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Offline adwaita

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Re: Baba in our dreams....
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2008, 12:24:55 PM »
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  • I know my baba would never go against my wish. My oath still continued and day by day I became more careful. Because of my personal problems I thought of going to baba's temple every Sunday and go for 108 pradarshanas. I wish to serve baba every week. As soon as I enter the temple I feel like I am going to my mother’s place which is dwarakamai. Dwarakamaai will ward off everyone’s dangers and will protect her children. One first Sunday I thought of going to babas mandir. But I was lazy to get up.  Thought will sleep for few more hours being Sunday. However I got a call at 8 am which was a wrong number. I still didn’t get up. At 8:30 am I got one more call from some bank. I talked to the person but I didn’t get up and went back to sleep out of drowsiness. At 10am I got a dream where I ate paneer by mistake and was crying like anything thinking that everything is over and now my wish will never fulfill. I got afraid so much that I got up all of the sudden just to know that it was a dream. Then I realized that this is one of baba’s ways to keep his kids in discipline. I realized my mistake and rushed to mandir and prayed that It should not be closed till I finished my pradarshanas and obviously it didn’t. That is how my god is. om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #46 on: September 07, 2008, 12:25:32 PM »
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  • Last Thursday when I started doing parayanam I wanted to make rawa halwa and distribute it as Prasad in baba’s mandir. My mom and I went for the evening aarathi. As I didn’t go to baba since two weeks I thought baba will be angry with him and I was sure that he will not accept the flowers which I take to the mandir usually. Every week the pujari decorates baba with the flowers (big red ones, may be they blossom only for baba) which I bring. The pujari decorates in such a way that, Baba looks wonderful with white garlands and red flowers in between the garlands. I will try to take a photo and shall share with you all. Now coming back, I asked baba to accept the flowers and Prasad and not be angry. When I gave the flowers the pujari took them and placed all of them at baba’s feet but he didn’t place them in between the garlands like every time. Then I knew baba was annoyed with me. I asked him what I should do to please you, why didn’t you take my flowers to your heart. And after few minutes the aarathi started, I was singing as usual with so much bliss but was teasing baba Wink ke aap jaldi chid jaathe ho. Rootna koi aap se seekhe. Then the pujari picked up the rose flower, which I brought, from baba’s feet and placed it near his heart. Hehe I felt like going near him, give him a tight hug and kiss him. He too was smiling at me, and was looking so cute  Kiss.

    Now the Prasad distribution. I wished to distribute it with my own hands. But the pujari gave me some other work that day. It was for 30minutes. I too forgot about the Prasad distribution. Then asked my mom to collect the vessel so that we can make a move. When I went to check for it, as I expected, the Prasad box remained there untouched by any one. The temple members were distributing all the Prasads from all the cans, boxes etc except mine. Then I distributed it and came back happily laughing myself inside. Only baba knows what happened between us that evening and now my dearest sai bandhus also knew. Om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #47 on: September 07, 2008, 12:26:02 PM »
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  • Gurupoornima celebrations

    Although gurupoornima was celebrated on 29th july at most of the places, it was celebrated on july 30th at the new masjid. The pujari asked all the devotees to come as early as possible to do panchamrutha abhishekham with their own hands. I went to the masjid at 5:30am. It was already full and crowded. There was a shelter where the entire crowd stood to watch the abhishekham, and also there was a biiiiiig queue. If I go into the crowd then no doubt I would feel suffocated and would have fallen down of dizziness. Hence baba kept me at a place where I can see him and also where there is some air for breathing. I couldn’t see baba for at least 30mins. Then I said ‘it’s your day today and still I haven’t seen you. You are become a very busy man. After few minutes I was able to see only baba’s face from a small gap. And as soon as I saw him, I saw him smiling too much that I at once saw his teeth too hehe. For one moment I got tears in my eyes. Other people near me were very cooperative, which resulted in a peaceful and satisfied darshan. Everyone in the line was continuously pouring the milk over baba. When my turn came I took the glass of milk and poured on him. And hugged him from behind and at that time no one was pouring milk otherwise all the milk would have fallen on me. Then I holded his feet, saw him till my eyes got the satisfaction. After few minutes I again got the chance of palabhishekham.

    Baba was looking so wonderful in the evening, in pink dress, rose garland, new singhasan, flowers everywhere. He was soooooooo I am not getting the exact word. When the evening arathi was about to start I went and sat in the 2nd row. No one was actually in the 1st row. I thought I will move there after the arathi begins as I would be in the middle of the way if I am in the first row. But one woman continuously asked me to move to the 1st row. I don’t know why this happens every time I sit in the 2nd row. May be baba has fixed my constant place in the masjid. Later, I volunteered for few hours. I consider it a great blessing from baba. One more girl and I were taking care of the queue while an old man was not moving forward and he was talking to some person. Then the girl said “I know him, he has got this habit of talking for hours” then I smiled for her joke looking at him. All of the sudden he came to me and said om sai ram. I too said om sai ram. He felt happy and said you are a good devotee. At that very moment I got baba’s gift for me  Smiley. We got the pleasure of watching baba’s palki procession. Just want to say that today is one of the bestttttt days in my life. My heart was filled with so much bliss and happiness. My eyes wanted to see him, see him and see him Kiss. Baba bless everyone on this auspicious day. Om sai ram.     

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #48 on: September 07, 2008, 12:26:32 PM »
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  • Naming ceremony

    My niece’s naming ceremony was decided on aug 5th, hence I went to baba’s mandir and told him everything and invited him to our home. I also asked him to take care of everything. On the D- day my cousin gifted the baby a small ring, I was thinking that it should have baba in it and when opened……. Who else could it be? I saw our cute baba smiling at me. I felt very happy and told my mom, he has already arrived  Smiley.

    After some time, as the climate was very cool and cloudy, it started drizzling and everyone was so sure that it would rain continuously for the whole day. I went out and saw that the rain was becoming heavy. I remembered our sai and asked to stop it soon. If the rain continues, it would be a big mess. I asked him to take care and came inside and forgot completely about the rain as I know my sai would take care about it. And also it really did not bother me much. After a while, I was not surprised to see a clear sky when I came out  Cheesy hehe my cute sai. Through out the day it never rained. In addition there was a cool breeze. And no wonder it rained continously today.

    In the afternoon, we found a pendant missing from the gold chain of our baby. What worried me most is that, it is the first pendant bought and most importantly it was our sai’s. I told him ‘you came and you went away, why so?’ my sister and I were very much disappointed. We couldn’t search the house as there were so many guests. But still made some effort to search now and then. The news troubled me very much. I felt sad and don’t know what to say. I just went on saying ‘you came and went away’. In the evening when we all gave up hopes, my sister still had some inner voice saying that we will definitely get it. She groomed under the sofa and found it. As soon as she found it, she kissed it. I was excited, jumping, clapping and doing everything out of joy. I took it from her and kissed it. Then we started praising our lord and his power. One more in the list of beautiful experiences. My lovely baba. Om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #49 on: September 07, 2008, 12:27:05 PM »
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  • I am copying my precious memos from my dairy to increase faith upon baba. Remembering baba's leelas again and again makes us stronger. The date and time are when I have written these experiences. Please read these few drops from the ocean of baba's leelas.

    12/22/2006 3:11:11 AM

    When I was studying mca I thought of leaving cottage cheese (panneer) to baba unless I pass. Finally we got our results and because of babas grace I passed and got good marks. Baba bless all. om sai ram.
    « Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 05:45:35 AM by adwaita »

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #50 on: September 07, 2008, 12:27:47 PM »
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  • As I mentioned earlier that I took an oath to leave panneer unless I pass my exams and get good marks. During this time we went to shirdi. We went to a restaurant after the darshan. I ordered a mixed veg curry in which grated panneer is added, which I am not aware of. And I noticed it after a while, but I already ate the curry. I was very worried that my pledge has been broken. I thought I might have not passed and how can something like this happen during an auspicious  day of baba’s darshan. But later on I came to know that our results are out by that time and I was passed with good marks. This is how baba gave me a treat with my favorite dish. I remembered one of the chapters of SSC where a devotee is given handful of sugar which he gives up to save the expenses of his trip to shirdi. Baba bless everyone. om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #51 on: September 07, 2008, 12:28:14 PM »
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  • 9/8/2007 5:22:16 AM

    Before March 2007, I used to go to a masjid which is some 5km from our home. That masjid is very big and had a big idol of our beautiful baba. I liked it so much that I continued going there every week for the noon arati. Now that we have the new masjid near our home, I have stopped going there. Every Wednesday they used to clean and wash the whole masjid. Unfortunately I couldn’t take part in that deed. After the arati, the pujari asks everyone to sit down, men in the left side and women in the right side. He used to tell us all the incidents from satcharitra, also few people used to describe their experiences with baba. Whatever Prasad was brought was mixed all together, like rice+curd+sambar+chapati etc. it contained all the tastes, sweet, sour etc. the first time when I took the Prasad I did not like the taste, to be honest, as it was mixed with curd and as well as sambar. And one after noon a handful of Prasad was given, I used to finish all the chapatti pieces first and eat the remaining curd+sambar mixed rice with so much dislike. Used to ask him ‘if I don’t like it then why are you forcing it to me’. I believe eating like that is as equal to throwing it away. I felt helpless, couldn’t make my stupid brain understand. The next week I thought of avoiding the Prasad as they were distributing so many kinds. Thought of accepting one variety. I don’t wanted to take that whole mixture so I was about to move aside from it, one woman was after me to take it when I hesitated, she said ‘this is the main Prasad, you can not avoid it’. I know I will somehow get a blasting from him since I was behaving like an idiot. Then I took it from her and while returning, I saw one big picture of baba in which he was laughing naughtily. I understood his look which was like ‘acha hua, you deserve it’.  What to do now I have to eat it, no matter how much he teases me and when I ate it I found only chapatti pieces in it and not that much of mixed rice. Got my lesson for that day that our tongue should know no taste but we are helpless humans anyhow, forgive me for that baba. om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #52 on: September 07, 2008, 12:28:54 PM »
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  • I posted a topic yesterday regarding Sai naam jap. Below is the link to the post.

    Usually after visiting our forums, I read satcharitra and go to bed. So yesterday after posting the post I read chapters 18 and 19. And I came across a paragraph where it struck me like a flash. I asked baba for his blessing and this is how he replied.

    This is the paragraph which I found in chapters 18 and 19
    “It is interesting to note how Sai Baba encouraged good thoughts. You have to surrender yourself completely to Him with love, and devotion, and they you will see how, He helps you, off and on, in so many things. Some Saint has said, that when you get a good thought, immediately after awakening from sleep, and if you develop the same afterwards during the day, your intellect will be unfolded and your mind will attain calmness. Hemadpant wanted to try this. On one Wednesday night before going to bed, be thought - "To-morrow is Thursday - an auspicious day and the place, viz. Shirdi, is so holy; so let me pass the whole day in remembering and chanting the Rama-nama, and then he slept. Next morning when he got up he remembered without any effort the name of Rama and was much pleased. He then, after finishing his morning duties, went to see Baba with flowers. When he left Dixit's Wada, and was just passing Booty's Wada (present Samadhi-mandir) he heard a beautiful song that was being sung nicely by one Aurangabadkar, in the Masjid before Baba. The song was Guru - kripanjan payo mere bhai" etc. by Ekanath, in which he says that he got collyrium in the form of Guru's grace which opened his vision and made him see Rama, in and out, in sleep, dream, and waking state and everywhere. There were so many songs; and why was this song particularly chosen by Aurangabadkar, a devotee of Baba? Is this not a curious coincidence arranged by Baba to feed the determination of Hemadpant to sing unceasingly Rama-nama, during the day?
    All Saints agree on and lay stress upon the efficacy of uttering Rama's (God's) name, in fulfilling the ambitions of the Bhaktas and in protecting and saving them from all calamities.”

    Nothing to say other than Om sai ram.

    Offline adwaita

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #53 on: September 07, 2008, 12:29:23 PM »
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  • Recently I wanted to prepare rice pudding and distribute it as prasad in the new masjid. While preparing I thought I should be given the chance to distribute it myself and told baba about my wish. Generally all the prasadams are distributed by the committee members. And every week the pujari gives me either pedas or halwa (brought by some other devotees) to be distributed inside the masjid. I feel myself lucky for getting this chance. That day he sent all the prasadams outside and gave me pedas to distribute inside the masjid. I was distributing the Prasad and reminded baba about my wish. After few minutes the pedas were over, I went out to check whether the rice pudding was already distributed. But it was left out separately only for me by our deva where as the rest are already taken care of. I felt very happy after finding it. I gave the Prasad with my own hands and returned. Baba bless all. Om sai ram.

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #54 on: September 07, 2008, 12:30:00 PM »
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  • I always wished to distribute prashadam with my own hands, where as it is really not possible in the new masjid, as it is done by the temple members. Even I never told the pujari that I will distribute it myself. I left it to baba and thought if he wills, then he will allow me. It was ugadi (New Year of andraities); I went to baba in the morning. Baba was looking wonderful on that day. I wish to stand there day and night watching baba who was looking wonderful with a new circlet and so many garlands and beautiful flowers, I thought I would again come that evening. When this thought crossed my mind, during the darshanam, the pujari asked me to come in the evening as well. On that day the pujari arranged a very huge amount of prashadam. His desire was to distribute it till evening. The evening I went to masjid for the aarathi. The pujari specially called me and asked me to distribute prashadam till it is completed. I became very happy as baba listened to me and used the pujari as a source. Being ugadi, there was large number of devotees who came to the masjid. I went on and on distributing the prashadam for nearly 3 hours. I stayed there till my legs began to pain. From that day onwards I became a constant member for distributing the prashadam. 4 weeks back the pujari asked me to distribute it in the masjid itself, although the new masjid is a bit small, where as two more girls are given the duty of the prashadam at the outerspace. I thanked baba from the core of my heart for listening to every wish of mine. om sai ram.

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #55 on: September 07, 2008, 12:31:07 PM »
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  • One day I was very unhappy and disappointed, as something went wrong and didn’t happen as it was expected. I was sad and cried for two days and began to blame baba for everything. I couldn’t console myself and kept on thinking on and on about what went wrong and why didn’t it happen. I asked baba why he didn’t help me. All the time he comforted me saying that he was there with me but still I was unhappy. From that day, whenever I saw baba’s photo, it looked as if he was also crying along with me. But still I was not ready to listen to him. I became mad and kept on asking him why why and why. Then on Sunday night I was watching sai baba serial. I got a message from baba through that serial. Baba said ‘kuch logon ko apne karmon ke wajah se dukh ko sehana padtha hai. Woh log maalik ko dosh deten hain. Jab maalik ko aise kehten hain tab maalik bahut dukhi hota hai aur unhi ke saath rotha hai’ it was then I got my lesson. I realized my mistake and begged baba to forgive me but to be with me forever. My mind became calm. I couldn’t console myself but baba consoled me through that serial. Om sai ram.     

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #56 on: September 07, 2008, 12:31:38 PM »
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  • Kakad harathi

    I usually go to evening aarathi. But that week I thought of going to kakad aarathi. Generally kakad aarathi is done followed by the abhishekham. I don’t know why, whenever I wish to perform some abhishekham for baba, it is not fulfilled. And hence I left it to baba and asked him to give me the chance when he feels like. That night I thought, if there is milk packet in the refrigerator then I will take it to the masjid otherwise I will just watch the abhishekham. Next morning, when I checked the refrigerator there was no milk packet. I thought, as baba’s wish and proceeded to the masjid without eating anything. But I was not disappointed; baba might have a better plan and a good reason for me. The aarathi was finished soon, but after the aarathi, abhishekam was done and then baba’s alankarna. This was the first time in my life to see the kakad aarathi. I felt so happy and thanked baba for allowing me to be there. I wished to stay back for the abhishekham too. Baba was so good looking in the shower of milk. It was done for 1 hour. The pujari went inside, closing the doors for the alankarna. Standing continuously for 1 and half hour I felt dizzy and went outside to sit on the steps for a while. As soon as I came out everyone in the madir, sat down singing sai jap. I got a doubt, as why baba has sent me out. I sat there praying baba to give me strength for at least 1 more hour, as I was eager to see baba’s alankarna. The whole temple consists of lord shakara, shri ramji, lalitha devi and our dear sai baba. Then a guy came to me and handed me a milk packet and asked me to give it to the pujari in the temple of lord shakara. When I hesitated, he said he shouldn’t go in and that’s the reason he is giving it to me. I went into the temple and gave the milk packet and saw the pujari performing the palabhishekham. I felt so happy for it. Every time baba guides me in praying lord shankara and now I know the reason why baba has sent me out for a while. Om sai ram.


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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #57 on: September 07, 2008, 12:32:05 PM »
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  • Blessings on my b’day

    It was my b’day, but I didn’t want to celebrate it. I got up late. I missed my friends so much on that day and hence did not feel like enjoying in their absence. Thought only baba and I will celebrate together. But baba didn’t agree. He wanted to see me happy. He gave me the chance to meet my friends although it’s very difficult for me at this situation. I got a call from one of my friends asking me to come for the party. When I hesitated and said that my parents will not allow me, she came to my house for picking me up and also promised my mom to drop me after that. By babas grace I went to the party and enjoyed a lot. When we all were talking, playing jokes and having fun, I said myself in my heart ‘baba I miss you’ and after sometime I took my friends mobile to check the photo which was shot just then. I pressed some button and all of the sudden saw baba in the mobile. I felt so happy that baba was around me and happy along with me, as it is said ‘he sings along with us, laughs along with us and cries along with us’. After coming home I thanked baba for giving me happiness after so many days, at least for few minutes. When ever I am sad or disappointed, without thinking anything I will look at baba and say ‘you don’t love me’. That night when I started reading satcharitra, I got the chapter 10. In the third parah I came across a sentence, ‘inwardly he loved adwaita’ (which is my user id). My eyes filled with tears of joy. That was my birth day present from baba. At last he said that he loves me. I also thank all my sai bandhus, especially jyothi ji for making my day, bringing me happiness on that day. Om sai ram.
    « Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 05:50:17 AM by adwaita »

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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #58 on: September 07, 2008, 12:32:29 PM »
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  • I always wait for Sunday to watch babas serial on starplus. This week I asked baba to give me a message regarding didi. Whatever baba says in that serial is directly or indirectly related to us. There is no need to think deeply about the message and try to understand it. It is all clear. Baba speaks to us directly. This week when I asked him to tell me the reason, baba said ‘mein kuch nahin kartha hoon, phir bhi sabhi mujhi ko dosh deten hain. Karmon ka phal sabhi ko bhugatna padtha hai. Sab ka malik ek’. We have asked baba so many questions and reasons; they are all because of our sadness and of our love towards our dear didi. Even baba knows that we never meant to hurt him. As his children, when such things happens we tend to go to our mother for peace and expect comfort words and he is the first person to whom we go. Baba we have accepted the truth and pray for your blessings. There is a better plan for didi from our lord and her future is in babas hands.  We as human beings may not understand our god’s logic. Baba bless all his devotees and fulfill their wishes so that there would be one day when all our sai bandhus go to the masjid with out any desires. I hope that day would be our dream day, our MAHA UNION. Om sai ram.


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    Re: Baba in our dreams....
    « Reply #59 on: September 07, 2008, 12:32:52 PM »
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  • Whenever I go out, I come across baba’s photo on or inside any vehicle mostly on autos, on the walls of a shop etc. And once I see baba, I am sure that I will achieve success that day. It is like baba blessing us and asking us to go ahead without any doubt. One day my mom and I packed all the sarees to return them to the owner. My mother generally buys sarees from an aunty. We will keep the one which we liked and return the rest. That day we took two bags full of sarees to her home. Aunt’s home was near by. But some how I felt that we may comeback as I didn’t see baba anywhere on the road. No wonder aunty was not there at her home. It was locked. We had to come back and return them the next day.

    One day I went to airtel office to keep my number in safe custody as I was not using my mobile and thought it was needless to pay the rent. But I was in a dilemma whether to disconnect my number temporarily or not. That day on the way I didn’t see baba anywhere, hence I thought that either it wont happen that day or it may be postponed to the other day or baba didn’t like this idea of mine. I went to the office and told them about my problem. The lady asked me to wait for 10 minutes. I wished to see baba in the mean time and may be baba planned this 10 minutes waiting only to show his pic. Meanwhile a person beside me was discussing about his paper bills to the same lady since long time. After few minutes his case was settled. I was looking at his mobile which I liked very much. All of the sudden I saw babas photo in his mobile. At last I got his blessings and felt happy. Although these are small leelas of baba, I wanted to share them with my sai bandhus. This shows that baba is there with us each and every minute. And it is unacceptable when people say baba is not listening to them in critical, life and death situations. When our deva takes care of us and is there even in small things like selecting a dress for us, how can’t he be there with us when we needed him badly.    om sai ram.



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