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Offline adwaita

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Re: Baba in my dream....
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2008, 02:51:51 AM »
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  • Dear sai_nisha ji, fatima ji and marioban ji

    Thank you very much for your wishes and blessings. Sai_nisha ji baba will definetly bless you with his darshan. He never disappoints his children. Baba bless each and everyone of this forum. om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in my dream....
    « Reply #31 on: March 10, 2008, 09:07:23 AM »
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  • 3/10/2008 8:38:24 PM
    The dream goes like this…I was going somewhere alone, may be to my relatives’  house but I don’t know the correct address and hence I was just going on and on. It was very dark and no one was on the road. I was the only one on the road at that night time. After taking a turn I saw a mandir at one of the streets. The pujari was making preparations at that time. There was a big palki. It was then I saw him. His statue inside the palki. It was so white in colour. It was looking as if the moorthy was taken from milk. I just offered my prayers and proceeded with my journey. I don’t know where and why I was going. Then again I saw maharaj passing by. This time there was a big red colour throne. But baba was not sitting. It was the same pure milk white statue. The idol was simply moving. It was so lively. Baba was watching me and smiling like anything. He was very much happy. I just stood there watching him and then from the throne he blessed me and took some cloth from his shoulder which was white as well. And then he began to sit on the throne, after giving a blow with that cloth, like people often do before sitting on some stone. There ends my dream. Hope he forgives me for all my ignorance and stupidity to fight with him. Om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #32 on: June 24, 2008, 02:38:19 AM »
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  • 6/23/2008 8:13:26 PM

    These days I was not eating properly (not dieting  :)). Although I can see the anger on his face, I said I can’t help because I wasn’t feeling hungry. This morning got up early and went to shivalaya, after the archana came home and when I was lighting lamps without eating anything I saw the change in his face. After that I had my breakfast. Then at 2pm I was feeling very sleepy and slept without having lunch. It was then I got this dream – ‘nanna and I were sitting on some steps beside each other. There were so many people around, they were talking in some other language which I couldn’t understand. There were small stones rolling and falling but no stone could hit me. A very small one came and hit on his head. Then I touched his head and asked whether he got hurt. He said no. there was no conversation between us. Everything was in sign language from his side. I don’t know why he was not talking to me but I can see only love in his eyes. He was so happy and eyes filled with full of love. Then a lady brought some rotis and gave it to him. He asked her ‘mataji sabji kahan hai?’ then she said ‘roti ke andar hi hai’ and left. He turned towards me and gave those rotis to me. I asked him to eat first, then he refused and just kept the plate in my hands. The rotis were so hot and warm and also sweet. I ate half and gave it to some other girl who was sitting behind me and told her to leave few for nanna. She said ok, when she was eating I told her ‘now let the old man eat some’ when we turned back I couldn’t see nanna. He was gone. I went in search of him; it was like some bus stand. I saw him going and also saw my pet dog which was dead 3yrs back along with him. He took my pet dog and went somewhere. I understood that my pet was with him and nanna is taking good care of him. Then I went in search of him on my vehicle crying ‘nanna, nanna’ loudly. I saw one more fakir but he wasn’t looking like nanna. When he said it’s him, then I didn’t believe and went ahead. I searched and searched crying but couldn’t find him. Later I came to my room and saw the photos of gods talking to me saying he is here with me. But still I was crying.’ When I got up I was still crying taking his name. Quickly I went and had my lunch. But it was so very true. I never saw nanna this closely in any of my dreams. The best one I ever had  :-*.

    Offline saisan

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #33 on: June 26, 2008, 12:35:20 AM »
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  • om sai ram
    ur blessed as baba spoke to u.U shud realize that baba never liked any one remember when ever u skip baba will get angry so eat the food for the sake of Sai.
    he had showed his love towards u that he also takes care even for ur food.Baba is simply great
    Om sai ram.
    ॐ साई ॐ साई ॐ साई

    Offline seeker80

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #34 on: August 29, 2008, 08:14:06 AM »
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    I got this dream yesterday which was scary at first but then it was

    very comforting.I just wanted to share it with all my SAI Dwarkamai friends.

    I was lying on my soft at my apartment in USA with my face

    towards the ceiling.My Dad & my brother were there in the

    house as well.

    Suddenly a very ferocious looking black dog just came and

    jumped on me.He opened his wide mouth with dangerous

    looking teeth and grabbed my upper arm.The whole

    circumference of my arm was inside his mouth with his teeth

    threatening to rip it apart.I was very scared & started

    calling out to my dad & brother.My Dad came and grabbed his

    tail & tried to pull him away from me.But to everyones

    surprise he just ignored my dad & didnt budge an inch.   
    The dog just lay there with its mouth cluching my arm &

    even I didnt move an inch thinking that if I did so he

    would just take away my arm.So for a few minutes both of us

    remained in the same position.Then I looked into his eyes &

    he into mine.

    Then suddenly I remembered our Sai Baba and started

    chanting his name & calling out to him.Then a strange

    calmness came inside me.Automatically I came to know why

    the dog was doing this.I could read the dog's mind.The dog

    was a pet of a family from India.He loved his master

    alot.But his master sometime back left India & came to

    USA.The dog was not able to bear this seperation.So he

    decided to come to USA on his own & he some how managed to

    do that!But once in USA he was totally lost and didnt know

    how to reach his masters new house.And he wanted me to take

    him there.The moment I realised the entire story the dog

    got the message that I knew what he wanted and just let go

    of my arm & sat innocently besides me.

    I was wonderstuck with my Sai Baba's love for me.I just

    knew that he will always be there with me.And then I began

    telling my brother & Dad that we had to take the dog to his

    master.They just couldnt believe what they just

    saw.Afterwards me,dad,my brother & the dog got in the car &

    started towards his masters place.I dont know how but I

    knew where his master stayed.Throughout the journey the dog

    was just hugging me & wont go to or listen to anyone

    besides me.Finally we reached his masters place & the dog

    was simply estatic to meet his master.

    I am confident that our SAI BABA is always there to help



    Offline keerthisai

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #35 on: August 29, 2008, 12:58:40 PM »
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  • Dear Sai family member,

    May be wanted you to realise that he is always with you guiding you.

    You did not know the MASTERS place where the dog wanted to go neither could you read the dogs mind, it is all BABA's guidance.

    Thanks BABA for being with all of us always.

    Thanks & rgds



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    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #36 on: September 07, 2008, 12:18:02 PM »
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  • 8/9/2008 11:23:26 PM

    Few months back I went to Vijayawada along with my dad. As the trip wasn’t planned, we didn’t get confirmed tickets while returning. I told him the list of my problems and left everything to him. Everything did go smooth but while returning we just got RAC and the tickets were not confirmed. The TC promised us to give a seat if no one got up in the next station. We both were so tired and I just wanted to lie down at any cost but we both got only one berth. However I tried to adjust but it was difficult and not comfortable. So I asked my dad to sleep while I sat at corner leaning. It was almost midnight and all the seats were filled up. And I started fighting with him. When the next station arrived a family came, they were having a small baby along with them. An old person was sleeping on the lower berth which belonged to that family. The old person’s berth was the upper one. He couldn’t request that lady to occupy the upper one as she was having a baby neither he could take it as he was having a problem climbing it. I was watching everything silently. The old person calmly lied down leaving the upper berth, which no one would do. He didn’t even ask any of the passengers to exchange his berth. The TC came to know this and asked any one of us to go there. We had a smooth night and journey. My faith may shackle now and then without any good reason but he never breaks his promise, once we leave everything to him. Baba bless all. Om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #37 on: September 07, 2008, 12:18:33 PM »
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  • 7/22/2008 2:18:33 PM

    Guru purnima celebrations 2008

    I got up in the morning, and went to nanna at 4:45am. The pujari still didn’t come. Temple was locked and after few minutes one guy who usually attends aarati came and opened the doors. He asked me to come inside. We both were the first persons to see him. The lights were still not on. That guy got busy in other preparations. I stood there watching nanna. It was not at all a statue. Although he remains awake while his kids are sleeping the whole night, his face exactly resembled as if a cute little kid has got up from sleep just now. After the kakad aarati there was a huge puja performed for 1000 small pots which had water mixed with ginger and some other things. It was announced that abhishekam will be performed for baba with those 1000 kalash. After my turn the pujari asked me to stay beside baba and manage the queue. I was so near him, continuously looking at him and talking to him. By the time the 1000 pots were over it was mid day. I thought it would have been great if they also do it with milk but time was running away. No sooner did I think like that, the pujari handed me a packet of milk and asked me to pour over baba and clean him properly.

    At 12:30pm there was annadanam. The pujari insisted that I should have my lunch there but there was heavy rush and no place to go inside. Even my mom was also waiting for me for a long time. I decided to have my lunch at home and return soon but when I went home, I learnt that my mom was still there at temple. I went back again and found her coming out of temple without having food as there was heavy rush. The annadanam was also going on at a separate place arranged for donors. I thought of giving a try as nanna called me back. We went there and the person recognized me and took us inside. This is how we had baba’s Prasad this time though I missed last time.

    In the evening we distributed Prasad and the palki seva was excellent. I touched him and his small moorthy was wrapped with the shawl which I bought at shirdi. Was happy to attend all the aratis. The day before it rained very heavily, all the devotees prayed that the program should be successful at any cost and without doubt there was no rain the next day. Everyone was so confident that he will not disappoint his kids. After and all he is our lord and the only person who really cares about his kids. Baba bless all. om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #38 on: September 07, 2008, 12:19:05 PM »
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  • 7/13/2008 10:25:18 PM

    My trip to shirdi for the 3rd time was great without doubt, with full of nice experiences which increased my bondage with him. This time I didn’t keep any conditions, just wanted to pray and pray. This trip is special to me as I reached shirdi on Thursday. We went for the afternoon aarati. Being Thursday it was very much crowded. First when I saw him in the tv, nanna was looking beautiful as usual. I was waiting eagerly to meet him. After few minutes they started making preparations for the aarati. I was just watching him, talking to him whatever came in my mind and suddenly as if giving response to my answers the pujari comes and puts on a red color shawl upon him which was matching with my dress color. As they change the shawl for every aarati, earlier he was wearing pink. I wanted to run to him and hug him tightly. After the aarati when we went near nanna I just kept on watching him. This feeling can not be described, everyone of us might have experienced this, when we are right in front of nanna. No one disturbed me then. I just called him again and again. Forgot myself, didn’t care for anything nor for any wishes. Just saw him on and on. Stood there for a while like this then the pujari threw a garland upon me, it was then I came to my senses. I still didn’t want to move from there but slowly made my move with little steps, and after that again one more garland came and fell upon me. My mother was about to remove it from me and one more came down on me. I was left speechless, with three garlands. Gave him my prayers and don’t know when tears came rolling down. Sobbed like anything. Meanwhile I forgot to give the shawl which we bought. I again went to show the shawl while my parents were waiting outside for me. After giving when I turned to go out I saw a person dressed like baba holding a flag. He was like some guruji. I didn’t know what to say. He just saw me and said ‘om sai ram’ I also said the same. I touched his hand, and took his blessings. Didn’t see his face clearly. No one observed him that much. I also didn’t turn back after taking his blessings.   

    The same evening nanna reminded me of chavadi procession. Although I knew about it I somehow forgot as we were very tired by evening. Suddenly I remembered at 8pm and when we asked a person, he advised us to go to dwarakamai rite away. We went there and sat rite in front of gate no.1, waiting for the procession to take place. After all the arrangements, we got good places to view each and everything clearly. Then it started…….i have no words to describe it. The drums, bells and everything it was just amazing. My mother and I was discussing just how lucky were the small kids who danced for those sounds. Right at that movement I thought that after this, even if anything happens to me then its ok as I have seen the chavadi procession. It was wonderful. After everything was over, the pujari came out with a packet of Prasad which he threw and it just reached my mom. The next day also we had nice darshan. This time we went to the Samadhi line. I bent and touched the Samadhi and when I got up I saw a packet of Prasad for me. He made everything smooth and blessed me with a wonderful darshan. This time we also had a good darshan and puja in trayambak. The place was amazing like heaven on earth.

    baba bless all
    om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #39 on: September 07, 2008, 12:19:34 PM »
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  • 6/4/2008 4:22:46 PM

    Nanna wanted me to meet a saint and go along with my friend. I never had any idea how I would go and meet that saint. As nanna is against horoscopes and astrology, I didn’t want to go. But nanna made me understand that that person is just a messenger and he may tell me something regarding worshiping lords. I don’t know how it happened, all of the sudden archi my friend got ready to come along with me to a place which was 20kms away. She is the one who initiated the thought. She already had so many problems at home but still she was ready to come along with me. I feel good to have a friend like her and also feel guilty that because of me she had to face troubles. However we both girls decided to go there leaving everything to god. No parent will send their daughter that far if they come to know this. But we girls left everything to god and went there without any problem. Nanna was there along with us throughout the journey. Actually I thought of going alone, but nanna however arranged me some company. I was not interested upon what that person would say about my future and likewise he didn't say anything about my future but he asked me to go to murugan’s temple for 4 weeks and prescribed me to worship nagadeva on nagapanchami day(the same day). It was Tuesday when we went. May be that’s the reason. But while returning, I thought what’s the use. We come this long in hot sun but don’t know whether this is any useful. Why did he want me to meet this person. I just thought what is the necessity for me and for that girl to come this long and go in hot sun. why should we suffer. I don’t see nanna’s pic anywhere around, then all of the sudden I just saw nanna in physical form. He was going in the same direction. Archi said ‘ look at him, we girls are on vehicle but still we feel disgusted while he is walking in the hot sun with barefoot.’ Then it struck me that he too is suffering along with me. I felt terrible to see him suffering. I just saw his barefoot and it pierced my heart. I do not wanted to stop and look back at him I don’t know why. I couldn’t face him. Then a thought arise that I should see one more saffron wearing person coming in my opposite direction. No sooner did the thought even crossed my mind, I see a person. I have no more words. True that I love him, but I can not match his love with mine. His love for me is a ton times heavier than mine. om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #40 on: September 07, 2008, 12:19:57 PM »
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  • Recently I went to the movie narnia. The movie was good. I was waiting for aslan through out the movie, whenever any situation abt saving comes I thought abt my god. I saw god in aslan. Like my god, aslan had all the nature under his control. He was calm and undisturbed. He roars with anger and there will be a nature calamity. His breath has the power to make any one alive. It was like my god in front. There was one situation when the narnians fight against the soldiers. The narnians has to lose and at the climax each and every narnian strive hard to save their soil till death. They go on fighting but innumerable soldiers keep on coming. It was like impossible for them. It was a 1:4 ratio. But still the narnians do not accept the defeat and continue their faith that at any movement their god is going to come. Even the audience think it’s impossible for them to win. When everything becomes too critical, then comes the god aslan. He doesn’t even come to the battle field, he just roars from a distance place and the nature wakes up. The whole nature is under his control. The trees, river fight for the narnians. And with in seconds the enemies were gone. I felt amazed when I saw god’s answer. It was unimaginable. Then I understood this is how god answers. This is how he saves his kids, this is my god. om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #41 on: September 07, 2008, 12:20:26 PM »
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  • 5/19/2008 5:39:17 PM

    One day I attended an interview. But it’s all very clear that the company was so fake. They took my certificates, no pay for first 6 months. They said they will train us but even after 3 months of joining we didn’t get the training. The training was in vijayawada. Also there was a bond for 3 years. I never wanted to join but when I asked baba he always wanted me to. Sending me signals all the time. I do not like to go against him and however joined in it. Stayed in vijayawada for 3months. But I always wanted to come back. I left everything to baba. I told him ‘when you are responsible for all this, you only should bring me out of this if something goes wrong’. Although I wasn’t at all satisfied with the company I got good friends and had good time with them. Vijayawada is famous for kanaka durga devi. So many people would come from very distance places for the darshan and here I would go now and then. That was the only good thing. After few days I could no more stay there, and came back to vizag after taking baba’s permission, also we had plans to go to Malaysia. After coming back to India I begged him not to send me back and he agreed for that. But I had my certificates, the bond and everything. It was all a big headache. Was not having any clue how would I get them back. I used to spend all my days and nights with lot of tensions. But somewhere I had the feeling that he will take care of everything. And one day all of the sudden I got the news that they are returning certificates if employees no more wish to stay with the company. It was a surprise to me. Then my dad and I went to vijayawada to get the certis. As we had lot of time we wanted to have maa’s darshan and upon reaching there, we learnt that the road way was blocked and we had to go by steps. Every time I used to go by bus along with my friends but this time we went by steps. Everything went on well and finally by baba’s grace my worries were gone. I understood that he wanted me to stay at maa’s place for 3 months. And right after reaching home, in the star plus serial baba asks one of his devotees ‘kya tum pahad chad kar maa ka darshan kiya?’ only baba knows his leelas. Baba bless everyone. Om sai ram.
    « Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 03:15:50 AM by adwaita »

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #42 on: September 07, 2008, 12:21:00 PM »
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  • 3/10/2008 8:50:07 PM

    Nanna once again showed this miracle to boost up my confidence. This incident happened recently when I along with my family went to Malaysia to drop my sister. After few days we all planned to go to Thailand. After reaching Thailand we spent one day and had a good time. The problem started when we were returning form Thailand. Because of some irresponsible and weak checking by the Malaysian security people my sister had to suffer. They did not allow my sister to enter into Malaysia as she shouldn’t because of the single entry visa. People shouldn’t allow her to go out of Malaysia in the first case. Had they warned us earlier we would have returned back to their home. as we were having our return flight the next day we had to leave my sister, bro-in-law and their kid who is just 9months of age at the border. We came back but were tensed like anything. No one had any idea when they would come back to Malaysia. Before leaving, my bil said that they don’t know when they are going to come back so he asked us to carry on. We were traveling but all our thoughts were about them. my mind was blank at that time. Then I started sai naam jap. I told him, they should come back the next day same time. Until then I will do the naam jap. After 3hours of our journey, it started raining very heavily. In spite of heavy rain every vehicle was going on high speed. All of the sudden the car which was traveling before us lost control and was moving from left to right and right to left as in movies. I was shocked to see that scene. And we were lucky that the bus driver did not apply sudden breaks. He just slowed down the bus but still couldn’t miss to hit the car. By baba’s grace no injuries in the bus and in addition no vehicle was behind us. But the person in car had small injuries. He was unconscious. It took about half an hour to clear everything. Baba saved us. We reached home and I continued my naam jap. As soon as we reached home, I called my bil’s mobile and I couldn’t believe my ears. He said they were on the way to home. I just felt like crying. It was really a miracle. Otherwise no one guaranteed us that they would come soon. And after few minutes they  reached home. I never thought I would see them before coming back to India. That’s our nanna. They were able to return back just because of an Indian officer who is settled in Malaysia. He gave them a special pass and made my jeeju to file a case against the officer who didn’t warn us earlier about the single entry. I know its none other than our maharaj. baba please take care of your kids likewise every time. He’s always there wherever we go.   
    om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #43 on: September 07, 2008, 12:22:12 PM »
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  • These days I am developing good habits like offering baba before eating anything. Earlier I used to forget no matter how much I wanted to remember but I am trying to not forget about the offering. Also I am keeping Prasad for baba everyday. The Prasad is a home made sweet which my mom sent me as I am living away from home. For 2 or 3 days I didn’t offer the sweet to baba. Later when I was asking him something in the question and answers book, he replied, asking me to offer him sweets. I just thought of buying sweet and give it as Prasad in the near by masjid. I had no clue that he was talking about the daily offering of sweet. While discussing something with my friend, she said another friend of us came to our room before leaving to office and she saw my pooja shelf and asked why I didn’t offer sweet to baba that day. Then it striked my stupid brain. The prefect guide. om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #44 on: September 07, 2008, 12:23:47 PM »
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  • 10/15/2007 9:54:59 PM

    On October 1st, 07 we left to tirupati. All these days baba was there with me all the time. I saw him each and everywhere whenever I thought about him. While going, whenever I thought about him and asked him to show his presence I can see him right outside from the train. The train reminds me of the train tickets. While making the reservations, we booked a/c for tirupati-shirdi and shirdi-vijayawada. But however something went wrong and only the tickets for shirdi-vijayawada were booked on 3rd a/c. I thought there might be some genuine reason otherwise, how can it happen. Now back to tirupati, I requested baba right from the beginning that I should have a blissful darshan of lord balaji as it is very difficult to stand and watch him at least for 30secs, but baba blessed me with a wonderful darshan of Sri Venkateshwara swami. Later when we went to kalahasthi, I requested him the same. Now how can he say ‘no’, I stood in front of the handsome man shiva for more than 1 minute and when I wanted to thank our deva, he was right in front of me over a hundi in the form of smallllll picture which is very hard to locate. We exchanged smiles  Cheesy and left.

    While going from tirupati-shirdi, all of the sudden I was affected with cold and headache and never got time to grab a tablet. Then I understood the reason for not getting a/c tickets. See how he takes care…. The care taker….the omnipresent. Had we gone in a/c I would have suffered with fever. I still had headache and slight fever when I got down in shirdi. I wanted to run to him as soon as I got down but couldn’t make it. I was a bit upset that night and felt like crying. My mom was also disappointed and feared whether we could at least have a darshan because as we know without his will nothing can even move. That night I got a dream where I saw a framed photo of baba. Tears were flowing from the photo. Then I understood, he was as unhappy as I. The next day to my surprise I was completely alright. From that day we went for aarathis and so many darshans. Saw him on and on till I was satisfied. Prayed for my family and my sai family to the fullest.

    While leaving from home, I wished baba that we should be wearing matching-matching. But I was disappointed as our dresses never matched. While returning, the cab driver stopped (which is rare I think) at a local baba temple in kopergaon. It is the place where first baba was noticed. Ah! There I saw matching-matching hehe. Touched his feet, kissed them. Got the feeling that he is so near to me. Let my love for you overflow in the form of my tears and wash your holy feet baba. Bless everyone with your wonderful darshan. Let us all come to our heaven shirdi at least once in year.
    om sai ram.


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