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Offline neelaramgs

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my experience with Sai Bab
« on: November 02, 2015, 06:08:25 AM »
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  • There is no apt word to describe Sai Leela. In my life I experienced many Sai’s miracle events. In the year 1997 I started praying Shiridi Sai. Although I started but not much serious in praying Shirid Sai. In the same year my daughter was went missing while playing in the Ground Floor at that time she was 3 years old. I was staying in the rented house of first floor. We started searching in all neighborhood and far areas for more than two hours but we could not locate our child. My wife started crying I could not console her.  Then somebody advised to give a police complaint I gave one telephonic complaint at control room. Then I went to that area police Station and registered a FIR complaint. The duty police man scolded me and gave less hope. While returning from police station I lost all hope and I prayed Sai in my heart. Even I prayed all gods in my heart. It was Thursday I remember Sai gave answer to my prayer. On return from police station I and my neighbor intercepted one PCR (police control Room) Van and enquired about any information regarding my daughter. They told one of the missing girl information got from wireless which they described mostly resembled my daughter. They asked me search in another police station.  I finally went to that police station and asked constable regarding my daughter. He told me that a girl whom they located kept in the nearby house because they don’t want to keep the child in police custody.  I immediately rushed to that place and found my daughter she hugged me and we cried. It was Sai’s grace I located my child. The Station SHO (Station Head Officer) was very kind enough he advised not to be very careless in future. I returned to my house with my child. It was all happened within 5 hours.  Now my daughter doing her post-graduation with Sai’s mercy. This is one of the things about his karishma and many other things happened in my life which I will share in my subsequent mails. Our family completely surrenders to his feet. I am praying for her future. I am sure Sai will put her in good job and get for her good life partner.  OM SAI RAM.


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