This is the latest addition to my list of miracles-
Circa 1999, first time I went home and Baba was waiting for me to enter Samadhi Mandir, and the door closed moments after I was standing in the Hall.
The Dhoop Aarti began and not only that but HE also gave me flowers from the Floral Blanket
which was covered over HIS tomb. (Doesnt happen anymore)
I did not believe in gods, demi-gods or saints, etc. in those days. So all that did not hold any importance to me.
But HIS ways are so many and unimaginable, today I cannot thank HIM enough. The way HE stood by right after the first meeting and I never knew that, unless life stuck its hardest blow on me.
On 19th Mar 2016, I had a horrifying day at the office, and the next day I was to meet Baba in Shirdi.
At night before sleeping I was thinking about my visit the next day, and how last year on one such visit I had missed the Dhoop Aarti. (Maybe I did not wish it with my soul.)
This time I visualized myself standing in the rows and making a diya out of my hand and performing the Aarti, as the priest did it.
5.45 pm 20th Mar. I stood in the line to catch the Aarti. Everyone said they would stop now for the Aarti. The line kept inching forward, my creepy mind kept sending me doubts, but my heart said Baba will do what’s right for me.
Around 6.30 pm I was inside the Hall, sitting right at the back but it didn’t matter at all. Shortly the doors closed, and there I was trembling and weak in my arms and legs ( Baba knew my reaction and made sure I sat down)

. The Dhoop Aarti started, completely overwhelmed, I had to keep my side of bargain. HE accepted my Aarti as I performed it exactly the way I had visualized.
Baba Bless All.