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Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
« Reply #2910 on: September 24, 2020, 11:11:47 AM »
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  • Date: 24.09.20, Day: Thursday, Ang: 704

    जैतसरी महला ५ घरु २ छंत
    Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Chhant:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    सलोकु ॥
    ऊचा अगम अपार प्रभु कथनु न जाइ अकथु ॥
    God is lofty, unapproachable and infinite. He is indescribable - He cannot be described.
    नानक प्रभ सरणागती राखन कउ समरथु ॥१॥
    Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, who is all-powerful to save us. ||1||
    छंतु ॥
    जिउ जानहु तिउ राखु हरि प्रभ तेरिआ ॥
    Save me, any way You can; O Lord God, I am Yours.
    केते गनउ असंख अवगण मेरिआ ॥
    My demerits are uncountable; how many of them should I count?
    असंख अवगण खते फेरे नितप्रति सद भूलीऐ ॥
    The sins and crimes I committed are countless; day by day, I continually make mistakes.
    मोह मगन बिकराल माइआ तउ प्रसादी घूलीऐ ॥
    I am intoxicated by emotional attachment to Maya, the treacherous one; by Your Grace alone can I be saved.
    लूक करत बिकार बिखड़े प्रभ नेर हू ते नेरिआ ॥
    Secretly, I commit hideous sins of corruption, even though God is the nearest of the near.
    बिनवंति नानक दइआ धारहु काढि भवजल फेरिआ ॥१॥
    Prays Nanak, shower me with Your Mercy, Lord, and lift me up, out of the whirlpool of the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||
    सलोकु ॥
    निरति न पवै असंख गुण ऊचा प्रभ का नाउ ॥
    Countless are His virtues; they cannot be enumerated. God's Name is lofty and exalted.
    नानक की बेनंतीआ मिलै निथावे थाउ ॥२॥
    This is Nanak's humble prayer, to bless the homeless with a home. ||2||
    छंतु ॥
    दूसर नाही ठाउ का पहि जाईऐ ॥
    There is no other place at all - where else should I go?
    आठ पहर कर जोड़ि सो प्रभु धिआईऐ ॥
    Twenty-four hours a day, with my palms pressed together, I meditate on God.
    धिआइ सो प्रभु सदा अपुना मनहि चिंदिआ पाईऐ ॥
    Meditating forever on my God, I receive the fruits of my mind's desires.
    तजि मान मोहु विकारु दूजा एक सिउ लिव लाईऐ ॥
    Renouncing pride, attachment, corruption and duality, I lovingly center my attention on the One Lord.
    अरपि मनु तनु प्रभू आगै आपु सगल मिटाईऐ ॥
    Dedicate your mind and body to God; eradicate all your self-conceit.
    बिनवंति नानकु धारि किरपा साचि नामि समाईऐ ॥२॥
    Prays Nanak, shower me with Your mercy, Lord, that I may be absorbed in Your True Name. ||2||
    सलोकु ॥
    रे मन ता कउ धिआईऐ सभ बिधि जा कै हाथि ॥
    O mind, meditate on the One, who holds everything in His hands.
    राम नाम धनु संचीऐ नानक निबहै साथि ॥३॥
    Gather the wealth of the Lord's Name; O Nanak, it shall always be with You. ||3||
    छंतु ॥
    साथीअड़ा प्रभु एकु दूसर नाहि कोइ ॥
    God is our only True Friend; there is not any other.
    थान थनंतरि आपि जलि थलि पूर सोइ ॥
    In the places and interspaces, in the water and on the land, He Himself is pervading everywhere.
    जलि थलि महीअलि पूरि रहिआ सरब दाता प्रभु धनी ॥
    He is totally permeating the water, the land and the sky; God is the Great Giver, the Lord and Master of all.
    गोपाल गोबिंद अंतु नाही बेअंत गुण ता के किआ गनी ॥
    The Lord of the world, the Lord of the universe has no limit; His Glorious Virtues are unlimited - how can I count them?
    भजु सरणि सुआमी सुखह गामी तिसु बिना अन नाहि कोइ ॥
    I have hurried to the Sanctuary of the Lord Master, the Bringer of peace; without Him, there is no other at all.
    बिनवंति नानक दइआ धारहु तिसु परापति नामु होइ ॥३॥
    Prays Nanak, that being, unto whom the Lord shows mercy - he alone obtains the Naam. ||3||
    सलोकु ॥
    चिति जि चितविआ सो मै पाइआ ॥
    Whatever I wish for, that I receive.
    नानक नामु धिआइ सुख सबाइआ ॥४॥
    Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Nanak has found total peace. ||4||
    छंतु ॥
    अब मनु छूटि गइआ साधू संगि मिले ॥
    My mind is now emancipated; I have joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
    गुरमुखि नामु लइआ जोती जोति रले ॥
    As Gurmukh, I chant the Naam, and my light has merged into the Light.
    हरि नामु सिमरत मिटे किलबिख बुझी तपति अघानिआ ॥
    Remembering the Lord's Name in meditation, my sins have been erased; the fire has been extinguished, and I am satisfied.
    गहि भुजा लीने दइआ कीने आपने करि मानिआ ॥
    He has taken me by the arm, and blessed me with His kind mercy; He has accepted me His own.
    लै अंकि लाए हरि मिलाए जनम मरणा दुख जले ॥
    The Lord has hugged me in His embrace, and merged me with Himself; the pains of birth and death have been burnt away.
    बिनवंति नानक दइआ धारी मेलि लीने इक पले ॥४॥२॥
    Prays Nanak, He has blessed me with His kind mercy; in an instant, He unites me with Himself. ||4||2||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2911 on: February 11, 2021, 08:31:38 AM »
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  • Date: 11.02.21, Day: Thursday, Ang: 682

    धनासरी महला ५ ॥
    Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:
    जिस कउ बिसरै प्रानपति दाता सोई गनहु अभागा ॥
    One who forgets the Lord of life, the Great Giver - know that he is most unfortunate.
    चरन कमल जा का मनु रागिओ अमिअ सरोवर पागा ॥१॥
    One whose mind is in love with the Lord's lotus feet, obtains the pool of ambrosial nectar. ||1||
    तेरा जनु राम नाम रंगि जागा ॥
    Your humble servant awakes in the Love of the Lord's Name.
    आलसु छीजि गइआ सभु तन ते प्रीतम सिउ मनु लागा ॥ रहाउ ॥
    All laziness has departed from his body, and his mind is attached to the Beloved Lord. ||Pause||
    जह जह पेखउ तह नाराइण सगल घटा महि तागा ॥
    Wherever I look, the Lord is there; He is the string, upon which all hearts are strung.
    नाम उदकु पीवत जन नानक तिआगे सभि अनुरागा ॥२॥१६॥४७॥
    Drinking in the water of the Naam, servant Nanak has renounced all other loves. ||2||16||47||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2912 on: February 12, 2021, 10:50:08 AM »
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  • Date: 12.02.21 Day: Friday, Ang: 656

    रागु सोरठि बाणी भगत कबीर जी की घरु १
    Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Devotee Kabeer Jee, First House:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    संतहु मन पवनै सुखु बनिआ ॥
    O Saints, my windy mind has now become peaceful and still.
    किछु जोगु परापति गनिआ ॥ रहाउ ॥
    It seems that I have learned something of the science of Yoga. ||Pause||
    गुरि दिखलाई मोरी ॥
    The Guru has shown me the hole,
    जितु मिरग पड़त है चोरी ॥
    Through which the deer carefully enters.
    मूंदि लीए दरवाजे ॥
    I have now closed off the doors,
    बाजीअले अनहद बाजे ॥१॥
    And the unstruck celestial sound current resounds. ||1||
    कु्मभ कमलु जलि भरिआ ॥
    The pitcher of my heart-lotus is filled with water;
    जलु मेटिआ ऊभा करिआ ॥
    I have spilled out the water, and set it upright.
    कहु कबीर जन जानिआ ॥
    Says Kabeer, the Lord's humble servant, this I know.
    जउ जानिआ तउ मनु मानिआ ॥२॥१०॥
    Now that I know this, my mind is pleased and appeased. ||2||10||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2913 on: February 13, 2021, 06:30:31 AM »
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  • Date: 13.02.21, Day: Saturday, Ang: 660

    धनासरी महला १ घरु १ चउपदे
    Dhanaasaree, First Mehl, First House, Chau-Padas:
    ੴ सति नामु करता पुरखु निरभउ निरवैरु अकाल मूरति अजूनी सैभं गुरप्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace:
    जीउ डरतु है आपणा कै सिउ करी पुकार ॥
    My soul is afraid; to whom should I complain?
    दूख विसारणु सेविआ सदा सदा दातारु ॥१॥
    I serve Him, who makes me forget my pains; He is the Giver, forever and ever. ||1||
    साहिबु मेरा नीत नवा सदा सदा दातारु ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    My Lord and Master is forever new; He is the Giver, forever and ever. ||1||Pause||
    अनदिनु साहिबु सेवीऐ अंति छडाए सोइ ॥
    Night and day, I serve my Lord and Master; He shall save me in the end.
    सुणि सुणि मेरी कामणी पारि उतारा होइ ॥२॥
    Hearing and listening, O my dear sister, I have crossed over. ||2||
    दइआल तेरै नामि तरा ॥
    O Merciful Lord, Your Name carries me across.
    सद कुरबाणै जाउ ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    I am forever a sacrifice to You. ||1||Pause||
    सरबं साचा एकु है दूजा नाही कोइ ॥
    In all the world, there is only the One True Lord; there is no other at all.
    ता की सेवा सो करे जा कउ नदरि करे ॥३॥
    He alone serves the Lord, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace. ||3||
    तुधु बाझु पिआरे केव रहा ॥
    Without You, O Beloved, how could I even live?
    सा वडिआई देहि जितु नामि तेरे लागि रहां ॥
    Bless me with such greatness, that I may remain attached to Your Name.
    दूजा नाही कोइ जिसु आगै पिआरे जाइ कहा ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    There is no other, O Beloved, to whom I can go and speak. ||1||Pause||
    सेवी साहिबु आपणा अवरु न जाचंउ कोइ ॥
    I serve my Lord and Master; I ask for no other.
    नानकु ता का दासु है बिंद बिंद चुख चुख होइ ॥४॥
    Nanak is His slave; moment by moment, bit by bit, he is a sacrifice to Him. ||4||
    साहिब तेरे नाम विटहु बिंद बिंद चुख चुख होइ ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥४॥१॥
    O Lord Master, I am a sacrifice to Your Name, moment by moment, bit by bit. ||1||Pause||4||1||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

    Offline saib

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2914 on: March 01, 2021, 11:01:22 PM »
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  • Date: 02.03.21, Day: Tuesday, Ang: 639

    सोरठि महला ५ घरु १ असटपदीआ
    Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl, First House, Ashtapadees:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    सभु जगु जिनहि उपाइआ भाई करण कारण समरथु ॥
    The One who created the whole world, O Siblings of Destiny, is the Almighty Lord, the Cause of causes.
    जीउ पिंडु जिनि साजिआ भाई दे करि अपणी वथु ॥
    He fashioned the soul and the body, O Siblings of Destiny, by His own power.
    किनि कहीऐ किउ देखीऐ भाई करता एकु अकथु ॥
    How can He be described? How can He be seen, O Siblings of Destiny? The Creator is One; He is indescribable.
    गुरु गोविंदु सलाहीऐ भाई जिस ते जापै तथु ॥१॥
    Praise the Guru, the Lord of the Universe, O Siblings of Destiny; through Him, the essence is known. ||1||
    मेरे मन जपीऐ हरि भगवंता ॥
    O my mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord God.
    नाम दानु देइ जन अपने दूख दरद का हंता ॥ रहाउ ॥
    He blesses His servant with the gift of the Naam; He is the Destroyer of pain and suffering. ||Pause||
    जा कै घरि सभु किछु है भाई नउ निधि भरे भंडार ॥
    Everything is in His home, O Siblings of Destiny; His warehouse is overflowing with the nine treasures.
    तिस की कीमति ना पवै भाई ऊचा अगम अपार ॥
    His worth cannot be estimated, O Siblings of Destiny; He is lofty, inaccessible and infinite.
    जीअ जंत प्रतिपालदा भाई नित नित करदा सार ॥
    He cherishes all beings and creatures, O Siblings of Destiny; he continually takes care of them.
    सतिगुरु पूरा भेटीऐ भाई सबदि मिलावणहार ॥२॥
    So meet with the Perfect True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, and merge in the Word of the Shabad. ||2||
    सचे चरण सरेवीअहि भाई भ्रमु भउ होवै नासु ॥
    Adoring the feet of the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, doubt and fear are dispelled.
    मिलि संत सभा मनु मांजीऐ भाई हरि कै नामि निवासु ॥
    Joining the Society of the Saints, cleanse your mind, O Siblings of Destiny, and dwell in the Name of the Lord.
    मिटै अंधेरा अगिआनता भाई कमल होवै परगासु ॥
    The darkness of ignorance shall be dispelled, O Siblings of Destiny, and the lotus of your heart shall blossom forth.
    गुर बचनी सुखु ऊपजै भाई सभि फल सतिगुर पासि ॥३॥
    By the Guru's Word, peace wells up, O Siblings of Destiny; all fruits are with the True Guru. ||3||
    मेरा तेरा छोडीऐ भाई होईऐ सभ की धूरि ॥
    Give up your sense of mine and yours, O Siblings of Destiny, and become the dust of the feet of all.
    घटि घटि ब्रहमु पसारिआ भाई पेखै सुणै हजूरि ॥
    In each and every heart, God is contained, O Siblings of Destiny; He sees, and hears, and is ever-present with us.
    जितु दिनि विसरै पारब्रहमु भाई तितु दिनि मरीऐ झूरि ॥
    On that day when one forgets the Supreme Lord God, O Siblings of Destiny, on that day, one ought to die crying out in pain.
    करन करावन समरथो भाई सरब कला भरपूरि ॥४॥
    He is the all-powerful Cause of Causes, O Siblings of Destiny; he is totally filled with all powers. ||4||
    प्रेम पदारथु नामु है भाई माइआ मोह बिनासु ॥
    The Love of the Name is the greatest treasure, O Siblings of Destiny; through it, emotional attachment to Maya is dispelled.
    तिसु भावै ता मेलि लए भाई हिरदै नाम निवासु ॥
    If it is pleasing to His Will, then He unites us in His Union, O Siblings of Destiny; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to abide in the mind.
    गुरमुखि कमलु प्रगासीऐ भाई रिदै होवै परगासु ॥
    The heart-lotus of the Gurmukh blossoms forth, O Siblings of Destiny, and the heart is illumined.
    प्रगटु भइआ परतापु प्रभ भाई मउलिआ धरति अकासु ॥५॥
    The Glory of God has been revealed, O Siblings of Destiny, and the earth and sky have blossomed forth. ||5||
    गुरि पूरै संतोखिआ भाई अहिनिसि लागा भाउ ॥
    The Perfect Guru has blessed me with contentment, O Siblings of Destiny; day and night, I remain attached to the Lord's Love.
    रसना रामु रवै सदा भाई साचा सादु सुआउ ॥
    My tongue continually chants the Lord's Name, O Siblings of Destiny; this is the true taste, and the object of human life.
    करनी सुणि सुणि जीविआ भाई निहचलु पाइआ थाउ ॥
    Listening with my ears, I hear and so I live, O Siblings of Destiny; I have obtained the unchanging, unmoving state.
    जिसु परतीति न आवई भाई सो जीअड़ा जलि जाउ ॥६॥
    That soul,which does not place its faith in the Lord shall burn, O Siblings of Destiny. ||6||
    बहु गुण मेरे साहिबै भाई हउ तिस कै बलि जाउ ॥
    My Lord and Master has so many virtues, O Siblings of Destiny; I am a sacrifice to Him.
    ओहु निरगुणीआरे पालदा भाई देइ निथावे थाउ ॥
    He nurtures even the most worthless, O Siblings of Destiny, and gives home to the homeless.
    रिजकु स्मबाहे सासि सासि भाई गूड़ा जा का नाउ ॥
    He gives us nourishment with each and every breath, O Siblings of Destiny; His Name is everlasting.
    जिसु गुरु साचा भेटीऐ भाई पूरा तिसु करमाउ ॥७॥
    One who meets with the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny, does so only by perfect destiny. ||7||
    तिसु बिनु घड़ी न जीवीऐ भाई सरब कला भरपूरि ॥
    Without Him, I cannot live, even for an instant, O Siblings of Destiny; He is totally filled with all powers.
    सासि गिरासि न विसरै भाई पेखउ सदा हजूरि ॥
    With every breath and morsel of food, I will not forget Him, O Siblings of Destiny; I behold Him ever-present.
    साधू संगि मिलाइआ भाई सरब रहिआ भरपूरि ॥
    In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I meet Him, O Siblings of Destiny; He is totally pervading and permeating everywhere.
    जिना प्रीति न लगीआ भाई से नित नित मरदे झूरि ॥८॥
    Those who do not embrace love for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny, always die crying out in pain. ||8||
    अंचलि लाइ तराइआ भाई भउजलु दुखु संसारु ॥
    Grasping hold of the hem of His robe, O Siblings of Destiny, we are carried across the world-ocean of fear and pain.
    करि किरपा नदरि निहालिआ भाई कीतोनु अंगु अपारु ॥
    By His Glance of Grace, He has blessed us, O Siblings of Destiny; He shall be with us until the very end.
    मनु तनु सीतलु होइआ भाई भोजनु नाम अधारु ॥
    My mind and body are soothed and calmed, O Siblings of Destiny, nourished by the food of the Naam.
    नानक तिसु सरणागती भाई जि किलबिख काटणहारु ॥९॥१॥
    Nanak has entered His Sanctuary, O Siblings of Destiny; the Lord is the Destroyer of sins. ||9||1||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2915 on: May 01, 2021, 01:48:48 AM »
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  • Date: 01.05.21, Day: Saturday, Ang: 584

    वडहंसु मः ३ ॥
    Wadahans, Third Mehl:
    रोवहि पिरहि विछुंनीआ मै पिरु सचड़ा है सदा नाले ॥
    Those who are separated from their Beloved Husband Lord weep and wail, but my True Husband Lord is always with me.
    जिनी चलणु सही जाणिआ सतिगुरु सेवहि नामु समाले ॥
    Those who know that they must depart, serve the True Guru, and dwell upon the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
    सदा नामु समाले सतिगुरु है नाले सतिगुरु सेवि सुखु पाइआ ॥
    They dwell constantly upon the Naam, and the True Guru is with them; they serve the True Guru, and so obtain peace.
    सबदे कालु मारि सचु उरि धारि फिरि आवण जाणु न होइआ ॥
    Through the Shabad, they kill death, and enshrine the True Lord within their hearts; they shall not have to come and go again.
    सचा साहिबु सची नाई वेखै नदरि निहाले ॥
    True is the Lord and Master, and True is His Name; bestowing His Gracious Glance, one is enraptured.
    रोवहि पिरहु विछुंनीआ मै पिरु सचड़ा है सदा नाले ॥१॥
    Those who are separated from their Beloved Husband Lord weep and wail, but my True Husband Lord is always with me. ||1||
    प्रभु मेरा साहिबु सभ दू ऊचा है किव मिलां प्रीतम पिआरे ॥
    God, my Lord and Master, is the highest of all; how can I meet my Dear Beloved?
    सतिगुरि मेली तां सहजि मिली पिरु राखिआ उर धारे ॥
    When the True Guru united me, then I was naturally united with my Husband Lord, and now, I keep Him clasped to my heart.
    सदा उर धारे नेहु नालि पिआरे सतिगुर ते पिरु दिसै ॥
    I constantly, lovingly cherish my Beloved within my heart; through the True Guru, I see my Beloved.
    माइआ मोह का कचा चोला तितु पैधै पगु खिसै ॥
    The cloak of Maya's love is false; wearing it, one slips and loses his footing.
    पिर रंगि राता सो सचा चोला तितु पैधै तिखा निवारे ॥
    That cloak is true, which is dyed in the color of the Love of my Beloved; wearing it, my inner thirst is quenched.
    प्रभु मेरा साहिबु सभ दू ऊचा है किउ मिला प्रीतम पिआरे ॥२॥
    God, my Lord and Master, is the highest of all; how can I meet my Dear Beloved? ||2||
    मै प्रभु सचु पछाणिआ होर भूली अवगणिआरे ॥
    I have realized my True Lord God, while the other worthless ones have gone astray.
    मै सदा रावे पिरु आपणा सचड़ै सबदि वीचारे ॥
    I dwell constantly upon my Beloved Husband Lord, and reflect upon the True Word of the Shabad.
    सचै सबदि वीचारे रंगि राती नारे मिलि सतिगुर प्रीतमु पाइआ ॥
    The bride reflects upon the True Shabad, and is imbued with His Love; she meets with the True Guru, and finds her Beloved.
    अंतरि रंगि राती सहजे माती गइआ दुसमनु दूखु सबाइआ ॥
    Deep within, she is imbued with His Love, and intoxicated with delight; her enemies and sufferings are all taken away.
    अपने गुर कंउ तनु मनु दीजै तां मनु भीजै त्रिसना दूख निवारे ॥
    Surrender body and soul to your Guru, and then you shall become happy; your thirst and pain shall be taken away.
    मै पिरु सचु पछाणिआ होर भूली अवगणिआरे ॥३॥
    I have realized my True Lord God, while the other worthless ones have gone astray. ||3||
    सचड़ै आपि जगतु उपाइआ गुर बिनु घोर अंधारो ॥
    The True Lord Himself created the world; without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness.
    आपि मिलाए आपि मिलै आपे देइ पिआरो ॥
    He Himself unites, and causes us to unite with Him; He Himself blesses us with His Love.
    आपे देइ पिआरो सहजि वापारो गुरमुखि जनमु सवारे ॥
    He Himself blesses us with His Love, and deals in celestial peace; the life of the Gurmukh is reformed.
    धनु जग महि आइआ आपु गवाइआ दरि साचै सचिआरो ॥
    Blessed is his coming into the world; he banishes his self-conceit, and is acclaimed as true in the Court of the True Lord.
    गिआनि रतनि घटि चानणु होआ नानक नाम पिआरो ॥
    The light of the jewel of spiritual wisdom shines within his heart, O Nanak, and he loves the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
    सचड़ै आपि जगतु उपाइआ गुर बिनु घोर अंधारो ॥४॥३॥
    The True Lord Himself created the world; without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness. ||4||3||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2916 on: May 02, 2021, 11:22:27 AM »
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  • Date: 02.05.21, Day: Sunday, Ang: 663

    धनासरी महला ३ घरु २ चउपदे
    Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl, Second House, Chau-Padas:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    इहु धनु अखुटु न निखुटै न जाइ ॥
    This wealth is inexhaustible. It shall never be exhausted, and it shall never be lost.
    पूरै सतिगुरि दीआ दिखाइ ॥
    The Perfect True Guru has revealed it to me.
    अपुने सतिगुर कउ सद बलि जाई ॥
    I am forever a sacrifice to my True Guru.
    गुर किरपा ते हरि मंनि वसाई ॥१॥
    By Guru's Grace, I have enshrined the Lord within my mind. ||1||
    से धनवंत हरि नामि लिव लाइ ॥
    They alone are wealthy, who lovingly attune themselves to the Lord's Name.
    गुरि पूरै हरि धनु परगासिआ हरि किरपा ते वसै मनि आइ ॥ रहाउ ॥
    The Perfect Guru has revealed to me the Lord's treasure; by the Lord's Grace, it has come to abide in my mind. ||Pause||
    अवगुण काटि गुण रिदै समाइ ॥
    He is rid of his demerits, and his heart is permeated with merit and virtue.
    पूरे गुर कै सहजि सुभाइ ॥
    By Guru's Grace, he naturally dwells in celestial peace.
    पूरे गुर की साची बाणी ॥
    True is the Word of the Perfect Guru's Bani.
    सुख मन अंतरि सहजि समाणी ॥२॥
    They bring peace to the mind, and celestial peace is absorbed within. ||2||
    एकु अचरजु जन देखहु भाई ॥
    O my humble Siblings of Destiny, behold this strange and wonderful thing:
    दुबिधा मारि हरि मंनि वसाई ॥
    Duality is overcome, and the Lord dwells within his mind.
    नामु अमोलकु न पाइआ जाइ ॥
    The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is priceless; it cannot be taken.
    गुर परसादि वसै मनि आइ ॥३॥
    By Guru's Grace, it comes to abide in the mind. ||3||
    सभ महि वसै प्रभु एको सोइ ॥
    He is the One God, abiding within all.
    गुरमती घटि परगटु होइ ॥
    Through the Guru's Teachings, He is revealed in the heart.
    सहजे जिनि प्रभु जाणि पछाणिआ ॥
    One who intuitively knows and realizes God,
    नानक नामु मिलै मनु मानिआ ॥४॥१॥
    O Nanak, obtains the Naam; his mind is pleased and appeased. ||4||1||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2917 on: May 03, 2021, 12:24:05 PM »
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  • Date: 03.05.21, Day: Monday, Ang: 709

    सलोक ॥
    संत उधरण दइआलं आसरं गोपाल कीरतनह ॥
    The Merciful Lord is the Savior of the Saints; their only support is to sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.
    निरमलं संत संगेण ओट नानक परमेसुरह ॥१॥
    One becomes immaculate and pure, by associating with the Saints, O Nanak, and taking the Protection of the Transcendent Lord. ||1||
    चंदन चंदु न सरद रुति मूलि न मिटई घांम ॥
    The burning of the heart is not dispelled at all, by sandalwood paste, the moon, or the cold season.
    सीतलु थीवै नानका जपंदड़ो हरि नामु ॥२॥
    It only becomes cool, O Nanak, by chanting the Name of the Lord. ||2||
    पउड़ी ॥
    चरन कमल की ओट उधरे सगल जन ॥
    Through the Protection and Support of the Lord's lotus feet, all beings are saved.
    सुणि परतापु गोविंद निरभउ भए मन ॥
    Hearing of the Glory of the Lord of the Universe, the mind becomes fearless.
    तोटि न आवै मूलि संचिआ नामु धन ॥
    Nothing at all is lacking, when one gathers the wealth of the Naam.
    संत जना सिउ संगु पाईऐ वडै पुन ॥
    The Society of the Saints is obtained, by very good deeds.
    आठ पहर हरि धिआइ हरि जसु नित सुन ॥१७॥
    Twenty-four hours a day, meditate on the Lord, and listen continually to the Lord's Praises. ||17||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2918 on: May 04, 2021, 05:36:38 AM »
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  • Date: 04.05.21, Day: Tuesday, Ang: 704

    जैतसरी महला ५ घरु २ छंत
    Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Chhant:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    सलोकु ॥
    ऊचा अगम अपार प्रभु कथनु न जाइ अकथु ॥
    God is lofty, unapproachable and infinite. He is indescribable - He cannot be described.
    नानक प्रभ सरणागती राखन कउ समरथु ॥१॥
    Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God, who is all-powerful to save us. ||1||
    छंतु ॥
    जिउ जानहु तिउ राखु हरि प्रभ तेरिआ ॥
    Save me, any way You can; O Lord God, I am Yours.
    केते गनउ असंख अवगण मेरिआ ॥
    My demerits are uncountable; how many of them should I count?
    असंख अवगण खते फेरे नितप्रति सद भूलीऐ ॥
    The sins and crimes I committed are countless; day by day, I continually make mistakes.
    मोह मगन बिकराल माइआ तउ प्रसादी घूलीऐ ॥
    I am intoxicated by emotional attachment to Maya, the treacherous one; by Your Grace alone can I be saved.
    लूक करत बिकार बिखड़े प्रभ नेर हू ते नेरिआ ॥
    Secretly, I commit hideous sins of corruption, even though God is the nearest of the near.
    बिनवंति नानक दइआ धारहु काढि भवजल फेरिआ ॥१॥
    Prays Nanak, shower me with Your Mercy, Lord, and lift me up, out of the whirlpool of the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||
    सलोकु ॥
    निरति न पवै असंख गुण ऊचा प्रभ का नाउ ॥
    Countless are His virtues; they cannot be enumerated. God's Name is lofty and exalted.
    नानक की बेनंतीआ मिलै निथावे थाउ ॥२॥
    This is Nanak's humble prayer, to bless the homeless with a home. ||2||
    छंतु ॥
    दूसर नाही ठाउ का पहि जाईऐ ॥
    There is no other place at all - where else should I go?
    आठ पहर कर जोड़ि सो प्रभु धिआईऐ ॥
    Twenty-four hours a day, with my palms pressed together, I meditate on God.
    धिआइ सो प्रभु सदा अपुना मनहि चिंदिआ पाईऐ ॥
    Meditating forever on my God, I receive the fruits of my mind's desires.
    तजि मान मोहु विकारु दूजा एक सिउ लिव लाईऐ ॥
    Renouncing pride, attachment, corruption and duality, I lovingly center my attention on the One Lord.
    अरपि मनु तनु प्रभू आगै आपु सगल मिटाईऐ ॥
    Dedicate your mind and body to God; eradicate all your self-conceit.
    बिनवंति नानकु धारि किरपा साचि नामि समाईऐ ॥२॥
    Prays Nanak, shower me with Your mercy, Lord, that I may be absorbed in Your True Name. ||2||
    सलोकु ॥
    रे मन ता कउ धिआईऐ सभ बिधि जा कै हाथि ॥
    O mind, meditate on the One, who holds everything in His hands.
    राम नाम धनु संचीऐ नानक निबहै साथि ॥३॥
    Gather the wealth of the Lord's Name; O Nanak, it shall always be with You. ||3||
    छंतु ॥
    साथीअड़ा प्रभु एकु दूसर नाहि कोइ ॥
    God is our only True Friend; there is not any other.
    थान थनंतरि आपि जलि थलि पूर सोइ ॥
    In the places and interspaces, in the water and on the land, He Himself is pervading everywhere.
    जलि थलि महीअलि पूरि रहिआ सरब दाता प्रभु धनी ॥
    He is totally permeating the water, the land and the sky; God is the Great Giver, the Lord and Master of all.
    गोपाल गोबिंद अंतु नाही बेअंत गुण ता के किआ गनी ॥
    The Lord of the world, the Lord of the universe has no limit; His Glorious Virtues are unlimited - how can I count them?
    भजु सरणि सुआमी सुखह गामी तिसु बिना अन नाहि कोइ ॥
    I have hurried to the Sanctuary of the Lord Master, the Bringer of peace; without Him, there is no other at all.
    बिनवंति नानक दइआ धारहु तिसु परापति नामु होइ ॥३॥
    Prays Nanak, that being, unto whom the Lord shows mercy - he alone obtains the Naam. ||3||
    सलोकु ॥
    चिति जि चितविआ सो मै पाइआ ॥
    Whatever I wish for, that I receive.
    नानक नामु धिआइ सुख सबाइआ ॥४॥
    Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, Nanak has found total peace. ||4||
    छंतु ॥
    अब मनु छूटि गइआ साधू संगि मिले ॥
    My mind is now emancipated; I have joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
    गुरमुखि नामु लइआ जोती जोति रले ॥
    As Gurmukh, I chant the Naam, and my light has merged into the Light.
    हरि नामु सिमरत मिटे किलबिख बुझी तपति अघानिआ ॥
    Remembering the Lord's Name in meditation, my sins have been erased; the fire has been extinguished, and I am satisfied.
    गहि भुजा लीने दइआ कीने आपने करि मानिआ ॥
    He has taken me by the arm, and blessed me with His kind mercy; He has accepted me His own.
    लै अंकि लाए हरि मिलाए जनम मरणा दुख जले ॥
    The Lord has hugged me in His embrace, and merged me with Himself; the pains of birth and death have been burnt away.
    बिनवंति नानक दइआ धारी मेलि लीने इक पले ॥४॥२॥
    Prays Nanak, He has blessed me with His kind mercy; in an instant, He unites me with Himself. ||4||2||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2919 on: May 05, 2021, 12:24:28 AM »
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  • Date: 05.05.21, Day: Wednesday, Ang: 680

    धनासरी महला ५ ॥
    Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:
    जतन करै मानुख डहकावै ओहु अंतरजामी जानै ॥
    People try to deceive others, but the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, knows everything.
    पाप करे करि मूकरि पावै भेख करै निरबानै ॥१॥
    They commit sins, and then deny them, while they pretend to be in Nirvaanaa. ||1||
    जानत दूरि तुमहि प्रभ नेरि ॥
    They believe that You are far away, but You, O God, are near at hand.
    उत ताकै उत ते उत पेखै आवै लोभी फेरि ॥ रहाउ ॥
    Looking around, this way and that, the greedy people come and go. ||Pause||
    जब लगु तुटै नाही मन भरमा तब लगु मुकतु न कोई ॥
    As long as the doubts of the mind are not removed, liberation is not found.
    कहु नानक दइआल सुआमी संतु भगतु जनु सोई ॥२॥५॥३६॥
    Says Nanak, he alone is a Saint, a devotee, and a humble servant of the Lord, to whom the Lord and Master is merciful. ||2||5||36||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2920 on: May 06, 2021, 12:19:43 PM »
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  • Date: 06.05.21 Day: Thursday, Ang: 670

    धनासरी महला ४ ॥
    Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl:
    मेरे साहा मै हरि दरसन सुखु होइ ॥
    O my King, beholding the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, I am at peace.
    हमरी बेदनि तू जानता साहा अवरु किआ जानै कोइ ॥ रहाउ ॥
    You alone know my inner pain, O King; what can anyone else know? ||Pause||
    साचा साहिबु सचु तू मेरे साहा तेरा कीआ सचु सभु होइ ॥
    O True Lord and Master, You are truly my King; whatever You do, all that is True.
    झूठा किस कउ आखीऐ साहा दूजा नाही कोइ ॥१॥
    Who should I call a liar? There is no other than You, O King. ||1||
    सभना विचि तू वरतदा साहा सभि तुझहि धिआवहि दिनु राति ॥
    You are pervading and permeating in all; O King, everyone meditates on You, day and night.
    सभि तुझ ही थावहु मंगदे मेरे साहा तू सभना करहि इक दाति ॥२॥
    Everyone begs of You, O my King; You alone give gifts to all. ||2||
    सभु को तुझ ही विचि है मेरे साहा तुझ ते बाहरि कोई नाहि ॥
    All are under Your Power, O my King; none at all are beyond You.
    सभि जीअ तेरे तू सभस दा मेरे साहा सभि तुझ ही माहि समाहि ॥३॥
    All beings are Yours-You belong to all, O my King. All shall merge and be absorbed in You. ||3||
    सभना की तू आस है मेरे पिआरे सभि तुझहि धिआवहि मेरे साह ॥
    You are the hope of all, O my Beloved; all meditate on You, O my King.
    जिउ भावै तिउ रखु तू मेरे पिआरे सचु नानक के पातिसाह ॥४॥७॥१३॥
    As it pleases You, protect and preserve me, O my Beloved; You are the True King of Nanak. ||4||7||13||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2921 on: May 07, 2021, 04:38:05 AM »
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  • Date: 07.05.21, Day: Friday, Ang: 723

    तिलंग घरु २ महला ५ ॥
    Tilang, Second House, Fifth Mehl:
    तुधु बिनु दूजा नाही कोइ ॥
    There is no other than You, Lord.
    तू करतारु करहि सो होइ ॥
    You are the Creator; whatever You do, that alone happens.
    तेरा जोरु तेरी मनि टेक ॥
    You are the strength, and You are the support of the mind.
    सदा सदा जपि नानक एक ॥१॥
    Forever and ever, meditate, O Nanak, on the One. ||1||
    सभ ऊपरि पारब्रहमु दातारु ॥
    The Great Giver is the Supreme Lord God over all.
    तेरी टेक तेरा आधारु ॥ रहाउ ॥
    You are our support, You are our sustainer. ||Pause||
    है तूहै तू होवनहार ॥
    You are, You are, and You shall ever be,
    अगम अगाधि ऊच आपार ॥
    O inaccessible, unfathomable, lofty and infinite Lord.
    जो तुधु सेवहि तिन भउ दुखु नाहि ॥
    Those who serve You, are not touched by fear or suffering.
    गुर परसादि नानक गुण गाहि ॥२॥
    By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||
    जो दीसै सो तेरा रूपु ॥
    Whatever is seen, is Your form, O treasure of virtue,
    गुण निधान गोविंद अनूप ॥
    O Lord of the Universe, O Lord of incomparable beauty.
    सिमरि सिमरि सिमरि जन सोइ ॥
    Remembering, remembering, remembering the Lord in meditation, His humble servant becomes like Him.
    नानक करमि परापति होइ ॥३॥
    O Nanak, by His Grace, we obtain Him. ||3||
    जिनि जपिआ तिस कउ बलिहार ॥
    I am a sacrifice to those who meditate on the Lord.
    तिस कै संगि तरै संसार ॥
    Associating with them, the whole world is saved.
    कहु नानक प्रभ लोचा पूरि ॥
    Says Nanak, God fulfills our hopes and aspirations.
    संत जना की बाछउ धूरि ॥४॥२॥
    I long for the dust of the feet of the Saints. ||4||2||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2922 on: May 08, 2021, 01:41:24 AM »
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  • Date: 08.05.21, Day: Saturday, Ang: 686

    धनासरी महला १ ॥
    Dhanaasaree, First Mehl:
    सहजि मिलै मिलिआ परवाणु ॥
    That union with the Lord is acceptable, which is united in intuitive poise.
    ना तिसु मरणु न आवणु जाणु ॥
    Thereafter, one does not die, and does not come and go in reincarnation.
    ठाकुर महि दासु दास महि सोइ ॥
    The Lord's slave is in the Lord, and the Lord is in His slave.
    जह देखा तह अवरु न कोइ ॥१॥
    Wherever I look, I see none other than the Lord. ||1||
    गुरमुखि भगति सहज घरु पाईऐ ॥
    The Gurmukhs worship the Lord, and find His celestial home.
    बिनु गुर भेटे मरि आईऐ जाईऐ ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    Without meeting the Guru, they die, and come and go in reincarnation. ||1||Pause||
    सो गुरु करउ जि साचु द्रिड़ावै ॥
    So make Him your Guru, who implants the Truth within you,
    अकथु कथावै सबदि मिलावै ॥
    Who leads you to speak the Unspoken Speech, and who merges you in the Word of the Shabad.
    हरि के लोग अवर नही कारा ॥
    God's people have no other work to do;
    साचउ ठाकुरु साचु पिआरा ॥२॥
    They love the True Lord and Master, and they love the Truth. ||2||
    तन महि मनूआ मन महि साचा ॥
    The mind is in the body, and the True Lord is in the mind.
    सो साचा मिलि साचे राचा ॥
    Merging into the True Lord, one is absorbed into Truth.
    सेवकु प्रभ कै लागै पाइ ॥
    God's servant bows at His feet.
    सतिगुरु पूरा मिलै मिलाइ ॥३॥
    Meeting the True Guru, one meets with the Lord. ||3||
    आपि दिखावै आपे देखै ॥
    He Himself watches over us, and He Himself makes us see.
    हठि न पतीजै ना बहु भेखै ॥
    He is not pleased by stubborn-mindedness, nor by various religious robes.
    घड़ि भाडे जिनि अम्रितु पाइआ ॥
    He fashioned the body-vessels, and infused the Ambrosial Nectar into them;
    प्रेम भगति प्रभि मनु पतीआइआ ॥४॥
    God's Mind is pleased only by loving devotional worship. ||4||
    पड़ि पड़ि भूलहि चोटा खाहि ॥
    Reading and studying, one becomes confused, and suffers punishment.
    बहुतु सिआणप आवहि जाहि ॥
    By great cleverness, one is consigned to coming and going in reincarnation.
    नामु जपै भउ भोजनु खाइ ॥
    One who chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and eats the food of the Fear of God
    गुरमुखि सेवक रहे समाइ ॥५॥
    Becomes Gurmukh, the Lord's servant, and remains absorbed in the Lord. ||5||
    पूजि सिला तीरथ बन वासा ॥
    He worships stones, dwells at sacred shrines of pilgrimage and in the jungles,
    भरमत डोलत भए उदासा ॥
    Wanders, roams around and becomes a renunciate.
    मनि मैलै सूचा किउ होइ ॥
    But his mind is still filthy - how can he become pure?
    साचि मिलै पावै पति सोइ ॥६॥
    One who meets the True Lord obtains honor. ||6||
    आचारा वीचारु सरीरि ॥
    One who embodies good conduct and contemplative meditation,
    आदि जुगादि सहजि मनु धीरि ॥
    His mind abides in intuitive poise and contentment, since the beginning of time, and throughout the ages.
    पल पंकज महि कोटि उधारे ॥
    In the twinkling of an eye, he saves millions.
    करि किरपा गुरु मेलि पिआरे ॥७॥
    Have mercy on me, O my Beloved, and let me meet the Guru. ||7||
    किसु आगै प्रभ तुधु सालाही ॥
    Unto whom, O God, should I praise You?
    तुधु बिनु दूजा मै को नाही ॥
    Without You, there is no other at all.
    जिउ तुधु भावै तिउ राखु रजाइ ॥
    As it pleases You, keep me under Your Will.
    नानक सहजि भाइ गुण गाइ ॥८॥२॥
    Nanak, with intuitive poise and natural love, sings Your Glorious Praises. ||8||2||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2923 on: May 09, 2021, 10:25:47 AM »
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  • Date: 09.05.21, Day: Sunday, Ang: 636

    सोरठि महला १ ॥
    Sorat'h, First Mehl:
    जिन्ही सतिगुरु सेविआ पिआरे तिन्ह के साथ तरे ॥
    Those who serve the True Guru, O Beloved, their companions are saved as well.
    तिन्हा ठाक न पाईऐ पिआरे अम्रित रसन हरे ॥
    No one blocks their way, O Beloved, and the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar is on their tongue.
    बूडे भारे भै बिना पिआरे तारे नदरि करे ॥१॥
    Without the Fear of God, they are so heavy that they sink and drown, O Beloved; but the Lord, casting His Glance of Grace, carries them across. ||1||
    भी तूहै सालाहणा पिआरे भी तेरी सालाह ॥
    I ever praise You, O Beloved, I ever sing Your Praises.
    विणु बोहिथ भै डुबीऐ पिआरे कंधी पाइ कहाह ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    Without the boat, one is drowned in the sea of fear, O Beloved; how can I reach the distant shore? ||1||Pause||
    सालाही सालाहणा पिआरे दूजा अवरु न कोइ ॥
    I praise the Praiseworthy Lord, O Beloved; there is no other one to praise.
    मेरे प्रभ सालाहनि से भले पिआरे सबदि रते रंगु होइ ॥
    Those who praise my God are good, O Beloved; they are imbued with the Word of the Shabad, and His Love.
    तिस की संगति जे मिलै पिआरे रसु लै ततु विलोइ ॥२॥
    If I join them, O Beloved, I can churn the essence and so find joy. ||2||
    पति परवाना साच का पिआरे नामु सचा नीसाणु ॥
    The gateway to honor is Truth, O Beloved; it bears the Insignia of the True Name of the Lord.
    आइआ लिखि लै जावणा पिआरे हुकमी हुकमु पछाणु ॥
    We come into the world, and we depart, with our destiny written and pre-ordained, O Beloved; realize the Command of the Commander.
    गुर बिनु हुकमु न बूझीऐ पिआरे साचे साचा ताणु ॥३॥
    Without the Guru, this Command is not understood, O Beloved; True is the Power of the True Lord. ||3||
    हुकमै अंदरि निमिआ पिआरे हुकमै उदर मझारि ॥
    By His Command, we are conceived, O Beloved, and by His Command, we grow in the womb.
    हुकमै अंदरि जमिआ पिआरे ऊधउ सिर कै भारि ॥
    By His Command, we are born, O Beloved, head-first, and upside-down.
    गुरमुखि दरगह जाणीऐ पिआरे चलै कारज सारि ॥४॥
    The Gurmukh is honored in the Court of the Lord, O Beloved; he departs after resolving his affairs. ||4||
    हुकमै अंदरि आइआ पिआरे हुकमे जादो जाइ ॥
    By His Command, one comes into the world, O Beloved, and by His Will, he goes.
    हुकमे बंन्हि चलाईऐ पिआरे मनमुखि लहै सजाइ ॥
    By His Will, some are bound and gagged and driven away, O Beloved; the self-willed manmukhs suffer their punishment.
    हुकमे सबदि पछाणीऐ पिआरे दरगह पैधा जाइ ॥५॥
    By His Command, the Word of the Shabad, is realized, O Beloved, and one goes to the Court of the Lord robed in honor. ||5||
    हुकमे गणत गणाईऐ पिआरे हुकमे हउमै दोइ ॥
    By His Command, some accounts are accounted for, O Beloved; by His Command, some suffer in egotism and duality.
    हुकमे भवै भवाईऐ पिआरे अवगणि मुठी रोइ ॥
    By His Command, one wanders in reincarnation, O Beloved; deceived by sins and demerits, he cries out in his suffering.
    हुकमु सिञापै साह का पिआरे सचु मिलै वडिआई होइ ॥६॥
    If he comes to realize the Command of the Lord's Will, O Beloved, then he is blessed with Truth and Honor. ||6||
    आखणि अउखा आखीऐ पिआरे किउ सुणीऐ सचु नाउ ॥
    It is so difficult to speak it, O Beloved; how can we speak, and hear, the True Name?
    जिन्ही सो सालाहिआ पिआरे हउ तिन्ह बलिहारै जाउ ॥
    I am a sacrifice to those who praise the Lord, O Beloved.
    नाउ मिलै संतोखीआं पिआरे नदरी मेलि मिलाउ ॥७॥
    I have obtained the Name, and I am satisfied, O Beloved; by His Grace, I am united in His Union. ||7||
    काइआ कागदु जे थीऐ पिआरे मनु मसवाणी धारि ॥
    If my body were to become the paper, O Beloved, and my mind the inkpot;
    ललता लेखणि सच की पिआरे हरि गुण लिखहु वीचारि ॥
    And if my tongue became the pen, O Beloved, I would write, and contemplate, the Glorious Praises of the True Lord.
    धनु लेखारी नानका पिआरे साचु लिखै उरि धारि ॥८॥३॥
    Blessed is that scribe, O Nanak, who writes the True Name, and enshrines it within his heart. ||8||3||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!

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    Re: Daily Hukamnama (From Siri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar)
    « Reply #2924 on: May 10, 2021, 11:05:30 AM »
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  • Date: 10.05.21, Day: Monday, Ang: 696

    जैतसरी महला ४ घरु १ चउपदे
    Jaitsree, Fourth Mehl, First House, Chau-Padas:
    ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥
    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
    मेरै हीअरै रतनु नामु हरि बसिआ गुरि हाथु धरिओ मेरै माथा ॥
    The Jewel of the Lord's Name abides within my heart; the Guru has placed His hand on my forehead.
    जनम जनम के किलबिख दुख उतरे गुरि नामु दीओ रिनु लाथा ॥१॥
    The sins and pains of countless incarnations have been cast out. The Guru has blessed me with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and my debt has been paid off. ||1||
    मेरे मन भजु राम नामु सभि अरथा ॥
    O my mind, vibrate the Lord's Name, and all your affairs shall be resolved.
    गुरि पूरै हरि नामु द्रिड़ाइआ बिनु नावै जीवनु बिरथा ॥ रहाउ ॥
    The Perfect Guru has implanted the Lord's Name within me; without the Name, life is useless. ||Pause||
    बिनु गुर मूड़ भए है मनमुख ते मोह माइआ नित फाथा ॥
    Without the Guru, the self-willed manmukhs are foolish and ignorant; they are forever entangled in emotional attachment to Maya.
    तिन साधू चरण न सेवे कबहू तिन सभु जनमु अकाथा ॥२॥
    They never serve the feet of the Holy; their lives are totally useless. ||2||
    जिन साधू चरण साध पग सेवे तिन सफलिओ जनमु सनाथा ॥
    Those who serve at the feet of the Holy, the feet of the Holy, their lives are made fruitful, and they belong to the Lord.
    मो कउ कीजै दासु दास दासन को हरि दइआ धारि जगंनाथा ॥३॥
    Make me the slave of the slave of the slaves of the Lord; bless me with Your Mercy, O Lord of the Universe. ||3||
    हम अंधुले गिआनहीन अगिआनी किउ चालह मारगि पंथा ॥
    I am blind, ignorant and totally without wisdom; how can I walk on the Path?
    हम अंधुले कउ गुर अंचलु दीजै जन नानक चलह मिलंथा ॥४॥१॥
    I am blind - O Guru, please let me grasp the hem of Your robe, so that servant Nanak may walk in harmony with You. ||4||1||
    om sai ram!
    Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Yogi Raj, Para Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Sri Sai Nath Maharaj !
    Budhihin Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pavan Kumar, Bal Budhi Vidhya Dehu Mohe, Harahu Kalesa Vikar !
    ........................  बाकी सब तो सपने है, बस साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है, साईं ही तेरे अपने है !!


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