Baba...good morning.
Yesterday my colleague died. I dont know him personally. I have not worked with him...yet i feel bad. I feel was an accident and he passed away yesterday. How vulnerable we all are....makes me wonder why we run after all the money, fame and everything....when we should actually be living in the present and enjoying the present. We dont know what the future holds...we can strive for a good future...but we cannot guarantee it. My colleague did not plan to die....he would have made plans...he would have invested in something, hoping for a better future....and now all that is worthless. people who were on the ferry in south korea.....people who were on the flight mh 370....did they plan on the accident? NO...they did not!so when we do not know what lies ahead of us....why do we fret and fume so much? Why not live in the moment ...make the best of it and just pray and prepare for a better tomorrow.....
why do we lust after money..we work hard and get into a good company...we make decent money and then we are unhappy...because someone else has a better profile, better job description, better car, bigger house, more onsite trips, more salary, more powers....the list is endless!!!And this makes us unhappy....we want it too. we crave for it...without knowing what the journey has been for the other person...everything comes at a price. Its all about the choices we make in life.
Baba...for once it makes me want to sit back and see what i want. I have done enough analysis....but at times like occurs to me that maybe what i am doing is all so futile.