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Shradha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience).

Shradha - Means devotional faith

- faith that Baba is the almighty and Protector,
- that both the good and the bad happening to the devotee’s life are controlled by Him,
- to happily acknowledge and patiently tolerate all vicissitudes of life with equanimity,
- to realize that Baba is always with him, around him,
- to be able to sacrifice anything and everything for the cause of the Master in the manner prescribed by Him,
- to follow His dictates in letter and spirit, whatever be the consequences,
- to hold on to Baba exclusively and not to run to different deities / temples for different purposes.

Saburi - i.e. patience means following actions without complaint, either external or mental and live normally everyday with faith in Baba.

How many people can really do this? If not, one should think on the word ‘surrender’ continuously before considering himself to be a great devotee. It is wiser to think of what we can do for Baba’s work instead of thinking what Baba can do for us.

To get perfect association with a Perfect Master, the person concerned must be a perfect devotee. Baba used to say that a devotee will experience Him as per his bhava means inner thought process. Imperfect minds will reflect an imperfect image of the Sadguru and the person will get imperfect results. It is not easy to achieve this state of mind and it is also not correct to use the word surrender so easily without understanding its full implications. The better path would be to develop the qualities prescribed by the Sadguru gradually living in the world like an ordinary man enjoying and suffering happiness and unhappiness with the Guru in the heart.”…….


Courtesy-Guruji Shri C. B. Satpathy.

Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him.
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« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 01:01:03 PM by subhasrini »
A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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Re: Shradha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience).
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 09:18:05 AM »
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    Dear Subha ji

    It is indeed your good work and service to BABA to post THE MOST REQUIRED QUOTE FROM GURUJI, I wish and request RAVI ji to have this highlighted at Prominent Place in the FORUM so that children calling themselves SAI DEVOTEES and getting frustrated about the time lag not satisfying what has been given to them by BABA should read and understand and practice the INDEPTH MEANING OF SHRADDA AND SHABURI which was what expected by our HOLY FATHER from his children. NO VRATS FASTS with rules and regulations were required by Our HOLY FATHER SATHGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ

    Many of us still need to understand and abide by the same and it needs to be read again and again by each and everyone of the SAI FAMILY.

    It is just my thought, if I am wrong please excuse me.




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    Re: Shradha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience).
    « Reply #2 on: June 14, 2007, 09:44:12 AM »
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  • What  a beautiful depth meaning for devotion of BABA by Subhasrini-

    This is very much needed now in our column- these golden words.

    We should accept BABA both in happiness and unhappiness.

    Even if unhappiness is due to karma, we should still accept it though we should try our best to resolve it  but the result lies in BABA - WE ACCEPT IT SO THAT ATLEAST NOW  WE DO NOT MAKE MISTAKES AND GET BAD KARMA FOR NEXT BIRTH- BETTER STILL TO GET MUKTI.

    BABA, I believe in YOU- that's it- period- SAIRAM

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    Re: Shradha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience).
    « Reply #3 on: June 22, 2007, 07:54:15 AM »
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  • The easiest way to spiritual evolution is to:

    1.Believe that the Sadguru is the Divine incarnation to lead people towards temporal and spiritual development.

    2.To follow the path laid down by Him as reflected in His earthly conduct and preachings.

    3.To understand that no man how much ever he strives, can evolve in the spiritual field beyond a certain limit without the help and kindness of a Sadguru. Even incarnations like Shri Krishna and Shri Rama, in the process of experiencing the God state in Them, had to be helped by Sandeepani and Vasishta, the Sadgurus of the time.

    4.To focus the entire spiritual conciousiiess on the Sadgurus, both in Sakara (formed) or Nirakar (formless) and worship them.

    5.To believe that the Guru is the repositor of all Divine powers -and therefore, He alone should be made the mainstay of one's life. All needs, worries and questions should be projected to him
    Experience has shown that people devoted to Sadgurus, evolve faster in the spiritual field than those following other methods because such devotees believe in surrender to divinity which is the ultimate requirement for spiritual evolution. Every devotee of Shirdi Sai, therefore, on this New Year, should decide whether he wants to hold Baba as his 'Ishta' - the only one to be prayed, worshipped and called in time of need. Personally, for me Shri Sai is the only and ultimate. I don't seek anything from elsewhere.

    ……“Shraddha or devotional faith is the most difficult state of mind to achieve. If one has absolute faith in his Guru then sooner or later he will even look like the Guru with all His attributes. However, the seed of faith takes a lot of time to generate and to grow. It may take years or even a few lives. Full faith in Baba does not come, as quickly as one desires it to be like Shravan, Kirtan, Poojan, Dhyana, etc. The Navadha Bhakti i.e. the multifold type of bhakti is not bhakti per se. They are either methods of bhakti or reflections of bhakti or both. Further, externality of devotion may not necessarily indicate the internality of devotion.

    Some people, at times say that only if Baba desires then bhakti will grow in their hearts. By saying so they make Baba responsible for generating bhakti in them. In the ultimate analysis it is true that Baba generates bhakti in a devotee’s heart. But, if the person so desiring conducts himself in a manner that Baba desires, then the type of bhakti he seeks will certainly be generated by Him. If one starts praying to Baba for bhakti and yet continues to conduct himself in an unethical manner forbidden by Baba, then how do we expect Baba to generate bhakti in his mind? To this some people say that even bad conduct is created by God and unless He desires this can’t be controlled. This time also the burden is squarely on Baba or God and the devotee does not want to take any responsibility even for his own conduct. Even under these circumstances Baba can control his conduct and generate bhakti in him, provided he leaves all other aspects of his life on Him and awaits patiently for Him to guide his destiny. Faith or surrender means leaving everything on Baba – body, mind and soul. But partial surrender will lead to partial bhakti, and its partial results only. If one is sincere enough and fully surrenders to Baba then He will control his desires and conduct. Under these circumstances neither he should work nor seek anything himself but leave everything to Baba in totality. Then, if he is prepared to bear the consequence of this state of utter inaction then Baba will certainly control his conduct and give him the type of Shraddha he seeks. There are many examples of many devotees in Shirdi, at the time of Baba, who had left everything on Sai including all their material and spiritual needs, and Baba did provide these to them. If one cannot come to this state of utter inaction then, he should go by the normal path of Navadha Bhakti and should be responsible for his own conduct to start with. God has given enough intelligence to human beings in comparison to animals, to discriminate between good and evil. Such practice will slowly but definitely grow devotion in him imperceptibly.

    However, this slow growth means waiting patiently under all circumstances on the mercy of Baba, which is nothing but Saburi. Saburi is, therefore, an essential factor for the generation, sustenance and growth of devotion. Both faith and patience are complementary to each other. Faith without patience will bring loss of faith at frequent intervals of time and will not allow its growth. Similarly, only patience, without actual faith, is an exercise in futility. A balance in both will bring about even growth of both in a person.

    Faith again means trying to do what we have been asked to do by Baba and resist from doing what has been forbidden by Him. Even if we fail a number of times it does not matter, the main point is whether we are using our God given faculties to their maximum limits. When we want to use our faculties, time and energy for getting close to Baba we have to cut down on many other activities. Therefore, the person who wants closeness with Baba should always try to reduce the non-productive, capricious and non-essential activities like late night parties, addiction of any type, uncontrolled thought, speech or action, etc. Such improvements will not only gradually control the mind but will also save time and energy for more purposive and creative activities, like study on Sri Sainath, meditation on Baba and His worship in any form. The devotees should always try to improve their inner qualities of patience, faith, tolerance, egolessness, and gradually, closeness with Baba will increase. But, the most important two qualities which are fundamental, as often said by Baba, are "Shraddha and Saburi".”…….

    Courtesy-Guruji Shri C. B. Satpathy
    « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:57:47 PM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Re: Shradha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience).
    « Reply #4 on: June 22, 2007, 07:55:47 AM »
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  • ……“Sitting in Shirdi Masjid, Baba had said that there are many paths, but one of the paths leads to God through Dwarkamayi. When one analyses how Baba led thousands of people towards God realization at Shirdi a certain pattern evolves. The basic principles of the Sai path are based on:

    (a) The existence in physical form of a perfect being known variously as a Perfect Master, a Sadguru or a Qutub as called by the Sufis. A Qutub simply means an axis, a pivot around which others, both living and non-living, revolve. The Perfect Master, having himself experienced different stages of evolution including that of man has at last reached the stage of God. However, those among these perfect beings, who out of infinite compassion, make the greatest sacrifice of not enjoying the blissful state of God but incarnate in a human body on earth to serve the imperfect, suffering humanity are called the Perfect Masters. As Meher Baba has said, at any point of time there are five Perfect Masters on the earth in embodied form.

    (b) When in human body they act both as human beings and Gods. As Gods they have infinite power, infinite knowledge, infinite happiness and infinite existence. Like God they are Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient enjoying the powers of the Almighty. They share their power, knowledge and pleasure with the millions of human beings by methods un¬perceivable by human beings and are known as Leelas or divine miracles. All miracles are based on the laws of nature, only one has to know, experience and master it. All the elemental forces of nature like fire, water, air etc. defined as deities by the Hindus, work under their command or wish. As Gods they see everything in themselves and themselves in everything. So they serve everyone without any differentiation as if they are serving themselves. They see God in everyone, even though others may not be able to see God in them. They give infinite love to others and take infinite pain from others. Once any human being or any species is linked with them in any manner, they ensure that these creatures are evolved, life after life till they merge with God from where they came. This ultimate stage of evolution is ordinarily known as Mukti or Moksha.

    (c) These Perfect Masters alone are capable of leading human beings to God realization. They follow what is common and universal in all religions i.e., humanism based on love. Out of love they not only take care of the spiritual evolution of the devotees but also their temporal requirements. Once one has surrendered to them they look after all needs of the devotee as a mother would do for a child. They can go to any extent, even to sacrifice their human body, to protect their children. That’s what Baba did for many as can be read in Sri Sai Satcharitra, and as experienced by many. To develop closer and closer link with Him, one has to develop faith in Him, even patiently under the most trying circumstances. Also, to develop the qualities of humility, sacrifice, tolerance and steadfastness in devotion and actions desired by the Sadguru. One will evolve earlier than others worshipping too many deities if he follows this path of Guru. Baba used to give visions to many people in the form of their deities, like Hanuman, Ganesh etc. which convinced them that there is no difference between Baba and any other deity or even God. One can therefore, at the first stage try to see all deities in Baba, worship Him in the method in which other deities are worshipped. In short, one should try to see and seek everything in and from Baba. This path may be difficult at the initial stage but can certainly be achieved with steadfastness and faith in Baba. So let us try.”…….

    Courtesy-Guruji Shri C. B. Satpathy
    « Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 01:05:00 PM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    ……“We must muse over our imperfections of yesterday and try to evolve towards a little more perfection. Knowing that no ordinary mortal is totally perfect, we try to find a model of perfection which is epitomized in a Sadguru or Perfect Master, and it is a truism in all times that the Perfect Master is at first a perfect man. Sri Sainath of Shirdi, the Perfect Master of the Age, standing as our model practiced and preached three things.

    He taught us that by expansion of our love to other fellow beings and even the other species one can consolidate society.

    He also taught that rigorous and technical methods need not be used for spiritual upliftment. All that is needed is to bring about a qualitative change in one's way of thinking and way of working in daily life.
    He brought about a cohesive theme amidst the opposing themes of inter-cultural, inter-religious and inter-sectorial groups. This He achieved by allowing each group to have its own mode ofliving, religious practices and cultural. He succeeded in bringing out a way of life at Shirdi, which reflected a confluence of varied cultures and religions.”…..

    JaiSaiRam!  :)

    « Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 01:07:59 PM by subhasrini »
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    ……“What is the simple path then?

    The devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai know that whoever surrenders to Him, He takes care.

    The Sadguru is the repository of all Shaktis.

    Because He carries on the wishes of the ‘Parabramha’, therefore, all Shaktis of the ‘Parabramha’ assist Him

     whenever He wishes.

    Whenever we surrender to Him, the support of whatever Shakti is necessary will be provided by Him,

    whether it is for material benefit or spiritual upliftment.

    To various devotees He has shown Himself in the form of different deities and Avatars - Vishnu, Maruti,

    Krishna, Shiva, etc.

    On the day of Dussehra, He is to be worshipped as Durga.

    Whatever He is, for us He is our most dear, most loving and most caring Sai.

    He is our father, mother, friend and Guru.”…….

    Om SaiRam.

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Guruji Shri C. B. Satpathy

    Devotees are often heard to be saying that Shri Sainath Maharaj or Baba is either angry with them or is not taking care of them as before for reasons which they fail to understand.
    Such an attitude indicates a highly personalized approach. It is a unique feature of the Sai faith that the devotees get highly emotionally attached to Him even though he has no more physical presence. Psychologically they depend a lot on Shri Shirdi Sai for solace, guidance and more importantly for getting a solution to their day to day mundane problems.

    For most of the devotees He is a part of their lives. They worship Him, they read about Him, they meditate on Him, they do Naamjaap, they talk about Him a lot without getting tired and the hold Lungers and even donate alms to beggars in his name. Some of the ardent devotees even before taking any food or drink offer it to Baba mentally.

    Like children they collect all sorts of photographs, trinkets and other articles related to Baba. Such activities are a pointer to the fact that they are ever in search of Baba in their mind and soul and wish to establish an intense relationship with Him.

    It has been observed that a devotee when he first enters into the fold of Shri Sai Baba’s divine and magnanimous personality gets attracted to him in a very short time which ordinary human reasoning can not explain. When Baba was there in Shirdi many of the devotees used to go into a spiritual trance or sort of emotional hype at the very look at Baba. Such examples find a depiction in Shri Sai Satcharitra and many other books like Khaparde’s diary etc.

    Such was the attraction of the master that when a non believer like Balasaheb Bhate met Baba for the first time he just decided to stay back and settle down in Shirdi forever and later resigned from the government service only to serve Baba for the rest of his life.

    Most of the devotees hold Baba’s relation with them as their most prized possession. Baba before departing from his physical embodiment had assured his devotees that he would continue to protect them from his invisible abode. He had even said that whenever His devotees would call him earnestly he would make his presence felt in some way or the other and also render help to remove their difficulties. Incidents happening in the lives of most of the devotees after Baba had taken Samadhi show that Baba continues to keep his promise.

    Thus Shri Sainath Maharaj continues to render love, assurance, protection and faith to all his devotees. At times being busy tackling their earthly problems, the devotees are not in a position to remember Baba as much as they used to do earlier.
    In such a situation, they feel an emotional vacuum in them.

    Lets just understand this sense of void in the devotee when the feeling towards the Sadguru reduces in its intensity through the example of the sun and the sunlight. The light rays continuously emanate from the sun and the sunlight falls on earth. When the sky is clouded the Sun’s rays cannot be seen. Similarly, Baba’s love and protection towards devotees flows continuously but some of the devotees do not experience it when their life is engulfed by worldly clouds.

    Sai Nath maharaj often used to tell devotees at Shirdi in no uncertain terms that whosoever prays to him intensely and intimately would certainly receive His grace, help and experience.

    Once the teacher - pupil emotional rapport is established, the pupil is bound to go through a series of alternative emotional experiences. Sometimes he will feel flooded with loving emotions towards his master and sometimes he will feel a sense of emotional void. This bipolar emotional situation is not due to the change in the mood of the master as perceived by devotees because a perfect master is a perfect soul. The reason for such a feeling in the devotee lies in the devotee himself. Hence, whenever such a situation comes the devotee should not get bogged down under his own emotional pressures and feel frustrated. Instead he should pray Baba to stabilize his emotions towards Him.

    Every devotee should try to understand that a perfect master has a thousand things to do for benefit of innumerable number of devotees at the same time. Therefore to expect that the emotional impulses of each devotee would be immediately reciprocated by the master is not the correct approach. Such an unstable mental state of the devotee indicates a lack of faith in the master. If the devotee is convinced that the Sadguru is always busy in helping a large number of His devotees, at the same time, he (the devotee) should take care to see that he does not disturb the master for frivolous issues.

    The master is best left to carry on His magnificent and universal work. This understanding on the part of the devotee will make the master comfortable.

    Shri C. B. Satpathy

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    ……“So far so good, but does it prove the end of the role of the Sadguru in relation to the souls that He had drawn towards Himself from far and near and with whom He had ‘Rinanubandha’, a karmic relationship established during many past lives?

    Although, many religious and spiritual people hold the view that a master after leaving his human body cannot help the disciples yet in the case of Sri Sainath the experience of the disciples has been quite different. I have had the opportunity of knowing some of the devotees of Baba who had been with Him before His departure. I have spoken with some of them and also got their experiences recorded through some ardent devotees.

    All of them categorically confirmed that many unexplainable and miraculous events with relation to Baba are still happening around their existence as used to be earlier when Baba was there in His physical body at Shirdi.

    Most of the books written on Baba’s life history and devotee’s experience undoubtedly establish the happening of certain miracles experienced by Sai devotees, not only before the departure of Baba but even today. Earlier, there were thousands of devotees mostly confined to Maharashtra.

    But, today the increase in the number of Sai devotees is an astounding phenomenon which is difficult to explain, but more difficult to deny.

     More than a thousand temples of Sri Sai have come up in India and hundreds are in the process of construction at various stages.

    Where it is not possible for devotees to build Baba’s temples separately, small and big statues have been installed inside precincts of temple complexes housing other deities.

    The activities concerning Sri Sainath today are so multi-dimensional and widespread, all over the country and abroad, that one cannot comprehend their total effect in the lives of the devotees and on the religious spiritual life of India and other places.

    The researchers on Baba in India and other countries, who have written a number of books on Him, need to take up thorough research on this aspect.

    This logically brings to mind one question - if after His departure, the spirit of Sri Sai is not active, then how are all these happening? Can it be believed to be a mere chance occurrence or is there a bigger or subtler law of nature, which is manifesting through these activities.

    Any sensitive mind with some amount of understanding of the spiritual history of the world will surely perceive the reality of a quietly emerging Sai movement. This movement is based on the principles of humanism, universalism, tolerance and mutual co-operation of the highest order. These are principles on the basis of which any civilized society exists and any religion continues. We are all waiting for “dawning the Age of Sai” who, I believe, is the “Incarnation of the Age”. In this decade the world will see the emergence of international Sai movement and hundreds of temples will be built in a number of countries. History indicates that the role of the incarnations has been more pronounced after they had left their gross body.

    The world needs someone to lead it and bring about unity among the strife-ridden and mutually intolerant religious, social and racial groups. Sri Sai preached and practiced the unity of the highest order based on the principles of love and tolerance in the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century.

    In this millennium it will lead the world in the path of peace and progress.”…….


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    ……“Devotees speak volumes about their masters. They speak on the Master’s glory, personality, activities, miracles, their personal experiences, and of other devotees and group activities etc. Particularly, when it comes to Shri Sainath Maharaj devotees speak more about dreams with relation to Him, their own experience, which they call miracles and on their emotive interaction with Baba. In short, they experience Him as a Personal God, who can be a Sadguru or a deity. Some of them worship a number of Personal Gods at the same time and therefore, find it difficult to focus on one. In any case the One Ultimate has to be beyond all the Personal Gods.

     A Personal God, by whatever name, is called Saguna (with certain qualities and powers) Sakara (a form which a human mind can ordinarily comprehend). A finer understanding of God is Nirguna (beyond such limited qualities and powers), Nirakara (beyond specific forms). Nirguna Nirakara - this means seeing or experiencing the essence of God or that Ultimate reality or Brahma in all its creations, i.e., in the devotee himself and in the entire manifested and non-manifested creation around him.

    By this logic all statues or paintings, structures (like Samadhis), names, Aartis, Mantras, Charan Padukas, etc. are symbols of God and certainly not God, the Ultimate. Such symbols are generally worshipped and contemplated on, as it is easy for the limited human mind to comprehend them. The question is whether the human mind should necessarily be limited, or a path should be chosen to keep it limited. If any path or any religion prescribes such an approach, it itself is limited. Hinduism prescribes certain methods by which a devotee can graduate from Sakara (limited form of) worship to Nirakara (form-less) worship. Religion means both ritualism and spiritualism.

    Unless one transcends ritualism, it is difficult to enter into the arena of spiritualism in the true sense of the term. Spiritualism means to follow the true diktats of the spirit within. Generally speaking, ‘the spirit within’ means the soul, which is a part of that God, the Ultimate who encompasses both the seen and unseen, the living and non-living aspects of nature and from the smallest particles to biggest stars. Spiritualism, therefore, has necessarily to expand the spirit of the soul from its limited body-bounden awareness to a vast cosmic awareness. If sheer ritualism like Puja, Archana, Yagyans does not uplift the spirit of the individual or expand his mental horizon, it certainly is not spiritualism.

    Generally, it is due to the lack of understanding of what real spiritualism means that most of the devotees spend their whole life doing certain rituals without progressing. From multiple forms of God to a single form God to a formless state of God is the real prescription for spiritualism. Multiple form worships (i.e. of deities etc.) do not give focus on a particular form. Since these various symbolic representations of different aspects of nature go with various functions and powers, a person worshipping these forms gets scared to stop such worship even when he understands that he has to graduate to a formless state of worship.

    For example, Shri Ganapati is for the removal of obstructions, Shri Durga is for protection against enemies or Shri Laxmi is for prosperity or Shri Hanumana for courage, etc. No doubt that all the four deities are manifestations of the Ultimate One but then on whom does the devotee concentrate? Where then is the question of what is called “Ekagra Chitta” as a sine-qua-non for subtle experience of God. In such a situation one has to choose one of the two ways. Either to worship the Ultimate One (Nirguna Nirakara) going beyond the worship of these deities or to evolve through these limited forms to the Ultimate reality through Gyana Marga (Path of Knowledge). All spiritual practitioners in all ages, of whichever religion, have gone through this process of leaving the forms and contemplating on the formless state of God or in experiencing the formless state of God through the forms. The Perfect Masters or Sadgurus always taught the same method to their disciples at a certain stage of evolution. Those who followed them and tried to experience the impersonal aspects of God evolved faster than those that stuck on to the Personal aspect of God only. Thus Baba has clearly stated in Shri Sai Satcharitra that the best way of worship is to experience Him as a Formless, Universal existence.

     If not, to worship Him with a form. Therefore, the devotee of Baba while worshipping Him with a form, should always try to experience Him as the formless. But then, the big question is how to be focused and be in a state of “Ekagra Chitta” when too many forms are contemplated on at the same time. Is not the form of the Sadguru enough!”…….

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    Guruji Shri C. B. Satpathy

    Spontaneous human nature is to have an amicable inter relationship with individuals, groups or situations, which are considered more powerful. Before the evolution of the cerebral potentialities, the earliest human beings considered the forces of nature like fire, cloud and even some other species to be more powerful than themselves and thus started the earliest systems of worship.

    This concept of God at the level of consciousness of the earliest human beings was interpreted as more powerful forces of nature around and was based sheerly on fear. Gradually, with the expansion of the thinking capacities, the human race started understanding about the all pervading and subtle forces of nature which they called God.

    Gradually they realised that behind the manifested forms of sun and fire, there exists a subtle consciousness. They further knew that this subtle consciousness is the primordial causative force creating the visible and non-visible aspects of the universe.

    The developed intellect and expanded consciousness of the spiritual minds of India delved deep into these subtle causative forces of the universe and realised that the existence of an eternal entity can be defined as God and the Ultimate Truth. This primordial entity known in Vedas as 'Param Purusha' is not bound by time, space or mutability although it creates time, space and mutability. 
    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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      • Sai Baba
    Guruji Shri C. B. Satpathy

    Devotees are often heard to be saying that Shri Sainath Maharaj or Baba is either angry with them or is not taking care of them as before for reasons which they fail to understand. Such an attitude indicates a highly personalized approach. It is a unique feature of the Sai faith that the devotees get highly emotionally attached to Him even though he has no more physical presence. Psychologically they depend a lot on Shri Shirdi Sai for solace, guidance and more importantly for getting a solution to their day to day mundane problems. For most of the devotees He is a part of their lives. They worship Him, they read about Him, they meditate on Him, they do Naamjaap, they talk about Him a lot without getting tired and the hold Lungers and even donate alms to beggars in his name. Some of the ardent devotees even before taking any food or drink offer it to Baba mentally. Like children they collect all sorts of photographs, trinkets and other articles related to Baba. Such activities are a pointer to the fact that they are ever in search of Baba in their mind and soul and wish to establish an intense relationship with Him.

    It has been observed that a devotee when he first enters into the fold of Shri Sai Baba’s divine and magnanimous personality gets attracted to him in a very short time which ordinary human reasoning can not explain. When Baba was there in Shirdi many of the devotees used to go into a spiritual trance or sort of emotional hype at the very look at Baba. Such examples find a depiction in Shri Sai Satcharitra and many other books like Khaparde’s diary etc. Such was the attraction of the master that when a non believer like Balasaheb Bhate met Baba for the first time he just decided to stay back and settle down in Shirdi forever and later resigned from the government service only to serve Baba for the rest of his life.

    Most of the devotees hold Baba’s relation with them as their most prized possession. Baba before departing from his physical embodiment had assured his devotees that he would continue to protect them from his invisible abode. He had even said that whenever His devotees would call him earnestly he would make his presence felt in some way or the other and also render help to remove their difficulties. Incidents happening in the lives of most of the devotees after Baba had taken Samadhi show that Baba continues to keep his promise.

    Thus Shri Sainath Maharaj continues to render love, assurance, protection and faith to all his devotees. At times being busy tackling their earthly problems, the devotees are not in a position to remember Baba as much as they used to do earlier. In such a situation, they feel an emotional vacuum in them. Lets just understand this sense of void in the devotee when the feeling towards the Sadguru reduces in its intensity through the example of the sun and the sunlight. The light rays continuously emanate from the sun and the sunlight falls on earth. When the sky is clouded the Sun’s rays cannot be seen. Similarly, Baba’s love and protection towards devotees flows continuously but some of the devotees do not experience it when their life is engulfed by worldly clouds.

    Sai Nath maharaj often used to tell devotees at Shirdi in no uncertain terms that whosoever prays to him intensely and intimately would certainly receive His grace, help and experience. Once the teacher - pupil emotional rapport is established, the pupil is bound to go through a series of alternative emotional experiences. Sometimes he will feel flooded with loving emotions towards his master and sometimes he will feel a sense of emotional void. This bipolar emotional situation is not due to the change in the mood of the master as perceived by devotees because a perfect master is a perfect soul. The reason for such a feeling in the devotee lies in the devotee himself. Hence, whenever such a situation comes the devotee should not get bogged down under his own emotional pressures and feel frustrated. Instead he should pray Baba to stabilize his emotions towards Him. Every devotee should try to understand that a perfect master has a thousand things to do for benefit of innumerable number of devotees at the same time. Therefore to expect that the emotional impulses of each devotee would be immediately reciprocated by the master is not the correct approach. Such an unstable mental state of the devotee indicates a lack of faith in the master. If the devotee is convinced that the Sadguru is always busy in helping a large number of His devotees, at the same time, he (the devotee) should take care to see that he does not disturb the master for frivolous issues. The master is best left to carry on His magnificent and universal work. This understanding on the part of the devotee will make the master comfortable.

    Shri C. B. Satpathy

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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      • Sai Baba

    By B. Umamaheswara Rao

     (Founder Editor - 'Sai Prabha and Editor 'Sainatha Prabha')

    It is not Easy


    - to apologize

    - to begin again

    - to admit error

    - to be unselfish

    - to face a sneer

    - to be considerate

    - to endure success and prosperity

    - to keep on trying in difficulties

    - to profit by mistakes

    - to forgive and forget

    - to think and then act manfully

    - to make best of what is God-given

    - to shoulder deserved blame

    - to subdue an ugly temper

    - to master a critical tongue NO! IT IS NOT EASY AT ALL.


    'Shraddha' and 'Saburi' are the two-paisa dakshina that Lord Sai asked his devotees to give him to be led to His holy feet. The devotee loves Sai, as the child its mother, as the servant his master with complete dependence on Him.

    Let us open out our hearts fully before Lord Sainath. Let us lay our hearts bare, confess all our shortcomings and weaknesses and appeal for strength to conquer them.

    To increase bhakti in Sai, three things are necessary.

    1. Constant repetition of Sai-nam 'OM SAI SRI SAIJAYA JAYA SAI'.

    2. To see Lord Sai in all objects and beings.

    3. To undergo all difficulties and sorrows in a spirit of resignation and renunciation.


    All our weaknesses are destroyed the moment we surrender ourselves to Lord Sainath. The self surrender should not be only for a time. It must be continuous and the consciousness of the ego must leave us entirely and forever.


    1.       Acknowledgement of Sai-will as supreme:

    Our ego refuses to submit to this truth and makes us suffer from disappointments and doubts. Let us always remember that Sai is the sole-doer and we are all merely instruments in His hands.


    2.      Realisation that Sai is always good, loving and compassionate:

    So Sai-will works only for good. He is kind and compassionate. This gives us the necessary strength to patiently endure every trial and grief, seeing in it the hidden good, as in the apparent harsh treatment of the child by its mother when she chastises her child for its good.


    3.            Every moment is a part of Sai-eternity: Acceptance of the fact that Sai has assured the form

    of the Universe of all creatures, of all beings and things in it. Let us consider every thing and every being as manifestation of Lord Sai. Then we have nothing to dislike or hate. Here we create an ocean of love in which we immerse ourselves and enjoy eternal bliss. "BE EVER IN SHIRDI SAI-BE-THUS IN SAIJOY".


    4.             This is an ideal that every Sai-devotee must have. Let us all strive to achieve it one hundred percent.



    In this age of affluence many people........ When they meet obstacles....... give up and take the course of least resistance. They refuse to stand up and face their problems eye-to-eye.


    Little do they realize that sometimes the things against which they rebel most in life and look upon as obstacles are what they need most to develop their highest usefulness and efficiency.


    If a diamond could talk, it would undoubtedly express resentment against the abrasive, grinding contact of the jeweler's wheel that grinds and polishes its facets. Yet.... without the jeweler's grinding wheel, the diamond has little commercial value. The swiftly revolving wheel cuts into the surface of the diamond and from a common-appearing pebble produces a gem of beauty that is admired and sought after. There is no other way to make a diamond except by grinding and polishing.


    In the same way, human life must be subjected to difficulties, adversities, and discipline in order to bring out those qualities that will make life of value to the owner.



    Charles V called his son one day and showing him a beautiful sword and a sacred book, said, ''Choose between these two objects." The son preferred the breviary, and when the Emperor asked the reason for his decision, he simply replied, "My Father, with the sword I could conquer a kingdom, but with prayer I could gain Heaven which is more lasting and happier."

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    Dussehra Message

    There are a few major differences between other species and the human beings. Human beings or the homo-sapiens race has established itself as the most superior race on this earth because of the superiority of its mental faculties. These capacities grew stage by stage through innumerable number of self experiments conducted by nature on itself. What we call as nature is the limited manifestation of the sovereign divine power called Brahma or Ishwara. Thus, that ultimate power manifested as universe, solar system, earth etc. Thereafter, it created the living organisms, birds, animals and ultimately human beings through different stages of growth in consciousness.

    All other species have instinctive intelligence but what human beings exclusively possess is intellect. This intellectual consciousness of a man is a combination of his mental faculties like memory, recall, analytical ability and his heart qualities like love-hatred, selfishness-self sacrifice, anger-calmness, intolerance-patience etc. The highly developed human brain computer takes all these factors into consideration in giving a solution to any problem. It is again this intellect that has created the loftiest and greatest systems in the earth - social, economic, religious, political and spiritual etc.

    Man's intellect has penetrated into the micro world of elements and the macro dimensions of space. The last two to three decades has witnessed "intellectual explosion" in the world. Movement in space, cloning of animals, transplantation of human organs, sub-earth discoveries, micro analysis of elements, wire-less communication to mention a few, have revolutionalised human civilization and given human beings immense power to control nature, almost bordering on divinity.

    Commensurately, the pressure on human brain has increased tremendously. Newer concepts are entering into our thinking system making the old concepts redundant. It is happening so fast that most of us are finding it difficult to adjust to this rapid transition whereas it is easy for the new generations to adjust at a faster pace due to the nascent state of their mind. The older generations find it to be heavily at odds with their old concepts and style of thinking. This obviously is creating a lot of mal-adjustment in individuals with different levels of sensitivities and also greater mal-adjustment in the social fabric. Such mal-adjustments are reflecting in the assertion of selfish individualism beyond proportions, discords between parents and off-springs, large number of divorce in marital life, material approach to emotional aspects of life and a mad-race to compete in the material world at the cost of finer aspects of life. This has happened in many civilizations earlier and by the law of self-contradiction these civilizations went down. This mal-adjustment between the material and the emotional world brought in the down fall of the mighty Roman, Indus-valley and many other civilizations.

    The answer to such confusion does not lie in assertion of egoism or selfish individualism at the cost of greater social good but to accept others ways of living both with its positive and negative traits. Love is not acceptance of only the best in the loved one but is the total acceptance of the entire personality. This is what Baba preached and practiced at Shirdi. Only was He capable of bringing the divergent groups of individuals belonging to different castes, religions, creeds and different socio-economic status under a single banner - i.e. the banner of humanism. The world needs to follow this concept today, to make tomorrow a better place to live.

    (A message from Guruji Shri C.B.Satpathy) 

    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.

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    ……“What is the simple path then?

    The devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai know that whoever surrenders to Him, He takes care.

    The Sadguru is the repository of all Shaktis.

    Because He carries on the wishes of the ‘Parabramha’, therefore, all Shaktis of the ‘Parabramha’ assist Him

    whenever He wishes. Whenever we surrender to Him, the support of whatever Shakti is necessary will be

    provided by Him, whether it is for material benefit or spiritual upliftment. To various devotees He has

    shown Himself in the form of different deities and Avatars - Vishnu, Maruti, Krishna, Shiva, etc.

    On the day of Dussehra, He is to be worshipped as Durga.

    Whatever He is, for us He is our most dear, most loving and most caring Sai.

    He is our father, mother, friend and Guru.”…….


    A Person, who has controlled his mind, can achieve any success in his life. How far you are trying to control your mind?
    The mind that judges not others ever remains tension-free.


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