जय सांई राम।।।
Very few blessed souls can recognize Baba Sai Nath by His grace. Those who recognize Him, get freedom from the trammels of life and death. People who are immersed in wordliness, in accumulating money, luxuries, and other items of wealth, it is not easy for them to recognize Baba. Only those blessed souls whose minds have been purified on account of meritorious deeds and sadhana done in the previous births, can recognize Him. Those who recognize Baba Sai Nath, follow Him and the path shown by Him.
Remember, worldly people keep on collecting money, wealth, name and fame all their lives. At the end of their life, the find that it is dust they have got in their hands, nothing but dust. They die a miserable death, a most miserable death. They leave this world desolate miserable creatures, while those who recognize Baba Sai Nath, who love Him, who surrender to Him, not only their life's earthly sojourn is happy, but they depart from this earth peacefully and happily, sure of their realisation. I know you all love Baba very dearly. Your life is going to be full of promise, full of peace, full of joy. Never fall a prey to the vicissitudes of Maya, whatever station of life you occupy. Stick to Baba Sai Nath. Never leave Him even for a second and you are assured of His full protection every second of your life.
ॐ सांई राम।।।