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Author Topic: 14 Slokas and Special Slokas for each separate day of the week as pdf file  (Read 3026360 times)

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Offline marioban29

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14. Slokas

Sloka is a term derived from Sanskrit. Sloka is a verse, phrase, proverb or hymn of praise dedicated to the God. Shlokas are usually composed in a specific meter. Sloka is a verse of two lines, each of sixteen syllables.

Sloka usually forms the part of Hindu prayers. Shloka can also be attributed to specific Gods and Goddesses.

What is Sloka

Sloka is a powerful prayer which conveys the dignity and the omnipotence of God. Sanskrit Shlokas describe God in different forms and their celestial powers. People, who sincerely recite these verses and invoke the God mentally, attain a steady and peaceful mind.

Shloka forms the part of ''Stotras'' which are dedicated to Gods as prayers. Slokas are the primary verses from Mahabharata and Ramayana, the great epics of Indian Mythology. In this section, we are covering the following slokas:

Bedtime Sloka | Bhagavad Gita Slokas | Durga Sloka | Early Morning Sloka | Ganesh Sloka | Holy Bath Sloka | Krishna Sloka | Parvati Sloka | Rama Sloka | Saraswati Sloka | Shiva Sloka | Sloka While Eating | Sloka While Lighting Lamp | Vishnu Sloka

1. Bedtime Sloka

Bedtime is the time when people want to relax themselves after the long hectic schedules of the day. It is considerable to remember God at such time. Following Bedtime Sloka / Shloka is a bedtime prayer of the Hindus.

"Karacharana Krn Itam Vaakkaayajam Karmajam Vaa,
Shravananayanajam Vaa Maanasam Vaaparaadham,
Vihitamavihitam Vaa Sarvametatkshamasva,
Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe Shriimahaadeva Shambho"

Meaning: The literal meaning of the mantra is: "O God, kindly pardon my incorrect actions done consciously or unconsciously, either through my organs of action (hand, feet, and speech) or through my organs of perception (eyes, ears) or by my mind. I adore the God, who is the ocean of kindness".

Significance: By God's grace, we have completed one more day of our life. So, in order to thank god and to ask for his mercy, one can recite this Sloka. This bedtime Sloka is a prayer to God asking him to excuse our mistakes and maintain his mercy on us.

2. Bhagavad Gita Slokas

Slokas are verses in the praise of God. Shlokas from Bhagwad Gita are renowned for their massive power. Gita Slokas bring the idea of spirituality to our mind. Slokas of Bhagavad Gita can be recited in order to get the peace of mind. Daily chant of these slokas, with their meanings kept in the mind, makes the person aware about the fact of material world and the celestial world. Gita Slokas tell about the eternal divine world which is pure and serene. These slokas make the person realize the purpose, for what he/she has come in this world.

Following are some of the Slokas from Bhagavad Gita with their meanings:

"Cancalam Hi Manah Krsna Pramathi Balavaddrdham
Tasyaham Nigraham Manye Vayoriva Suduskaram"

This Sloka states that the Individual self is the traveler in the chariot of the material body and the intelligence is the driver. Mind is the driving instrument and the senses are the horses. Thus, the self is the enjoyer or sufferer in the relationship of the mind and senses.

"Balam Balavatam Caham Kamaragavivarjitam
Dharmaviruddho Bhutesu Kamo'smi Bharatarsabha"

The Sloka says that God is detached and passionless strength of the dominant and the virtuous craving in men.

"Ye Caiva Sattvika Bhava Rajasastamasasca Ye
Matta Everti Tanviddhi Na Tvaham Tesu Temayi"

This Shloka tells that God is the only source of all good (satva), obsessive (rajas) and dark (tamas) elements still, they are not within the God nor the deity is within them.

"Tribhirgunamayairbhavairebhih Sarvamidam Jagat
Mohitam Nabhijanati Mamebhyah Paramavyayam"

This Sloka states that the whole world is engrossed in the three elements of Satva, Raja, and Tama .This is the reason, people don't recognize the Eternal God who is beyond them.

"Daivi Hyesa Gunamayi Mama Maya Duratyaya
Mameva Ye Prapadyante Mayametam Taranti Te"

The Shloka states that the celestial maya of God with its threefold attributes is very complex. Yet, those who worship God are able to conquer it.

"Na Mam Duskrtino Mudhah Prapadyante Naradhamah
Mayayapahrtajnana Asuram Bhavamasritah"

This Shloka says that people who are attracted by maya of God lose their mind. They get fascinated by the baser impulses and stop worshipping God. These people are stupid and evil who don't even understand that all these things are part of the web created by the Almighty.

"Caturvidha Bhajante Mam Janah Sukrtino'rjuna
Arto Jijnasurartharthi Jnani Ca Bharatarsabha"

This Sloka says that there are four kinds of good people who worship god, those who desire earthly gains, those who are suffering, those who seek knowledge and those who possess wisdom.

"Tesam Jnani Nityayukta Ekabhaktirvisisyate
Priyo Hi Jnanino'tyarthamaham Sa Ca Mama Priyah"

This Shloka tells that out of the devotees, there are some wise people who want something in return and the people who don't expect any fruit in return of the worship. God loves the people who don't expect anything in return as their love towards the god is true.

"Udarah Sarva Evaite, Jnani Tvatmaiva Me Matam
Asthitah Sa Hi Yuktatma Mamevanuttamam Gatim"

This Sloka states that all those who worship God are commendable. But the outstanding devotees, who worship God with the single motive to merge in the God, are the true devotees who have achieved the highest aim of life.

3. Durga Sloka

Durga symbolizes the power of the Supreme Being that maintains moral order and justice in the universe. Durga is also known as "Shakti". Worship of the goddess Shakti is very popular among the Hindu people. Durga stands for the unified symbol of all divine forces; Strength, Morality, Power, Protector. Slokas on Goddess Durga form the part of prayers offered to the goddess. Durga (Devi) Shlokas / Slokas are as follows:

"Yaa Devii Sarvabhuuteshhu Maatrirupena Sansthitah
Yaa Devii Sarvabhuuteshhu Shaktirupena Sansthitah
Yaa Devii Sarvabhuuteshhu Shaantirupena Sansthitah
Namastasyaih Namastasyaih Namastasyaih Namo Namah"

Meaning: Goddess Durga is omnipresent. She is the personification of Universal Mother. She is a Mother, who is present everywhere and who is embodiment of power and energy. Great mother, who is present everywhere and who is embodiment of Peace. I bow to that mother, I bow to Durga, I bow to Shakti.

Durga (Devi) Stuti

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Vishnu Maayethi Sabdita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who dwells in all creatures in the name of Maya of Vishnu.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Chetanetyaabhi Dheeyate
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Devi, who abides in all creatures as realization.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Buddhi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who dwells in all creatures in the form of intelligence.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Nidraa Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Devi, who lives in all creatures in the form of sleep.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Kshudhaa Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who dwells in all creatures in the form of appetite.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Chaayaa Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who lives in all creatures in the form of meditation and reflection.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Shakthi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Devi, who dwells in all creatures in the form of Shakti, the creative power.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Thrishnaa Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who dwells in all creatures in the form of thirst.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Kshaanthi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Devi, who lives in all creatures in the merciful form.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Jaati Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who dwells in all creatures in the form of race.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Lajja Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Devi, who lives in all creatures in the modest form.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Shaanthi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who dwells in all creatures in the form of peace (Shanti).

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Shradha Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who lives in all creatures in the form of unshakable faith (Shraddha).

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Kaanthi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who lives in all creatures in the form of beauty or brilliance (Kaanti).

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Lakshmi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who dwells in all creatures in the prosperous form.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Vritti Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Devi, who dwells in all creatures in the form of motion.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Smrithi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who lives in all creatures in the form of memory.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Dayaa Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Devi, who dwells in all creatures in the form of mercy or kindness (Dayaa).

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Tushti Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who lives in all creatures in the form of satisfaction.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Matru Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Devi, who lives in all creatures in the form of Mother.

"Yaa Devii Sarva Bhooteshu Braanthi Roopena Samsthita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who dwells in all creatures in the form of illusion (Bhram).

" Indriyaanaamadhistaatri Bhootaanaam Chaakileshu Yaa
Bhooteshu Satatam Tasyai Vyaaptidevyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the all pervading goddess, who continuously controls the senses of all creatures and governs all elements.

"Chiti Roopena Yaa Kristnam Yetadhyaapya Sthithaa Jagat
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha"

Meaning: I bow again and again to the Goddess, who pervades this world and controls in the form of awareness.[/b]
« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 11:53:17 PM by marioban29 »

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Re: 14 Slokas
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2008, 02:34:54 PM »
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  • 4. Early Morning Sloka

    Early Morning is considered as the best time to worship God. Early morning is also known as "Brahma Mahurat" in the Hindu Mythology. It is regarded that prayers made at this time reach directly to the God. Early Morning Shloka (Sloka) is given here which also serves as the first prayer of the day to the almighty.

    Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi Karamadhye Sarasvati,
    Karamuule Tu Govinda Prabhaate Karadarshanam,
    Samudravasane Devi Parvatastanamandale,
    Vishhnupatni Namastubhyam Paadasparsham Kshamasva Me

    Meaning: The front part of the hands (the finger tips) is credited to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. The middle part or palm is credited to Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of learning and the root (the part of hand near the wrist) to Govinda. So, every morning, one should have a reverent look at one's hand which represents sincere labor.

    I bow to Mother Earth, who has mountains and jungles on her body and whose clothing is made by the ocean. The wife of Lord Vishnu, please pardon me for touching you with my feet.

    It is considered propitious to start the day with this sincere prayer.

    5. Ganesh Sloka

    Lord Ganesha is the one of the most popular gods of the Hindu Religion. Ganesh is known as the eradicator of obstacles and god of beginnings. Lord Ganesha is considered as the first god to be worshipped. Slokas on Lord Ganesha form the part of prayers offered to the lord. Here is a collection of Ganesha Shlokas:

    "Shuklaambara Dharam Vishnum, Shashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam
    Prasanna Vadanam Dhyaayet, Sarva Vighna Upashaanthaye"

    Meaning: Lord Ganesha always dressed in white represents purity. He is omnipresent with gray complexion like that of ash glowing with spiritual splendor. The Lord with bright countenance has four arms. I meditate on the God who can destroy all obstacles whether material or spiritual.

    "Vakratunda Mahakaaya, Suryakoti Samaprabha
    Nirvighnam Kuru Mey Deva, Sarva Kaaryeshu Sarvada"

    Meaning: Lord Ganesha has a curved trunk with a powerful body. He has the brilliance of a million suns. May the Lord, remove all the problems from the actions I aim to achieve.

    "Ekadantam Mahaakaayan, Taptakaajnchanasannibhamh
    Lambodaram Vishaalaaxam, Vandeaham Gananaayakamh"

    Meaning: Obeisance to Lord Ganesha, the one tusked, huge-bodied, big-bellied, and large-eyed God, whose complexion is like that of molten gold. I surrender myself to such great lord.

    "Srikantho Mathulo Yasya, Jananee Sarva Mangalaa
    Janakaha Sankaro Devaha, Tam Vande' Kunjaraananam"

    Meaning: The lord, for whom Lord Vishnu is the Uncle, whose mother is the divine auspicious one, Parvati and whose father is Lord Shiva. I offer salutations to Sri Ganesha, the Omkara.

    "Prasanna Vinaayakam Devam, Perivana Pura Samsthitham
    Sarva Vigna Haram Nithyam, Vandhe Sri Kunjaraananam"

    Meaning: The Lord Sri Prasanna Vinaayaka, who lives in his Temple of Pearland; one who removes all obstacles of all his devotees at all times; one who has the Omkara face of the elephant. I pray to the divine Ganesha.

    "Agajaanana Padmaarkam, Gajaananam Aharnisham
    Anekadantham Bhaktaanaam, Ekadantam Upaasmahey"

    Meaning: Lord Ganesha, the elephant faced is like sun to the lotus face of Mother Parvati. The single tusked Ganesha is the giver of boons. I salute the great lord to grant us a boon.

    "Ganaanaam Twam Ganapathi Gam Havaamahe
    Kavim Kaveenaam Upamasra Vastamam
    Jyeshta Raajam Brahmanaam Brahmanaspatha
    Aanashrunvanna Oothibhi Seedha Saadanam"

    Meaning: The Lord of spiritual faith, son of Lord Shiva, is the wisest among the wise. Ganesha has no comparison. He is the senior Lord of the Vedic mantras, who listens to the devotee's prayers. I invite Lord Ganesha to visit my home with prosperous things and be seated here. 

    6. Holy Bath Sloka

    Bathing is a time when people take a shower to shed the physical impurities and dirt of their body. Following is the Shloka/ Sloka for a Holy Bath, which can be recited while taking a bath.

    "Ganga Cha Yamuna Chaiva Godavari Saraswati,
    Narmada Sindhu Kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru"

    Meaning: The literal meaning of this mantra is: "In this water, I invoke the presence of divine waters from the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri. These rivers are considered as goddesses and I pray to them for considering me for their blessings.

    Significance: God has given us a beautiful life to live and has created this beautiful world. There are massive rivers and oceans in it. Many rivers like, Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati etc have their own significance. Taking bath in these rivers is considered auspicious. So, reciting this Sloka with a sincere heart brings you the benefit of taking bath in these rivers.

    7. Krishna Sloka

    Lord Krishna is one of the most popular and worshipped deities among the Hindus. Krishna represents knowledge, wisdom, beauty and opulence. Shri Krishna is the very embodiment of love and divine ecstasy that destroys all pain and offense. Sloka on Krishna forms the part of prayers offered to the lord. Here is a list of Krishna Slokas / Shlokas:

    "Vasudeva Sutam Devam, Kansa Chaanuuramardanam
    Devakii Paramaanandam Krishhnam Vande Jagad Gurum"

    Meaning: Krishna is the Supreme Lord, Son of Devaki (Sister of Kansa) and Vasudeva. He is the slayer of Kansa and Chanur. I bow to such great lord and may god bless me with his grace always.

    "Aakaashaath Patitam Toyam, Yathaa Gachchhati Saagaramh
    Sarvadeva Namaskaaraanh, Keshavam Pratigachchhati"

    Meaning: Lord Krishna is great. Just as every rain drop that falls from the sky flows into the Ocean, in the same way every prayer offered to any deity flows to Lord Krishna. I bow to such great Lord Krishna.
    « Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 03:05:13 PM by marioban29 »

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #2 on: February 06, 2008, 02:48:06 PM »
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  • 8. Parvati Sloka

    Goddess Parvati is the divine consort of Lord Shiva, the destroyer. Gauri represents virtue, fertility, marital felicity, asceticism and power, as per the Hindu mythology. Parvati is worshipped by women of all ages and is considered as an auspicious goddess. Slokas on Hindu goddess Parvati form the part of prayers offered to the goddess. Parvati Slokas / Shlokas are as follows:

    "Sarva Mangala Maangalye, Shive Sarvaartha Saadhike
    Sharanye Tryambake Gaurii, Naaraayanii Namostute"

    Meaning: Goddess Parvati is the auspiciousness of all that is auspicious. She is the consort of Lord Shiva, who grants every desire of one's heart. I adore such Devi Parvati, who loves all her children. I bow to the great mother, who has given refuge to me.

    "Maata Cha Paarvati Devi, Pitaa Devo Maheshvara
    Baandhavah Shiva Bhaktaacha, Svadesho Bhuvanatrayam"

    Meaning: Goddess Parvati is the mother and the divine father is Shiva. The devotees are the children. The world is the creation of these divine beings and we live on the land of such celestial beings.

    9. Rama Sloka

    Lord Rama is the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, as per the Hindu Mythology. Ram symbolizes morality, virtue and idealism. Rama Slokas form part of prayers offered to the lord. Slokas on Lord Rama are as follows:

    "Yanmaya Vashvarti Vishwamkhilambrahamadidevasura,
    Yat Sat Vadmrishave Bhati Sakalam Rajoo Yadhaahaibharama,
    Yatpadah Palvmaive Bhati Hi Bhavambhodhaisitatti Shravtam,
    Vandeaham Tamsheshkaranparam Ramakhayamesham Harim"

    Meaning: Lord Hari is also called as Rama and he is beyond all cause. This whole world is a part of his Maya. Lord Ram is the only one, with whose essence everything shines as real (though in reality it is false) where snake is misapprehended as a rope and whose feet are a boat to those who aspire to cross the ocean of Samsara, the relative existence. I surrender myself to such great Lord.

    "Moolam Dharmtarovivekjaldhae Poornedumannandam,
    Vaiaragayambuj Bhaskaram Tawaghharam Dhavanta Paham Tapham,
    Mohambhodharpunjhpatanvidhoo Khe Sambhavam Shankaram,
    Vande Braham Kul Kalankshamanam Shree Rambhoopam Priyam"

    Meaning: Lord Rama, the beloved King is the root of the tree of all Dharma. He is the full moon, giving delight to the ocean of Viveka or discrimination and the sun for the lotus of Vairagya. He is the destroyer of sin, the dispeller of the darkness of ignorance and the destroyer of pain. In the act of destroying the masses of clouds, of delusion he acts like wind. I bow to the Lord, who is propitious and who brought death to the disgrace to the Brahmin family of Ravana.

    "Prasantam Ya Na Gatabhishaket Satatha Na Mamloo Banvasdukhta,
    Mukhambujshree Raghunandan Sai Mai Sada Aastu Sa Mujulmangalprada"

    Meaning: Lord Rama has a lotus like beautiful face. His beauty neither gets enhanced at the coronation nor fades at the hardships of an exile in the forest. May Lord bless me with all auspicious.

    "Neelambhuj Shyamalkomlang Sita Samaropitvambhagam,
    Pano Mahasaikacharoochapam Namame Ramam Raghuvanshnatham"

    Meaning: Lord Rama is the chief amongst the Raghus. His handsome body is of dark blue color like the blue lotus. He has Sita seated on his left. He is the one, who wields a beautiful bow and arrows in his hands. I bow to such great Lord.

    10. Saraswati Sloka

    Saraswati is the goddess of arts, music, knowledge, and wisdom. Saraswati is considered as the divine consort of Lord Brahma, the Creator of the universe as per the Hindu Religion. Saraswati is regarded as the destroyer of chaos and confusion. Slokas on Saraswati form the part of prayers offered to the goddess. Saraswati Slokas/ Shlokas are as follows:

    "Ya Devi Stuyate Nityam Vibhuhairvedaparagaih
    Same Vasatu Jihvagre Brahmarupa Saraswati"

    Meaning: Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, is praised by the intelligent who have mastered the Shastra (scriptures). She is the wife of the Creator. May she live on my tongue.

    "Shrii Saraswatii Namahstubhyam Varade Kaama Ruupini
    Twaam Aham Praarthane Devii Vidyaadaanam Cha Dehi Me"

    Meaning: I bow to Goddess Saraswati, who fulfills the wishes of the devotees. I pray her to enlighten me with knowledge. 

    "Sarasvathi Namastubhyam, Varade Kaamaroopini
    Vidyaarambham Karishyaami, Siddhir Bhavatu Mey Sada"

    Meaning: Saraswati is the provider of boons and the one, who grants all our desires. As I begin my studies, I bow to the Goddess to help me in making it fruitful and make me successful in all my efforts.

    11. Shiva Sloka

    Lord Shiva or Siva is considered as the destroyer of the world. Shiva is one of the most popular gods of the Hindu religion. Shiva is also a kind-hearted god who blesses people. Sloka on Lord Shiva forms the part of prayers offered to the lord. Following is the Shloka for invoking Lord Shiva or Shiva Sloka:

    "Kailaasarana Shiva Chandramouli
    Phaneendra Maathaa Mukutee Zalaalee
    Kaarunya Sindhu Bhava Dukha Haaree
    Thujaveena Shambho Maja Kona Taaree"

    Meaning: Lord Shiva is seated on Mount Kailash; his forehead is decked with the moon and the king of serpents as a crown. The lord is full of compassion and the remover of illusion. Shiva is the only protector. I surrender myself to such great Lord Shiv-Shankar.

    12. Sloka While Eating

    Eating is an important activity, which is required in order to live. It is God, who has created each and every thing. Food, hunger, living beings, all of them form the part of God's creation. One should remember God, the omnipresent, who has given both, sweet and sour delicacies to satisfy our taste-buds. Following is the Sloka/ Shloka which can be recited while eating or taking your food.

    "Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havih Brahmaagnau Brahmana Hutam,
    Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam Brahmakarmasamaadhina"

    Meaning: The accurate meaning of this mantra is: "A practice of offering is Brahman, the oblation is Brahman, the device of offering is Brahman, and the fire (hunger) to which the offering is made, is also Brahman. For such a one, who abides in everything (Brahman), by him alone Brahman is reached".

    [Significance: Brahman refers to God himself. This Shloka suggests that god is everywhere, in the food, inside the devotee and even the hunger is God. So, devotee is taking the food (God) to the hunger (God). To put succinctly, we always thank god for his divine grace.

    13. Sloka For Lighting Lamp

    Light is considered as a symbol of auspiciousness, prosperity and abundance in the Hindu religion. Light brings brightness with it and removes the darkness. Light makes it possible to see things clearly. Following Sloka / Shloka can be recited while lighting the lamp. This prayer is also known ''deepa shlokam''

    "Subham Karoti Kalyanam
    Arogyam Dhana Sampadah
    Shatru Buddhi Vinashaya
    Dipa Jyotir Namostute"

    Meaning: The accurate meaning of the mantra is: "I fold my hands before the light that brings prosperity, auspiciousness, good health, abundance of wealth and destruction of the enemy's intellect". Here, Darkness symbolizes enemy's intellect and with the arrival of light, darkness disappears. Likewise, light (God's Grace) destroys darkness (enemy's intellect).

    "Deepajyothi Parabrahma
    Deepajyothi Janardhana
    Deepo Me Hara Tu Paapam
    Deepaa Jyothir Namostute"

    Meaning: The literal meaning of the mantra is: "I fold my hands before the lord, the maintainer of this creation, in the form of this light. I adore this light, which destroys all the pains resulting from my omissions and commissions".

    14. Vishnu Sloka

    Lord Vishnu is considered as the chief god in Hindu religion and Indian mythology. Vishnu, the preserver, forms the part of trinity gods. Vishnu Slokas form the part of prayers offered to the lord. Vishnu Slokas/ Shlokas are as follows:

    "Kaayena Vaachaa Manasendriyairvaa
    Buddhyaatmanaa Vaa Prakriteh Svabhaavaatah
    Karomi Yadhyadh Sakalam Parasmai
    Naaraayanaayeti Samarpayaami"

    Meaning: The literal meaning of the mantra is: "I offer everything to Lord Vishnu (Narayana); whatever I do with my body, words, mind, limbs, intellect or my inner self whether intentionally or unintentionally. I bow to the great lord, Vishnu".

    "Shaantaakaaram Bhujanga Shayanam Padmanaabham Suresham
    Vishvaadhaaram Gagana Sadrisham Meghavarnam Shubhaangam
    Lakshmiikaantam Kamalanayanam Yogibhidhyaarnagamyam
    Vande Vishhnum Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanaatham"

    Meaning: Lord Vishnu is the personification of peace, who rests on the Shesha Naag. The Narayana, from whose navel the Lotus springs and whose complexion is swarthy like the clouds. The God, who is the beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, whose body shines with divine splendor and whose eyes are like Lotus. I bow to the lord, Vishnu Narayana, who is meditated upon by the yogis and who is the remover of the fear of the world-cycle.
    « Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 03:08:25 PM by marioban29 »

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #3 on: July 18, 2008, 11:54:28 AM »
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  • Ketu Sloka

    Aneka roopavarnascha
    sakaroodha sashras:
    Utpata roope Jagadam
    Peedam dahathu me tamah:

    Rahu Sloka

    Mahaseersho Mahavakro
    Deerghadamstro maha bala:
    Akanyascho urdvakesschrya
    Peedanam dahutu me siki

    Guru Sloka

    Devanam cha
    rishinam cha
    Gurum kaanchana
    Sannibham Buddhimantam Trilokesham
    tam namaami Brishaspatim


    Ardikabadha Nivarana Sloka

    For financial improvement and recovery of old or written off dues, natives are advised to recite Ardikabadha nivarana sloka at least 21 times a day. The natives are advised to start reciting the sloka on Tuesday on a favorable star for speedy results.

    Om Namodevi Bhagavatee
    Trilochanam, Tripuram Devi
    Anjal3em me kalyanam
    Kuru kuru swaha

    Kuja Dosha Nivarana Sloka
    Bhumiputro Mahatejaa
    Jagataam Bhayakrutsada
    Vrushtikrudrusti hardhacha
    Peedanam dahutume Kujaha;

    Kantaka Sani, Sade Sani and Ardhastama Sani Sloka
    Sooryaya seetharuchay dharanee suthaaya
    saumyaya devagurave bhrrigunandanaaya
    Sooryathamajaaya bhujagaaya cha ketuave cha
    nityam namo bhagavate gurave varaaya

    Krishanaya vaasudevaya
    namaami haraye sadaa
    mandasayaanista sambhootham
    doshajaatham vinaasaya
    « Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 12:26:13 AM by marioban29 »

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #4 on: July 18, 2008, 12:10:10 PM »
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  • Special Slokas for each separate day of the week.

    Offline Anupam

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #5 on: June 18, 2009, 08:26:49 AM »
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  • Thanks a lot marioban ji for the very nice slokas. You have great knowledge  of the slokas Thanks a lot. Can you oblige me by also giving the same in Hindi/Sanskrit in Devnagari script as they are easier to read and Comprehend. I would be very Thankful for the same

    Offline priya.sri2009

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #6 on: November 25, 2009, 08:09:39 AM »
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  • mariobanji so many slokas. you've many patience. thanks for giving meaning for every slokas. this is not an easy work. hands of to U.

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #7 on: February 08, 2012, 12:33:32 AM »
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  • Ganesha Vedic Shloka

    "Ganaanaam Twam Ganapathi Gam Havaamahe
    Kavim Kaveenaam Upamasra Vastamam
    Jyeshta Raajam Brahmanaam Brahmanaspatha
    Aanashrunvanna Oothibhi Seedha Saadanam"

    Meaning of Sloka: The Lord of spiritual faith, son of Lord Shiva, is the wisest among the wise. Ganesha has no comparison. He is the senior Lord of the Vedic mantras, who listens to the devotee's prayers. I invite Lord Ganesha to visit my home with prosperous things and be seated here.


    On there are many slokas, not only from Ganeshji, but also about:

    Early Morning Sloka
    Bhagavad Gita Slokas  
    Goddess Durga Slokas
    Bedtime Sloka  
    Lord Ganesha  Slokas
    Goddess Parvati Slokas
    Holy Bath Sloka  
    Lord Krishna Slokas  
    Lord Rama Slokas
    Sloka While Eating  
    Goddess Saraswati Slokas  
    Lord Shiva Slokas
    Sloka While Lighting Lamp  
    Lord Vishnu Slokas  
    Lord Hanuman Slokas
    Goddess Lakshmi Slokas

    Please, listen to this great video:

    « Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 12:27:30 AM by marioban29 »

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #8 on: February 08, 2012, 05:02:20 PM »
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    The following slokas have been rendered and recorded in MP3 format by Sunder Kidambi.
    Click on Sloka link to hear each stotra.


    Religious n Devotional Slokas Collection:
    « Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 12:28:34 AM by marioban29 »

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #9 on: February 08, 2012, 11:02:20 PM »
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  • Prapatti Online - Stotras & Slokas - MP3 Voice, Audio Collection

    I have found a very nice collection of slokas and stotras:
    « Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 11:03:54 PM by marioban29 »

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #10 on: February 08, 2012, 11:18:11 PM »
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  • Eka sloka collection - Ramayanam, Bhagavatham, Mahabharatam, Gita

    1) Ramayanam in one sloka
    Adau Rama Tapovanadi Gamanam Hatvamrigam Kanchanam
    Videhi Haranam Jatayu Maranam Sugriva Sambhashanam
    Vali Nigrahanaqm Samudratharanam Lankapuridahanam
    Paschat Ravana Kumbhakarnaharanam Ethadhi ramayanam

    Once Rama went to forest,He chased the deer,Sitha was kidnapped,Jatayu was killed, There were talks with Sugreeva,Vali was killed,The sea was crossed,Lanka was burnt,And later Ravana and Kumbha karna,Were also killed.This in short is the story of Ramayanam.

    2) Bhagavatham in one sloka

    Adau Devaki Deva Garbhajananam Gopigrihe
    Vardhanam Mayaputhana Jeevithapaharanam Govardhanodaranam
    Kamsachedana Kauravadihananam Kunthi Sutha Palanam
    Ethadbhagavatham Puranakaditham Srikrishna Leelamritham

    Born to queen Devaki, Brought up by Gopis, Took out the life of Ogress Poothana, Lifted the Govardhana mountain, Beheaded his uncle Kamsa, Helped in killing the Kouravas, And looked after the children of Kunthi. This is in short the ancient story of Bhagawatha,Which describes the nectar like play of Lord Krishna

    3) Mahabharatam in one sloka

    Aadhau Pandava-Dhartarashtra-jananam Laakshaa-grihe Daahanam
    Dyootam Sreeharanam Vané Viharanam Matsyaalayé Vartanam
    Leelagograhanam Rane Viharanam Sandhi-kriya-jrumphanam
    Paschat Bheeshma-drona, duryodhanaadi Nidhanam Etat Mahabharatam

    (With) the birth of sons of Pandu and Drthrashtra and (failed attempt) of burning alive Pandavas) in a wax house, Wealth grabbed illegally, exile in forests (of Pandavas), retreat in the house of Matsya (Kingdom) cows stolen and rescued, in battle, Attempts for compromise (between the Pandavas and Karavas by Lord Krishna) failed, Bhishma, Drona Duryodhana and others killed, is MAHABHARATA

    4) Gita in one sloka

    (Though this sloka does not talk about the teaching of Gita, It is termed as Eka Sloki Gita. It is also included in the Vishnu Sahasranamam)

    Yathra Yogeeswara Krushno, Yatha Partho Dhanurdhara,
    Thathra srirvijayo bhoothir, Druva neethir mama."
    (BG, Chapter 18, Verse,78)

    'Where Krishna the God of Yogis is there,And where Arjuna , the expert archer is there,Wealth , victory, improvement and Justice,Will be there definitely for ever.'

    5) Glories of Narayana

    Kasturi tilakam naarayaNam Kamala nayanam naarayaNam
    Guruvaayur pura naarayaNam Kaliyuga avatara naarayanam
    karuNaasagara naarayaNam gOvinda gOvinda naarayaNam
    shIraabdi shyana naarayaNa Sree lakshmy ramaNa naarayaNa
    Pankajaksha daLa naarayaNa Charanam charaNam naarayaNa

    « Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 12:30:31 AM by marioban29 »

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #11 on: February 08, 2012, 11:22:23 PM »
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  • More Slokas

    अगस्त्यम कुम्भकर्णं च शनिंच बडवानलं
    आहार परिपाकार्थ स्मरेद भीमं च पंचमं

    Agastyam kumbhakarnam cha shanim cha badavaanalam
    Aahaara paripaakaartham smared bhimam cha panchakam

    Chant this mantra while caressing your stomach with your left hand in the anti clock wise direction after having your meal. It helps in quick digestion.

    Shri Datto Narado vyasaha, shuklashcha pavanatmajah,
    Karthaveeryascha goraksho, sapthaithe smruthi gaminaha.

    Sloka for trees:

    Moolatho Brahma Roopaya, Madhyato Vishnu Roopine,
    Agratha Shiva Roopaya, Vruksha Rajayathe Namaha.

    Activity specific sloka

    Slokas for our kids - categorised based on activity.

    Every activity in one's life is viewed as a result of the powers above. Hence each activity is revered and a prayer chanted to execute the task on hand more out of sincerity and devotion rather than out of "i know everything" attitude.

    It is said that:
    Two things define your success in life:
    1) The way you manage when you have nothing
    2) The way you behave when you have everything

    These slokas help not only keep one grounded but also reduce greatly the haste involved.

    Recalling the sloka and chanting it, by itself and unknowingly induces a pause before the start of the activity which helps free flow of thoughts and a cooler approach to activity on hand...

    1) Before the start of any activity

    Suklam baratharam vishnum sasivarnam sathurbujam
    Prasanna vadanam dyayeth sarva vignoba santhaye

    one who wears a white garment, all pervading one who has a brilliant complexion (like the full moon) one who has four hands, one who has an ever smiling face I meditate upon thee for the removal of all obstacles.

    A quick mind teaser: Any idea which god is invoked in this sloka?! Well, this as all our elders have taught us, is indeed a ganesha sloka but the name never figures and so the confusion. Well, the clue to the God is here:
    a) "sasi varnam" - Vishnu is gen. megha varnam but here it is mentioned sasi varnam.
    b) "sarva vignoba santhaye" - Ganesha is the only god called upon to remove obstacles and as maha periyava puts it he is the only vigna nashaka and hence this sloka refers to Ganesha.
    c) "Visnum" - Lord Ganesha is actually called upon to protect and hence the word "visnum" or "the one who protects"

    2) Prarthana
    Twameva mata cha pita twameva
    Twameva bandhushcha sakha twameva
    Twameva vidya dravinam twameva
    Twameva sarvam mama deva deva

    You are my mother and my father You are my relative and friend You are my knowledge and my wealth You are my all O Lord of Lords.

    3) EARLY MORNING PRAYERS (No idols, God is in our own self)
    The first thing when we get up in the morning before we see anyone or anything we must look at our open palms joint together and recite this mantra

    Karaagre vasate lakshmi
    karamadhye saraswati
    karamooleh tu govinda
    prabhaate karadarshanam

    The front part of the hands (the finger tips) are ascribed to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, the middle part (the palm proper) to Goddess Saraswati - the Goddess of learning and the root (the part of of hand near the wrist) to Govinda (God). Therefore, every morning, one should have a respectful look at one's hand which symbolizes honest labor.

    Samudravasane devi
    parvatastana mandale
    vishnupatni namastubhyam
    paada sparsham kshamasva me

    O! Mother Earth, who has the ocean as clothes and mountains and forests on her body, who is the wife of Lord Vishnu, I bow to you. Please forgive me for touching you with my feet.

    Gange cha Yamune chaiva
    Godaavari Saraswati,
    Narmadhe Sindhu Kaveri
    Jale asmin sannidhim kuru

    In this water, I invoke the presence of holy waters from the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri

    Brahmaarpanam brahma havih
    brahmaagnau braahmanaa hutam
    brahmaiva tena gantavyam
    brahma karma samaadhinaa

    A process of offering is Brahman, the oblation is Brahman, the instrument of offering is Brahman, the fire to which the offering is made is also Brahman. For such a one who abides in Brahman, by him alone Brahman is reached

    अगस्त्यम कुम्भकर्णं च शनिंच बडवानलं
    आहार परिपाकार्थ स्मरेद भीमं च पंचमं
    Agastyam kumbhakarnam cha shanim cha badavaanalam
    Aahaara paripaakaartham smared bhimam cha panchakam

    Chant this mantra while caressing your stomach with your left hand in the anti clock wise direction after having your meal. It helps in quick digestion.
    Shubham karoti kalyaanam
    aarogyam dhana sampadaa
    shatrubuddhi vinaashaaya
    deepajyoti namostute

    I salute the One who is the lamplight, that brings auspiciousness, prosperity, good health, abundance of wealth, and the destruction of the intellect's enemy

    1) Vakra Thunda Maha Kaya,
    Koti Soorya Sama prabha,
    Nirvignam Kuru me Deva,
    sarva karyesshu sarvadha

    God who has an immense body, God who has a broken tusk, God who shines like millions of Suns, Remove all my problems, From all that I do and at all times.

    2) Sanjeeva parvathoddhara mama dukham nivaraya
    ghoran upadravan sarvan nasha yakshasuranthaka
    markatesha mahothsaha sarva shoka vinashaka
    shatrun samhara mama raksha shriyam dhathwa cha mambhara

    10) Guru slokas
    1) Gurur brahmaa gurur vishnuh
    gurur devo maheshvarah
    gurur saakshaat parabrahma
    tasmai shree gurave namah.

    Know the Guru to be Brahma himself. He is Vishnu. He is also Shiva. Know Him to be the Supreme Brahman, and offer thy adorations unto that peerless Guru

    2) Gnanananda Mayam Devam
    Nirmala Spatika Kruthim
    Aadharam Sarva Vidyanam
    Hayagrivam Upasmahe

    I promise myself before the Goddess who is the personification of knowledge and Happiness, who is very pure, and who is the basis of all learning

    3) Namaste Shaarade-Devi
    Kaashmiira-pura Vaasini
    Tvaam-Aham Praartthaye Devi
    Vidyaa-Buddhimcha Dehi Meh

    I bow to Goddess Shaarada, resident of the regions of Kashmir, I pray to you to give us the gift of education and knowledge.

    4) Saraswathi Namasthubyam,
    Varadey Kaamarupinee
    Vidhyarambham Karishyami
    Sidhir bhavathu mey sada

    Oh Goddess, Saraswathi, my humble salutations to you, who are the fulfiller of all my wishes. I start my studies with the request that thou will bestow Thy blessings on me

    11) Seeking forgiveness for any errors in pronounciation or utterance
    yadakshara pada-bhrashTam mAtra hInantu yad bhavet
    tatsarvam kshyamyatAm deva nArAyaNa namostute
    visarga bindu mAtrANi pada pAdAksharANi cha
    nyUnAni chAtirikdhAni kshamasva purushottamah

    Karacharanam kritam vaa kaayajam karmajam vaa
    shravananayanajam vaa maanasam vaaparaadham
    vihitamavihitam vaa sarvametatkshamasva
    jaya jaya karunaabdhe shriimahaadeva shambho

    Oh Lord kindly forgive my wrong actions done knowingly or unknowingly, either through my organs of action (hand, feet, speech) or through my organs of perception (eyes, ears) or by my mind. Glory unto Thee who is the ocean of kindness.

    13) SEEKING GOOD HEALTH: Maha Mrutunjaya Mantra (for long and healthy life)
    Om Trayambakam Yajamahe
    Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
    Urvarukamiva Bandhanat
    Mrityormukshiya Mamritat

    Om-We worship the three eyed-one (Lord Shiva) who is fragrant and who nourishes well all beings; may He liberate us from death for the sake of Immortality even as a cucumber is severed from its bondage(to the creeper)

    14) For healing your body from any afflictions while taking medicine
    1) Om namo bhagavathe Vaasudevaya
    Dhanvanthreye amruta kalasa hasthaya
    Sarva aamaya naashanaya thrailoka naathaya
    sOm shri Mahavishnave namah.

    2) Sharire jarjari bhute
    vyadhi graste kalevare
    oushadham jaanhavi toyam
    vaidhyo naraayano Harihi

    15) SEEKING VICTORY (in all our activities)
    Jaya cha Vijaya Chaiva
    Jayanthi Saparajitha
    Kupchika Kalika Sasthri
    Veena Pusthaka Daarini

    Maha Lakshmi Maha Kali
    Maha Kanya Saraswati
    Bhoga Vaibhava Santhathri
    Bhakta anugraha Karini

    17) On receiving all goodness, to retain sanity lest it goes to the head
    Na Punyam Na Paapam Na Soukhyam Na Dukham,
    Na Manthro Na Theertham Na Veda Na Yagna,
    Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhoktha,
    Chidananada Roopa Shivoham, Shivoham

    Never do I have good deeds or sins or pleasure or sorrow, Neither do I have holy chants or holy water or holy books or fire sacrifice, I am neither food or the consumer who consumes food, I am Shiva, I am Shiva, of nature knowledge and bliss.

    18) To ward off bad dreams
    Rama Skanda hanumantam
    vainateyam vrukodaram
    Shayana yah smaren nityam
    duhswapnah tasya nasyati

    19) To ward off enemies and poison
    Ananthou vaasuki shesho
    Padmanabhascha kambalaha
    Shanka padou darta rashtrou
    Takshakaha kaliya sootha
    Yethani nava naamani
    Naagaa naamcha mahatmanaam
    Saayam kaale pate nithyam
    Pratha kaale visheshaha
    Tasmay visha bhayam naasti
    Sarvatra vijayee bhaveth

    20) To regain lost items
    Karthaveeryaarjuno naama raaja baahu sahasra bruth
    Tasya smarana maathrena Hrutham Nashtam cha Labyathi

    Vanamali Gadi Sharangee
    Changee chakreecha Nandaki
    Sriman NarayanoVishnur
    Vasudevobi Rakshatu

    Lord Narayana who also took the form of Krishna! Who holds the bow,sudharshana wheel to protect us from dangers. Please protect us from any danger and make our journey smooth.

    22) Praying for long life and good health and cleansing of sins:
    Akala Mrityu haranam
    Sarva papa kshayakaram
    Vishnupadodakam shubham

    23) Sloka to wish someone on their birthday (or for any occasion - sort of blessings)
    Swastya Stute kushala mastu
    Chirayurastu Vidhya Viveka
    Krithi Koushala Siddirastu
    Aishwaryamastu Bhalamastu
    Sadaa Jayostu
    Vamshasya Daiva Bhavatahee
    Sudeepya Thu Asthu

    24) Sloka to bless someone
    SathamAnam bhavathy SathAyu:
    Purusha syathendriyaha
    Ayush yEvendhriyah

    Life for 100 years with faculties and functions in tact is invoked here, as one looks at the Lord at the center of Soorya MaNDalam

    1) namah tulasi kalyaaNi namo vishnu priye shubhe
    namo moksha pradaayike devi namaH sampatpradaayike

    Salutations to the benevolent Thulasi, Salutations to the holy darling of Vishnu Salutations to goddess giving salvation, Salutations to her who grants wealth.

    2) Yanmule sarva thirthani yanmadye sarva devatha
    yadagre sarva vedashcha Tulasi thvam namam mayham

    I bow to the Tulasi at whose base (Yanmule) are all the holy places (Sarva thirthani), at whose middle (yanmadye) are all deities (sarva devatha) and on whose top (yadagre) reside all Vedas (sarva vedashcha) . We see Tulasi as the embodiment of everything.

    26) Slokas from Upanishads
    1) Om Sahana Bhavatu, Sahanao Bhunaktu
    Sahaveeryam Karvaa vahai
    Tejaswee Naava Dheeta Mastu
    Ma Vidvishaa vahai
    Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

    May He protect both of us. May He nourish both of us. May we both acquire the capacity (to study and understand the scriptures). May our study be brilliant. May we not argue with each other. Om peace, peace, peace.

    2) Lead from darkness to light, ignorance to wisdom:
    Asatho Maa Sadh Gamaya
    Thamaso Maa Jyothir Gamaya
    Mrithyor Maa Amritham Gamaya
    Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

    Lead me from untruth to truth; Lead me from darkness to light; Lead me from death to immortality.

    3) Om poornamadah poornamidam
    Poornaat poornamudachyate
    Poornasya poornamaadaya

    That (pure consciousness) is full (perfect); this (the manifest universe of matter; of names and forms being maya) is full. This fullness has been projected from that fullness. When this fullness merges in that fullness, all that remains is fullness. - Peace invocation -Isa Upanishad

    4) Om sham no mitrah sham varunah
    sham no bhavatvaryamaa
    Sham na indro brihaspatih
    sham no vishnuru-rukramah
    Namo brahmane namaste vaayo
    twameva pratyaksham Brahmaasi
    twaameva pratyaksham brahma vadishyaami
    Ritam vadishyaami satyam vadishyaami
    Tanmaam avatu tadvaktaaram avatu
    Avatu maam avatu vaktaaram
    Om shantih shantih shantih!

    May Mitra, Varuna and Aryama be good to us! May Indra and Brihaspati and Vishnu of great strides be good to us! Prostrations unto Brahman! (Supreme Reality). Prostrations to Thee, O Vayu! Thou art the visible Brahman. I shall proclaim Thee as the visible Brahman. I shall call Thee the just and the True. May He protect the teacher and me! May he protect the teacher! Om peace, peace, peace!

    5) Shanti Mantra (Universal Prayer)
    Om sarveshaam swastir bhavatu
    Sarveshaam shantir bhavatu
    Sarveshaam poornam bhavatu
    Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
    Sarve bhavantu sukhinah
    Sarve santu niraamayaah
    Sarve bhadraani pashyantu
    Maakaschit duhkha bhaag bhavet

    Auspiciousness (swasti) be unto all; peace (shanti) be unto all;fullness (poornam) be unto all; prosperity (mangalam) be unto all. May all be happy! (sukhinah)May all be free from disabilities! (niraamayaah) May all look (pashyantu)to the good of others!May none suffer from sorrow! (duhkha)

    6) Hiranmayena patrena satya sapihitam mukham
    Tat twam pusam apavarnu satya dharmaya drustaye.

    Like the lid of a vessel, O Sun, your gold covers the entrance to the truth. Please open the door to lead me to the truth. (Isavasya Upanishad). Generally, Prayer said before performing Surya Namaskar.

    7) Om tachhan yoraavRiNeemahe Gaatum yagyaaya
    Gaatum yagya-pataye Daivii svasti-rastu naH
    Svastir-maanushhebhyaHa Uurdhvam jigaatu bheshhajam
    Shanno astu dvipade Shan chatushhpade
    OM shaanti shaanti shaantiH

    We pray so that we may chant in praise of yagnya (sacrifice) and sing in praise of Lord of Yagnyas. May we be granted Divine Blessings. May peace be unto the whole human race. May healing herbs (crops) grow in abundance. Bheshhajam = crops. Let two-legged (humans) & 4-legged (animals) beings thrive and be peaceful and happy. Dvipade- 2-legged; Chatushpade- 4-legged. Peace, Peace, Peace (Peace to the Body, Mind and Soul)

    8) Gayatri Mantra
    Aum Bhoor Bhuwah Swaha
    Tat Savitur Varenyam
    Bhargo Devasaya Dheemahi
    Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat

    Om, I adore the Divine Self who illuminates the three worlds -physical, astral and causal; I offer my prayers to that God who shines like the Sun. May He enlighten our intellect.

    27) Sloka for Mangal Aarti
    1) Karpoora Gauram Karunavataram
    Samsara Saram Bhujagendra Haram
    Sada Vasantam Hridayaravinde
    Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Namami

    I salute to the merciful Bhava (i.e. Shiva) who is with his consort Parvati,Adorned with the necklace of the serpant

    2) Mangalam Bhagavan Vishnum
    Mangalam Garudadhwajah
    Mangalam Pundareekaksham
    Mangalayatano Harih

    All auspiciousness to God Vishnu All auspiciousness to One who has Garuda as His flag All auspiciousness to One who has eyes like the lotus flowers And auspiciousness to Hari

    3) Sarva Mangala Mangalye
    Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
    Sharanye Tryambake Gauri
    Narayani Namostute
    Narayani Namostute
    Narayani Namostute

    O Parvati, you who makes all desires possible the most auspicious of the auspicious My refuge, Gauri, Triambika, I salute to You I salute to you I salute to you.

    28) For Rotation (on the spot thrice clockwise from the right side) before namaskaram

    1) Yani kani cha papani
    Janmantara kritanicha
    Tani tani vinashyanti
    Pradakshinam pade pade

    I rotate in my place(in front of the Deity) to kill all my sinsThat I may have committed in my past births

    2) Prakrishta papa nashaya
    Prakrishta phala siddhaye
    Pradakshinam karomityam
    Praseeda Parameshwari

    O Parameshwari, please show mercy on me. I rotate in my place in front of you, To kill all my sins And to seek Your blessings

    3) Anyatha sharanam nasty
    Twameva sharanam mama
    Tasmat karunya bhavena
    Raksha Raksha Maheswara

    29) Sloka for doing namaskaram
    Kayena vacha manasendriyairva
    Buddhyatmana va prakrite swabhavath
    Karoomi yadyad sakalam parasmai
    Narayanayeti samarpayami

    Whatever I do with my mind, body, speech or with other senses of my body, Or with my intellect or with my innate natural tendencies I offer everything to Narayana
    « Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 03:00:14 AM by marioban29 »

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #12 on: February 08, 2012, 11:41:02 PM »
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  • Please search for slkas on:

    I have found: Shloka Collection with Meanings

    It is  great ebook and it is free to download

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    Re: 14 Slokas
    « Reply #13 on: February 08, 2012, 11:47:28 PM »
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    Saraswathi Shloka: Ya Kundendu Tushaara Haara Dhavalaa


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