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Offline fatima

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Re: Health tips!
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2008, 03:34:29 AM »
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  • Feet Treat

    Tough day, huh? Been on your feet the whole time, rushing from one unfinished task to another? Was it ridiculously stress-filled? Or were you rushing from one personal disaster to another, putting out virtual fires? We know the feeling and we know how much you need to sit back, relax and give your feet the pampering they really deserve!

    First, get a really big bowl or a pan or a tub.

    Place a few drops of an aromatherapy oil of your choice in the bowl, or use half a cup of table salt or baking soda. Bath salts work fine too. You get some lovely perfumed ones in the stores these days. Now get some hot water into it. Get it into the right temperature that is not scalding hot, but hot enough.

    Now sit in a comfortable chair and gently ease your poor little tired feet into the water and feel the heat through your toes. Close your eyes and concentrate on your tired feelings just draining out through your toes. Feel your tension ease and your whole body slowly relaxing.

    Breathe deeply - and think of five things you can be grateful for.

    After you soak your feet for about 20 minutes (set a kitchen timer or an alarm clock) towel dry them, and dab some favourite moisturising cream on it. Now you've got foot that's good enough to eat, and you're feeling great - ready to handle the challenges of the rest of the day!
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    Offline fatima

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #16 on: February 19, 2008, 03:38:25 AM »
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  • Indian women are now getting more particular about what they eat and how they look. But each of them needs to know what is best for their body in particular. They have to have a customised lifestyle that works for them. It isn't always effective to blindly follow any health plan.

    Don't ever starve yourself. Eat three well-balanced meals a day. You should have proteins, fruits, vegetables and a little fat. You body needs appropriate fuel to work effectively through the day.

    Take your vitamin supplement. They help in digestion and absorption of your food. Plus a supplement makes up for anything that your diet lacks.

    As your activity level changes, so should your diet. If you are working out more often, you need to eat what your body needs in order to keep up. Pay attention to your body's needs.

    Avoid processed foods. They aren't really recommended by the health specialist. Stick to organic foods as far as possible.

    Keep the sugar levels low. Your sugar intake should be about 10% of the carbohydrate level.

    Always cook a reserve of nutritious food. If you're too tired to cook on any particular day, you can rely on the stock in your refrigerator - instead of compromising on your meals.

    Avoid soda and caffeine. Water is great for fighting fatigue. It helps you lose weight and cleanses your system too.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #17 on: February 20, 2008, 02:07:32 AM »
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  • Counting sheep in order to sleep]

    Are you aware that with less sleep your workouts will be less effective and that your body will be more likely to store fat? It is a vicious cycle. You get prone to stress, which in turn, makes you resort to food to soothe and comfort yourself. The hormone cortisol, which is directly related to stress levels, is produced in excess if you are sleep deprived. As its level increases, the effectiveness of your workouts decreases as it depletes muscle. But not to worry! Help is at hand. An Expert has devised a few tips that, if followed meticulously, will help you get a good night's sleep

    Keep yourself busy and occupied during the day. For some people, an afternoon snooze may cause sleep depletion at night.

    Before you actually hit the sack, prepare the room a little in advance. Dim all the lights in the house, particularly in the bedroom.

    Never have a forty-wink session on the sofa. When you feel sleepy, simply get into bed.

    Don't convert your bedroom into either a workplace or an entertainment centre. Maintain its sanctity as purely a place to sleep in.

    Close your eyes and imagine a soothing scene if sleep eludes you. At this juncture, you could also resort to time tested deep breathing techniques.

    Still not able to sleep? No point in forcing yourself - you will only become wide awake with all that unproductive effort. Instead, get out of bed and engage in reading or other light activity. The minute you feel sleepy, get back to bed.

    Don't keep consciously looking at the clock. You will never be able to sleep if you are conscious of the time.

    Always sleep on your side or back - never on your stomach.

    Don't let your pets disturb your sleep. Never have them with you in your bedroom. Get them their own warm, cosy beds.

    Don't resort to swallowing pills to get you out of your misery. It might become an addiction and you may also get immune to them.

    A glass of warm milk taken at bedtime also helps induce sleep Gently massaging feet (with or without moisturiser) also helps at times.

    Follow these Expert devised tips and you are on your way to a restful night's sleep! Do get back to us with the positive results and you are welcome to add tips of your own to help other sleep deprived people.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #18 on: February 20, 2008, 02:11:02 AM »
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  • Exercise for perfect legs

    Try the eye-high kick, the ultimate butt-burner. Stand straight, hands on hips, feet parallel. Take a small jump and simultaneously kick your right leg as high as you can (careful now, you don’t want to strain yourself). Land lightly and repeat with the left leg. Continue for 20 counts, alternating legs.

    For those curvy calves, bend over so your body forms a 90-degree angle, with hands and feet shoulder-width apart. Raise yourself up on your toes and then lower your heels back to the floor; repeat 30 times.

    Now, for the squats that firms your thighs and butts. Stand with your legs apart, toes facing outward, thighs parallel to the ground. Place your hands on your hips, then bend your knees to lower your upper body straight down to knee level, keeping your back straight. From here, push yourself back to start. Do 15 reps.

    For the cross-kick, you stand with feet together, kick your right leg out across the body, no higher than your hip. Keep your hands on hips. Make sure your hips face forward. If they twist too far with your kick, the exercise won’t work. Alternate legs for 20 counts.

    What your inner thighs need is some tightening. To do that, lie on the floor with your arms extended on each side and your legs straight up in the air, spread out so that both feet are past your shoulders. Your toes should be pointed. Squeeze your inner thighs to lift both legs three to four inches. Repeat 20 times.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #19 on: February 21, 2008, 02:58:26 AM »
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  • Avoid breakfast blunders

    Studies reveal that cutting calories - which is still how 82% of people say they are losing weight - is painful to health-harmony and it doesn't even work. Contrary to popular wisdom, there's no point trying to 'save' calories by skipping breakfast. It doesn't work and, it actually changes your biology so that you gain more body fat.

    There are many who believe that they feel great without breakfast. It's easy to be lulled into thinking that you don't need your morning meal. The problem is even more compounded when you stay physically inactive all morning. Your body too ends up misinterpreting the signals and responds by trying to save you from semi-starvation. How? By driving you to overeat, and eat more high-fat foods, during the rest of the day and into late evening.

    And once you have skipped breakfast, whenever you do eat, there's a greater tendency for your body to store fat at a frightening rate.

    The key to fight this is to begin your day with a great-tasting low-fat breakfast for you and your family.

    Another very important thing that you must do nice and early in the morning is to go through a five-minute physical exercise. This would be a nice wake up call for your body

    Two popular myths about breakfast

    Myth 1
    Skipping breakfast saves calories and will help you control weight
    No! This is not true. By not eating breakfast, you are sending out a wrong signal to your body. Your body will still be in the sleep mode and will turn on your fat-burning switch and stimulate the fat-preserving and fat-storing processes instead.

    Myth 2
    If you skip breakfast, you will eat less all day
    Not likely! Skipping meals can lead to a ravenous appetite. People, who skip breakfast, tend to go on a binge the whole day, instead of eating moderately.

    So, start your day with a healthy breakfast. Include a fruit or a fresh fruit juice. Make sure that your family does not skip this very important meal however pressed for time.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #20 on: February 22, 2008, 01:59:29 AM »
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  • Beneficial effects of Green Tea

    Recent years have seen a tremendous interest in Green Tea and several tests have been conducted in order to determine the health benefits that it is said to have. Green tea not only has excellent anti-oxidants, it is known to prevent cancer, heart ailments, arthritis and protects the liver from degenerative diseases.


    Research has proved beyond doubt that consumption of Green tea contributes significantly to the prevention of cancer in many of the body’s vital organs like the pancreas, bladder and the upper and lower digestive tracts


    The antioxidants that are present in Green tea work on reducing the cholesterol levels, help in minimizing cardiac diseases and even controlled hypertension. Research over the years has proved that there were fewer incidents of the above diseases in people who drank Green tea regularly as compared to those who didn’t. Minimising the bonding of blood cells is another major contribution of the antioxidants in Green tea. – which when translated into lay language means reduction in clotting which results in strokes and heart diseases.


    People who suffer from Arthritis are known to benefit from drinking Green tea which has a soothing effect on the painful symptoms associated with this disease. This is because of its ability to reduce inflammation that all arthritis patients suffer from. Though it cannot totally prevent arthritis which may occur due to hereditary reasons, the intensity of the disease can be controlled to a large extent by the antioxidants in Green tea.


    That very important organ, the liver, can also be protected by the regular consumption of Green tea. Again, it is the antioxidants that help in the normal function of the liver. It is the liver that rids the body of all toxins which get into our system through the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the smoke in cigarettes and through the alcohol we consume. The antioxidants help not only by protecting the cells of the liver, they also stimulate and strengthen the immune system within our bodies.

    With strange new diseases appearing on the horizon every day and with our immunity levels growing abysmally lower, what we need is an awareness of the health giving features present in natural food that Mother Earth, in all her bounty presents us with so that we can arm ourselves against these diseases in the most natural way. Three cheers for Green Tea!!!

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #21 on: February 23, 2008, 02:01:10 AM »
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  • Constipation - Causes and natural cures

    Causes of constipation

    Constipation is caused by a wide variety of problems that range from simply not drinking enough liquids to having a very low fibre diet.

    Medications such as iron and calcium supplements, drugs used to treat allergies, cold, hypertension, depression, antacids, diuretics (drugs which increase the flow of urine), non-steroid and anti-inflammatory drugs also cause constipation. Parkinson's disease, spinal cord disease and paralysis are the other known causes.

    Weakness of the abdomen muscles and pelvic floor also lead to constipation, especially in the case of the elderly.

    Nature cure for constipation

    There are many home remedies which are effective in the treatment of constipation.

    * A large slice of papaya every day will help in easy bowel movement.

    * The juice made from the pulp of the ripe bel fruit is also recommended. Break the shell of the fruit and remove the seeds. Add water to the pulp and sugar if desired. Strain and serve.

    * 6-8 apricots a day are also helpful. The cellulose in apricots acts as roughage and the pectin retains water. Two raw apples per day can also be taken.

    * Figs have a high cellulose content. The fig seeds increase the peristaltic movements, thus easing constipation.

    * Curd is also beneficial in treating constipation. Dates, bananas, raw cabbage and beetroot also help a great deal. Lemon juice with honey taken first thing in the morning is a good bowel stimulant
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #22 on: February 23, 2008, 02:04:29 AM »
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  • Look after those eyes

    Some tips to protect your sight:

    Protect your eyes from sand, dust and smoke.

    Keep flies away as they are a source of infection.

    Keep the house clean and develop healthy sanitary habits.

    Never use common handkerchiefs, towels for wiping eyes and face.

    Make sure that you get proper and adequate light when you work, read, write and watch TV.

    Industrial workers should use protective devices if necessary.

    If there is an inflammation in the eye, consult a doctor immediately.

    In elderly persons, failing vision must be reported to the doctor.

    If a foreign body enters the eyes, it must be removed preferably by a doctor.

    Avoid marriages between cousins and near relatives. It is estimated that the danger of blindness resulting from hereditary causes is 20 times higher among children of related parents than among those of unrelated parents.

    Never watch the solar eclipse without protective glasses.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #23 on: February 23, 2008, 06:48:26 AM »
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  • Memory magic  part 1

    Struggling to remember your mobile phone number? Want to perform better at work? Here's how to be a clever clogs...

    Just as our body needs a healthy diet to function at its best, so does our brain. What we eat can affect our concentration, memory and ability to solve problems. In particular, it’s important to eat breakfast. After 10-12 hours without food, our brain needs fuel to kickstart it into action. It’s also essential to drink enough. About 85 per cent of the brain is water, so even mild dehydration can cause lethargy and poor concentration, making even simple tasks seem harder. Here are some particularly important brain nutrients.

    If you want to boost brain power, forget the Atkins diet. Ditching carbs from your diet cuts off glucose, the brain’s preferred source of fuel. The brain can’t store glucose so it needs a constant supply, particularly during intense mental activity when more is used up. Indeed, Canadian research reveals that eating carb-rich foods improves the memory of elderly adults within an hour of eating them.

    Smart foods

    Unprocessed carbs provide a steady supply of energy to the brain, so choose wholegrain cereals and breads, wholewheat pasta, brown rice, couscous, fruit and veg

    Omega3 fats
    Docosahexanoic acid – an omega3 fatty acid – is essential for our brain and eye development. Babies can’t make this fatty acid so they need to get it from their mother during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Research carried out on 9,000 mothers and their children found that those with the lowest intakes of omega3 fats during pregnancy had children with a lower verbal IQ at 3½ years. However, the Food Standards Agency believes that more research needs to be carried out to confirm the link between omega3 fats and improved learning and behaviour in children.
    Smart foods Oil-rich fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon, fresh tuna and trout are good sources of omega3 fats. Pregnant and breast-feeding women and those planning to conceive should visit for guidance on fish intakes.

    Numerous  studies suggest that even a mild iron deficiency can affect children’s learning ability, while boosting intakes improves concentration, mental sharpness and cognitive development. Similarly, American research indicates that women with iron-deficiency anaemia perform less well in cognitive tasks and take longer to complete them.
    Smart foods Red meat, oil-rich fish, eggs, green leafy veg, dried fruit, pulses, nuts, seeds and fortified breakfast cereals. The iron in meat is more easily absorbed and used by the body than the iron in plant foods

    This trace element is needed to make thyroxine, a hormone that regulates metabolism and promotes growth and development in children, including the brain. A deficiency in iodine has been linked with poorer intelligence, IQ, motor skills, coordination, manual dexterity and school performance, plus more learning disabilities. An analysis of 18 studies concluded that iodine deficiency lowers average IQ scores in children by 13.5 points.
    Smart foods Dairy products, eggs and seafood are good sources. Fruit, vegetables and cereals may contain variable amounts depending on the iodine levels in soil.

                                To Be Continued...

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #24 on: February 26, 2008, 03:12:34 AM »
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  • B vitamens
    The B vitamins are important for a healthy brain. Thiamin (vitamin B1) is essential for making a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine that allows messages to be sent between nerve cells. Indeed, research suggests that a deficiency in this vitamin can hinder memory. Vitamin B6 is needed to make serotonin, a feel-good chemical in the brain. And folate is important for development of the nervous system and brain function. Studies indicate that folic acid supplements may improve memory in older people.

    Smart foods Eating a variety of foods from the four main food groups will help to provide sufficient B vitamins. Find thiamin in wholegrain cereals, fortified breakfast cereals, oats, brown rice, dairy products, pulses, nuts, seeds and red meat. Vitamin B6 is in fish, pork, eggs, brown rice, soya beans, oats, wholegrains, peanuts, walnuts, avocado and bananas. Good sources of folate include green leafy veg, peas, oranges, fortified breakfast cereals, nuts and pulses. Pregnant women and women planning to conceive should also take a 400 microgram daily supplement of folic acid to prevent neural tube defects.


    This nutrient is needed for the development of the brain’s learning and memory centres. Animal studies show that offspring who receive insufficient choline when in the womb are born with poorer memories, while those who receive choline supplements are smarter and have a greater learning capacity. More research is needed to confirm these findings in human beings and to discover whether giving young children foods rich in choline benefits memory.


    Several animal studies have shown that antioxidant nutrients help to slow cognitive decline in old age and may even help to boost memory, although more research is needed to confirm these findings in humans. Like all other cells in the body, brain cells are vulnerable to damage from an excess of free radicals, and antioxidants help to mop these up.

    Smart foods Tea, dark chocolate, red wine and most fruit and veg provide a variety of antioxidants

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #25 on: February 27, 2008, 02:30:00 AM »
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  • Mangosteen Juice for Health Benefits

    Drink a glass of Mangosteen juice every morning for a month and see the difference. Fruits and vegetables have always been considered vital for a healthy body and glowing skin. Mangosteen juice with its added vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will work wonders and put a halt to the body natural process of decay. Have a glass of Mangosteen juice for health benefits daily. You will never regret it.

    Why Mangosteen juice

    There is nothing like eating fresh fruit. If you had lived in the tropics, you could have gone to the tree in the height of summer (up to 108 degree F), pick a fruit fresh and ate it there. But not everyone lives in the tropics. Let me assure you that you can have the same ingredients in a glass of mangosteen juice. All fruit juices have a special purpose to serve and mangosteen juice for health benefits is no exception. In today hectic world, there is shortage of time even to have a proper breakfast, leave aside peeling a whole fruit, slicing it down and then consume it. Here mangosteen juice comes to your help. Just open the bottle and drink it down.

    The Key Fruit

    South East Asian countries including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, and others are the chief producers of Mangosteen fruits. There they grow in profusion during the summer. When ripe, they are around 3 to 5 inches in girth with a stone inside and are very palatable to taste. Mangosteen juice for health benefits are best achieved from fully matured ripe fruits with a golden yellow skin.

    Mangosteen juice for health benefits

    Mangosteen juice is the source of many health-giving properties. First of all, the presence of antioxidants in the juice curtails the aging process in humans naturally. If you insist on a wrinkle-free skin till later years in life, drink at least a glass of the juice daily. A chemical substance called Xanthone in the juice is responsible for immune building that helps fight infections and related disorders. Also available in a single glass of Mangosteen juice are other natural supplements like Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C. Abundant quantity of fibrous products enrich the juice. What is more, all these vital elements are available in the Mangosteen juice in natural form, ensuring quick and easy assimilation. Studies have confirmed that the health benefits are rapidly absorbed by the body in the juice form instead of any other formation like concentrated or dried pulp powder.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #26 on: February 27, 2008, 05:41:46 AM »
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  • 8 Foods That Help You Lose Weight!]

    When it comes to losing weight, the following eight food strategies have helped thousands of my personal clients achieve their goals. Go ahead and give them a shot!

    Fiber -- Both types of fiber, insoluble and soluble can help your weight loss efforts.

    Insoluble fiber provides volume to food without adding a lot of calories. Foods rich in insoluble fiber include high fiber cereal, whole wheat bread, wheat bran, fruits and vegetables.

    Soluble fiber helps stabilize your blood sugar levels, which in turn can better control hunger and cravings. Also, this type of fiber slows down the transit time of food in your gut, so it may keep you fuller for longer. Foods rich in soluble fiber include strawberries, apples, pears, oatmeal, chickpeas, and beans.

    Juicy Foods -- Fruits and veggies with a high water content "built into the food" helps to fill you up, so you'll eat less collectively throughout the day. Go for watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, grapefruit, and cantaloupe.

    Lean Protein -- Protein can slightly rev your metabolism after ingestion (more so than carbs and fat). Be sure to include some type of lean protein with every meal. Good sources include chicken breast, canned light tuna, wild salmon (fresh and canned), egg whites, crab, shrimp, tilapia, turkey breast, tofu, lean red meat, low-fat dairy, beans and lentils. 

    Foods That Make You Work  -- People eat less of the very same foods when they require a bit of work. For example, buy shelled peanuts versus unshelled peanuts and prepare soybeans in the pod versus the straight bean.

    Sugarless Gum -- Contrary to what people think, sugarless gum does not stimulate your appetite. In fact, it's a great way to give your taste buds a shot of flavor and prevent yourself from popping something caloric in your mouth. Keep a pack of sugarless gum on hand (or a pack of mints).

    Hot Beverages -- Sipping a hot, low-cal beverage is a great way to stave off extra calories when you're looking to eat out of pure boredom. And because they're hot, you'll have to slowly sip over an extended period of time. Choose beverages under 100-calories such as green and herbal teas, diet hot cocoa, skim latte and cappuccino, and reduced sodium bouillon.

    Spicy Food and Capsaicin Research have reported that you're often satisfied with less food when the meal is spicy hot. Plus, you automatically eat slower and drink more water! If your taste buds can handle the heat, add chili peppers, hot sauce and salsa to your meals.

    Pre-portioned Snacks -- There's no chance of overeating when you only have one portion in front of you. Try the following legalized snacks when you want something fun: 100-Calorie Pack, Glenny's soy crisps, Skinny Cow-Silhouette flying saucer, Healthy Pop mini bag microwave popcorn, Nature Valley granola bar, Pria bar, People Pop, Tootsie Pop, Weight Watchers ice cream pops, or a Swiss Miss/Jell-O fat free pudding. 
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #27 on: February 28, 2008, 03:49:56 AM »
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  • A 7 day exercise plan

    To keep that fat from bulging and feel the difference in body composition you can alternate a strength training routine with a two-kilometre walk. Get a good exercise video on strength training to learn a home workout routine

    Here's what your schedule might include:

    Monday: two-km. walk
    uesday: upper-body strength training (45 minutes), including chest, arms, upper back, lower back,
    abdominals and stretching

    Wednesday: two-km. walk

    Thursday: lower-body strength training, including hips, buttocks, thighs, calves, hamstrings, adductors, abductors, abdominals (again) and stretching

    Friday: two-km. walk, and exercise abdominals, do push- ups and stretching

    Saturday and Sunday: recreational games, sports, outings, hikes -- fun!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

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                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #28 on: February 29, 2008, 04:27:35 AM »
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  • Water and health

    The importance of water to our health can never be underestimated.

    The medical world now says we all need to make it a habit to drink at least ten glasses of water a day.

    Even those who live in cold arid regions need to drink water. They can choose warm water, which will help them combat the weather and ward away the cold.

    We wait till we are thirsty before we drink water. But thirst is a sign of dehydration in our systems. It is more effective to drink water regularly and prevent dehydration from setting in.

    Dehydration is the cause for many problems in our bodies. But more often than not, the symptoms alone are treated and the cause is ignored. The cause is lack of water. Drinking plenty of water will prevent the onset of many troublesome ailments.

    Not only does water flush out the toxins from our body, it also prevents and alleviates many other ailments and discomforts in our bodies.


    More often than not it is a symptom of lack of water. People who drink less water than they should, are generally more prone to heartburn. Drinking water regularly is an effective way of preventing acidity.


    Migraines can be chronic and excruciatingly painful. They occur because of excessively dilated blood vessels due to stress, heat and dietary allergies. Dehydration can worsen each of these factors. Water can help you cope better with these factors that could be the cause of migraines


    Exhaustion and low energy levels are very often due to dehydration. We need an adequate supply of water to keep our body working at its optimum level. When there is a lack of this important fluid, our energy level starts flagging and we find our performance going down.


    Lack of water clogs up our system. and builds up our toxins. Chronic constipation can lead to many other diseases including dental problems and mood swings

    Flush it all out.
    Drink more water.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Health tips!
    « Reply #29 on: March 01, 2008, 01:42:36 AM »
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  • Mood swings

    It's not just Monday morning Blues. I'm talking about 'every day blues'    something that comes thanks to increasing stress and is fast becoming a matter of concern. Forget adults, even children seem increasingly prone to mood swings. While depression attacks every 1 in 15 people, studies show that women are more susceptible to the listlessness, general apathy, irritability, lack of appetite and self-esteem that characterise these blues. But there are ways to chase these blues away try some of these they work!


    Exercise is the best pick-me-up of all. Throw away those tranquillisers and walk, jog, swim or just dance your blues away    at least for about 20 minutes at a time. A workout releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters that drive out stress-related depression and give you a high.


    Exercise your lungs, gurgle and chortle. Learn to laugh at yourself. Once again, it is the magic of endorphins.


    You'll be surprised how the art of concentration and reflection helps control mood swings.

    Forgive and forget:

    Let go of irritants that prey on the mind and heighten stress levels.

    Meet people:

    Sometimes, the company you keep can affect your moods. Have happy and contented people around you; those with a good sense of humour can make a substantial difference to your outlook. Look for a man who can laugh at himself and hang on to him for life. If nothing, the association will teach you to laugh at yourself. And that is a big mood-lifter!

    Get out of the rut:

    Move away from the mundane. Buy clothes that you haven't dared to wear before. Change your hairstyle. Opt for the outlandish. Tune into a different kind of music. Shift furniture around. Look at life differently.

    Of cats and dogs:

    Pets are great mood enhancers. The unconditional love a pet gives you is therapeutic; it makes the world a nicer place to be in.


    There can be no greater source of joy than the company of children. Getting down to their level and letting your hair down is one helluva way to cheer up. There can never be a dull moment when a toddler is around.

    Get Arty!

    Ever held a paintbrush in your fingers or exercised your vocal chords? Now is the time to start. Paint your emotions in bright colours    green, pink and yellow. Release pent-up fury by painting a fiery picture with red, blazing orange and threatening black. The strokes of the brush will relax you. And hey, you just may discover you have a latent talent. Or simply sing away your blues! Might sound awful, but sing. Loud. It's therapeutic and will lift your spirits.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid


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