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Offline Purnima Guliani

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Try and leave it to Him
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:12:13 AM »
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  • Baba has forever been kind and helpful to each one of us and deep in our hearts, we do realize and agree to this.  But when we are in the moment of stress, we get anxious and curios about the outcome of the situation, though we also understand that we have no control over the existing circumstances in most of the situations. 

    If we look back and see, were we able to handle any of the situations and/or problems that we faced in the past and were we not able to come out of it.  It is our prayers and good deeds that help us to sail through situations and stress only adds to the worries and worsens the problems.  With our faith and devotion towards Baba, we have to win over this stress and anxiety and work on our mind to be calm in all situations, as each situation is created by Baba and He already has the solution to all our problems, so why should we worry and take stress. We need to understand that each situation is brought in our life to give us a learning and once we complete our learning of that life lesson, the situation seems to get solved.  We are in Baba's school and we have to learn the lessons of life, some are easy and some are tough, so some situations look easy and some very difficult. 

    I am yet again trying to leave it to Him and I have faith that He will help me.  Baba has constantly been my Sai Ma, my God, my strength, my teacher, my guide, my friend and I have shared all my worries only with Him and he has helped me sail through all so far. 

    Getting anxious over problems is human nature and we all get stressed out with problems but that is a symptom to the problem and the cure is Leaving it to Baba and not getting stressed.  We need to analyze the situation, try and understand the learning from the circumstances, learn and improve ourselves and we will be able to overcome the problem.  So, lets all try and work on the problem and not get worked up with the symptoms, as is beautifully explained in the movie "Taare Zameen Par".

    When I am worried, sometimes, I get this vision that I am small boy and I am walking with Baba holding His finger and jumping with joy and Baba is also walking and smiling looking at me.  It is such a divine feeling when I get this vision. 

    I hope and pray that we all get the strength and courage to overcome our worries and strengthen our faith and belief in Baba and may all our prayers are answered soon and may there is be peace and happiness for one and all :)

    Jai Sai Ram :)

    Offline sonikaputtoo

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    Re: Try and leave it to Him
    « Reply #1 on: August 13, 2016, 02:17:55 AM »
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  • Beautiful message worth following...

    baba knows everything....he is the actual doer...we r just puppets in his hands.

    Sai kripa!

    Om Sadguru Sai Naman!

    Sai bless all........baba be with all

    Live Simply~Love Generously~ Care Deeply~ Speak Kindly.

    Offline drashta

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    Re: Try and leave it to Him
    « Reply #2 on: August 14, 2016, 05:19:01 AM »
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  • Om Sai Ram!

    Thank you, Purnima Ji, for such a beautiful and uplifting message. This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Yes, as you write, "each situation is created by Baba and He already has the solution to all our problems, so why should we worry and take stress." I'm in a difficult situation for the last two years. I pray that Baba teaches me the intended lesson and changes my situation soon. Kindly pray for me.

    Jai Sai Ram.

    Offline Purnima Guliani

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    Re: Try and leave it to Him
    « Reply #3 on: August 16, 2016, 12:55:33 AM »
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  • Jai Sai Ram :)

    I hope and pray that your prayers are answered soon and may Baba end your wait and bless you soon :)  Keep faith and hold on, help is just around the corner and it will come at the right time.

    Jai Sai Ram :)


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