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« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2016, 11:54:04 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    From there he went to the palace of Vibhishan, the youngest brother of Ravana,
    where he was much pleased, because the demon was the devotee of Rama,
    and every thing there was clean.He also saw there an idol of Rama,[Vishnu],
    which Vibhishan worshipped every day.

    Thence he went to the palace of Kumbhakarna, where he was in deep sleep snorting
    all the time. Maruti was disgusted with the sight of the heaps of bones and the flesh
    of human beings and animals scattered around his palace. When he failed to find Sita
     there and at other places, he was enraged; and, assuming an invisible form,
    he began to trouble the demons and demonesses of Lanka in various ways.
     When they carried water in their pots, he broke them with his tail. He dashed to pieces
    the chariots of the princes who happened to drive in the streets. One day a barber began
    to shave the beard of Ravana, when Maruti stood behind him in an invisible form and thrust
    his tail into the hose of the former. The barber was startled; and in confusion he shaved
    the mustaches of Ravana.
    Ravana got angry and slapped the barber in the face, when the monkey also gave a slap
    to the demon-king. Maruti pulled down the houses of the demons with his tail, while their
    families were asleep. One day in a minute he extinguished all the lamps in Lanka, and
    consequently all of a sudden, were in confusion and alarm. The inhabitants of Lanka said
    to themselves, " Sita, whom Ravana has brought here, has created the devil to annoy
    and trouble us." Maruti then entered the palace of Ravana, where he and his wife,
    Mandodari were fast asleep.
    On beholding Mandodari, Maruti thought that she was Sita and that she fell in love with
    the demon-king. He got much enraged, and was about to carry them where Rama was
    staying with Lakshman. But, in the meantime, Mandodari was awakened in alarm and
    said to her husband, " I have dreamt a dream which indicates that Indrajit and you
    will be killed, that the Asoka forest will be destroyed, and that Lanka will be burnt,
    because you have unjustly brought Sita here.
     I, therefore, implore you to restore her to her husband." " You need not be afraid of it
     in the least" replied Ravana. " I have posted five crores of the demons and demonesses
    to watch the Asoka forest and they will not allow Rama to kill us and destroy the forest."
    So saying Ravana despatched his servant to the Asoka forest to see whether Sita was there.
    Maruti accompanied the servant in an invisible form. He saw Sita sitting under the shade
    of a tree. The servant returned to Ravana and Maruti remained in the Asoka forest.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

    Offline ShAivI

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    « Reply #31 on: March 30, 2016, 11:54:11 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    The monkey was exceedingly glad when he found Sita, and threw before her the
    ring which Rama had put on his finger. She looked at the ring and asked it with,
    tears in her eyes, " Ring ? Where have you come from ?. How is my Rama ?
    Is he safe ?" While Sita was thus asking the ring, the demonesses came there
    and told her to keep quiet, saying that if she did not listen to them, they would
    devour her, when Maruti, with his tail, tied up all of them together and flung
     them down.

     Some of them died and some fled. He then began to sing, which was so pleasing
    to her ears that she was very anxious to see who that creature was. She called the
    creature several times but nobody responded to her call. She was disappointed,
    and prepared herself to commit suicide, when the monkey came and stood before her.
    She asked him, " Who are you ? What is your name and where have you come from ?"
     " I am a servant of Rama,and have come here in search of you," replied Maruti.
    " Your Rama is well and has come to Kiskinda for you. He will shortly take you from
    this place. You need not be afraid of me. I am not a demon. I am son of the wind,
    and my name is Maruti." " Besides that ring," continued Sita, Se have you got
    any other proof from Rama that you are his servant ?" Whereupon he recapitulated
    all the calamaties that had befallen her; and she was thereby convinced that
    he was her husband's servant. " I should have annihilated Lanka in a moment
    and taken you to Kigkinda," said Maruti, " but Rarna did not order me to do so.
    I am very hungry.
    Will you, therefore, allow me to take fruits from the trees in the forest for my breakfast ?"
     " It is not in my power to allow you to take fruits from this place," replied Sita, "
    and if you forcibly take them, the demons and 1 demonesses will kill you. I however
    tell you to gather for your breakfast the fruits that have fallen on the ground and not
    to take them from the trees with your hands and feet" "I swear that I shall not take
    any fruits from the trees with my hands and feet," said Maruti, " I shall take the
    fruits which have fallen on- the around." So saying he lengthened his tail and plucked
    all fruits with it; and after a few minutes he destroyed the whole of the Asoka forest.
    The sixty crores of the demons, who were watching the forest, at once came upon him;
    but he tied them up with his tail and flung them down. Some died and some fled.
    Hearing this news Ravana sent eight thousand demons to catch the monkey but the
    latter tied them up with his tail and killed them all. Ravana was greatly enraged,
    and sent one lac of warriors whom the monkey threw into the sea with his tail.
    The demon-king then sent his son, Akshaya, with a large army; but he was also killed
    with his other sons. Immediately after, he despatched a frightful demoness, called Asali,
    who had the strength of ten thousand elephants. She opened her hideous mouth one
    yojan in length and breadth and devoured, the monkey, but the latter tore her belly off
    and came out. At last Ravana seat his son, Indrajit, with a large army of demons.
    He let off his arrows at Maruti, which the latter broke off with his hands in no time.
    The monkey pulled off his rnngut with his tail broke his chariot and killed his horse.
    He took up an iron bar and went killing the demons with it, when Indrajit attempted to
    catch him in a snare but the monkey became as small as an atom and escaped through it
    every time the prince put it upon him.
    Whereupon Indrajit made a snare with a small noose and put it upon him, when he
    assumed a large form and broke the snare. When the prince failed in catching him in the
    snare, he combated with the monkey, but the latter flung him down on the ground.
    The Prince was alarmed and said to himself that if he was seized by the monkey and
    carried to Rama, he would be cruelly treated.
    So saying, he hid himself in a cave, when Maruti blocked up the mouth of it with a mountain.
    Indrajit cried and wept.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #32 on: March 31, 2016, 11:06:11 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Ravana, having been acquainted with this news imploringly. said to Bramhadev, 
    " You see, Indrajit is in difficulty. If you personally go there, you will be able 
    to ensnare the monkey. I, therefore, beseech you to do the Work for me." 
    Whereupon Bramhadev went near the cfive, when Indrajit hung his head down 
    with shame and said, " Unless you catch hold of the monkey, I can not venture 
    to come out of the cave, Whereupon Bramhadev put upon Maruti the 
    Brarhha pasa.[A complicated snare.]

     Maruti could have broken in a minute, but he allowed himself to be caught in it 
    and carried to the court of Ravana. Indrajit went and vainly told his father that 
    it was he who had caught the monkey. Maruti made a coil of his tail higher than 
    the throne of Ravana and sat upon it. The demon-king; indignantly, asked, 
    " Who are you and what is the name of your master ?" " You are," replied Maruti, 
    rogue,. . Do you know who I am? I am a servant of that prince who had saved 
    your life at the court of Janak and cut off the nose of your sister. Yon are a 
    great villain.

    You have carried off his wife, Sita. I am sent by my master to ascertain whether 
    she is here. My master will shortly invade Lanka and, cutting off your ten faces, 
    will return to Ayodya with Sita." At these words Ravana was greatly insulted and 
    ordered the demons to cut off the tongue, nose, ears and tail of the monkey. 
    In obedience to the order of the king all the demons brought weapons of various 
    sorts and began to pierce him with them but nothing could be done to him, as 
    his body was made of vajara [diamond]. Ravana was alarmed and did not know 
    what to do.

    At last he asked the monkey by what means he would die. " I am immortal," 
    replied Maruti, " but if you cover my tail with cloth soaked in oil and set fire to it, 
    I shall be immediately burnt to death. Do not leave any part of my tail uncovered, 
    and if you do so, nothing can be done to me." Whereupon Ravana ordered his servants 
    to cover his tail with cloth. All the demons accordingly brought innumerable heaps 
    of cloth soaked in oil and began to cover the tail of the monkey with them, but the 
    more they covered the tail with them, the more he lengthened it; and consequently 
    a part of it remained uncovered. All the cloth in Lanka was finished and oil exhausted.

    At last Ravana ordered his servants to go to the Asoka forest and get the dress of Sita, 
    when Maruti shortened his tail and allowed it to be entirely covered. The demons 
    then began to set fire to the tail but they failed to light it. Maruti said, " If Ravana 
    will blow the fire himself, it will catch my tail; and I shall be immediately burnt to death.
    " Ravana accordingly blew the fire and the tail of the monkey was lighted.

    Whilst he was blowing the fire, it caught his beard; and his mustaches on one side 
    were entirely burnt. He covered bis face with his handkerchief and retired to his chamber.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #33 on: March 31, 2016, 11:08:31 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Maruti rolled on the ground and burnt the beards and mustaches of the demons 
    and the hairs of the demonesses with his tail in flames. He burnt many of them 
    to death, and in a short time one-third part of Lanka was on fire. After burning 
    Lanka the monkey went to the Asoka forest and assured Sita that her husband 
    would take her very soon. 

    Thence he returned to Rama at the Pampa Sarovar with her ornament as a mark 
    from her and a letter from Bramhadev to the prince stating what the monkey had 
    done in Lanka and that one-third of the country burnt by him had become gold. 
    Rama and Lakshuman were very glad to read the contents of the letter and 
    expressed their thanks to Maruti for the trouble he had taken for them.

     The story of how Lanka had become gold is as follows: Two Brahmans, who were 
    brothers, always quarrelled about the dakshana[A present in hard cash] they had 
    got from their patrons. Their father became Indignant at their conduct and cursed 
    them, saying that they would be animals, but that the god, Krishna, would release 
    them from the curse. One brother was transformed into a nakra[Crocodile] and 
    another into a gajandra[Elephant]. The nakra lived in water and the gajandra on 
    a mountain.

    One day the gajandra accident ally came to the lake in which the nakra lived; and 
    whilst drinking the water, the latter dragged the former in the lake. A severe fighting 
    took place between them. The nakra severely wounded the gajandra and was about 
    to kill him, when the latter prayed to Krishna for help. The god, listening to his prayer, 
    rode on Garuda [An eagle called Garuda on which Krishna always rode.] and hastened 
    to the lake. Finding that his devotee, the gajandra, was wounded by the nakra, 
    Krishna killed the crocodile and released him and the elephant from the curse.

     After releasing them from the curse, Krishna prepared himself to return to Dwarka, 
    when Garuda said to him, "I am very hungry. Please, there fore, give me something 
    to eat." "I shall postpone my departure for an hour or so," replied Krishna, "and in the 
    meantime, you can eat the corpses of the nakra and gajandra. Whereupon Garuda 
    went and picked up the corpses with his bill and sat on a tree called Jambuvraksha 
    for the purpose of eating them.

    But the branch of the tree on which he had sat, was broken by his weight, when 
    he observed that millions of Rishis sat in meditation on the leaves of the branch. 
    In order that the branch might not fall on the ground and kill the Rishis, he firmly held 
    the branch by his bill. Not knowing where to keep it, he went to his father, Kasyapa, 
    a Rishi, and informed him of his difficulty.. Whereupon Kasyapa requested the Rishis 
    to come down, and they complied with his request.

    He then told Garuda to leave the branch on a mountain at Lanka. Garuda accordingly 
    did it and went away. The branch remained on the mountain and was converted into gold; 
    and when Maruti burnt Lanka,it was melted by the heat of the fire and the liquid over 
    flowed the part of Lanka which was burnt by the monkey."

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #34 on: April 01, 2016, 10:55:31 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Soon after, Rama and Lakshuman made preparations for march against 
    Ravana; and on the day of Dasara* [" This festival is held on the 10th of 
    Aswin Shud. It is called Durga Puja. On this day, in commemoration of the 
    victory of Devi, the wife of Siva, over the buffalo-headed demon, Mahishasur, 
    her image, after having been worshipped for nine days is thown into the water. 

    On this day Marathas and Kshatryas or those who consider themselves of the 
    military race, worshipthe implements of war and ask protection of them throughout 
    the year, under a conception that to the propitiousness of the sword they owe 
    every prosperity]they set out with eigheighteen padmas^ [Ten billions are equal 
    to one padma.]of monkeys, seventy two kotis[One koti is equal to ten millions.] 
    of warriors under the command of an old monkey, Jambuvant, and fifty-six kotis 
    of other monkeys. When they arrived at the sea which Maruti had first crossed, 
    they were encamped there, there being no way to proceed farther.

     This news having spread through out Lanka, Vibhishan, the youngest brother of 
    the demon-king, entreated him to restore Sita to her husband,and set all the gods 
    at liberty. He said, " If you do not listen to me, the whole of Lanka will be annihilated 
    and all the demons destroyed." Ravan and his son, Indrajit, replied, " We do not care 
    at all about it. Let Rama and all the monkeys come upon us, we shall kill them 
    all in a second." Having failed to persuade the demon -king to restore Sita to Rama, 
    Vibhishan, accompanied by four demons, came where the monkeys had been encamped 
    and sought to visit the prince.

     The monkeys were about to kill the demons, when Vibhishan said, " I am the youngest 
    brother of Ravana and have come here to see Rama. I hear that he killed Vali and gave 
    his kingdom to Sugriva. In like manner, I want him to kill Ravana and give his Lanka 
    to me. He is wicked, and has oppressed both the gods and Brahmans." The monkeys 
    looked up on him with suspicion and did not believe at first what he had said. But 
    Maruti said, " Vibhishan is not a wicked demon. He is a devotee of Rama, and has 
    come here with some good object." Whereupon Rama desired the monkeys to allow 
    Vibhishan to see him. Sugriva went and brought him to Rama.

    The demon fell at the feet of the prince, when the latter blessed the former saying that 
    he would be the king of Lanka and would reign there as long as the sun and the moon last. 
    Rama asked him what he should do to cross the sea with his large army of monkeys, 
    when Vibhishan replied, " Pray to the sea, and he may make way for you and your army. 
    Rama went to pray to the sea and Vibhishan left for Lanka. Ravana was informed by a 
    demon called Shardula, that a large army of monkeys under the command of Sugriva 
    had been encamped near the shore of the sea and that they would invade Lanka in a 
    day or two.

    Whereupon a demon called Shuka came to Sugriva on behalf of Ravana and said to 
    him, " Rama is a wicked man, and why do you help him ? What have you to do 
    with Sita ? Quietly return home with your army. If you do not listen to me, the heads 
    of all your monkeys will be cut off ; and Rama,Lakshuman and you will be killed.
    " The monkeys were enraged at what the demon had said and beat him severely, 
    when Lakshuman interfered and let him go.

    The demon again said, " You are all stupid donkeys and will be shortly sacrificed 
    here." Rashabha, a monkey, replied, " Just tell Ravana to  to restore Sita to Rama; 
    and if he refuses to do so, his neck will be cut off with his ten heads." " Hold your 
    tongue" said Shuka, " Sita will never be restored to Rama. I again tell you to leave 
    the prince alone here; and if you do not listen to me, your days are numbered.
    " The monkeys again caught him by his neck and, having belabored him; bound 
    him with a cord.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #35 on: April 01, 2016, 10:57:23 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Rama prayed to the sea for three days without eating a morsel of food; 
    but the sea was so impertinent that he did not listen to his prayer, when 
    the prince got indignant and aimed his dhanushaban to dry up the sea. 
    The sea was alarmed and said, " Kindly forgive me and do not dry me up. 
    I am ready to do what you bid me do." " Very well," replied Rama, 
    " but what shall I do with this dhanushaban ? It must be at any rate let off 
    according to my solemn resolution which cannot be changed under 
    any circumstances."

    " There lives in the west a demon" called Maru, continued the sea. 
    " He devours all creatures in the water. Please, therefore, let off the arrow 
    at him and ent off his head." Baroa accordingly discharged the arrow at him 
    and cut off his head. When the head fell on the ground, it drank off a sheet 
    of the sea-water in the west and thereby a tract of land, which is now called 
    Marwad, was formed. The sea regarded Rama as his son-in-law and presented 
    him with a dress and ornaments, whieh he accepted at the request of the 
    monkeys; and when he wore them, he looked very beautiful.
     Rama asked the sea what means he-should adopt to cross the water with 
    so many monkeys, when he said, "You can have a shetu [A bridge or pool] 
    built over me. Let it be built by Nala with stones and mountains, which will float 
    on the surface of the water only by his hands. When Nala was young, he always
     worshipped shaligrams [A black stone found in the river Gadanki, and worshipped 
    as sacred to Vishnu.] and threw them into the sea-water. A Rishi was pleased 
    with him and blessed him, saying that by his hands, stones and mountain would 
    float on the water, So saying to Rama, the sea disappeared. Immediately after, 
    Rama called Nala and said to him, " To cross the sea, a shetu must be built 
    by you of stones and mountains, which will float on the water by your liands 

     I, therefore, beg you to order all the monkeys, to procure stones and mountains 
    and lay them by your hands in the water. Nala was puffed up with pride and said 
    to himself that the shetu could not be built without him. So saying Nala ordered 
    the monkeys to get stones and mountains which the latter brought and gave 
    in charge of the former. Nala built a portion of the shetu, but the fishes in the 
    sea ate it. He again built it but the fishes again ate it. He was at a loss to know 
    what to do.

     Maruti said to him, " Pride goeth before destruction. You thought that the bridge 
    could not be built without you. What do you say now ? Leave off your pride and 
    be humble. Now write the name of Rama on each stone aiid lay it in the water; 
    and if you do this, you will be able to build the shetu within a short time. Nala 
    did it as directed by Maruti; and the shetu was built one hundred yojans in 
    length and breadth so far as Suvela without any difficulty. After the shetu was c
    ompleted, Rama crossed it with his army and came to Suvela, where he 
    encamped his army.


    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #36 on: April 02, 2016, 11:12:16 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Rama set Shuka at liberty, who went to Ravana and informed him of 
    what had happened to him and how they had built the shetu. He requested 
    the demon-king to submit to the prince and restore Sita to him. Ravana 
    got very indignant and said, ** You are alarmed, because they beat you. 
    If you advise me that way again, I shall at once cut off your head." Soon after, 
    Ravana sent two demons, Shuka and Surna, to Suvela to ascertain the position 
    of the army of Rama.

    The two demons in the forms of monkeys mixed themselves with the monkeys 
    belonging to the army of the prince. Vibhishan informed Raina that the demons
     had come to Suvela in the forms of monkeys to ascertain the position of his army. 
    Whereupon Rama ordered the monkeys to allow the demons to count their numbers. 
    The two demons were accordingly taken round the whole army. They, having seen it, 
    returned to Lanka and said to the demon-king, " Rama has got a large army of monkeys, 
    and it will be very difficult for you to defeat it.

    We, therefore, implore you to submit to Rama and restore Sita to him." Ravana 
    was enraged and threatened them that he would cut off their heads, if they advised 
    him that way. He then, accompanied by the two demons, went to the top of his tower 
    to see the army of Rama. Vibhishan came and informed the prince that the demon-king 
    had gone to his tower to have a look at his army, arid while he was there, Sugriva 
    jumped from Suvela, which was at a distance of hundreds of miles from Lanka, 
    and returned to his camp with the mug at of Ravan.

    The demon-king was alarmed, and immediately came down from upstairs. A few days 
    after, he said to his courtiers, "I nave now no patience. I must marry Sita as soon as 
    possible. If any of you make her love me and marry me, I shall be ever grateful to him.
    " Whereupon his minister, Vidynjiva, who was well versed in magic and sorcery, replied, 
    "I shall create, by means of sorcery, a head well cut and similar to that of Rama and 
    also a dhanushaban and show them to Sita, so that she may be convinced that her 
    husband has been killed.

    If she is convinced of it, she will become hopless and easily love you and marry you. 
    "I am very much thankful to you for your excellent scheme," replied Ravana. " There is 
    no doubt you will succeed in it," Vidynjiva accordingly created the head of Rama and 
    his dhanushaban. Ravana then came to the Asoka forest and said to Sita, "I am very 
    sorry to inform you that your darling husband is killed and that his brother, Lakshuman, 
    has fled to Ayodya. Maruti, Sugriva, Nala, Nila, Angada and all other warriors are also 
    killed. You are alone here, what can you do now ? You are helpless.

     I, therefore, beseech you to marry me. You shall be my first wife and Mandodari will be 
    your maid-servant. Alas ! Sita, Rama is no more, Believe me. If you want any proof of 
    what I say, here is the head of your Rama cut off by a demon, and here is his 

    As soon as Sita beheld the head of Rama and his dhanushaban, she fainted. In her grief 
    she said to Ravana. " I look upon you as my father and I implore you to order a pile of 
    wood to be arranged, so that I may set fire to it and burn myself in it. I do not wish to 
    live any longer in this world." As soon as he heard these words, he returned to his court, 
    leaving Sita alone there.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #37 on: April 02, 2016, 11:14:23 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    In the mean-time, Sharma, wife of Vibhishan, came to the Asoka forest and informed 
    her that Rama was doing well and that the head which was shown to her, was created 
    by the demons by means of sorcery to make her give her no hope of Rama and marry 
    Ravana. No sooner did Sharma inform Sita of this than the created head and 
    dhanushaban which were left there, disappeared. 

    Soon after, the demon-king said to his wife, " Mandodari, you are my faithful wife 
    and love me much. I have a great passion for Sita ; and if you do not help me, 
    I shall die. If you really love me, go to Sita in the Asoka forest and persuade her 
    to marry me." Whereupon Mandodari went to Sita and, having communicated 
    her husband's wishes to her, returned home.

     She said to her husband, " Dearest, Sita is not a woman who will comply with 
    your wishes. She is a paragon of virtue. She will sacrifice her life rather than yield 
    to your passion. There is no use of your being after her. I, therefore, beseech you 
    to restore her to Rama. Why do you covet another s wife ?"

     "My love," replied Ravana, " What you say is true, but I shall never submit to 
    Rama and humiliate myself in the eyes of all nations. I shall fight with him and die 
    but I shall never restore Sita to him." Having failed to persuade her husband, 
    she returned to her palace.

    Ravana again went to the top of his tower with his courtiers and began to look at the 
    army of Rama. Rama also went to the top of a hill with Sugriva and other monkeys 
    and began to look at Ravan and his courtiers. Whilst Ravana was looking at the army 
    of the prince, Sugriva jumped from the hill and knocked down the mukuts put by 
    him on his ten heads.

    The demon-king was surprised and combated with the monkey but the latter, having 
    administered to him severe blows, returned to Rama with joy. Ravana was alarmed, 
    and immediately came down with shame and confusion. After all preparations for the 
    war were completed on both the sides, Vibhishan said to Rama, " Before an attack 
    is made on Ravana, it is advisable to negotiate with him for peace.

    You should, therefore, send an ambassador to his court and request him to restore 
    Sita to you." Rama accordingly sent Angada to the court of Ravana But nobody 
    noticed him there. The monkey was, therefore, irritated and said to the demon-king, 
    " Ravana, do you know who I am? "Who are you and what is your name," Ravana 
    indignantly asked. " I am a servant of Rama," continued Angada, and my name is 
    Angada. I am son of Vali. I have come here to negotiate with you for peace."
    "I shall never make peace with Rama," replied Ravana, " I tell you once more to 
    make peace with Rama," said Angada, " and restore Sita to him.

     If you refuse to listen to-me, you will lose your life and every thing in Lanka. He is 
    very powerful, and you can do nothing to him." "You are a shameless creature,
    " Ravana indignantly replied, " You know very well that Rama has killed your father 
    and, instead of revenging yourself upon the enemy you have now come to help him.

    You are a great monkey. " No doubt, Rama killed my father," said Angada, " but by 
    his arrow he has gone to heaven where he now enjoy ever-lasting happiness." 
    Ravana was furious,, and ordered four demons to bind Angada. Whereupon the 
    demons firmly held him by his arms, when the monkey struck the chest of Ravana 
    with his tail and jumped from Lanka with his mukuts, chatra and mandap* and 
    returned to Suvela.

    The four demons, with whom, the monkey had jumped, hung upon his shoulders 
    with their heads down wards, and were killed by a fall on the ground.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #38 on: April 03, 2016, 11:33:06 AM »
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    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    The negotiations for peace having fallen, through, Susen marched
    against Lanka with twenty kotis of monkey-soldiers and fought with 
    the troops of Ravana under the command of Dhamaraksha. Susen 
    routed and defeated them all, and their commander was killed by 
    Maruti with blows. 

    The news of the defeat having spread throughout Lanka, the demon-
    king, boiled with rage, sent the demons, called Vazra Dausti and 
    Sukpana, with a number of demon-soldiers, but they were also 
    defeated with heavy loss. Ravana was alarmed and did not know 
    what to do. But, in the mean-time, his son, Indrajit, kept the field 
    with the warriors,Jambumali and Vidyaman and let off arrows at the 
    army of Rama which the latter cut off and killed the two warriors.
    Whereupon Indrajit immediately jumped with his chariot into the 
    sky, where he hid himself in the clouds and let off serpent-weapons 
    at the army of Rama, which produced innumerable serpents. These 
    serpents stung Rama and Lakshuman and all their soldiers; and 
    consequently they all fell lifeless in the field, except Maruti and 
    Vibhishan, who were immortal. Indrajit, having thus defeated Rama, 
    returned to Lanka with a great success.

     The demon-king was very glad at the success of his son and- said to 
    his sister, Trijata, " Sister ? Look at the valor of our Indrajit. How 
    has he fought and how has he defeated the army of Rama ? You 
    know, nobody on earth can conquer us. Now what I want you to do 
    is that you should now go to Sita and inform her of all that had 
    happened. Show her Rama, Lakshuman and their soldiers lying 
    lifeless in the field and tell her that she is now helpless and I am the 
    only one who can support her.

    Tell her all this and persuade her to marry me. ! sister, I like her 
    much." Trijata accordingly showed to Sita, Rama, Lakshuman and 
    the monkey soldiers lying lifeless in the field and told her all that 
    Ravana had said. Sita, having seen her beloved Rama and 
    Lakshuman, violently cried and became hopeless. Maruti and 
    Vibhishan consulted together as to what they should do to 
    resuscitate the princes and their army, but before they arrived at a 
    certain conclusion, the Wind had come and whispered to Rama a 
    garuda mantra which produced garudas or eagles.

    These garudas killed all the serpents and resuscitaed Lakshuman 
    and their army. The fighting was again renewed by the monkeys. 
    Pravasta, the minister of Ravana, bravely fought with them and 
    killed many of them. Whereupon Nala threw at the minister one lac 
    of mountains which the latter broke in no time and continued the 
    fighting. But after a hot battle Pravasta was killed by Nala with a tree 
    called Tada, a hundred yojans in length.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #39 on: April 03, 2016, 11:36:50 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha 
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    At this defeat, Ravana was greatly enraged and prepared himself to 
    fight with the enemies, when his wife, Mandodari, said to him, " My 
    dearest, you should now give up the idea of your fighting with Rama 
    any longer. Why do you want another's wife ? My love, just restore 
    her to her husband, so that every thing may end in peace and 
    tranquillity." " My darling," Ravana laughingly replied, " I am ready 
    to do any thing for you but please do not tell me to restore Sita to 

    I am prepared to fight with him and kill him with all his army." 
    Ravana having refused to listen to her, she returned to her palace.
    Immediately after, the demon king kept the field with his sons, 
    grand-sons, great grandsons and a large number of warriors and 
    soldiers and commenced operations, when Sugriva threw a large 
    mountain at him, which the latter broke with his arrows. Whereupon 
    all the monkeys rushed upon him with mountains, large trees, rocks 
    and other weapons but he also broke them with his arrows. Maruti 
    then threw a very large rock at the demon-king which the latter 
    broke with his arrows and gave blows to the former. Maruti fainted 
    for some time and, having soon come to himself, returned the blows 
    to him and knocked down his mukuts and the chatras held over his 
    ten heads. Ravana was not in the least alarmed and continued the 

    Whereupon Nala produced by a mantra innumerable Nalas like 
    himself and employed them to throw mountains, trees and rocks at 
    the demon-king, when the latter let off a Bramhasra* and made 
    them all disappear in a second. Lakshuman then let off a 
    Bramhaskti* at Ravana, which was cut off by the latter into two 
    parts. One part of it fell on the ground and with another Lakshuman 
    was struck; and consequently he fainted. Maruti was greatly enraged 
    and gave Ravana blows, which made him vomit blood and return to 

    When the demon-king was thus defeated, he sent his demon-
    subjects to arouse his brother, Kumbhakarna, from his fast sleep. 
    The demons went and shook him but he was not awakened. 
    Whereupon they threw rocks and mountains at him, pierced him with 
    sharp weapons, and scratched him with their nails, but nothing could 
    arouse him from his sleep. He was snorting with a great noise and 
    drew in and sent out with his inspiration and respiration the demons, 
    bullocks, cows, elephants and other animals that had come before 
    him. At last the demons brought two nymphs and made them sing 
    before him. By their melodious voice he was aroused.

    As he was hungry for six months, he at once devoured billions of 
    bullocks, she-buffaloes, Brahmaris, cows and even demons, and 
    drank off gallons of liquor and ghee. After his hunger was appeased, 
    the demons informed him of what had happened to his brother, 
    Ravana, his kingdom and subjects.

    Whereupon Kumbhakarna immediately stood on his legs and began 
    to walk towards the palace of his brother. The monkeys, looking at 
    the huge size of the demon, were greatly disheartened but Maruti 
    went to him and lifted him up thrice in order that they might not be 
    afraid of him.

    जिस कर्म से भगवद प्रेम और भक्ति बढ़े वही सार्थक उद्योग हैं।
    ॐ साईं राम

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    « Reply #40 on: April 04, 2016, 11:37:22 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Kumbhakarna reached the palace of Ravana and stood before him,
    when the latter said to him, " Brother ? I am now in difficulty.
    I have brought Sita, the wife of Rama, as I wish to marry her.
    In order to recover her from me Rama has come here with a
    great number of monkey-soldiers. They have killed good many
    demons and destroyed nearly the whole of Lanka. It is now your
    duty to help me.

    " It is not good that you have deprived the help less woman, Sita,
    of her husband," replied Kumbhakarna. "It is a great sin that one
    should covet another s wife. You ought to have restored her to her
    husband. But as you have brought her here at the risk of your life,
    have you fulfilled your wishes ? If not, transform yourself into Rama
    and go to her.

    " That cannot be done," replied Ravana, " because if I become Rama,
    all his virtues will reign iu ine and prevent me from doing any wicked
    act. Unless you kill Rurna, I shall not be able to fulfill my wishes."

    " As you are my brother," said Kumbhakarna, " it is my duty to help
    you. Have courage. I shall devour all the monkeys in a moment and
    kill Rama and Lakshuman.

    Taking his leave of Ravana, Kumbhakarna attacked the army of Rama,
    when four monkeys, including Sharab and Govaksha flnng mountains
    and rocks at the demon which the latter broke with blows and threw
    them into the sky. Kumbhakarna devoured a great number of the
    monkeys but a few of them escaped through his ears and nostrils.

    Sugriva then threw a mountain at him which the latter broke with
    one blow and, having held him by his feet, turned him round like a
    reel. He was about to dash the monkey to pieces, when the latter
    escaped from his clutches and jumped into the sky. But he, having
    stretched out his hands in the sky, brought him down and put him
    into his anus.

    Sugriva was disgusted at the stink of his arms and, having cut off
    his nose and ears, once more escaped and jumped into the sky of
    which Kumbhakarna knew nothing. He was profusely bled and
    altogether disfigured. Having thought that he was successful in
    the war, he walked towards the palace of his brother, Ravana.

    The demon-king was ashamed to behold him in that state ; and in
    order to avoid an interview with him he ordered his barber to show
    him a mirror. The barber accordingly held a mirror before the demon
    in which he beheld his disfigured face and immediately returned in a
    great rage to renew the fight with the monkeys. Desperate as he was,
    he devoured many of the monkeys and attempted to rush upon Rama,
    when Lakshuman let off arrows at him, which he broke with his hands.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #41 on: April 04, 2016, 11:39:41 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    In the mean-time, Vibhishan went to fight with his brother, when the
    latter said, " You are a great scoundrel. Do you know who I am ?
    I am your brother. You are treacherous, and have joined our enemies.
    I should have just killed you on this spot, but as there will be no one
     left be hind us to perform our funeral ceremonies, I spare your life
    and command you to leave this place immediately.

    Do not show me your face again." Having heard these words from
    the mouth of Kumbhakarna, Vibhishan immediately disappeared.

    Kumbhakarna then rushed upon Rama, when the latter let off arrows
    at him, but they all were devoured by the demon. Lastly the prince
    discharged a deadly arrow at him and cut off his hands with it, and,
    with other arrows, his feet, trunk, and head.

    On receiving the news of the fall of Kumbhakarna in the field Ravana
    much grieved for him, when Indrajit came and consoled his father .
    Immediately after, Atikaya, the second son of Ravana, with other
    warriors, abravely attacked the army of Rama and shot a great number
    of the monkeys ; but at last Lakshuman killed him with his arrow.
    Ravana much lamented for him, when Indrajit consoled his father and,
    having washed his body with the blood of human beings and cows,
    performed a penance. His goddess was pleased with him and presented
    him with a chariot, horses and weapons. He seated himself in that
    chariot and jumped into the sky j and having hid himself in the clouds,
    he let off arrows at the monkeys and killed them all. Even Rama and
    Lakshuman were struck with his arrows. The demon- prince again
    returned to Lanka with success.

    To resuscitate the monkeys, Maruti went to get a mountain called
    Dronagiri, which was full of medicinal plants. For some time he stood
    at the foot of the mountain entreating him to accompany him to Suvela,
    the place of the war, and resuscitate the monkeys with his medicinal
    plants. The mountain said " Be gone. You, fool. I am not expected to
     accompany you to Suvela. Depart from this place. Maruti got indignant
    at the insolence of the mountain and, having lifted him up with his tail,
    brought him to Suvela. By the odour of the medicinal plants on the
    mountain all the monkeys with Rama and Lakshuman were resuscitated.

    And soon after, they entered Lanka and set fire to it. Whereupon Ravana
    sent the demons, Jang Prachang, Krochen, Nikuinbha and others to oppose
    them and quench the fire. The demons let off a rain-weapon, which produced
    water and quenched the fire.

    By his mantra Indrajit then created a female called Kritya and jumped with
    her into the sky; and hiding him self behind her back he let off arrows at
    the monkeys and killed many of them, when Rama, at the suggestion of the
    wind, let off the weapon called Angirastra, which cut off the female. Whereupon
    Indrajit immediately came down and, having defeated the army of Rama with
    heavy loss, returned to Lanka with success. The monkeys were alarmed,
    when Maruti immediately kept the field.

    « Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 12:57:36 PM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #42 on: April 05, 2016, 11:00:20 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    At this time Indrajit created by his mantras a woman exactly like Sita and,
    having seated her in his chariot, came to the field and loudly said in the
    hearing of all the monkeys, " You see, on account of this wretched woman
    my father has suffered much. If her head is cut off, every thing will end in
    peace, and there will be no war-" So saying he cut off the head of the

    And immediately he went to his county, Nikumbala, to perform a penance
    with a view to get from the deity of fire a divyaratha*[ A beautiful, fine
    and charming chariot,] with horses and weapons. He entered a solitary
    place and, posting deions to watch it, began to perform the penance.
    Indrajit killed for the purpose many Brahmanas and cows and, polishing
    his body with their blood, seated himself upon corpses and carcasses, made
    a liavan^[Oblation by fire to a deity.] and offered the deity of fire the heads
    of Brahmans and cows. The deity having been pleased with him, half of the
    divyaratha came out of the havan.

    Maruti believed that the woman, whose head had been cut off, was Sita and
    communicated the sad news to Rama and Lakshuman, which disheartened
    and disappointed all. In the meantime, Vibhishan came and informed Rama
    and the monkeys that Sita was safe in the Asoka forest and that the Sita,
    whose head was cut off by Indrajit, was created by him with his mantras.

    He also informed them of the penance and said, " Half of the divyaratha has
    come out of the fire ; and if the whole chariot come out, you will not be able
    to conquer Indrajit. I, therefore, advise you to go to Nikumbala as soon
    as possible and destroy the havan, so that the chariot may disappear and
    not come to the hands of the demon-prince. I also tell you that as soon
    as you destroy the havan, he will be desperate and fight with you ; but
    no one will be able to kill him, unless he has observed fast for 12 years. *

    Listening to what Vibhishan had said Rama made a sign to Lakshuman,
    who had observed fast for 14 years, and bade him go with Maruti, Sugriva,
    and the other monkeys to Nikumbala to Jostroy the havan and kill Indrajit.

    Lakshuman accordingly went with them to Nikumbala and destroyed the
    chariot and havan. The noise of the monkeys aroused Indrajit who was in
    deep meditation ; and finding that the ha van was destroyed, he was so
    furious that Ije let off at them a tain-weapon, which produced the rain
    and flodded the army of Lakshuman.

    The prince discharged a wind-weapon, which produced the wind and
    dispersed, the rain.

    Indrajit stopped the wind by a mountain-weapon, which produced innumerable
    mountains, when Lakshuman let off a diamond-weapon, which produced
    diamonds, and broke the mountains.

    Indrajit let off a fire-weapon, which produced fire and began to burn the army
    of Lakshuman, when the latter discharged a sea-weapon, which produced
    volumes of water and extinguished the

    Indrajit lastly let off five arrows and struck Lakshuman with thorn, when
    Vibhishan threw his gada* at the demon-prince, who cut it off and struck
    his uncle with five arrows.

    At last Lakshuman let off a deadly arrow and broke his head with it, and
    his chariot was broken and horses killed by Jambuvant.

    Indrajit however fought alone on the ground, when all the monkeys threw
    at him innumerable mountains, rocks, and trees at one and the same time,
    but he broke them with his arrows in no time. He then jumped into the sky
    and, hiding himself in the clouds, let off arrows at Lakshuman.

    Then, Maruti placed the latter on the palm of his hand and lifted him up in
    the sky where he fought with Indrajit, Whereupon the demon-prince came
    down, when Maruti brought Lakshuman on the ground. They fought for
    some time on the ground.

    But at last Lakshuman cut off with his arrows the thighs, arms and the
    head of his enemy.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #43 on: April 05, 2016, 11:03:38 AM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    One of the arms of the demon-prince, when cut off, fell down in the
    compound of the palace of his wife, Sulochana, a daughter of Shesha,
    and the monkeys carried off the head to their camp with exultation.
    Rama rejoiced at the success and told the monkeys to preserve the
    head and hand it over to a woman, who would come hither to ask
    for if.

    Sulochana came out of her room, and as soon as she identified her
    husband s arm, she took it up in her hands and lamented over it.
    She said to the arm with tears in her eyes, " My love, just let me know
    how you were killed. If I am faithful to you, let this your arm write a
    short account of the battle you had fought with Rama." So saying
    she placed a piece of paper, pen and inkstand before the arm.

    The arm wrote the full account of the battle and informed her that the
    monkeys carried off his head to Suvela. As soon as Sulochana read the
    account, she grieved much and placed the arm and paper before her
    father-in-law, Ravana. Ravana read the letter and fainted away, when
    Mandodari came out of her room and, hearing the sad news of the fall
    of her brave son, violently cried and wept.

    Sulochana said, " I am going to burn myself with my beloved Indrajit.
    I, therefore, implore you to get his head back from the monkeys. At the
    entreaties of his daughter-in-law the demon-king was saddened and pitied
    her ; and at the same time, he was boiled with rage at the monkeys,
    and exclaimed, "Daughter, I shall get the head back. Rest assured. I will
    now fight with Rama and never return, unless I kill him." So exclaiming
    he ordered his courtiers to make prepartions for march against the prince.

    Then Mandodari said to Sulochana, " There is no necessity for fighting with
    Rama. If you go to him alone, he will give the head to you, as he is very kind.
    " Ravana said, " She is helpless, what if any body commit outrage upon her.
     " There is not a single monkey with Rama, replied Mandodari, " who will
    covet another s wife. * As soon as Mandodari said these words, he hid his
    face with shame and confusion and allowed Sulochana to go alone to Suvela.

    Sulochana came to the camp of the moakeys, when the latter took her to
    Rama. She said to the prince, " I am wife of Indrajit and have come hither
    to carry the head of my husband, as I am going to burn myself with him.
    I, therefore, implore you to give it to me." " How did you know that the head
    of your nusband was carried off by us," asked the monkeys. Sulochana told
    them what had happened but the monkeys said to her, " We can not believe
    what you say. It is impossible that a lifeless arm can write. Here is the head
    of your husband ; and if you were faithful to him, just make it laugh ; and
    then we will be convinced of, what you say."

    Whereupon Sulochana, embracing the head, said, " My love, I am now in
    difficulty. These monkeys have met here together to judge of my fidelity
    towards you ; and if your head does not laugh, they will look upon me
    as a vile woman." Sulochana tried her utmost to make the head laugh
    but it did not listen to her.

    At last she said, " I made a great mistake. If I had called my father,
    Shesha, to help you, nothing could have been done to you." As soon as
    she uttered these words, the head heartily laughed. The monkeys said,
    " Though Sulochana spoke to the head in so many pathetic words, it
    did not laugh but as soon as she took the name of Shesha, it heartily

    " What is this mystery?" asked the monkeys.

    " Sulochana is the daughter of Shesha," replied Rama, " and Lakshuman
    is an incarnation of Shesha. The head laughed, because his father-in-law
    killed his own son-in-law." No sooner did Rama inform the monkeys of this
    than Lakshuman much grieved for his son-in-law, Indrajit, when the former
    pacified and consoled him, saying that he would resuscitate the demon-prince,
    if he wished him to do so. But at the entreaties of the monkeys Rama did
    not resuscitate Indrajit.

    The monkeys then handed the head over to Sulochana, which she took and
    brought on the sea-shore near Lanka, where she arranged a pile of wood and,
    having set fire to it, burnt herself with the head. Ravana,who was present
    there with his family according to the custom, was deeply affected at the
    sight, and returned home over-wiielined with grief.


    JAI SAI RAM !!!

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    « Reply #44 on: April 06, 2016, 12:07:10 PM »
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  • Sri Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

    Om Sri Ram, Jay Sri Ram, Jay Jay Sri Ram ॥
    Om Sri Hanumate Namah॥

    OM SAI RAM ॥

    OM SAI RAM !!!


    Ravana was in a confused state of mind, and did not know what to do,
    when his minister, Vidya, advised him to write a letter to his uncles,
    Ahiravana and Mahiravana, in Patal. Whereupon the demon-king wrote
    to them, called them to see him at his palace and informed them of
    his misfortune and distress, when they encouraged him and said,
    " You need not be alarmed. We shall carry off Rama and Lakshuman
    to Patal today at midnight and sacrifice them to our goddess."

    The ministers of Vibhishan overheard what had passed between
    Ravana and the demons and communicated it to their master. Whereupon
    Vibhishan told Maruti, Nala, Nila, Sugriva and other monkeys to guard Rama
    and Lakshuman during the night. All the monkeys, therefore, made a fortification
    of their tails and, placing in it the princes on a cot, guarded them.

    At midnight Ahiravana and Mahiravana came there and were greatly surprised
    at the curious fortification. But there being no way to get in, they excavated
    the earth ; and through that excavation they carried off the princes with the
    cot to Mahikavati in Patal, where they put them in trance and confined them
    in a house. They had posted twenty kotis of demons under the command
    of Makardwaja to watch the mouth of the excavation which was near
    the sea in Patal.

    At the dawn of the day all the monkeys at Suvela went to visit Rama,
    when they found, to their great surprise, that the cot disappeared with
    Rama and Lakshuman. They saw the excavation and the footprints of the
    demons, from which they concluded that the demons had carried off the
    princes through that hollow. All the monkeys were greatly alarmed,
    and did not know what to do, but, in the mean time, Vibhishan came and
    told them not to make a noise about it, because if Ravana knew of their
    position, he would attack them and kill them all in no time.

    The monkeys with Vibhishan met together and asked Maruti whether
    he could go through the excavation and trace the whereabouts of Rama
    and Lakshuman. " Even at the risk of my life I will get Rama and Lakshuinan
    back," replied Maruti. Having thus spoken Maruti entered the excavation
    with Nala, Nila, Angada, and Jambuvant and went through it to the sea -shore
    half dead, where they refreshed themselves with a fresh breeze. Looking
    at the large numbers of the demons they disguised themselves as Fakirs*
    [mendicants] and asked the monsters to show them the way that led to


    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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