01.06.2014तिलंग महला ४ ॥
Tilang, Fourth Mehl:
हरि कीआ कथा कहाणीआ गुरि मीति सुणाईआ ॥
The Guru, my friend, has told me the stories and the sermon of the Lord.
बलिहारी गुर आपणे गुर कउ बलि जाईआ ॥१॥
I am a sacrifice to my Guru; to the Guru, I am a sacrifice. ||1||
आइ मिलु गुरसिख आइ मिलु तू मेरे गुरू के पिआरे ॥ रहाउ ॥
Come, join with me, O Sikh of the Guru, come and join with me. You are my Guru's Beloved. ||Pause||
हरि के गुण हरि भावदे से गुरू ते पाए ॥
The Glorious Praises of the Lord are pleasing to the Lord; I have obtained them from the Guru.
जिन गुर का भाणा मंनिआ तिन घुमि घुमि जाए ॥२॥
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those who surrender to, and obey the Guru's Will. ||2||
जिन सतिगुरु पिआरा देखिआ तिन कउ हउ वारी ॥
I am dedicated and devoted to those who gaze upon the Beloved True Guru.
जिन गुर की कीती चाकरी तिन सद बलिहारी ॥३॥
I am forever a sacrifice to those who perform service for the Guru. ||3||
हरि हरि तेरा नामु है दुख मेटणहारा ॥
Your Name, O Lord, Har, Har, is the Destroyer of sorrow.
गुर सेवा ते पाईऐ गुरमुखि निसतारा ॥४॥
Serving the Guru, it is obtained, and as Gurmukh, one is emancipated. ||4||
जो हरि नामु धिआइदे ते जन परवाना ॥
Those humble beings who meditate on the Lord's Name, are celebrated and acclaimed.
तिन विटहु नानकु वारिआ सदा सदा कुरबाना ॥५॥
Nanak is a sacrifice to them, forever and ever a devoted sacrifice. ||5||
सा हरि तेरी उसतति है जो हरि प्रभ भावै ॥
O Lord, that alone is Praise to You, which is pleasing to Your Will, O Lord God.
जो गुरमुखि पिआरा सेवदे तिन हरि फलु पावै ॥६॥
Those Gurmukhs, who serve their Beloved Lord, obtain Him as their reward. ||6||
जिना हरि सेती पिरहड़ी तिना जीअ प्रभ नाले ॥
Those who cherish love for the Lord, their souls are always with God.
ओइ जपि जपि पिआरा जीवदे हरि नामु समाले ॥७॥
Chanting and meditating on their Beloved, they live in, and gather in, the Lord's Name. ||7||
जिन गुरमुखि पिआरा सेविआ तिन कउ घुमि जाइआ ॥
I am a sacrifice to those Gurmukhs who serve their Beloved Lord.
ओइ आपि छुटे परवार सिउ सभु जगतु छडाइआ ॥८॥
They themselves are saved, along with their families, and through them, all the world is saved. ||8||
गुरि पिआरै हरि सेविआ गुरु धंनु गुरु धंनो ॥
My Beloved Guru serves the Lord. Blessed is the Guru, Blessed is the Guru.
गुरि हरि मारगु दसिआ गुर पुंनु वड पुंनो ॥९॥
The Guru has shown me the Lord's Path; the Guru has done the greatest good deed. ||9||
जो गुरसिख गुरु सेवदे से पुंन पराणी ॥
Those Sikhs of the Guru, who serve the Guru, are the most blessed beings.
जनु नानकु तिन कउ वारिआ सदा सदा कुरबाणी ॥१०॥
Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to them; He is forever and ever a sacrifice. ||10||
गुरमुखि सखी सहेलीआ से आपि हरि भाईआ ॥
The Lord Himself is pleased with the Gurmukhs, the fellowship of the companions.
हरि दरगह पैनाईआ हरि आपि गलि लाईआ ॥११॥
In the Lord's Court, they are given robes of honor, and the Lord Himself hugs them close in His embrace. ||11||
जो गुरमुखि नामु धिआइदे तिन दरसनु दीजै ॥
Please bless me with the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of those Gurmukhs, who meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
हम तिन के चरण पखालदे धूड़ि घोलि घोलि पीजै ॥१२॥
I wash their feet, and drink in the dust of their feet, dissolved in the wash water. ||12||
पान सुपारी खातीआ मुखि बीड़ीआ लाईआ ॥
Those who eat betel nuts and betel leaf and apply lipstick,
हरि हरि कदे न चेतिओ जमि पकड़ि चलाईआ ॥१३॥
But do not contemplate the Lord, Har, Har - the Messenger of Death will seize them and take them away. ||13||
जिन हरि नामा हरि चेतिआ हिरदै उरि धारे ॥
The Messenger of Death does not even approach those who contemplate the Name of the Lord, Har, Har,
तिन जमु नेड़ि न आवई गुरसिख गुर पिआरे ॥१४॥
And keep Him enshrined in their hearts. The Guru's Sikhs are the Guru's Beloveds. ||14||
हरि का नामु निधानु है कोई गुरमुखि जाणै ॥
The Name of the Lord is a treasure, known only to the few Gurmukhs.
नानक जिन सतिगुरु भेटिआ रंगि रलीआ माणै ॥१५॥
O Nanak, those who meet with the True Guru, enjoy peace and pleasure. ||15||
सतिगुरु दाता आखीऐ तुसि करे पसाओ ॥
The True Guru is called the Giver; in His Mercy, He grants His Grace.
हउ गुर विटहु सद वारिआ जिनि दितड़ा नाओ ॥१६॥
I am forever a sacrifice to the Guru, who has blessed me with the Lord's Name. ||16||
सो धंनु गुरू साबासि है हरि देइ सनेहा ॥
Blessed, very blessed is the Guru, who brings the Lord's message.
हउ वेखि वेखि गुरू विगसिआ गुर सतिगुर देहा ॥१७॥
I gaze upon the Guru, the Guru, the True Guru embodied, and I blossom forth in bliss. ||17||
गुर रसना अम्रितु बोलदी हरि नामि सुहावी ॥
The Guru's tongue recites Words of Ambrosial Nectar; He is adorned with the Lord's Name.
जिन सुणि सिखा गुरु मंनिआ तिना भुख सभ जावी ॥१८॥
Those Sikhs who hear and obey the Guru - all their desires depart. ||18||
हरि का मारगु आखीऐ कहु कितु बिधि जाईऐ ॥
Some speak of the Lord's Path; tell me, how can I walk on it?
हरि हरि तेरा नामु है हरि खरचु लै जाईऐ ॥१९॥
O Lord, Har, Har, Your Name is my supplies; I will take it with me and set out. ||19||
जिन गुरमुखि हरि आराधिआ से साह वड दाणे ॥
Those Gurmukhs who worship and adore the Lord, are wealthy and very wise.
हउ सतिगुर कउ सद वारिआ गुर बचनि समाणे ॥२०॥
I am forever a sacrifice to the True Guru; I am absorbed in the Words of the Guru's Teachings. ||20||
तू ठाकुरु तू साहिबो तूहै मेरा मीरा ॥
You are the Master, my Lord and Master; You are my Ruler and King.
तुधु भावै तेरी बंदगी तू गुणी गहीरा ॥२१॥
If it is pleasing to Your Will, then I worship and serve You; You are the treasure of virtue. ||21||
आपे हरि इक रंगु है आपे बहु रंगी ॥
The Lord Himself is absolute; He is The One and Only; but He Himself is also manifested in many forms.
जो तिसु भावै नानका साई गल चंगी ॥२२॥२॥
Whatever pleases Him, O Nanak, that alone is good. ||22||2||
[June 1st, 2014 - Sunday 04:30 AM. IST] (Page: 725)