01.03.2014धनासरी महला १ ॥
Dhanaasaree, First Mehl:
जीवा तेरै नाइ मनि आनंदु है जीउ ॥
I live by Your Name; my mind is in ecstasy, Lord.
साचो साचा नाउ गुण गोविंदु है जीउ ॥
True is the Name of the True Lord. Glorious are the Praises of the Lord of the Universe.
गुर गिआनु अपारा सिरजणहारा जिनि सिरजी तिनि गोई ॥
Infinite is the spiritual wisdom imparted by the Guru. The Creator Lord who created, shall also destroy.
परवाणा आइआ हुकमि पठाइआ फेरि न सकै कोई ॥
The call of death is sent out by the Lord's Command; no one can challenge it.
आपे करि वेखै सिरि सिरि लेखै आपे सुरति बुझाई ॥
He Himself creates, and watches; His written command is above each and every head. He Himself imparts understanding and awareness.
नानक साहिबु अगम अगोचरु जीवा सची नाई ॥१॥
O Nanak, the Lord Master is inaccessible and unfathomable; I live by His True Name. ||1||
तुम सरि अवरु न कोइ आइआ जाइसी जीउ ॥
No one can compare to You, Lord; all come and go.
हुकमी होइ निबेड़ु भरमु चुकाइसी जीउ ॥
By Your Command, the account is settled, and doubt is dispelled.
गुरु भरमु चुकाए अकथु कहाए सच महि साचु समाणा ॥
The Guru dispels doubt, and makes us speak the Unspoken Speech; the true ones are absorbed into Truth.
आपि उपाए आपि समाए हुकमी हुकमु पछाणा ॥
He Himself creates, and He Himself destroys; I accept the Command of the Commander Lord.
सची वडिआई गुर ते पाई तू मनि अंति सखाई ॥
True greatness comes from the Guru; You alone are the mind's companion in the end.
नानक साहिबु अवरु न दूजा नामि तेरै वडिआई ॥२॥
O Nanak, there is no other than the Lord and Master; greatness comes from Your Name. ||2||
तू सचा सिरजणहारु अलख सिरंदिआ जीउ ॥
You are the True Creator Lord, the unknowable Maker.
एकु साहिबु दुइ राह वाद वधंदिआ जीउ ॥
There is only the One Lord and Master, but there are two paths, by which conflict increases.
दुइ राह चलाए हुकमि सबाए जनमि मुआ संसारा ॥
All follow these two paths, by the Hukam of the Lord's Command; the world is born, only to die.
नाम बिना नाही को बेली बिखु लादी सिरि भारा ॥
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mortal has no friend at all; he carries loads of sin on his head.
हुकमी आइआ हुकमु न बूझै हुकमि सवारणहारा ॥
By the Hukam of the Lord's Command, he comes, but he does not understand this Hukam; the Lord's Hukam is the Embellisher.
नानक साहिबु सबदि सिञापै साचा सिरजणहारा ॥३॥
O Nanak, through the Shabad, the Word of the Lord and Master, the True Creator Lord is realized. ||3||
भगत सोहहि दरवारि सबदि सुहाइआ जीउ ॥
Your devotees look beautiful in Your Court, embellished with the Shabad.
बोलहि अम्रित बाणि रसन रसाइआ जीउ ॥
They chant the Ambrosial Word of His Bani, savoring it with their tongues.
रसन रसाए नामि तिसाए गुर कै सबदि विकाणे ॥
Savoring it with their tongues, they thirst for the Naam; they are a sacrifice to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
पारसि परसिऐ पारसु होए जा तेरै मनि भाणे ॥
Touching the philosopher's stone, they become the philosopher's stone, which transforms lead into gold; O Lord, they become pleasing to your mind.
अमरा पदु पाइआ आपु गवाइआ विरला गिआन वीचारी ॥
They attain the immortal status and eradicate their self-conceit; how rare is that person, who contemplates spiritual wisdom.
नानक भगत सोहनि दरि साचै साचे के वापारी ॥४॥
O Nanak, the devotees look beautiful in the Court of the True Lord; they are dealers in the Truth. ||4||
भूख पिआसो आथि किउ दरि जाइसा जीउ ॥
I am hungry and thirsty for wealth; how will I be able to go to the Lord's Court?
सतिगुर पूछउ जाइ नामु धिआइसा जीउ ॥
I shall go and ask the True Guru, and meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
सचु नामु धिआई साचु चवाई गुरमुखि साचु पछाणा ॥
I meditate on the True Name, chant the True Name, and as Gurmukh, I realize the True Name.
दीना नाथु दइआलु निरंजनु अनदिनु नामु वखाणा ॥
Night and day, I chant the Name of the merciful, immaculate Lord, the Master of the poor.
करणी कार धुरहु फुरमाई आपि मुआ मनु मारी ॥
The Primal Lord has ordained the tasks to be done; self-conceit is overcome, and the mind is subdued.
नानक नामु महा रसु मीठा त्रिसना नामि निवारी ॥५॥२॥
O Nanak, the Naam is the sweetest essence; through the Naam, thirst and desire are stilled. ||5||2||
[March 1, 2014, Saturday 05:15 AM. IST] (Page: 688)