« Last post by Ajay0 on January 11, 2025, 02:50:20 AM »
Having basic human ethics is the root of Dharma.
If one does not have even worldly level morality,
It is absolutely impossible to ever uphold
The way of Dharma. ~ Mipham Rinpoche
If a person has self-control, even if he has nothing else,
This suffices for a hundred other good qualities.
This is the root of human values. Without it,
There is no hope for other qualities [to blossom]. ~ Mipham Rinpoche
All that is good and auspicious flows from self-control. All evil is dispelled by self-control. No gain, no pleasure in this world or in heaven is comparable to the delight of self-control. ~ Yoga Vasistha
SELF-CONTROL, O Rama, is the best remedy for all physical and mental ills. When there is self-control, even the food you eat tastes better, else it tastes bitter. He who wears the armour of self-control is not harmed by sorrow. ~ Yoga Vasistha
These four — CONTENTMENT, SATSANGA (holy company), the SPIRIT OF INQUIRY and SELF-CONTROL are the four surest means by which they who are drowning in this ocean of samsara can be saved. Contentment is the supreme gain. Satsanga is the best companion to the destination. ~ Yoga Vasistha
The Spirit of Inquiry itself is the greatest wisdom and, Self-control is supreme happiness. If you are unable to resort to all these four, then practice one; by the diligent practice of one of these, the others will also be found in you. The highest wisdom will seek you of its own accord.~ Yoga Vasistha