to his bank,asked the accountant there to give him the 35,000 r.s. left in his account.TO HIS SURPRISE THE ACCOUNTANT TOLD HIM THAT THERE WERE 2LAC R.S. IN HIS ACCOUNT.He obviously thoght that this was impossible and asked the accountant to check again,but it was true that there were 2 lac r.s.Ok,so he took the anmount,left for his home,kept wondering and looking if someone from the bank moght come back and tell him that there must be some mistake.He couldn't believe it,who could??He didn't sleep for many nights but was relieved of the pressure when he used those 2 lac rupees eventually for his son.
    Some years later,the man said,that he saw baba in his dream.Baba asked him if everything was fine with him and his son,the man said yes sai ram i'm most thankful that we are fine...
    then baba finally asked him"then pls return back my 2 lac rupees"

    therefore the man had come today to return those 2 lac rupees which baba had lent at the most needful hour!
    three cheers for sai ram..hip hip hurray,hip hip hurray,hip hip hurray!
    amazing leela wasn't it,i couldn't believe my ears when i heard it!
    jai sai ram

    My Sai Is Grate
    sivadasan manoj
    Om Sai Ram

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #86 on: June 01, 2008, 09:56:01 AM »
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  • I would love to share my experience of how Baba has kept his promise to me by going ahead of me and making the crooked and difficult path to a straight cake walk.
    It may seem exaggerating but what I am going to share is the “Truth” which I have experienced all by myself.
    I used to attend to SaiBaba’s pooja’s and aarthi with my mother as a kid. I even to this day sing all His aarthi’s (to be frank I don’t know what exactly the meanings are, as they are Marathi ones). But all of a sudden after my Engineering I lost interest in pooja and I started listening to some people saying, we have been Baba’s devotees for decades but He did nothing etc etc. I too from the hardships I went through in my personal and professional fronts, felt that “Why should I pray to Him who doesn’t bother to listen to our needs and respond in time”. In fact I stopped praying.
    My grandmother and my good friends told me, if we believe strongly and do Sai Satcharitha Parayan, He would make our wish come true. I never believed because I was in the extreme end of depression and I gave up.
    Exactly 3 weeks before today I happened to accompany my sister to SaiBaba’s temple near my house. I saw a big Baba’s painting over there in which he shows his ONE finger and the caption says “Sabka Maalik Ek”. But as I was singing the 6 pm aarthi there I could clearly see the same picture of His, telling me, in “ONE” month your wish is going to come true”. The same night I had a dream where I saw Baba in white kafani and saying “Even if you forget me, I am going to be with you”. Exactly in telugu He said “Nuvvu nannu marchipoyina Nenu ninnu vadhileyanu”.
    Then after a week it was my birthday and I was not so happy even though I threw a party, spent time laughing with friends. I was asked by mom to do namaskar to God atleast on my birthday. So I just prostrated in front of Baba and said “You are going to give my Gift in just ONE week I can’t wait for One month”. Now my friends!! You may think I was too pushy and first of all you might be thinking what my wish would have been?

    So, after 2 days I got a pending document from my employer in USA and I whose case was pending in the Consulate for a while, decided to go for the visa interview on exactly the day I have set target as One week from my Birthday. I asked none other than Baba to accompany me and took morning first flight to Chennai. My parents were worried that I was going all alone, but I know “Baba” is with me.

    As soon as I got down at Chennai, I took a prepaid taxi and no surprise I saw Baba’s photo in the taxi, and I said to myself “There you go!!” After I went to Consulate I was not allowed in, though it was time, later when my turn came, I had an executive bag with me which was not allowed in. So I was worried that I had to go out of the gate and I was persuading the guard to keep my bag, he straight away refused. I could very clearly hear as though Baba was standing with me and telling me “It’s Ok, let us go out and deposit it somewhere”. After walking for a furlong I found a tea stall where I requested them to keep that bag. I came running and again stood in line and again when I went in, they checked and my handbag had lipstick and comb, they said I can’t take them in too. I was just about to argue and again I heard Him say “Come We will go and leave these too” and again I came in. After getting in, after all these reversal acts I was a bit worried and tensed too that I may not answer the officer properly or confidently. As I stood in line, I again heard Him say “That moment, that time, what you are supposed to speak I will” and to my surprise He spoke through me and guess what! I got my H1 visa stamped!

    After the interview I took an auto where I saw Baba’s photo there in auto too. I immediately went to Mylapore Saibaba temple and the specialty of the temple is you can touch Baba’s idol and garland Him and do your own pooja. After a decade I suppose with all my heart I offered prayers to Baba and came back to airport. I had to wait there for 3-4 hrs for my flight I was just thinking what will I do all alone and I just happened to sit in front of Airport manager’s room and I could see a really big SaiBaba’s photo there blessing with His both hands. I was just seeing that photo and thanking Him for making the “Impossible to Possible” that too all the time standing with me. Now I know He would be with me forever.

    My friends please don’t get discouraged by small tribulations in life. There is definitely the Supreme power, Who knows in and out what is happening with us. We need not even discuss or disclose it to Him; He knows when to give what!!!
    I sincerely request that though we are put through many hardships, just “Believe miracles do happen”! It’s easier said than done….but He made me do it, and so will HE do it for each one of us.
    In the Sweet name of Baba, I pray and thank “All my friends and people who have really re-established my love, affinity and trust for SaiBaba”.
    Jai Sai Nath Maharaj!


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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #87 on: June 01, 2008, 12:49:35 PM »
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  • Sai Ram Dear Eleni

    Sai is another name of energy and when someone is close the energy, he/ she started feeling positive in his/ her life. May be Sai is calling you.

    Please keep sharing your experiences and in case if you have a questin, please feel free to IM or message.

    Sai Ram

    please be a bit patient with me cause I am thinking Baba has choosen you to explain me some things very strange for an ocidental, for example, what is mandhir? And bahjans? I suppose bahjan is a music. I liked very much a music that you can listen going to

    PraveenPVS I am impressed today cause I ask Baba for having a dream I wanted to and I had this dream exactly as I asked Him. Fantastic. I never got it before.

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #88 on: June 04, 2008, 04:42:41 AM »
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  • OM Sai Ram....

    Few Months back, this miracle happened with me and my love’s family. As we are not sure of our future but we both treat our families as one. We both share our sadness and happiness together. Few months back my would be father in law (My Love’s father) fell ill and he was really very serious. We all spent those days in dark during day too. He was not feeling good from few days and we people thought it could be any communicable disorderness and we cure as per that only. One day, papa went to office and fell ill. He was having problem in breathing and one of his friend took him to doctor. Doctor examined him and told him to get admit. Mom got call from the Uncle and fortunately my brother in law was there at home so they rushed to hospital. My mother in law was totally scared, infact we all were scared. My would be was in his office, after getting call he too rushed to hospital. Though he was not having any conveyance to reach there (as pick and drop is provided by office), somehow he managed and got a private cab to reach hospital. After the consultation and treatment papa felt bit good and was there in hospital for few days. After few days, again he fell ill and after consultation we came to know that he is having Heart Problem. We all were shocked and scared. As this is their hereditary problem (heart problem). So we were really scared and praying to god for all well. We were told to shift him to another Heart specialist hospital and we shifted him one of the best heart specialist hospital -Escorts. And there after consulting doctor and his examination, we came to know that he have severe heart problem, out of three two of the arteries were blocked and it was to be operate, we started crying. We all were scared of all the incidents happened in our home due to hereditary. Mumma was like unconscious of being in tensed. For the whole day she kept on crying and praying to god. Though I was not there, but I was praying and continuously crying in front of sai baba idol. And I had to hide myself from my parents as earlier my parents refused from our relationship. They didn’t agree for our marriage, but we kept faith and keep faith on baba and love each other. Today also, they don’t agree but I m waiting for the day when baba will do a miracle for my happiness. I called up my love and asked him to arrange vibhuti, as he was not at home, He tried but didn’t make it, and then I said take some soil and touch baba’s feet and apply on papa’s forehead. And in meantime I prayed baba to give his blessings and vibhuti. I tried to arrange from my end too. I called up one of our friend and told him to give vibhuti anyhow by eod. Again, he couldn’t make it possible. I cried and prayed to baba to give vibhuti and I called one more friend though he was in office he tried from there and suddenly one of his close friends called him and told that he is coming with vibhuti and KASHT NIVARAN MANTRA. When he informed me my eyes were full of tears and faith in my heart. And I was sure now my papa would be fine and healthy soon. The very next day in morning doctors came up with the news for surgery. Again, we all were scared. We were shattered of being in bad state for so long. But baba was there to heal all pains. Doctors took our papa to OT, we told papa to swallow vibhuti and yes!!! After few hours we came up with the happiest news that Operation was successful. We were like top of the world. We thanked baba though our words were too less to say thanks. These days papa had already loose too much weight. He became too weak. This was the time for my would be family to be happy…. But for me problem didn’t end there. Along with this problem, I was in big problem that my parents were fixing my marriage with some other guy. I agreed upon it as I didn’t want my would be father in law in tension. As I love him and respect him from bottom of my heart. I love my would be mom too a lot. I just cannot see tears in her eyes. She is too kind in nature. Though our relation is not yet fixed, but still I respect her most and love her most in my life. I cried for the whole day. I didn’t even tell these things to my love too. As he was already in tension because of papa. The day papa became fine I told him everything and we both cried a lot. He again became in tension state. But baba, I just cant tell u and express my happiness that due to some other reason that marriage was not fixed. I still love my love a lot. I respect him a lot, he always agreed upon my decision, never fought or overreacted for the issues. He too believe baba a lot. And we know, a day will come when we all will be together.

          Om sai ram

    by a devotee saivishu.

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    Re: Is Baba Living And Helping Now?
    « Reply #89 on: June 08, 2008, 10:59:36 AM »
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  • I would like to share some of my numerous experiences with other devotees. In 2002, when I was based in Dubai, things were not working out well on both the work and financial front, and I was very depressed. On 10th May 2002 at around 10:00 pm at night, I received a call from one of my friends. On his enquiring about myself, I told him of my mental state of mind, that I was very depressed. He then advised me to read the book Sai Satcharitha by Hemandpant. He said that if one does a Sapthah (reading in 7 days) then it is supposed to be very auspicious. He told me that the English version is very difficult to get but he himself was reading it from a website. While I was noting the name of the website my wife entered the apartment and I asked her about this book since she has been a devotee of Sai Baba since childhood. She said that this book has been in our house for many years. I did not believe her and re-confirmed it with my friend. I was not a religious person and though I vaguely felt that there must be a God somewhere, I really did not have much faith in any God. I never prayed nor went to a temple. In fact, I used to wait outside the temple in my car while my wife went to pray.

    I don't know what made me start a Saptah that very night and when I came to the portion, which mentions about Baba taking his Maha Samadhi on 15th October1918, I just broke down and started crying uncontrollably. I just could not understand why I had such emotions for someone whom I did not believe in or love. I mentioned this to someone at that time "that I had felt the same emotions when I read about Him passing away as if I had come to know of my own father passing away". I was extremely close to my father and loved him more than anyone else in this world. More than my God, mother, wife or children. Meanwhile, I also was introduced through my friend to a devotee of Baba in Dubai.

    On 12th June, 2002 I got the news that my father had passed away peacefully. I rushed to India on the next available flight and was there at home next morning. My father's body was placed on ice in his bedroom and all items in his room had been cleared out. While I was crying I noticed that on the opposite wall was a photo of Baba. I just couldn't believe it! All other paintings and photos from the walls had been removed except Baba's. I went across the room and saw that at the bottom of the picture was stapled the reading of the "Geeta Saar". One of the lines read like this - What have you lost that you are crying? What did you bring with you that you have lost? I just stopped crying from then on. It was as if Baba had explained to me within a few seconds the meaning of life and death. It was just mind blowing. It felt as if there was an exchange - that Baba had come in place of my father, knowing that along with my financial problems I would not be able to take the additional loss of my father.

    As per Baba's instructions, I started my saptah on 16 June during my father's mourning period. Since my father had passed away on 12th June the mourning period was supposed to have ended on 24th June i.e. 12 days of mourning. In between the pujari mentioned that 24th June was not an auspicious date and that we should either extend the mourning period by 2 days or reduce by 2 days. Keeping in mind the convenience of relatives who had come from out of town the family decided to reduce the mourning period by 2 days. That meant that the mourning period would now end on 22 June. My saptah, which began on 16th June, too ended on 22nd June.

    For a non-believer like me all these incidents were too much for me to digest and laugh away as if they were coincidences. What logically should have been the worst period in my life turned out to be the best as I just surrendered my self to HIM. It took me over a year but I finally landed a fantastic job in Qatar. I just kept praying to Him, doing regular Saptahs and listening to his Dhuns and Bhajans.

    During this period, I was completely broke but He kept sending people to help me. Dubai is a very commercial place. But I had acquaintances coming over, offering me financial help without my asking them and saying that not to worry about returning the money. I did not have a car and people would let me use their cars for interviews without any expectations. It was unbelievable. In Dubai, while I was looking for a job I did not have enough money to buy decent clothes for interviews as my clothes had become relatively old and frayed. One day I went to buy some item from a mall and there was a promotion going on. I got a coupon from my purchase, which I deposited. The next day I got a call from the mall authorities that I had won the daily draw of 500 Dhirams (US$ 137). I was delighted and went to collect the money. I bumped into the sales person who had sold me the item and he congratulated me and demanded from me "Mithai". It was like Baba demanding his Dakshina. Since no Indian sweets were available in the mall, I bought him a box of Macintosh chocolates from the supermarket in the mall. When I handed it over to him, he was delighted, thanked me and said that I was the first person to have done so. He said that I would win another prize. Since I got another coupon with the purchase of the chocolates, I deposited it. Next day I get another call from the mall that I had won 500 Dhirams (US$ 137) in their daily draw. It was just too much. I have never won a single pencil in my life before and now I get US $ 274 within 2 days.

    I bought myself a full set of clothes, which helped me gain confidence for my interviews. He is really too kind! I am now based in Qatar for the past 2 years and am managing the Heavy Equipment Division of a leading company. I have never managed such products in my life and the only Heavy Equipment, which I ever saw, was on worksites while driving past. I was selected over candidates with more than 20 years relevant experience. In the first year (2004) I broke all sales records and was honored in Japan this April 2005 by one of our principals. By end September 2005, I have already completed my annual target. My net profits have shown a growth of 100% within 2 years. His leelas just never cease to amaze me. There have been so many more leelas in between which I have not mentioned. Baba is great and I can never thank Him enough.

    (Contributed by Jaidev Singh, Qatar)



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