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Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
« on: May 05, 2010, 11:21:41 AM »
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  • Nanasaheb Chandorkar

    Nana Chandorkar was one of Baba's most prominent devotees.

    Born of well respected parents in Kalyan, Maharashtra, he rose at a young age to the post of Deputy Collector.

    He had the distinction of being one of the very few disciples that Baba directly called to his side.

    Baba was not normally enthralled with men of high position, but in Chandorkar's case he could see that there was an old


    Being an orthodox Hindu slowed his progress under Baba's care, but once convinced of Baba's greatness,

    he became one of the most ardent devotees who encouraged many others to come to Shirdi.


    Sai Baba called Nanasaheb’s wife as ‘Aai’ (mother). However, in 1906, when she visited Baba, He said, “Welcome Aaji-bai (granny) !” She was amused by the new name. On reaching home, she narrated the incident to Nanasaheb. He immediately realized the significance of this and said, “Then our daughter Dwarka must have delivered a baby !” Very next day, the couple received a letter conveying the same news ! In Shirdi Baba had referred Nanasaheb’s wife as Aaji-bai, at the same time in Pandharpur, Nanasaheb’s daughter Dwarka had delivered a child.

    « Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 12:19:48 PM by subhasrini »

    Offline v2birit

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #1 on: May 05, 2010, 11:24:47 AM »
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  • Once, Nanasaheb suffered a boil on his back-side. It was very painful and moreover, the place was very embarrassing and awkward.
    Nanasaheb consulted various doctors and Vaidyas; but to no avail. Ultimately, he was advised to get it removed through surgery at Mumbai.

    Nanasaheb had firmly resolved in his mind – ‘It is not proper on my part to pray Baba for every trivial matter. I must not become burdensome for Him. This time I must not bother Him.’ Nanasaheb preferred to suffer from the pains created by the boil; but he did not pray to Baba to come to his rescue.

    The date for the operation was fixed and on the appointed day he came to Mumbai. He was lying down on a cot. His sufferings began to increase. So much so that he felt that he will not come out alive from the ordeal. He kept Baba’s photograph near his pillow and looked forward to the doctor’s arrival.

    Only 10-15 minutes were left for the surgeon to arrive. And, an unexpected event took place. As he was lying down with faced down, a small piece of tile from the roof fell down exactly on the boil and it burst open. Slowly the puss oozed and drained out of the boil and the pain started subsiding. When the surgeon arrived, he was also amazed at the turn of events. He declared that the operation was no longer necessary.

    After a few days, Nanasaheb went to Shirdi. Baba said, “Even if one decides not to give me the trouble, ultimately I have to burst the boil with my own hands.”

    (Source: Sai leela Nov-Dec 2009)

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 11:20:47 PM »
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  • Wow very nice. Please keep posting.

    om sai ram.

    Offline v2birit

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #3 on: May 06, 2010, 05:59:34 AM »
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    As advised by Nanasaheb, his wife used to do Naam-jap regularly. Once, when she was sitting near Baba, He said, “My mother, you grind a lot of grains, but the outcome is useless.” She could not understand the meaning of this. On reaching their place of residence, she narrated the incident to Nanasaheb. He clarified “Baba is correct. You do a lot of Jap, but your attention moves to a hundred things. Along with Jap, Swarup-anusandhan  is also necessary. And this advice is not only for you but for all of us.”

    Offline v2birit

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #4 on: May 06, 2010, 06:01:57 AM »
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    In 1912, Baba got seriously ill. At that time, Nanasaheb was nearby. He was worried about Baba’s condition and about chances of His coming out safely from the ailment. He, therefore, sent messages to all prominent devotees and called them to Shirdi. They began various religious rites such as Japa-japya, Anushthan, Ved-mantra-pathan, Laghu-rudra, Chandi-havan.

    In spite of all this, one day Baba’s condition worsened. Every one thought that Baba is going to leave them. Devotees like Kakasaheb Dixit, Bapusaheb Jog, Balasaheb Bhate, Madhavrao Deshpande, Tatya Patil gathered together in Dixit Wada.

    Some of them started discussing future course of action, in case something untoward happens. Some of them felt that they must take Baba’s opinion about whether His body should be taken to Darga or Wada. They felt that in the absence of clear directions from Baba in this regard, there is a likelyhood of a major dispute between Hindus and Muslims. But, who will ask such a question to Baba. Ultimately, this difficult task fell upon Nanasaheb. But, he also was reluctant to ask such a delicate and embarrassing question.

    Just then, an amazing event took place. An unknown person came to Dixit Wada where these devotees had gathered together. He said, “Are you Nanasaheb ? Baba has sent a message. He said, ‘Do not discuss the issue of my death so soon. I am not going to die just now. But, continue the religious rites that you have begun. Don’t worry. Where am I going to go ?’ ”

    Hearing these words, the devotees took pity on their own poor intelligence and limited wisdom. Tears of love and affection started flowing from their eyes.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #5 on: May 06, 2010, 11:44:14 AM »
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    (In times of perils, the Almighty comes to the rescue of His devotees)

    From 1902, for some years, Nanasaheb  was the Mamledar of Jamner Taluka of Khandesh province. It is during this period that Baba gave him a miraculous experience at the time of pregnancy of Nanasaheb’s daughter Mainatai.

    The doctors had predicted Mainatai’s delivery date to be in the early months of 1905. Nanasaheb had, therefore, brought her to Jamner from Pune. Finally, the time for delivery of the child arrived. Doctors and nurses were trying their best to help her in delivering the baby. However, their efforts were proved to be futile. Nanasaheb then resorted to invoking the blessings of the Almighty. He arranged to perform religious rites like Navachandi Havan, Saptashati Pathan etc. But, the child’s birth was not taking place. Even the life of the would-be mother was now at stake.

    Then, at about 5 in the evening, as per his usual practice, Nanasaheb started fervently praying to Baba. While praying, a thought came to his mind - ‘If I get Baba’s Aarati and Udi, then even if the Lord Yam (God of death) comes himself, he will have to return empty handed.’

    At the same time, here in Shirdi, Ramgeer Bua suddenly developed an urge to go to his native village in Khandesh area. He, therefore, went to Baba to seek His permission. Baba replied, “Bapugeer, you be rest assured. But, on the way, do go to Jamner. Stay with Nana and then proceed to your village. And one more thing - give him this Udi and this piece of paper of Aarati !” Baba instructed Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande) to copy down ‘Aarati Sai Baba’ (composed by Madhavrao Adkar) on a piece of paper and pass it on to Ramgeer Bua.

    Ramgeer Bua said,  “Baba, I have only two rupees in my pocket. In that amount, how will I be able to undertake the journey to Jamner ?” Baba assured him,  “Don’t worry about it. Everything  will get arranged.” Satisfied, Ramgeer Bua took leave of Baba and set on the journey - carrying with him the Udi and paper of Aarati.

    By the time he reached Jalgaon, he had spent one rupee and fourteen Anas on the train fare – leaving with him only two Anas. And, he had yet to cover a distance of about 44 kilometers between Jalgaon and Jamner. He was unable to think of any way out. Just then he spotted a sepoy at a far away spot. The man was searching for Ramgeer Bua ! He said, “Nanasaheb has sent me to fetch you. He is anxiously waiting for you. Let us not waste any more time.” Hearing this Ramgeer Bua was overjoyed. His worries over, he immediately sat in Tonga brought by the man.

    From the type of moustache, beard and clothes worn by the sepoy, he appeared to be a Muslim. The duo travelled through out the night. In early hours of the morning, the sepoy halted the Tonga by the side of a stream to give rest to its horse. He fetched water from the stream and took out some snacks. Ramgeer Bua was worried about eating food from the hands of a ‘Muslim’. But, the sepoy immediately resolved the issue and clarified that he is a ‘Kshatriya Rajput’. They shared the food and set on to complete the remaining journey.

    On entering the town, Bua located Nanasaheb’s office. He rushed inside as he had to answer call of nature. On returning, he found that the sepoy, the Tonga and the horses were nowhere to be seen ! Bua was surprised. He again went back inside the office. There he came to know that Nanasaheb was at home only.

    Bua met Nana. At that time, the religious rites (Havan, Yadnya, Pathan etc.) were going on. Bua gave Nana the Udi and paper of Aarati. On seeing these, Nanasaheb felt relieved - In spite of the difficult circumstances prevailing around him at that time. He immediately called his wife and asked her to feed the Udi through water to Mainatai and he himself began reciting the Aarati. The moment the Udi entered her stomach, Mainatai’s pains began subsiding and in due course she delivered the baby. Everyone around heaved a sigh of relief.

    Bua now enquired with Nana, “I don’t see the Tongevala you had sent to fetch me. Where is he ?” Nanasaheb got confused. He replied, “I did not send anyone. No one here knew that you were coming. Then, where is the question of sending some one to fetch you ?” Bua narrated in detailed the story from its very beginning. On hearing it, Nanasaheb was stunned and moved. Tears started streaming from his eyes.

    Unfortunately, the child delivered by Mainatai did not live long. Mainatai had lost her husband just before the birth of the child due to the epidemic of plague. This second death was a tremendous blow to the family. In a disheartened mood, Nanasaheb went to Shirdi along with his wife. He sat at the feet of Shri Sai Baba. But, he realized that Baba is not paying His usual attention to him. Nanasaheb was restless on noticing that Baba had not even asked His question enquiring about his wellbeing. Ultimately, he could not hold back himself any longer and asked Baba, “We are always under the shelter of Your blessings. Even then, we are facing so many hardships and unfortunate calamities. What shall we do ?”

    The advice that Baba imparted on this is worth pondering on.

    He said, “Nana, if you were coming to me only to save the lives of your son-in-law and grandson, then it is your mistake. Don’t come to me for such reasons. Because, I don’t have control over birth and death. They are dependent on the deeds of your earlier births. Even the Almighty God does not interfere in the matters. Will He ask the sun or the moon to change the times of their rising or setting ? He cannot do it and He will not do it. Because, it will create a chaos in the Universe.” Nana then asked, “ Then, how do you predict, what is going to happen in future ?” Baba gave clarification about the ‘miracles’ that He performed. He said,

    “Nana, I don’t perform miracles. Only I am able to look into the future events and I narrate them to you. You feel that these are miracles. When I predict such events, you direct your devotion towards me. I redirect it to the Almighty and ensure your welfare.”
    This shows, how concerned Baba was about wellbeing of His devotees !

    When the Bhakta is Param Yogya (deserving), the Almighty showers His blessings incessantly. Baba did everything for Nanasaheb. This leaves no doubts about Nanasaheb’s credentials as a ‘Param Yogya Bhakta’.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #6 on: May 06, 2010, 12:55:27 PM »
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    Along with Jap, Swarup-anusandhan  is also necessary.

    Om Sai Ram.

    v2birit ji, kindly translate 'swarup-anusandhan' for me. Does it mean meditation on form?

    Om Sai Ram.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #7 on: May 07, 2010, 04:02:06 AM »
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  • Dear bhakta Drashta Ji,
        I beleive Sai baba is asking this question, making you as the cause, so that it gets firmly inscribed in mind.
        You guessed it correct.  
    swarup - name, form, features, divine glories
    anusandhan - attention, giving the Chitta or intellect

    Hence 'swarup-anusandhan' should mean remembering the name, form & glories of the Lord, while the mouth does the Japa. In this way Mind, intellect & body all become one & tend to merge in the Lord, the result being that the Individuality is Lost & you become same as the Lord.

    Om Sai Ram.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #8 on: May 07, 2010, 09:06:49 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram.

    Dear v2birit ji, thank you very much for your nice explanation. Let us keep this in mind while doing naamsamaran.

    Baba bless us all.
    Om Sai Ram.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #9 on: May 07, 2010, 12:04:08 PM »
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  • Faith in Nana

    Baba once said to Nanasaheb, “If you ask me to give you some worldly possessions, then I will not be able to give them to you. You will get them as per the deeds committed by you in your previous births. However, if you want me to guide you on the path of Parmartha, I will do so.” With great joy, Nanasaheb agreed to this and he vowed to devote himself to Parseva (service of others) and through it achieve his self-progress. This is known as Bhagwat Dharma which was always propagated by Baba.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #10 on: May 07, 2010, 12:05:23 PM »
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  • Staunch opposition to pompous show

    The flow of devotees kept on increasing incessantly. In their enthusiasm, the visiting devotees as well as some people around Baba even forgot His simple way of life and began pouring various articles at Baba’s feet. Some things were even ordered from outside by the people surrounding Baba. They forgot that Baba never had any use for such things. 

    Gradually, Shirdi started becoming a Sansthan (a princely state). Nanasaheb knew that this was detrimental to the path of Parmarth. He was very much disturbed by the transformation of simple Pooja and Arati into a pompous show.

    Nanasaheb was instrumental in bringing devotees like Balasaheb Deo, Tatyasaheb Nulkar and others to Baba. A substantial correspondence was exchanged between Nanasaheb and Nulkar. In the letters, time and again Nulkar has expressed his eternal gratitude towards Nanasaheb for taking him to Baba.

    In his letter dated 16th November 1910, he poured out his anguish to Tatyasaheb.

    Thane 16-11-1910

    Dear Tatyasaheb,

    My Sashtang Namaskar to Shri Gururaj Saimauli and also to Bapusaheb (Jog) and both Madhavraos (Deshpande and Adkar).

    I wonder, what is the purpose is served in the daily Pooja by articles like Morchel (a brush of peacock feathers), Chavari (a fly whisker), Chhadi (a wooden stick / staff). ‘Pooja’ is to be performed with self-less devotion. It is true that Shri (Sai Baba) reluctantly gives His permission. But, we devotees are losing a lot through such a ritual. His blessings are being wasted on such futile matters. He is a Kalpataru (a Tree which fulfils any desire). He satisfies the desires of anyone who goes to His feet. But, it is not proper to become His devotee with the sole intention of fulfilling one’s desires. Those who make rich offerings with a view to achieve their desires create ill-will in the minds of those devotees who are unable to make such offerings.

    Shri does not need such a display of wealth. On the day of Tulshi Vivah, Shri was furious. This was a clear indication that He does not like such things.

    I do not care for others. But, as you are my close friend, I am taking the liberty of cautioning you in participating in such rites. Rest when we meet.


    N. G. Chandorkar

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #11 on: May 07, 2010, 12:09:24 PM »
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  • In the years after 1910, there was a considerable increase in the number of devotees of Baba and Baba also changed His ways of communicating with the people. He began talking in a profound ways which needed to be interpreted by someone. In spite of His preachings, the devotees continued to remain attracted to the worldly ways of life. On seeing this, Baba was disappointed and had tears in His eyes. He said to Nanasaheb, “Nana, I am here to give something much more important to my devotees; but no one wants it. They all want from me what I cannot give them.”

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #12 on: May 07, 2010, 12:16:15 PM »
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  • Sri Sai Baba's leelas are wonderful and beautiful. He appears as Siva to the devotees of Siva, as Vishnu to the devotees of Vishnu and as Parvardhigar to the Muslim devotees. One the one hand he would look like the Panduranga Vittala standing on a brick and on the other he would look like Sai Baba. His love for his devotees was limitless.

    Baba had with him an old well baked brick with him. He used to love that brick more than he did his life. He would use it every day as his pillow when he slept. Nanasaheb Chandorkar saw this and said, "Baba why do you use that brick as a pillow? I will have a nice pillow stitched for you. Please throw that brick away." Baba then replied, "Even if you bring a hundred thousand pillows they will not equal this brick. This was presented to me by my Guru. This is more valuable that the whole world to me. This is my meditation as well as the object of my meditation. Nobody can estimate its value. It is breaks; my life will depart this body. My guru's feet had touched this brick; that is why I have made it my pillow. He who keeps his head on the lotus like feet of his guru; his shadow is also holy. That is why I keep my head on this brick which touched my guru's lotus feet. By this I am becoming one who every day keeps his head on his Gurus feet. Nana! You all come and salute me in the mornings. I in turn present all your salutes to my guru. In the manner that the Godavari River takes all the water that joins it and consigns it to the sea, in the same way I consign your salutes to my guru. When I had put this brick at the feet of my guru, my guru who loved me as a mother did her child, laughed with pleasure at my devotion. He said, 'Well done. In the past Pundaleeka had presented Krishna a brick and asked him to stand on that. Now you are doing me same thing and asking me to put my feet on that. By the dint of the excellence of your devotion, I have to stand steadily on this brick forever.

    What body is in samadhi, the same body will also be in this brick.' This is the truth. My Sadguru had commingled with Lord Sri Venkateswara and had become Venkateswara himself. He is now in the form of Lord Venkateswara. Sri Venkateswara's footprints are on this brick. That is why I call my guru Venkusa (Venkateswara Swamy). The power of this brick is beyond compare. Have you now seen what it is?" Nanasaheb Chandorkar and the other devotees heard Baba and prostrated at his feet in devotion. Chandorkar was an ardent devotee of Sri Sai Baba. He died in the holy Sravana month in 1923 at Poona and reached the holy feet of Sri Sai Baba. I prostrate before Chandorkar.

    Ratanji saheb belonged to Nanded. Once he started for Shirdi along with his family for the darsan of Sri Sai Baba. Ratanji was a gentle, cultured soul and had great devotion towards Sai Baba. He was a Parsi. His happiness knew no bounds on the day that he was to start for Shirdi. On that day he called his friends for a tea party to his house at about four or five in the evening. Ratanji had many friends. The pride of wealth or arrogance was not present in the least in Ratanji. His friends are also not from a single caste or religion. Some were Brahmins, some Vaisyas, some were of the weaver class while some were of the warrior caste. Some were Parsis while some were Mohammedans. But in that group there is not a trace of hatred or bigotry based on caste or creed. That band of friends was a garden where jasmines and roses were flowering at the same time. Where the perfume of mutual respect and love was in abundance there is no place for the stench of fanaticism based on caste or creed. Not only this, by the mixture of the fragrances of the various castes and creeds meeting in an atmosphere of mutual love and affection; that meeting of good people (Satsangam) expressed a fragrance of its own which extended its influence outwards.

    The earth is the place where all the various varieties of flowers bloom. That earth gives birth to and nourishes all varieties of flowers. In the same way the almighty gives birth to and nourishes all the various castes, creeds and nationalities. But the tragedy of today is that not only the various creeds are fighting with each other in hatred, but the split and splintered society of Hindus are also fighting with greater hatred between the various castes. They are not hesitating to destroy one another's wealth, woman or lives.

    (Contributed by Source: "Sri Sai Gurucharithra" originally by Santkavi Sri Dasganu Maharaj. Translated from Telugu version by Sri SVL with an Introductory Preface by Sri Sainathuni Sarathbabuji) 

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #13 on: May 07, 2010, 12:27:31 PM »
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    Sri Nanasaheb Chandorkar got into a fix in certain family matters. His father Govind Rao Chandorkar was also a Deputy Collector like his son and stayed in a house built by himself at Kalyan.

    Lately some unpleasantness had grown between him and the local musalmans and so he had ordered all the members of his family to desist from having any connection whatsoever with musalmans in general.

    When Nanasaheb happended to return home, he was informed of what had happened and his father's standing order about having no musalman connections. Nana was puzzled. He was prepared to give up all connections with Musalmans, but he was not prepared to disassociate himself from Baba. If his father took Baba to be a Musalman naturally he would expect Nana to give up Sai Baba. This embrassed Nana So he spoke to his father about his connection with Sai Baba.

    In the meanwhile Baba had already given proper turn to his father's mind in the matter. So at once he said to Nana "My Guru is Sakkaram Maharaj" but your Guru is not Sakkaram Maharaj. So even if Shri Sai Baba may really be a Mohamadan He is your Guru and you may most willingly continue to Him without the least objection from me". On hearing this Nana saheb was overjoyed and heartily thanked Baba for the happy solution of the puzzle he had to face.

    Surrender Shri Sai Completely // Stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be there //

    ( Adopted from AMBROSIA IN SHIRDI by Ramalingaswamy, Life Member of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan, Shirdi at Munja Baba Sthan, Shirdi)
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Nanasaheb Chandorkar's experiences with Sai baba
    « Reply #14 on: May 07, 2010, 12:39:35 PM »
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  • Shirdi Sai Baba appears as a beggar

    We are human beings. Our mind is surprised by the various deeds of the saints. But the saints consider all their deeds as normal. The things which are beyond our understanding and reach, we called them as miracles. Saints do these miracles in their ordinary course of deals. So it is not a miracle for them. Moreover we are simple, ignorant and greedy humans. That's why it is not possible for us to understand the Leelas of Sai Baba in one stroke. The Updesh which were given by Him are not difficult to remember, but difficult to follow. Here is such an incident Nanasaheb Chandorkar which shows how he forgot the teachings of Sai Baba and how Sai Baba taught him a lesson.

    Nanasaheb Chandorkar used to spend his holidays in his house at Kalyan. Whenever Nanasaheb and his family went there to spend holidays, the ladies in the house would prepare various types of snacks in the free time at afternoon.

    Once during his holidays, Nanasaheb was taking rest after having lunch on one afternoon. His daughter-in-law was making Bhajniya (a snack prepared from either wheat flour or rice flour, spices and are made in circular form commonly called “Chakri” in Marathi and “Chakli” in Gujarati). Just then a beggar wearing torn dirty clothes with came and stood at the door.

    There was threshold in front of the house. The house was inside the threshold. The beggar crossed the threshold and stood in front of the door and asked for food. Nanasaheb’s kind daughter-in-law took a handful of the Bhajniya and gave to the beggar. But the beggar was not satisfied and so she demanded more. Nanasaheb’s daughter-in-law took some more Bhajniya and gave to the beggar.
    This time too the beggar was not satisfied.

    Nanasaheb’s daughter-in-law said, “I have given you half of Bhajniya prepared for us to you. Then also you are not satisfied?”

    The beggar again seemed to be unsatisfied and said, “I will go only after you give all them”.

    Nanasaheb’s daughter-in-law said angrily, “You have to eat by getting the food from others and you are troubling us in this way. If want the food take whatever quantity is given to you and just go away. Now I will not give more than what I have offered.”

    The beggar did not listen to daughter-in-law. Neither she took the Bhajniya nor did she return. The daughter-in-law being fed up now called up Nanasaheb. Nanasaheb ordered his watchman, “If the beggar accepts the quantity which we are giving, then its ok, otherwise push her outside of the house”.

    The beggar said, “Sir, if you don’t intend to give don’t give but don’t push me out of the house. I will go on my own”. Thus the beggar went away without taking a single Bhajniya.

    Nanasaheb’s holidays were over. He had to join his office again. In the way he went to Shirdi to take darshan of Sai Baba. Sai Baba was very angry with Nanasaheb. The moment Sai Baba saw him; He turned His face on the other side. He did not speak a word too. Nanasaheb went near to Sai Baba and fell at His feet.

    Nanasaheb said, “O God, please tell if I have made any mistake”.

    Sai Baba said, “What should I say to the one who does not follow the path directed by Me? You had thrown that beggar out of your house through that watchman. Did she do any harm to you, that you were ready to push her? If she wanted whatever you gave her, she would have taken, and if not she would have sat on the threshold of your house for sometime and would have went away. What harm was that to you, was she looting away your wealth or position? Instead of listening to her sweet words, you called your watchman to throw her out of your house. Is this that I have taught you?

    Nanasaheb was then reminded of his mistake now. He repented for it and promised that he would never commit such mistake ever. Though Sai Baba is sitting in Shirdi, but He went to His devotees in any form to save them.

    Source : Translated from Gujarati Book "Sai Sarovar"
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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