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Sai Leelas
« on: October 18, 2005, 03:49:13 PM »
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    (From Shri Sai Leela, May 1973)



    I am at the fag end of my life. Before I leave this mortal body I want to release my experience for the benefit of the true devotees of Sri Sai Nath. though I have kept it as a sacred secret for many long years.

    It was the end of the year 1947. I casually came to know that there was a Saint in SHIRDI. Haphazardly I made arrangements to go to Shirdi. Neither I knew the way to Shirdi, nor have I seen Baba previously. At that lime, I was staying at Dehu Road, near Poona. The quarters in which I lived had two rooms. The night before starting for Shirdi. I slept in one room and in the other room my father and brother slept. Unexpectedly my sleep was broken early in the morning and I was rolling in the cot in the darkness. Suddenly I saw this vision :-

    I was in front of a big 'KUTI'. It had one matted door, a thatched roof and broad varandah, with two steps in front. I was standing at the steps. All of a sudden the door was opened and from the door black person came naked and wearing a garland of human skulls and he stood holding the top comer of the door with his right hand. At his mere presence, I shook and shivered with great terror and a flick of thought crossed my mind as to who was this devil who came here to finish and eat me up when I came here for the Darshan of Babaji. Simultaneously at this moment I saw Babaji coming through the door and at His very presence my mind became calm and I was happy that He had come to save me from that devil.

    Immediately I ran up the stairs, bowed before Him and asked Him, "Babaji! The worldly people say there is no God. Is there God or not?" Babaji bent forward, put his right hand palm on my head and said, "Yes." And at the same time both of them vanished.

    As scheduled, I started for Shirdi next morning and reached in time and the first thing I saw as a surprise was a clay model of Babaji which was exactly like the one whom I saw in the vision. Immediately I purchased the clay model and brought it home .and ever since that time I have preserved it carefully. It has become my real Baba in the House.

    I am still unable to make out who was this black person, naked and having a garland of human skulls. In due course of time when I read a descrip­tion of Lord Shankara in Tulsi-Ramayana, it has exactly tallied with Him. Hence I understood that He is none other than (he great Deity Bhagwan Shankara.

    Both of them were so immensely merciful towards me and I am ever and ever greatly eager for their darshan.

    So one can imagine when Lord Shankara attended in Sai Baba as a humble servant, how great should be our devotion and service to Sri Sai Baba who is none other than the great LORD ALMIGHTY SRI MAHA VISHNU.

    I hope this my vision will clear the doubts about the existence of God and about Sri Sai Nath as the incarnation of God.


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 07:12:27 AM »
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    By : — Shri Y. Nagarjuna Rao Hyderabad.

    For the protection of the virtuous and for the destruction of the evil, the Almighty manifests Himself in a form and a name chosen by Him.   Bhagawan Sai Baba of Shirdi is one of such manifestations of the Divine who has descended on the earth to save humanity from moral decay.   The Divine Will was evidenced right from the very inception of the Avatar i.e. the secrecy of His birth.   No body can vouchsafe Baba's caste or the place of his birth excepting several vague theories put forward by some of his contemporaries.     He was loved and worshipped by Hindus and  Muslims alike.   People coming from all areas and from all faiths flocked to Shirdi to prostrate at His holy feet for their salvation.   He was a Hindu living in Masjid.   He was a Muslim for whom the Mosque was " Dwaraka Mayi ".   He is a servant to his devotees having no limitations of caste, creed or religion. Everyone has a right to demand anything he wants from Him. for, He is father, mother and sadguru to the entire humanity. Every minute aspect of this Avatar was so precisely moulded with meticulous care by Baba Himself, with a specific mission of esta­blishing harmony among Muslims and Hindus.   He is an incar­nation of the Supreme Power reflected in different faiths.     His teachings represent the gist of different faiths.   Any attempt to describe this Deva and His glory can only be a part of it and not  the whole.

    "If a man utters my name with love I shall fulfill all wishes increase his devotion and if he sings earnestly my life and my deeds him I shall beset in front and back and all sides " — Satcharitra.

    The above assurance of Baba is a matter of personal experience for several thousands of devotees, who look to him and who are looked after by him. In this connection I wanted to narrate my own humble experience with the blessings of Saibaba which I think will appeal to all those who admire the supremacy of any faith by scientific reasoning or logic.

    It was in the year 1970 that I happened to go to Bombay on some personal work.   As it happened to be my first visit I went for sight-seeing to several places in and around Bombay Suddenly I felt that I should go to Shirdi and visit the Mahasamadhi of Saibaba   more out of curiosity rather than devotion.   But the visit was to be put off because of my brother-in-law's arrival from the United States.    I was very much disappointed and silently prayed to Baba that if He were to be a God. He should bless me with an opportunity to go to Shirdi.   In the meanwhile   a very interesting thing happened.   We received a cable that my brother-in-law's scheduled arrival had to be postponed on account of his prolonged stay enroute.   Thus the seeds of faith were sowed in my heart   by an unexpected accomplishment of my desire Immediately I was in search of a person who could, help me with the details of the pilgrimage.   When I was proceeding from Andheri to Dadar by electric train   I surprisingly came across a devotee of Saibaba who guided me with minute details.   Thus  the very first visit to the Shrine proved to be a preplanned sankalpa of Baba Himself to draw    me towards him. After taking a bath I went for a darshan which made me extremely happy.   For a moment there appeared nothing but Saibaba's form   in every thing I saw in Shirdi. I prayed to Baba that He should help me with his Grace and give me solace and comfort throughout my life.   I happened to make a study of several books available at Shirdi  which makes one  to feel that He is not merely a super­human form     but the omnipotent God Himself.  Since then my faith in Baba was steadily growing.   One of my close friends was blessed with a daughter. Unfortunately she had an attack of paralysis  and as a result of which  she was not in a position to move her hands. My friend felt very unhappy, as the treatment given by doctors did not produce the desired results.   He had lost all hopes  of recovery and felt dejected. I gave him a little vibhuti which I brought from Shirdi and asked him to apply it to the affected hand with complete faith in Baba's mercy. Though he was not personally a believer in Saibaba he consented to do. it on my persistence. He told me that he would worship Baba as God if the Vibhuti helped the recovery of his child in any way With the application of vibhuti there was a tremendous improve­ment and very soon the baby recovered responding very well. to the medical treatment which was a big surprise even to the Physician as he himself was not quite confident about the outcome of his trial. The grateful father of the child has become an ardent devotee of Saibaba. Such was the kindness of the Saint who responds to the call of humanity if only the persons look to Him.

    Saibaba's life and teachings are beneficial to the entire humanity. Baba never discouraged anybody from following his own faith and customs, on the other hand, He used to allow everyone to have his own way, but correct them only when they go wrong. He is moved by true, sincere devotion, simple living and sincere effort to lead a good life. There are no restrictions for any one to join the family of Saibaba if only he surrenders his ego at His feet. Baba preached to everyone who was near and dear to him to see Him in all the human beings and thus advocated universal love. Baba's participation in Sri Rama Navami on one hand and in Ramzan on the other, indicates that no one should draw a clear line of distinction between one faith and another. He allowed people to perform 'arti' in a Masjid with equal affection as he allowed Muslims to perform sandal procession. The follow­ing advice of Baba, as sung by Hemadpant in his famous satcharitra would indicate Baba's stature.

    " Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well, that all what you do is known to me. I am the inner ruler of all and seated in their hearts. I envelope all the creatures, movable and immovable world. I am the controller, the wire puller of this show of this universe. I am the mother origin of all beings ".

    The above words of Baba reveal his Omnipotent and Omniscient nature of Sri Saibaba of Shirdi.

    May His form, which destroys our ignorance and sin, be ever fixed in our eyes. .



    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #2 on: October 19, 2005, 10:07:13 AM »
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    V. B. Nandwani,

    Mahim: Bombay 16-

    Dear Sir,

    Below, I give a recent experience of my son at Shirdi. If you find it upto the mark, please publish it in Sai Leela.

    On 7th of May 1973, I reached Shirdi with my son, aged 14 years. Expecting heavy rush due to vacation, I had written in advance to the Sansthan asking for reservation of a particular room for us. Although, the letter had not yet been passed on to the accommodation Incharge, he offered me the same room, I wanted. He was also kind enough to invite us both for lunch that day at about 2 P'M. However, for some reasons, it was little after 3 P.M. that he came to call us for lunch at the Bhojan Griha. By then, my son had gone to sleep hungry. I had earlier asked him to go and eat something but he did not agree. Now, when we both asked him to get up for meals, he refused to eat anything in anger. Knowing his nature and habit of eating earlier, I left him and went for lunch with that Sansthan Officer. My son got up at about 4 P.M. and said angrily " I would not go to Samadhi Mandir. I will not bow before Baba. I do not want to stay here. I will go back to Bombay even if I have to go alone. " I knew all this outburst was due to hunger and anger and so kept quiet.

    A little while later, he got up and went out to eat something. Instead of eating in the hotel, he brought four " Dosas " and asked me also to have one. To please him I did. He could eat only two. The one left un-touched, he gave to a beggar.

    We were in the room on ground floor touching the road inside Sansthan compound and parallel to Accommodation Office. Guru Padika Sthan. There is an L shaped passage between the two rows of rooms. The entrance is from longer leg of L.     The shorter leg has the bath rooms and is closed at the other end. Thus anybody going in or coming out must be seen by us if the door of our room is open.

    After eating the " Dosas " my son went to wash the plate at the open tap fixed in the line of bath rooms. Suddenly he rushed back to the room and said that someone looking just like Baba was standing in the passage outside the bathrooms with a stick in his hand and that he got frightened. He talked to me all this standing on the threshold of the room, keeping the door   open. I was sitting in such a position that any body coming in or going out must be visible to me. I got up immediately and went with him I to the bathrooms' side and found none there.  I feel it was Shri SAI HIMSELF who gave him darshan. I did not see any one going out of the passage. How could someone vanish like that, in thin air.   None dressed like that was staying in the other rooms.!

    On questioning, my son told me that Kafni was torn on one arm and lower ends of it were frayed  badly.   He was pointing with the stick (satka) towards the Samadhi Mandir.

    Then, afterwards at about 6 P.M. my son quietly accompanied me to Samadhi Mandir, Dwarka Mai and Chawri and everywhere he bowed to Baba, as I did. During rest of the seven days stay he was extremely happy and made many friends.



    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #3 on: October 20, 2005, 11:19:41 AM »
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    —Shri B. R. Kakade,

    Dahisar (West)

    How I beanie a Sai Devotee will mean explaining one's own experiences in one's own point of view. However, the result of such writing will lead the readers to the path of Sai devotion. I have full faith in Sai.

    I was not believing in 'God' in my childhood, but my father never got angry with me nor used any wild words for my peculiar thinking about God. However, he used his intellect to change my mind towards the belief in God; and that too through his good colleagues who made a fine friendship with me by requesting me by honouring me to read some religious books for them as they were old and could not pay attention to reading. This made me change my views about God in "Sagun" and "Nirgun" aspects i.e. the formed and formless aspects. The marble idols of god in whom people believe which were mere STONES for me in the beginning of my life—now became practical observances in my daily life and the source of inspiration.

    In my school days in 1927, when I was only 16 years of age, I was trapped in the big flood of Gujarat. I was at Baroda with my father at that time. Heavy flood waters divided the city into two parts and both of us were in one part and my younger brother and grandmother were in the other. We tried to cross the river bridge of high level water but the police objected to this. However, we tried to enter the water on the bridge travelling upto my neck,

    We failed to return and thus were trapped by waters of the flood. At this critical time of life and death, one tall man of about 7 feet in height, having beard and Roomal on head shouted loudly directing us both to stand at the same place and be came through water, got both of us in his own hands and took us to the other side of the roaring river where my brother and grandmother were anxiously waiting for us. I inquired about the person who saved us and it is a wonder to note that he was not there. I tried to find him out but in vain. This was the first devotional darshan of Shri Sai in my life in 1927.

    "How I became a Sai Devotee" will require me to explain some more facts as I am happy in these days of my life at the age of 63 years and that Shri Sai is always with us as I feel how my spiritual life is holy and perfect in the end of my life. For this I was required to follow Shri Sai Baba through my impulse and the quickening im­pulse which came from outside cannot be received from books The 'soul' can only receive impulse from another soul and from nothing else. In my views, I can say that we can read books all our lives, we can become very intellectual and in the end we find that we have not developed at all spiritually. This type of study will not be equivalent in development of the spiritual side of a man. On the other hand, we find cases almost every day when the intellect has become very highly developed at the expense of the spirit. In intellectual development, we can get much help from books, but in spiritual development almost nothing.

    In studying books, sometimes we feel that we are developed in "thinking" and that we are spiritually helped but if we analyse ourselves, we will find that only our intellect has been helped and not the spirit. This is the reason why almost everyone of us can speak most wonderfully on spiritual subjects but when SAI came, we found ourselves so woefully deficient. This is because books cannot give us that "impulse" from outside. This should come from another soul from which this impulse comes is called the "Guru "The Teacher"—and the soul to which this impulse is conveyed is called the "Shishya", "The student". In order to convey this power of transmission of messages from the Guru to the Shishya and vice versa, will require to plough the field of living seed and when both these conditions are fulfilled, a wonderful growth of religion takes place. And this happened practically in my life in 1943 when my eldest daughter was ill by double typhoid fever for 42 days (Relapsed case). A committee of 3 doctors declared her case as "Fatal" one on the 41st day of her illness and asked me to leave this case to God. The same day, it happened so, that one old man (with beard) from Madras had come to us through one of my friends in Baroda and when that bearded old man saw my daughter, he told me not to fear. I was surprised in listening to him when I was actually facing a critical moment in life, but the old man had convinced me in such a way that I became fearless when I came to know that the man was not present at night when my daughter got a dream of Sai Baba. I had inquired with my friend about the old man but in vain. His advice was nothing but the Devotional Darshan for the second time in my life. When I was only 32 years old, this happened.

    This all happened in my life which gave me the direction to follow the devotional side of Shri Sai Baba to understand that we must first try to get the 'idea' that is conveyed through "Inherent Tendency" i.e. Sanskara.

    Here I can see a fine example of a lake for the mind. It can be said that every ripple or wave that rises on the surface of the lake; does not die out entirely when it subsides, but leaves a "mark" behind or a future possibility of the rising of similar waves on it Whatever may be its nature, this mark of the possibility of the wave re-appearing is what is called "Sanskar" or "Inherent Tendency' Every work that we do even to every moment of the time and every movement of the body, every thought that we think, leaves such an "Impression" on the mind stuff and even when such impressions not obvious on the surface, they are sufficiently strong to work beneath the surface subconsciously. What we are every moment is determined by the sum total of such previous impressions on the mind.

    What I am just at this moment when I am writing on this subject is the effect of the sum total of all the impressions that have been left in my mind by each and all the works that I have done in my pastlife and that is why I experience Sadguru Sai in my practical life without having a blind faith. Sadguru Sai always teaches me to look to him and naturally He looks to me and I say:

    In Matavaley Do Nayanomayn Kya Jadu Hain!

    Jadu Hain! Jadu Hain!

    Dil Poochh  Rahaa  Hain  Ab  Muzasey——

    Nainone   Kahaa   Hain   Kya   Tuzasey——

    Jub Naina Miley, Nainone Kahaaa—— :

    Ab Nain Basengey Naino Mein——

    Jadu Hain! Jadu Hain! Jadu Hain!



    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    « Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 08:04:21 PM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #4 on: October 21, 2005, 08:58:08 AM »
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    —Shri A. J. Mehta,

    Santa cruz (W.)

    From 1956-1960 I was at Surat in service with Divisional Office of Life Insurance Corporation of India. By the end of the year 1958 I got a severe heart attack due to overwork in the Office. After a treatment of about three months my health became almost normal. However, nervousness and lack of self-confidence, which are the after-effects of any illness, persisted. Though in the morning, I would feel that I was quite normal, after my morning meals at about 9-30 a.m. I always felt that I was getting severe pain in my heart and on most of the days I would avoid attending my office. Since this became almost a daily affair, my wife used to become nervous on account of my health and she did not know how to help me to get over my nervousness and my lack of self-confidence. By God's grace during that time she happened to meet a friend of ours, and she confided in him about my illness especially with regard to my nervousness and lack of my self-confidence and how my persistence in this was affecting her health too. That friend happen­ed to be a great devotee of 'Our Sai Baba' and he advised her im­mediately to get a tasvir (framed picture) of Sai Baba and asked her to advise me to simply look at HIM in the morning after waking and at night before going to bed and HE would take care of my well-being Sai Baba's one of the sayings being "If you look at me, I look at you". We got Our BABA's taswir and began looking at HIM in the morning and in the night as per our friend's advice from that day. Believe me from that day onwards OUR BABA's grace fell on us and I began overcoming my nervousness and lack of selfconfidence and within a fortnight I became a normal human being. Since then I have become a SAI Devotee,


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 08:59:19 AM »
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    By Saisudha
    Sai Baba of Shirdi is not merely a Sadguru but verily Sri Rama. He has not only been guiding me in both official and domestic work but has saved my life on two occasions.

    It was in 1954, when I was in my early twenties. 1 was under­taking a trip to Tirupati from Madras by the morning passenger train. My uncle, then Post Master General of Madras Presidency, asked one of his clerks to book my ticket and see that I boarded the train. It was a Saturday, and though I did not wish to start from home at Rahu Kal—it was about 9'30 A. M. I had no other choice. When I arrived at the station with Mr. Nair, the clerk, the train was almost about to leave. Somehow he managed to push my big box in the nearest third class carriage and waved good, bye and left. The guard had blown the whistle. When I was about to settle my things, I was horrified at the sight of four gamb­lers sitting in the compartment which was otherwise empty. They were busy playing cards and obviously did not notice my presence. Young as I was, with no other lady passenger in the train, I was at my wits end. I came and stood at the doorstep praying intently to Shri Ram. I could not get down from the train, nor could I stay within for fear of the gamblers. God verily sends help to those in distress.

    The train had just started moving when a young couple was rushing towards me to board the train. I helped them with their - luggage. After a few minutes by which time I had gathered a little courage I surveyed the compartment again, for the fear had not totally left me. Lo ! Baba's miracle, the suspicious elements had already disappeared. I then relaxed after sending heartfelt thanks to Baba for thus protecting my life from the goondas.

    The second incident took place in June 1971.   I was making an air dash from Delhi to Bhopal to meet my husband, who was about to leave for Hyderabad. I had despatched a telegram 24 hours in advance informing of my arrival by the Fokker Friend— ship. The plane, already delayed by three hours, took off at about. 1 '30 p. m. I was just trying to relax with Sai Charita in my hands, for it was my wont to read one chapter daily from the book. As I had not done it earlier, I wished to complete my reading in the plane itself. Hardly twenty minutes had passed since the flight started, I could feel the air getting hotter under my feet. The two air hostesses rushed to the cock-pit. Seeing them emotionally dis­turbed, I started feeling nervous. My heart began to beat faster when the air hostesses rolled the carpet covering the passage and the co-passengers were busy preparing themselves for any emergency. I was the only lady passenger and I started chanting Sai Ram loudly ! I moved to a front seat, for the tension within me was increasing. After about ten minutes of hard work when the co-pilot, steward and air hostesses rectified the defect, which they alone knew, I could see the crew heaving a big sigh of relief. To relieve the passengers' anxiety soft drinks were supplied to us. It was smooth going afterwards. The plane touched Gwalior and finally Bhopal. With fond hopes of meeting my husband, I emerged from the plane. Imagine my confusion when I saw no signs of my husband. The Indian Airlines Office staff was kind enough to contact my husband. When he received the telephone call, he rushed to the air-port. He was worried that something had gone amiss, for he felt I could not have otherwise undertaken such a sudden trip. Obviously my telegram did not reach him. It reached after my arrival, i. e. after 30 hours !

    I once again thanked my beloved Sai Baba for not only saving my life but the lives of all the passengers. But for this divine help, there could have been a major air-disaster.

    Mrs Sita Shri

    New Delhi-55.


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #6 on: October 21, 2005, 02:29:26 PM »
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    By : Shri Anil Pandit B. Sc., Indore (APRIL 1974)

    I am a devotee of Shri Sai Baba for the last about 13 years. I always worship him. During this period I have had many mira­culous experiences, of which some were published in Marathi issue of Shri Sai Leela in the past. But, what we experienced in April, 1972 has left us wondering about the miraculous powers of Shri Sai Baba and the sacred Ashes from Shirdi. I would like to give an account of the experience for the information of Sai Devotees.

    The daughter of my elder son, by name Bhavana, whom we used to call Sanjeevani, as a nick-name, fell sick all of a sudden in April, 1972. It was summer season and our family doctor opined that it may be a case of mild sun-stroke or the sickness may be due to very hot climate. The fever was constant and she was not taking any food. Her belly was distended but unfortunately our family doctor did not appreciate its seriousness. He continued his treatment according to his primary diagnosis. The girl however conti­nued to be worse day by day. Her eyes were drawn in, and the peritonitis was such that it was painful by touch. We at last decided to transfer her to a bigger hospital in Indore. It was Sunday night when we shifted the little girl to the hospital. The chief medico was having his holiday. We put a pinch of ashes from Shirdi upon her forehead before taking her to the hospital. Next day, the chief medico examined her and diagnosed the case as of Typhoid with intestinal perforation. He said that peritonitis was due to perfora­tion of the intestinal wall. He said that the cases of this type are so severe that generally operation is resorted to, but the patient was too delicate for it. Glucose Saline and Infusion were advised. We were all in a very anxious mood. The family people were very much afraid for the life of the young one. The treatment from the hospital started. Before this thing happened, I was continuously reading the Marathi Sai Sat-Charitra daily. I had by that time, finished the 8th Canto and had come to the 9th. I have faith in Shri Sai Baba. I appealed to Him : "O ! Baba, What is this new calamity be fallen us ! It is only You who can take us out of this !"

    I had been to Shirdi earlier in the month of March and had brought some photographs of Shri Sai Baba from the Sansthan office. The Ashirwad pose in that picture is such that we feel Baba is looking at us and assuring us not to worry and promising that everything will be all right. I felt that I should take that photo to the hospital. I took it and also took some quantity of Ashes with me. I put the photo under the pillow of the girl Bhavana and besmirched her body with the Ashes. Emotions were so deep at that time, that I could not help crying. In front of many family persons present at that time, I uttered 'O ! Baba ! If this little girl Bhavana is not cured in this sickness, I will not read your Charitra further." My complete surrender to Him and appeal was really-similar to Shama and who said that he would break a coconut on His Head if some lady could not get a child !

    In the meanwhile, I continued to read the book 'Sai Sat-Cha ritra.' Every Thursday, the Aarti and worship was also continued. Bhavna, to the surprise of the doctors, survived that ailment with­out operation. That was a feat on the part of the patient - nay, it was the miraculous powers of Sai Baba and the sacred Ashes. Gradually her fever came down and peritonitis subsided, and within a period of 2-3 weeks, she was allowed to return home.

    Really, I feel, the miracle of Faith on Sai Baba is extra-ordi­nary, but we fail to take advantage of the great Grace available. The grace of Isa or Sai-as you may call it. Sai Baba is no less than God the Protector Incarnate !

    (Adopted from Marathi from July, 1973 issue)


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #7 on: October 22, 2005, 11:57:14 AM »
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  • "HOW I BECAME A SAI DEVOTEE'! (May 1974)

    By—B. K. DUBE

    District Small Savings Officer,  (Government of M.P.) At & Post. Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh)

    I take this opportunity to narrate my own heart-felt experience of Sai Bliss, Sai-Help, temporal and spiritual both.

    It was some-time in the year 1957 when (then I was a lad of 29 years), I was suffering from stomach disease and its further effect, I was bodily weakened, and mentally perturbed and dishearten Losing all hope with the medical treatment, my whole inner and outer senses were linked with God "Krishna", praying for cure of disease and recovery of mental peace.    Un-knowingly, with a continued practice, I always remained in solitude praying "Lord Krishna for immediate recovery.   Every day my practice was to remember and utter His name loudly at the time of going to bed and at the time of awakening in the early morn.

    One night, without any previous reference or even knowing who is Sai Baba (of course till August 72 I could not find out Baba, His Avatar, Teachings etc.) during morning hours, I had a dream. What I saw is that-there was a Saint having his head covered with a white cloth duly tied at the neck; with a small mustache and beard on the face and a Kupani (Angarkha as we call here in Madhya Pradesh on the body in sitting position, appeared on the vision.   Suddenly I woke up and uttered, "Oh !   He is my Guru."   "Here is my Guru. It was an instantaneous vision.   The image disappeared soon and the dream was over.

    The darkness was vanishing the day dawning, the birds cheering with the first joy of the day; and I was thinking as to who this Saint was ! and where can I find him ? Since I was living more lonely, did not even tell this dream-story to my family members.

    The days, months and the years passed on wherein I was very often recalling the  SAINT, His Image, and  the   dream-history, trying to go through all possible religious books and yearly issues of "Kalyan"Patrika to find out at least something about the Saint-of-the-Dream.   The days took turn, and after completing gradua­tion, I was married in the year 1964.

    In the year 1970, I again came to Hoshangabad on transfer, having joined a new department of Government.   Here at one shop, while I was purchasing some things, I saw a garlanded picture of the same Saint-of-Dream.   I enquired of the shop-keeper and he replied "Sai Baba of Shirdi." By further putting some more questions, he could only say-Shirdi is located in Ahmadnagar Dist : of Maharashtra State. But this could not satisfy me. I became much more anxious to know more.   But who could tell ?   I could do nothing [except to wait and pray God for early discovery and darshan of "Saint Guru."    Since then the desire to have darshan and know more about "GURU" increased more profoundly.    Mean-while search through Books and religious friend-circle continued.

    It was in August 1972, that during my tour of Piparia town (within Hoshangabad District) one of my friends invited me at his home.

    I accompanied him. Having reached his house, he asked me to have Darshan of Sai Baba first. I questioned -Which Sai Baba ? and he replied "Sai Baba of Shirdi." With a thrilling heart and wonder-struck mind I got in the Puja-Graha. And Lo ! Here Sai Baba !! I was then perceiving the same Saint of my Drea I took Darshan with the heart beating heavily, lips stunned, and eyes wide-open. After some minutes, it came to my mind that at least with the Grace of Guru Himself, I could find Him out. With great joy and heart-felt cheerfulness I prostrated before my "Shri Guru Maharaj." And with this my heart was filled with immense joy happiness, slight satisfaction and mind full of curiosity and eager| to know more. My friend-Sai-Devotee-then gave me some Vibhuti and Prasad and we came out. Then held an hour long narration about Shri Sai Baba, Shirdi. The Sansthan and the way to reach; I also had a chance to go through rapidly, some of old magazine Sai Leela and Shri Sai Sat charitra. We concluded with full content His content was to have made known something about SAI BAI to the most needy-A Devotee-and mine was to have known about Him and that I was brought on the right path by the Grace of Satguru. We then departed.

    The next day I returned to Hoshangabad (head quarters) and I the first time told the story of "Sai Baba in Dream" to my wife and expressed my innate desire to visit Shirdi Tirtha.   Also that I ha come to know Sai Baba,   My wife at first did not take it so serious and was also not knowing what can be the emotional desires of devotee.   Again  there was a discussion about Shirdi visit and she expressed her intention also to accompany me.   I urged the need of first visiting myself and afterwards with all members of our family) I was very earnestly bowing and praying BABA whole-heartedly, to permit me to visit Shirdi and have Darshan there.   The love for Baba, the devotion, the zeal and force of desire cannot be expressed in words.   It can be felt only.

    It was with the grace of Sai that I started for journey on Tuesday from Hoshangabad in October 1972 and next day very comfortable

    I reached Shirdi. It was my first experience and I was observing minutely nearness of Shirdi with great curiosity. Having reached

    I there I was allotted a room to stay with a partner. I took both and went in for Darshan with coconut prasad and garlands. The statue of Sai Baba was before me.   Again with thrilling heart filled with joy and greatest gratitude I prostrated before Baba and presented Prasad Coconut.

    Feelings were whirling in my mind that it was only with the grace of Baba that this fortunate day could be seen after a lapse of about 15 years of Baba's first vision.

    Because none could visit Shirdi if it is not allowed by Baba Himself.

    In the evening I went on to have Darshan of Baba's Lila-places-Chawadi, Dwarka Mai, Lendi Bag etc. to my fullest satisfaction. This lay and the next day I joined the Mid-day and evening Arti in which room partner was a guide for me. He visited Shirdi several times. Since it was revealed by the room-partner; I stayed on for Thursday and got the un-matchable opportunity to join the "Palki-procession" from Samadhi Mandir to Chawadi in which I was also given the chance to lift up Baba's Palki and to carry it to some steps. The whole procession and its performance fully bathed in utmost Devotion and surrender towards "SAI BABA" (as I felt it) attracted me to such an extent that I forgot myself for some time. During my past life nothing could be so alive a juncture than this Shirdi-Visit (nearness of Sai Baba).

    While again prostrating before Him I prayed and requested Baba relieve me of mental worries.   I also prayed to bestow me with a male child (son).   If this could be fulfilled I shall bring him (son) to place him at His feet.    This day I took prasad and Lunch in Common Bhojan-Graha. Next day  was last darshan of Sai Baba (of this Shirdi visit). I prayed Him to grant me permission for return journey and took Udi and Tirth. The given "Boon Flower" was also taken from me. Meanwhile I purchased "Shri Sai Satcharitra" (Hindi version and other available literature written by Shri Dassganu Maharaj and Shri Narsingha Swamiji. Photographs of Baba were also brought home. From the day I returned home, we have started worshipped Sai Baba with full faith in Him as "God Almighty." Since then every morning and evening Puja is performed by either of us. I studied the books brought from Shirdi. Shri Sai charitra is a holy book for us and is regarded and read out/ over with the same spirit and devotion as Shri Ramcharitmanas in our family, (in this part of northen India.)

    Within two months my wife became pregnant. She then urged to visit Shirdi and have Darshan of Sai Baba.    Meanwhile my father in-law, through us knew about "Baba and His Grace" and he desired to accompany us, if we might go to Shirdi.     It is with His Grace that we started for second visit-myself, wife, two daughters, father in-law and mother-in-law in the month of April 1973.

    This trip was also full of joy satisfaction and bliss as was previous one for me. My both daughters were impressed much and some times (now) the elder one performs Puja in our home with joy. Father-in-Law has also brought a photograph of Sai Baba "Sai Satcharitra" and they have also started worshipping Him.

    This time I became a subscriber of “Sai Leela” monthly magazine. We also had darshan of Bhagwan Khandoba and Samadhi Graha of Bhagat Mhalsapathi during this trip.

    This all made my whole family “Sai Devotee”. We have often been talking discussing Sai Leelas and the teachings hidden behind. The day of Baba’s boon was nearing and we were waiting anxiously.

    At last the day dawned and my wife gave birth to a male child (son) on 12th September 1973.   He did not come alone, but brought promotion.   I got the order of promotion before his birth and with easy terms to join at the present place of posting.   The whole family and the relatives were filled with immense joy and satisfaction which was all showered by Shri Samarth Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj.

    My heart immensely contented, filled with over-whelming feeling of experience of Sai-Grace, was re-calling: the beginning of devotion in the past, and further developments, the mightiness of Baba to confer temporal wants, giving opportunity to emerge with full devotion, to those whom He deems fit. For us Sri Sai Baba is still mercifully active in His form of omni-potent Omniscient, and Omnipresent. We are happy and pray Him confer us spiritual uplift when we deserve it.

    May ! all get, what they deserve, from Sri Sai Ram : (Shri Samarth Sadguru Sai Natharpanmastu)

    source saileela magazine

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #8 on: October 25, 2005, 08:13:14 AM »
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  • THE DIVINE VISION (June 1974)


    —Sri N. Purnachandra Rao, B. A.

    It so happened unexpectedly during the year 1955 that I followed a friend of mine to SHRI SAI BABA'S TEMPLE at Bhimavaram, West Godavari District on a Thursday. Till then I was not aware of the worship of ShriSaiBaba. During my first darshan at Sanctuary of the said temple the Murty of Sai Baba attracted me most and since then I used to adore Sai Baba daily at my house and also visit his temple on almost every Thursday till I left the said place in the year 1959.

    My faith in Sai Baba developed gradually and I adore him daily wherever I am. During the year 1964 Sai Baba blessed me with a male child. It was my longing to visit Sai Baba's temple at Shirdi but as it is situated at a far off place 1 could not fulfil my desire. On one occasion during the early period of 1967 an offer came to me to visit Poona and stay there for eight weeks. Then I felt very happy to avail of this opportunity to visit Shirdi from Poona during holidays.

    But due to some inexplicable reasons this programme was can­celled. Again during October, 1967 I was suddenly called on to proceed to Poona, to stay there for eight weeks, During this period, I was having some family worries due to shifting of my family to a strange place to which place I was transferred and I had to leave my family members alone, if I were to go over to Poona. I could not decide whether to proceed to Poona leaving my children alone at a strange place for a period of 2 months or apply for leave thereby losing the opportunity of visiting Poona.

    There was no time left to think over and decide and I had to either proceed to Poona within 24 hours i.e., the very next day or to apply for leave. Throughout the day I was worrying mentally as I did not like to lose the opportunity to proceed to Poona so that I could visit Shirdi and at the same time I could not venture to leave my family members alone as there were no adult male members in my family to look after the needs of my family members during the period of my absence. On the night of that critical day, I could not have sound sleep on account of mental worry due to my indecision in the matter. At midnight during sleep I had suddenly seen a vision of Shirdi Sai Baba surrounded by great brilliance of white light the intensity of which was beyond my power of expression. I trust that this brilliance cannot be described and explained by any person with an exception of some great spiritual masters. In the midst of this white, brilliant, divine and powerful light I have seen Murty of Shri Sai Baba in pure white form from head to foot with living eyes looking towards me. I could not withstand with the divine vision as I did not have much experience on any previous occasion and I suddenly woke up from sleep with shock and fear. Taking rest for five minutes, I again went to bed. Again within half an hour I had seen the same divine vision and again I woke up with nervous tension as I was not able to withstand the brilliance of this vision. In the morning I thought over the matter coolly, and my conscience prompted me that Shri Sai Baba desired me to avail the opportunity of deputation to Poona so that I could visit Shirdi also from Poona and have the darshan of Shri Sai Baba for which I was longing since a long time.

    Leaving all my family worries to the care of Shri Sai Baba, I left for Poona the very next day. During my stay at Poona on one occasion, 3 consecutive public holidays occurred and I proceeded to Shirdi. There is a problem of language in interior places of Maharashtra State as most of the people talk either Hindi or Marathi. But without any difficulty at any stage I performed journey to Shirdi more happily than expected due to the kind blessings of Shri Sai Baba. In this connection, I furnish below detailed particulars of my journey to Shirdi so as to explain myself more clearly how Shri Sai Baba helps his devotees. When I was waiting for a Government Transport Bus at Poona Bus Stand at 2 A. M. to go to Shirdi, a stranger who was tall and stout in Stature with a beard pursued me like anything, offer­ing a lift in his car upto Ahmadnagar for a fare equivalent to Bus Fare. I was hesitant and fearing to get into a stranger's car as he could speak only Hindi and Marathi and did not know English and offered to provide lift to only one person as the entire balance of space in the car had to be utilised to stock News Paper Bundles. I know Hindi but cannot express fluently. Even though I avoided to give him any answer, when he enquired with me in Hindi the place to which I had to go after enquiring with the other nearby passengers waiting there he again came to me expressing in Hindi that he was confident that I had to go to Shirdi and assured me that there would be no harm in getting into his car. He had practically compelled me to get into his car. Most unwillingly, I got into his car as I did not know whether to believe his version or not. After I got into his car he had taken me to Ahmadnagar in a very short time. The journey was very pleasant He had also shown me Bus Stand at Ahmadnagar to continue my journey to Shirdi. At Ahmadnagar I could easily secure accomodation in Government Transport Bus to go to Shirdi.

    After I got into Bus at Ahmadnagar I was enquiring with 'my co-passengers wherever Bus stopped at different stages whether Shirdi arrived, due to my anxiety that I might miss the stage of stoppage of Shirdi and thus face some trouble and difficulty in travel. At that time one gentleman came to me and after inquiring with me he told me not to worry and that he was the Inspecting Officer of the Bus and assured me that he would get down along with me at Shirdi and show me the temple of Shri Sai Baba. After I arrived at Shirdi this gentle­man had taken me to the temple of Shri Sai Baba and also explained to me the other important particulars of the place. I thanked him for his help and took leave of him at the temple.

    When I entered the temple of Shri Sai Baba I was thunder struck to notice that this was the same image of Shirdi Sai Baba which I had seen earlier in a dream, as explained above, surrounded by inexpli­cable divine brilliance. Here I desire to make myself more clear. Formerly I visited temples of Shri Sai Baba situated at Bhimavaram and Eluru in West Godavari District. In both these temples, the image of the Shri Sai Baba is of different colours i.e. white beard safforn clothes and red complexion. I was therefore not aware of adoration of image of Shri Sai Baba in pure white form. After seeing the image of Shri Sai Baba at Shirdi I recollected and satisfied myself that Shri Sai Baba was kind enough to grant me his divine darshan, which I could not withstand.

              Ever since this occurrence, my belief in Shri Sai Baba became thousand fold and I pray him daily and eagerly wait to receive "OODI PRASADA'' by post every month.



    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #9 on: October 25, 2005, 08:14:26 AM »
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  • The Miracle of Sai Baba's Udi (August 1974)

    By:- Mahesh Chandra Srivastava

    Inscrutable are the ways of Providence  

    To get the blessings of choicest Heaven is the rare bliss.

    Since October, 1973, I have the privilege of enjoying Baba's blessings in various ways and find Him guiding my darkened path, everyday, specially when I am in difficulty. Whenever my thoughts go to Him, irrespective of where I am, I find His Photograph, before me, conveying His blessings.

    A day earlier,  than the fall of KOJAGIRI POORNIMA, It was Wednesday and I was bound for Shirdi the very night. At 10 .30 A. M, a thought came to my mind that while at Shirdi, I should buy a silver ring with  'Baba's Emblem' over it. At about 1.30 PM, the same day, I called on a friend of mine, who deals in Diamonds, with a mind to have lunch with him and also to inform him of my inten­ding visit to Shirdi, since I would not be able to see him for a couple of days. After finishing the lunch, he got up and at his own accord, came out with an offer of a Platinum ring with 'Baba's Emblem' over it. The ring could be classed as one of the rarest mould of its kind.   Even  after spending a fortune,  I could not have made this precious ring. It has got a beautiful emblem of Baba in 'Gold' on it, and is made of platinum, silver and a couple of other hardening metals. The ring consists of five elements which is supposed to be 'THE MOST SACRED'. Since Baba  never wanted me to  wear a silver ring, that is why, He arranged, its presentation to fulfil my thoughts.

    My friend was just an instrument in its presentation, since this ring came to him from someone   Though this friend of mine used to meet me everyday for the past one month or so, still the thought of presenting this sacred ring came to his mind only that day, when Baba wanted my desire to be cherished. My friend made this offer of his own accord. With the ring on my finger, Baba brought me to His Lotus feet on 'KOJAGIRI POORNIMA' day which luckily was Thursday, at His shrine at Shirdi.

    But the miracle that I am going to narrate to my brother devotees, has its own significance and characteristic meaning. It has brought a great change in my life and has left a rich imprint on my mind, which no word can express. lam overwhelmed with His benign blessings, which He has been gracious enough to shower upon this humble self.

    On the morning of 23rd February, 1974, I reached the holy place, named Shirdi with my few friends, all intending to stay to­gether. Somehow, on reaching Shirdi, I decided to stay separately, and I did. After finishing the morning rituals, I went to my friend's place with a mind to go with them to 'Maha Samadhi Mandir' for ABHISHEK. Since they were not ready, I told them to meet me at Samadhi Mandir, where I would be awaiting them.

    While buying garlands for Baba, a vibration came to my mind as if Baba was instructing me in person, saying "Go to Dwarka Mai first, then to Chawadi and then to Samadhi Mandir. I am still alive.

    After prostrating on His Lotus feet and garlanding His Portraits at Dwarka Mai and Chawadi, I came to Samadhi Mandir for 'ABHISHEK' and to attend the noon arti

    No sooner the noon arti was finished, at Samadhi Mandir, I retired to my room with a mind to get up at 4 p. m. or 4.30 p. m. to go to Dwarka Mai for reading the religious books at His Lotus feet. But some unknown force woke me up at about 3.00 p. m , and directed me to get ready and go to Dwarka Mai. It was about 3 30 p. m, when I reached at the 'Sacred Place' where I was asked by the 'Blessed Attendant' to serve Baba by cleaning and wiping His two portraits and five Padukas, which adore the holy shrine. My joy knew no bounds, while serving Baba this way, since I never expected this service to come at that hour. The privilege to serve Baba this way, was just due to His kind mercy showered upon me.

    After rendering this service to Baba at Dwarka Mai, I bowed before Him and started reading the religious books named SAI-CHALISA - DURGA CHALISA - HANUMAN- CHALISA AND SHRI SAI SATCHARITRA.

    The Maharaj (who looks after chawadi Mandir) came unexpect­edly from somewhere and saw me with a book named 'Incredible Sai Baba' by Mr. Arthur Osborne. On seeing this book, he sat next to me and started discussing various miracles and leelas performed by Baba, as narrated by Mr, Arthur Osborne, in his book.

    During the discussion, I heard myself saying to him 'who says Baba is dead. He is still alive. His body has only been merged with holy earth, which has to be since He was in human form. He is on the planet guiding our destiny. He is omnipotent, Incarnate, never dies. Dwarka Mai is the place where one should come first to pay his respects, since this Sacred Soil has been blessed by Him, all His life. From this place, He blessed His devotees to achieve their spiri­tual as well as materialistic goal. This entire place is surcharged with His 'Divine Fragrance and reminds His devotees, the memories of His past leelas'. While expressing these sentiments to Maharaj, I turned my eyes towards His Padukas and saw that the entire Padukas had been smeared with Udi. I could not understand this phenomena of Nature at that time. But it did coincide with the arrival of two devotees, who whispered between themselves in Marathi, and left the shrine. Later on, Maharaj translated the same to me, which reads as follows :

    'Look,   at  Baba's   Padukas. with Udi' How beautifully   they are smeared
    After their departure, no devotee came to this holy shrine for darshan for another ten to fifteen minutes, though usually this place is always filled with a number of devotees Probably, Baba with His Bizzari way did not permit any of the devotees to enter in Dwarka Mai, since the sacred Udi which was miraculously smeared on His Padukas was only meant for me. At 4-55 p. m., I suggested to Maharaj to go to Chawadi and sit there for a while on getting up, he drew my attention to the sacred Udi smeared so scientifically on the Padukas {looking as snowed) which a short while ago, my hands had the privilege of cleaning and washing. It appeared that the whole of that Udi will make a good quantity, but when it was collected by Maharaj, it turned out to be just a pinch. It was brownish in colour and glittering like a diamond with its divine lustre. It was Baba's Prasad for me, in appreciation of my ardent faith bestowed in His Omnipresence.

    I now wear as an armlet filled with this precious, holy of holy, and most sacred Udi which sanctifies my thoughts, kindles my day to day's darkened path and guides my destiny. It inspires me to cherish the desire of my life's goal and fills my heart with reverence. The very thought that He is associated with my destiny enriches the aura of my life with His divine fragrance.


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline Rajesh Thaker

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #10 on: October 25, 2005, 09:11:23 AM »
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    Originally posted by subhasrini


    (From Shri Sai Leela, May 1973)



    I am at the fag end of my life. Before I leave this mortal body I want to release my experience for the benefit of the true devotees of Sri Sai Nath. though I have kept it as a sacred secret for many long years.

    It was the end of the year 1947. I casually came to know that there was a Saint in SHIRDI. Haphazardly I made arrangements to go to Shirdi. Neither I knew the way to Shirdi, nor have I seen Baba previously. At that lime, I was staying at Dehu Road, near Poona. The quarters in which I lived had two rooms. The night before starting for Shirdi. I slept in one room and in the other room my father and brother slept. Unexpectedly my sleep was broken early in the morning and I was rolling in the cot in the darkness. Suddenly I saw this vision :-

    I was in front of a big 'KUTI'. It had one matted door, a thatched roof and broad varandah, with two steps in front. I was standing at the steps. All of a sudden the door was opened and from the door black person came naked and wearing a garland of human skulls and he stood holding the top comer of the door with his right hand. At his mere presence, I shook and shivered with great terror and a flick of thought crossed my mind as to who was this devil who came here to finish and eat me up when I came here for the Darshan of Babaji. Simultaneously at this moment I saw Babaji coming through the door and at His very presence my mind became calm and I was happy that He had come to save me from that devil.

    Immediately I ran up the stairs, bowed before Him and asked Him, "Babaji! The worldly people say there is no God. Is there God or not?" Babaji bent forward, put his right hand palm on my head and said, "Yes." And at the same time both of them vanished.

    As scheduled, I started for Shirdi next morning and reached in time and the first thing I saw as a surprise was a clay model of Babaji which was exactly like the one whom I saw in the vision. Immediately I purchased the clay model and brought it home .and ever since that time I have preserved it carefully. It has become my real Baba in the House.

    I am still unable to make out who was this black person, naked and having a garland of human skulls. In due course of time when I read a descrip­tion of Lord Shankara in Tulsi-Ramayana, it has exactly tallied with Him. Hence I understood that He is none other than (he great Deity Bhagwan Shankara.

    Both of them were so immensely merciful towards me and I am ever and ever greatly eager for their darshan.

    So one can imagine when Lord Shankara attended in Sai Baba as a humble servant, how great should be our devotion and service to Sri Sai Baba who is none other than the great LORD ALMIGHTY SRI MAHA VISHNU.

    I hope this my vision will clear the doubts about the existence of God and about Sri Sai Nath as the incarnation of God.


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.


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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #11 on: October 26, 2005, 01:47:26 PM »
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  • CONTROL OF ELEMENTS (November 1974)




    Through fear of Him blows the wind. Through fear of HIM rises the Sun. Through fear of Him again Fire and Moon shine. Fifthly, Death runs to fulfil its duties.

    In canto XVI and XVII of Srimad Bhagavata. We read that after driving Kaliya Nag from the waters of the Yamuna, Lord Krishna and the inhabitants of Braja with their cows spent that night near the bank of Kalindi, oppressed with hunger and thirst and worn out with fatigue. While they were all asleep fire broke out in the forest dried with summer heat and began to burn down Braja. The fire surrounded the sleeping inhabitants. The inhabitants found themselves helpless and sought refuge at the feet of their Lord Bala Gopala. Observing the perturbation and helplessness of His people, the Lord, in the abundence of His compassion for His devotees, immediately swallowed up that fierce conflagaration, possessed as He was of unlimited energy (Anantha Sakthi dhrity)- It is no wonder that as the creater of the universe and the elements, Lord Krishna had controlled and swallowed the encircling forest fire.

    H. H. B. V. Narasimhaswamiji of revered memory, in his Preface to Vol. II of Life of Sai Baba observed "WHAT SRI KRISHNA WAS AND WHAT HE SAID PUZZLED THIS AUTHOR AND PUZZLED SO MANY OTHER PERSONS; AND AFTER SEEING WHAT SAI BABA SAID AND DID, ALL THESE PUZZLES DISAPPEARED AND CLEAR LIGHT DAW­NED UPON EVERY ONE" etc When that is the case with a devout and religious minded soul like our Swamiji it can better be imagined how the sceptics and atheists respect the above mentioned incident in the life of Lord Krishna as unbelievable and as a figment of the imagination of the author, sage Veda Vyasa. Let us now see how Lord Sai in his own ingenious way proved the veracity of the above phenomenon.

    One day at noon the fire in the dhuni began to burn brightly and the flames were seen to be reaching the rafters of the mosque. The people who were sitting in Dwarka mai did not know what to do. It was not for them to ask the omniscent and omnipotent Baba to do something to quell the rising flames. Baba was then evidently in a transcendental mood. But the feelings of the devotees reacted on him and he came to his normal condition. He immediately went to the Dhuni and with his Satka (Small stick) struck on the pillar nearby saying "Get down, Be calm" several times. The fire obeyed immediately and resumed its normal condition.

    Commenting on this incident in his Sri Sai Satcharitra, that great devotee Sri Hemadpant says "This is our Sai, an incarnation of God. He will bless any man who will prostrate and surrender himself, to him" as did the inhabitants of Vraja on that fateful night referred to above.

    Again on a midsummer day one of the hayricks at Shirdi caught fire through accident. There were many hayricks nearby. The wind was blowing fiercely and the other ricks were in the imminent danger of being caught fire and reduced to ashes. One of the residents ran up to Baba and craved to save them and their cattle. Baba immediately went to the burning stack and drew a thin line with water round that stack and said "Only this stack will be burnt, and no others". Only that stack was burnt, though other stacks were near and a wind was blowing.

    ( B. C, S. 342 )

    Baba was occasionally preparing Meetha Chaval (Sweet Rice) or Pulava and feeding the people that came to him. He used to personally attend to the cooking business. To test whether the food was properly boiled or not and to ensure for its proper condition, jaba used to thrust his bare hand into the boiling cauldran and churn the whole mess from side to side and up and down. Strange to say that Baba's hand was never burnt in the process. This fact also evidences his absolute control over the fire and its attributes.

    In this connection, it is worthwhile recollecting what Sri Sai Saran Ananda Swami (Vamanrao P. Patel in his poorva Ashram) says on this aspect of Baba's supernatural powers, in his "Shri Sai, the Superman". "The idea that He is an entity apart from God has entirely left Him. He lives, moves and acts in God and when any of the Supernatural Powers is being exercised or used by Him He never thinks that He has been doing anything extraordinary, the exercise of these Powers being so natural to HIM".

    In St. Mathew, Chapter 8, verses 24-27 it is stated that when Jesus the Christ was asleep in the ship, there arose a great tempest in the sea and the ship was tossed up and down with the winds and waves. Then the disciples woke up Jesus and implored him to save them. Jesus then rebuked the winds and the Sea and there was a great calm. The men marvelled saying "What manner of Man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him".

    We find a similar incident in the life of Sai Baba. Rao Bahadur Moreswar V. Pradhan, B. A. L L. B. recounts in his statements of experiences how in 1910, there was a severe storm and heavy down pour of rain in Shirdi and how Baba controlled it saying., "O God! Enough, stop the rain. My children have to go back home. Let them go back without difficulty". Immediately the storm  stopped and Mr. Pradhan   was enabled to  return home that, night.

    ,         Similarly in 1914 Baba controlled a fierce storm through his divine powers. He continues to exercise his supernatural powers for the benefit of his devotees, which evidences his God-head. Here is an instance.

    In 1951, I was working as Stationary Sub-Magistrate, Kai-kalur There is a Sanskrit School there. As a devotee of Sanskrit Language, I was closely associated with the activities of the School. The teachers arranged literary meetings on 13th and 14th October, 1951 in consultation with me. I attended the Mahasamadhi Day on 10-10-1951 at the Sai Mandir, Ventrapragada. At the time of departure on 11-10-51, I earnestly prayed Baba to make the function a success.

    Kavi Samrat, Padma Bhushan, Kala Prapoorna Sri Viswanatha Satyanarayana Garu (Recipient of Jnana Peetam Award of Rs. One Lakh) Kalaprapoorna, Pandit Penumatsa Satyanarayana Raju garu and some ten eminent scholars were invited and they attended the conference.

    The opening session was held on the morning of 13-10-1951. At 3 PM the evening session began. Soon there was a gale and drizzle. The sky was cast with clouds and was threatening. The Pandal appeared to be in danger of being blown off by the wind. I felt nervous and mentally prayed to Baba. Soon the gale and drizzle subsided. Everything went on well according to Schedule. When we returned home the court yard of my house was very damp and wet. When questioned I was told there was a heavy downpour of rain at 4 PM that day as a result of which the side canals were flooded. And the whole area overflowed with water. My further enquiries revealed that beyond a radius of 2 furlongs from the meeting place there was fierce gale and heavy downpour of rain. The absence of gale and rain near and at the meeting place was entirely due to the kripa (mercy) and divine powers of Prabhu Sainath. This happened thirty three years after the Mahasamadhi of Baba which confirms the following assurances given by the benign Sai.


    & SAYINGS.

    50.     I shall be active and vigorous from the t9mb also.

    51.     Even after my Mahasamadhi, I shall be with you the moment you think of me, at  any place.

    52.     As soon as a devotee calls unto me with love, I will appear. I require no train to travel.

    This is our Sai who is Krishna and Jesus rolled into one. The same divinity indeed. It is due to accumulation of merit of several births that we have become the children of Mother Sai and receive his constant care and protection. Let us repay our debit to our Prabhu through constant remembrance of HIM and through repeating His Holy Name 'SAI' always.

    P. V. Satyanarayana Sastry, B. A.

    Retired Thasildar,

    Krishna Lanka,

    Vijayawada - 2 (A. P.)


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #12 on: October 26, 2005, 01:49:03 PM »
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  • SAI’S APPEARANCE IN DREAM (February 1975)

    It was in December 1967, I began Sai Pooja as initiated by a close Brahmin friend of mine with whom I was staying at HIDKAL DAM near Belgaum.

    At first I did a Sai Saptaha “reading of Guru Charitra” in a week and concluded on Thursday as desired. The same night Sai appeared in dream and directed me to attend an interview the next day. This dream was in acceptance of my worship and faith in Sai Nath. The following day being Friday, as usual after my morning rituals when I returned from Shivalaya, a person was waiting for me with an introduction letter to appear for an interview. I was offered the job without many formalities. The new assignment was not much appealing to me in the beginning when compared to my previous post. My mind was therefore not at rest. I prayed to Sainath for his grace in meeting these challenges. My course of worship was very simple, restricted to always remembering Sai’s name and form. This process slowly purified my mind and redressed my mental state.

    At the inspiration of Sai I devoted my whole hearted attention to my new task, casting aside all my doubts. My ceaseless efforts in introducing a better pattern of accounting  system paved way for my initial success and due recognition in the organization.

    Sai’s acceptance of Naivedya and appearance as a black cat.

    After about three months I had been to Kerala for my marriage. Just prior to my marriage I performed another Saptaha in my home town where many friends and relatives were present on the seventh day. When preparations for arati were being made a black cat turned up before Sai’s photo and gulped at once the naivedya offered to Sai and disappeared. This miracle of Sai surprised those who were present there. They all shared this spiritual feast for the first time and kept wondering at the glory and significance of Sai, who is present in all beings.

    Sai’s appearance as serpent on my birthday
    My faith in Sai grew day by day. In the year 1969 on my birthday I was reciting Sai mantra and offering arati before Sai’s photo along with my wife, when I felt the presence of Sai Nath there. At the very moment our attention was drawn to a shining piece of gold in front of Sai’s photo. Soon we realized it as a living serpent of 6 inches in length. My joy knew no bound. My wife was dumbfounded with this Sai leela. At my instruction milk was brought and offered. In a few minutes it had disappeared. My faith and devotion was thus acknowledged. By this time my little pooja room became a place of worship for many simple devotees of Sai Nath. One of these days a saint who came to perform yagnya to this place revealed these sequences as rare glories of Sai Nath.

    K.R.Gopinath B.Com
    Hubli-22 Karnatak State


    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #13 on: October 26, 2005, 01:53:14 PM »
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  • The Infinite Grace (July 1985)


              I grew up in my aunt’s house in a village since I was 2 years old.  There I used to watch my niece perform Aarti with a child’s curiosity.  When she reached 16 she was married.  Her first delivery was a difficult one.  In villages in those only the barber’s wife did the mid-wifery and she said that my niece has to be taken to Hosipital as her acute labour pains continued unabated.

     The nearest town was 6 miles away and the available conveyance was by bullock-cart and the road was bumpy, uneven and katcha.  Not a recommendable proposition.  So all were worried.  Meantime hearing our conversation, amidst her labour pains, she said that Baba will protect her.  So saying she cried aloud “Baba, Baba, Baba”.

     At the doorway of the room where she was lying, there appeared a hand in abhaya mudra and soon after she delivered a baby without any difficulty.  This happened in 1939 on an evening at about 6.45.  That was my first conscious introduction to Baba’s leelas.  Later in the company of my mother, who used to observe a vow on Thursdays and perform Aarti, my faith in the Almighty was developed and sealed.

              I used to write songs in praise of the Lord whenever I was in distress and sing them.  I have composed so far more than 4000 songs.  

    I was and I am worshipping Balaji of Tirupathi, our family diety and also Lord Subrahmanya, Goddess Mahalakshmi and Rajarajeswari Devi.

    I observe a vow on Saturdays and Krithiga days.  I have Baba’s photo in my pooja room.  A day before Krithiga I used to have dream when a big cobra used to come and dance on my chest.  This was just a reminder to me that the next day was Krithiga, the day of Lord Subrahmanya.  I started my Saturday vow when I was in an acute difficult situation.  I took a vow that I will write 108 songs - one each day - on Lord Balaji and my troubles must be over before I complete 108.  Graciously enough my trouble was over soon after.

              Once I was virtually on death-bed because of severe jaundice.  I was then just 32 years old with a young wife and two kids.  I left hope of my life as the doctors numbered my days.  My people were all weeping by my bed-side when my old main servant came and said to my wife, “Take a vow to deposit your mangala-sutra in Balaji’s Hundi, if he became alright”.  Hearing this, I gathered all my feeble strength and shouted at her stating that I have no more belief in Balaji, who could not help my recovery.  At this the maid servant became unconscious suddenly and Balaji possed her and said “Dear child I have been protecting you from long (instances were quoted here).  Why do you lose confidence in me now?  You will be cured by a doctor who will come today from south.  Apologise for your words”.  My maid servant did not know any of the incidents in my life; but she quoted them all correct.  Later the doctor came as prophesied, cured me and I bear witness to this.

              When I was in India I used to attend bhajans on Thursdays.  I went to Mbeya in Tanzania and there I used to conduct bhajans on Monday in temple and Thursdays in my house regularly.  Recently in Oman I had occasion to meet one gentleman named Saibaba whose office is next to mine.  When he was introduced to me I nearly picked up a quarrel with him questioning how he can have his name as “Saibaba”.  Now he is a very good friend of mine and he took me to Dr.Homi Kaikobad’s house, where I was since then attending Sai Satsangh and Aarti regularly.

              A couple of months back I had a dream.  I was on the last step of a staircase in a Railway station.  An old lady in mid - 50’s was sitting in a wheel-chair.  She was wearing a red saree, red blouse, red kumkum, and her jewels were shining most radiantly.  Next to her an old man, in torn clothes, was also standing with a rickshaw who asked me, “My son, tell me where you want to go?  I will take you.  This lady also follows me in her wheel-chair”.  I was then worried about my job opportunities and was praying to Goddess Rajarajeshwari and Baba to show me a right place.  The result was the dream.  It was a symbolic assurance of help which I got quickly later!  I always get answers in my dreams, and my dreams come true.

              I am a Tamil Brahmin and Civil Engineer.  My family is in Madras.  I am 50 years old now and have one son and 4 daughters.  Three of them are married all within a range of 45 days.  It is all His grace.  I always find His hand and guidance and feel his presence in everything.  I do not see any difference between Lord Venkateshwara (Venkusa?) and Shirdi Baba.  I don’t know why but Dr. Homi took a special liking for me and I am grateful to him.  He was the leading light in Sai devotion in Muscat.  I am nothing when compared to his revelations.  He is utterly a Sai Diwana with Sai perpetually on his lips and in his heart.  He always had an irresistible urge to meet the echoes of his inner call.  Answering this call, one day he suddenly left Muscat, God knows where, without a word to anybody, in search of the Greater Self, throwing away a flourishing practice, his many-sided popularity, his ever-widening circle of friends and well-wishers.  I am sure he left to find a place of solitude in some unknown and obscure corner of the world where, without any disturbance from devotees or patients, he can pursue this spiritual urge which became a magnificent obsession for him.  But the imprint that he left in Muscat is too deep to be erased or forgotten.  We miss him like the Gopis of Vrindavana in the absence of their Krishna, the Eternal Flute Player.



    Ruwi-Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

    (Article based on a letter received by

    Shri K.Navin Chander from Hyderabad)

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline SS91

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    Re: Sai Leelas
    « Reply #14 on: October 28, 2005, 10:50:58 AM »
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  • BABA IS ALWAYS WITH ME (September 1985)

    Saibaba is God, I will say that Shri Saibaba is more than God. I say 'is' because Saibaba still exists in this universe, In ancient time few real devotees of God might have seen God. They did penance for the darshan of God.

    But Shri Saibaba was staying in Shirdi for some years as a Saint. Many people have seen Shri Saibaba and Saibaba blessed them and consequently they flourished. At present also, those who have full faith in Saibaba, get blessings and help from Baba.

    Many devotees get real darshan of Shri Saibaba even to-day. Faith is the most important factor so far as the worship of any God is concerned. There is a saying in Marathi that if you worship any ordinary stone with staunch faith, you can see God in that stone. So one must have full faith while worshipping any deity you like.

    I have full faith in Shri Saibaba. He is always with me. Baba helps me in my difficulties. When ever I start for any work, I always remember Baba and pray to Baba that let this work be successful. And my experience is surprisingly good. By the blessings to Baba all my missions have been successfully carried out.

    Few days ago, in the last week of June 1985, there was heavy rainfall in Bombay city and suburbs. All local trains were completely disorganised. In the morning the situation was some what better. Therefore, I could manage to come to the office in the fort area (Bombay Port Trust Office) But from 2 'O' clock in the afternoon there was torrential rain pouring in continuously. It resulted in a complete disorganisation of the Central railway local trains All the local trains were running upto Kurla Station only. Those who were staying beyond Kurla went by local trains upto Kurla and from Kurla they hired a taxi or rikshaw and went to Thane. I stay at Badlapur and Badlapur is far away from Bombay V.T. Now it was a problem for me to reach home. I had no other alternative but to stay in the Bombay city. But due to heavy downpour I became completely upset. In these circumstances I could "not go to my relatives. I was praying to Shri Saibaba. And I was sure that Baba will take me home in any condition. This thought came to the mind and Baba led me to .the platform from which the through trains (Mail, Express trains) start. The Deccan queen was standing on Platform No. 9 at V.T. station. It was late by one hour. The Deccan Queen started at 6.10 p.m. from V.T. It stops at Karjat station only I made up my mind to go to Karjat and to come back to Badlapur by local train. Due to heavy rain the Deccan Queen, halted at main stations like Dadar, Thana, Kalyan. From Kalyan the Deccan Queeen would have stopped at Karjat only. But to my surprise, the Deccan Queen halted at Badlapur station. Baba was saying that my dear child, here is your station, get down and go home. I got down at Badlapur station with blessing of Baba. Again Baba was with me here also. I reached safely at 9.30 p.m. at home. My wife and children were in anxiety. They were surprised to see me. Because they knew that the trains were coming upto Kurla station only. I told them that Baba brought me here. I bowed to Baba's photo He is really Almighty and Omni­potent.

    —    Madhukar Wakhare Badlapur.

    source saileela magazine

    Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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