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Offline saipsr

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Re: In THURST of sai leelas.
« Reply #165 on: October 10, 2008, 09:50:25 PM »
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  • Jai SaiRam. I had posted one of my experiences before. Now I will share a couple more of mine.
    When we built our first house, I had sincerely extended my first invitation to Baba. I really wanted him to come and bless us and our house. We had a very few people for our simple Grihapravesham. After the pooja, we spread the banana leaves (instead of lunch plates) for all guests to have lunch. As mentioned before, we were only a few of them and I counted everybody twice and put the correct number of banana leaves for lunch. To my surprise, after we started lunch, we realized there was one extra banana leaf spread. My joy knew no bounds. Baba indeed had come to our house!!!!

    It was my son's first birthday. I had requested Baba to come to my sons birthday and bless him and our family. We finished our lunch but through out I was blaming Baba for not coming to the function. After the guests left and while we were cleaning the party hall, one of our friends gave us a Lord venkateshwara dollar that they found on the ground. Again, my joy knew no bounds. Baba indeed showed his presence.
    Jai Sai Ram!!1

    Offline sushmakomandur

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    Re: In THURST of sai leelas.
    « Reply #166 on: October 15, 2008, 03:10:41 PM »
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  • [Sirisha
    My Moms great experience 2 weeks back
    My parents constructed a new house n it was the late night pooja. They planned for homam after the house warming pooja. My mom made sure she made all arrangements carefully but some how at night 10 she realised she forgot to buy new Lamps to lit for homam. for homam they compulsorily need new lamps else homam cannot be performed. she was totally upset when she realised that she missed buying that. she sat before Sai and cried saying that she did a mistake n only Sai has to help her now. She cried a lot n prayed. she put Rs 2 (Shradda n Saburi) before BaBa n left all the responsibility on Him not knowing what n how He will make sure the
    homam goes fine without a problem.
    Mean while my uncle told my mom that he wud go to shops n try if he can see any shop open. since its late in teh night and shops close by 9pm there was no hope in anyone. My uncle went to sooooooo many shops but all were closed. No shop was open that late night. Then at last he thought I will try just one more shop n i will go home. To his dismay the shop to which he went though it was closed, 2 lamps brand new ones were kept out at the door. The shop was locked n why will anyone put new lamps outside the shop n go?? My uncle dint know what to do for a moment. He thought will it be robbery if he takes those that too for Gods pooja. Atlast he decided what ever he will take them home n the homam shud go well and next day he can come to shop n tell the shopkeeper abt it. He left some money there n took the lamp home. Everyone was sooo surprised to hear to this miracle.
    BaBa made sure homam goes well n answered my moms prayers.
    Just 10 days before this happened BaBa told my mom that "after 10 days u will see a miracle happen. wait for it" n this is what it is :)
    Om Sri Sai Ram /color]
    Sushma Komandur.

     He who casts aside his egoism and thanks HIM (GOD)
     and he who trusts HIM (GOD) entirely will have his
    shackles removed and will obtain Liberation".-Shr Sai Baba

    Offline etgirl

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    Re: In THURST of sai leelas.
    « Reply #167 on: October 15, 2008, 03:59:26 PM »
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  • sai leela anant hai
    sai naam anmol
    janam safal ho jayaga
    sai sai bool

    Offline sushmakomandur

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    Re: In THURST of sai leelas.
    « Reply #168 on: October 17, 2008, 10:56:38 PM »
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  • Sirisha
    My Moms great experience 2 weeks back
    My parents constructed a new house n it was the late night pooja. They planned for homam after the house warming pooja. My mom made sure she made all arrangements carefully but some how at night 10 she realised she forgot to buy new Lamps to lit for homam. for homam they compulsorily need new lamps else homam cannot be performed. she was totally upset when she realised that she missed buying that. she sat before Sai and cried saying that she did a mistake n only Sai has to help her now. She cried a lot n prayed. she put Rs 2 (Shradda n Saburi) before BaBa n left all the responsibility on Him not knowing what n how He will make sure the
    homam goes fine without a problem.
    Mean while my uncle told my mom that he wud go to shops n try if he can see any shop open. since its late in teh night and shops close by 9pm there was no hope in anyone. My uncle went to sooooooo many shops but all were closed. No shop was open that late night. Then at last he thought I will try just one more shop n i will go home. To his dismay the shop to which he went though it was closed, 2 lamps brand new ones were kept out at the door. The shop was locked n why will anyone put new lamps outside the shop n go?? My uncle dint know what to do for a moment. He thought will it be robbery if he takes those that too for Gods pooja. Atlast he decided what ever he will take them home n the homam shud go well and next day he can come to shop n tell the shopkeeper abt it. He left some money there n took the lamp home. Everyone was sooo surprised to hear to this miracle.
    BaBa made sure homam goes well n answered my moms prayers.
    Just 10 days before this happened BaBa told my mom that "after 10 days u will see a miracle happen. wait for it" n this is what it is
    Om Sri Sai Ram
    Sushma Komandur.

     He who casts aside his egoism and thanks HIM (GOD)
     and he who trusts HIM (GOD) entirely will have his
    shackles removed and will obtain Liberation".-Shr Sai Baba

    Offline sushmakomandur

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    Re: In THURST of sai leelas.
    « Reply #169 on: October 17, 2008, 10:57:06 PM »
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  • Spontaneous Healing from Hearing Baba's Leela's

    When we were in California few years ago, for some unknown reason, my health went down and I couldn't use my hands at all. I was told that my neck bones became straight instead of a curve and pinched my nerves coming from the brain to my hands and I lost sensation in my hands completely. I could not do anything at all. Just sitting down or walking but not even picking up anything, let alone cooking or anything. My cousin cooked for our family and my daughter, who was in high school, would clean up the dishes and so forth. This condition lasted for about four years.

    One fine Thursday afternoon, I received a packet from my husband's elder brother from India. It had a DVD with a picture of Shirdi Sai Baba on it. I did not know anything about Baba. The next day I was in a bad car accident, but fortunately no one was hurt. As it was a Friday, and I had performed Lakshmi puja, I thought Lakshmi Devi had saved me and the other driver. But when my brother in law arrived from California, and heard about the accident, he said NO! IT WAS SAI BABA WHO SAVED YOU.

    From that day onwards, every night we both used to go to my Brother-in-Law's house for dinner or just to talk, and he told us about Baba's Leelas. I completely believed him and Baba's leelas. I was surprised hearing so many miracles! He told us that Baba's Udi (vibhuthi, sacred ash) had saved his wife's life when doctors had not helped, and many other stories. I was so happy to listen to Baba's leelas.

    After two weeks of listening to Baba's stories, my brother called from Kentucky and said he was coming to visit us. Not thinking at all about my disability, I was so happy about their coming arrival that I made a big vessel of Puranpolies and Murukulu, mixing the dough and making with my hands to press into the oil to fry. They ate the snacks I made on a car trip home from L.A. to San Jose. My uncle, who accompanied them, could not believe that I had made the snacks! When my cousin called me, to find out what had happened, I said "I feel fine - no pain anywhere".

    I couldn't believe myself that my neck felt normal and that I could cook all those snacks without even thinking of my pain in my hands! My brother-in-law was shocked too. He said to me that because I believed Baba unconditionally and completely, HE removed my pain in hands and made my neck normal! I never even asked Baba or prayed to Baba to remove my pain, but just listening to my brother-in-law talk about HIS Leelas and Baba made me normal." -
    from Neeraja
    Sushma Komandur.

     He who casts aside his egoism and thanks HIM (GOD)
     and he who trusts HIM (GOD) entirely will have his
    shackles removed and will obtain Liberation".-Shr Sai Baba

    Offline sushmakomandur

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    Re: In THURST of sai leelas.
    « Reply #170 on: October 17, 2008, 11:00:34 PM »
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    Just thought of sharing my experience .I had been doing parayana of saileelamrutham starting from navarathiri as Baba's mahasamadhi day was approaching. On wednesday i prayed to Baba while reading that he shuld come and ask for dakshina from me in some form .
    On wednesday i and my aunt went to Saibaba temple.After prayers we came out of the temple and got into an auto and sat.Suddenly one old man with a long white beard appeared suddenly and asked daskhina.He was old,stout and his face had a lot of divinity in them.I sat still seeing him,while my aunt gave money.He took the money and raised his hands in blessing.He then looked at me and again asked me dakshina.I realised i did not have money borrowed money from my aunt and gave him.he smiled very beautifully and blessed me.
    The auto driver also took out money and gave him.Then he walked and went away.We were not able to trace him after that.The auto driver said he too felt the divinity in the old man.

    Actually this temple i go everyweek but i have never seen such a person and though many ppl beg for money outside the temple no one ever had blessed me after taking money.So i felt Baba fulfilled my wish of taking dakshina in some form.

    I also like to inform you that we have planned for saibaba bhajan in our house on saturday from 6- 8 in the evening,Would pray for all starsai members.

    I should thank you coz i came to know of the english version of the book only from the link you gave.


    Sushma Komandur.

     He who casts aside his egoism and thanks HIM (GOD)
     and he who trusts HIM (GOD) entirely will have his
    shackles removed and will obtain Liberation".-Shr Sai Baba

    Offline sushmakomandur

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    Re: In THURST of sai leelas.
    « Reply #171 on: November 13, 2008, 11:51:32 AM »
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  • Sai ram Friends,
    I was in temple as i mentioned earlier,i was doing sai naamavali sitting in corner,i don't know Pundithji called my husband and started chatting with him,as u guys already know venu is not much into pooja's and stuff.I don't know poojariji called him close and started to narrate an incident happened in Shirdi recently.
    He started "Have u seen news about shirdi"
    Venu "No i don't,whats new"
    Baba blessed a kid with vision and its on Tv channels everywhere.
    Pundithji continued "a young kid who had 2 different sugeries for getting vision,had unsuccessful results,as a final hope they paid a visit to shirdi,when they were in line in samadhi mandhir and approching near moorthi with young boy,pundithji all of sudden got up,picked a flower from samadhi and started dipping in a bowl of thirtha which they usually keep in thali(plate) near baba and started sprinkling in boys eyes.Then suddenly Boy could see and parents started crying and people in sai dardar started doin jai jai kar along with cries and happiness.
    When i heared this news i was so suprised.
    And pundiji especially told venu "If u'r belief and worship is true God sure comes"
    Its strange,why pandji told venu and not me,as i talk to him more and iam so happy atleast he got a chance to listen about baba.
    Its baba's wonderful leela,how baba in this kalyug started showing his miracles.
    Iam happy to hear this miracle of baba.
    may baba bless all.
    jai sai ram!
    Sushma Komandur.

     He who casts aside his egoism and thanks HIM (GOD)
     and he who trusts HIM (GOD) entirely will have his
    shackles removed and will obtain Liberation".-Shr Sai Baba

    Offline SS91

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    Re: In THURST of sai leelas.
    « Reply #172 on: November 13, 2008, 11:58:57 AM »
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  • Sushma ji,

    Wonderful news!

    On Baba's day you have fed us all  this nectar.

    It is Baba's gift.

    Sai bless you. Kindly stay in touch with us too.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

    Offline shreesh

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    Re: In THURST of sai leelas.
    « Reply #173 on: December 07, 2008, 07:28:19 PM »
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  • Om Sai Ram

    I am sorry about my little knowledge. Can somebody tell me what is meant by "108 pradakshinas" How is it done??

    Om Sai Ram


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