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Author Topic: Breathing Exercise For Experiencing Forgiveness And Tolerance  (Read 908 times)

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Offline rahul jain

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1. Sit comfortably upright in your chair. Make sure you are in a position to breathe easily.
2. Allow your breathing to slow down… gently out… and in… with your own natural rhythm.
3. Now think of a situation when you were angry with another person and follow these words. Pause for 1 complete breath after each step.
A. As I breathe out I release my anger… and as I breathe in I fill myself with compassion…
B. As I breathe out I let go of resentment… and as I breathe in I fill myself with tolerance…
C. As I breathe out I release feelings of revenge… and as I breathe in I gain understanding…
D. As I breathe out I let go of all worries… and as I breathe in I experience peace…
E. As I breathe out I let go of all blame… and as I breathe in I fill myself with forgiveness…
4. Now see the other person and send good wishes and feelings of compassion to the person… to the situation… to all involved (pause for 10 seconds)
5. Now sit with yourself, breathing easily… calm… at peace… Experience the qualities of forgiveness and tolerance.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 12:28:42 AM by rahul jain »


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