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Offline fatima

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Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
« on: July 07, 2008, 05:58:12 AM »
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  • Once Baba was lying down on the sands of the river Kanhan when two ladies by the name of Shantabai and Subhadrabai from Amaravati, approached him. While touching the feet of Baba they mentally prayed to him for children, as they were childless. The omniscient (Pragyan Ritambhara) Baba heard their inner prayers and gave a ladoo (a type of sweetmeat) to each after testing them. He blessed them to have sons. While they were returning, Shantabai ate the ladoo as a blessed prasad, but Subhadrabai did not because Baba had tasted the ladoo and was Muslim by birth. She quietly got the ladoo buried in the sand. As the Divine Will could have it, Shantabai got a son nine months later. When the child was about two-month-old, she came to Baba with the child for his blessings. Subhadra, who had not conceived even by that time, accompanied her. When Shantabai put her child at the feet of Baba, Subhadra could not control herself. She fell at the feet of Baba and cried -" Baba where is my child?" Baba told her to search the child from beneath the sand (indicating that he knew where the ladoo was) Subhadra immediately realised her mistake and repented profusely before Baba. The Perfect masters are incarnation of kindness. Her repentance and plight moved Baba. He blessed her to have a son, which she got after a year. The perfect master is a wish- fulfilling tree Kalpvriksha who even shower unconditional grace (Ahetuk Kripa).

    A poor scheduled- caste woman called Tara once wished to feed Baba but since Baba was staying in the palace. Tara did not know how to approach him and was also afraid that some people may not take it kindly. So, she cooked the food and tied the food in a piece of cloth with a tree near the palace. Sometime later, people from high classes kept the best of dishes before Baba for his lunch. Baba Said, " I will not eat all these. Get my food tied in the Jamun tree". Everybody started searching but could not find the food. Ultimately Baba got up from his seat, brought the food from the tree and ate only that with utter satisfaction. The Perfect Master are hungry not for the food offered by the people but for the love behind such offer. The spiritual masters never encourage anyone to change his religion. They are above all religions. They only see the theme of humanism, which is the basis of all religions.

    There was a prostitute by the name of Giriji who was a devotee of Baba. Suddenly, she caught some disease and remained sick for long. Another devotee of Baba, Kashinath Patel, one day sent a person to the house of Giriji to enquire about her health. The man came and found Giriji dead and informed Kashinath accordingly. Kashinath directed him to go and ask Tajuddin Baba whether to bury the body of Giriji or to burn it. On his way to Baba's place, he found a close attendant of Baba carrying tea in a pot. During discussion, Patel's man told the attendant of Baba that Giriji is dead. When Baba's attendant heard that Giriji is dead he told the other persons that Baba has asked him to ensure that Giriji drinks that tea. Therefore, he insisted on carrying the tea to Giriji, Both of them reached Giriji house and found her body surrounded by mourning women. The attendant of Baba, said in a loud voice - "Giriji, Hazur has sent tea for you. Take it." He repeated the sentence thrice. After the third time Giriji opened her mouth and little by little tea was poured in. After taking the tea, she came back to life and lived for a few years more.

    The love of a Perfect Master for his devotees is somewhat like but more than the love of the mother towards the child. Whosoever surrenders to him, he takes care of his biggest and even the smallest problems. Since his words are the ultimate truth, whatever they promise is fulfilled, even after they have left their body. Let us see one example. Sometimes, Baba used to travel in a horse-driven cart to distant places. One devotee named Hiralal used to be his driver (coachman). When Baba once declared that he would leave his body in few days (he left the body on the 17th of August 1925), Hiralal started crying. He asked Baba "Huzur, under whose protection are you leaving us and going". Baba told him "you always stay in front of me (the driver sits at the front in a horse cart) and I will always stay behind you".
    It so happened that in 1965, on the day of the Moharram, the annual procession i.e. Baba's Tazia started from Baba's place by now name as Tazabaad and moving towards the main square (called Jhad Square) with people shouting 'Allah ho Akbar'. Suddenly the people carrying the Tazia heard the cry 'Ram naam satya hai' from another procession moving in front of them. Those who knew what Baba had told Hiralal during his last days, found that the procession in the front was carrying the dead body of Hiralal. Tears rolled down from their eyes when they saw Hiralal's body going in front and Baba's Tazia following a promise kept by Baba forty years after his departure. One of the main functions of a Sadguru is to stand by his devotees at the times of their death, in gross or subtle form, to lead the soul towards further evolutions. None else - i.e. no other Guru, parents, relatives, or even yogis have the power to render such help to the souls once they have left the body.

    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 06:59:54 AM »
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  • An amzing prediction

    ..........One day Tajuddin Baba briskly walked to the house of a goldsmith in Kamptee and told him : " Vacate your building, remove your belongings as soon as you can." The goldsmith who had already heared of the Baba and revered him, immidiately obeyed his order. The same night the building collapsed. The goldsmith and his family were saved and they became Baba Tajuddin's staunch devotees.

    Food in the box

    ...........On another occation, Tajuddin Baba walked to the door of a good man and asked for food. " There os no food at this hour , Baba ", the man replied. But the Baba would not budge and said: " why do you utter lies? You have kept the food in the box." The man, who had already heard of Baba's extraordinary powers, went in and searched the box. To his astonishment, he did find some food in the box although none had been put there to the very best of his memory.

    Escaped lunatic returns

    .........One day one of the lunatics escaped from the asylum and could not be traced. The superintendent, Dr. Abdul Majid, was very much perturbed. At that time Baba Tajuddin approached him and said : " Don't worry, he would return of his own accord tomorrow." Next day, the mad man was found standing near the gate of the asylum and was taken in by the attendents. When Dr. Abdul Majid interrogated him about his whereabouts, the mad man replied that, after leaving the asylum, he wandered awhile and when he was going to Dr. Abdul Majid's house, he met Tajuddin Baba who bought him to the gate of the asylum and let him there and went in. While he was waiting there, guards took him in. What is more surprising about this incident is thatall the while Tajuddin Baba did not stir out of his own cell. This amazing incident only reinforced the doctor's faith in the Baba's miraculous powers

    Baba saves doctor's life

    ..........For a perticular need, Dr. Abdul Majid, as usual, sought Tajuddin Baba's permission to go to Bombay on some personal business. The Baba however kept quiet. But the doctor repeated his question thrice. As though in annoyance, Tajuddin Baba said : " If you don't want to heed my warning you may go. But keep this leaf with you." He handed him a leaf which he picked up from the ground. The doctor kept it inhis pocketand left for Bombay. On his journey, he got down in the Bhunsaval Railway Yard and suddenly an engine rushed towards him. Every one thought the doctor was killed as there was no escape. But in that movement of awful fright, Dr. Abdul Majid fell down on the track unconscious. Strangly enough the engine came to a 'sudden halt' in the nick of time. The fireman and the driver got down to find out the cause of the 'sudden halt ' because the engine was not pulled by any one of them. How did it come to a perfect standstill of its own accord? They were wonderstruck to see this highly amzing incident and took the doctor for a saint with miraculous powers and praised him for stopping the engine in a most impossible manner. This glaring incident was witnessed by all people at the station. The doctor however revealed that it was the miracle of the leaf in his pocket and told them of Baba Tajuddin's warning.

    The case of Bombay Seth

    .........Besides his own personal experiences, Dr. Abdul Majid also witnessed numerous other miracles experienced by a large number of people who came to seek Baba's blessings from far and near even at the asylum. Foe instance, he once saw a rich Seth who came to Baba Tajuddin to seek his blessing for his father who was dangerously ill in Bombay, and whom all the bst doctors had failed to cure. Before he had even a chance to relate his predicament, the Baba spoke out : " Go back, your father is well." But the seth could hardly belive it and thought it might be just a way of dismissing him. He immediately wired home and enquiry, and got a telegraphic reply saying that his father was really all right. The seth fell at the feet of the saint in solemn gratitude and distributed alms to the poor.
    « Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 07:09:05 AM by fatima »
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #2 on: July 09, 2008, 07:13:48 AM »
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  • a man who commited theft in a sweetmeat shop ran to Tajuddin Baba and prostrated before him in true repentance. The Baba gazed into his eyes for amoment and said : " Your business is done, go". Later the owner of the shop also ran to Baba and complained to him of his heavy loss on account of the theft. The Baba coolly said : " Go and sit at home". The petitioner at first did not understand whether his petition was granted, but he had returned to his shop and resumed selling the remaining two baskets full of sweetmeats. Strangly enough though he went on selling from morning to evening, the sweets were still there in the baskets and in no time his loss was made good. Even susequently, his fortune rose high and, by the grace of God and blessing of the Baba, he earned profits running into thousands of rupees.

    Deformities cured

    .........Many were the people who flocked to Tajuddin Baba to cure them of deformities of body. A wealthy Marwari Seth came from Delhi to Sakardara. His legs were mere useless appendages and he had to crawl his way to Baba whom he found in a restless mood: At the approach of the Seth, he sprang to his feet in a rage and kicked him saying : " You buffalo, do you play tricks with me? Run away." The marwari Seth was sofrightened at this unwelcome gesture. But Baba Tajuddin did not calm down. He shouted: " Dont you hear? I will kill you if you dont obey. I say run or I will beat you". The seth immediately ran from the place to the wonder of the people who saw this amazing feat of the saint.

    Deputy Commissioner's experience

    ..........There are many clases of miracles. The brother of one Bhadur Prasad Tewari was a famous Hakeem (Unani doctor) , who was posted to Nagpur as Deputy Commissioner. One day his brother took him to Baba Tajuddin at Sakardara to pay homage to the saint. Afterwards he proceeded to Saugor where he met three Sadhus (Hindu sages). In the course of conversation with them, he mentioned the illustrious greatness of Tajuddin Baba. But, as the sadhus were sectarian Hindus, they paid little attention to the praise of a muslim saint. The Deputy commissioner told them how once one of his Hindu friends had the darshan(Ziarat) of Lord Rama and Lord Shankara at Sakardara. But this too did not touch the minds of the Sadhus.

    ..........That night the Deputy Commissioner had a dream in which he saw Tajuddin Baba approaching him. He stood up and saluted him. Then the saint said: " Come , I will take you on piligrimage. Tell the three sadhus also to follow us." Then the four friends followed in the foot steps of Baba Tajuddin who briskly walked ahead of them. Thus they visited many holy places like Gaya and Prayag. Then the Baba turned around and said : " Come we will go to Jagannath". When the party reached Jagannath , one of the sadhus wanted to puchase a Kamandal ( a sadhus's water vessel). The Deputy Commissioner accompained him to a roadside shop and puchased a Kamandal for the sadhu. Later they returned to the party and here the dream ended.

    ..........Next day, the Deputy Commissione wanted to communicate his dreams to the three sadhus, but when he went to see them, they had already left Saugor. Then he proceeded to Sakardara to pay homage to Hazarat Tajuddin Baba who had graced him in his dream. So he asked the Sadhu as to how he got that 'Kamandal'? The Sadhu replied: " How could you forget so soon? It is the same Kamandal which you had purchased for me in Jagannath." While the Deputy Commissioner was still lost in wnder, Tajuddin Baba walked towards him and said: " Oh my dear child, of wealthy parents, why did you pay so much for a Kamandal that only costs Rs.2-8-9?". The deputy Commissioner now realised that what they had experienced was not a simple drem. He fell down at Baba Tajuddin's feet in overwhelming gratitude for the wonderful experience and the mercy he showered on him.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline Dipika

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 09:01:40 AM »
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  • OMSAIRAM!Thankyou dear Fatimaji for Sharing BABA's leelas with us.

    Hazrat Tajuddin Baba and all Saints work in Unison.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM

    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #4 on: July 10, 2008, 07:15:12 AM »
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  • Powers of a Sufi fakir

    ............. The powers of Sufi dervish are extended no less to the nature's forces. We have seen in one of the foregoing paragraphs,how, with no fire in the hearth, the meal was ready by Baba's order. Similarly, a group of peasants ran to the saint and complained of the much delayed monsoon. They prayed to be saved from ruin. Hazarat Tajuddin ordered one of them to get a pot water. He sat there sprinkling the water, drop by drop on the fire in the hearth for five minutes. Immediately the clouds hovered in the sky and it started raining abundantly. It was not the much advertised kind of rain, which our modern scientists have been trying to command at will. It was a real divine miracle.

    ..............While Baba Tajuddin was staying at Sakardara palace, people saw many instances of his reviving the dead. Ram Gulam Pandey of Jail Road, Nagpur, became Baba's devotee through such an experience. He bought a buffalo of good breed from the Punjab as he was veryfond of this animal and set high hopes on its giving birth to a fine offspring. It did give a fine calf but it died amd Ram Gulam was very much dejected. One of his neighbours suggested him to take the dead calf to Tajuddin Baba. as though in response to Ram Gulam's lighter vein, people found the saint himself approaching the crowed in his Baggi (coach). He got down, approached the dead calf and kicked it and, lo, the calf stood up alive. Leaving the crowed stunned, the Baba left the place hastily.

    .........Those who have read the miracles of Jesus Christ might wonder whether such things are possible in this age of Kaliyug also; in Hazarat Baba Tajuddin's life , which was an open book to lakhs of people only a half a century ago. But here is a living example of that possibility with indian saints, for this scientific world to take a notice of.

    A convict released

    ...........There is another wonderful instance of Tajuddin Baba's amazing spiritual powers. Once one Abdul Hassan, a fruit merchant came to Waki to fulfil his vow of feeding the poor there. But when the cooking was going on, it rained very heavily and the fire in the hearth was extinguished and even the firewood floated in the pools of rainwater. The fruit merchant was at first slightly perturbed but later decided to set up another hearth and cook the food again.

    ............In the meanwhile, a convict turned up before Hazarat Baba Tajuddin, securely bound hand and foot and flanked by two police constables. As soon as he saw the Baba, he burst out in tears and fell down at his feet crying : " Merciful Baba, they are going to hang me, I am now brought to you because this was my last wish wich the court has been pleased to grant. Pray bless me with my release."

    ...........The father of Abdul Hassan the fruit merchant, was also standing by. Tajuddin Baba looked at him and ordered him to take the convict to the kitchen and feed him with what was cooked there. There was such authirity in the Baba's command that none had guts to tell him that the rain had washed out the hearth and there was no food. So they silently took the convict to the kitchen. When the lid of the cooking cauldron was lifted, they were simply amazed to find the food ready duly cooked when there was no fire or fuel. Only then they could understand the reason for the great authority that charecterised the Baba's voice. They fed the convict in spite of continued rain and not only him but every one assembled there was fed to his heart's content. Later, on enquiring, the convict revealed his story of conviction. He said, that he was extremely enraged at the sight of one of his employees having illicit intercourse with his daughter and so he hacked the man to death. On hearing his story, Tajuddin Baba directed him to appeal to the higher court and assured him of acquittal. The convict obeyed and he was acquitted with the blessing of God.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #5 on: July 16, 2008, 04:15:06 AM »
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  • His Justice

    ...........Once a certain Nawab came to seek Baba Tajuddin's blessing in the success of his litigation concerning his Rs. 18 lakhs worth of property. One day the Baba was going out in his couch and there was a Harijan eating roties ( Indian Chapaties) from an old cloth on his head. He advance towards the Baba to pay his homage. Baba Tajuddin, got down from his couch , took the 'rotis' from the Harijan, sat down under a tamirand tree and started eating them. He divided one roti into two parts and gave one piece to the Nawab who was with him, and said : " If you take too much you will have motions." He then asked for beedies ( acheap Indian smoke made with leaf and tobacco )and the Nawab offered the same. At the same time, the Nawab placed his legal document before Baba for his blessing. The saint kept the burning beedi upon the papers and said : " This is our seal." The Nawab later learned that the property had to be divided like the Baba's roti. The Baba warned : " Dont take what is not yours."

    Refused to accept ill-earned gift

    ...........Abdul Rahman, the city Kotwal of Nagpur, brought some nuts to be presented to Baba Tajuddin at Sakardara. But the Baba did not even touch them. At the same time, a poor man bought roties and offered them to the Baba who said: " We will eat them" and took the roties heartily. The Kotwal too wished that Baba should accept his nuts, but the later turned to the former and said: " I can't digest it". Later the Kotwal realised that the saint didnot accept his nuts because they were puchased with the ill-gotten money as bribe and not by his legitimate money earned by honest labour.

    ............Besides verbal teachings and signs, Baba Tajuddin's glorious life itself is a long and direct teaching which is too high and sutle for the common people to comprehend. Only some portions of it are within our comprehension and we shall briefly describe them here.

    His Sympathy and Kindness

    ..........Hazarat Baba Tazuddin always showed sympathy and kindness to the old, the poor, the downtrodden and the sick and oppressed. He could read the silent agony of the tormented souls at the very first glance. His solacing balm was spontaneous, direct, sweet and pacifying. It need no lengthy rationalisation.

    .........One day The Baba was walking along a street in a village 14 miles away from Nagpur, followed, as usual, by hundreds of devotees. There in Shariff he saw an old mad and women in front of a dilapidated house grinding grain with extreme difficulty, panting with exhaustion owing to old age. The soft- hearted saint at once went to their aid, removed them from the grinding stone and did the grinding himself to the suprise of all onlookers. He then gathered up the flour for them and left the place witout uttering a word. His followers could not help shedding tears at this divine love of the saint for the poor and feeble humanity.

    .........On one occation, a pauper came walking all the way from a long distance to see Baba Tajuddin Aulia. But, on arrivel, he found a big crowd of aristocrats or dare to rub shoulders with them to get through and have darshan of the Baba. So he sat under a tree and pattiently waited for his chance. Up to nightfall there was no hope of his getting a chance. The poor man had nothing to eat, nor any money to buy food with nor any one to approuch for food in a strange place. But, when it was time for Baba's meal, the devotees arrived with dainty dished and placed them before him. But the saint did not touch any of them. On the other hand, he spoke to the people around him : " First let our guest be served and then we shall eat." But they did not understand as to whom he was referring to and went out searching all over the place. Yet they found none worthy of being Baba's guest and returned and served the meal once again in the hope that he would accept it at leat the second time. But the Baba once again repeated his order in a more stern voice and this time he also gave a description of the guest who was none other than that poor and hungry man sitting under the tree outside. When they informed the poor man of Baba's order to serve him with food, he broke down into tears of gratitude and told the Baba's men: " Many thanks, I hav had no meals for the last two days; I came walking from long distance to have the great saint's darshan and here i find him and his gracious hospitalityas driven as it should be for great "saints". It was Kabir who said:-

    "Lord, grant me this much (that)

    I must be fed and also the Sadhus who come to me."

    .........More was Baba Tajuddin's love and sympathyfor another invalid. There was a disabled boy, with his hands and feet quite useless, who was brought to Sakardara by his parents who had lost all hope for his cure after every possible treatment. In great desperation, they left the boy there and left away. Hundreds of devotees of the Baba were moving about Sakardara daily but none cared for, or took any notice of, the poor boy, who could not even speak or cry. They brought all sorts of tempting gifts for the Baba and the poor boy saw them. But one day Baba Tajuddin walked straight to the boy and ordered food for him. When it was brought, he fed the boywith his own hands and patiently waited for over half an hour till the boy swallow properly; then he heped him to drink water. Later he directed some of his devotees to take care of the boy and his orders were carried out scrupulously.

    .......Such kindness of Baba Tajuddin was not confined to human beings only. Once he was wandering in Dighori, miles from the city of Nagpur. It was the custom of the people of Nagpur to offer drinking waterto all the devotees who followed Baba Tajuddin on his wandering excursions. So on that day also they brought pots of drinking water. This time , the Baba directed them to give the water to a thirsty horse that was standing a hudred yards away. When they took the water which showed how thirsty the poor animal was. But who except the Baba could know the thirst of the dumb horse- a creature of God?
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

    Offline fatima

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #6 on: July 16, 2008, 04:44:06 AM »
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  • ........Nagina is a town in U.P. where a Kaji by name Ahmad Ali Shah lived. He worked as a Kuriti Officer i.e., he looked after the auctioning of insolvents property. His pay was low and he compansated it by accepting bribes freely. When he was transferred from that place he found thatin the accounts there was a deficit of Rs.24/- and he was charged with misappropriation of money. He spent thousends of rupees in bribing superiors to escape punishment but it was all in vain. In desperation he started seeking the divine interventionof sadhus and fakirs through their blessings. When he almost grew desperate even in this endeavor, someone suggested to him to seek the protection of Hazarat Tajuddin Baba. So he promptly arrived in Nagpur and went to the saint. Immediately on seeing him Tajuddin Hazoor said, " Stay! ". Accordingly he stayed in Nagpur for four days and on the on the fifth day he againordered " Stay! " After some more days, Huzoor Tajuddin gave him permission to go home saying, " I am with you"

    ...............Ahmed Ali sahab returned home full of apprehension and knocked his door. To his utter srprise when the door was opened for him no one in the house expressed any curiosity regarding his trips or absence from home for so many days. When he asked his wife to pay for the coachman she picked up a quarrel with him and asked him whether he had brought the earrings for her which he had been promising her every day and did so even the day before. The Kazi was amazed at her remark. He told her that he was just then returning home after nearly one year of wandering from fakir to fakir. But none in the house belived his words. For they saw him every day, going out in the morning and returning in the evening. They saw him repeating the Lord's name himself incessantly through the nights. The Kaji brushed aside evrything they said as sheer nonsense.. Then they even told him that the case of misappropriation was decided in his favor and that he evendrew his pay for the period. The Kaji could not understand anything. He went to his office but there was too he was surprised to see that no one in the office expressed any curiosity about his long absence from his seat. When he looked into the office register, there was his daily signature! The same day his superior officer sent for him and expressed him sympathy and regrets for the worry the case and caused him. But he did not say a word about Ahmed Ali's long absence from the office! then he remembered the parting message of Tajuddin Sarkar," I am with you". He realised that, assuming his form, Huzoor Tajuddin had been mysteriously attending to the court affairs and the office all through last year!

    ............Ahmed Ali was overwhelmed with gratitude and wanted to express the same personally to the grat Fakirand left for Nagpur. He had to change trains at Delhi. There was met by a man and a dog, who walked by his side. The ticket collector asked the Kaji for their tickets too; for the stranger said that he and his dog were the companions of the Kaji and that he had their tickets with him! The Kaji was exasperated and protested that he is not answerable to them as they were not his companions. When he came out of the station he could not see the dog and the man anywhere. He feltrelieved of the nuisance. Later he reached Nagpur and approached Huzur Tajuddin to touch his feet in homage. On seeing him Baba laughed loudly and said," Did I not tell you that I am with you? But at the Delhi Railway Station you disowned me and broke off from my company!" The Kaji was again shocked to learn that the man with the dog whom he encountered at the Delhi Railway Station was Tajuddin himself and that he had stupidly disowned him. He shed tears and with floded hands begged to be pardonen. Tajuddin Sarkar was only too ready to pardon him and comforted him with a smile and blessing.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #7 on: July 17, 2008, 04:57:47 AM »
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  • An old Muslim gentleman by name Jan Shah was wandering in the Afganistan hills in search of Light. In couse of his wanderings, he once went on a piligrimage to Macca. There he met a saint in green robes and marvelled at the spiritual radiance of his face and postrated before him. The saint saidin a foreign accent, " Not here; come to wake near Nagpur, which is famous for santhras ( a variety of oranges grown around Nagpur). There you will know everything." Before Jan Shah could ask him what and where Waki was, the saint vanished.

    ..........Jan Shah came to Nagpur and was inquiring about Waki. His foreign accent made it impossible for any native to follow his pronunciation and so he was told that there was no such place thereabout. When Jan Shah stood there perplexed Mr. Ahmed Khan, a devotee of Tajuddin Sarkar at the very fist sight; for he was indeed the saint that had directed him to go there. at the mountains of Afganistan! Jan Shah become his disciple and stayed away in the service of Baba for the rest of his life. He moved along with the latter to Sakardara. Whenever Tajuddin Sarkar was in an ecstatic mood, abusing someone vehemently, Jan Shah used to ask, "Baba, why do you abuse him?" Baba used to reply very lovingly, " No, I am not abusing him; I'm blessing him". The way Baba drew the old man from Afganistan is indeed Marvellous!
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #8 on: July 19, 2008, 06:12:18 AM »
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  • Nilakantha Rao's case

    ........Mr. Nilakantha Rao of Maharashtre was an employee in an office in Jabalpur. He had a photograph of Baba Tajuddin to which he regularly offered incence and salutations daily. One day he was so much engrossed in maditation that he forgot the Baba's photo, his house and everything, when suddenly Baba Tajuddin appeared personally before him. Nilkantha Rao was overpowered with the state of Hall ( ecstasy) and became unconcious. Every one in the house was awfully frightened and even a doctor was summoned. But he regained his consciousness only the next day. The effect of Hall could be seen clearly on his face. In that state he went to Baba Tajuddin and remained in his service for several days. One day the Baba ordered him to visit another saint, Keshav Dadaji Dhuniwala of Saaikheda, who was a Hindu guru.

    .........It was Karim Baba, who also accompanied Nilakantha Rao to Saikheda. But even before they reached the place, Nilakantha Rao was in ecstasy and went on singing and dancing with the following verses:

    " Whoever recognised Mohammed as his captain

    He already reached the shore.

    There are lakhs of steps in this ocean.

    Only those who know the way can lead us to the shore.

    Whoever drinks of the nectar of Master's grace

    Will realise the treasure of Truth. "

    ..........When they reached Saikheda, they saw Dadaji even from a distance, sitting among his devotees on a chabutra(platform) and the devotees were singing the praise of Dadaji's powersof transforming any one at a glance. Nilakantha Rao was charmed at this sight and appoached him on his knees, awaking in ecstasy, climbed the chabutra, prostrated to him and cried out loudly " BABA TAJUDDIN". Dadaji laughed and said : " Tajuddin fell in a pot, take him out if you can." Then he put a piece of Jalebi( an Indian sweet ) in Nilakantha Rao's mouth. The implication is easy to grasp for those who understand spiritual language. The 'pot' is the heart wherein, through right knowledge, Nilakantha Rao was asked to realise the 'Truth'. Or Nilakantha Rao must have seen Baba Tajuddin himself in the image of Dadaji and this must have made him cry" Baba Tajuddin" in utter amazement. Dadaji then asked him not to mistake Tajuddin to be only his Physical Body, but to know that in 'spirit' all saints are one.The intimate spiritual liasion which Baba Tajuddin had with Baba Jan (the great woman saint of Poona) and Dadaji of Saikheda, existed even between Tajuddin and sai Baba of Shirdi. The Sai Baba used to say to some of his devotees "Now is the reign of Tajuddin, go there," and sent some of them to Nagpur. Similarly Tajuddin Baba also used to send many people to Sai Baba for their spiritual development
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #9 on: July 21, 2008, 04:32:52 AM »
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  • A Paralytic cured

    ........There is no end to Baba Tajuddin's marvellous miracles. Once an old man of Nagpur came to the Baba with his mother-in-law. One of his hands was badly paralysed. When he came to the asylum, he met a pilgrim from Mecca who was sitting under a margosa(neem) tree. The old man enquired of this Haji as to whyhe came there from such a long distance? The Haji replied : " I am called here by Tajuddin Baba Saheb who spent 21 days with me in Mecca andwho ahd invited me here." Dr. Kashinath Rao, who was also there, was astonished to hear this, because Tajuddin Baba had been confined in the asylum for many years past, and there was no chance for him to escape and go to Mecca. The bewildered doctor was moved to tears and fell down at the feet of the saint in solemn adoration. The great saint then said : " Dont praise me much by announcing this to public". The Baba then held the withered hand of the old man and said : " Oh, it's a foul disease." The patient felt that in the grip of the Baba his hand got warmer. Finally when he shook it once and released it, the old man's hand was quite all right. The saint then ordered him to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca in gratitude to Allah for the cure.

    Tears of Idols

    ..........Just as he was born without a cry, he passed away without a cry too-- he who displayed an unuaual bearing at birth was bound to have it in leaving the world also. Ana what was this? It came to light a few days after his death. In the Evening news dated 25th August 1925, Mr. Narayana Rao Hadan recorded that tears flowed continuously for twelve hours from the eyes of the idols of Lord Vithal and Rukmani Devi in the Padurang Mandir (Temple), and the many devotees, who were there in the temple, witnessed this highly amazing scene. Leading newspapers of the country, like the Madras Mail and Andhra Patrika of 22nd August 1925, glaringly wrote that he, who was Lord Rama, had reappeared in the world in the soul of Baba Tajuddin Aulia and when his work was finished, he left the earth and he was recognised.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #10 on: July 21, 2008, 05:48:22 AM »
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  • Sweet Tree

    One day His Majesty Baba Sahib (r.a.) was relaxing beneath a Neem (Margo's) Tree, a patient came in Baba Sahib’s (r.a.) respect, Baba Sahib (r.a.) ORDERED HIM,

    “Fetch the Leaves and Eat"

    This person gazed towards the Margo tree, thought of the tree’s sourness, and stood back. Baba Sahib (r.a.) answered his feeling and Said;

    “Who said this tree leaves are Bitter, wherever our sight goes, everything is sweet and sweet”

    That person obeyed Baba Sahib’s (r.a.) order and ate the leaves; he was in great shock, that the tree leaves were really sweet. Even now, this river of benevolence sustains till present and a complete cure for all kind of diseases.
    Not every heart is capable of finding the secret of God's love.

    There are not pearls in every sea; there is not gold in every mine.

                                       ------Baba Farid

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #11 on: September 01, 2008, 05:20:30 AM »
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  • Tears of Idols

    ..........Just as he was born without a cry, he passed away without a cry too-- he who displayed an unuaual bearing at birth was bound to have it in leaving the world also. Ana what was this? It came to light a few days after his death. In the Evening news dated 25th August 1925, Mr. Narayana Rao Hadan recorded that tears flowed continuously for twelve hours from the eyes of the idols of Lord Vithal and Rukmani Devi in the Padurang Mandir (Temple), and the many devotees, who were there in the temple, witnessed this highly amazing scene. Leading newspapers of the country, like the Madras Mail and Andhra Patrika of 22nd August 1925, glaringly wrote that he, who was Lord Rama, had reappeared in the world in the soul of Baba Tajuddin Aulia and when his work was finished, he left the earth and he was recognised.


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #12 on: September 02, 2008, 09:04:32 PM »
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  • bigadi kismat aapke dar par sanvarati hai
    are qismat sanvarati hai
    jab talak ummeed meri bar na aayegi   
    zindagi dehleez par aansu bahaayegi
    baaba jo bhi aapka ho chuka use kya gumaan hoga

    All saints work in Unison...

    BABA Tajuddin,Hazi Ali,Sai baba ................koi karishma dikhao Ramzaan ke mahiney mein...aap sabko Mohaamad ka vasta.........


    Sai baba let your holy lotus feet be our sole refuge.OMSAIRAM
    साईं बाबा अपने पवित्र चरणकमल ही हमारी एकमात्र शरण रहने दो.ॐ साईं राम

    Dipika Duggal

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    Re: Leelas Of Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
    « Reply #13 on: September 17, 2008, 02:22:32 AM »
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  • Baba protect me from the evil effects of black magic.Pleas cure me so I can lead productive life
    reham karo baba daya karo Please raasta dikhao


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