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Miracles for Sai Devotees!
« on: February 01, 2005, 06:08:24 AM »
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  • A Devotee

    August 4, 1999

    I thought of sharing my experiences but couldn’t have dared to share among friends. Now I got the chance to share through this web page. I have firm faith on BABA as He fulfilling all my wishes and this is the way Shri BABA is making my faith high. In Satcharitra mentioned BABA used to ask two APIs Daksina from devotees which are SHRADHA firm faith and SABURI patience. But in my case He has taken those two in the following way


    Actually before 1993, I didn’t make bow before any other God except Lord VenkateswaraTirupati as I had wrong impression on all with name BABA. My cousin used to go to Sai Temple in Rajahmundry A.P and once asked me to have the Darshan but I rejected. After some time went to Hyderabad for job searching and got nothing of some reasons. My mother was worried so much and discussed with our family friends about my position. They told her that if you make your son to read SAI SATCHARITRA one-week parayana, he would get benefit. When I called my home, mom told me about parayana. I agreed and started reluctantly. This time I would like to say sentence mentioned in SATCHARITRA Man will go to Gods feet when he is in troubles and became true for me. I completed and liked the life and teachings of BABA and waited for the Invitation from BABA to go to Shirdi. As mentioned He only will pull us to His feet, suddenly after one week my classmate invited me for Shirdi trip. After 20 days got 2 offers and joined in NOV 1994.But I didn’t satisfy with my salary and stopped worshiping. I quit the job in
    DEC 95.I tried and failed to get another job took training in Software and went to Bombay for the job frustrated in job searching and one night suddenly I thought why dont I start worship BABA from tomorrow. After 10 days Sept 25th 1996 I got one DREAM which changed my entire life. The dream follows We were searching for one WHITE HAND CUFF and after long search my friend got that one and said that SRINIVAS You should have a FIRM FAITH to get any thing you want and because I my friend, Sai devotee, in Bombay have a FIRM FAITH, got this one. Suddenly woke from dream and felt like lively happened to me. After I woke up and stood before BABA photo and prayed that I will have firm faith on you if I get the job in today's Interview. My friends wanted to shift to company in Hyderabad having real experience and myself having zero experience attended the interview. Here BABA listened my urge and made a miracle. After written test and interview my name only is there in the final list. Immediately I cried in front of all b’coz I couldn’t stop and remembered the dream. I got the offer letter within two days And started Hyderabad via Shirdi from Bombay.
    I joined the job on NOV 1st 1996 and on NON 6th BIG Cyclone washed out my village and our lands. Every body in my family prayed SAI BABA in helping to get the job and then He is protecting my family through retaining my job. SHRI SAI BABA is sole protector of our family. By this he took FIRM FAITH and created PATIENCE in me.

    As I mentioned above, from NOV 1996 I don't have any hitch in my life. In 1997,Aug got visa and selected client interview in India itself and till now going smooth by His grace. When called one of my college senior s in U.S., I came to know that he is also staunch devotee of SAI BABA. We discussed our experiences and how he blessed by BABA.While this chat I got attention to one of his experiences and follows Being staunch devotee, he got lot of visions and used to get sudden solution when he thinking about some problems. He got fixed his marriage Feb1998 and prayed BABA how He is going to bless him while marriage function. On marriage day everybody is busy and one man came with beard and maroon cloths, looks like sadhu, was asking about bridegroom. Nobody is caring about this man, as they are involved with their work. Then finally asked his father and said that I want to bless bridegroom and dakshina and his father called him. He immediately realized that BABA came to bless him in this form and took blessings and gave dakshina to him. He sadhu left that place with happy. After hearing this one thought arose in my mind that how BABA will bless me in U.S. At the end of the Feb98, when called my friends house in Hyderabad, came to know one of my classmates is coming to NewYork and wanted to meet him. Whenever I go out, worrying about not reading parayana as daily reading one chapter. I went to NewYork to meet him
    On last weekend of Feb98 and on Saturday morning woke up and asked about his trip and about any thing for me. Actually I don't want any thing from him but as being classmate just for sake I asked. He opened his briefcase and took out one large portrait asked do want this When I wrapped paper out of that, wonder of wonders for me, It was SAI BABA photo. I really much excited and stared thinking inside that in this way You have blessed me and I got for all these years worship. I asked my friend why did u bring only BABA photo. He said that he got info from other friend that I'm going to meet him in NewYork and when he went to Shirdi he bought that extra picture and he knew before that I'm BABA devotee. I never expect that my friend will come to NewYork as I'm staying in Connecticut near to NY and will give BABA picture. This is all because of BABA'S Miracle.When my sisters wedding fixed on March 6th 99, I thought that You blessed my friend mentioned above in Marriage function, Ill see how going to bless me and how You see that marriage will go without any hitch went to India and very busy with wedding work as I'm the brides brother. The Muhurtham is at 345 a.m.. At 1 a.m. I wanted to take some money from my suitcase that is put where all necessary marriage items located and while coming out from that room suddenly noticed COCONUT decorated with small chamak items. Because I never seen decorated Coconut that will be in Brides while marriage. Then I took the Coconut and observing the design made on Coconut and noticed one small size photo 25 np size and found that It was SHIRDI SAI BABAS photo. At that BABA only knew how much I excited and cried for this wonder. I enquired my mom about this and how it happened to be there. My mom said that my aunt housewife took that Coconut on marriage day evening and gave it back with that decoration. But here mystery is, at that even my mom didn't notice that small photo as busy with work. After marriage I asked my aunt the reason why she put the photo there. As she is also BABA devotee at the end of decoration got a thought to put small BABA photo in the center of Coconut and she didn't tell any body that she is going to put photo. So in the presence of BABA, my sisters wedding went fine.

    I told this wonder to every body in family and they also got FAITH in SAI BABA and have feeling like He is sitting in every body's heart.


    Sai Devotee

    August 4, 1999

    Sai Ram

    I want to share my experience with my Sai brother and sisters as to how Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai Baba entered my life. I did not believe in both the Babas' in my school as well as college days. I was thinking them to be an ordinary man not knowing their actual value. Shirdi Sai told me that I want to enter in your life by making me to see Manoj Kumar’s film SHIRDI ke Saibaba. But then too I failed to recognize due to my ignorance.
    Then the 4 years passed on. In my college days I came to know a friend who was a devotee of Sathya Sai Baba. Whenever she used to say about him I why you believe in him, as he is only a human being. But as Baba says for everything there is time. It proved right in my case. My marriage was fixed and my husband is a great devotee of Sai Baba. But when there was three weeks for my marriage by brother brought a video cassette and and he told me to put it in the night as every one of our family member could see it. I told him yes and I saw the name of the cassette and it was my saibaba's cassette and there too Baba was suggesting me that he wants enter my life. This film was in kannada about SaiBaba by Sai Prakash and this film actually changed me. And then I started believing in Sai though not firmly. But after marriage he came to my life and he gave me blissful experience with him. On my birthday that was the previous night of my I was praying to Baba as Baba tomorrow is my birthday can you shower your blessing on me at least give me a vision in my dream by seeing I will be satisfied. On my Birthday that is something around 5.45a.m Baba came in my dream, he was with his devotees and he was just passing by without even looking at me. I was anxious that Baba will be looking at me and will be giving at least a smile. I was worried and was about to cry seeing that though Baba passed right in front of me he did not even look at me. But again I was watching his way. Baba again returned with his devotees and this time he looked at me and gave a beautiful smile and as he was passing again he turned back and looked at me and there I saw his godly smile with this i got up from my dream and then I realized that Baba gave me the vision as i have asked him to bless me on my birthday. This was how Shirdi Sai Baba entered my life.

    Though I believed in Shirdi Sai Baba i did not believe in Sathya Sai Baba but Baba knows when to bring his devotees to his door. This is only two months back that I started believing in Sathya Sai Baba. Most of my friends in my friend’s circle are devotees of Sathya Sai Baba and there too I did not believe showing my own smartness. One day when I was just thinking a thought arose in my mind. Is Sathya Sai Baba really a God? If he is a God then I would be a real fool for not believing in him. Because he had a human form it is not correct to ignore him. So I sat in front of my shrine and prayed saying that if Sathya Sai Baba is really a God please show me I don’t want disrespect because he is in the human form I am your devotee so please show me the right if Sathya Sai Baba is really a God, tomorrow itself I will keep his photo in my shrine and worship him. Please show me today itself because i do not want to leave my god and I will be surely missing something great in my life as i am able to see the lord who is moving and talking with his devotees. Then to wonder of wonders I got a dream the same night in which I saw my lord Sathya Sai Baba Blessing me and I was singing the song a kannada song kande hariya kande....... meaning I saw my lord hari. In that dream my eyes were overflowing with tears and he was just blessing me with a beautiful smile on his face and disappearing in front of my eyes. I suddenly got up and there too he answered my question and showed me that he is my lord. The next day i searched for my Baba's photo I got it and I kept it in my shrine and now both my husband and me are praying to him. After he came to our life, our life has become wonderful. I strongly believe in his words "WHY FEAR WHEN I AM HERE" and now i strongly believe in him doing my duty and leaving the result to him.

    This is how both the sai's entered my life and are helping me to cross the ocean of life I am very happy to share this experience of mine with all the Sai devotees May Baba reside in every devotees heart and fulfill their wishes.


    dipika duggal
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal


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