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Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2010, 10:02:57 AM »
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  • In 1909, when Dhumal was only 36 years old, his wife died an untimely death. He was young, dashing and a well-known lawyer. His friends and relatives began persuading him to get married once again. However, Dhumal was firmly of view that such a marriage was possible only if permitted by Baba. A famous lawyer from Nagpur – Bapusaheb Kinkhede – took him to Baba to seek the permission. Baba just glanced at him and Kinkhede realized that the permission has been declined. Till his death, Dhumal adhered to Baba’s wishes and remained single. He had earned a lot of fame and money in his profession. However, he gradually absolved himself of family responsibilities and turned toward Virakti.

    After the death of his wife, Dhumal concentrated his energies on further studies in the legal professional and started planning for Barrister-ship. Bapusaheb Butti showed readiness to finance his study abroad as well as expenses of Dhumal’s family in India. However, Baba declined permission saying, “Your Vilayat (England) is here only.” Dhumal adhered to Baba’s wishes.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #31 on: May 18, 2010, 10:34:42 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Thank you, dear v2birit ji.

    Dhumal sahib passed the acid test of Guru Bhakti. Staying alone all his life while he could have married again. And, giving up his studies abroad just because Baba did not want it. Such obedience to Guru's will, without any regret and remorse, requires submission of one's will entirely. That is the most difficult and fulfilling accomplishment of any disciple.

    Jai Sai Baba.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #32 on: May 18, 2010, 11:19:18 AM »
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  • Dear bhakta Drashta ji,
         Yes he obeyed his Guru very well, otherwise in young age it is very easy to get carried away by worldly passion (Maya).

    Om Sai Ram

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #33 on: May 19, 2010, 08:53:13 AM »
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  • In 1918, just prior to Baba’s Maha-nirvan, Dhumal’s sister-in-law became seriously ill at Pune. Dhumal took about Rs. 80 and set on his journey from Nasik to Pune. En-route he halted at Shirdi to avail Baba’s blessings and Udi. However, Baba took away the Rs. 80 that he had and also denied him permission to go to Pune. In the meantime, Dhumal received a telegram informing him that the lady had passed away.

    After a few days, Baba set on His last journey. Dhumal realized the reason for Baba keeping him back at Shirdi. Baba knew that the lady’s death was inevitable. Further, if he had gone to Pune, he would have missed the few last memorable days in company of Baba.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #34 on: May 19, 2010, 08:55:49 AM »
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  • After Baba’s Mahanirvan, the district court appointed 5 trustees to administer the Sansthan property. After one of the trustees expired, Dhumal was appointed in his place. In his capacity as a trustee, he used his legal knowledge and experience to set the rules and bye-laws for the Shirdi Sansthan.

    On Saturday 29th June 1940, Bhausaheb breathed his last at his own home. He always wished that at the time of his death, he should be in Shirdi. But, Baba desired otherwise.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #35 on: May 21, 2010, 09:22:32 AM »
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    Once, on Baba’s instructions, Madhavrao went to Bapusaheb Butti at Nagpur. While there, he went for the Darshan of Shri Tajuddin Baba towards the South of Nagpur.

    This is an incident after he returned to Shirdi. It was evening time. A lot of devotees were sitting around Baba. Baba enquired, ‘‘Ka Shamrao, which are all the places that you visited ?’’ “Deva, I had gone to Nagpur.” “You visited Nagpur. Then, did you see the tree of Gold towards South of Nagpur ?’’ Madhavrao had a keen sense of observation and a sharp mind. He realized that this must be a reference to Tajuddin Baba.  He promptly said, ‘‘Hoy, Deva ! I had gone for the Darshan of Tajuddin Baba at the South of Nagpur in the garden of Raghoji Raje Bhosale.’’ “And thereafter, which places did you visit ?’’ Baba asked.  Madhavrao said, “Deva, from Nagpur I went to Amravati. There Narayan Maharaj from Bet Kedgaon had arrived. I took his Darshan also.’’

    Madhavrao used to tease Baba. So he added, “Kay Deva, you know, a lot of people go to take Darshan of Narayan Maharaj” giving stress on “a lot of people”. He was anxious to know Baba’s reply to this. But, Baba was equally playful ! Initially, He did not reply at all. Madhavrao repeatedly started asking the same thing again and again. Finally, after 5-10 minutes, Baba said to him in a persuading tone, ‘‘It is like this Shamya. After all one’s father is his father. He may beat him, thrash him; but, he is the only one who will feel pity. How anyone else can have that feeling ! I am your father ! What do you have to do with anyone else ?”

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #36 on: May 21, 2010, 09:23:47 AM »
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  • Once, Madhavrao was at Nagpur with Shri Butti and the attack of piles reoccurred. Madhavrao sent a letter to Baba. Baba replied, “Ask him to come to Shirdi !” He further jokingly added, “I take utmost care of him; but he likes to roam about; does not like to come here. Send him a letter and call him here ! He will get well.”

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #37 on: May 21, 2010, 09:25:42 AM »
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  •       Once, in an angry mood, Madhavrao said, “It is we who made you God. You give money and wealth to others; but are very miserly as far as I am concerned.” Baba smiled indulgently at him and said with affection, “Are Shamya, the wealth of money is not for you. What is for you is very much different than that.” Madhavrao understood the significance of this and remained quite about the matter.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #38 on: May 24, 2010, 09:16:31 AM »
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  • Some of the devotees gave Baba things with a hope that He will bless it and return it as a Prasad. However, many times Baba – instead of returning it – passed it on to Madhavrao saying - “Keep it with you !” In this manner He handed over several articles – Vishnu-sahastra-naam Pothi, Eknathi Bhagwat Pothi, a coin having picture of Ram-Seeta-Laxman, silver Padukas, a clay statue. Sometimes, Baba said to Madhavrao, “Shamya, build My house (Devhara) and keep all these things in it.”

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #39 on: May 24, 2010, 09:16:47 AM »
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  • Baba fulfilled all demands and wishes of Madhavrao. He did not provide him wealth; but gave him enjoyment of all the things, which wealth can provide. Several pilgrimages such as Chaar Dham, Kashi, Gaya, Ayodhya, Mathura, Gokul, Ujjain, Haridwar, Prayag, Girnar are hectic and taxing money-wise. But, with Baba’s blessings, Madhavrao undertook them without any hardships.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #40 on: May 24, 2010, 09:19:08 AM »
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  • Once, Tatyasaheb Nulkar became seriously ill while in Shirdi. His last hour came near and he disclosed a desire to get holy water from Baba’s Feet. It was almost 1-1.30 in the night. Who could dare to go to Baba at such an hour ? Madhavrao got up and went to the Masjid with Pali and Panch-patra. Baba got up from His place and roared, “Who is it ?” On getting reply that “I am Shamya”, Baba said, “You came at this hour” and pretended to come to hit him. He stood on the Masjid foundation with one leg in the front.

    Madhavrao started pleading with him, “Tatyasaheb is losing his life. He is asking for the holy water from Your Feet. Please give it quickly.”

    Baba was saying “No !” and Madhavrao was daring to inch forward. Of course, as Tatyasaheb was an ardent devotee, Baba had also put forward his toe.  Madhavrao immediately dipped the toe in the water carried in Panch-patra and fulfilled the last wish of Tatyasaheb.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #41 on: May 24, 2010, 09:21:47 AM »
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  • The end of Bapusaheb Butti’s life had come very near. Madhavrao was beside him. Butti was still conscious. He called Madhavrao near him and said, “Madhavrao, now I am unable to bear the pains. It will be better if Baba takes me near His Feet. I know you very well. When I am near you, I feel as if I am near Baba’s Feet.” While uttering these words, tears were flowing from Bapusaheb’s eyes. He was overcome with emotions and placed his head on Madhavrao’s feet regarding them to be Baba’s.

    After the demise of Bapusaheb Butti, his son Shrimant Keshavrao Butti also accorded the same respect to Madhavrao. On pilgrimage tours, he used to take Madhavrao with him. Similarly, he used to welcome Madhavrao at his Nagpur house with lot of hospitality. He used to pay some amount as a monthly pension to Madhavrao till the end.  After the death of Madhavrao, some donation was given by Keshavrao Butti to Madhavrao’s son Eknath to be used for the last rites.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #42 on: May 26, 2010, 10:58:55 AM »
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    Nanasaheb Chandorkar, one of the pet devotees of Sai Baba was imparted abstruse teachings of life in various simple and practical dealings in his life by his very own Guru - Sai Baba. But sometimes, even if Sadguru is with us to guide in each and every step, we, being too much possessed and surrounded by our own intellect, forget to traverse the ways shown by Him. Two such incidents are narrated in this post.
    Importance of charity has been depicted in almost all religions and Baba, Who did not belong to any particular sect or cult, reminded His devotees of this virtue as the foremost one. Nevertheless His devotees were constantly advised to give away charity without expectation of any reciprocation and it must be free from any feeling of showing gratefulness to the acceptor. But this is not put into practice by us as required. Baba, giving advice to Nanasaheb in this respect once said, "Nana, if anybody comes to you and asks anything, let alone alms, satisfy that person's demand as per your capacity. Do not say 'No'. If you are not inclined to give, answer him humbly describing your incapacity, but do not be angry with the person or laugh at him. If you have anything with you and do not wish to give, do not give but don't lie that the thing is not with you. Deny him with due respects and bear this in mind forever". Then time came when this advice was to be put into practice and Nanasaheb did not act as advised. Let's see how.

    Nanasaheb had once promised to donate Rs. 300 to Datta Temple in Kopergaon. But he could not do so because of some reasons and thus decided to go straight to Shirdi instead of halting at the temple and having darshan there. He chose a weird and thorny way on his friend's advice. As a result thorns pricked them all over their bodies and they had much difficulty to reach their destination. On reaching Baba welcomed with a distinct behaviour by not talking to Nanasaheb. This troubled Nanasaheb and he broke his silence and the following conversation took place:

    Nana : Baba, why are You not talking with me?
    Baba : Nana, when a person promises Me to follow My advices and instructions and thenafter forgets it, what's the meaning of talking with such a person?
    Nana : Baba, I remember all Your teachings.
    Baba : Gentleman, why did you resort to another way to escape from "Sarkar" (Lord Datta)? Because Sadhu (priest) will ask you for Rs.300 as promised by you? Is this the way to remember and acting on My teachings? If you did not have money or could not arrange for it, you could have disclosed it to him. Sadhu was not inclined to eat you up for not giving money. But it not correct way to drop the idea of darshan of God in order to escape from your promise to a saint. Have not thorns pricked you and your intelligent friend? So how can I talk with such personalities?

    Baba told Nanasaheb to shed away ego and anger while giving away charity.
    Baba : Nana, when anybody comes for alms to you, give only that much which your pocket allows. If that person is not satisfied and asks for more, deny him humbly and but never get angry.
    Happy and sad days alternatively come in our lives. We are very much attached to our family members and are always worried about their welfare and well-being. Thus it is painful when any of our family member dies. Nanasaheb also had to face such a situation. Baba has always said to His devotees, "Everyone comes and take away what they desire and wish, but no one even asks for the treasure which I wish to give". Baba saved life of Mainatai (Nanasaheb's daughter) by sending Udi at her delivery time, but the baby died after few months. Even before birth of the baby, Mainatai's husband died. So she became widow at a very tender age and that too childless. This was a reason of worry of Nanasaheb and his family. When he went to Shirdi, Nanasaheb sat quietly in Dwarkamai. At other times, Nanasaheb and Baba used to talk with no pause and persons present in Dwarkamai drink that nectar to their heart's content, but that day it was otherwise with Them. When Baba could no longer tolerate the silence, He directly started talking with Nanasaheb not minding his silence. He added and said, if you have come for baby and son-in-law to Me, then your coming here is useless. Birth and death, all these depend on previous births deeds. Even Almighty God's powers are limited in this case and they cannot bring about any change in this phenomenon. Is is possible to ask sun or moon to arise two yards away from their original position? This is not possible and if done, all balance of nature will get disturbed.

    Nana : Baba, If it is so, then why do You promise someone saying "A son will be born to you" and exactly a baby boy takes birth and to some you say, "You will get job" and person gets job as said by You. Is it not Your miracle?
    Baba : "Nana, no i do not do any miracles. Astrologers, with their calculations, predict about happenings of next two-three days and some predictions turn out to be true. I am capable of peeping in future more than them. This is the reason that whatever I say, happens. My art is similar to that of an astrologer. But you people do not understand this. You take them as miracles, because you do not know the future. So ultimately credit of all happenings goes to Me, you all bow to Me and consider them as miracles done by Me. I offer your pranams to Father God and see to it that you are benefited.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #43 on: June 02, 2010, 09:24:25 AM »
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    Shri Sai Baba used to visit Dengale brothers at Nimgaon. Similarly, He also followed a practice of visiting Chandrabhansheth Marwari at village Rahata at a distance of  3 kilometers from Shirdi. In those days, Baba went on foot to Rahata. He had a liking for fragrant flowers like Jaai – Jui and Mogra. While returning from Rahata, He used to bring saplings of these favourite flowers. The plot - where Sathe Wada was later on built – was vacant in those days. Baba had planted a beautiful garden at that place with His own hands.

    Chandrabhansheth’s Saand family, originally belonged to Rajasthan, had now settled down in Rahata. He was known there as a rich Jamindar. He had also earned a name in business.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #44 on: June 02, 2010, 09:27:08 AM »
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  • While describing the affectionate relations and meetings between Baba and Chandrabhansheth, Chiranjeev Amolakchand alias Babu  - son of Chandrabhansheth -  says :

    “Baba and Khushalchand met each other at least one in every 8-10 days. If, due to some difficulties, it was not possible for Khushalchand to come to Shirdi, then Baba sent for a Tonga either through Tatya Kote or some other devotee and went in it or by foot to Rahata. He first entered Khushalchand’s garden, located at the border of the village. From there, a message was sent to Khushalchand’s house that Baba is coming. Then, Khushalchand, all the members of his Saand family and other villagers used to gather together to welcome Baba. Ceremoniously Baba was brought to Khushalchand’s house. A Pooja-Archa was performed. Baba enquired after the family members of Khushalchand and blessed them. If insisted upon, Baba took - at the most – milk and Roti. After spending about 30-40 minutes in their company, Baba returned to Shirdi in Khushalchand’s Tonga or bullock-cart or by foot.”


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