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How to cope with Insults?
« on: September 02, 2016, 12:34:12 AM »
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  • OM SAI RAM!!!

    How to cope with Insults?

    Q: Guruji, when someone insults me, I simply accept it with a feeling of love,
         and I do not retaliate. Am I in some way encouraging injustice by doing this?

    Guruji: Yes, we must never support injustice. You can forgive them once or twice.
    But if they do this repeatedly, then you should stand up against them and show them
    what they are doing is wrong and bring them to the right path.

    But you should do this with cheerfulness and not because it is troubling you.
    One who is doing something wrong is harming himself and not anyone else.
    So you should try to help them understand this. When children do something
    naughty, a mother slaps them once or twice. Why? Is it because the child has
    hit her or insulted her in any way? No. It is because the child’s bad behaviour
    is going to harm him, which is why the mother scolds him.

    For example, a child sits in a mother’s lap but also kicks her at the same time.
    Does a mother ever get upset because of this? No. Instead, the mother feels happy.
    But if the child does something wrong, or insists on doing something wrong, like
    playing with a knife, then the mother hits the child so that the child does not
    harm himself.

    This is how you should understand..


    (Interesting article......found on the net, sharing ....................)
    « Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 01:38:42 AM by ShAivI »

    JAI SAI RAM !!!


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