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Offline Swetha Suresh

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Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2006, 01:42:31 PM »
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  • Experiences with Saint Gadge Maharaj

    GadgeBaba was a regular visitor of the Holy place of Pandharpur, which is a pilgrimage. He was an ardent devotee of Lord Vithoba and would always do his Namajapa saying Panduranga... Panduranga... during his free time. Once my father inquired with him whether he had met Lord Panduranga any time in his life. GadgaBaba told my father to accompany him to Holy place Pandharpur. He stated to my father that he will have to stay there like a pilgrim and away from the luxuries as available in his comfortable bungalow. My father then embarked upon the second visit to Pandharpur along with Saint GadgeBaba.

    They were put up in a tent built on the sands of river Chandrabhaga. Throughout the day he went around along with Maharaj and witnessed how he undertook cleaning operations, how he offered advice to downtrodden people who flock around him and patiently listen to his sermons. My father got a fair idea about the social activities of Saint Gadge Maharaj and in the evening they returned to their tent. My father noticed that there were three mattresses laid inside the tent, each with a "Kambal"(black colored blanket) and kerosene Lantern hanging in the center of the tent.

    GadgeBaba told my father to relax and he would go and fetch some "Zhunka Bhakar"(special village dish)for eating. My father was inquisitive and asked him about the third mattress and its would be occupant. GadgeBaba informed him that he had forgotten to tell him that he would have one guest of him for a night's stay and will go away well before dawn.

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #31 on: December 07, 2006, 01:43:48 PM »
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  • Experiences with Saint Gadge Maharaj

    The guest will not cause any inconvenience to them. He declared that whenever he visits Pandharpur this guest gives him company at night. On saying this GadgeBaba left the tent. Soon darkness had settled in the tent, so also the temperature had dropped, my father started dozing and fell asleep. He was awakened by the call of GadgaBaba who brought some "Zhunka Bhakar" for my father. He apologized to him that he had already taken the dinner with his guest and my father can go ahead as he must be very hungry. In the meantime he would go for a stroll on the riverbank. My father had a look at the guest. He was wearing a "Dhotar" and nothing on top.

    The color of his skin was pitch dark like "Bhills"(tribe in India) and his eyes were red like burning coal. He had a "Kambal on his shoulder. The most surprising thing was that the entire tent was filled with a strong aroma of Musk, which my father had never smelled before. They both left the tent and my father carried on with his delicious dinner. Yes he had never tasted such a delicious food before. The aroma of the musk played its role and my father was in deep sleep no sooner he finished his dinner.

    He got up in the morning with the loud sound of a crowing cock. GadgeBaba was already awake. He told my father to rinse his mouth and drink the hot tea, which was waiting for him in the earthen pot. My father inquired about the guest, when GadgeBaba told him that the guest had already taken his tea and left, as he had to be there on his duty before the Mandir opens. My father felt rather awkward and asked Maharaj, as to why did he not introduce the guest to him

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #32 on: December 07, 2006, 01:45:19 PM »
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  • Experiences with Saint Gadge Maharaj

    GadgaBaba then told my father that he thought that my father would have recognized the guest who needs no introduction in "Pandharpur" My father told him that at night he could not see him properly and he thought that in the morning Maharaj would anyway introduce him before he departs. Then Maharaj told him that the guest was none other than Lord Vithoba of "Pandharpur." He asked my father whether he got an answer for his question, posed to him in his bungalow. Now my father could lay hands on that sweet and hypnotizing aroma of Musk. My father used to say that the aroma of the Musk accompanied him for quite sometime and made him feel the presence of Lord Vithoba.

    Saint GadgeBaba also offered one pleasant experience. He had also gone old with the passage of time and his last visit to our bungalow was also a memorable one he used to always come along with his "Kambal "(Coarse Blanket) and "Stick" and leave our house with his belongings. On his last visit he forgot to carry his stick with him. Infact he did not actually forget to carry but I think he deliberately left it behind as a mark of remembrance. Why I say this because his style of walking was such that without the help of the stick he couldn't have walked. My parents discussed amongst themselves to find his whereabouts and return his stick to him. But it was not possible to search him because he was in the true sense of the term ”The Roaming Saint of Maharashtra."

    Always in service for the downtrodden. My parents used to treat that stick as a very sacred item and it was kept near our Sandalwood Mandir. My parents also purchased one portrait of him and placed the same in our Sandalwood Mandir in order to perform the daily pooja as you will appreciate that he was also like a deity for them.
    Dear readers I am sure you all must have found this episode also an interesting one. I once again feel that to day we miss such Saints or Messengers of God amongst us and we also lack presence of ardent devotees with their selfless devotion towards the Saints.

    Offline Kavitaparna

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #33 on: December 11, 2006, 02:38:28 PM »
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    Dear Swetha, Sai Ram !

    Where are you ? Hope you are keeping good health. I am waiting for your posts , especially the experiences of "Tarkhad family".

    Pl reply with a good news - hope fully.

    Baba ! pls take care of Swetha.

    Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!
    Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!
    Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!  Om Sri  Sai Ram!



    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #34 on: December 11, 2006, 04:46:17 PM »
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  • Kavita ji

    thanks for your prayers

    everything fine ....hope sai gives us the good news soon ... i will soon post the incidents.....

    Sai Ram

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #35 on: December 11, 2006, 04:56:39 PM »
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  • Eating the Skin of Watermelon

    During Baba's lifetime, some people who visited Shirdi could not get his blessings may be they lacked faith in him or may be they did not have patience. These people were of elite class and whenever they had visited him, looking at his poor lifestyle they used to think how can a "Fakir" like him get rid of their problems. Of course Baba's ways of handling issues were also very funny and difficult to understand in the very first meeting.

    It was- summer time. One woman vendor with a basket full of Watermelons came near Dwarkamai. Baba purchased all her Watermelons. He then cut one and made slices and started distributing them to all devotees present over there. They all were enjoying the Watermelon. Baba had not given a slice to my father who was also present over there.

    At that point of time one elite gentleman well dressed accompanied with his two servants entered Dwarkamai. He was suffering from severe Diabetes and on the advice of someone he was visiting Shirdi. Baba did a funny thing he took one slice and separated the skin and the pulp and offered the pulp to my father and the skin to the gentleman. The elite gentleman was rather annoyed and replied that he is not an animal like cow or a goat to eat the skin. Baba then offered the same to my father and said "Hey Bhau you only eat this now."

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #36 on: December 11, 2006, 04:58:16 PM »
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  • When my father had a bite at it, to his surprise it was soft like a Banana and sweeter than the pulp he had already consumed earlier. My father used to say that such sweet Watermelon he had never tasted in his life. The elite gentleman felt insulted and went away from there.

    He had probably missed his permanent cure on diabetes. My father expired at the age of 70 years and had no trace of diabetes till then. Dear devotees the real medicine was not in the substance but was there in those sacred hands of Baba which use to give that Mida's Touch to that substance which then probably was getting converted to nectar. Those devotees who had realized these facts were immensely benefited. Of course Baba's most important teachings were "SHRADDHA" means faith and "SABURI" means patience.

    Those who practice these two Mahamantras will always be successful in life.

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #37 on: December 11, 2006, 04:59:36 PM »
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  • Killing of Insects

    During Baba's lifetime devotees visiting Shirdi used to voluntarily take part in executing some duties such as cleaning of Dwarkamai, sweeping the road from Dwarkamai to Lend! Baug which Baba use to walk upon daily. These duties were not entrusted upon but devotees would perform them as though they are offering their worship to Baba through such social deeds.

    The resident devotees of Shirdi were regularly performing such duties. My father whenever in Shirdi would undertake the job of cleaning the Petromax Lanterns and lighting them up in the evening and hang them in assigned places all over Dwarkamai. He would use that opportunity to seek clarification from Baba on any query he would tumble upon. Once he declared to Baba that he would no more light up the Petromax Lanterns because that act of him is making him to be a sinner.

     No sooner the Lanterns are lit and darkness approaches, lots of insects gather around the lamps and after hovering around for sometime they fall beneath the lamp and die. In the event that he does not light the lamps they would not come there and possibly would not die My father basically wanted to know why God had created such a phenomenon and Baba's explanation on that matter. Baba laughed at that query and said "Hey Bhau you are mad. Do you think that these insects will not die if you do not light the lanterns?

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #38 on: December 11, 2006, 05:01:38 PM »
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  • They would go to the place where there are lamps and light and would die there. This is all Lord's creation. He had planned their death at the time of their birth itself. In case Lamp or light is not there then other creatures would finish them. These types of deeds do not add to the sins of a human being. Your main intention of lighting the lamp is to remove the darkness from Dwarkamai so that the devotees can perform their worship with ease. You are therefore not indulging in any act of sin.

    The very fact that the dying of insects hurts you in itself is an indication that you have a kind heart. The Lord knows his duties very well and we need not interfere with his work. He has planned our end side by side while putting life into us. You therefore need not worry and continue to perform the work which gives you pleasure. Lord will be kind to you (ALLA BHALA KAREGA)". So Baba's teachings were very simple and of a convincing type. Through this incident he administered a noble advice to my father and made him aware of a norm created by God.

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #39 on: December 11, 2006, 05:04:14 PM »
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  • Washing of Baba's Kafani

    NOW as I am proceeding further in my endeavor I strongly feel that my father should have had written his diary. This would have given a proper chronological account of the growing intensity of his experiences in association with Baba resulting into his ever-growing love towards Lord Sai. Offcourse after his first meeting with Lord Sai, he must not have had the faintest of an idea that he had come in contact with a superpower which was going to give a new twist to his life.

    I think possibly only Shri Narsinha Saraswati was one swami in those times, who had written his own diary which has thrown a great light on Baba's Leelas. These are all after thoughts now. I for one who had come across few incidences have not kept any date wise account of them. Needless to mention that my experiences are a few compared to the voluminous and extraordinary experiences of my father.

    Although the love and devotion of my father towards Baba was in the ascending order, Baba had a typical knack of strengthening the bond with his devotee. While in Shirdi my father had learnt from the natives that Baba's bathing was also of a very special type. He not only cleaned and washed his body from outside like all of us but he also cleaned and washed his internal parts.

     He would take out his intestines and wash them and put them back in his body. My father used to say that, only Lord Rama and Lord Krishna were born with "ASHTASIDDHIS" (eight superpowers) and that is the reason they were called Lord themselves in human form. As per him Baba's birth details were not known but his Leela's were equally competent and matching in all respects with the superpower.

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #40 on: December 11, 2006, 05:05:51 PM »
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  • Washing of Baba's Kafani

    On one of his visit to Shirdi, Baba told my father that he would have to , accompany him to his bathing place and will be given a special task^ My father was ever willing for such a duty. He anticipated that he would get some more divine exposure, Baba said, "Bhau the assignment is very simple.

    I will take my bath and while doing so you kindly wash my Kafani. After washing you will have to hold it in the Sunlight with both your hands raised till it dries up. As you know that I take an unusually long time for my bath hence by the time I finish my bath it would dry up and I could wear it again. Please note that it should not touch the ground while it is drying." My father instantly agreed to perform the task and proceeded to do it practically.

    They went to Lendi Baug where there was a covered room with tin sheets and a big rectangular stone on which Baba use to take bath. My father waited outside the bathroom for Baba to offer his Kafani for washing. As there was no call from Baba and the Kafani was not coming forth, he got impatient. He thought it must be one of those gimmicks of Baba. He decided to peep inside the room through the small opening in the door. To his utter disbelief he saw Baba's body was emanating rays of light from each and every pore of his body. He could no bear the powerful light and feared of loosing his eyesight. Also his misdeed would come to surface.

    At that very moment he heard Baba giving him the call for collecting the Kafani for washing. My father collected the Kafani, took it near the well and washed it thoroughly with soap. After rinsing the water by squeezing it he held it in both his hands in the blazing hot sunlight. Initially he could bear the weight of it, but as the time passed the Kafani started getting heavier instead of losing the weight due to drying

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #41 on: December 11, 2006, 05:07:34 PM »
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  • Washing of Baba's Kafani

    My father realized that he would now fail the test, as the Kafani would touch the ground soon. He decided to pray and seek the help from Lord Hanuman to grant him sufficient strength to get through the arduous task. As he was offering his prayers to Lord Hanuman, he heard Baba yelling form inside "Hey Bhau! Why are you calling for help from Lord Hanuman?"

    Undoubtedly Baba was "ANTERDNYANI"(possessing intuitive knowledge) who could read your mind with pinpointed accuracy. Then my father requested Baba for forgiveness as he had committed the sin of trying to look at Baba's naked body. Baba responded to his confession and in no time my father found the Kafani had become lighter. My father thanked Baba and took a vow not to venture into any such adventures. He had realized that one could not hide anything from Baba.
    So great were the teachings of Baba and with your permission could I take the liberty of saying that" Fortunate were those recipients who were blessed with the teachings directly by Baba."

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #42 on: December 17, 2006, 09:26:48 AM »
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  • 9TH Chapter from Sai Satcharitra

    I have opened up in front of you the treasure trove of the experiences of Tarkhad family and I am sure after reading through the same your faith in Baba must have doubled up. Now we will move towards the experiences as given in Sai Satcharitra.
    I would like to draw your attention to chapter No. 9 from Sai Satcharitra. Of course here I presume that our readers are knowledgeable about this holy book and they have read the same at least once. If one has not done so then my humble request is please do so, which describes in great detail the life of Shirdi Sai Baba and an account of various Leela's he depicted to his devotees during his life span in Shirdi.

    The 9th chapter of this holy book is dedicated mostly to Tarkhad family i.e. my grandmother my grandfather Ramchandra Atmaram Tarkhad alias Babasaheb Tarkhad and my father Jyotindra Ramchandra Tarkhad. As described earlier the Tarkhad family was staunch Prarthanasamajist and they did not believe in Murti Pooja. For that matter they did not believe in God. However their destiny led them to come in contact with Shirdi SaiBaba and then it was a great transformation. As such Sai Baba's famous Aarati states that he is capable of converting an atheist into firm believer in God (NASTIKANAHI TU LAVISHI NIJABHAJANI). In case of Tarkhad Family this happened practically:

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #43 on: December 17, 2006, 09:28:06 AM »
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  • The writer of Sai Satcharitra, Late Shri Annasaheb Dabholkar states in this 9th chapter that Babasaheb Tarkhad was very lucky to have a son like my father who was a good worshipper. My father used to get up at 4 a m in the morning and after taking bath he would perform Baba's Aarati by applying sandalwood paste to Baba's Photo In their Mandir at home.

    He use to light a silver lamp (NIRANJAN) in which the one paisa coin given by Baba was placed. Also there was a regular offering of sugar candy as prasad, which they all would eat during their lunch. After the Pooja father and son would leave for their textile Mill at Byculla. With Baba's grace in those days my grandfather was earning Rs.5000/- and my father Rs.2000/- as salaries per month. Once my grandfather developed an urge to send cotton bails to Baba so that he can make Kaffanis out of it for his personal use. He suggested to Jyotindra to go to Shirdi along with his mother and deliver the offerings to Baba.

     But Jyotindra was rather reluctant because who will perform the pooja at home? Then my grandfather took upon himself and gave him the assurance that he will carry out the ritual as practiced by Jyotindra and there will be no let up on that count. With that assurance my father along with his mother left for Shirdi. Next two days passed properly but on the third day my grandfather forgot to keep sugar candy during the pooja time. He realized this only in the afternoon when there was no prasad in his plate. He immediately got up and wrote a letter to Jyotindra in Shirdi requesting him to seek pardon from Baba for his grave mistake.

    There in Shirdi at the same time one interesting thing happened. After the afternoon Aarati in Dwarkamai when my grandmother and my father went to Baba to seek his blessings Baba told my grandmother " Oh mother! I am very hungry today.

    As usual I went to Bandra, and I found the door was locked but no one can stop me as I entered from the narrow gap in the door but was totally disappointed as I could not find anything for lunch & I had to return on an empty Stomach." My grand mother could not understand what Baba was saying but my father instantly realized that his father must have forgotten to offer prasad to Baba during Morning Pooja time. He requested Baba to pardon his father for the grave mistake and asked for his permission to leave for Mumbai instantly.

    Offline Swetha Suresh

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    Re: Interesting experinces of the Tarkad family
    « Reply #44 on: December 17, 2006, 09:29:17 AM »
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  • Baba did not permit and said to stay for some more days. My father was any way restless and he wrote a letter to his father stating the details of what Baba had uttered. The two letters crossed each other and on receiving them and going through them both father and son were in tears. They realized the depth of Baba's love for them .On the other hand Baba reminded them that he is very much present in that Photo frame and he accepts their daily offerings unfailingly.
    Once while they were in Shirdi when my grandmother was about to take her lunch, a dog came there and started wagging its tail. My grandmother offered him a piece of Chapati, which the dog ate with relish and moved away from there. Little later a pig laden with muck all over the body came there.

    Normally looking at that ugly creature one would not be able to gulp the food down once throat but my grandmother was a very kind hearted and God fearing person. She offered the piece of Chapati to that ugly pig also. The pig ate that piece and went away. Then later that day when they visited Dwarkamai and they went closer to Baba he said to her "Oh mother, today you have fed me with your own hands and the feeding was so sumptuous that I am still continuing to belch. " My grandmother was surprised hearing that. She told Baba that "Baba you are mistaken I have never given you food in Shirdi, as such I do not cook any food over here. Infact I myself eat the food in one of the restaurants over here run by Mr. Saguna and pay for it."

    Then Baba told her "Oh mother this afternoon when you were taking your lunch did you not offer food to a dog followed by an ugly looking pig? That food has reached me." Then my grandmother told him "Baba this means you take the tests of your devotees by entering in the form of creatures." Baba then told her "Oh mother, please continue to be kind to these creatures and God will continue to bless you. God will see to it that there is never dearth of food in your house."


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