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Offline tanu_12

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Re: My experiences with Baba
« Reply #135 on: June 26, 2011, 01:54:32 PM »
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  • ॐ साईं राम

    साईं की लीला साईं ही जाने. बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद     

    साई राम

    सभी साई अनुयाईओ  को मेरा नमस्कार  .मै  आज  मेरा और मेरी पत्नी का एक  सुखद अनुभव और कार्य आप सभी के  साथ  बटना चाहता हु  .

    विषय :   श्री  साईं  सत्चरित  का  एक  दिवसीय  पाठ.
    उद्देश  :    बाबा के  अनमोल  वचनों   और  विचारो  को  घर  घर  तक  पहुचाना  जिससे  सच्चे अर्थो मे सभी बाबा के द्वारा दी गई
                    शिक्षाओ का आपने जीवनकाल  मे अनुसरण कर सके.

                  आजसे चार साल पहले बाबा की बहुत बड़ी अनुकम्पा मेरे और मेरी पत्नी पर हुई  .उनकी प्रेणना और दया से और सभी के सहयोग से मेने
                  बाबा का एक छोटा सा मंदिर का निर्माण करवाया . आज मंदिर मे बाबा के चरो पहर की आरती एवंग सभी कार्यक्रम सहज रीती-रिवाज से
                  मनाया जाता है . 14th April बाबा का स्थापना दिवस बड़े ही हर्षोउल्लास से मनाया जाता है .

                  इस साल 14th April के कुछ दिन पहले मेरी पत्नी के अच्चानक ये विचार आया की क्यों न इस दिन  श्री रामायण पाठ की तरह श्री साईं                  सत्चरित का भी  एक दिवसीय पाठ  उसी तरह से रख्खा  जाये. विचार सम्पूर्ण रूप से नया था और पहली बार क्रियानिवित होने जा हा था                 इसलिए वो बहुत ही चिंतित और आशंकित थी . श्री साईं सत्चरित का साप्ताहिक पाठ विदित काफी बरसो से चला आ रहा है . क्या  एक                दिवसीय पाठ करना उचित भी होगा या नहीं.? क्या कोई भूल चुक तो नहीं हो जाएगी ? ऐसे विचारो से मेरी पत्नी बुरी तरह से ससंकित थी .

                 ये विचार जब बाबा ने ही मन मे उदित किये है तो इसका सुभारम्भ  और समापन भी श्री साईनाथ ही करेगे, ऐसा विचार कर पत्नी ने सुबह                  8 बजे से 14th April स्थापना दिवस के दिन श्री साईं सत्चरित का पाठ मंदिर मे आरम्भ कर दिया . जैसे श्री रामायण का पाठ की विधि
                और विधान है उसी समरूप इस पाठ की  भी विधि  और विधान है. बाबा के सम्मुख फल-फूल नेवेद इत्यादि रखकर मुख्य  पीडी पर एक
                भक्त श्री साईं सत्चरित का पाठ कर्ता रहता है और समान्तर अन्य भक्तजन भी श्री साईं सत्चरित पाठ कर सकते  है .मुख्य पीडी पर थोड़े 
                थोड़े  अंतराल पे भक्त बदलते जाते है और इस तरह सम्पूर्ण श्री साईं सत्चरित का पाठ समाप्त हो जाता है.

                शुरुआत मे मेरी पत्नी पढ़ती रही और साथ मे मंदिर के पंडितजी का भी बहुत बड़ा योगदान  रहा . धीरे-धीरे भक्तजन आते गए .पहले उन्हें
                बड़ा  ही आजीब सा  महसूस हुआ पर जब इसको करने का उदेश और इसके महत्त्व का आभास हुआ तो फिर ताता सा ही लग गया पाठ
                पढने का संध्या  आरती के कुछ समय पूर्व ही सम्पूर्ण पाठ का समापन हुआ और फल-फूल,नेवेद से बाबा की आरती हुई .
                मेरी पत्नी को सदा ऐसा ही महसूस होता रहा की बाबा स्वयम शुरू  से अंत तक वहा  पर विराजमान होकर कार्य का समापन करवा रहे है .

               आज उसके बाद से मंदिर मे और भक्तो ने आपने -अपने घरो मे श्री साईं सत्चरित का एक दिवसीय पाठ  करना शुरू  कर दिया है.
               मुझे और मेरी पत्नी को एक बार फिर बाबा ने इस कार्य के  लिए काबिल समझा इसके लिए हमलोग सदा ही बाबा के ऋणी है और
              यही बाबा से प्राथना करते है की सदा ही बाबा अपनी अनुकम्पा हमपे और सभी पे बनाये रखे

              सम्पूर्ण कार्य के कर्ता श्री साईनाथ महाराजजी है .हमलोग तो केवल एक माध्यम मात्र है जो करम कर रहे है.

              बाबा का हमलोग कोटि-कोटि धन्यबाद करते है और प्राथन करते है की सदा ही अपने चरणों मे शरण देना .

              श्री साईनाथ महाराज की जय

                                                                    "जाहे विधि राखे साईं ,ताई विधि रहिये "

    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline krishnakalyani

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #136 on: July 24, 2011, 02:59:17 AM »
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  • om sai ram.
    His leela's are never ending. Those who believe him will experience his presence all the times.
    i feel this forum is one of the way that i could share my experiences with all of you.
    reading and listening to sai leela's gives us immence joy and happiness.

    This happened two months back.
    Am not that close to my brother. but, for the problem i was facing i needed some one who could guide me.
    as i didnt  have any option, i wrote an e-mail to my bro regarding the same.
    when my bro was back home for a week end (he got a transfer to some other place), he started discussing about my problem.
    He told " i didnt know how to guide you, as i am not sure for  myself, i asked baba(baba's answers to your problems) to show me the way . baba answered me saying : what for i have shown you the tough path ?dont you know to learn from your experinces"

    i was shocked listening to him. Before my bro came home, i asked baba (baba's answers to your problems), the answer that he gave was " you will be benefited by your brother".when i asked my brother when did you ask baba, he told me the date and time , my eyes were filled with tears, it was the same day when i asked baba from my home.

    Baba , he has been there for me, all the time. he was showing me the path . i could not realize it. i needed him to prove it every time. how stupid of me that it took such a time for me to have firm faith on him.
    May every one have his blessings.
    om sai.

    Offline tanu_12

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #137 on: July 24, 2011, 05:56:01 AM »
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    « Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 05:57:59 AM by tanu_12 »
    Man Ke Gehre Andhiyare Me "Sai" Naam Diye Jaisa

    Give Light, and the darkness will disappear of itself...

    Offline SS91

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #138 on: August 15, 2011, 12:11:55 PM »
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  •   ;D  Baba Rings The Wedding Bells  ;D
    In the year 1991, I was trying for a good marriage alliance for my daughter but could not succeed in the process. It was on 01-01-92 New Year's day morning that I prayed to Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi and asked for a message regarding the marriage of my daughter. I closed my eyes and opened a page in the Sai Sat Charitra written by Sri Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji. To my surprise it was page 241 chapter 47 and the message was "I told him not to worry about this, as the bridegroom himself would come seeking her".

     I was very happy as the message indicated the marriage of my daughter would take place in the year 1992. In the month of January 1992 a friend of mine took the necessary details of my daughter in the pursuit of finding a good groom. On 17-02-1992 I received a phone call from a person from Visakhapatnam interested in my daughter's details. I was in a dilemma and prayed to Baba. I had my prayer answered immediately by Baba to go ahead with the proposal.

     The groom and their parents liked my daughter and on 20-02-1992, the marriage of my daughter was fixed. The marriage was fixed on 10-05-1992 at 06.58 a.m. in Hyderabad. I prayed to Baba to help me in the marriage activities and for the success of the marriage on 22-03-1992. When I was taking a nap in the afternoon, Sri Sai Baba appeared in my dream in the form of my Father (Late Sri R.V.Rao) and promised me that he will help me in my daughter's marriage and will also attend the marriage.

     Chapter 40, page 212 in Sai Satcharitra, Baba has said "I always think about those who remember me, I require no conveyance, i.e carriage, Tonga, (Horse drawn Cart) or an Aero plane. I run and manifest myself to him, who lovingly calls on me". Baba has also said in Sai Satcharita page 151 chapter 28 "I have no form nor any extension - I live Everywhere" Baba has further told in chapter 40 page 213 "See, to keep my words I would even sacrifice my life, I would never be untrue to my words". I totally surrendered to Him and started with the marriage arrangements.

     In the month of March 1992 wedding cards were printed out and as per the directions of Baba I had the first card posted to the Ganesh Temple, Ranathambhor, the second card to Balaji Temple, Tirupathi and the third card to Sri Sai Baba in Shiridi. Then I posted five cards abroad and prayed to Baba that at least one family from abroad should attend the wedding

    Topics: shirdi sai, tirupati
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline saiphool

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    My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #139 on: March 08, 2012, 11:39:56 AM »
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  • Dear Friends,

    I am delighted to share something that happened in Sai Mandir today. Although this is nothing uncommon and rare thing to happen but I am still happy about it and so decided to post it now. I have prayed to Sai for around 2 years now. I had been through a lot of rough periods when I had begged and begged him to come to me in dreams or however but Sai never came. I would often go to Sai Mandirs and stare at the idol for long. A couple of thursdays back, I had started the nine thursdays vrat and have been going to the mandir. But since I do all my offerings at home so I do not take anything to offer there and normally the people who go there with something to be given to Sai are the ones who get some sweets or flowers as prasad. Although whenever I had gone to the preist he would gv me smthn but that would not be what I had felt for at first. Today also, I had gone there and far away from the idol standing in a corner I talked to Him in my mind. I thanked Him for saving my family as I had a bad dream this week. Also as I am currently facing a huge dilemma and a personal crisis, I begged Him for help. When I was talking to Hima about my familys safety, I felt as if He was telling me about taking a certain flower I will get if I go near Him. But still I did not as it has happened countless times that I talk 2 myself about a certain flower and never got it. But somehow the message also entailed that the flower is for my familys safety. Talking to myself as there was quite a crowd there, I decided to go back soon after the darshan. But then suddenly a man came from near Bbabas idol and handed me the same flower. I was wonderstruck and happy. That person after giving me gave flowers to only 2 more ppl and started doing something else. This coincidence made me so happy that I had a spring in my step while going back home. That flower is near my Baba here and it gave me the assurance that He will help me out of the situation I am currently in and will take care of my family. M so glad. OM SAI RAM

    Offline PiyaSoni

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #140 on: May 11, 2012, 04:25:39 AM »
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  • Experience Speaks

    “ The medical reports showing 99% blockage for my sister deterred the doctors from
    undertaking a by-pass operation. However, we were optimistic and pressurized doctors for the
    operation. On the D-day the operation lasted for more than nine hours . Finally when doctor stepped
    out of the operation theatre he said “This is nothing less than a miracle. Thank the power that has seen
    this through making me an instrument”. After 3 days when my sister regained her strength, she said that
    after anesthesia she had become blank and then she saw Baba standing in the gate of a huge fort.
    Baba told her not to worry as He was with her. she didn't remember anything after that. Her life is
    Baba's gift .”

    Mrs. Meeta Bhat
    "नानक नाम चढदी कला, तेरे पहाणे सर्वद दा भला "


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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #141 on: August 19, 2012, 01:47:50 AM »
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  •  :)

    Offline Gauri21

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #142 on: September 06, 2012, 11:37:34 PM »
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  • Dear Friends,

    I am delighted to share something that happened in Sai Mandir today. Although this is nothing uncommon and rare thing to happen but I am still happy about it and so decided to post it now. I have prayed to Sai for around 2 years now. I had been through a lot of rough periods when I had begged and begged him to come to me in dreams or however but Sai never came. I would often go to Sai Mandirs and stare at the idol for long. A couple of thursdays back, I had started the nine thursdays vrat and have been going to the mandir. But since I do all my offerings at home so I do not take anything to offer there and normally the people who go there with something to be given to Sai are the ones who get some sweets or flowers as prasad. Although whenever I had gone to the preist he would gv me smthn but that would not be what I had felt for at first. Today also, I had gone there and far away from the idol standing in a corner I talked to Him in my mind. I thanked Him for saving my family as I had a bad dream this week. Also as I am currently facing a huge dilemma and a personal crisis, I begged Him for help. When I was talking to Hima about my familys safety, I felt as if He was telling me about taking a certain flower I will get if I go near Him. But still I did not as it has happened countless times that I talk 2 myself about a certain flower and never got it. But somehow the message also entailed that the flower is for my familys safety. Talking to myself as there was quite a crowd there, I decided to go back soon after the darshan. But then suddenly a man came from near Bbabas idol and handed me the same flower. I was wonderstruck and happy. That person after giving me gave flowers to only 2 more ppl and started doing something else. This coincidence made me so happy that I had a spring in my step while going back home. That flower is near my Baba here and it gave me the assurance that He will help me out of the situation I am currently in and will take care of my family. M so glad. OM SAI RAM
    om sai ram

    realy nice experience...our baba is realy always with us....
    sai gauri

    Offline SAS

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #143 on: February 20, 2013, 04:40:50 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram

    Offline sunita d/obhuvana

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #144 on: June 25, 2013, 03:22:35 AM »
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    bhuvana J.S
    om sai ram

    Offline sunita d/obhuvana

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #145 on: June 25, 2013, 03:23:59 AM »
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    Dear Blessed Sai Devotees,

    I wish to share one of  my experiences  with you all  this Thursday.  During the 5th year of my married life in 1993,   my inlaws  were facing some serious problems in Hyderabad and my husband ( we are in Madras) made a casual remark that they used to perform Satyanarayana Pooja in his parents place every year as a custom and since long it was not being done.  Then I suggested to him that  we can restart that custom  since he is the eldest son and that the same would protect  the entire family. Since then, we have started performing Satyanarayana Pooja in our house at Madras every year and no one knows about this background of the Pooja in our house. 

    In 2002, I prayed  that we would  perform the Pooja twice that year  since some problems cropped up.   But, due to  a lot of financial problems we could not perform the Pooja even for once.  Infact, it slipped off my mind and we continued  to have lot many problems,  which we never had earlier in the house.

    On one day in  May 2003 after the Vaisakha Pournima,  my servant (whom we employed in feb’02)  by name Saraswati told me that  she had a dream the previous night and that the  ‘tata’(grand father)  in the photo in my hall came wearing a long shirt alone and with a ‘kombu’ (stick) in the hand and moving the ‘kombu’ said “inform your  employer to perform Satyanarayana Pooja on three consecutive pournimas  (full moon days) . I will protect the family ”. She got confused and asked him “which employer?” Then the TATA replied ‘ the telugu family’  and the dream ended.

    I was shocked to  hear this and then confirmed that it was a reminder of my duty  sent to me thru her. Then I gave a brief about  Baba to  her and from Jun’03 to Aug’03  i.e., Jyeshta, Ashadha and Sravana Pournamis we have performed the Poojas fasting till the evening.  Unexpectedly, my inlaws too joined us on the third pooja occasion on their way to Tirupati.   Then on, the problems got settled one after the other.

    My servant’s luck is unimaginable that she got Baba’s Darshan even before she knew anything about Baba.

    Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!
    Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!
    Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!
    <font color="blue"></font id="blue"><font size="1"></font id="size1"><font face="Times New Roman"></font id="Times New Roman"><font face="Arial"></font id="Arial"><font color="blue"></font id="blue"><font color="navy"></font id="navy"><font color="green"></font id="green"><font color="blue"></font id="blue">

    om sai ram

    Offline sunita d/obhuvana

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #146 on: June 25, 2013, 03:34:14 AM »
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  • All sai Blessed Devotees,

    I want to share my experience of Shirdi.

    In 2002, hum pehli baar Shirdi gaye the aur wahan par jo kuchch hua woh aaj bhi bhula paana mushkil hai.  Pehle to mere ghar se koi Shirdi nahi jaana chahta tha phir shirdi jaa kar koi aana nahi chahta tha. Pata nahi kaisa jaadu tha shirdi me aur mere baba me.

    Humne Shirdi me baba ke darshano ke baad Sakori jaane ka plan kiya, tab humein Shirdi ke baare me zyada jaankari nahi thi lekin mere friend (jo aaj mere husband hain) ne bataya ki Sakori me zaroor jaana. Hum Sakori pahunche to wahan bahut baarish ho rahi thi, humnein andar jaaker darshan kiye aur jaise hi hum vapas auto tak jaane lage ki ek tree ke niche ek fakir ko dekh kar mere papa ekdum ruk gaye aur chilla ker bole ki dekho BABA khade hain, us fakir ne saffron colour ka chola pehna tha,sir per patka aur haath me ek bhiksha paatr tha, unhone phate purane shoes pehne the, baarish me bhi woh bilkul nahi bhige the jabki wahan musladhar baarish ho rahi thi, humne unke charan sparsh kiye aur meri mummy ne 5 Rupees ka coin unke paatr me daal diya. phir hum vapas Samadhi Mandir Laut aaye,lekin wahan jo dekha to hume vishvaas karna mushkil ho gaya kyonki Baba ne vahi dress pehni thi Saffron colour ka Chola.

    Phir hum jab shirdi se vapas ghar aaye tab meri mummy apne aansuon ko rok nahi payi kyonki unhe jo mila woh bhi apne aap me kisi chamatkar se kam nahi tha, meri mummy ko unki medicine ke khali envelope me vahi 5 Rupees ka coin mila jisey unhone us fakir ko diya that Sakori me. Humne samajha ki mummy paise rakh kar bhul gayi hongi, lekin mummy ne bataya ki woh envelope mummy ne Shirdi me phaad kar phenk diya tha aur usme 5 rupees ka coin aise lipta hua tha jaise kisi ne pack kar ke gift diya ho aur woh coin silver ki tarah chamak raha tha. woh coin aaj bhi meri mummy ke paas hai.

    Is ke baad me 2 baar Shirdi sirf is lalach me gayi ki shayad BABA ek baar phir se Darshan de de to mai unko kabhi nahi jaane doongi lekin mujhe dobara aisa soubhagye nahi mila.

    Mujhe maalum hai hum jis ROOP me Baba Ko Dekhna Chahte Hain Humein wo Usi Roop Me Darshan Bhi Dete Hain.




    tum bhut lucky ho tumey sai baba darshan mila muj kab milega aur kab meri beti ko lekar sai darshan ke liye jawu waha jake meri beti ko sai ke me dalu aur ashirwad kab lu sochrahi hun bt abhi meri beti choti hai jane ka mushkil bi ye soch ki chup bi hun time bi nai milra
    om sai ram

    Offline sunita d/obhuvana

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #147 on: June 25, 2013, 03:40:03 AM »
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  • hmma tho muj bi jarur baba help karenge na ashirwad karenge na i am waiting baba kab ashirwad dega beti ko muje aur husband ko sab prbolm solve kab karega baba plz pyar me
    om sai ram

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #148 on: August 03, 2013, 02:26:40 PM »
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  • jai sainath...jai jai sainath...

    i also wanna share one of my sai experience..

    truly saibaba apne devotees k sath humesha hai..actually it was my exam for which i was preparing for 2 month...exam tha ssc ka...which was scheduled to be on 14th of april sunday...but exam k 2days pehle pata chala ki exam postpone hogya hai...i got little upset mjhe laga exam jaldi hojata to acha tha...but itz ohk i get into prepration...but juz exam k 1 din pehle...mai shani temple se araha tha on bike...and something fell in ma eye...i washed my eyes alot...eye drops bhi use kia...but kuch farak nahi pada...the whole night i was in pain...ankho se pani nikal raha tha and situation was really worst...den in morng mjhe doctor k pass jana pada...den he checked my eyes...removed the foreign particle...nd gave me some medicine...den i got relax..nd usne mjhe rest k liye bola....jab mai eyes check kara k araha tha...den i thought ki aaj to mera exam hota but postpone hone ki wajah se aaj nai hai...aur agar hota to mai kaise de pata xam...mere liye xam dena impossible tha due to my eye....fir maine sai baba ko thnx kaha and sachii ...sai aap great ho apko sab pata tha...aapne meri help ki...

    thank you sai baba...bas humesha humare sath rehna sai baba...and mera vo kaam bana do sai baba plz..plz mjhe mera pyar dedo baba...mana lo uske gharwalo ko humare rishte k liye plz sai baba..

    om sai ram..

    Offline Kumar Sujan

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    Re: My experiences with Baba
    « Reply #149 on: August 27, 2014, 10:50:25 PM »
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  • Due to pressing issues at home, I couldn't go to Shirdi over the past few months. As I go every month, I was feeling quite depressed.
    Then on Guru Poornima , July 12, 2014, I decided to go in spite of my knowing that Shirdi would have countless visitors on that day.

    I arrive in Shirdi at 7 AM and saw queues more than a mile long for Darshan. So I decided to go to Dwarka Mai using a by lane. There too there was a very very long queue. I know that my Baba only looks for simple pure love from His devotees.  So I decided to stand at a distance from the gate to Dwarka Mai and tried to catch a glimpse of Sai Baba's face in the picture placed at the spot in Dwarka Mai, where Baba always sat.

    I looked and looked but couldn't get a clear view owing to crowds inside. I stood saying SAI, SAI, SAI.  Suddenly I saw a FLASH OF LIGHT from the direction of Sai Baba-s face in the picture placed there.
    I thought I was imagining this. I stood there and continued looking at the FLASH. It remained exactly there for over one full minute. I THEN KNEW BABA SAI WAS SHOWING ME HIS FACE.

    My heart's desire was fulfilled. I said my Pranaams to Baba and walked to the nearby KHANDOBA Temple, where Baba first arrived. Prayed there and started back for Mumbai, fully satisfied that my visit to Dwarka Mai on GURU POORNIMA DAY this year was blessed.



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