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Re: The Blessed Ones
« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2012, 08:21:00 PM »
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  • In 1927, I went to Shirdi for chowla, i.e., tuft ceremony of Kaluram. Then Baba's direction to me to go to Deopur which I had neglected till then was again stressed on me, through another saint who had come up to Shirdi. That was Nanu Maharaj or Sripad Narsoba Panchlegankar, aged only fifteen. He asked me without any intimation to him of what or who I was or what Baba told me about anugraha (initiation).
    "Have you been to Deopur?”

    I was taken aback. I answered in the negative.

    N: Why?

    I: There is no one at Deopur older than myself (in my Guru's line) for me to accept my Guru and get anugraha.

    N: What of that? My Guru is younger than I.   His name is 'Doi Pode' and your Guru's name is Bhagavat.

    Sri Narsoba promised to show me his Guru later. Accepting this reminder, I carried out Sai Baba's order and went to Deopur and accepted anugraha. I had never met Sri Narsoba before. Next year, I learnt that Narsoba was arriving at Bombay V.T. As his train steamed in and came to a stop, from his compartment he beckoned to me as I stood amidst a crowd and showed me his Guru, an eight-year-old youth, Sripad Ramakrishna Doi Pode. Sri Narsoba is doing "Sudhi" work; I have not met him after 1928. His Guru is still a student (for Matriculation Exam.) at Guntur (Madras Presidency).

    will be continued...
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #46 on: May 10, 2012, 05:59:48 AM »
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  • I will close this long account with one instance of Baba's response to my prayer for help to strangers. On 3-12-1923 I was seated in my house at Andheri, facing the road. One Mr. Noel was driving his car along the road. A little girl, daughter of Vittal, was knocked down by the car. As I saw it I prayed, "Baba, save her". The car stopped, I went down and picked up the child and took her to the hospital. The stopping of the car before the child was crushed was a miracle. The break in the car was not working. Then on examination it was found, though the break was not put on, a stone had somehow got into the gear and that was how the car suddenly stopped in time. Looking at the injuries to the girl, the Sub-Assistant Surgeon feared they would prove fatal. But I told him, "Sai Baba would save her". She continued as an inpatient in the hospital for fifteen days and she recovered her health; but her power of speech was not restored. That continued to be her condition for nine months. Then Das Ganu came to Andheri and I told him the facts. He told me to give her Baba's Udhi again for restoring her speech. I again gave her Udhi. The next day she began to speak. This was most marvellous. She is alive now and speaks very well.

    Baba kindly give me opportunities of doing service to others. In 1926, he appeared to me in a dream and bade me go and tell Mr. K.G. Kothare (Bar-at-law) "not to do what he was proposing to do". Despite the vagueness of the message, I went to him and delivered the message. He thanked me for it and informed me that it referred to the step he had been intending to take. He wanted to give up his Grihastasram and become a Sanyasi. He gave up the idea, at that time.

    Source: Devotees Experiences of SRI SAI BABA by B.V.NARASIMHASWAMIJI

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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #47 on: May 10, 2012, 10:46:13 AM »
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  • Sri Narayan Asram
    Dady Agiary St., BOMBAY. Sanyasi and disciple of Vedasrama Swami (Taraka Mutt, Durgaghat, Kashi), residing at Vaman Muth, Gangapuri Wai, (Satara District), aged 58, 23rd SEPT. 1936

    I knew Sai Baba, i.e., heard the name and the greatness of Sai Baba in 1910 from Das Ganu Maharaj's kirtana. I asked him "Is Sai Baba living?" He said "Yes, at Shirdi." In five days of that I went to Shirdi and saw Sai Baba. In six months thereafter, I paid Baba nine visits. I often went to him in later years also. I was then in service, in the Customs Department and continued in it till 1926 when I retired on pension after 31 years service. 1927-1930 I spent in "Narmada Pradakshina". In 1931, I took Sanyas changing my former name “Toser" to the present one. I came first under a Guru's influence in 1895 whom I saw in a dream. When I went to Shirdi in 1910 and had my contact with Sai Baba, I found that he was the same as the Guru who gave me first inspiration (without any words) in my dream in 1895. Then I passed after 1918 into the charge of Vasudevanand Saraswati of Garudeshwar on the banks of Narmada near Nanded (in Gujarat). Though Vasudevanand Saraswati left the flesh in 1915 he had connection with Baba. I believe that Baba has left me in his charge. So, Vedasrama Swami of Kashi, Taraka Muth, Durgaghat, gave me deeksha in 1931.

    I mostly stay at Wai. As for my internal progress and Sai Baba's infulence on me, it is hardly a thing to be described.

    Sai Baba had different ways of dealing with different people. He was the centre and to each man he darted a separate radius. Most cared for external things only and hardly any came to him for the highest spiritual benefit of Atma Nishta. Hari Sitaram Dixit, Chandorkar and Dabholkar were probably those who came close enough to him to receive high teaching. Yet it is a question if any of them got into Atma Nishta or anywhere near that. Baba had made Dixit read Eknath's two works, as he was but a beginner in the religious field and had to develop his bhakti (devotion) chiefly. Of course, immediate proximity was not needed for development under Baba. When I was at Shirdi, I would mostly go and sit away by myself in the (Sathe) Wada and not be at the Mosque. Even at the Wada, one is under Baba's direct influence.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #48 on: May 11, 2012, 05:57:12 AM »
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  • As for Baba's own state, that is a thing one can get a glimpse of from some facts. Baba had a way of touching (with his palm) the head of the devotee who went to him. There was no adhikari evidently to receive everything Baba could give and thus there was none to succeed to his position. But his touch did convey certain impulses, forces, ideas, etc. Sometimes he pressed his hand heavily on the head as though he was crushing out some of the lower impulses of the devotee. Sometimes he tapped, sometimes he made a pass with the palm over the head etc. Each had its own effect-making remarkable difference in the sensations or feelings of the devotee.

    Baba's touch was one means. Apart from that, he would invisibly operate on the nature of the devotee and effect a great change on him. He graciously conveyed to me without any words, the feeling that differences (between various souls etc.) i.e. all differences were unreal, that the One real thing is that which underlines all. This was after my first visit-in 1913 or 1914 perhaps. But Baba never spoke out this truth so far as I know. Obviously there was no competent adhikari who had to be spoken to in that way.

    I have not given out my experience though Mr.Dixit and Mr.Dabholkar asked me for it. I have never heard Baba utter Mahavakyas or say things of Sankaracharya's Atmabodha or Viveka Chudamani or anything on those lines.

    When I went first in 1910 no crowds had come. Baba was mostly silent then. Very soon Bombay crowds began to pour upon Shirdi. Then Baba was being pressed into new habits and ways. Devotees to suit their own tastes forced numerous forms and observances on Baba and made him a mere man shining with the aid of the shows they arranged for him. His real greatness shone by itself without forms and rigid observances and pomp, and was shut out by these. These reduced Baba to earthly grandeur.

    Baba spoke to me only a few words - but they were direct and plain words. He did not talk to me in parables. He began to employ parable in teaching the numerous people that flocked to him. There is a great deal of parallelism between Sri Sai of Shirdi and Akkalkote Maharaj and that can be found by reading the life of Akkalkote Maharaj. The latter also hardly ever spoke of Adwaitic realization. He was a greater Karmata, (i.e., follower of rigid Karmamarga, the path of works) and insister on forms than Sai Baba. Baba was trying to push people just a few steps above their level.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #49 on: May 11, 2012, 10:10:13 AM »
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  • Das Ganu told me that Baba referred to one Daji Maharaj, a saintly grihastha Brahmin, who lived at the village Dangar Takidi near Nanded (in Nizam's State) as "my brother." That Maharaj passed away in 1934. He was practising Gayatri Purascharan. He said one day in 1914 at Dangar Takidi, “Yesterday, Sai Baba came here in the form of Maruti and there was a great rumbling noise at his arrival".

    My father and I are Maruti worshippers. I installed a new Maruti image and got a temple built and consecrated in 1918 at Ville Parle, Hanuman Street. I had to name the God, and I called it Sai Hanuman, remembering that Sai was Hanuman. I gifted that temple by deed to my brother. The very day this temple was consecrated at Ville Parle, Baba gave, it seems, Rs.25 to a Brahmin named Vaze and made him perform Satya Narayan Puja at Shirdi. People connect these two events. When I was first visiting Shirdi, I was heterodox and could hardly be taken for a brahmin. Regard for Samskaras grew on me. I never cared for Siddhis. I seldom attended Baba's Chavadi procession even when I was at Shirdi.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #50 on: May 11, 2012, 07:40:07 PM »
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  • My father and I are Maruti worshippers. I installed a new Maruti image and got a temple built and consecrated in 1918 at Ville Parle, Hanuman Street. I had to name the God, and I called it Sai Hanuman, remembering that Sai was Hanuman. I gifted that temple by deed to my brother. The very next day this temple was consecrated at Ville Parle, Baba gave, it seems, Rs.25 to a Brahmin named Vaze and made him perform Satya Narayan Puja at Shirdi. People connect these two events. When I was first visiting Shirdi, I was heterodox and could hardly be taken for a brahmin. Regard for Samskaras grew on me. I never cared for Siddhis. I seldom attended Baba's Chavadi procession even when I was at Shirdi.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #51 on: May 12, 2012, 07:53:24 AM »
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  • I was desirous of getting Sanyas even before I got married. I actually got it only in 1931. But the way was being paved. My mother and wife are living; but I have no issue. Two children were born and they passed away after a few days of existence on this earth, one in 1900, the other in 1915. Brahmacharya is essential to Sanyasa. The fact that a wife is living in the house is no impediment to my Brahmacharya. If I look upon my mother like any other human being without special attachment, that is no hindrance to Sanyasa. The Samskara of going through Sanyasa gave me a great impetus. Sai Baba never spoke to me (or so far as I remember, to anyone else) about the desirability, necessity or disadvantages of a life of Sanyasa. About changes of caste, Ashrama, Guru, methods of Sadhana, caste observances, etc., he had one and the same advice or prescription "Each must stick to his lot and get on."

    The Guru after all is a medium, a means to realize your own self. He gives you a push and then you have to exert yourself and go higher and hold to your height. Sai Baba thus was a medium though one responsible for considerable and momentous advance in my spiritual history. Before I went to Shirdi, one Vinayak Bhat Shadale (supported by the Kolhapur State) whom I met in 1900 and who had made me read bits of Yoga-Vashishta with zest was also a "medium" for me.

    With one help at one time and a second at another, one has to go on steadily and realize the self.

    Source: Devotees Experiences of SRI SAI BABA by B.V.NARASIMHASWAMIJI
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #52 on: May 12, 2012, 12:47:18 PM »
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  • Raghuvir B. Purandhare

    S/o Bhaskar Purandhare, aged 60, Brahmin, Deshasth Shukla Yajur Vedi (Kelva Mahim, Thana Dist - originally)Bandra, Retired clerk of G.I.P. Rly, Sainath Ashram, 59-B, Perry Road, Bandra

    I heard first of Sai Baba in 1909 and went to see him. I was always desirous of association with Sadhus, saintly people. I heard he was a Saint, so I felt attracted to him. He appeared in my dream and called me to Shirdi. At that time my elder daughter (aged then six months) was very ill and so my mother objected to my. going. I still presisted in going to Shirdi and I took my wife, that child and my mother with me to Shirdi. I remained there (first visit) for thirteen days. On the third day of my visit, the child got alright. Baba did not permit me to go back till the thirteenth day. I did not ask him about any matter. He told my mother that for seven centuries, he (Sai Baba) was connected with me. "I will not forget him, I will always remember him even if he is away more than 2000 miles. I will not eat even a bit without him," said Baba. Then I started away to Nasik with his permission. We went back to Dadar where I was living. My wife got an attack of cholera and the doctor gave her up as hopeless. I gave Baba's Udhi and Tirtha to her. I saw Baba at the side of Datta Mandir in front of my Dadar house and he ordered me to give the Udhi and Tirtha and so I gave her the Udhi and Tirtha. Half an hour later, she had recovered sufficient warmth and the doctor felt hopeful of her recovery and she recovered. Since then I visited Baba very often and stayed long periods at Shirdi in obedience to Baba's order. Baba would occasionally ask Mr.H.S.Dixit to write to me to go over. I have visited Baba often with Dixit.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #53 on: May 13, 2012, 07:02:57 AM »
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  • I went with no worldly motives, though I was very poor; I was an orphan. He told me to continue my previous Upasana. I was and am fond of worshipping Vishnu and of prayers. I continued the same. He asked me several times for Rs.2 only. Once I asked him what for he asked always for Rs.2. He then said, "It is not these Rupees I want. I want Nishta, i.e., concentrated faith and Saburi (patience)." I replied I had given these, faith in him and was patiently awaiting progress. He told me to keep up Nishta and to be strict and anxious to fulfil all promises I made. "You should have truth always with you. Then I will be always with you, wherever you are and at all times." I promised to try my best and wanted his help for controlling my mind. "Please get that done by me", I told him. He agreed. All this was at my very first visit. He then told me to buy my own house. I had only Rs.35 salary. By his grace, in three years time I got the house. At once as soon as he said "Buy," I purchased a plot and began to build and in three years, the building was finished at Bandra, wherein I am still living. "Do not ask for a single pie from anyone. I will help you myself." I was slow at first in building. He threw stones at me for my delay. Nana S.C. and H.S.Dixit offered to build it for me. But Baba would not permit it. I then took a loan from my office of Rs.500 and built it. It was a lonely building in a field. Baba said that he was sitting himself there and guarding me and my young wife. So I stayed on. I lost my wife in 1920.
    He often insisted on my adherence to truth. I am now joint-treasurer of Baba's Samasthan. After Baba's demise, he would appear to me and order me to go and stay at Shirdi and attend to duties relating to Samasthan. I see and recognize his control over me in all details of what I have to do and am doing.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #54 on: May 13, 2012, 08:55:35 PM »
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  • He directed me to co-operate with Kaka Saheb Dixit (i.e., H.S.Dixit) and told Kaka Saheb to cooperate with me. We two acted together as intimates.

    He never talked to me of Dhyana. He never asked anybody to pray to him only. "Continue your usual prayers, be it to Shanker or to Vishnu," he said. He used to give Darshan to the devotee in that form, e.g., S. or V. or Goddess, whichever the devotee adored.

    About 1913 - My mother was long pressing me to go to Pandharpur. I did not mention the matter to Baba to get the necessary permission. Baba himself broached the subject of going to Pandharpur and asked her when she was hoping to start. Then Baba gave my wife and mother Darshan of himself as Vithoba and Rukmai, at Shirdi Masjid. They were highly pleased and did not want to go to Pandharpur. He often asked her afterwards when she would go to Pandharpur. She always replied thereafter that her God was there at Shirdi which was her Pandharpur. When my wife was ill once before her delivery, Baba appeared in a dream and applied Udhi on  her and  she got up and cried, "Baba  came and applied  Udhi fresh and  hot from the Dhuni. My body is burning. Then she got alright. Like this, Baba has appeared several times.

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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #55 on: May 14, 2012, 01:17:01 PM »
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  • When in great difficultly, I always cried before his picture at home. He would then appear before me at once and comfort me. Nana S.C. told me of Baba's sending a man with Udhi to help his daughter in her delivery in ill-health at Jamner; that a tongawalla and horses not sent by him fetched the messenger and disappeared. That messenger is a Ramgir Gosavi still alive at Shirdi. Baba used to call him Babugir. Nana's two sons, Babu and Bapu, are at Kalyan in "Chandorkar Wada, Kalyan". A daughter of his is living at Poona. Nana was proud of his Sanskrit knowledge. Sai Baba asked him to explain ‚Thadviddi Pranipathen etc., and he did. Baba corrected him and explained it better. This is mentioned in (Satcharitra) Ch. 2 on that matter: Ch. 31, 32 & 33 of "Bhakta Lilamrit" by D.G. and I Ch. in "Santa Katamrit" by D.G. and "Bhavartha Deepika" by Dabholkar

    Sri Sai never talked in my presence about Adwaita, etc. He said always "Allah will protect," "God protects us all, the poor, etc."
     He never said in my presence that he (Sai) is in all. But he often identified himself with God.

    I do not remember his talking of Pranayama, Kundalini, etc., and I never cared for these. N.S.Chandorkar said that Baba knew Sanskrit. Baba took up Bhagavata, etc., and pointed out passages to people as specially suitable for them. This supports N.S.C.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #56 on: May 15, 2012, 04:07:54 AM »
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  • Baba's foreknowledge of his own death:
    Two years before 1918 Dusserah, i.e., Dusserah of 1916 Baba burnt all his Kupny, langote and kerchief which he took off saying "This is my Simollangan". People make Shami worship and present Shami leaves to each other and cross their frontier, as though they were having a successful raid on that day. When people asked him why he burnt out his clothes on this special holiday, he said, "This is my Simollangan," i.e., "crossing the border." Two hours later, he wore new clothes, Kupni, langotee and headkerchief - just as all people wear new clothes on that day. He remained two hours naked after burning the clothes he wore and was fierce. People forced him to wear these new clothes then, which were always ready by the dozen.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #57 on: May 15, 2012, 10:28:30 AM »
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  • Baba told Ramachandra Dada Patel (who was ill then) that Tatya Patel - the head of his family - 'would go away on this day, after two years'. Two years after that, Tatya was seriously ill. Baba also was ill for a week before Dusserah; Baba gave up the body and Tatya recovered. So people say that Baba gave up his own life to save Tatya's i.e., in exchange of Tatya's. Such examples we find in the lives of other saints. Even now, Baba is saving life. Here is an instance.

    In 1932 - I was hopelessly ill of Sciatica and Rheumatism. I then saw Yama's dutas near me. But Sai Baba came up, sat on my bed, took my hand on his knee and prevented Yamadutas touching me or my bed. I was saved.

    I was very passionate, i.e., hot-tempered. He told me often, "If anybody comes and abuses you or punishes you, do not quarrel with him. If you cannot endure it, speak a simple word or two or else go away from the place. But do not battle with him and behave like that. I feel sick and disgusted when you quarrel with others. He said this to me and to others also several times.

    Twelve or fifteen days before S.'s death, he drove away myself and Dixit to Bombay. He told us, "I will go further and you follow me." He gave us permission to go, at the Masjid saying, "my Turbat (Tomb) will speak; my name also will speak, my mutti, i.e., clay will give you replies" and told us to clear away. We went away in a bullock cart. He had no disease at that time and we did not expect his death then. He had spoken these words previously and we did not understand their import or importance. Baba never talked in my presence of the goal of life or about Mukti, or Swarga or Paradise. He said once "I will take my Kaka in Vimana."
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #58 on: May 16, 2012, 05:59:32 AM »
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  • In 1926 on an Ekadasi in perfect peace and talking of Baba, Kaka Dixit suddenly expired. Baba has often said to me and to others, "He who is mine, even if he dies 1000 miles off, I will drag him to myself just as we draw a sparrow with a thread" and to many people he said, "I will not allow my man to get away from me." I saw some devotees dying at Shirdi on Ekadasi. They must have got Swarga thus. Baba did not, to my knowledge, describe Kylash, Vykuntha, Swarga or Moksha.

    In 1914-6 or so, Baba was asked by a lady, "When will I get a good birth?"

    Baba: "In your next birth." Next day, she jumped into a well to end her life but was saved. He occasionally foretold the future. I never asked about my own future. 'Taking in Vimana" means Sadgati.

    Baba advised one Sagun Meru Naik to put some ghee on the rice and place the rice with ghee in the Dhuni (fire) as an offering and then bring the rest to him. This was in his (Sai Baba's) lifetime. Ever since then, S.M.N is doing this. Baba ate that food. That food was brought from his (S.M.N's) own house. Previous to that, his Naivedya had no ghee. The Naivedya is still coninued by that man. ( I have not seen Baba eating animal food). He told Fakris to utter Fatya when Moslems made offerings.
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    Re: The Blessed Ones
    « Reply #59 on: May 16, 2012, 09:49:29 AM »
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  • Once he asked me to give him all the old copper coins I had. I gave him all I had. I don't know what he did with them. He had all old coins tied neatly in a cloth (so as not to make any jingling noise) and kept them in his side pockets. He asked me for Dakshina. I gave up everything. Once I thought I had nothing left of all my coins. Then Baba said, "You have still a two anna'piece in your pocket. See." I saw and found it and gave him that also. He used to completely exhaust the finances of many in this way. I do not know with what object he did that. Some people asked him why he wanted so much money. Baba replied, "I am not asking of every one. I ask only from the man whom the Fakir (God) points out. But in exchange, I have to give that man ten times" the money. I do not take money for my own use. I have no family etc." He used to give the money freely to all people, singers, tamashi, Fakirs, etc. He used to bring lots of fuel for his Dhunimayi - mother fire at the Dwarkamayi.

    The Tulasi grove (Brindavan) at the mosque was put up after 1909, 1911 or 1912. We all helped in that. The Mantap (or Tin shed) in front of the Masjid was put up in 1912. G.S.Khaparde explained Panchadashi, etc., in Sathe's Wada. Upasani Baba also attended there. I never attended, as I was busy with works always. Balvant Ramachandra Noolkar was a retired Sub-Judge. He came, lived and died at Shirdi.
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