Hello all,
I have come across some observations which depict an interesting correlation between God and light....
In Hinduism, the Vedas and Hindu scriptures considers the Shivalinga as representing a cosmic pillar of light. The Dharmic monotheistic sect the
Prajapita Brahmakumaris consider God to be an incorporeal point of light.
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8cc233_1e859d1b689a48daa8e527330fc2b689~mv2.jpgIn Islam, Allah has 100 name's, and one of them is Alnoor ( the Light).
“God is light,” says 1 John 1:5, in the Bible in Christianity.
In Judaism, Psalm 76:4 says of God, “You are radiant with light.”
So this correlation between God and light, is a common denominator in these four major world religions.
Imo, the fire worship in Zoroastrianism may be illustrating this correlation between God (Ahura Mazda ) and light as well, light being emitted by the fire.
If you find any further proofs or evidences in this regard, please do share it here.
Thanking in advance.