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Offline marioban29

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Re: Mantra for all diseases
« Reply #105 on: September 26, 2011, 06:47:50 AM »
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  • Archive for August, 2009
    Lalitham Mantras For Abundance
    Chant the mantras in the following order:

    Lalitham Sridharam,

    Lalitham Baskaram and

    Lalitham Sudarshnam

    Benefits of Lalitham

    Lalitha means beauty. I combined M with it – as M immediately vibrates with the right brain. That’s why Bija mantras end with M. It’s the right brain that has to guide our lives.

    Whatever sins and mistakes you may have committed, Lalitham helps you to release and be forgiven.

    We say our obstacles are due to our bad karma. However, they can be released thanks to Lalitham. Once they are removed, the obstacles to our lives are also removed.

    Lalitham Sridharam

    Thanks to this mantra, Money will flow into our lives.  Any problem that deals with basic/root/Mooladhara chakra can be handled by this mantra. Then abundance of happiness, comfort and money will result in.

    La, Lum (bija mantras) – for Basic Chakra, Tham attracts, Sri – activates third eye, and Rum – energises Solar Plexus Chakra.

    Sri and M (at the end of mantra) à Sri is Lakshmi. This is the mantra for Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi will be present, where Vishnu (Narayan) is there. Speciality of Vishnu is that while we search for Lakshmi, Lakshmi is attracted to Narayan. Sridharam – Lakshmi attracted by Narayan. SRIM in Sridharam helps us to establish peace, and destroy evil.

    Why we need Rum? When money comes, first confidence will come and then ego will come along with that. Thanks to Rum ego will be removed and Solar Plexus chakra will be balanced.

    Lalitham Baskaram (sun)

    If there is confusion, it gives clarity. If you want to know the truth and something fishy is happening, chant this mantra.

    It will not make you look behind your life. You will keep moving forward as it creates step by step advancement.

    Lalitham Sudarshnam

    Sudarshnam means light. “SUYA Dharshan” means knowing oneself. Seven to eight Bija mantras are inside this mantra.

    Advantages of Lalitham Mantras

    All the three are useful to handle Shade Sani.

    They can be chanted to handle difficult situations too, for it will bring light into the situation.

    You can do it while walking or sitting. It will improve total Punniyam (good karma). You can put Chin Mudra or Acceptance Mudra while chanting this mantra.

      1 comment August 16, 2009
    Why Mantras Are So Special?
    If there are no sounds then there is no world. Sound alone can create structure or a form based on the principle of sympathetic resonance. If you tune one tuning fork (or a crystal bowl) then tuning fork next to it will also resonate in the same frequency. So sound is important to our lives. It is the creator of the world. If there is no sound then there is no world.

    Bija Mantras

    Our ancestors have found out that our Chakras – the energy centres or wheels of energy are responsive to specific sounds called as Bija mantras. Bija means seed. It can influence the DNA of the matter inside us. When all the chakras open up harmoniously, things will happen for us automatically – with least of our efforts.

    Benefits of Bhajans Singing

    If the mind is attached to the body then we always think about it. Then whatever happens to the body is more painful to us. Therefore, we had to detach the mind from body? How? By listening to Bhajans or doing Keertans is one way of releasing body from mind and completely disassociating from it. As long as you’re concerned about body, there will be shyness in our approach. This can be removed with help of Bhajans.

    Bhajans are nothing but Namas or a string of Mantras. Bhajans are one way of directly talking to god and relating the god within oneself. So it’s good to sing the Bhajans loudly. There need not be any shyness in chanting the Namas.

    Speciality of Namas or Mantras

    Each of them works with different parts of the body. For example, Kesavam Narayanam mantra acts on Hara chakra. It is a cleansing mantra. Madavam Madavan activates both right and left hemispheres of the brain. If you chant Madavam Madavan there won’t be any paralysis.

    Poojas Are Effective too…

    We can break up any mantra or Namas to one or more bija mantras. Poojas are important for the same reason as they are nothing but mantras. Each and every name of the lord is a coinage of bija mantra. Thus our own centres are activated when we hear the Namas.

    Healing Through Mantras

    For mantras, all problems are one and the same. They don’t differentiate serious problems from smaller problems. A mantra that works for one problem will work for similar types of problems – whether they are big or small.  Thus God’s ways are simple.

    There are many mantras available to us. Based on the situation we had to chant the appropriate mantra. Keep chanting them until the problem is solved.

    Water Treatment with Mantras

    Any mantra/switch word/Bach flower remedies can be chanted by holding a glass of water on your hand. Then after sometime, drink it.

    Healing Others

    To heal others put their name in a piece of paper, keep it on the left hand and chant the mantras. Preferably chant during the beginning of the day and then later before going to sleep.

    Numerology Doesn’t Work (all the time)

    The most important thing is how the Mantra sounds. Numerology doesn’t work for the same reason. If you add one more “A” to your name, it will not make any difference as your name is going to be pronounced in the same way. Thus pronunciation is important. We are subject to sound. Even if somebody doesn’t know spelling, it impacts them.

      1 comment August 9, 2009
    Power of Ram

    Every mantra will have RA in it. That’s why Rama is the ultimate mantram. If you haven’t able to chant Vishnu Sahsaranamam, then chant Rama thrice. That’s why Rama mantra is still popular. It is a universal mantra.

    What is the role of Krishna here?

    Negative energy is black in colour – which is sometimes referred as darkness. That black energy has been taken by Krishna and he still glows. He is capable of removing all of them. That’s why he remains black outwardly, but shines within. Ever shining is Krishna.

    Divine order is exposed by removing darkness. Chant switch words “Change Divine Order” to put back your organs back in (divine) order after a serious illness. The same can be achieved by chanting “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” mantra.

    Benefits of chanting Hara Rama Hare Krishna Mantra

    1.Hare – HA will activate throat chakra. Hare increases the space within the body.
    2.REY – activates Solar Plexus chakra. It’s the bija mantra for solar plexus as well as activating sun god. Hari – E sounded in the mantra also means sun god. Hari becomes Hare when it joins with Rama.
    3.Chanting this mantra both the knees will become highly flexible. Our gratitude to parents will increase thousand fold and we will always have the blessings of our parents.
    If there is knee pain, then it means we are inflexible, with lot of stubbornness – which will prevent us to go deep within. Please note here that flexibility marks the nature of a child.

    1.Our outlook on life will also become flexible. We will mix well with others.
    2.We will shine inwardly.
    3.There will be no fight or conflict and there will be only peace, joy and love.
      23 comments August 2, 2009

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #106 on: September 26, 2011, 06:48:59 AM »
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  • Archive for October, 2009
    Drive Away Cancer
    How to Avoid Getting Cancer

    How Cancer gets activated inside our body? How to win over it? Everybody has cancer cells. They thrive in the absence of oxygen in the cells.

    Two mantras can help here to restore the situation:

    Om Yum Namaha

    Om Rum Namaha

    The benefit of chanting these two mantras is: your stress levels are reduced.

    When you are stressed out, the cells are not in the receiving mode of oxygen, as they close themselves. If they are closed for 36 hrs, they turn cancerous.

    Our life style demands us to be in AC filled rooms, where there is less oxygen. Also, reheating the food drains out oxygen in them. This results in less prana – the energy required by us. When our oxygen level is increased, our stress level is reduced. Our life style changes will happen automatically, all because of chanting the mantras.

    How do they work? Yum – will expel carbon dioxide from the cells and Rum – will make more oxygen available at the cellular level.

    What about Patients Afflicted by Cancer

    Chant the mantras:

    Om Lum Namaha

    Om Vum Namaha

    Om Rum Namaha

    Om Yum Namaha

    Om Hum Namaha

    How do they work?

    Om Lum Namaha reduces solidity of cancerous cells.

    Om Vum Namaha makes the cells into liquid and making it ready for evaporation.

    Om Rum Namaha increases the fire element that burns away the liquid cancerous cells.

    Om Yum Namaha will eliminate carbon dioxide and the waste cells.

    When we increase space, they will have to go. Om Hum Namaha will increase the space. The cancerous cells will go out. Don’t worry whether others will be affected by them, for cells are inert now. Therefore, they will not affect others.

    Lalitham group of mantras can also help as they have all the Bija mantras inside them. Chant them in the order:

    Lalitham Sridharam

    Lalitham Baskaram

    Lalitham Sudarshnam

      8 comments October 30, 2009
    Mantras for Lungs, Digestion and Back Pain
    Problem/Life Situation Mantra(s)
    Nervous weakness Madavam Madavan
    Gas problem;If digestion is not proper, Abhan – one type of prana which is supposed to flow down, goes up instead and you feel your heart is aching Belching; Headache EE JOE
    For any lung problem (These are from Chinese number As per Dr. Zhi) SAHN, SAHN  (pronounced as SAWHUN)
    For children’s common cold and cough;  For serious lung problem these mantras will help (These are from Chinese number As per Dr. Zhi) SAHN, SAHN, JOE, LEU, BAW, YOW, WU
    For lower back pain Do Chin Mudra, chant JOE LEU
    For diabetes patients. 20 minutes, twice a day. Proper Digestion will happen. Once that happens perfectly, your craving for more food will come down.After 30 days check it, you will find your sugar level would have come down. Rum Bum Lum Dum 

      Add comment October 30, 2009
    SIMPLE Steps to Meditation
    How to Meditate

    Meditation is an experience that no body can teach you. Neither can we go to deep into meditation suddenly as it’s a practice and a habit that is formed over a period of time.

    Meditation means, to remain silent. Though, thoughts keep appearing. If any thought is present then it’s not meditation. How to remain thoughtless?

    Remaining Silent With Releasing Techniques

    How to remain silent in spite of thoughts? Mind can cling to picture or a mantra. Do we have a mantra for silence? There is no mantra for silence. However there is a technique to create silence. The technique is as follows:

    •When a thought comes don’t resist it. Say inside you, ‘this is my thought’. Thus, you disassociate yourself from the thought.
    •Then ask the question to yourself, ‘Can I let go this thought?’ It will go. You can also say “release”. Then it will go. Now there will be at least a one second gap between thoughts. This is equivalent to one hour of meditation. In general, we never have a gap between thoughts. In general we might have ten thoughts in one second.
    •If you do not want the “let go” step, then form your own mantra or word. When we say that mantra, we create a gap between the thoughts.
    •When a thought comes, interrupt it with the mantra and you will become silent. When another thought comes, say the mantra. The silence in between the mantra is meditation.
    Pranic and physical bodies has to be in coordination

    Our pranic body and physical body have to be in coordination. Otherwise, we can’t meditate. If we regulate our breathing pattern or do pranayama then they will be in coordination. This is because both breathing and prana have the same origin. When breathing is regulated, prana is regulated too.

    Pranic body has to be clear of impurities

    When the pranic body is clean, then the meditation can be done successfully. Why so much impurities in the pranic field. It’s due to the mind. My own sadness and worries create these impurities. With the help of pranayama, one can clean these impurities.

    How to acquire a good breathing pattern?

    •When you meditate, place the index finger at the base of the thumb on both the hands. Breathing will get deeper and you could meditate properly, as shallow breathing spoils it.
    •Don’t take the index finger straight away move your finger to the base of the thumb. First touch the tip of thumb with the index finger. Then after some time, move the index finger to the middle of the thumb, and finally the base of the thumb.
    •Don’t do it mechanically. Feel the breath with a conscious awareness.
    •Observing your breathing is also a good way to meditate. This is part of meditation known as Vipasana meditation.
    Space Meditation

    •After learning to breathe well, do the space meditation.
    •Be aware of the space between the chair you are sitting and the wall. Don’t look at the wall. Instead look at the space between you and the wall.
    •This is known as ‘Space Meditation’. Keep the eyes open throughout.
    Bach Flower Remedies as Aids to Meditation

    White chestnut helps to remove our thoughts, Chestnut bud not to have any distractions and Willow if you think one or the other bothers you.

    Chant Mantra during Meditation

    It’s nature of our mind to cling to something. You can choose a mantra to do that. After sometime you should be able to say goodbye to it. Mantra itself is not divinity. It means constantly thinking about a word, which is a mantra. Ultimately that also should go.

    When it will go? We don’t know. May be, it’s not in this Janma.

    Please refer the following blogs to read more on meditation and releasing techniques:

      Add comment October 6, 2009

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #107 on: September 26, 2011, 06:50:15 AM »
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  • Archive for November, 2009
    One Universal Mantra
    Every God has their field day


    For Sivarathri we pray to Siva, for Pradosham another deity and so on. On specific days we chant mantras for a specific god. Thus during different days, we chant different mantras. Do we have to say so many mantras or do we have one mantra which takes care of all the gods.

    Naran S. Balakumar

    We chant mantras based on the trust and love and association we have for a particular god. Different people prefer different gods. This is based on mind of the person. All gods are one and the same. Why so many gods or energies? Each of those gods has a specific purpose behind them.

    Hare Rama Hare Krishna

    Of course there is one mantra that gives the benefit of chanting mantras for all gods. It is the mantra, “Hare Rama Hare Krishna”. If we take bija mantras for all mantras, then they are present inside this mantra. Combination of all characters of mantras pertaining to all Gods is found in this mantra.

    I chanted so much, and thus ego creeps in

    Whatever mantra you say then immediately you get attached yourself to deity. You feel proud that you have done so much. However, while doing a Japam, it should remove my ego too. There is no flaw in the mantras. But mantra should have the capability to shed our ego. Hare Rama Hare Krishna can do that for us. Nothing else is needed. That doesn’t mean we need not go away from mantras for other Gods.

    Get a Total Satisfaction

    People have attained Siddhis or liberation with all the mantras. Why then Hare Rama Hare Krishna mantra has a special place? If you chant Hare Rama Hare Krishna mantra, then you get the satisfaction that you get by chanting all the mantras. You feel complete because you have not missed out any.

    Revathy on healing her knees – a Case History

    Earlier, I use one leg to get climb the stairs to attend the classes of Naran. After chanting Hare Ram Hare Krishna mantra, I could use both the legs. My knees are so much better

      Add comment November 24, 2009
    Mantras for Eyes
    Eye Operation Cancelled – a Case History


    My mother’s left eye needed an operation. Surgery was to be conducted in next two days. Naran S Balakumar asked me to chant the Lalitham Mantras for eyes.

    I was confident about mantra healing practices, while my family members didn’t have any faith in them. So my mother and I were chanting like mad people the whole night in spite of my family members making fun of it. They asked me whether Baskaram is a doctor or what?

    Next day, my mother was admitted in the hospital as per doctor’s earlier instructions. The doctors did a check up and said my mother did not need an operation for now.

    Interestingly the doctors couldn’t believe how the problem disappeared by itself without an operation. I am surprised too.

    My mother called Naran and expressed her thanks to him. Now my family members are consulting Naran for any problem.


    It’s an indication that it works in the eyes. Though, we should not wait for an eye operation to chant them. We should chant them every day as eyes are important to us.

    Lalitham Lambodaram, Lalitham Baskaram, Lalitham Balachandram

    The Lalitham Lambodaram mantra is good for eyes and specific for them. They strengthen it and strengthen the vision. Lambodaram will remove toxins. Lalitham removes obstacles (to vision) in the form scar tissues or any tissue formation like cataract in the eyes. It will be removed by Lalitham Lambodaram.

    Lalitham Baskaram means sun and Lalitham Balachandram means moon. To have light we need both the sun and the moon. So we need them for eyes too. If they are not there, its will be darkness only.

    The combination of mantras is important. So chant all three of them in the order mentioned.

    Develop Understanding, Gain Knowledge

    To know the matter or a subject these mantras are useful. There is darkness in the matter (ignorance). To get the light of the matter chant these mantras.

    When we don’t understand others or when others don’t understand us it means we don’t understand ourselves. This mantra will help us to understand ourselves better.

      2 comments November 13, 2009
    Solar Colour Energy Meditation CD
    Benefits Reported Using the CD

    I get extraordinary energy after a long and hard day at work – Rajesh

    My mind gets peaceful if I feel stressed out. It is thus a good de-stressor tool for me. When I feel lethargic in the morning, it gives me the required to energy for me to get up and do my day’s work without any problem – Tom.

    Before any class, this CD simply rejuvenates and prepares the students to get ready for the class, especially for a Reiki class – Shobana

    My sinus gets increased if I am emotionally upset. Thanks to the CD I could handle my cold without any medication. I guess it clears up any congestion in my Chakras – Harish

    (To buy the CD contact  Shobana at 9884301634 (Chennai, India) or please send an email to REACHNARAN@GMAIL.COM)

    Colours Effect on Chakras

    Colour can offset negative stuff/situations. For example during Ragu Kalam (time) – the time when Ragu has a bad effect on us, if you wear a green dress then it can’t affect you.

    Any problem in life indicates that one or more of our seven Chakras are imbalanced. Each of these Chakras emits certain colour and when there is a problem, the colour that is emitted from the Chakra will be less. This shows that the Chakra has less energy.

    Let us see an example. A person weak who is weak willed and less assertive will have less energy in his Solar Plexus Chakra. If he prays to Sun God, to get the required colour Yellow and inhale it – visualizing the colour from Sun, then he can develop a strong will power.

    Please refer to know on Colours effect on Chakras and Benefits Derived:

    How do I know which Chakra is affected?

    My life is in doldrums and how do I know which Chakra is imbalanced? You don’t have to know. Listen to the Solar Energy Meditation CD. It heals all the Chakras with least effort from your side.

    How do Colour Meditation Heals the Chakras?

    The relevant colour for each Chakra is generated by doing the solar energy meditation. The Chakras then gets stimulated, activated, expanded (then they can receive more energy) and balanced.

    The CD is programmed to generate alpha waves to the listener. So you will go into a deep meditation automatically. Though, you need to concentrate on the words uttered in the guided meditation.

    The affirmations in the CD prepare the Chakras to get ready to receive the healing energies from Sun God. You will get the colour you require for the need of the hour.

    The Chakras are stimulated. Therefore, they are activated and will start performing to the optimum. Relevant colour prana is increased for each Chakra. The Chakras gets totally and fully energized. You will feel refreshed in the end.

    How should I listen to the CD?

    You don’t have to do anything. Sit and just listen to the CD. Your subconscious mind will follow the instructions provided in the CD.

    When do I need the Colour Meditation CD?

    If you are not a morning person

    You get tired in the evenings

    You stress out easily

    You are emotional and have stress related diseases like cold, fatigue syndrome and heart disease.

    You want to balance your Chakras.

    You feel tired after so many night outs or night shifts and sleep during the day, but you feel lethargic.

      Add comment November 8, 2009

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #108 on: September 26, 2011, 06:51:05 AM »
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  • Archive for December, 2009
    The Super(man) Power within Us
    Hari Narayana Gopalam Hari Narayana Govindam

    Chant the mantra as follows:

    “Hari Narayana Gopalam Hari Narayana Govindam

    Hari Narayana Gopalam Hari Narayana Govindam

    Gopalam Govindam

    Gopalam Govindam – hey”

    Hey activates the throat chakra.

    Power is within you!

    Hari Narayan has an important meaning. There is always a power within you. Because we are ruled by our mind, we don’t believe we have great power inside us. We think, ‘I don’t know I have this power’. We also believe, ‘I am not powerful’, even if others say that. Why? Because, we are in darkness as we are ruled by our mind. This mantra activates that supernatural power inside us.

    Hari Narayana

    How does it remove darkness and bring the power? It purifies and cleanses the mind. Then the mind is no more in existence. Why should we do it? To accomplish great things in life, we need a great goal in life. To achieve your goal, we need this mantra. The goal need not be a spiritual one. It could be as material as, ‘I want to be successful in my businesses. For throat chakra – Hari Narayana mantra will help, as Ha is the Bija mantra for throat.


    Whatever you earn, can be stabilized with the help of Gopalam. When you think that whatever money you make is not enough, then Gopalam can help you. Pa (in Gopalam) means a friend in need. When I need help, he will come to me. Thus Gopalam is ready to help me when I am in need.


    This mantra will arrest all evils. Dhum in Govindam is destroyer of karma. We often remark, because of our karma we couldn’t achieve something in life. Dhum can remove that karma. Vallabam Gajananam Yeka Thandham mantra also has Dhum in it. Govindam can be used for mitigation of suffering from black magic, dark entities and Evil eye (while doing dhirusti – removing evil eye, we could chant this mantra).

    How did Krishna get the name Govindam? When it was raining cats and dogs, Lord Krishna protected the entire village people by lifting the Govardanam hills above his head and held it as a shelter for all.

    Effects of the Mantra

    Nothing is impossible for divinity. Our divine nature should open up. To remove the mental agony, chant this mantra. You can come out of any difficulty. However big the problem is, you can come out of it with the help of this mantra.

    Finding a solution for a long standing problem – a Case History


    My grandson had some problem right from his birth, a problem that couldn’t be diagnosed for last six months. We chanted Bach Flower Remedy Cerato. Soon after, Naran asked us to chant this mantra. Immediately the doctors diagnosed and they asked us to bring a remedy from abroad. Now my grandson is getting better.

    Naran S. Balakumar

    How this mantra has worked in this situation? Last six months the problem could not be diagnosed. How much sufferings the parents as well as the child would have gone through. It just points whatever amount of problem one may have, can be solved with this mantra.

    The mental agony you have gone through nobody can help you. Only divine can help you. But, it needs a call from you. We should be ready to receive the divine help. Our hearts should be opened for divinity, for it to help us. Chant this mantra. Divine will solve the problem for you.

    Problem is 1% and the rest of 99% is only in mind. If we come out of that 99%, then the problem will not be there.

      2 comments December 28, 2009
    My Buddy, Your Time Has Come
    Vallabam Gajaananam Yeka Thandham

    It is a very powerful mantra. Especially it works on the hips, for example when you are standing for a long time your hip will pain. You will find plenty of time to do any task. Time will be at your disposal. Physically it helps to handle skin related problems.

    A single tusker Elephant!

    How time is available at your disposal? Why Gajananam (Lord Vinayaga) was called Eka Thandham (an elephant with one tusker)? When Vyasa wanted to write Mahabharata he was searching for somebody who can put it in paper as fast as he dictates. The concerned person should understand the subject as well, without stopping the dictation by interfering it. He should understand and never ask to repeat again what was already said (Vallapam).

    Vinayaga was the only person who offered to do the job. In the midst of writing the pen got broke. Imagine how much he would have written by then! He couldn’t find another writing pen nearby. Therefore, he broken one of his tuskers and used it as a pen.

    Opening up to the divine time

    This mantra makes a person to value time.

    ‘Time didn’t come yet for our daughter to get married’, is the expression of some parents. There is always a difference between our time and divine time. We don’t know it. Therefore, we become impatient. We start believing in what the astrologer says. We approach them to find out when the time will come for us. To open up to the divine time chant this mantra.

    Waiting for a Good Result

    “I have applied for the job. Yet I haven’t received a call for the job interview. I don’t know when it will come for me!” Wherever you think time has to come, think and chant this mantra.

    I have created this mantra based on Lum and Vum bija mantras.

      84 comments December 28, 2009
    I don’t want to be bed-ridden
    (And I want to remain youthful…)
    All of us have that desire in common, “When I get old, I should not disturb anybody, and die peacefully, probably while I am in sleep”. Everybody has this desire. However, we don’t now how to achieve that goal.

    Vajreswari Vaamadevi Vayo Avastha Vivarjitha


    Vajram means iron. Vajrayudha is the tool of Lord Indra. Vajreswari Shakthi has a strong heart. If you want an iron like physical heart we have to have compassion. When your emotional heart is lighter, then your physical heart becomes stronger.

    How to have that universal love? If I like somebody, I will approach them. Otherwise I will avoid them and give them 100 excuses to meet them.  In our world, today’s friends become tomorrow’s enemies. Without that type of approach to friendships, the heart has to become lighter. If you chant Vajreswari you will become compassionate and everybody will start loving you.


    Today morning a patient asked me, “Will my eyes get beautiful? My eye lashes have to be prominent. Will my skin glow”? It can happen, provided she takes Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple and Gem Remedy Diamond.

    All of us wanted to look young. We will not agree we have become old. We may mention in a conversation that we have become old, but we don’t want to believe it in our mind.

    If we say Vaamadevi we will always be youthful. Why, because of Vama – one of the five Rudras, who always looks young. Vamadeva is married to Devi — who resides in his heart. Vaamadevi here denotes a person who is married to Vama.

    Vayo Avastha Vivarjitha

    How to be always young? We have to go to that person who is always young and ask her. Because, she alone knows, how one can remain young. That Devi doesn’t have any aging issues.

    Our goal is that we should die naturally, at the same time not be bed ridden and be young until we die. Chant this mantra to achieve this goal.

    Can I say this mantra silently? Yes, you may.

    Application of this Mantra

    Imbalance in the body needs this mantra.

      Add comment December 19, 2009
    Special Mantras for Internal Organs
    In general chant specific mantras only when needed. Special mantras can be done all the time. Mantras mentioned below are organ-specific mantras.

    Chant the five mantras together. This set of mantras improves thyroid also, which is responsible for all organs and stimulates all organs.

    Om Hraam Namaha

    This is good for heart. It can handle any heart problem. The heart vibrates exactly with this mantra. For BP do the Heart Mudra and chant this Mudra.

    Om Hraim Namaha

    Pronounce Hraim like crime. It works on our Kidneys and Urinary bladder.

    Om Hreem Namaha

    This stimulates the lungs. Therefore, this mantra is good for any lung problems. It reduces fever. For fever with cold, chant Om Hreem Namaha and Om Hraim Namaha.

    If there is any problem with Ragu planet (if this planet is not in a favourable position) in horoscope keep Arugampul, which reduces ill effects of Ragu.

    Om Hroom Namaha

    This mantra takes care of Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas (secretes digestive enzymes), Spleen, Small Intestine and thus works for all digestive organs.  This mantra heals Jaundice and provides us with vital essence. After too much eating chant the Chinese mantra ‘EE Joe’.

    Om Hraum Namaha

    This mantra heals Constipation and gas problems, and takes care of Large intestine, which eliminates wastage elements.

      1 comment December 19, 2009
    Discussion on Mantras
    Why should we vocalise the mantras?

    We talk about spirituality only in words. We don’t follow it fully. We are not ready to experience the effect of it. How? By feeling shy to chant the mantras loudly in front of others, we don’t get the full of effect.

    To experience it we have to chant the mantras loudly. While chanting mantras behave like a mad person, by continuously chanting the mantras loudly. You have to merge with mantra. You become one with mantra. Form a relationship with them.

    Question: “Books tell us to chant the mantras silently”.

    Naran: When we say it loudly, then we chant the mantras with concentration (Sabda Brahman Nada Brahmam). If you say mantras loudly, your mind becomes ineffective. Though, immediately it can’t happen. It will eventually go away. So chant it loudly. The whole body has to vibrate. All cells inside the body have to vibrate too. The mind will become silent. Then the inner mind will start chanting. Straightway it is not possible to make it happen. So start vocalising the mantras. Chant like a mad person. Even in sleep it has to happen. We will start in this Janma even though we require many Janmas. So let us start somewhere.

    When do we chant?

    When the problem comes we don’t think and we can’t remember relevant mantras to handle the problem. Our mind is not conditioned enough. Therefore, to condition the mind, we have to chant during normal times, so that no untoward incidents will happen. By filling up the mind with divine energy through mantras, no bad incidents can happen to us.

    Problems come and problems go. But, we have to stabilise ourselves. That doesn’t mean we have to be a sage all the time. Weep when you have to but regain the composure. You can get that with help of mantras. This is the only way we can keep ourselves engaged with divinity. The trust should come so that nothing bad will happen to us.

    Using Mantra Water

    Water will absorb mantra’s energies better. Chant a mantras 100 times while holding a glass of water and give the water to children as they won’t chant. The Japam you are doing is of no use if there is no water or earth – in the form of Vibhuddi or Kumkum, while chanting. All mantras work with water. Anything spoken to water will be absorbed by it. Do chanting of the mantras either for 108 times or chant them for duration of 5 to 10 minutes. No specific time is required.

    Don’t Curse While You Cook

    That’s why when you cook, don’t curse, because the food – as it contains water to cook, will absorb it.

    Label the water bottle with the mantra. The water will absorb it. In addition to that, do chanting as well.

      Add comment December 19, 2009
    Be an All-Time Winner
    Ambika Anaadhi Nithanaa Ashwaroodaa Aparaajithaa

    Aparaajithaa means invincible. Aparaajithaa is a winning energy which always will bring success to you.

    When I loose my control, Ashwaroodaa will bring back the composure to me. Ashwaroodaa is the one deity that rules the mind. Ashwa means horse, which represents our mind. Like horse, our mind will go fast here and there. To control it, we have to sit on top of it and control the reins. By chanting this mantra, you are activating the Devi inside you – that part of you which controls your mind. We can definitely have a control over mind like Ashwaroodaa.

    Ambika means universal mother.

    If your mind is controlled then you are always the winner. That energy is sleeping within you. The winner energy is activated by chanting the mantra and you become the Winner.

    Application of this Mantra

    When your child is studying for the exam, he may not be willing to chant this mantra, which would help him to do well in the exam. Therefore, take a glass of water, hold it in your hands and chant this mantra. The water will get energized with this mantra. Give the mantra water to your child.

    If your child is staying outside the city, then spray the water on photograph of your child. Or take the photograph and chant the mantra.

    This mantra is useful for all interviews and competitive exams.

    With the help of the Universal Mother your heart expands and therefore you will be Winner All the Time and Anywhere!

      2 comments December 19, 2009

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #109 on: September 26, 2011, 06:52:09 AM »
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  • Archive for January, 2010  - PART 1/2 -
    Alpha Inducing Meditation CD
    Experiences and Benefits of listening to them

    When The Mind is at Peace, The World is at Peace!

    Understanding Meditation

    Week One Experience

    As you go through the meditation you may get distracted easily having multitude of thoughts.

    •Just observe and release those thoughts.
    •Say “Release” as and when a thought arises.
    Week Two Experience

    After a week of meditation, you experience moments of concentration, instead of distraction.

    Week Three and Four Experiences

    •You start feeling engrossed in keeping quite and silent.
    •All your plans and fears go off.
    •A state of equilibrium will set in and a feeling of satiation will be there.
    •No wanting or desiring while meditating.
    •You start experiencing freedom.
    The Buddhist Monks and Meditation

    When Buddhist Monks were observed during meditation, using latest technologies, the left prefrontal lobes of their brains were greatly active. This area of the brain is said to be the centre of peace and acceptance.

    To understand meditation, we need to understand different types of brain waves

    It is important to understand types of brain waves that each one generates throughout his life time.

    1.      Beta Waves

    When one is active, the brain generates Beta waves.

    2.      Alpha Waves

    When one is relaxed and calm, the brain produces Alpha waves.

    3.      Theta Waves

    When one is more creative, Theta waves are generated.  To access creative part of the mind one should be in Theta state.

    4.      Delta Waves

    Delta has the longest frequency.  During the deep sleep, Delta waves are produced by the brain.

    Benefits of listening to Meditation CD

    While listening to Naran’s series of meditation CD, your brain will generate Alpha waves, which is a relaxed state.

    1.The research shows that when this area of the brain is active consistently and regularly then we are highly motivated with positives emotions.
    2.Through regular meditation, the left prefrontal lobes become more active. The regular meditators will be more enthusiastic, relaxed and feel content.
    3.The regular meditation which increases the alpha waves – the research indicates – improves immunity. Patients also heal four times faster if they meditate.
    4.With regular Alpha meditation, a positive outlook is natural. Health and well – being will follow.
    Of course you are interested to go deeper into Theta and Delta

    The good news is Naran will be releasing CDs, starting from Alpha level 1 and then going deeper up to Delta level 3. There will be eight levels of meditation CD – each level going deeper and deeper than the previous level.

    We need to listen to the CD for a month at each level – starting from level one, before going to the next level.

    This will definitely take you to places you had never been – both inside and outside (world) you.

      11 comments January 22, 2010
    Hospital Mantra 24/7
    Suppose a person is admitted in the hospital. Generally he/she can’t come out of it within 15 days. This has become a standard practice these days. However, we have to come out of the hospital keeping well and not as a vegetable. To do so, we need to chant the mantra ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’.

    It has brought so many people out of hospital after getting necessary health care with a minimal cost.

    A Childless Children Ward – a Case History

    Vijayalakshmi is a pranic healer. Her grandson was admitted in the children’s ward of Manipal hospital.

    One week prior to this she had attended a mantra class. Fortunately she had forgotten all mantras except the Hare Rama Hare Krishna mantra. In the hospital, she taught this mantra to the parents of the children admitted in the hospital. The children were in the hospital for many days. The moment they started chanting mantra, the children got discharged one after another. This includes her grandson too.

    Luckily the hospital chief didn’t know about this mantric effect on the children’s ward 

    Heals the Knees

    It will definitely make the patients leave the hospital comfortably without any major issues. Specifically the mantra acts on the knees. Whenever, we visit a hospital we can chant “Hare Rama Hare Krishna”. In addition, write the mantras and put it under the bed.

    Rama Mantra Removes Future Janmas

    A Tamil poem:

    I am giving below the translation of a poem from Kamba Ramayanam (Ramayana in Tamil Language)

    “Nambiam Selvamum Nalum Nalgumay”

    Good things will flow every day in abundance

    “Thinmaiyum Pavamum Sithainthum Theyume”

    Both sins and good things will vanish.

    Any action will have both good and bad karma. We shouldn’t accumulate both Sin and Punniyam as we will have more re-births.

      4 comments January 22, 2010

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #110 on: September 26, 2011, 06:54:43 AM »
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  • Part 2/2

    Mantras for Managing Serious Illness
    January 4, 2010
    Om Howm Vum Joom Saha

    •Gives you power, physical immunity and vitality
    •Unwanted energy in the space is destroyed and  destructed, both inside and outside us.
    •Generates Amirtham (ever-life essence) that gives vital essence, which is present in the Hara Chakra. It strengthens our body against any infection.
    •Your child hasn’t come back yet. You are worried. Then chant this mantra for 3 to 4 minutes.
    Please refer this article for more info:

    Restless Babies and Sleeplessness

    Chant Om Lum Namaha. This will put them into rest. Touch them while chanting or visualize their faces in your left hand.

    Postponing Tendency

    Chant Om Hum Namaha and Om Yum Namaha

    Drive Away Cancer

    How to Avoid Getting Cancer? Everybody has cancer cells. They thrive in the absence of oxygen in the cells. Two mantras can help here to restore the situation: Om Yum Namaha and Om Rum Namaha. Your stress levels are reduced too. What about patients already afflicted by Cancer? Chant the mantras: Om Lum Namaha, Om Vum Namaha, Om Rum Namaha, Om Yum Namaha and Om Hum Namaha. Lalitham group of mantras can also help as they have all the Bija mantras inside them. Chant: Lalitham Sridharam, Lalitham Baskaram and Lalitham Sudarshnam. Please refer this article for more info:

    Specific Illness

    Health Issues Mantra(s)
    Nervous weakness, Paralysis Madavam Madavan
    Any lung problems SAHN, SAHN  (SAWHUN)
    Children’s common cold and cough, as well as for any serious  lung issues SAHN, SAHN, JOE, LEW (pronounced like new), BAW, YOW (prounounce as in now), WU
    Lower back pain Do Chin Mudra, chant JOE LEU

    The pronunciation rendering of mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana (98843 01634) if you are in Chennai to buy the CDs. The set of two CDs costs 200/-.

    For those, outside Chennai, shipping charges based on the location will be added extra. Please send an email to to know about the charges. Transfer the money online to the following bank account:

    Standard chartered bank,

    59, G.N. Chetty Road, T.Nagar, Chennai- 600017

    S. Balakumar, S.B.A/c. No. 436-1-005392-7 SWIFT:SCBLINBB XXX

    Mantras for Health Care 24/7
    Hare Rama Hare Krishna Mantra

    It is a universal mantra.

    •To put back your organs back in (divine) order after a serious illness.
    •Increases the space within the body.
    •Both the knees will become highly flexible. Please note here that flexibility marks the nature of a child. Our outlook on life will also become flexible. We will mix well with others.
    •We will shine inwardly.
    •There will be no fight or conflict and there will be only peace, joy and love.
    Refer the blogs for a detailed explanation on the mantra:

    Ambika Anaadhi Nithanaa Ashwaroodaa Aparaajithaa

    Refer the blog for a detailed explanation on the mantra:

    Lalitham Lambodaram, Lalitham Baskaram, Lalitham Balachandram

    •For health of eyes and Eye related issues – surgery, cataract etc.
    •Gain knowledge: to know the matter or a subject these mantras are useful.
    •Develop understanding with others and will help us to  understand ourselves better.
    Refer the blog for a detailed explanation on the mantra:

    Vallabam Gajaananam Yeka Thandham

     “I have applied for the job. Yet I haven’t received a call for the job interview. I don’t know when it will come for me!” To open up to the divine time chant this mantra. Wherever you think time has to come, think and chant this mantra.

    You will find plenty of time to do any task. Time will be at your disposal. This mantra makes a person to value time too.

    Physically it helps to handle skin related problems.

    Refer the blog for a detailed explanation on the mantra:

    The pronunciation rendering of mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana (98843 01634) if you are in Chennai to buy the CDs. The set of two CDs costs 200/-.

    For those, outside Chennai, shipping charges based on the location will be added extra. Please send an email to to know about the charges. Transfer the money online to the following bank account:

    Standard chartered bank,

    59, G.N. Chetty Road, T.Nagar, Chennai- 600017

    S. Balakumar, S.B.A/c. No. 436-1-005392-7 SWIFT:SCBLINBB XXX

      Add comment January 4, 2010
    Mantras for Internal Organs
    Special Mantras for Internal Organs

    Chant the five mantras together. This set of mantras improves thyroid also, which is responsible for all organs and stimulates all organs.

    Om Hraam Namaha

    This is good for heart. It can handle any heart problem. For BP do the Heart Mudra and chant this Mantra.

    • Fold the forefinger down on the mound of the thumb,. Join the thumb with the tips of the third and fourth finger.

    Om Hraim Namaha

    It works on our Kidneys and Urinary bladder.

    Om Hreem Namaha

    This stimulates the lungs. It reduces fever. For fever with cold, chant Om Hreem Namaha and Om Hraim Namaha.

    Om Hroom Namaha

    This mantra takes care of Liver, Gall Bladder, Pancreas (secretes digestive enzymes), Spleen, Small Intestine and thus works for all digestive organs.  This mantra heals Jaundice and provides us with vital essence.

    Om Hraum Namaha

    This mantra heals Constipation and gas problems, and takes care of Large intestine, which eliminates wastage elements.

    Internal Organ Massage

    This internal organ massage is done using Chinese Mantras. To look young, the organs have to be young. Especially intestines should be youthful and energetic. Chanting the mantras will massage the organs. They will regain their youth. When the intestine glows the face will glow too. Of course, we have to do the physical massage.

    •Pull the web between the fingers. Do it on both the hands.
    •Chant the mantra “SAHN SAHN JO LEW BA YOW WU”
    You can say it anytime. It is a spiritually elevating mantra.

    Activate, Normalize and Balance Your Chakras

    Mantras outwardly look ordinary. However, they can do lots of things. It can lead us to live our lives better. They activate the energy centres/chakras as well. Chant the mantras below in the order repetitively: Om Lum Namaha, Om Vum Namaha, Om Rum Namaha, Om Yum Namaha, and Om Hum Namaha. Please refer the link:

    The pronunciation rendering of mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana (98843 01634) if you are in Chennai to buy the CDs. The set of two CDs costs 200/-.

    For those, outside Chennai, shipping charges based on the location will be added extra. Please send an email to to know about the charges. Transfer the money online to the following bank account:

    Standard chartered bank,

    59, G.N. Chetty Road, T.Nagar, Chennai- 600017

    S. Balakumar, S.B.A/c. No. 436-1-005392-7 SWIFT:SCBLINBB XXX

      Add comment January 4, 2010
    Mantras for Achievements
    Lalitham Lambodaram

    This mantra is an Obstacle Remover. If there is an unresolved problem and there is no end to the problem, chant Lalitham Lambodaram. If you say Lambodaram it will remove all obstacles – whatever type it may – spiritual or life problems.

    Who doesn’t have obstacles anyway?

    Hari Narayana Gopalam Hari Narayana Govindam

    Refer the blog for a detailed explanation on the mantra:

    Ambika Anaadhi Nithanaa Hari Brummendra Sevitha

    •To remain content and be happy
    •You will provide unconditional love to others.
    •When you regret about anything or life, for example when you feel, “My life is nothing but a routine. Why should I lead this life? I am just like a machine“. We  may not ask like this every day. But on those days when you do feel so, then chant this mantra.
    For Marriage and Relationships

    Chant the mantras in the following order: Om Hum Namaha, Om Yum Namaha, Om Rum Namaha, Om Vum Namaha and Om Lum Namaha. For some more explainations refer:

    Lalitham Sridharam, Lalitham Baskaram, Lalitham Sudarshnam

    •It will fetch us abundance of money, happiness and comforts. Opens our eyes to abundance.
    •Our capacity to love others will increase. When the heart is bubbling with love by chanting Lalitham, we can also become as beautiful as Lalitham.
    •There won’t be any regression or setbacks, whether it’s your life or your career. Always you will move forward in life. No need to fear for demotion and degradation. Confidence will be built. In turn, when you have confidence you will get promoted.
    •Removes obstacles – including known and unknown obstacles (can be present in your life; for example even after all your efforts you may think there seems to be no solution on hand).
    •Will burn away all the previous karmas. Whatever sins and mistakes you may have committed, Lalitham helps one to forget (release) and be forgiven. We say our obstacles are due to karma – which can be released thanks to Lalitham. Once they are removed, then the obstacles are removed too.
    •For Shade Sani – Saturn – it means delay restriction and obstacle.
    •Knowing oneself – self revelation (Darshan)
    •They vibrate with the right brain. It’s the right brain that has to guide our lives.
    •If there is confusion, it gives clarity. If you want to know the truth and something fishy happening, chant this mantra.
    For some more explainations refer:

    The pronunciation rendering of mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana (98843 01634) if you are in Chennai to buy the CDs. The set of two CDs costs 200/-.

    For those, outside Chennai, shipping charges based on the location will be added extra. Please send an email to to know about the charges. Transfer the money online to the following bank account:

    Standard chartered bank,

    59, G.N. Chetty Road, T.Nagar, Chennai- 600017

    S. Balakumar, S.B.A/c. No. 436-1-005392-7 SWIFT:SCBLINBB XXX

      1 comment January 4, 2010
    Mantras for Digestive Tract
    Digestion Related Mantras


    Chant Om BUM Namaha many times. This is a very important mantra for healing intestine. This mantra heals bowel related issues, which will be indicated by a pain in the left abdomen because of the accumulation of gas in the intestine. When children have colic pain, you may notice them cry. Buy can be used for cold, cough also.


    EEJO is wonderful remedy for gastric, digestive problems and head aches. After eating food, if Belching happens, then it means the Apanan – a type of prana that is supposed to flow down, is coming up. It will also bring down your head aches – which could be happening due to too much worry and thinking. One may also do Chin Mudra while chanting the mantra for better relief.

    Digestion Mantras

    Do Acceptance Mudra Variation 1 and 2 (5 minutes each before or after eating, or both times) and chant, “Rum Bum Lum Dhum”.

    Refer the link for Acceptance Mudra variation 1:

    For variation two, the left hand position is same as variation 1. The right hand thumb should touch the little and the ring fingers, while the other two fingers are extended.

    This mantra reduces your sugar level and therefore it’s good for Diabetic patients also.

    •Rum activates Liver, Stomach and pancreas. It kindles the fire to digest the food.
    •Bum activates Spleen.
    •Lum activates absorption and assimilation functions of  the digestive tract.
    •Dhum is seed word for comfort. After eating, one should feel comfortable.
    •You will be able to digest any type of food. You can             chant the mantra anytime – not necessarily after taking your food. If you chant this mantra before taking the food, it helps you eat properly.
    Elimination Process

    Chant Vum Pum Lum Bum. This mantra is also good for dry skin. Do Varun Mudra, while chanting.

    The pronunciation rendering of mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana (98843 01634) if you are in Chennai to buy the CDs. The set of two CDs costs 200/-.

    For those, outside Chennai, shipping charges based on the location will be added extra. Please send an email to to know about the charges. Transfer the money online to the following bank account:

    Standard chartered bank,

    59, G.N. Chetty Road, T.Nagar, Chennai- 600017

    S. Balakumar, S.B.A/c. No. 436-1-005392-7 SWIFT:SCBLINBB XXX

      3 comments January 4, 2010
    Mantras for Organs
    Mantras for Organs

    Organ Mantra
    Brain AM
    Forehead    AAM
    Right Eye IM
    Left Eye EEM
    Right Ear UM
    Left Ear OOM
    Right Cheek RIM
    Left Cheek TRIM
    Right Nostril LRUM
    Left Nostril LROOM
    Upper Teeth OM
    Lower Teeth AUM
    Right Shoulder KAM
    Left Shoulder CHUM
    Right Elbow KHAM
    Left Elbow CHUM
    Right Wrist GHAM
    Left Wrist and back of fingers JHAM
    Right Abdomen PAM
    Left abdomen and throat BUM
    Right Hip joint TAM
    Left Hip joint THAM
    Right Knee/Left Knee THTHAM
    Right ankle/left ankle DHAM
    Right and left toes NAM
    Lungs SAHN
    Spleen and Pancreas WU
    Liver CHI

    The pronunciation rendering of mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana (98843 01634) if you are in Chennai to buy the CDs. The set of two CDs costs 200/-.

    For those, outside Chennai, shipping charges based on the location will be added extra. Please send an email to to know about the charges. Transfer the money online to the following bank account:

    Standard chartered bank,

    59, G.N. Chetty Road, T.Nagar, Chennai- 600017

    S. Balakumar, S.B.A/c. No. 436-1-005392-7 SWIFT:SCBLINBB XXX

      2 comments January 4, 2010
    Spirtually Elevating Mantras
    Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram

    •Repeated recitation of this mantra will destroy mental sufferings
    •You can cross any (troubled) waters
    •For fulfilment and accomplishment
    •Takes care of your next lifetime
    Om Hreem Taha

    •Mantra to curb violence anywhere
    •A mantra for world peace
    Om Hreem Padhma Nande(y)shwara Hoom

    •Liberates you from the unwanted karmic influences from past lifetimes
    •Protects one from any accident
    •To build enormous wealth or to amass wealth, one has to chant this mantra day and night
    Srinivasa Aravindhalochana

    •To help one come out of legal entanglements or confinement
    Kadgam Saranam, Sangam Saranam, Saarngam Saranam

    •To channelize anger or hurt
    Pasupadhim Mahaadevam

    •To come out of temptation, craving, addictions, and infatuation

    To take decision as per the divine will

    Vajreswari Vaamadevi Vayo Avastha Vivarjitha

    •You will become compassionate and everybody will start loving you.
    •Your physical heart becomes stronger.
    •You will always be youthful.
    •We will die naturally, at the same time not be bed ridden.
    •To have balance in the body.
    Refer the blog for a detailed explanation on the mantra:

    Wung R Hong

    •Improves portal circulation as well as Brain Circulation
    •Because we are standing up all through the day, very little blood goes to brain. This is taken care by the sound R. This mantra activates the nervous system too.
    •To align the frequency of the Astral body with our Physical body apply this mantra. Bring the hands together to Hara chakra without any physical effort while chanting it continuously. Your left hand should come first and then the right hand.
    The pronunciation rendering of mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana (98843 01634) if you are in Chennai to buy the CDs. The set of two CDs costs 200/-.

    For those, outside Chennai, shipping charges based on the location will be added extra. Please send an email to to know about the charges. Transfer the money online to the following bank account:

    Standard chartered bank,

    59, G.N. Chetty Road, T.Nagar, Chennai- 600017

    S. Balakumar, S.B.A/c. No. 436-1-005392-7 SWIFT:SCBLINBB XXX

      5 comments January 2, 2010

    « Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 06:56:32 AM by marioban29 »

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #111 on: September 26, 2011, 06:58:18 AM »
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  • Archive for March, 2010
    Peace brings a job!
    Mahir left the job he had been working for last 6 years in Arizona, USA. Even though there were fewer jobs around, he had decided to do it, as he was not happy about the job.

    Initially, he was little bit stressed out. To add to his worries, his father, who was living alone in Mumbai, was not feeling well, due to old age problems and with nobody to support him.

    Mahir lost his peace of mind. Because of this, he couldn’t focus on his interviews. In the two interviews he attended, even though he was meeting the job requirements, he wasn’t selected, as he didn’t do well in the interviews.

    He wanted to fix his lack of concentration, which would improve his preparation for the interviews. When he contacted me, I suggested to him various stuff, right from Bach Flower Remedies, Switch Words, to Mantras.

    Somehow he got hooked to the Lalitham mantras and started chanting, “Lalitham Sridharam Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Sudarshnam” many times during the day, whether he was working or driving. Naran says, each one of us would be attracted towards a specific mantra or a healing technique, the benefits of which can be found only by that individual.

    In a matter of few days, Mahir started feeling peaceful. He could focus on his interview preparation – both studying as well do searching on the Internet.

    Within a couple of weeks of chanting, the company, which rejected him, in the first place, called him once again. The same person who was not confident about Mahir earlier surprisingly interviewed him.

    Mahir did well. And this time the interviewer gave an excellent feedback about him. Mahir was selected for the job.

    Now, Mahir wants to listen to the Alpha CD prepared by Naran S. Balakumar, where the Lalitham mantras are played on the foreground.

    – R Mohan

      3 comments March 28, 2010
    Lalitham gave a helping hand
    Venu had taken a three lakhs rupees of loan from a bank. He could pay neither the principal nor the interest and his bank debt increased to 12 lakhs of rupees.

    He started chanting the “Lalitham Sridharam Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Sudarshnam” mantra. After three months of chanting the mantra, he received a letter from the bank stating they have waived most part of the loan. He just had to pay 2.5 lakhs loan with an instalment of Rs. 20,000/month, with no additional interest.

    He did not have the capacity to pay the instalment too. Surprisingly, his elder brother volunteered to pay that money every month.

      Add comment March 28, 2010
    Marriage got fixed after a long period of waiting
    Viji is 32 years old. Her parents were trying to arrange a match for her, but with no success. They consulted numerous astrologers – who said in one voice that Viji can’t get married in the next three years.

    On the instruction of Naran S. Balakumar, the whole family chanted the mantra, “Vallabam Gajaananam Yeka Thandham” madly. Within 15 days of chanting the marriage got fixed.

      5 comments March 16, 2010
    Relived from lower back pain
    Savitri is well over 70 years of age. One morning, she couldn’t get up from bed because of lower back pain. Through her husband she informed Naran S, Balakumar, who asked her to chant continuously the mantra, “Vallabam Gajaananam Yeka Thandham”. Savitri chanted for more than two hours. Soon after she could get up from bed and start her normal work at home.

    Thus, this Vallabam mantra works very effectively on lower back pain as well as in the root chakra. It’s good for getting a good and secured job too.

      6 comments March 16, 2010
    300 CEOs from all over the world were hooked to her speech
    Reka is working as a cost accountant in a Pharmaceutical Company in London. She is just establishing herself in the industry, with a few years of experience behind her. She was asked to present a paper in a conference, where from all over the world, 300 CEOs from various international companies were participating.

    She has never attended any meeting of such magnitude; she has not given a lecture even in a class room environment. Therefore, for her to deliver and present a paper in front of people from top management is a huge, unimaginable task.

    While she was driving her car from her house to the conference hall, she chanted “Ambika Anaadhi Nithanaa Ashwaroodaa Aparaajithaa” mantra. She was called 12th, to present her paper. She submitted her paper and took about 3.30 hrs to present it. Through out her whole presentation, there was a pin drop silence. She received a great applause after her speech. On top of that, she was given invitations by the CEOs to visit their companies situated in all over the world for a day or two on an advisory capacity. Just this alone will keep her busy doing consulting for the next three years.

      Add comment March 16, 2010
    Ambika mantra helps students to perform better
    A grandmother who wanted help her grandson in his studies, took a glass of water and chanted the mantra, “Ambika Anaadhi Nithanaa Ashwaroodaa Aparaajithaa” and gave it to him. He started doing well in the exams. Therefore, these days, he requests his grandmother to give the mantra-charged water by saying, “Grandma, I write well, if you give me the mantra water”. The reason being from being a back-bench student, he has shifted gears in his studies and started getting 80 to 90% score.

    Hanna never used to get more than 40% in her school exams. Therefore she requested her Aunt, who is a Reiki master, to send her Reiki through distance, during her exams. Her aunt instead visualised her niece and prayed to the Ambika mantra that the energy of it should be with Hanna for next 24 hrs during the latter’s exams. She prayed like this, through out the exams of Hanna. Interestingly this time she scored 2nd rank in the exam.

      12 comments March 16, 2010

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #112 on: September 26, 2011, 06:59:44 AM »
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  • Archive for April, 2010
    A Heavy Indigestion Got Solved in No-time!

    Last night, my husband ate a heavy dinner. He usually keeps Gelusil tablets next to the bed so that he can take it, if he feels acid reflux. There were no pills available then. He just remembered Naran’s mantra for effective digestion. He started chanting, “Rum Bum Dhum Lum”. Within minutes his acidic feeling vanished!

    Mangala Ayre

      2 comments April 29, 2010
    Removed Obstacles for Sale of Apartment
    My husband & I attended the meet at T.Nagar where Naran S. Balakumar taught us about the power of Mantras and released the booklet to us all. That was on 1st Jan, 2010. Since then many things have happened in our lives.

    Our apartment in Valmiki Nagar was up for sale since August 2009. Many brokers, friends and well wishers were trying to sell it for us. Meanwhile, we have moved to Kanchipuram on 17th August. We met Naran before leaving and he advised us to sell.

    Nothing was happening even in Dec 2009. Many interested parties would see the house. Will say they will call back, but nothing will transpire. We were making regular visits to Chennai and trying to meet potential buyers.

    We attended Naran’s 2010 New Year Meeting. He had asked me to sing few Bhajans before the start of the meeting. After the meeting, he advised us to just put Reiki symbol and then release the apartment to the Universe. My husband was fascinated by the mantra, “Lalitham Lambodaram”. He began chanting and I began releasing the house with the help of Reiki.

    We were scheduled to fly to the USA to be with our grandson and children on April 7th. We were desperate to sell the property before we leave for US. In March, we handed over the responsibility to our builder, who agreed to take a power of attorney on our behalf and sell the house in our absence. Naran advised us to release all thoughts related to the sale and that we needed to do something about it. He also said, “If the price is less, just think it is what you would have spent on the house if it wasn’t sold”.

    Suddenly within 2 weeks, the right buyer came from Detroit. The sale was agreed to our benefit. The registration of the sale took place and we left on the 7th April as planned to the USA with a light heart.

    We met Balakumar on the 3rd April and thanked him for teaching us the mantras, the right attitude to have and how to take disappointments along with success.

    My husband believes whatever has happened is due to the mantra, “Lalitham Lambodaram”.

    Mangala Ayre

      3 comments April 29, 2010
    Take this mantra seriously!
     When there is an emergency, chant the mantra “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” seriously. Ragavi’s brother-in-law Varun was admitted in a hospital, specialised in treating heart related diseases. His condition was pronounced as very serious.

    Ragavi wrote Varun’s name in a concentric circle and wrote the mantra inside the circle enclosing it. She also chanted the mantra and in a week’s time Varun’s condition become normal.

      68 comments April 29, 2010
    Didn’t hear from my sister in Dubai
    Ramesh, who is 35 years old, was more or less crawling, after a stroke. He wanted to learn Yoga from Shobana – a Reiki Master as well as a Yoga teacher, from the Bach Flower Center, to improve his health condition.

    As a normal practice, Shobana enquired about his case history.

    Ramesh remarked that he suspects that major reason behind his health condition is due to his worries about his sister, who is currently living in Dubai. He hasn’t heard from her for the last ten years, as her husband as well as in-laws has not allowed her to be in touch with them.

    In fact, this has affected Ramesh’s father so much, that he died with grief stricken heart. Soon after, Ramesh had a stroke.

    After suggesting few yoga techniques to Ramesh, Shobana asked Ramesh to chant the relationship enhancing mantras regularly:

    Om Hum Namaha

    Om Yum Namaha

    Om Rum Namaha

    Om Vum Namaha

    Om Lum Namaha

    Before twenty fours passed, from the time he started chanting the mantras, he received a phone call from his sister after ten long years. Finally, her husband and in-laws has allowed her to call her brother.

      Add comment April 29, 2010
    Become Normal! Become Healthy!
    George was getting treated with a Pace Maker. His pulse was very low. The doctors said that operation can’t be done as he’s an aged person. He was monitored in an ICU (intensive care unit).

    His whole family chanted the mantra, “Hare Rama Hare Krishna” for 4 days. George’s pulse rate became normal and he was transferred to the normal ward.

      3 comments April 12, 2010
    How do I handle my arrogant husband?
    My husband can be called as Mr. Arrogance, even though he is good to me otherwise. Even though I have a good tolerance level, I tend to loose my temper after some time. This would result in us, fighting and shouting at each other for two or three days.

    One day when my husband went to his usual antics of arguing and shouting, I chanted silently “Kadgam Saranam Sangam Saranam Saarngam Saranam” continuously, while he was verbally abusing me.

    In an hour’s time, he stopped his shouting, became normal, and started a normal conversation with me.

    I have decided to do this, whenever he tends to be abusive and criticizing.

    – Shantha

      Add comment April 12, 2010
    I am speechless!
    My friend Murugan from Madurai had a paralytic attack in 2008. He is neither able to speak nor move his hands and body. He is tied up to his bed for the last 18 months, with very little hope for recovery – at least from her wife’s point of view. He needs the support of her to do everything.

    Based on one of Naran’s lecture, I suggested to Murugan’s wife to chant, “Madavam Madavan”. But she didn’t want to, as she thought, it’s against her religious belief. I tried to explain to her that mantras were created, even before Hinduism came into existence. She wasn’t sure. So I asked her to inform her husband to chant.  

    Murugan did it silently – as he can’t speak.

    Within two days, I received an SMS from Murugan’s wife’s mobile, “I am doing well. How’s your sister Kala and brother Natarajan. Please convey my regards to them”. I was surprised as Murugan’s wife had never met my sister or brother. I called her up. What she told me took me by surprise.

    She had left her mobile in Murugan’s bed and went to the kitchen. In her absence, Murugan had taken the mobile, typed the message and had sent it to me. He had done the same for five more of his friends. The interesting thing here is that this is his first act, after 18 months of his paralytic attack.

    Only thing I can say here is, “I am speechless”.

    – R Mohan

      15 comments April 12, 2010

    Archive for May, 2010
    Let Us Marry Again!
    Sudha is a divorcee for several years. She decided to marry again. She consulted Naran, who suggested her to chant, “Sree Ram Jeya Ram Jeya Jeya Ram”, to forgive her husband and move forward in her life.

    Interestingly, after a few months of chanting, she came across her ex-husband Raja, who suggested, “Instead of marrying somebody that we don’t know, why not we marry again”.

    Sudha found that idea convincing and she got married to Raja, once again.

      2 comments May 22, 2010
    « Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 07:01:31 AM by marioban29 »

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #113 on: September 26, 2011, 07:04:49 AM »
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  • Archive for June, 2010
    Feel Love in Plenty

    What do I have to chant to become emotionally independent of a particular person?


    Take the Bach Flower Remedies, “Chicory” and “Walnut”. Along with that, chant the mantra, “Guru Gugan Kodi Kodi Lavanyam”

    Getting surrounded with loving people

    This mantra opens up our heart. When the heart is open, you will invite only loving people and kind people in your life. You will be surrounded by loving people.

    If anybody thinks he is forsaken, abandoned, loveless, and think ‘Nobody is there for me, I love so many, but nobody loves me’, then this mantra will be of help. How? This mantra makes you love yourself. When our heart, bubbles with joy and love, then honest and kind people are attracted to us.

    Release Unwanted Emotions

    YAM is the one that can drive out unwanted emotions. Release it. By chanting YAM alone, our anger, sadness and worry can be driven away.

    The VAM is present in Lavanyam (after you remove A, N and Y). It is the bija mantra for the Hara centre, which channels true love then. True emotions will be channelled, because of Vum. It brings out true emotions of love.

    Finding Love

    The mantra brings the true love from heart. Who is the guru inside your heart? Atman is the guru in the heart. Heart centre is also known as Anahata.  It contains an infinite sound within it. The ataman in the heart centre is in the form of infinite sound, which is also the primordial sound.

    Thus this particular mantra release unwanted emotions from you, gives you love within yourself.

    Heal the Loveless Life

    Now a day the parents feel that their children living in foreign countries don’t love them anymore and feel loveless. In the same way, those without children feel loveless too. This mantra will make them love themselves better.

    The heat need not go to anywhere to find heat. Water doesn’t need anything else to quench itself. When the atman is activated with love, in the form of a ray of light, in the tunnel of your heart, then you don’t need to go anywhere for love. This mantra creates millions and millions of rays of light of love inside the heart.

    GUGAN is the one word which transmits love from heart to our organs. In addition, our entire auric field will be filled with love.

    Chant the mantra seriously

    That atman or guru will come and stay in our hearts permanently.

    You should chant this mantra in a manner that tears should come down the cheek. Why? Atman is not an ordinary person. It is part of Divine and full of love. In such an instance, when you have so much love in your heart, it should come out as tears.

    You need not have a relationship with others. Have a relationship with yourself. “We have to relate with ourselves only”, is the message of this mantra.

      10 comments June 16, 2010

    Archive for July, 2010
    The Happiness Mantra
    Namashivaya means happiness. When you are worried, sad or distressed, then healing will not take place. We have to shift our mind to a state of happiness, for healing to take place in our lives. Instead, if we worry about our (life) situations, then healing doesn’t happen.

    We can say, “Change yourself”, but that change will not happen easily, unless you shift your state of mind. However, when you chant Namashivayam, then your worry state will shift to a happy state of mind.

    Please note here that you don’t need to add Om to the chanting (like Om Namashivayam) as OM is inside Namashivayam.

      3 comments July 30, 2010
    Let us have a ‘Happy Ending’
    To remain happy, to always be able to overcome trials and tribulations, and to be an achiever, chant the mantra, “Hari Narayana” Mantra. I added HO in the end of this mantra, as it is the switch word for happiness. Combined with this mantra, happiness will be for ever with and thus this mantra gets complete.

    Please refer the blog:

      Add comment July 30, 2010

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #114 on: September 26, 2011, 07:05:43 AM »
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    Let Us Protect Our Mother Earth!
    Air is highly polluted these days. What’s the basis of earthquake? Why it’s happening?

    Bija Mantras and Mother Earth

    Bija Mantras are essential for preventing earthquakes and thus our motherland. We have a moral duty to think about our mother earth. How we can serve it? The same bija mantras that work for us and on our chakras, can cleanse, clear, energize, balance and harmonize the five elements of mother earth. By chanting the bija mantras, you can help mother earth.

    •The air element of mother earth is highly polluted as carbon dioxide is more.
    •The violence in the form of wars and creation of nuclear reactors has destabilized mother earth (element).
    •Drilling of oil is polluting the water element as de-balancing and destabilizing it. Structure and solidity of earth (element) is shaken too.
    •Earthquake is created so as to create more space, as mother earth needs more space.
    Let us show our Gratitude to Mother Earth

    Chant, “Om Lum Namaha Om Vum Namaha Om Rum Namaha Om Yum Namaha Om Hum Namaha”. Five bija mantras take care of five elements.

    Chanting the bija mantras for mother earth shows our gratitude to her. However, even after that, we have to say thanks a lot. Why? All our toxins, mental and physical are transformed by mother earth, when we release them.

    Chanting for India

    Visualize India map in your left hand. Affirm, “That part of mother earth be cleared, balanced and harmonized”.

    Let the energy of the mantras cleanse, clear, energize, balance and harmonize the five elements and align them with higher self of mother earth (higher part of earth). Then it will get space. Om Hum Namaha will create more space in earth and thus there will be no earth quakes.

    Effect of Bija Mantras on our Moods

    We will get a good mood, by chanting bija mantras. When we chant bija mantras, we will feel energized and uplifted.

    Beauty of Mantras

    Same words combined differently will create a different effect. That’s the specialty and significance of mantras.

    Balancing Chakras

    If one element is imbalanced, then all the other elements will become imbalanced too. In the same way, if one chakra is affected, others also will be affected. No point in healing one chakra.

    Do the bija mantras in the order specified, for five minutes every day to express our gratitude for mother earth and heal ourselves as well.

      9 comments September 15, 2010
    “Atmavan Bhava” – Switch Word from Lord Krishna
    In Bhagavat Gita, Lord Krishna says:

    “Don’t worry about your earnings, spending money or about welfare of the world (Yogakshemam). Have you ever worried whether air is available or not, for its available free for us to breathe. In the same way, money is also available for us. Therefore merge with the Atman (in order to become worry free)”.

    We Have a Tendency to Go Outward

    Mind has a tendency to go outward. It does not go inside. That’s why we can’t meditate for more than 5 minutes at a time. Instead, we have developed a tendency to blame others, when they interrupt our meditation.

    Going out, is easier for the mind. If you train the mind to go inside, you will get authentic power that will direct your life.

    Chant “Atmavan Bhava”

    Relax your shoulders. Sit comfortably with hands in any position. Just relax. Take a long, deep breath. Continue to take long breath. Now chant the mantra, “Atmavan Bhava”.

    •You can release your anger easily.
    •Mind always listens to command words. The command (switch) word created by Krishna makes you to merge with Atman. If you chant this as a mantra, your mind will automatically be merged with the soul.
    •When you are concerned about money, chant Atmavan Bhava.
    •When you are worried about future, chant Atmavan Bhava.
    •When you are upset, chant Atmavan Bhava.
      13 comments September 15, 2010
    Mantras Discussed on 4th Sep 2010
    Mantra for the Day:
    Ramam Ramabadram Ramachandram

    We need this mantra:

    •When we do not accept ourselves
    •When we have a low self-esteem
    •When we always seek approval from others, for our acts
    •This mantra balances solar plexus chakra, gives us self-confidence and assertiveness
    •It helps us to love ourselves and accept ourselves
    •“MAM” in Ramam helps to activate the inner child
    Lalitham Srinivasam Lalitham Padmanabham Lalitham Damodaram

    •When both husband and wife chant this mantra together, they will be blessed with a child
    •For a good growth of foetus, throughout pregnancy, one can chant this mantra
    Lalitham Lambodaram Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Balachandram

    We can chant this mantra:

    •When we are stuck up in life
    •When all our efforts go in vain
    •When we have a fear of failure
    •When somebody criticizes, we become a victim of ourselves
    •When others find fault with us
    Lalitham Sridharam Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Sudarshanam

    This mantra helps us to clear our debts.

    Case History – 1:

    An elderly person had a huge debt to be paid to a bank. After chanting this mantra continuously, his brother offered to pay Rs.18 lakhs to the bank as part of his share of the debts. The bank waived the remaining loan amount.

    Case History – 2:

    X had to pay Rs. 64,000 to the bank. Naran advised him to chant this mantra. He kept on chanting this mantra while negotiating with bank personnel. They asked him to pay Rs. 15,000 only and that too to in six instalments, to clear this amount.

    Lalitham Sadashivam Lalitham Chandrasekaram

    Lalitham Sadashivam helps us to:

    •Prevention of debts
    •Removal of unwanted cellular memories which haunt us
    •Healing your shadow self
    •Before wedding, to attract a good spouse
    •When you want to buy a house, if you don’t have one currently.
      1 comment September 13, 2010
    Mantras from Colour Therapy Class July, August 2010
    Problems in Thyroid Glands

    Namashivayam mantra helps for Thyroid related problems.

    Why it works very well for thyroid problems? When the poison came out of the sea – Parkadal (ocean of milk), as per Hindu mythology, Shiva consumed it and his throat became blue.

    Iodine colour is blue too. The thyroid secretion has to be in correct level, inside us, neither more nor less. Iodine tincture is known to be a great antiseptic. It heals very fast burns and wounds.

    Only Siva can handle this iodine, in thyroid. Namashivayam works by balancing the thyroid. We are taking the resource of the person who can handle poison. No religion is here. Any mantra fills up the molecules of water. Chant the mantra and give the mantra treated water to the person suffering from Thyroid Problems.

    Eye Operation

    Chant the mantra, “Om Dhraam Dhreem Dhrowm Saha Shukraya Namaha”.

    For better sight, chant the mantra, “Lalitham Lambodaram Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Balachandram”.

    Always Being Healthy

    Chant “Om Howm Vum Joom Saha”. It increases your vital force.

    Stop the delay

    Chant the mantra, “Om Praam Preem Prowm Saha Shaneye Namaha”.

    Pain Reduction

    For any pain reduction, chant the mantra, “Om Praam Preem Prowm Saha Shaneye Namaha”.

    A case study on this mantra

    Sheela from Bangalore was reluctant to use this mantra, though I suggested her to chant before her appointment with her dentist. Twice she ignored my advice. On both the occasions her dentist made a pathetic job on her teeth. I warned Sheela that she might loose most of her teeth, if she continues her appointment with her dentist.

    Third time, she chanted the mantra. She was asked to wait for her third operation. Meanwhile her dentist had a chat with her colleague. He came back to her and said that he wanted to observe her for a few more days before he does the third operation. Now for the last 15 days she had no pain and no extraction. No more meddling till today!!!

    Chant this mantra before your appointment with your dentist, for any extraction or root canal treatment.

      7 comments September 1, 2010

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #115 on: September 26, 2011, 07:07:12 AM »
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  • Archive for November, 2010
    Overcoming Fear of Death
    Lalitham Lambodaram Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Balachandram

    Specialty of this mantra is that it contains the energy of both sun and the moon. Baskaram means sun. Balachandram means moon. While chanting, the mantra gets the power of Siva as well.

    When these energies join forces, it releases the fear of death in us. Though, today you are confident that you can face death easily, when you face death, you will encounter fear of death.

    Why do we have that fear? After you die you go through a channel of darkness. Those memories from previous lifetimes are with you. All along we are attuned and habituated to light and therefore we have this fear. Death means darkness, while life means light.

    How do we overcome Fear of Death?

    1.Switch off all lights.
    2.Watch the darkness.
    3.Chant this mantra loud or within yourself.
    4.Initially, it will be difficult to keep your eyes open in the darkness. After 15 minutes or so, your eyes would be tuned to darkness.
    5.Once you develop the courage to face darkness, you will not get over the fear of death.
    When somebody near to you is dying…

    When somebody is dying then please chant this mantra. Then after the death, he will not waver here and there (in the spirit form). He will go straight to the other dimension.

    If a person dies after meeting with an accident, the soul will be traumatized. Chant Lalitham Lambodaram Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Balachandram mantra to keep the soul in peace.

    Spirit holds the person forever – a case study

    For last 13 years, Ganesh had a spirit holding on to him. It drained his energy. Every night it will come and posses him for just for an hour. Then next day, he can’t work properly. After chanting this mantra for one night, he was fully recovered.

    Ganesh – In his own words:

    I had this problem of losing energy once in a while. I was protecting myself from it, with the support of a Pranic healer (my guru) from Bangalore.

    I was feeling helpless without the support of my guru, as he passed away recently. I was having some Chakra healing treatment too, without much improvement.

    Then, I consulted Naran, who asked me to chant this mantra. Within one day of chanting, I could drive the spirit out. Somehow it had vanished.

    I find this mantra as most powerful. Now, I am chanting this mantra daily.

      Add comment November 29, 2010

    Archive for December, 2010
    Remove your Mental/Physical Sufferings and Difficulties, Heal cancer
    Chant Sree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram

    Let us see the meaning of the individual words in this mantra

    •         Sree means respect to the divine. RA is the sound, the creator of all sounds. RA is as powerful as 12 suns. We have only one sun. But the word has inside it the energy of 12 suns. It generates so much vibration. That’s why it’s an all-pervading and all-powerful mantra. Our ancestors described the figure of RA. They say it has countless faces and legs. The word has that effect.
    •         Repeated recitation of the word MA can even help you in your next life.
    •         Jaya Ram à JA destroys all mental and physical sufferings
    •         YA in Jaya and M make you accomplish anything. You can cross any difficulties in life.
    Benefits of Reciting this Mantra

    Any difficulties can be circumvented with this mantra.

    It can prevent the growth of cancer cells. This would be a sound treatment for cancer patients.

    Preparing Mantra Charged Water

    Chant this mantra by holding plastic bottle with water and give it to the patient. You go on chanting this mantra for more than 100 times. The water will absorb the power of mantra then. Water is the only medium that can receive, store and transmit the energy (of mantra) to others. Give the mantra charged water to tumour and cancer patients.

    How cancer appears

    At the cellular level, body contains multitudes of cells. The body goes on producing the cells. Some of the cells will die too. When the cells are produced, one of them could turn out to be a rogue cell. Immediately, a command will come from body, for the rogue cell to commit suicide. The rogue cell will commit suicide then. Sometimes, it doesn’t receive the command. Then it becomes cancerous.

    Even cellular scientist doesn’t know why certain rogue cells don’t receive the command to kill itself.

    Receiving Oxygen gives a Send-off to Cancer

    The cancerous cells die, when oxygen is in plenty. In the presence of oxygen, the cancer cells can’t thrive.

    What’s that one thing that stops a cell from receiving oxygen?

    When there is stress, the cells don’t receive oxygen. When there is a meeting, and you are not able to go in time, you will be under great tension. When we are worried, we are under stress and tension.

    When we get angry, we become stressed. If stress is there for more than 36 hrs, the cells will not absorb oxygen, even if oxygen is available the normal cells  will become cancerous.

    Practice of Sree Ram Mantra does the trick

    There are ways to receive oxygen. Chanting the Sree Ram Jaya Ram Mantra is one way. You chant names of certain flowers or Gems, or do some Mudras then you will receive the oxygen too.

    The mantra is equivalent to 12 suns and therefore it works like a laser. I have given this mantra to quite a few. All of them are able to cope up with cancer and they have reported excellent improvement.

    Flying high in the sky again

    According to the legend, just chanting ‘Ram’ has regenerated the entire wings of the eagle Sambadhi. Here is the story on what happened to it (from the Epic Ramayana).

    Thousands of monkeys were trying to locate Sita, but they couldn’t find her. They decided that they should commit suicide as they have failed in their assignment. They were talking at the foot of a small hill. In the same hill, a giant eagle was living there whose wings were burnt. The name of the eagle is Sambadhi. Somehow it was managing by itself.

    Sambadhi told the monkeys, that Ravana had taken Sita to Lanka. Hearing this news, the monkeys became happy and started chanting in joy, “Sree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram”. Immediately, Sambadhi’s wings grew. That’s the power of this mantra.

    What does the mantra do? It produces oxygen to cells. It can kill unwanted cells as well as give life to existing cells.

    How does this mantra works on relationships?

    This mantra can prevent divorce.

    It can mend the relationship between husband and wife by bringing harmony inside both of them. This is true for any type of relationships. Therefore, we should chant this mantra wherever we need harmony. However, Harmony Pack, a combination of Bach flowers remedies, is there to take care of harmony in our family, life and work.

    The mantra can establish harmony. Once all cells get the necessary oxygen, the cells become harmonious. The body then becomes harmonious and thereafter mind becomes harmonious too. Mind and body are connected. When our minds are affected our body is affected too and vice versa. Thus the mantra could establish harmony in our minds.

      6 comments December 17, 2010
    Improve Your Decision Making Capabilities and Develop Your Third Eye
    Shivohum means, ‘I am Siva’.  I am that.

    Our Decision Making Process is Poor

    Whenever we need to take a decision, we have to know the positive side or negative side of it. Our decisions are imperfect, any decision for that matter, because we are limited by our own perception.

    We know only two sides of the coin – right or wrong, positive or negative, and good or bad. However, a decision has to be tuned with the divine will. Unfortunately, we take our decisions unconsciously. But, we are lucky enough to take the right decisions sometimes.

    Tuning with the Divine Will

    Is there anything that will tune me to the divine will and give me the power of discrimination (Vivekam)?  Is there a way, through which I can take decisions as per divine will or plan. The Shivohum mantra can help you in this regard.

    Shiva means Mangalam. The one word that produces happiness in you is Shiva. By repeating that one can be happy, for the word Shiva produces happiness. How? Then, I become Shiva or an embodiment of Shiva.

    Thinking like Divine

    In the normal life, think, “Why not I become like divine? Why not I think like a divine?” If you think like divine, your life would be alright.

    The Shivohum will keep you align with divinity.

    Benefits of chanting Shivohum

    The mantra gives you the state of happiness, so whatever you do will produce happiness.

    HUM activates the throat chakra and thyroid. Our throat chakra can be energised and balanced.

    HUM activates thyroid and purifies it, which is responsible for detoxification of the body. If any mental impurities are there, Hum will release it. Then you take the decision.

    Shivohum activates the third eye chakra or higher perception. It’s the third eye, which is responsible for wisdom. However, we can’t directly activate our third eye. We have to release the impurities first.

    Chanting of this mantra achieves both.

      3 comments December 17, 2010
    Learn to be Strong, Stable, Patient and Lead a Life of Comfort
    If you chant the mantra “Vallabam Gajaananam Yeka Thandham”, while doing the Meru Mudra then it is good for the spinal cord. Refer the blog to check out on Meru Mudra:

    It drives out our fear also. If you chant regularly, your back will become solid and strengthened.

    In day-to-day life, we think, ‘My time has yet to come for my marriage/my job’. Our time is different from divine time. Everything happens only ‘with’ and ‘in’ divine time. This mantra synchronizes your time with divine time. By chanting it, continuously one can get a job or get married.

    If anybody is impatient, then Vallabam mantra will make him patient. All of us have to chant this mantra as one time or other when we become impatient.

    Children do not know the value of time. Chanting this mantra will make them to understand the importance of time.

    BAM (in Vallabam) gives the effect of comfort. To settle down in a job or house this mantra can help. However, we have to chant from the heart. The effect it produces is enormous.

      4 comments December 17, 2010

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #116 on: September 26, 2011, 07:08:06 AM »
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  • Archive for January, 2011
    Om Howm Vum Joom Saha
    This mantra will increase the Pranic force in any place. After a person dies, if you go to that place, chant this mantra, as there will be more A-prana (lack of prana) there. It might affect you.

    A case history by Lakshmi

    Whenever I go to mourning, it used to drain me completely. I tried many things including Bach Flower Remedy Walnut.

    After I started with mantras, I tried this mantra one day and started chanting all the way, until I went there. Now, I am not affected any more.

    Naran: where there is death, there is A-PRANA. By chanting this mantra, we generate PRANA. Thus, we are energizing ourselves as well as the place by chanting the mantra. It will give you physical strength too.

    A case history by Ravi

    I developed some body pain and a high fever. I tried all flower remedies, to no avail. I chanted this mantra for one hour. I became absolutely normal.

    A Healthy Prana Drink!

    You can hold a glass of water, chant the mantra and give it to children. You drink the water too.

    What is the speciality of the mantra? It increases your thejas – a combination of all five elements in total balance, which only gods can have. Sun god – Suriya Narayanan has that.

    For the five elements to be in balance, we need this mantra. You will always remain healthy, if the five elements are balanced. Take a glass of water and chant the mantra. Drink it as a health drink, every day morning.

    Chanting for the dying

    How will you determine whether the person is dying or not? If the doctors put the patient in ventilator, then you can start chanting this mantra, even while sitting at home. Because ventilator means the life is weaker.  In general, aged people won’t come alive out of it. Even if they come out, they won’t be alive for long.

    Please refer these links for some more information about this mantra:

    Mantras for Managing Serious Illness:

    Remedy for SWINE FLU:

      Add comment January 2, 2011
    Overcome Your Fear of Death!!!
    Lalitham Lambodaram Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Balachandram

    Specialty of this mantra is that it contains the energy of both sun and the moon. Baskaram means the sun. Balachandram means the moon. While chanting, the mantra gets the power of Siva as well.

    When these energies join forces, it releases the fear of death in us. Though, today you are confident that you can face death easily, when you face death, you will encounter fear of death.

    Why do we have that fear? After you die you go through a channel of darkness. Those memories from previous lifetimes are with you. All along we are attuned and habituated to light and therefore we have this fear. Death means darkness, while life means light.

    How do we overcome Fear of Death?

    1.      Switch off all lights.
    2.      Watch the darkness.
    3.      Chant this mantra loud or within yourself.
    4.      Initially, it will be difficult to keep your eyes open in the darkness. After 15 minutes or so, your eyes would be tuned to darkness.
    5.      Once you develop the courage to face darkness, you will get over the fear of death.
    When somebody near to you is dying…

    When somebody is dying then please chant this mantra. Then after the death, he will not waver here and there (in the spirit form). He will go straight to the other dimension.

    If a person dies after meeting with an accident, the soul will be traumatized. Chant Lalitham Lambodaram Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Balachandram mantra to keep the soul in peace.

    Spirit holds the person forever – a case study

    For last 13 years, Ganesh had a spirit holding on to him. It drained his energy. Every night it will come and posses him for just for an hour. Then next day, he can’t work properly. After chanting the mantra OM HOWM VUM JOOM SAHA, for one night, he was fully recovered.

    Ganesh – In his own words:

    I had this problem of losing energy once in a while. I was protecting myself from it, with the support of a Pranic healer (my guru) from Bangalore.

    I was feeling helpless without the support of my guru, as he passed away recently. I was having some Chakra healing treatment too, without much improvement.

    Then, I consulted Naran, who asked me to chant this mantra OM HOWM VUM JOOM SAHA. Within one day of chanting, I could drive the spirit out. Somehow it had vanished.

    I find this mantra as most powerful. Now, I am chanting this mantra daily.

      6 comments January 2, 2011

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #117 on: September 26, 2011, 07:12:27 AM »
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  • Archive for February, 2011
    Removing obstacles for a normal delivery
    I had a granddaughter through my son, Srini, on Feb 1st at 11.42 am at Washington DC USA.

    My daughter in law was having anxiety and pain as her last labour had lasted 18 hours.

    I just started chanting the mantra, “LALITHAM LAMBODARAM” and everything just became alright.

    Within 2 hours and without much pain she delivered, by normal way, a beautiful baby girl. The baby came 8 days early.

    The mother and baby are doing well. I am in the hospital with them as my son Srini is in Armenia and will arrive on Saturday.

    I thank God and you



    Lalitham Lambodaram: it is a mantra to remove the obstacles between you and your objective.

      Add comment February 19, 2011
    My husband drives me nuts
    It was 10 pm when I received a call from Shanthi. She was desperate, worn down and very angry about her husband. Just then she had a big fight with him. In a fit of anger he pushed her out from their house and locked himself from inside. Nowhere to go, feeling desolate and angry, she called me.

    To bring her anger down, I asked her to chant, “Om Hreem Taha” (this mantra will reduce anger)

    In addition, I asked her to chant the mantra, “Guru Gugan Kodi Kodi Lavanyam”.  She chanted both the mantras and went back home.

    She was surprised to found the house door open, with lights on and her husband waiting for her. Before Shanthi spoke a word her husband apologised to her for his rude behaviour. In addition, he served her dinner.

    The purpose of the Guru Gugan mantra is to increase our self-esteem and self-love. Shanthi required it as she found it difficult to digest her husband’s rude behaviour.


    Question to Naran

     “I have lots of fear and negativity about everything. Also facing relationship problems and psychosomatic symptoms. Everyone around me dislikes me. Please help me with some mantras.”

    Answer from Naran

    I asked her to chant Guru Guhan mantra as it will increase love inside her heart, which in turn will attract the love from outside.

    Guru Guhan Kodi Kodi Lavanyam

    This mantra works on the heart chakra. It is for Lord Subramanya Swamy (Muruga).

    The meaning behind it is: Guru Guhan (in cave), Kodi Kodi (millions and millions of rays of light) and Lavanyam (most beautiful – Lavanyam).

    Yam in “Lavanyam” releases the feeling of sadness and unwanted attachment in a relationship.

    Whenever you feel distressed about your son, daughter and husband, this mantra will release attachment, while your love for them will be sustained. We should understand the difference between love and attachment. Out of attachment we direct or control our children. After detachment, you can continue to regulate them. You will know what to say and how to say.

    Please also check out this link:
      3 comments February 9, 2011

    How did I find the power of Sree Ram Jeya Ram Jeya Jeya Ram
    Monkeys in Search of Sita – a story from Ramayana

    One lakh monkeys went in search of Sita, who was kidnapped by Ravana earlier. After one month of search, they could not find her, and therefore they decided to commit suicide.

    They were speculating about what they have to do, about Rama and so on, over the top of a hilltop.

    There was an eagle residing there, with no wings. He is brother of Jadayu and his name is Sambavi. At one time Jadayu and Sambavi flew very high in order to touch the Sun God. Jadayu couldn’t bear the heat of the sun. Sambavi threw over him to protect him from sun. With the result, he lost his wings and fell down. Since then he was living in the bottom of the hill.

    The mantra helped Sambavi to grow its wings

    When the monkeys were talking about Rama and Sita, Sambavi called them. He mentioned to them that Ravana is forcibly keeping Sita with him. Monkeys felt elevated and chanted this mantra, while Hanuman crossed the ocean to reach Lanka (where Sita was a prisoner in the kingdom ruled by Ravana), without any problem.

    The wings of Sambavi grew immediately on hearing the mantra and it became as tall as the sky.

    Rama said thanks to Sambavi for the vital information provided by him. Ram could free Sita eventually.

    That’s why burnt cell can become alive when you chant this mantra. The cell that forgot to commit suicide is the cancer cell.

    Power of the Rama Mantra

    Finally the war came to an end. Rama and Ravana met in the battle field. Demons numbering more than 10 lakhs have surrounded Ravana protecting him. How to kill him? Only arrow of Rama can do it, as it has a speciality – where the name of Rama is inscribed on it. Vali figures that and says Rama would never do this. That’s a diff story.

    Gandharva asthra (weapon) was used to create an illusion. After the arrow was shot, one demon one will see the other person as Rama. They killed themselves in the process. Gandharva asthra made them to kill themselves. There was a miscommunication. This is healing happened due to the word Rama inscribed.

    Heal cancer and avoid cancer with this mantra.

      6 comments February 2, 2011

    Manage chemotherapy side-effects through mantras
    “Sree Ram Jeya Ram Jeya Jeya Ram” mantra can help persons undergoing chemotherapy or after undergoing chemotherapy, where normal cells are burnt along with cancerous cells.

    When a cancer cell shows up, they kill normal cells and replace them.

    “Sree Ram Jeya Ram Jeya Jeya Ram” mantra takes care of these unwanted side-effects. 

    This mantra is also effective for tuberculosis.

    Increase your immunity level

    Narayan was suffering from post-chemotherapy effect. His immunity went down immediately after a chemotherapy session. His body temperature went up. Unfortunately he was not supposed to take my medication at this juncture.

    According to doctor’s report his white blood cells (WBC) count was less than normal and therefore his immunity level was below normal.

    His family members consulted Naran, who asked them to chant, “Om Howm Vam Joom Saha”, visualizing Narayan. In addition, the mantra was written on a piece of paper and placed under the pillow of Narayan.

    As the family members of Narayan chanted the “Om Howm Vam Joom Saha” mantra, his WBC count started increasing, which was measured every two hours. Eventually, he was discharged from the hospital in two days.

    Showing the right path to children

    Children often feel that you are controlling them too much. They want freedom. However, to show them their correct path, chant the “Sree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jeya Ram” mantra, while holding a glass of water and give it to them. It will help them to see the right way to live.

    Please check out the blog to know more details about this mantra:

    Om Mani Padme Hoom

    One mantra that can activate both solar plexus and heart chakras is, “Om Mani Padme Hoom”. Mani means jewel. The meaning of the mantra is, “I am a jewel.”

      1 comment February 2, 2011

    Archive for March, 2011
    Mantras for the Modern World from July 24 2010 Monthly Meeting
    Avoid Financial Crisis

    I came out of financial crisis within 24 hours by chanting the mantra, “Lalitham Sridharam Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Sudarshanam”.

    For Successful Job Interviews

    Before going to interview chant the mantra, “Ambika Anaadhi Nithanaa Ashwaroodaa Aparaajithaa”.

    Handling Eye Problems

    Lalitham Lambodaram Lalitham Baskaram Lalitham Balachandram

    You can’t separate this mantra like a compound. You have to chant them together. However, Lalitham Lambodaram can be chanted separately.

    This mantra combination is very effective for eye problems.

    •         From any eye problem, it can restore vision of the concerned person.
    •         Eye operation will happen successfully and proper vision will be restored.
    Lalitham Baskaram alone is good for eyes. Not to have regression after recovery, Lalitham Balachandram is added. It also takes care of the circulation part. Circulation is minimized due to age. Lalitham Balachandram improves ocular circulation, specific to eyes. Eye problems will not come. Therefore, have no fear.

      2 comments March 16, 2011
    Develop a Surrendering Attitude
    Desire to change has to be removed from us. What we have to do for that? We have to develop the attitude, “This life is not mine. Whatever I have is not mine”.

    Finding Atman

    How to find the atman? We need not find it. It is there inside you. When you sleep you are inside the dream as well as outside it. Who is the person inside the dream? Who is seeing it? In our dream state, the soul is seeing it. During our waking state, we are seeing things around us. The one that sees during the sleep is Atma.

    Feeding the Atman

    We have to feed the atman, which we don’t do. That’s why agnihotram is performed.

    Whatever you buy for yourself, say “Suryaya Swaha”.

    Before eating anything, say “Suryaya Idham Na mama” (this is not mine).

    The one god who everybody can see is Sun.

    Agnaye Swaha   Agnaye Idham Na mama (Agni is the life force within us).

    Praja Pathaye Swaha Praja Pathaye Idham Na mama.

    Praja pathi is universal energy – which is nothing but Reiki. What is its Rupam (figure)? It’s Narayana, who has pervaded the entire universe.

    Offering to Universe

    Therefore, say to yourself, “I offer this — (anything you buy or eat, anything you do) to universal energy, because this is not mine”.

    Think, “Today is not mine.”

    Whenever you are about to perform an action, think “I am not the doer”. Say these three Mantras before any action.

    Whenever money is deposited in the bank in your name, chant the mantras.

    When you are happy, say it to yourself, this is not mine.

    Whatever I had purchased is not mine.

    We have to cultivate this surrendering attitude.

    Being an Unfit is a Blessing

    When you are unfit in this world, you are fit in the other world. God is not going to ask you what degree you have done. It will not be asked.

    Think, “This life is not mine as somebody created it”.

    Whatever you earn, you are not going to take it, so Swaha. Whatever name or money you earn, give it up now (inside the mind). So it will be easy in the end (when you die).

    When somebody says thanks, say it is not mine saying “Suryaya Swaha Suryaya Idham Namama”.

      4 comments March 4, 2011

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #118 on: September 26, 2011, 07:13:58 AM »
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  • Archive for June, 2011
    Eliminate Toxins from Your Body using Chinese Mantras – Tao of Breathing
    Do we have toxins in our body, accumulated, stored and not eliminated from our body?


    What happens if toxins are not removed?

    You can be prone to infections because the immunity level (Chi level – prana) is low.

    Get afflicted by diarrhea or by other diseases. Of course, without fail you will feel tired and stressed out.

    How toxins are created?

    - You inhale them from the atmosphere, in the form of polluted air

    - The food you intake – stuff they mix in the food for taste, fertilizers, chemicals in the food product

    - Heat generated by the body organs and due to their normal functioning of wear and tear.

    - In addition, as our own emotions and thoughts cloud the organs.

    Steps to remove toxins

    We need to focus on five organs – lungs, heart, spleen, liver and kidneys. You can sit, stand or walk, while doing these steps. Do it anytime, though not immediately after eating. Of course, you can do WU…..EXHALATION after eating.

    Lungs: keep your hands on the middle of the color bone, on exhale put your tongue under upper teeth and say “ISSSSSSSSSS”, 5-15 times. If you do while walking, it is very effective (do a short inhalation with a short “ISSS”)

    Kidneys: draw a line mentally from your belly button on both sides; keep your hands exactly opposite, behind your back, hands touching each other, on exhale chant, “CHU…… WAY”, while pushing your lower belly inwards.

    Liver: keep your hands right side of your stomach and below the ribs; on exhale, bend your neck towards the left side of the shoulder, while looking in the front and chant “SHHHHHH” (as in wish), 5-15 times.

    Heart: hands on the heart area, touching each other; on exhale, bend your neck towards the right side of the shoulder, while looking in the front and chant “HAAAAAAAAAA”, 5-15 times.

    Spleen: keep your hands left to your belly button and below the ribs, on exhale chant “WUUUUU”, 5-15 times.

    During exhalations, raise your head as high as possible.


    - A good anti-aging technique, if one does it daily.

    - You will recover faster after a bout of illness or infection. Do them during the period of illness.

    - Will come out of your tiredness. Very effective for all software people, who are subject to radiations from computer and who always work out of air-conditioned offices, where oxygen level is at the lowest.

    - Will improve your stamina, so you will be able to do lot of work. You will always be enthusiastic and motivated.

    - Less likely to be infected in the future, even in the midst of epidemic.

    - Children around 10 or 11 can be taught this, so that they are free from recurring infections. They are exposed to all junk foods, mobile phones etc. They will enjoy doing this.

      2 comments June 16, 2011

    Archive for August, 2011
    My constant problem
    I am 70 years old. For many years I have Constipation problem.

    Naran asked me to chant, “OM HRAUM NAMAHA”. (HRAUM is pronounced as Hrowm)

    On the first day, I chanted for 10 minutes in the morning. I noticed some improvement. On subsequent days, without any problem I pass motion.

    Every day in the morning I chant for 15 minutes and I have no regression whatsoever.

      1 comment August 21, 2011
    Treating fever and UTI

    My father was admitted for the 3rd time in GH, Pondicherry), after an episode of Seizure. We took him to JIPMER where he was treated for UTI. He got discharged on 8th of this month. After more than 40 days of our hospital and house shuttle, he came home. He again developed UTI after coming and its being treated at home. He also gets regular bouts of fever due to infection.

    Your site is my RESCUE REMEDY!!!

    I read the mantra healing topic and I’m chanting the Mantra “OM HOWM VUM JOOM SAHA” in the water and mixing it with a bottle of water and giving him. Also, I have written and placed the same Mantra under his pillow. I noticed that from the day I started to give this water, he never had a high-grade fever. It only touches to 100 or sometimes no fever at all.

    Thanks to you and the Mantra….!!!

      7 comments August 17, 2011
    I lost all hope that I will succeed in Life
    “Ambika Anaadhi Nithanaa Ashwaroodaa Aparaajithaa”
    Hello I want to succeed in my competitive exams and my study. Lost all hope but I started chanting Ambika mantra. Is it really helpful? Thanks


    That is why students should study well daily. One always repents and loses hope if he wasted his time during study days. Nothing will help the 11th hour specialists.

    Anyhow, chant the mantra with full trust. If you pass, commit yourself to become responsible and study well.


    I am only giving 8 hours to my study and in that I have to manage my husband and household stuffs. I did my engineering but after that I didn’t get a job. I tried so much. But after 5 years I really want to study but competitive exams are too tough for me. Whatever I am doing, it seems that it’s not working. That’s why I asked about this mantra. Thanks for your suggestions


    I am really happy to know that you are studying in the midst of your household work. Mantras will work for those who have ambition, trust and perseverance.

    Affirm, “I pray to Ambika, the one whose origin you cannot trace, and the one who is ever-present since and before the beginning of this world. She only can help me overcome my mind, because I know that one who overpowers and channelizes the mind can win anything and become invincible.”

    This is the meaning of the mantra. The trust and regular reciting of this mantra will make you reach heights.

    You can also write 398 in a piece of paper and keep it in front of you while studying. When sleeping keep it under the pillow. On the date of examination keep it with you. Competitive exams will be easier for you.
    Best of luck


      5 comments August 1, 2011

    Offline marioban29

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    Re: Mantra for all diseases
    « Reply #119 on: September 26, 2011, 07:32:56 AM »
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  • Healing Mantras

    (Mantras from “Healing Mantras” by Thomas Ashley-Farrand)

    (Om Shree Don-von-trey nahm-ah-ha)
    “Salutations to the being and power of the Celestial Physician.”
    Please direct to me the right healer or system of healing to help
    me with my particular problem or condition.

    (Om Ap-pah-dah-mah-pah hah-tah-rahm dah-tah-rahm
    sahr-vah sahm-pah-dahm lo-kah bee rahm-ahm shree
    rahm-mahm boo-yoh boo-yoh nah-mahm-yah-hahm)
    “Om. O most compassionate Rama.
    Please end your healing energy right here to the Earth.
    Rama Healing Mantra. The most powerful healing mantra.
    Achieves dramatic and powerful results in all forms of healing:
    physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

    “Great mantra relieving one from death and disease.”
    Mantra for protection and healing.
    Shiva Mantra. Markandeya Mantra.
    Mantra used for world crises or cataclysm or full and new moon.

    “Om and salutations to that perfection in the physical realm
    which was Rama,whose attributes exist in me also.
    Kindly manifest.”
    Ram is the seed sound for the manipura or solar plexus chakra.
    Tremendous healing energy lies at this chakra point.
    This mantra begins to activate and awaken this healing energy in the
    second chakra.

    (Om shree shahn-ehsh-wahr-eye-yah swa-ha)
    “Om and Salutations to Saturn the planet of lessons.”
    This mantra is highly recommended for smoothing your path in
    life. Reminding you that you can change your karma.
    Alleviates the difficulties of Saturn return. Heels the spleen.

    “Om and Salutations to the Shining One who removes afflictions.”
    Sun Mantra for Healing afflictions.
    The power of the sun can also be invoked to heal the eyes and the
    body. As above, chant the sun mantra and try to get the sick or injured
    person some exposure to the sun each day.
    Let the sun fall on the pineal gland to reset the pineal gland and
    balance the endocrine system.

    “Om and Salutations to the Shining One who heals and is
    Golden Colored”
    Mantra to bring in the Golden Colored Rays of Light for Healing.

    “oh self-effulgent Light that has given birth to all the lokas
    (spheres of consciousness), who is worthy of worship and
    appears through the orbit of the Sun, illumine our intellect.”
    Mantra for enlightenment.
    Asking the Universe to assist us in our enlightenment.
    Gayatri is the Goddess of Light.
    The Gayatri mantra plays an important God given role in the uplifting
    of the entire human species towards enlightenment.



    (Om i’m hreem kleem chah-moon-dah-yei vee-cheh nahm-ah-ha)
    Clears all demons away/keeps them away.

    (Om doom door-gah-yei nahm-ah-hah)
    Protection mantra.

    (Nah-rah-seem-ha ta vah dah soh hum)
    To gain freedom from evil situations.


    (Om shree hah-noo-mah-te fot)
    Weapon Mantra. Clears the astral leeches (junk) out of the aura.

    (Om vahj-rah saht-wah hoong)
    For clearing out negative energies from within your body after
    working on sick people or those with a lot of negative energy.

    7. HUNG VAJRA PHAY (pronounced “pay”)
    For clearing out a room or space and aura.

    (Mantra for protection against psychic attack.)

    (Om ah-pa-sahr-pahn-too the boota yea boota
    yeah bootah big-nah kahr-tah-rah
    stea gah-chahn-too shee-vah ahj-nah-yah)
    May the that are haunting this area leave and never return by the order
    of Shiva.

    Raises your energy.

    (Om shreem mah-ha lahksh-mee-yei swah-ha)
    Feminine Mantra. Softens energy from previous mantras.
    The highest abundance in the form of love.

    Serves as a band-aid and seals mantras in aura. Softens energy from
    previous mantras.

    Healing Mantras for Relationships

    From “Healing Mantras” by Namadeva

    Woman seeking relationship with a man

    Man seeking relationship with a woman

    Healing a relationship

    To strengthen and balance the masculine energy

    To enhance and strengthen the female energy

    Healing misunderstanding

    Clearing negativity in a relationship

    « Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 11:46:24 AM by marioban29 »


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