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Author Topic: Miraculous Appearance of Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj  (Read 1111 times)

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Offline saisiri

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I am fortunate and blessed to experience this.Mere words are not sufficient to express my profound joy after seeing baba's miracle. What happened is..

Me and my husband performed Sri Srinivasa Kalyanam along with a group of devotees during Ugadi celebrations. We were given a steel plate on which we had kept the diety's picture and performed the ceremony.This happened exactly a month ago.After getting back home I started to use this plate to offer prasadam to the dieties at home.Yesterday , I was casually standing in my kitchen when suddenly I started seeing baba's face in this plate which was lying in my kitchen stand that is used to keep washed utensils. I was surprised beyond imagination and took the plate into my hand and observed it more closely..and then the face became clearer could be seen only from an angle..when I saw directly there was nothing..but when I show it towards light and see at an angle..I see Baba's's neither engraved nor stamped nor painted..i just see a whitish baba's face..and it did come out of the blue.I have taken some pictures of this and will upload them shortly as I need to transfer them from my camera to the computer..I was overjoyed with this and was in tears of joy with  the plate in my hand which has  now found it's rightful  place in my Puja altar now..I immediately offered flowers and prasadam to baba and my greatfulness for his unlimited kripa.I now vaguely remember asking Baba for a miraculous darshan during my early days of devotion towards him. I am happy he blessed me so soon and with such a miraclulous darshan. I showed it to my husband and kids as well as some friends who were able to see what I definitely it is not a figment of my imagination!!

Sri Satchinananda Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki jai

Offline aditya18aug

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I am fortunate and blessed to experience this.Mere words are not sufficient to express my profound joy after seeing baba's miracle. What happened is..

Me and my husband performed Sri Srinivasa Kalyanam along with a group of devotees during Ugadi celebrations. We were given a steel plate on which we had kept the diety's picture and performed the ceremony.This happened exactly a month ago.After getting back home I started to use this plate to offer prasadam to the dieties at home.Yesterday , I was casually standing in my kitchen when suddenly I started seeing baba's face in this plate which was lying in my kitchen stand that is used to keep washed utensils. I was surprised beyond imagination and took the plate into my hand and observed it more closely..and then the face became clearer could be seen only from an angle..when I saw directly there was nothing..but when I show it towards light and see at an angle..I see Baba's's neither engraved nor stamped nor painted..i just see a whitish baba's face..and it did come out of the blue.I have taken some pictures of this and will upload them shortly as I need to transfer them from my camera to the computer..I was overjoyed with this and was in tears of joy with  the plate in my hand which has  now found it's rightful  place in my Puja altar now..I immediately offered flowers and prasadam to baba and my greatfulness for his unlimited kripa.I now vaguely remember asking Baba for a miraculous darshan during my early days of devotion towards him. I am happy he blessed me so soon and with such a miraclulous darshan. I showed it to my husband and kids as well as some friends who were able to see what I definitely it is not a figment of my imagination!!

Sri Satchinananda Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki jai

i must say u r really blessed to have his darshan.... really no one can predict baba's leelas.... thanks for sharing the snaps!!

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